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new theories on how biological systems process Washington 98195-5061, USA. 3. Moon, T. S., Lou, C., Tamsir, A., Stanton, B. C. & Voigt,
information, and thus allow such systems to be e-mails:; C. A. Nature 491, 249–253 (2012).
more finely controlled. ■ 4. Sarpeshkar, R. Neural Comput. 10, 1601–1638
1. Daniel, R., Rubens, J. R., Sarpeshkar, R. & Lu, T. K. 5. Sarpeshkar, R. Ultra Low Power Bioelectronics:
Herbert M. Sauro and Kyung Hyuk Kim Nature 497, 619–623 (2013). Fundamentals, Biomedical Applications, and
are in the Department of Bioengineering, 2. Qian, L. & Winfree, E. Science 332, 1196–1201 Bio-Inspired Systems (Cambridge Univ. Press,
University of Washington, Seattle, (2011). 2010).

PAL A EOANTHRO PO LO GY erupted) is treated as though its growth had

been completed. However, for most dimen-

Hesitation on sions, hominoid mandibles achieve only

around 75–90% of their adult values by the
time of the second molar eruption 10. So,

hominin history
although the A. sediba mandibles seem to be
small and lightly built (and thus Homo-like) by
australopith standards, it is unclear how much
of this impression is due to the authors’ use of a
Extensive studies of fossil skeletons of Australopithecus sediba provide sample comprising a sub-adult and a presumed
fascinating details of the anatomy of this hominin species, but do not adult female (MH2).
convincingly indicate its position on the evolutionary route to modern humans. Much of the value of the Malapa material
lies in the extremely rare association of upper
and lower limb parts with elements of the axial
WILLIAM H. KIMBEL 2.3 million years old), potentially ancestral, skeleton in two individuals of the same species
southern African species with which it also (Fig. 1). These skeletons paint a portrait of a

he evolutionary events that led to shares some key cranial features1. If this find- pectoral girdle that retains more ape-like anat-
the origin of the Homo lineage are an ing is borne out by further work, then the rele- omy than the pelvic girdle5,11. Churchill et al.5
enduring puzzle in palaeoanthropology, vance of A. sediba to the origin of Homo would report that a fairly complete scapula (from
chiefly because the fossil record from between be inextricably tied to that of A. africanus, MH2) features an upwardly tilted arti­culation
3 million and 2 million years ago is frustrat- whose own position in hominin phylogeny is for the humerus and a relatively broad attach-
ingly sparse, especially in eastern Africa. by no means settled9. ment area for a muscle that helps to lift the arm
Much attention has been paid to two fossilized De Ruiter and colleagues’ analysis of the over the head, a familiar australopith upper-
skeletons, found in approximately 2-million- A. sediba mandible4 includes a measurement- limb pattern that also includes long, strong
year-old sediments at the Malapa cave site in based comparison in which the sub-adult forearms and curved fingers. Although these
South Africa, that are recognized as represent- individual MH1(with only its second molar features are embedded in a terrestrial bipedal
ing the species Australopithecus sediba. frame, they are often interpreted as signs
These have been the focus of scrutiny of retained ancestral arboreal climbing


because of both their excellent preserva- behaviour5,12. Still unsettled is what
tion and claims1,2 that this hominin — a led to the refashioning of the hominin
species more closely related to humans shoulder by the time, around 1.6  million
than to chimpanzees — lies at the base years ago, of Homo erectus, a species that
of the Homo lineage. A series of reports shows modern upper-limb and shoulder
published in Science3–8 sheds light on morphology (this anatomy is unknown
the morphology of A. sediba but, in my in the approximately contemporaneous
view, does little to elucidate its role in Homo habilis). Simply leaving the trees
later human evolution. seems to be an insufficient explanation.  
Dental morphology is a frequent Schmid et al.6 used the low curvature
source of information about hominin of the upper ribs of A. sediba to argue for
phylogeny but, in the first of these new a conical ribcage and elevated shoulders
papers, Irish et al.3 take the unconven- similar to those of the great apes, even
tional step of using only the Arizona though second- and fourth-rib curva-
State University Dental Anthropology tures do not actually distinguish apes
System — a graded series of minor from humans. However, it is clear that
crown variants originally devised to the unusually strongly curved first rib
distinguish recent human populations articulates only with the first thoracic
from one another — to decipher rela- vertebra, as in humans and Australo-
tionships between hominin species that pithecus afarensis. This configuration
are millions of years old. I have serious is at odds with a completely ape-like
doubts about the phylogenetic mean- upper thorax and has been associated
ing of morphological similarity in this with descent of the shoulder after the
case. These concerns are compounded upper limbs were freed from locomo-
by the authors’ reliance on the gorilla Figure 1 | Australopithecus sediba.   A series of papers3–8 tion13, although this interpretation has
as the sole outgroup in their cladistic presents extensive studies of these two fossil skeletons, which been contested14. A further puzzle is the
analysis. Their results link A. sediba date to approximately 2 million years ago. The authors compare A. afarensis partial skeleton KSD-VP
exclusively to Australopithecus africanus, the anatomy of this hominin to that of other species of the 1/1, which, although 1.6 million years
an older (approximately 2.7 million to Australopithecus and Homo genera. older than the A. sediba skeletons, has

