Blossomancy Potions

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0s (B POTIONS og CREATED BY WRITTEN BY PAOLA HARRIS AZELYA @PAOLASPIXELS @PIXELPIRATEAZ Paota’s Pixels Patton of nck Matus Wonderous The liquid inside this nearly perfect spherical container is so dark that it does not reflect light and is quite chilly to the touch. 3 spell slots of 3rd level or lower are instantly restored. The spell slots that have been recovered can be distributed over different levels. Alternatively, if someone who is actively engaging in a concentra- tion-based spell or ritual consumes it, the spell will terminate immediate- ly, interrupting the flow of magic. Patton of Chamomile Rare A small opal glass bottle filled with a pale yellow liquid that smells sweet and fresh. This elixir, which was rumored to have been created as a beauty tonic, is now used to help adventurers recover after undertaking difficult quests. When consumed, magnificent white and gold flowers bloom in a crown - arrangement from the imbiber's hair, and they feel a profound sense of refreshment wash over them, reducing their exhaustion level by one. If no exhaustion levels are present, they heal for 2420+5 hit points. ILLUSTRATED BY @ WRITTEN BY AZELYA PAOLA’S PIXELS POTIONS (@PIXELPIRATEAZ) Ww 0s Pelion of Daffodil Uncommon A tall, gracefully formed bottle with a light weight. It's a popular tool in the poisoner's arsenal, and it's often located in black markets and thieves' dens. Ifconsumed, the imbiber suffers 348 poison damage, and must make a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 5 minutes. Ifthe entire potion is applied topically, the target must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or become paralyzed for 1 minute. The target can attempt to overcome either effect by repeating the saving throw at the end of each of their turns. Prtion of Mivget-me-net Wonderous 0 A little, slender bottle with a DW subtle blue glow. This tincture is —_ highly sought after, said to have been created out of a long- distance love between two witches. This beverage must be sipped first . by a willing entity, and then the remainder consumed by another at any point in the future. Once fully ingested, it permits the second imbiber to detect the first's where- abouts as well as see and hear through them for one minute, once every day, for a week. ILLUSTRATED BY (Blossomaney WRITTEN BY AZELYA PAOLA’S PIXELS POTIONS (@PIXELPIRATEAZ) Vi By Ption of Ginkgo Uncommon A pleasant and inviting stout bottle filled with a bright green mixture. It's a favorite of both seasoned academics and prospective students. The user's intellect is sharpened to a razor's edge for the next 146 hours as sights, sounds, smells, and tastes all intensify. Any memories made in that time will persist for the next month in complete clarity. During this time, you will also be able to sense the location of any cat like creature within 120 feet. ation of Uchiseus Very Rare A squat bottle crafted of thick glass that is tinted orange by the viscous liquid inside that holds an arrangement of lovely petals and stamen. A brief sensation of nausea _ accompanies ingestion of this concoction, followed by an hour of invigoration. Any creature that tries to bite or consume the imbiber during this hour recoils and vomits before they can cause harm, instantly taking 412 damage. ILLUSTRATED BY (B WRITTEN BY AZELYA PAOLA’S PIXELS POTIONS (@PIXELPIRATEAZ) V5 By Pelion of Lavender Rare A bulbous bottle with an intricately carved stopper fashioned of silky deep violet glass. When grasped, it seems to hum faintly. This drink delivers a calm feeling and provides an hour of immunity against fear, as well as a satiated feeling from supplying enough nutrients to make up for any past nutritional deficiencies you may have suffered. This mystical sustenance lasts for two days and eliminates the need to eat or drink during that time. ILLUSTRATED BY PAOLA’S PIXELS {a, i POTIONS gy 0s Rlon of Pppy Uncommon. A vivid crimson bottle with a surface that is warm to the touch and seems to shine in even the weakest light. It is often carried by clerics for assisting in the treatment of severe injuries. When this mixture is ingested, it instantly induces a profound dreamless sleep that lasts for 1d4 hours. The consumer will not feel any discomfort during this period and will not be able to be awoken unless Greater Restoration is cast on them. They will have no