Letters: The Tragedy in Ethiopia Needs A Political Solution

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16 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Friday 20 November 2020

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IMF must help Africa to woo private investors Small-cap fund managers
require encouragement
Following the letter from Harry
There are many positives for poorer Highly-indebted countries struggling the needs of the various countries that Nimmo on the role of active fund
African nations if your article “G20 to attract investment need they’re seeking to partner with. managers in raising capital (November
nears accord over IMF relief funds” international institutions to be more Where capital is set aside for Africa 17) I would like to highlight what I
(Report, November 19) is correct. All creative when meeting their it is too often not utilised because believe is the importance of private
of the sub-Saharan nations I operate in investment objectives. criteria are not met. As a result, both investors in this process.
have been materially impacted by the Africa requires a bespoke approach African consumers and Western Increasingly, small-cap fund
pandemic and — as importantly — by which recognises its challenges. China investors lose out. managers are wary of investing in very
FRIDAY 20 NOVEMBER 2020 the squeeze on international is wise to this. It is evident everywhere Even if there is no breakthrough on small companies typically with market
investment and business activity that in Africa that the Chinese are able to special drawing rights (SDRs) at this capitalisation of less than £200m
ordinarily contribute to our economic free up finance, deploy capital and G20 meeting, I hope the IMF and following the well publicised demise of
and social development. mobilise far faster than their Western World Bank will work towards certain funds in recent years.
Cash injections from the IMF will counterparts and do so in a manner adapting their investment criteria to The lack of liquidity is the main

The tragedy in Ethiopia bolster their balance sheets and debt

relief from the G20 and Paris Club will
help, but facilitating proper investment
that meets the specific requirements of
the countries themselves.
The assumption is that the Chinese
enable private sector investors like me
to better contribute to long-term,
sustainable development in Africa.
reason cited for this and now makes
such investments very difficult for
professional fund managers. It is not