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an upper thorax more similar to that of mod- australopith from a Pliocene–Pleistocene 8. DeSilva, J. M. et al. Science http://dx.doi.
ern humans15. A lower (ninth) rib from MH2, time period that is already populated by a fair org/10.1126/science.1232999 (2013).
9. Grine, F. E. in The Paleobiology of Australopithecus
which is more like those of modern humans number of them18. ■ (eds Reed, K. E., Fleagle, J. G. & Leakey, R. E.)
in its curvature and torsion, is consistent with 73–104 (Springer, 2013).
the less flaring pelvic rim of A. sediba when William H. Kimbel is at the Institute of 10. Humphrey, L. T. in Human Growth in the Past:
Studies from Bones and Teeth (eds Hoppa, R. &
compared with A. afarensis and A. africanus6,11. Human Origins and the School of Human FitzGerald, C.) 65–87 (Cambridge Univ. Press,
The ‘long-backed’ lumbosacral vertebral Evolution and Social Change, Arizona State 1999).
formula of six lumbar and four sacral ver- University, Tempe, Arizona 85287-4101, USA. 11. Kibii, J. M. et al. Science, 333, 1407–1411 (2011).
12. Larson, S. G. in The Paleobiology of Australopithecus
tebrae that is seen in species from australo- e-mail: (eds Reed, K. E., Fleagle, J. G. & Leakey, R. E.)
piths through to Homo erectus is the probable 247–262 (Springer, 2013).
primitive condition for humans and the great 1. Berger, L. R. et al. Science 328, 195–204 (2010). 13. Ohman, J. C. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 70, 209–229
2. Pickering, R. et al. Science 333, 1421–1423 (2011). (1986).
apes16. The evolution of the most common 3. Irish, J. D., Guatelli-Steinberg, D., Legge, S. S., 14. Stern, J. T. Jr & Jungers, W. L. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol.
modern-human condition of five lumbar and de Ruiter, D. J. & Berger, L. R. Science http://dx.doi. 82, 431–439 (1990).
five sacral vertebrae occurred by ‘sacralization’ org/10.1126/science.1233062 (2013). 15. Haile-Selassie, Y. et al. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 107,
4. de Ruiter, D. J. et al. Science http://dx.doi. 12121–12126 (2010).
of the lowermost lumbar vertebra. Williams org/10.1126/science.1232997 (2013). 16. McCollum, M. A., Rosenman, B. A., Suwa, G.,
et al.7 argue that MH2 is unusual for an early 5. Churchill, S. E. et al. Science http://dx.doi. Meindl, R. S. & Lovejoy, C. O. J. Exp. Zool. 314B,
hominin in having this derived pattern, but the org/10.1126/science.1233477 (2013). 123–134 (2010).
MH2 formula depends on how one defines a 6. Schmid, P. et al. Science 17. Berger, L. R. J. Anthropol. Sci. 90, 1–16 (2012).
science.1234598 (2013). 18. Kimbel, W. H. in Handbook of Paleoanthropology
lumbar vertebra — by a lack of rib articula- 7. Williams, S. A. et al. Science http://dx.doi. Vol. 3 (eds Henke, W. & Tattersall, I.) 1539–1574
tions or by functional criteria that relate to org/10.1126/science.1232996 (2013). (Springer, 2007).
intervertebral movement. In early hominins,
the first of the six functional lumbar verte-
brae carries rib articulations that are similar ASTR O PH YSI CS
to those of a thoracic vertebra. MH2, in fact,
resembles other Australopithecus specimens in
having six functional lumbars, but this is unex-
pected in an early hominin with five sacral
A glimpse inside
a magnetar
The last of the papers presents DeSilva and
colleagues’ reconstruction of the A. sediba
gait8 (based on the MH2 skeleton), which
will be controversial. The proposed ‘hyper­­ Hundreds of neutron stars have exhibited ‘glitches’ in their spin-down rates — an
pronation’ of the foot and extreme inward rota- indication of ultra-dense superfluids in their interiors. Now one highly magnetized
tion of the leg and thigh suggest an ungainly star has shown a surprising glitch in the ‘wrong’ direction. See Letter p.591
bipedal stride that might have made it into
Monty Python’s ‘Ministry of Silly Walks’
sketch. The presumed inversion of the foot ROBERT C. DUNCAN Unlike atomic nuclei, which contain almost
at the heel-strike of the surprisingly ape-like equal numbers of protons and neutrons, the

