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Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh

Nama : Alfinsyah

Nim : 2030304058

Kelas : 20042 (IQT 2)

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Tugas : UAS

Link :

Food crime is an international problem

There is new and growing danger with the food we ear. Criminal gangs are selling
billions of dollars of take food to supermarkets around the world. The food could be very
dangerous. In the past few years, there have been some high-profile scandals. In Britain,
tons a proucts that were labeled a beef. British police recently found a product that used
cheaper peanut powder instead of almond flour. This could seriously harm or kill people
with with peanut allergies. In 2008, six babies died in China afer gangs made and sold fake
milk powder. Gangs can make a lot of money from fake food. It is also safer than selling
drugs for the gangs because the penalties are lower.

The assistant director of Interpol, Michael Ellis, told the BBC that food crime is very
similar to the drugs trade. He said : “In my experience, the patterns used by criminals
involved in counterfeiting are very similar to those used in the dealing of drugs.” He said
police in 33 countries showed that food crime is a serious international problem. The police
found children`s candies that were dyed with a poisonous chemical, 430,000 liters of fake
drinks and 22 tons of long-grain rice that was labeled as high-quality basmati rice. The
British government said it was a difficult problem to tackle. It said that using technology
might be the only way to beat the criminal gangs.


Growing [`growing : Pertumbuhan

around [e`round] : Sekitar

could : Bisa

In Britain : Di inggris

Beef : Daging sapi

British : Inggris

Recently : Baru saja

Cheaper : lebih murah

Sould : Jiwa

Lot : Banyak

penalties are lower : Hukuman lebih rendah

scandals : Skandal

labeled : Berlabel

fake : Palsu

powder : Bubuk

safer : Lebih aman


Similar : Serupa

Patterns : Pola

Involved : Terlibat

Counterfeiting : Pemalsuan

Dealing : Berususan

Poisonous chemical : Bahan kimia beracun

fake drinks : Minuman Palsu

long-grain : Biji-bijian panjang

basmati rice : Beras Basmati

British government : pemerintah Inggris

Difficult : Sulit

Tackle : Menagatasi


Kejahatan pangan adalah masalah internasional

Ada bahaya baru dan berkembang dengan makanan yang kita dengar. Geng-geng
kriminal menjual miliaran dolar makanan take-food ke supermarket di seluruh dunia.
Makanannya bisa sangat berbahaya. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, ada beberapa skandal
terkenal. di Inggris, berton-ton produk yang diberi label daging sapi. Polisi Inggris baru-baru
ini menemukan produk yang menggunakan bubuk kacang tanah yang lebih murah daripada
tepung almond. Ini bisa sangat membahayakan atau membunuh orang dengan alergi kacang.
Pada tahun 2008, enam bayi meninggal di Tiongkok setelah geng-geng membuat dan menjual
susu bubuk palsu. geng bisa menghasilkan banyak uang dari makanan palsu. Itu juga lebih
aman daripada menjual obat-obatan untuk geng karena hukumannya lebih rendah.

Asisten direktur Interpol, Michael Ellis, mengatakan kepada BBC bahwa kejahatan
makanan sangat mirip dengan perdagangan narkoba. dia berkata: "Menurut pengalaman saya,
pola yang digunakan oleh penjahat yang terlibat dalam pemalsuan sangat mirip dengan yang
digunakan dalam perdagangan narkoba." Dia mengatakan polisi di 33 negara menunjukkan
bahwa kejahatan makanan adalah masalah internasional yang serius. Polisi menemukan
permen anak-anak yang diwarnai dengan bahan kimia beracun, 430.000 liter minuman palsu,
dan 22 ton beras berbiji panjang yang diberi label beras basmati kualitas tinggi. Pemerintah
Inggris mengatakan itu adalah masalah yang sulit untuk diatasi. Dikatakan bahwa
menggunakan teknologi mungkin satu-satunya cara untuk mengalahkan geng kriminal.


The criminalization of the illegal buying and selling of food and dangerous food is one of the
international threats.


Paragraf 1
Criminal gangs are selling billions of dollar of fake food to supermarkets around the word.

Paragraf 2

food crime is very similar to the drugs trade.


Paragraf 1

The food could be very dangerous. In the past few years, there have been some high-
profile scandals. In Britain, tons a proucts that were labeled a beef. British police recently
found a product that used cheaper peanut powder instead of almond flour. This could
seriously harm or kill people with with peanut allergies. In 2008, six babies died in China afer
gangs made and sold fake milk powder. Gangs can make a lot of money from fake food. It is
also safer than selling drugs for the gangs because the penalties are lower.

Paragraf 2

He said : “In my experience, the patterns used by criminals involved in counterfeiting

are very similar to those used in the dealing of drugs.” He said police in 33 countries showed
that food crime is a serious international problem. The police found children`s candies that
were dyed with a poisonous chemical, 430,000 liters of fake drinks and 22 tons of long-grain
rice that was labeled as high-quality basmati rice. The British government said it was a
difficult problem to tackle. It said that using technology might be the only way to beat the
criminal gangs.


The international problem that is currently developing in the world is food crime, the
large number of foods that contain chemicals can cause unhealthy lifestyles and endanger
human health. Food crimes that are currently developing are considered to be very similar to
crimes in drug trafficking. Therefore, the police continue to make efforts to overcome this,
mainly by using technology.


‫اط ِل َوتُ ْدلُ ْوا ِب َهٓا اِلَى ا ْل ُح َّك ِام لِتَأْ ُكلُ ْوا فَ ِر ْيقًا ِّمنْ اَ ْم َوا ِل‬
ِ َ‫َواَل تَأْ ُكلُ ْٓوا اَ ْم َوالَ ُك ْم بَ ْينَ ُك ْم بِا ْلب‬
‫س بِااْل ِ ْث ِم َواَ ْنتُ ْم تَ ْعلَ ُم ْو َن‬ِ ‫النَّا‬

In the Al-Quran surah Al-Baqarah verse 188 above Allah explains that eating other
people's property in a way that is vanity or in other words by means of the haram is not
justified in Islam and is clearly sinful. In Islamic law also prohibits the crime of fraud by
saying that it is haram to eat property obtained in a way that is not justified in Islam.

Fuqaha also argues, the sanction of fraud in Islam is included in the Jarimah ta'zir, the
punishments that can be stipulated in the Jarimah ta'zir are: imprisoned, bound, exiled,
admonished, warned, killed, and so on.

In my opinion, the food fraud case is a crime that is very detrimental to those who eat it
and of course this action is very forbidden by Allah, because it can endanger human lives.

Thus, based on the verse and explanation from the fuqaha, it can be a lesson that
cheating is an act that is very hated by Allah, and it's good that we as humans must be more
careful in choosing the food we want to eat. So that we can avoid these fraudulent crimes.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarokatuh

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