needs a political solution that caters for long-term development

is infinitely more valuable.
are doing something extraordinary, in
actual fact they’re simply listening to
Kwaku Boakye-Adjei
Colmar Berg, Luxembourg
worth taking the risk from a career
In addition, the obstacles put up by
the investment banks and regulators to
Crisis in the rebellious Tigray region cannot be solved by brute force Metals shortages pose risk Call for targeted sanctions prevent individual investors
participating in IPOs is making the
Abiy Ahmed, Ethiopia’s prime min- Ethiopians, including people from Oro- for Britain’s EV ambitions against China aggression flotation of the next generation of
ister, says his federal troops will soon mia, Mr Abiy’s own, regard his vision as The UK government’s announcement It was disturbing to read the letter public companies more difficult.
march on Mekelle, capital of the rebel- an attempt to restore the type of cen- (Report, November 16) of a 2030 ban “Beijing’s intervention is a crisis Hong Further, removal of pre-exemption
lious Tigray region, and that victory is tralised authority practised by Emperor on petrol and diesel cars is a very Kong created” (November 18), where rights by companies during the
close. His government presents the Menelik II, who reigned at the turn of positive move. The problem that the the author appears to be blaming the Covid-19 crisis has been used as a
military campaign against the Tigray the 20th century, or the Derg military government and the carmakers must hundreds of thousands of smokescreen to prevent individual
People’s Liberation Front, prosecuted junta of Mengistu Haile Mariam, over- now address is how they will secure Hongkongers, who have asked for shareholders participating this year.
with tanks and air strikes, as a simple thrown in 1991. Until this fractious con- adequate supply of the metals which nothing but the rights and freedoms to Again undermining the position of the
law and order exercise. With hundreds stitutional issue is resolved through are essential to making the batteries. which they are entitled, for their own individual investor.
of reported casualties that description national dialogue, ethnicity will con- In mining, the time lag from proving oppression. A diverse, engaged and long-term
stretches credulity. tinue to gnaw at Ethiopia’s body politic. a new resource to production of metal For months, the citizens of Hong shareholder base can only be a healthy
In Mr Abiy’s version of how this plays In the meantime, hostilities must is seldom less than five years. The most Kong have been standing up for the development for public companies and
out, TPLF leaders will be apprehended stop in Tigray. A humanitarian crisis is conservative electric vehicle (EV) rights legally granted to them under should be encouraged by all.
and brought to justice and an interim under way, with thousands fleeing the adoption rates over the next decade the UN recognised Sino-British Joint Guy Crossland
regional government imposed — at fighting into Sudan. A blockade of the will require a tripling of global cobalt Declaration. To describe the Overton, Hampshire, UK
which point the country can revert to region and ethnically inspired massa- production (even with the progression participants in this vast movement for
“normal”. Unfortunately, normal has cres threaten catastrophe. In one inci- to nickel-rich cathodes), and for liberty and democracy as “rioters” is a Generation Z and parents
long been highly precarious in spite of dent, says Amnesty International, hun- battery grade nickel and lithium to be gross inaccuracy. Peaceful protests
years of strong economic growth that dreds of non-Tigrayan civilians were at even higher multiples of present were escalated by a brutal Hong Kong who fret over lockdown
has held out great promise for the stabbed and hacked to death, though global supply. police force and the issue further I am fed up with adults complaining on
country of 110m people. It is far from an internet blackout makes details dif- In order to achieve this, significant exacerbated by Hong Kong authorities behalf of us millennials (Letters,
assured that federal forces can achieve ficult to verify. Humanitarian organis- investment must be made into the West Balkans diplomacy displaying utter contempt for November 12).
the promised swift victory. The TPLF ations have complained they are being mining industry to bring new projects democratic norms. Throughout the pandemic,
ran Ethiopia for 27 years and is heavily denied access to Tigray, a situation that online. However, without much higher has echoes of Soviet past The world cannot and should not melodramatic overgeneralisations have
armed. Even if government troops cap- needs to be rectified immediately. metals prices, it is unlikely that I was saddened to read your article by stand by and allow the totalitarian become commonplace among the
ture the leadership, there is no guaran- The international community has sufficient funding will come from the Valerie Hopkins and Michael Peel Chinese Communist party to run educated urban elite who claim to “get”