calcaneus, combined with a vertical shank neutron star resembles a giant atomic nuclear fluid inside a neutron star has roughly
(tibia), outwardly angled thigh (femur) and a nucleus, with 1–2 times the Sun’s mass 20 neutrons for every proton, a ratio main-
long, lordotic lower back — all hallmarks of packed into a ball about 20 kilometres tained by neutrino-emitting processes. There
terrestrial bipedality in Australopithecus and across. Its gravity is so strong that a projec- is also one electron or muon (‘heavy electron’)
Homo species — constrains the reconstruc- tile would need to be launched at about half per proton, ensuring charge neutrality. These
tion. Prominent osteophytic growths on the the speed of light to escape from its surface. particles are forced together by tremendous
pelvis and fibula at the attachment sites of the Extreme density, pressure, temperature, mag- pressure, but quantum mechanics requires
thigh musculature raise the possibility of a gait netism and relativistic gravity make these them to occupy different states, so they fill
that was pathologically impaired, but DeSilva objects fascinating but challenging to study. all available energy states up to a high energy,
and colleagues argue that this locomotor pat- Surprising observations of spin-down irregu- the Fermi energy. Deep below the crust, as the
tern was adaptive. However, if A. sediba was a larities in one intensely magnetized neutron pressure rises, neutron and proton Fermi ener-
descendant of A. africanus, which, similarly to star, reported by Archibald et al.1 on page 591 gies get so high that exotic, strongly interacting
the even older A. afarensis (dating to between of this issue, offer clues about exotic processes particles such as hyperons and mesons might
3.7 million and 3.0 million years ago), shows occurring deep inside these objects. join the mix. The actual fluid composition at
no trace of this pattern, then it is hard to imag- The basic structure of a neutron star is very high densities is uncertain. It is possible
ine the selective advantage that would accrue generally agreed on. It has a crust about 1 km that the innermost, central core consists of a
from such a kinematically peculiar gait. thick, in which nuclei are arranged in a crystal ‘soup’ of quarks, the elementary particles that
Given the mix of features seen in A. sediba, lattice immersed in a ‘sea’ of electrons. Near make up protons and neutrons.
it is difficult to understand why these research- the surface, the nuclei are plain iron, but the Fortunately, observations of neutron stars
ers insist that it lies at the base of the Homo pressure and density increase rapidly with yield insight into their interiors. The most
lineage1,2. Similar intellectual gymnastics are depth, so that the nuclei become increas- thoroughly studied neutron stars are radio
required to comprehend the authors’ argu- ingly bloated and neutron-rich. At moder- pulsars, which emit radio blips as they rotate.
ment that no African Homo fossils exist from ate depth, neutrons ‘drip’ out of the nuclei, Timing the blips reveals that these stars stead-
before the time of A. sediba2,17. Although the forming a neutral liquid between the lattice ily spin down. This is due to their intrinsic
recent papers constitute a fascinating further nuclei. At the base of the crust, the bloated magnetism: as radio pulsars spin, they blow
analysis of the A. sediba fossils, I do not think nuclei merge. Below this lies pure nuclear out magnetic waves and winds of fast charged
that they provide compelling evidence that fluid, more than 200 trillion times denser than particles, which carry away angular momen-
this species is anything other than an unusual liquid water. tum. Interestingly, this steady spin-down is

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