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CSE 181304

Roll No. of candidate

B. Tech. 3rd Semester End-Term Examination


(New Regulation) (w.e.f. 2017-18)&

(New Syllabus) (w.e.f. 2018--19)
Full Marks - 70 Time Three hours

The figures in the margin indicate full marks

for the questions.

Answer Question No. 1 and any four from the rest.

1. Answer the following : (MCQ/Fill in the blanks)

(10x 1 10)
What do you mean by efficiency of an
What aré the different ways of representing a

What is hashing?

What is self-referential structure?

(d) a

What are asymptotic notations?

[Turn over
( What is in-place sorting? 5. (a) Use Prim's/ Kruskal algorithm to find the
minimum spanning tree of the graph. (5)
)What is balancing factor of an AVL tree?
What is a threaded binary tree?

Give an example of stable sort.

W h a t is an abstract data type?
2. a Write the pre-order expression for the following
using a stack. (5) (b) How do you resolve hash clashes by open
addressing method. Explain. (10)
la +(-c]d-e)f+g-h)
Sort (increasing order showing all the steps) the 6. (a) Write a program to implement a circular queue
following using merge sort and quick sort. using an array. (5)
(5+5-10) (b) Insert the following keysin a B-tree of order 5
8, 2, 4, 6, 9, 7, 10, 1, 5, 3 and show the steps in constructing the final
What are the advantages and disadvantages of
10, 24, 23, 11,31, 16, 26, 35, 29, 20, 46, 28, 13,
array representation of stack and queue over 27, 31 (10)
linked list representation? (5)
(6) Suppose you are given two polynomials. (a) Write a menu based program to implement a
Represent the polynomial in a suitable data stack using an array. (5)
structure and write a program to add 2 fb) Show the results of inserting the following
polynomials. (10) elements: 2, 1, 4, 5, 9, 3, 6, 7 in an AVLtree.
Specify the type of rotation after each insertion.
4a Using the following traversals, construct the (10)
corresponding binary tree (show all steps). (5)



What is the difference between a BST and a

heap? For the given sequence df numbers,
construct a heap and a BST. (4+3+3 10)
34,23,67245, 12, 54, 87, 43, 98, 75, s4, 93, 31
CSE 181304 2 CSE 181304

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