SFC - Activity #9

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Maranding, Lala, Lanao del Norte



Activity No. 1
Identifying Our Conceived Values

Write down in each box the things you consider very valuable in your life. Arrange them
according to hierarchy - from most important to least important.  

What is Important to Me?

Top priority

Second Priority

Third priority

Last priority

Activity No. 2
Exploring Our Real Values

1. Prayer or meditation at home or elsewhere.  3  1  1  5

2. Bible reading, bible study or any activity designed to enrich knowledge on 3  1  1  5

the word of God, including fellowships, prayer meetings.

3. Joining and participating in parish/ religious organization. 3  1  1  5

4. Going for a personal or group retreat or any seminar on character building  3  1 1  5

5. Visit to the adoration chapel or any place of worship (aside from Sunday)  3 1  1  5

6. Going to mass or any religious celebration in one’s church regardless of 3  1  1  5


7. Forgiving someone who has hurt me  3  1  1  5

8. Taking time with someone in trouble listening to him, giving counsel or 3  1  1  5


9. Giving alms to the poor or doing any act of charity; performing a 2  1  1  4

community service 

10. Visit to a prisoner, sick person, attending a funeral, or other forms of 2  1  1  4


11. Rendering extra service to clients or customers beyond the call of duty, 2  2 1 5
doing more than what one is paid for, or doing an extra favor to someone
without compensation.

12. Expressing special concern and consideration to ladies, the elderly, the 3  1  1  5

handicapped like giving them a seat, assisting them in crossing a street, etc. 

13. Showing courtesy and politeness to strangers, ladies, clients, etc. (being 3  1  1  5
patient, tactful and not rude, greeting them, etc.

14. Sharing knowledge & expertise with someone by dialogue, training, 3  1  1  5

counseling, etc. 

15. Taking time to relax by watching a movie – in a tv or theatre or going for 3  2  1  6

other forms of relaxation/unwinding like going to a “sing along” bar, attending
a concert, cultural show, etc. 

16. Engaging in sports, physical exercise or any program for physical fitness  3 1  1 5
17. Giving oneself a good break from work or study through outing, 3  1  1  5
fellowships, night out, dining out, etc.

18. Going to a parlor for a haircut, massage, facial or other ways of improving 2  2  1  5
one’s beauty or appearance

19. Taking conscious effort to control weight-taking low-calorie foods, 3 0 0 3

detoxification, etc

20. Going for routine medical check check-up (not necessarily for treatment) 2 0 0 2

21. Taking vitamins and   2 2 1 5

Supplements to increase energy or immunity to disease

22. Taking time for self   2 1 1 4

Improvement through special studies, tutorial lessons,  

23. Going on routine job,   3 2 1 6

Business or official transaction- sales, client visits, etc. Research or study or
going to school (in the case of students)

24. Doing an overtime work or study 3 1 1 5

25. Scouting for business or career opportunities like possible sources of 1 0 0 1

income, career  
Improvement, etc.

26. Attending business meetings or official gatherings in school or work 2 1 0 3

27. Doing some homework or   2 2 1 5

Assignment (in the case of students) or bringing home extra work to do in the
case of workers or professionals
28. Participating in extra   1 2 0 3
Curricular activities, joining professional organizations or student associations

29. Doing a household chore, cleaning or cooking, gardening, etc. 3 1 1 5

30 taking extra time for   3 1 1 5

Socializing/ chatting with the family (parents, spouse, children,

31. A fellowship with the family – inside or outside the home i.e., going for 3 1 1 5
outing, dining brothers, sisters) out together, other ways of fostering closer
bonds and intimacy

32. Giving a gift, flowers, love notes, other acts of thoughtfulness to a family 2 1  1  5

33. Taking time to give assistance to children/brothers/spouse in their 3  1  1  5

homework or other concerns and problems.

34. Praying with the family or   3  1  1  5

Going to mass or fellowships with the family

35. Attending to a sick or troubled member of the family or relatives.  3  2  1  6

Your score in this exercise reflects the value you give to the following: Your relationship with
God - items 1- 7 
Your relationship with other people/community (value for people) items 8-14 Values for
personal well-being (self) - items 15 – 21  
Value for work /career/study - items 22-28  
Value for your family - items 29-35 
Summarize your scores as follows 

Relationship   Value for   Personal wellbeing Value for   Value for the  
with God   one’s JOB  
(Spiritual   Humanity for self) OR CAEER FAMILY

Item Score Item Score Item Score Item Score Item Score
no. no. no. no. no.

