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Hidalgo, Christian Jesus C.

Practical Research 2
Week 1
REASON OF SELECTING THE Because it is suitable for research whose
RESEARCH DESIGN IDENTIFIED goal is to examine cause-effect

Research Design
Preparation of Ferment Material
One kilogram of seaweed (Caulerpa lentillifera) and fish visceral parts – 500 grams
respectively, were purchased from the market, washed with running water to remove foreign
particles such as sand, excess salt and epiphytes.
The fermentation procedure of seaweed and fish visceral parts was adopted from
Department of Agriculture – Organic Agriculture in the Philippines Manual with modifications.
The seaweed and fish visceral parts were cut into smaller pieces using scissors and were
blended together yielding one liter of mixture. The ingredients were mixed properly following
1:1:1 ratio of the ingredients (1 Liter of the mixture: 1 Liter muscovado suga
r: 1 Liter non-
chlorinated sugar).
The mixture was then transferred in a container, covered with cloth then tied securely
with plastic straw, placed in a cool undisturbed place, and was left for 14 days.
The extract was harvested using filter paper and stored in plastic bottles.

Afterwhich, complete the data below about the sampling of your study.
Area of concern of the study Baguio City
Specific number of the 1
Location, Grade level and Section Baguio City National Science High School,
Grade 12
Duration 2 weeks
Variables to be studied Caulerpa lentillifera, Vigna radiata
Sampling technique to be used Systematic sampling
Explanation of the sampling It allows me to infer information about a
technique in relation to the study population based on results from a subset
of the population, without having to
investigate every individual.
Preparation of the different concentrations
The fermented liquid was treated as 100 % concentration and was further diluted on each
treatment. Three varying concentrations were prepared, 2% (20 mL fermented liquid/1000 mL
water), 5% (50 mL fermented liquid/1000 mL water), and 10% (100 mL fermented liquid/1000
mL water).

Preparation of Soil and Seeds (Vigna radiata)

The mung beans were soaked for 24 hours prior to planting.
Same amount of soil (353 g) was used in each pot under control set-up and experimental
Five seeds of Vigna radiata were planted in each pot with a depth of 2.54 cm. Spacing of
the seeds of about 5.08 cm was also observed.

Application of the Liquid Fertilizer

Both set-ups were done in three trials. For the control setup, the researchers used pure
water while for the experimental set-up; varying concentrations of the liquid fertilizer were
employed. Fifty milliliter (50 mL) of water per pot under control set-up, and 50 mL of liquid
fertilizer per concentration, per pot were employed.

The applications of fermented liquid fertilizer were done as soils drench at three-day
intervals starting on the first day after sowing. As to the length of shoot, it was measured at
three-day intervals starting from the last day of germination - fourth day.
Considering all the variables that needed to be controlled, the rate of seed germination
and growths of Vigna radiata were observed and measured within thirteen (13) days.

Treatment of Data
Arithmetic mean and t-test were the statistical tools used in analyzing and interpreting the
data. Mean was used to determine the average length of shoots while t-test was used to determine
the significant differences in using fermented liquid fertilizer at varying concentrations.
The number of germinated seeds was counted at 2 days, 3 days, and 4 days. The rate of
germination was computed using the equation
Germination Rate = x 100%.

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