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Pronouns Brian Foreign Language School

Subject Pronouns Possessive Adjectives Object Pronouns

I ខ្ញុំ My ររស់ខញ ុំ្ Me ខ្ញុំ
He គាត់ (ប្រុស) His ររស់គាត់ Him គាត់
She នាង/គាត់ (ប្សី) Her ររស់នាង/ររស់គាត់ Her នាង
It វា (សតវ/វតថញ) Its ររស់វា It វា
We ពួកយ ើង Our ររស់ពួកយ ើង Us ពួកយ ើង
You អ្នក Your ររស់អ្នក You អ្នក
They ពួកយេ Their ររស់ពួកយេ Them ពួកយេ

Example: Example: Example:

1. I love her. 1. She is my girlfriend. 1. Did you call me last night?
2. He learns Chinese. 2. This is his book. 2. I saw him at the bank yesterday.
3. She sleeps at 10 pm. 3. I am her friend. 3. Do you love her?
4. it is an English book. 4. It is a kiwi. Its beak is very long. 4. I like it.
5. We study English every day. 5. He is our teacher. 5. please give us some examples.
6. You are handsome. 6. Is this your book? 6. I heard a lot about you.
7. They play football. 7. I am their teacher. 7. I love them.
Unit1 Where do you come from?
B: Hello. សួ សី ត
A: Hello. សួ សី ត
B: How are you? យតអ្ ើ នកសញ ខសរា ជាយេ?
A: I’m fine thank you. And you? អ្រេញណ! ​ខញ ុំស ្ រា ជាយេ។​ចញុះអ្នកវញ? ិ
B: I’m fine thank you. Where are you from? អ្រេញណ! ខ្ញុំកស ៏ ញ ខសរា ជាដែរ។យតអ្ ើ ក
ន មកពប្ី រយេសណាដែរ?
A: I come from England. ខ្ញុំមកពប្ី រយេសអ្ង់យេេស។
B: You come from England? Do you like Manchester united? អ្នកមកពប្ី រយេសអ្ង់យេេសដមនយេ? យតអ្ើ នកចូលចតិ បា ត ល់ទាត់​Manchester united យេ?
A: Mm. I don’t like football. ខ្ញុំមន ិ ចូលចត ិ បា
ត ល់ទាត់យេ។
B: Oh. You don’t like football. I see. Why did you come here? អ្នកមនិ ចូលចតិ វត ស័ ិ បាល់ទាត់ដមនយេ។​ខ្ញុំ ល់យេើ ។​យេតញអ្បា ីវ នជាអ្នកមកេយី នុះ?
A: I came for vacation. ខ្ញុំមកសប្ារ់វសសមកាល។ ិ
B: You came for vacation. Are you having fun? អ្នកមកសប្ារ់វសសមកាល។យត ិ អ្
ើ កន សរា យេ?

A: Yes. I’m having a great time. ប្បាកែណាស់។​ខ្ញុំវាជាយពលែ៏អ្ស្ចារយមួ សប្ារ់ខញ ុំ។ ្

B: What do you like the best about here? យតអ្ ើ ដីវ ែលអ្នកចូលចត ិ រ ត ុំផញតយៅេយី នុះ?
A: What do I like the best? Well. The People are very kind. អ្វដី ែលខ្ញុំចូលចតិ រត ុំផញតយៅេយី នុះដមនយេ? មនញសសយៅេយី នុះេពឺ តិ ជារួសរា ខ្េងុំ ណាស់
B: Yes. The people here are very kind. Do you like the food? ប្បាកែណាស់។​មនញសសយៅេយី នុះេពឺ តិ ជារួសរា ខ្េងុំ ណាស់។​យតអ្ើ កន ចូលចតិ អា ត ហារយេ?
A: Yes. The food is great. ប្បាកែជាចូលចត ិ ។ត ​មហូរយៅេយី នុះឈ្ងញ ឆ្ងងញ់ ខ្េង ុំ ណាស់។
Unit1 Where do you come from?
B: Is the food too spicy for you? យតអ្
ើ កន េត
ិ ថាមហូរយៅេយី នុះេរឹ ខ្េង
ុំ យេ?
A: No. I love spicy food. I can eat spicy food every day. មន
ិ អ្យី េ។​ខ្ញុំចូលចត
ិ ម
ត ូ រេ
ហ រឹ ណាស់។​ខ្ញុំអាចញញ ុំមូ រេ
ហ រឹ ជាយរៀងរាល់ថ្ងងបាន។

