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Nama : Niken Rizqi Alzena

Kelas : XII MIA 3

Absen : 26


Jl. Raden Saleh No. 45
Kel. Sukmajaya, Kec. Sukmajaya Telp. 7700310
Curriculum Vitae

Personal Details

Name : Niken Rizqi Alzena

Date Of Birth : July 4th, 2003

Gender : Female

Address : Kemulyaan Street, Number 98

Nationality : Indonesian

Phone : 081381522123

Email :
Education Details

2009 – 2015 State Elementary School Sukmajaya 5 Depok

2015 – 2018 State Junior Highschool 4 Depok

2018 – 2021 State Senior Highschool 3 Depok

2021 – 2025 Bachelor Of Nursing, Indonesian University

2025 – 2027 Master’s Degree Of Nursing, Indonesian University

Job Experience

March 2027 – July 2030 as a nurse at Virginia Hospital


Professional with excellent healthcare skills

Quality care to patients and the necessary leadership skills


Hard worker, ambitious, diligent, reliable, disciplined, and honest

Organization Experience

2022 – 2024 Member of BEM faculty of nursing science

Similarly, The Curriculum Vitae i created with truth and the truth can be accounted


Niken Rizqi Alzena

Application Letter

Niken Rizqi Alzena

Kemulyaan Street 98

Depok 16411

August 29, 2030

Human Resources Development

PT. Prima Centre

Orchard Street 764


I’m pleased to write you today regarding my application for the nursing position, advertised

on, I believe my qualifications and experiences make me an ideal candidate

for this job.

I have master’s degree in nursing and 4 years of experiences effectively and efficiently

managing both patients and staff. I’m an extremely organized, calm, and professional with

excellent healthcare skills. I have an passion for providing quality care to patients and the necessary

leadership skills.
In my present role as registered nurse at Virginia Hospital, I’m tasked with evaluating the

medical conditions of up to 20 patients daily. During this time I’ve been recognize as a dedicated,

ambitious, and reliable person who has the ability to work.

Thankyou for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to personally

discuss why I’m particularly suited for this positions. I can be reached anytime by email at .


Niken Rizqi Alzena

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