tee that other TPLF fighters won’t wage been scandalously disengaged. Mr capital markets. “Bulgaria dashes N Macedonia hopes rampant over human rights. Instead, Gen-Z-ers. My parents are culprits of
a protracted guerrilla war or that the Abiy may have calculated that this is a The UK government should look to over EU membership” (November 18) we must stand together behind the this, telling me how my generation is
Tigrayan people will acquiesce to a fed- good time to finish the TPLF off while utilise sovereign funds to invest in describing how Bulgaria had decided to Hongkongers fighting for their freedom going to suffer a massive collective
erally imposed government. Washington is distracted. The UN mining projects to ensure preferential veto North Macedonia’s accession to and push for targeted sanctions against mental meltdown.
Nor, if Tigray is under some sort of Security Council, the African Union, access to the supply chain that the EU. the true aggressors — the authorities in But I don’t buy it. I am not so
martial law, is it easy to see how Mr the EU and others need to make it clear supports EV manufacturing The European future of the Western Hong Kong and Beijing. completely shut off from the world as
Abiy can hold the open elections he has that they will not stand by while Ethio- domestically here in the UK. Balkans is important for the stability of Lord Shinkwin to suggest that nobody has suffered
promised. These are now set for June pia slides into ruin. Brian Menell Europe. Unfortunately, it seems that Vice-Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary mental health problems over
and are already complicated by the Mr Abiy has rejected calls to negoti- Chairman and CEO of TechMet the values and decisions of Bulgaria as Group on Hong Kong lockdown. I mean, how could I be with
arrest of prominent opposition leaders ate with the TPLF, which he has London W1, UK a member state are still influenced by Lord Alton of Liverpool the BBC almost daily doing a piece
from Oromia and elsewhere. Unless Mr labelled a “criminal clique”. The prime its Soviet era past. Vice-Chair about how somebody has had a bad
Abiy can achieve an electoral mandate, minister, it should be recalled, worked Shipping looks for help A dispute about one’s identity and Geraint Davies MP lockdown. And, of course, this is a
he will not regain the legitimacy he for the security apparatus while the language in 2020 in our fast and Vice-Chair problem that needs to be addressed.
needs to unite the country or convince TPLF was running the country. To the to hit net-zero targets connected world is absurd. Houses of Parliament, London SW1, UK But it’s like we’re being treated as a
people of his liberal-sounding agenda. extent that there are law-and-order Boris Johnson’s announcement of a All people have the right to declare single unit, which the older generation
Tigray is just one of the crises he faces. issues, these should be addressed by green industrial revolution was their identity. The Macedonian PM should let unionist case views as emotionally less hardy than
Since he became prime minister in the police and the courts. welcomed by the UK shipping sector language has been internationally they were. This constant worrying
2018, Mr Abiy has sought a new federal- Yet, above all, this is a political crisis (Opinion, November 18). As an island recognised since 1971 and if Bulgaria be made by Scots Tories about us has not just been a feature of
ist arrangement that plays down ethnic- for which a political settlement is ulti- nation ships play a pivotal role by can aggressively dispute the issues of You report that the Conservative party lockdown. Before this, it was
ity in an environment where identity mately the only solution. Both sides moving 95 per cent of all UK goods. But identity and language of a nation today, plans to create a task force of MPs to technology — oh, the woes of
has become the principal means of need to step back from the brink. if we are going to reach our net-zero and bully a smaller neighbour, then devise a strategy for preserving the technology, hey!
political mobilisation. That sounds Whatever the underlying issues, tanks target by 2050 we need international imagine how it was in the past after the union with Scotland (Report, But I implore you to stop worrying
sensible to western ears. But many and bombs will not solve them. collaboration to reduce emissions Ottomans left the Balkans and what November 18). about us. This situation is by no means
across global shipping. kind of historic truth Bulgaria wants to The most constructive decision the ideal, but we will muddle through it,
We call on the government to impose on North Macedonia today. overwhelmingly English Conservative just as everybody else has.
support the industry’s plans for a $5bn The Balkan region, unfortunately, is party could take would be to cut Bertie Low
international research and full of leaders that are held back by completely their ties with the party Devizes, Wiltshire, UK
development fund to develop new, their history instead of looking to the north of the border in order to enable it