B: How much longer will you stay here? យតរើ ៈយពល ូររញណា
ា ដែលអ្នកអាចស្ចនក់យៅេយី នុះបាន?
A: I will stay two more days. ខ្ញុំនង
ឹ រនតស្ចនក់យៅេយី នុះ២ថ្ងងយេៀត។
B: Oh… Then you will go home? យតើរនាារ់ពីយនាុះអ្នកនឹងប្តលរ់យៅផាុះដមនយេ?

A: Yes. Then I will go home. រនាារ់ពីយនាុះខ្ញុំនឹងប្តលរ់យៅផាុះ

B: Where do you work? យតអ្
ើ កន យ្វកា
ើ រយៅកដនេងណា?
A: I work for a big company? ខ្ញុំរយប្មកា
ើ រយៅប្កុមេញនែ៏្ុំមួ ។
B: What kind of company do you work for? យតប្ើ កុមេញនដែលអ្នករយប្មកា
ើ រយនាុះជាប្កុមេញនប្រយេេណាដែរ?
A: I work for an import company. And what about you? ប្កុមេញនដែលខ្ញុំរយប្មកា
ើ រយនាុះជាប្កុមេញននាុំចូលេុំនិញ។​ចញុះអ្ន​កវញ?

B: I work at the bank. ខ្ញុំរយប្មកា
ើ រយៅ្នាគារ។
A: Are you a bank teller? យតើអ្ក
ន ានតួនាេីជាអ្នកផតល់ពត៌ានយៅ្នាគារយនាុះដមនយេ?
B: No… I’m the owner. មន
ិ ដមនយេ។ខ្ញុំជាាាស់្នាគារយនាុះ។
A: Oh… ! អ្ូេ៎...!
Lesson1 The Kiwi
1. Government (n) រដ្ឋាេបា
ិ ល
2. Strange (adj) ចដមេក
3. Fly (v) យហាុះយេរើ
4. Beak (n) ចុំពញុះ
5. Only (adv) ប្តម
ឹ ដត
6. Kill (v) សាេរ់
7. Smell (v) េត
ិ ខេន

8. Hurt (v) ឈ្ឺ
9. Feather (n) យរាមស្ចេរ
10. Tail (n) កនាញ
11. Wing (n) ស្ចេរ
12. Size (n) េុំេុំ
13. during (pre) អ្ុំឡញងយពល
Lesson1 The Kiwi

The kiwi lives only in New Zealand. It is a very

strange bird because it cannot fly. The kiwi is the same
size as a chicken. It has no wings or tail. It does not have
feathers like other birds. Its feathers look like hair. Each
foot has four toes. Its beak is very long.

A kiwi likes to have a lot of trees around it. It sleeps

during the day because the sunlight hurts its eyes. It can
smell things very well. It smells things better than most
birds do. The kiwi's eggs are very big.

There are only a few kiwis in New Zealand now. People

do not often see them. The government says that people
cannot kill kiwis. New Zealanders want their kiwis to live.

There is a picture of a kiwi on New Zealand money.

People from New Zealand are sometimes called "kiwis."
WH-Question / Question word Brian Foreign Language School

1. What អ្វី 7. Where are you now?

2. Who នរណា 8. Where is my book?
3. Where ឯណា 9. Where is Dara?
4. When ពេលណា 10.When will you go?
5. Which មួយណា 11.When is your birthday?
6. Whose របស់នរណា 12.When are they coming?
7. How រពបៀបណា/យ៉ាងដូចពម៉ាច 13.Which is your shirt?
8. Why ពេតុអ្វី 14.Which one is your sister?
Example: 15.Whose backpack is this?
1. What are you doing? 16.Whose car is that?
2. What did he say? 17.How are we going there?
3. What is she buying? 18.How is the food?
4. Who is in the kitchen? 19.Why is she crying?
5. Who is your father? 20.Why are you sad?
6. Who are they? 21.Why you look so happy? 1
Unit2 How was your vacation Brian Foreign Language School

A: Hey. How was your vacation? ពតើការសម្រាកវសសមកាលរបស់

ិ អ្នកយ៉ាងពម៉ាចដដរ?

