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Number COMPETENCY Suggested Time required Suggested

Thestudentshouldbeableto: Teaching Learning Assessment
method method

Topic:AnatomyandPhysiologyofear,nose,throat,head&neck Numberofcompetencies:(02) Numberofproceduresthatrequirecertification:(NIL)

EN1.1 DescribetheAnatomy&physiologyofear,nose,throat,head&neck Lecture,Smallgroupd 2 hours Written/ Viva voce/

iscussion,Demonstrat Skillassessment
EN1.2 DescribethepathophysiologyofcommondiseasesinENT Lecture,Smallgroupd 1 hour Written/Vivavoce/Skilla
iscussion,Demonstrat ssessment

Topic:ClinicalSkills Numberofcompetencies:(11) Numberofproceduresthatrequirecertification:(NIL)

EN2.1 Elicit document and present an appropriate history in a Lecture, Small 1 hour Skillassessment
patientpresentingwith an ENT complaint groupdiscussion,Dem

EN2.2 Demonstrate the correct use of a headlamp in the examination of DOAPsession 30 minutes Skillassessment/OSCE
theear,nose and throat

EN2.3 Demonstrate the correct technique of examination of the ear DOAP session, 1 hour Skillassessment/OSCE
includingOtoscopy Bedsideclinic

EN2.4 Demonstrate the correct technique of performance and interpret DOAP session, 30 minutes Skillassessment/OSCE
tuningfork tests Bedsideclinic

EN2.5 Demonstrate the correct technique of examination of the nose DOAP session, 1 hour Skillassessment/OSCE
&paranasalsinusesincluding the use ofnasal speculum Bedsideclinic

EN2.6 Demonstrate the correct technique of examining the throat including DOAP session, 30 minutes Skillassessment/OSCE
theuseofa tongue depressor Bedsideclinic

EN2.7 Demonstrate the correct technique ofexamination ofneck DOAP session, 30 minutes Skillassessment
includingelicitationoflaryngeal crepitus Bedsideclinic

Number COMPETENCY Suggested Time required SuggestedAssessm
Thestudentshouldbeableto: TeachingLearningm entmethod

EN2.8 Demonstratethecorrecttechniquetoperformandinterpretpuretoneaudiogram& DOAP session, 1 hour Skillassessment

impedance audiogram Bedsideclinic

EN2.9 Choose correctly and interpret radiological, microbiological Lecture,Small 1 hour Written/ Viva
&histologicalinvestigations relevanttotheENTdisorders groupdiscussion, voce/Skillassessment

EN2.10 Identify and describe the use of common instruments used in DOAP session, 1 hour Skillassessment
ENTsurgery Bedsideclinic

EN2.11 Describe and identify by clinical examination malignant & pre- Lecture, Small 1 hour Written/ Viva
malignantENTdiseases groupdiscussion,Demo voce/Skillassessment

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