Promise of bitcoin has clean fuels.

As the shipping industry commits to
new short-term measures to cut carbon
future. Leaders that consciously dream
of countries bigger than their borders,
while endangering the future of
to make a case for the union not just to
fellow Conservatives but also to
supporters of the moribund Scottish
Johnson’s plan is counting
on a less boggy landing
proved to be elusive emissions, we will continue working
with the government and industry
partners, in the build up to next year’s
millions of poor and suffering people in
the region.
Nationalism for internal political
Labour and Liberal Democrat parties.
A united unionist party untied from
the incubus of English Toryism would
I was interested to learn of the prime
minister’s ambition in point six of his
article “Now is the time to plan
COP26 climate change conference and reasons has long lasting effects for the surely be able to give the Scottish Britain’s green recovery” (Opinion,
Cryptocurrency fails to provide investors with stability and protection beyond, to ensure the UK becomes a future prosperity of the Balkans’ National party a run for their money in November 18). Will his zero-emission
world leader in green maritime citizens. This behaviour should be the forthcoming Scottish plane suffer the fate of other feats — a
Bitcoin promises to be digital gold: safe, Stocks have similarly done well on technology. condemned by the EU and its member parliamentary elections. landing zone, like Alcock and Brown’s,
valuable and rare. That could explain news of potential vaccines while tradi- Bob Sanguinetti states. Michael Williams in a bog in Ireland?
much of the cryptocurrency’s rally tional havens such as US treasuries — CEO, UK Chamber of Shipping Gorjan Lazarov Letchworth Garden City Gavan Sellers
over the past year. Like the yellow- and gold — have seen their value slip. London SE1, UK Prague, Czech Republic Hertfordshire, UK London NW10, UK
coloured metal, the price of bitcoin is Perhaps the main factor in bitcoin’s
supposed to surge as investors take recent rise, then, is its potential for
fright at the possibility of inflation from more mainstream adoption beyond
central banks printing money or, for
some, the potential collapse of society in
the face of the coronavirus pandemic
hobbyists and speculators. Options on
the digital currency are more fre-
quently being traded on the Chicago
Covid could Every evening for the past fortnight or
so, fireworks have been going off
where I live, in east London. This is
falls in flu activity both in the
southern hemisphere’s winter and in
the US summer season.
number now seem unacceptable? Or
will we be happy to carry on as before,
given that the death rate for flu is only
and civil disturbance following the US
election. In those circumstances the two
Mercantile Exchange while payments
company PayPal is offering the chance
change our not, despite what the US press might
have you believe, in honour of Joe
Does that mean, therefore, that we
should be locking down every year to
around 0.1 per cent, five to 10 times
lower than for Covid-19, and we all die
scarce assets are supposed to retain
their value while others’ disappears.
Unfortunately, like gold, bitcoin’s
in the US to buy and sell bitcoin
through its app. This has made it more
feasible as a form of money; bitcoin is
tolerance Biden’s election victory. It’s because
Brits are very fond of setting off
fireworks at this time of year. Not only
prevent the excess flu deaths that we
are likely to avoid this winter? Nobody
has suggested that. Yet some might
“From a scientific perspective, I
think we have been forced by Covid to
status as a safe haven is more theoret-
ical than anything else. Rather than
not widely accepted but PayPal is.
Yet there are no fundamentals on
of flu deaths do we have Diwali to observe, but we
also feel a pagan compulsion to
make a case for continuing with some
of the behavioural changes adopted
experiment with various non-
pharmaceutical infectious control
stability it offers investors volatility which to base a judgment of bitcoin’s celebrate Guy Fawkes’ failed attempt for Covid-19. measures and we have a sense of how
and a chance to speculate on the value. Its current price just reflects to blow up parliament four centuries Influenza spreads similarly, though burdensome various ones are,” says
market’s sentiment towards the cur- what people are willing to spend on it. ago by setting off small explosions of not identically, to coronavirus. Flu is Carl Bergstrom, a theoretical and
rency. The recent rise in the cryptocur- That may be a result of central banks’ our very own. less infectious. The “basic evolutionary biologist at the
rency’s valuation is no different. Inves- easy money policies worldwide; bitcoin All these splendid bangs, and the reproduction number”, or R-zero — a University of Washington in Seattle.
tors looking for a safe place to keep looks appealing because other asset dangers associated with setting them measure of a disease’s ability to spread Extreme, unnatural behavioural
their wealth should look elsewhere. prices are already so high and returns off — some 2,000 British people end between people when left unchecked changes such as social distancing may
The price of bitcoin in terms of the so low. But it places it in a category up in hospital with firework burns — is estimated at between 1.4 and 1.6 be hard to maintain. But Prof
US dollar hit a three-year high of close more like fine art or famous sneakers, each year — have got me thinking for flu. Covid-19 is thought to be Bergstrom thinks that where
to $18,000 this week, representing a both of which have attained record val- about risk and how we tolerate or around 3. Epidemiologists use a protective measures do not disrupt
nearly 250 per cent rise since January. uations in auctions this year. even embrace it some moments, and second measure — the “effective lives significantly, they may stick. He
Bitcoin’s price has spiked before: this Bitcoin may have further to go, try to avoid it at all costs at others. reproduction number”, or R — to points to a comment made by Anthony
year’s increase in the cryptocurrency’s thanks not to its own merits but to a Another, more lethal seasonal risk is track the number of people who could Fauci, the US infectious disease expert:
price has seen it almost touch levels it weakening of the dollar. Analysts fore- the flu — in a bad year, as many as be infected by an individual at the “As a society, just forget about shaking
reached in 2017. That peak did not last, cast the US currency could weaken 20 25,000 people die from the virus in current time. When this falls below hands.” My hunch is that, for the most
however, and was followed by a deep
crash and calls for tighter regulation.
per cent next year as a working corona-
virus vaccine spurs growth and a Notebook England alone. Yet this year, thanks in
large part to lockdowns, flu cases are
one, the virus gradually dies out. Prof
Spiegelhalter reckons that flu’s R will
part, we will return to our old ways.
Adjustments will be a matter of
Bitcoin holders have learnt to live greater appetite for risk among inves- way down across the world and are stay at “far less than 1” this year. That preference. People who enjoy working
with the volatility: as recently as March tors. That would be something to wel-
by Jemima Kelly likely to stay that way. will mean “thousands” of flu deaths in from home will stay put when they get
the cryptocurrency lost half of its value come — not just for what it represents That’s because the habits we’ve the UK will be avoided. so much as a sniffle. Those who dislike
after investors realised the scale of dis- but because it would help ease pressure adopted to limit the spread of An added reason flu deaths might shaking hands with strangers will have
ruption that coronavirus would bring on emerging market borrowers who coronavirus — handwashing, mask- be kept low in the UK this winter is a valid excuse to avoid doing so.
and rushed to sell anything they could rely on cheap dollar financing. wearing and distancing — are effective that the government is offering the But we’ll keep drinking too much,
exchange to get hold of then-scarce It may be precisely because the Fed- for other respiratory pathogens too. influenza vaccine to record numbers and driving over the speed limit, and
dollars. Such swings in bitcoin’s value, eral Reserve has done such a good job “The measures we’re taking are of people. And Covid-19 is taking the setting off fireworks. Because after
both dramatically up and down in the of meeting the world’s need for dollars enough to essentially eliminate flu,” lives of some of those who would have Covid-19 — if such a time exists —
space of 12 months, hardly suggest it is that investors feel comfortable taking a says David Spiegelhalter, chair of the died of flu. But even so, the decline what we’ll consider the biggest risk
a stable store of value. punt on bitcoin and venturing away Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence would be significant. won’t be death but the failure to really
Instead of reflecting fears of geopolit- from the comparative stability of fiat Communication at Cambridge So what does this mean for the live our lives.
ical risk or hyperinflation, the recent currency. If so, cryptocurrency advo- university. A study by the US Centers future? Up to 650,000 people die from
rally in the cryptocurrency’s price has cates have the central bank to thank for for Disease Control has found huge flu worldwide each year — will this jemima.kelly@ft.com
happened alongside other risk assets. their recent success.

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