1.  5  8.  4 15.  6  22.  4  29.  5

2.  5  9.  4  16.  5  23.  5  30.  5

3.  5  10.  5 17.  5  24.  6  31.  5

4.  5 11.  5 18.  5  25.  1  32.  4

5.  5 12.  5  19.  3 26.  3  33.  5

6.  5  13.  5  20.  2  27.  5  34.  5

7.  5  14.  5  21.  5  28.  3  35.  5

: 35 34 31 28 34

Score equivalent  
Write down your score in the appropriate box above. category (spiritual (1-8), value for
humanity (9-16), etc. high score 32-36 Get the total score for each  
38-42 high score  
32-36 moderate  
Below 32 low
A high score indicates that you are giving high  Based on the result the highest
value to the said item -i.e., family, career, score is the Relationship with God
personal wellbeing, etc., allowing it to occupy (Spiritual values). Followed by
top priority in your life.   value for family and humanity and
lastly the personal well-being.
Moderate score indicates that you give it
These three values are three of the
secondary importance and a low score indicates
most important things I give value
that the said item is least important to you and so
to myself. And it is true that I give
you give it little time and attention.  
prior to others than seeking for my
When the high score is confined to one item, own goods. In my life I put God as
while others have a low score, it simply indicates a center of my life because I believe
there is no balance in your life. Your life goals that if we seek first the kingdom of
are confined   God everything shall be added unto
us. With strong faith and courage, I
in aspect, you forget that there are equally
claim it in Jesus’ name. Giving
important things in life which you have taken for
value to family is one thing I
granted such as your family, God or yourself.  
treasure of because family is
Reflections:   forever, and they are the trusted
person that won’t ever leave us.
1. Look into the distribution of your scores.  And lastly, giving value to
What does it say about your hierarchy of values? humanity first before my personal-
What are your priorities in life? What have you well-being it is the fact that I
neglected?   wanted and I am happy every time I
2. What do you think are the consequences that can help, my heart was full of
resulted from your neglect in attend ing to some gratitude and motivation to do
other important values?   more.

Try to validate your scores in this exercise with  For me maybe it depends upon the
the hierarchy of values you have written in situation because there are a lot of
activity 1. What is written in activity 1 reflects factors that can neglect in
what you think is important while your test attending these some important
results in the exercise reflects what you really values. But the key here is to be
hold important, - your real, authentic values. Are versatile in every situation because
the scores congruent? For instance, if you put every individual will undergo and
family on top priority in activity 1, is there a experienced these hierarchical
high score for family as a value in activity 2? values.

Insights and Realization on Activity 1 & 2  

After doing this activity it teaches me how balance anything. Most especially seeking
the most important and learned about the least important. It sounds challenging
personally but economically value.

Activity 3
Balancing our Circle of Concern
Do balancing in your life now by accomplishing the following goal setting and planning
Column 1 outlines the 6 core values.  
Column 2 should indicate your mission/goal in relation to the core value. For example, under
self, the mission statement maybe “Do regular exercise to be physically fit”.  
In column 3, write down what you failed to do or accomplish in relation to the core value for
example what you failed to do to maintain close relationship with God.  
Write in column 4 how you specifically intend to accomplish your mission statement for every
core value. Use additional sheets of paper when necessary.

1 2 3 4

MY CORE   God fearing   Temptation strikes To build self-esteem

and other factors. and self- reliance to do
VALUES Family loving
my core values.

SELF PHYSICAL, To maintain healthy Sometimes failed to Eat healthy foods and
MENTAL WELL and balance diet. eat nutritious foods. maintain proper diet.

GOD.   To stay connected to Time and hectic Manage my time

God and for schedules 
spiritual healing and
GROWTH devotion

FAMILY  To spend time, make Causing pandemic Stay believing that this
a bonding with them government strict pandemic will end to
and build good health protocols are formally back in
relationship. implemented that normal. So that we can
one of the factors now visit our love once
that delays the in the province.
transportation for
destinations. And not
easy to visit the

CAREER  To be a successful Financially challenge Giving and putting

and dedicated but still moving and effort in every
professional finding ways not to opportunity in life.
someday. give up.

COMMUNITY/   To be patriots and a Influence of To preserve and protect

nationalist to fight modernization that our heritage and giving
for the country.  change traditions and back value to address of
beliefs of the losing this traditions
humanity. and practices.

Activity 4
Values Auction Sale
You will go to an auction sale with a budget of P100,000. With this money, you will bid for the
values that are most important to you. You are allowed to buy as much as you want. You can
change the amount you originally budgeted.  You can also pool resources with others to buy a
highly priced value. First, indicate your bid for the items you want.  Then go to the public
auction. The highest bidder gets the value.  
The facilitator will serve as the manager of the auction sale and will award the value to the
highest bidder. After the bid, rank the items by degree of importance to you based on the amount
you bid.


1. Happy family and   15,000  2

happy marriage

2. Intimate relationship with God 20,000  1

3. Peace of mind  6,000  7

4. Material prosperity, enjoying life’s   5,000  8


5. A fulfilling career   8,000 12

where I could be of  
best service to others

6. A career that will   5,000  19

give me prestige &  
comfortable life

7. To be popular for   1,000 11

or for one’s talents like singing, modeling,  
beauty, sports, etc.

