7 Mapeh Arts Module

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Grade 7


1. Understand that art lays a significant role in the daily activities

of the community
2. Describe the unique lines, forms and shapes found in
representative artworks from Luzon
3. Write their impressions about the sources of inspiration of local
folk artist for artistic expressions

Notes and Instructions

 Complete the given task in this module


1. How were these objects made?

2. Describe the objects based on what you see from the pictures?

One of the ethic traditions that is source of pride in Northern, Philippines is Kalinga Pottery.
The clay used in potter-making came from the soil of the Chico River. Potter is popular among
the Kalingas because they use pots for various purposes such as cooking, carrying water, and
brewing sugar cane wine called bayas.
Burnay  Popular in Vigan, Ilocos Sur
 It’s Survived because of consistent
Palayok  Used for cooking
Banga  Storage for drinking water

Asinan  Storage for Salt

Tapayan  For the fermentation of Basi or in

the curing of Bagoong

Mangulyutan  A traditional potter in Pampanga

 The most famous places in pottery
is in Sto. Tomas.
 A particular kind of clay used is
the ball clay or fine sedimentary

The mangulyutan get their clay from the towns Minalin and
Macabebe. A variety of clay called the pila that is used for a high
quality pot is obtained from the neighboring province of Tarlac.
Wood Carving
The Ifugaos are not only famous for their rice terraces, but also for their wood sculptures as

Their best-known sculpture is called bulul, a wooden figure

that resembles a human figure. The bulul is known to bring a
bountiful harvest of rice it was also central to Ifugao rituals
on healing and on resolution of feuds among different tribes.
The bulul figures usually come in pairs of a man and woman.
There are also carved human figures in the central post of
Ifugao traditional houses. These figures called kinabagat
these wooden sculptures are made of narra.

Hagabi is a huge wooden bench that

is slightly arched mid-section, and it
is status symbol of the bench owner,
indication his or her economic and
political power. There is a ritual
done when a hagabi is transported
over mountains and hills from the
carving site to the owner’s house.

The town’s name of Paete is from the word paet, which refers to the chisel that is the main tool
used in wood carving. Paete has been declared the “Wood Carving Capital” of the Philippines
because its many wood-carving products. The town of Paete is also known for its papier-mache
product or the taka. The more inticate designs are seen on the wooden soles of Filipino foorwear
called bakya. The dukit, a term used for wood carving, originated from the barrio of Sta.
Metalwork is an essential historical remembrance of the Philippines’ past. There are many
archaeological sites where jewelry, weaponry, cannons, bells and many other metal products are
Dudong is a small brass or gold piece that represents a human figure. It is worn as a wedding
accessory. The hammering method known in Pampanga as the pukpuk. Panday Pira was the
famous blacksmith during his time.

In Camalaniugan, Cagayan, you can find the oldest known bell in the
Philippines. Cast in 1595.
Match column A with the correct answer in column B. Write only the letter of your answer on
the blanks.
A. B.
_____1. Pottery used to ferment a. Palayok
_____2. Ilocos Pottery b. Asinan
_____3. Traditional potters in Pampanga c. burnay
_____4. Sugar cane wine d. Tapayan
_____5. Pottery used to store salt e. Bayas
f. Mangulyutan
A. B.
_____6. Filipino wooden footwear a. Matecanan mandukit
_____7. Papier-mache product in Paete b. Hagabi
_____8. Ifugao wooden sculpture representing a c. Bakya
human figure d. Taka
_____9. Wooden bench that has become a status symbol e. Bulol
_____10. Masters sculptors in Betis, Pampanga

A. B.
_____11. Famous Kapampangan blacksmith a. Pukpuk
_____12. Town where the oldest bell in the b. Panday Pira
Philippines is found
______13. Hammering Method c. Dudong
______14. Metal products produced in Cavite d. Cannons
______15. Small brass or gold piece e. Camalaniugan
Instructions: Try to tell the similarities and difference of the following textile based on what we
have discussed earlier. Use the tale for you answer.

The Ikat is a popular weaving tradition in the Luzon Highlands. The ikat is an Indonesian term
that literally means “to tie” or “to bind”. Ikat makes used of a technique where a design is
embedded on a thread through a tie-dyed technique of using colors from natural sources.

