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Background information Paraphrase

Answer the question There are many adverse problems of

this, which can be solved by
appropriate measures.
Topic sentence 1 There are some problems…

Supporting idea 1.1 Problem 1

Explanation + Example or Result 1.1 Give an explanation + example or result

Supporting idea 1.2 Problem 2

Explanation + Example or Result 1.1 Give an explanation + example or result

Topic sentence 2 There are some solutions

Supporting idea 2.1 The first solution is

Explanation + Example or Result 2.1 Give an explanation + example or result

Supporting idea 2.2 The second solution is

Explanation + Example or Result 2.2 Give an explanation + example or result

Conclusion In conclusion, although [N] can cause a

number of problems, steps can be
taken to alleviate the issues.

Background information Paraphrase

Answer the question This stems from many causes, and the
governments and individuals can
address it by appropriate measures.
Topic sentence 1 There are some causes…

Supporting idea 1.1 Cause 1

Explanation + Example or Result 1.1 Give an explanation + example or result

Supporting idea 1.2 Cause 2

Explanation + Example or Result 1.1 Give an explanation + example or result

Topic sentence 2 There are some solutions…

Supporting idea 2.1 The first solution is

Explanation + Example or Result 2.1 Give an explanation + example or result

Supporting idea 2.2 The second solution is

Explanation + Example or Result 2.2 Give an explanation + example or result

Conclusion In conclusion, although [N] results from

many causes related to A and B, steps
can be taken to alleviate the issues.

Background information Paraphrase

Answer the question Many reasons can be given to explain

this phenomenon, which is often
associated with many adverse effects.
Topic sentence 1 There are some causes…

Supporting idea 1.1 Cause 1

Explanation + Example or Result 1.1 Give an explanation + example or result

Supporting idea 1.2 Cause 2

Explanation + Example or Result 1.1 Give an explanation + example or result

Topic sentence 2 There are some problems…

Supporting idea 2.1 The first problem is

Explanation + Example or Result 2.1 Give an explanation + example or result

Supporting idea 2.2 The second problem is

Explanation + Example or Result 2.2 Give an explanation + example or result

Conclusion In conclusion, [N] results from many

causes, and this can cause a number of
Crime rates, in most countries, is often higher in urban areas than in rural areas. Why do you
think that is? What can be done to reduce the crime rate?

Body 2
However, there are a variety of solutions to eradicate crime, in both cities and remote areas.

Government should encourage businesses and organizations to increase the number of job vacancies.
This way lets the unemployed have more motivation in their life and they can let all the stress about
their new and existing financial worries disappearing. For instance, the government can provide a
nationals budget for a car manufacturing company so that it can hire more employees. Therefore,
citizens are financially stable and content with their life, simultaneously it can lead the figure for crime
decreases enormously.

Besides, the government can enforce stricter laws. Therefore, people who are potential criminals would
think twice. It makes them stay calm and change their pejorative intents. Have consequences for, most
of people will be subject to laws and we can minimize the crime rates.

In conclusion, although the higher proportion of crime in urban areas results from many causes, steps
can be taken to alleviate the issues.



Studies suggested that nowadays children watch much more television than they did in the
past and spend less time on active or creative things. What are the reasons? And what
measures should be taken to encourage children to spend more time on active or creative


Background information Paraphrase

Answer the question This stems from many causes, and the
governments and individuals can
address it by appropriate measures.
Topic sentence 1

Supporting idea 1.1

Explanation + Example or Result 1.1

Supporting idea 1.2

Explanation + Example or Result 1.1

Topic sentence 2

Supporting idea 2.1

Explanation + Example or Result 2.1

Supporting idea 2.2

Explanation + Example or Result 2.2

Conclusion In conclusion, although [N] results from

many causes, steps can be taken to
alleviate the issues.
Studies suggested that nowadays children watch much more television than they did in the
past and spend less time on active or creative things. What are the reasons? And what
measures should be taken to encourage children to spend more time on active or creative
It is a common belief that in the current society children spend hours on end sitting in front of the TV
screen than they did back in the day and lack of recreational activities. This stems from many causes,
and governments and individuals can address it by appropriate measures.

There are a number of reasons why children pay more attention to watch TV. First, the content of TV
programs is so captivating that they spend almost their whole day following. For example, Tom and Jerry
film is one of the addictive cartoon because the content is entertaining, two main characters are
particular and colorful. Have consequences for, children are more and more positive then it leads to a
sedentary lifestyle. Second, the number of playgrounds for children is limited. Playgrounds are replaced
by a variety of housing projects and buildings so watching TV becomes their activity of choice. Staying
indoors for a long time can make them face up to obesity and they are not able to broaden their
understanding of realistic circumstances.

Nevertheless, there are also diverse solutions to reverse this trend. Parents should be responsible for
educating their children by setting a regular time for it. In this way, parents can manage the amount of
time that their children use TV and then regulate it reasonably. Therefore, children will be less reliant on
TV programs and spend their time on others activities. Then parents should create outdoor spaces for
recreational activities and sports and teach them how to play them in the right way. Besides, adults can
encourage their children to take up healthy habits to avoid many dangerous illnesses. All of the
approaches will burn off excess calories and strengthen their muscles, simultaneously they can have
valuable lessons in their life.

In conclusion, although children prefer watching TV to outdoor activities results from many causes, steps
can be taken to alleviate the issues.

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