8. Academic   5,000  4
graduating with  
honors or high grades

9. Completing advance studies like a   10,000  9

or doctoral

10. Being beautiful,   1,500  13

attractive and having  
many Suitors or fans

11. Having plenty of   5,000  6

loyal friends whose  
company I enjoy

12. Good and sound   4,000  14

sleep, undisturbed by tension

13. Getting a scholarship  2,500  15

14. Occupying a high   10,000  5

position in a  
company, in  

15. Clean conscience, precious in God's eyes 20, 000  16

16. Finding the right man/woman for me; one who I 10 ,000  10
could be proud of

17. Having good   10,000 17

sleep; undisturbed by anxiety

18. Being able to   5,000  18

make a difference in the lives of others 

19. Union with God after death 15,000  3

20. Being respected by my family and   1,000  20


Processing of Insights RESPONSES AND INSIGHTS

Responses and Insights
The amount of P100,000
symbolize your resources time,
money, and talents. The amount
you bid for each of the values
represent the worth you attribute to

1. Were you able to get the values We able to get these values by living it and applying it
you really wanted? Was your day by day. My investment insufficient.
investment big enough to be able
to get it?

2. Did you invest all your money, Yes, I did. And no more money left. It is insufficient.
or you still have something left?

3. What have you learned about For me I learned the values I hold in terms of spending
the values you hold. What do they the money to intimate relationship with and minimize the
say?  about your character as a least important. They say I am a thrifty type of person
person? because I look for economic value.

4. Do you see a relationship among Yes, exactly because these values are vital in our daily
the values you have chosen?  live and it is constant in our daily living and without it
we cannot think critically and economically.

5. How did you feel competing I have these feeling of happiness and disappointment
about what you wanted?  maybe I feel so happy when I reached or achieve what I
wanted but I feel disparate sometimes when I failed to do

Take a look at your answers. Which ones appear to be of greater value to you? 
How do they fit into a hierarchy?  
Values Total bid Rank 
Family/marriage (item 1,6) 20,000 2 Career (item 6, 9) 7,000 5 Prestige/popularity (6,7,10) 7,500
5 Integrity/reputation (15,20) 20,000 2 Material comforts (4 and 6) 9.000 4 
Education (8,13) 2,000 6 Spiritual life/Inner peace (2,3,12,17,20) 49,000 1 Self fulfillment
through service (5,18) 10,000 3 Friends (11) 5,000 5 Power, authority (14) 9,000 4 
Activity 5


1. How did you rank   The situation of Mar to Mary is the worst situation for me
because he finds out Mary has a sugar daddy that really
your answers?  
broke his heart. And it really hurt when He find out Mary is
Explain why. What made you pregnant and He ids the father.
And the situation of Mel is the least because this is the coolest
the characters as worst or least and smoothest way of approaching the situation. Without
bad? even thinking and He never care about the background of
Mary from Her previous relationship.

2. Were you able to arrive at a The situation given is somewhat crucial and difficult, but I
consensus? Why/why not? prefer to be with Mel. Because he possessed a wide and
kindhearted heart that understand the situation of Mary. If
Mary cannot handle her problem, it will lead to desperate
and depression. So maybe she will do a negative doing
against herself. With Mel so Mary can be still happy and
there is someone like Mel to comfort her in her situation.

3. If placed in the situation of If I placed myself to the shoe of Mary, I’d rather not to
Mary, will you also succumb to succumb to a sugar daddy because first and foremost it is a
a sugar daddy in an effort to sin. Second, there are a lot of decent work or job to sustain
make ends meet? If not, what her needs. The third and the last, there are great doors of
will you do instead? opportunities for her. That is why it is not a good reason to
succumb to a sugar daddy. Aside from she got sin she
touches and hurt the feelings of Mar.

4. If you are a man, will you For me it depends on the situation, if we both love each
agree to the decision of Mar? If other no matter what the situation is I will stay but if there is
you were in his place, what a condition, I’d rather have to leave than to stay. Because
will you do? for me it’s a mistake to stay that hurting my feelings so why
shouldn’t have to leave.

5. Do you agree to Mary’s For me, yes, I agree. Because it is good to be known and
decision not to marry Mar even clear for Mar about the situation than to keep her silent and
if she is pregnant? What will at the end Mar will notice lately so it’s a big problem. As
you do if you were in her early as the situation is, so it is better to face it. As Mary, I
place? cannot force myself to Mary Mar if my heart is not with him
but to the sugar daddy.
6. If you were the father of If I were the father of Mary, my first impression is I got
Mary, how would you react to angry of course I love my daughter so well. If that is the
Mary’s situation? Will you also situation Yes, I will do force Mar to Mary my daughter. I
force Mar to marry her? Why look forward not only for my daughter but also for the baby.
or why not?

