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Focus on Grammar 3

Student: Atoccza Ramírez, Roger Yerson


Sharon Cayetano

Sport and benefits

Sport is a physical activity that a person performs in a specific physical space and
following rules. According to many doctors, all people require a minimum of physical
activity to improve their health. Furthermore³, many doctors say that sports have social,
physical and mental health benefits. Next³, I will explain what are the most important

First of all³, sport has mental benefits. An athlete releases endorphins when he plays a
sport¹. While swimming², your body releases hundreds of endorphins. Enforfin is the
hormone of happiness and acts as a natural pain reliever. In addition³, sports also
reduce stress, promote sleep, raise self-esteem and improve memory.

Second³, sport has physical benefits. That physical activity is good for your health is
not a secret⁴. Sport improves physical condition, regulates blood pressure, improves
flexibility, strengthens muscles and helps lose weight. While lifting weights², your body
burns a lot of calories.

Third³, sport has social benefits. When you play a team sport¹, you try to be more
responsible. For example³, you need to be organized to attend basketball training. If
someone is absent from a training session, it can affect the whole team⁶. Therefore³,
you acquire greater punctuality discipline in your schedule. For the other hand³, team
sports create affinities. If you want to spend more time with your friends, you can play
sports together with them and have fun⁶.

In conclusion³, children, adults and elderly need sports. In this sense³, sport is essential
to lead a healthy life. Sports have mental, physical and social benefits. Whatever sport
you practice will be good for your health⁴. Sport helps improve our physical condition,
improves memory and regulates our behavior.

¹ Adverb Clauses

² Adverb and Adverbial Phrases

³ Connectors

⁴ Noun Clauses

⁵ Direct and Indirect Speech

⁶ Conditionals
My birthday in the disco!

For many, remembering is living again. Generally, many of us remember very special
moments in our lives to feel good. But it´s more special when you share that good
anecdote with others. If you want to make your friends happy, you can share a
beautiful anecdote⁶. Next, I will tell one of my most exciting memories, I mean the first
time I visited a disco.

I was 20 years old when³ I was in the fifth cycle of my communication science career ¹. I
used to have a very busy schedule because³ I worked long hours as a journalist at my
university¹. While my friends went to parties¹, I spent my time in my studies and my
work. Honestly, I needed a break because³ I was very stressed¹. Luckily for me, my
birthday was in October and there were many holidays that month.

Pamela, my best friend, had the initiative to go to a disco. She said: “Let's go to a
disco” ⁵. It may sound strange, but I had never been to a record. That it was going to
be a new experience was obvious⁴. So, I was very curious to go there and I accepted
the idea. However³, I remember that it was not easy to get to the disco. Before³ going²,
we had to go back to muy house because³ I forgot my D.N.I.

To my surprise, I ran into some classmates from the university. They introduced me to
their friends and I felt totally integrated. My best friend told them it was my birthday and
each one congratulated me. This seemed like a surprise party and I really enjoyed it. It
was amazing to connect with other people as we danced and sang many songs.

In conclusion³, having visited the disco on my birthday was a wonderful experience. I

learned that it´s very important to spend time socializing. Not everything in life is study
or work. There are thousands of stories to be told!

¹ Adverb Clauses
² Adverb and Adverbial Phrases
³ Connectors
⁴ Noun Clauses
⁵ Direct and Indirect Speech
⁶ Conditionals

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