The dyes used in the method are from natural sources

Red dye is from narra shavings, and blackish red dye is from mud with high-iron content.
Yellow dye is obtained from ginger

Gaddang is the textile of the Nueva Ecija, Isabela and Cagayan. The textiles of the Gaddangs are
adorned with little seed beads. The textile in made in the highlands of Luzon are believed to be
inhabited by spirits.
Binakol and pinilian is product of the major weaving towns the La union, Ilocos Norte and ilocos
sur. They have repetitive geometric designs that create optical illusions.

The inabel od the abel iloco is a textile made using age-old traditional weaving techniques by
artisans in Ilocos Nortte and Ilocos Sur, Abra and La union. The yarns used are made of cotton
and dyed from a plump sap called sagut. Nothern Luzonn is rich in sagut
Traditional Philippine art also involves the weaving of hats, baskets, and mats.
Example of these headgear are Ivatan vakul, the Bontoc cardinal hat and the Ifugao rattan
skullcap. The Kankanay of the Cordilleras also display a unique basket-weaving technique
wherein a grain-storage basket carved with figures of lizards on all its four corners.
There are also basket categories that the Ifugao people have been accustomed to.

Acob Basket that has a square base and a round

Agawen Small, open basket used as a container for
snails gathered in the fields
Bangaw Backpack with a smooth black fiber worn by
travelers to cover themselves against the rain
Binali Basket made trough a coil technique and is
used for storage of grains.
Bulot Used to store locusts
Camoan Another basket husked rice
Hoop Square basket used when carrying food to the
Hulol Funnel-shaped basket that is used when
catching locust
Pasiking Another type of backpack
Topil Another type of food container for the field.
Ulbong Another type pf basket used for grain storage.

Buri plants of Anda in Western Pangasinan and of Apalit in Pampanga, as well as the karagumoy
or screw pine of Cagraray in Bacacay, Albay, are examples of plants with leaves ideal for mat

Tattooing or the batek is a practice in Kalinga and other parts of the Cordillera region that is
associated with beauty and status. The practice is also believed to be cay of warding off evils
spririts and dieseases.

Instructions: Answer the following questions.

1. What is the funnel- shaped basket that is used by the Ifugaos when catching locust?

2. What is the weaving technique that literally means “to tie” or to “to bind”?

3. What is the basket used for storing grains in Ifugao?

4. What is the tattoo of the Kalingas?
5. What are the Blankets called in Santiago, Vigan and Sarrat?

6. What tree used to make a red dye?

7. What is the traditional weaving technique used by artisans in Ilocos?

8. What is the headgear used by the Ivatan in Batanes?

9. Where does the yellow dye in ikat come from?

10. What is the small,open basket used as a container for snails gathered in the fields?

Bahay Kubo one of the most popular forms of

traditional housing in the Philippines is the
Bahay kubo, The bahay kubo’s design creates
an illusion that it is floating because of it stilts
The bahay kubo isalso called an Austronesian
type of housing fits for tropical climate
The roofing of bahay kubo is typically made of
woven nipa or cogon, while the walls, the floor
and the partitions are made of bamboo sheets,

The Ifugao of Cordillera have traditional
houses called the Fale. The Fale is
square-shaped and has a pointy roof
with barely a window on it,
This type of house has three segments
 The basement
 the middle portion of the house
 the alang
That house has posts called tukud
has wooden disks or halipan that
connect each tukud and the middle
portion of the fale The halipan
serves as protection against rodes

The alang on the other hand, is the upper space where food and
harvested rice are stored. Abong is a type of house in Ifugao that is erected
or built directly on the ground, The inappal is built only slightlty elevated
from the ground
In Batanes, there are low houses with heavy stone
walls and covered with thick thatched roofs that are
not typically seen in houses found in other parts of the
country the shapes of these houses are specially
designed to respond to extreme conditions. A
particular type of Ivatan house is the sinadumparan,
which is a house with walls of stones and lime mortar.
The roof is made of cogon

Bahay na Bato
The bahay kubo has been influecend by the
style of architecture brought by the
colonizers into the archipelago. The bahay
na bato has become the new version of the
bahay kubo,
The lower portion of the bahay na bato is
made of stone, whereas the upperpart is
made of wood
Draw Activity
Instruction: Draw the design of your dream house in the box and talk about your dream house.
Explain your choice of style and design.


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