recollection of the previous four hours when they wake. WRITTEN BY AZELYA (@PIXELPIRATEAZ) Ww ON Pelion of Cakura (Blossoms Rare A lovely pearly pink glass bottle with a slight perfumed aroma floating in the air around it. Some of the world's most famous bards are said to have employed it. Your eyes and skin radiate a subtle but perceptible bioluminescent glow that you may consciously choose the hue of for the next 2 hours, infusing you with a rush of confidence. In addition, you emit a hypnotic aura in a 30-foot radius that causes anyone inside it to be at a disadvantage on any perfor- mance, persuasion, intimidation, perception or insight checks they make towards you. CREATED AND ILLUSTRATED BY PAOLA HARRIS @PAOLASPIXELS PAOLASPIXELS.COM WRITTEN BY AZELYA @PIXELPIRATEAZ (i POTIONS gy ans, Potion of (Chamemile ‘by Azevé (@PixelPiaten2) ‘A small opal glass bottle fled ‘ith a pale yellow ligaid that Tmeclis sweet and fresh. This lists, which was rumored to have been crested am beauty ation of Chamemile When consumed. magnificent white and gold flowers ‘loom in a crows arrangement from the tmbiber's hat, land they eel « profound sense of refreshment wash over ‘ea, educing their emhauation level by oe. Ine points Bl Protas Peets ation of Poppy by Azelya (@PixeiPiatens) ven the weakest ight. Tt ie often ‘earsied by clerics fo Stsiating in the treatment of severe injuries. Paton of Pappy Wen this mistte i ingested. st Instanty tnauces, ¢ ‘Consumer wil not feel any discomfort during this period {ation Is cast on them. They wil have no recollection of the previous four houre when they wake. Al Protas Poets Paton of Ginkge by Azelya (@PixelPirateAs) A pleasant and inviting stout Bottle filed with a bright green Miton of Ginkgo ‘The user's intellect a sharpened toa razors edge for the reat 1d6 hours aa sights, sounds, smells, and tastes all Intensify. Any memories made in that te will persist for the next month in complete clarity During this time, you wilt also be able to sense the location of any cat lke Packa’s Pres Meteor of Wbisous by Azelya(BPIxetPirateAs) A aquat bottle crafted of thick Pelion of Uihisens Ateiefsensntion of peasea aecompantes ingestion o this Soncocton, followed by am hour of lavgorstion. Any {this hour recoils and vomits before they ean cause hare Instantly uning 4012 damage ad Pastas Pnets A lite, slender bottle with « Subtle Blue glow. Thi highly sougat afte ave been crested out of Tong-distance love between two Potion of Morget-me-net ‘This beverage must be sipped first by a willing entity, and the future, Once filly ingested, it permits the sates through hem fron inte ones Bl Protas Peets ‘A.vutbous bottle with an intricately deep violet glass, When grasped, it seeme te burn featly, Potion of Lavender ‘This drink delivers a calm feeling and provides an hour of eumanity agaioat fen, at well aos eatited feeling from suppping enough utente to make up for aby past Iyatical sustenance laste for two days and eliminates the ‘Reed to eat or drink during that line Al Protas Poets Pelion of Uapfodil by Azelya (@PixelPiratens) ‘Atal, gracefully formed ith a light weight. Ite Popular test in the pelseners Srsenal, and its often located in Black” markets and. thieves Petion of Daffodil consumed, the imbiber sues a8 polson damage and must make 12 DC 14 Consstaon saving tirow or become potaoned ior Snes the entire potion is applied topical, the tage must succeed on DC 14 Conatnton saving throw or become parsiyaed for I inte ‘Tae target can attempt to overcome either efect By repesting the ‘Seving throw tthe ed ofeach of tes tras. Packa’s Pres tion of Cabana Blesseme by Adelya (@PixeiPiratens) A lovely pearly pink with a light perfumed. aroma Potion of Cabana (Blossoms escent glow that you may consciously choose the hue of the next 2 hours infusing you wilh a rush of confidence In addition, you emit a hypnotic aura in a 30-oot radius that fnuses anyone inside 1'to be at a disadvantage on any Performance, persuasion,” intimidation. perception or {bsight checks they make towards You. ad Pastas Pnets (Mstion of Black Mates tion of Black Netue | ¢ Black | | by Anca (ePaePiateAs) || s.epe stots ofa evel or tower are instantly restored | Altibted ove erent fers I I I iignt and in gute chilly to the | ‘Goncentaon-based spell or steal sonauee fe spel | ‘wil terminate fmimeciately.iterruping the low of mag I Bl PetPets \

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