7. If you are Mel and you fell Yes, because true love doesn’t matter. Its about forgiving
in love with Mary, will you and acceptance.
marry her despite your  
knowledge that she is pregnant
with another man?

From your experience in this exercise, do you realize that:  

1. You have revealed your values and your character when you made judgment  
2. That you tend to identify with the people whose values somewhat resemble yours.  
3. That like Mar in the story, you too can be shortsighted in judging someone on the basis of
your standards and values. Like him, you must have been so focused on faults and failed to
recognize the circumstances behind the action of erring people.  
4. That you sometimes find it hard to reach agreement with some people because you are
listening only to your own values, ideas and arguments. You might have forgotten that there
could be merit or truth to what they have to say. But you failed to recognize this because you
failed to listen to and understand the ideas and values they uphold.  
5. That sometimes you are forced to sacrifice your own values and convictions because you are
too weak and vulnerable to succumb to social pressure.  
6. That the key to establishing healthy relationship with people is to understand, accept and
respect their values. This means being less judgmental and being more accepting of people as
they are.  
What else have you learned and realized from the exercise?  
I realized to control myself in a certain situation. I learned to be with myself living
the values that reflects the true meaning of living.
Notes and Insights on the activity! 
In this life, it is important to live with a purpose. Being able to handle our own life’s
perspectives. I know we came from different up bringing’s but the most important
significance to live is to find our own purpose of living wherein it will lead us to be
with ourselves and being unique to others.

1.  A good looking   /The true essence of love is deep within not in
boyfriend/girlfriend or  
boyfriend or girlfriend  
with good spouse  
whom you can present  
with pride to your  

2.  a beautiful home where you can /A simple home is enough, for a complete family.
enjoy life's comforts

3.  a father who is strict and / Distinctive quality of being a father is to be

protective but loving loving even if he overprotective.

4.  a mother who is a   / The perpetual role of a mother is to give light in
the family and to be selfless.
successful career  

5.  a job that will make me   /Getting a stable job is enough to reached goals in
life to sustain and live
earn plenty of money  
regardless of whatever  
odds it may take 

6.  Having more money, less friends /Happiness can’t buy money

7.  Study in exclusive,   /Getting quality education and true academic

excellence doesn’t matter but self-perseverance
prestigious schools
and oiduving.

8.  gain popularity with me   /It’s okay to be popular but to keep your feet on the
beauty or wealth or talents

9.  More wardrobe, shoes,   /Gain more latest fashion things is not necessary
but to seek priority things and control less
bags, etc. of the latest  

10.  Spend more time with   / Prefer staying at home and do homework’s.
friends/peers (barkada)

11.  . Learn by listening  / Learn by reading.

12.  Marry a rich man or   / Marry a simple person, not a rich one.
Woman with a modern  


My choices are reflecting of what life I like I wanted a life that simple but have a pure joy
and love, to have a peaceful family even we don’t have luxurious things we are happy to spend
our time to bond because life is not about money and fame owing the fact that this thing can only
give you temporary happiness but the happy memories to you loved ones is permanent. 
Activity 7- Count Your Treasures

1. Reflect on the passages -How Much It seems like the quoted word “happiness cannot
Are You Worth? What does it say about buy money”. For me worth is unmeasurable, and
your life? money can’t buy. With God who is the center of
my life, my family who give strength and
inspiration and significant others who always
taught me, for they I could see my worth. They are
the reason I continue what I am doing and live it
with value.

2. If you will be asked to make an My reason for living in life is to give and to love.
account of your real wealth and value as Contributing goodness is a virtue by sharing
defined in the passages, how much can goodness to others. And I value it as my guide to
you count in terms of your meaningful live here in this world. We should not only count
contributions in the life of others? our blessings but to share it to the needy.

3. What investments, projects or  

activities do you intend to undertake to make a difference in the lives of others and add meaning
to your life?
For me the best projects or activities that making differences in the lives of others is to involve
yourself in religious activities like fellowship, GSK,.etc.... here you can share God words and by
that you can influence others through teachings and will of God.
4. What contributions would you like to be remembered when you are gone?
I want to leave my life by leaving this virtue “to love is to give, and to give is to love”. For me
this signifies true kindness and generosity. I want to spend the rest of my life in sharing and
helping others in need. By showing them true goodness and to win my virtue in life is to love and
to give others.

My Meaningful

Things I Neglect to do For Others

Things I Intend to do to add Meaning to My Life

 Know your purpose and significance in life.
 Foster a passion.
 Share goodness and compassion.

 Do not hesitate to show your own talent.

 Be true to yourself
 Believe in yourself
 Changing perspectives in life
 Set a goal for myself
 Change the way I am thinking about my career.

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