B: It was very fun. វាេត

ិ ជាសបាយរករាយខ្
ី លងាំ ណាស់ ។
A: Where did you go? ពតើអ្នកបានពៅពលងពៅកដនលងណាដដរ?

B: I went to the beach. ខ្ុាំបានពៅពលងពៅឯពននរសមុម្ររ។

A: Who did you go with? ពតើអ្នកពៅបានពៅជាមួយនរណាខលះ?

B: I went with my father, mother and older sister. ខ្ុាំបានពៅជាមួយឪេុ ក ាាយនង
ិ បងម្រសីរបស់ ខុ ាំ្។
A: Do you have a house at the beach? ពតើអ្នកានផ្ទះពៅឯពននរសមុម្ររដមនពរ?

B: No. We stayed at a hotel. មន

ិ ានពរ។ េួកពយង
ើ ស្ននក់ពៅសណា
ា គារ១កដនលង។
A: Which hotel did you stay at? ពតើសណា
ា គារមួយណាដដរអ្នកបានស្ននក់ពៅ?

B: It’s call Imperial. វាានព្មះថា អ្ុម

ី ព ពើ រៀល។
A: Have you stayed there before? ពតើអ្នកធ្លលប់ស្ននក់ពៅរពី ះេីមុនពរ?
B: Yes, we’ve been going there for years. ម្របកដណាស់។ េួកពយង
ើ ធ្លលប់បានរពី ះជាពម្រចើនឆ្នម
ាំ កពេើយ។

A: It must be very nice. វាេត

ិ ជាលអខ្លង
ាំ ណាស់ ។

B: Yes. It’s very nice but not too expensive. បារ។សណា

ា គារព ះស្នអតខ្លង
ាំ ណាស់ពេយ
ើ តម្មលមន
ិ ម្លលពេកព ះពរ។
Unit2 How was your vacation Brian Foreign Language School

A: Did you play in the water? ពតើអ្នកបានពលងរឹកដដរឬពរ?

B: Yes. I went swimming and rowed the banana boat. ម្របកដជាបាន។ ខ្ុាំបានដេលរឹក ពេើយនិងបានជិះរូកពចកពរៀតផ្ង។
A: How about your older sister? ចុះបងម្រសីចបងរបស់ អ្នកវញ?

B: She does not like the water. គាត់មន

ិ ចូលចិតតពលងរឹកពរ។
She likes to sit on the beach and reads a book. គាត់ចូលចិតតអ្ងគុយអានពសៀវពៅពៅពលើពននរសមុម្ររ។

A: What do your mother and father like to do? ពតើឪេុកនិងាតយរបស់ អ្នកគាត់ព្វើអ្វីដដរ?

B: They like to eat in the restaurant. េួកគាត់គពឺ ៅញុ ាំអាហារពៅកនុងពោជនីយដ្ឋាន។

A: How long was your vacation? ពតើវសសមកាលរបស់
ិ អ្នកានរយះពេលប៉ាុ ម នដដរ?

B: Three or four days. វសសមកាលរបស់

ិ ខុ ាំ្ានរយះពេលបីឬបួនម្លៃ។

A: And will you go there again next year? ពតើអ្នកនឹងពៅមតងពរៀតពៅឆ្នពាំ ម្រកាយដមនពរ?)

B: Of course. ម្របកដណាស់។ ខ្ុាំនង

ឹ ពៅមតងពរៀតពៅឆ្នពាំ ម្រកាយ។
Lesson1 The Kiwi Brian Foreign Language School

The kiwi lives only in New Zealand. It is a very

strange bird because it cannot fly. The kiwi is the same
size as a chicken. It has no wings or tail. It does not have
feathers like other birds. Its feathers look like hair. Each
foot has four toes. Its beak is very long.

A kiwi likes to have a lot of trees around it. It sleeps

during the day because the sunlight hurts its eyes. It can
smell things very well. It smells things better than most
birds do. The kiwi's eggs are very big.

There are only a few kiwis in New Zealand now. People

do not often see them. The government says that people
cannot kill kiwis. New Zealanders want their kiwis to live.

There is a picture of a kiwi on New Zealand money.

People from New Zealand are sometimes called "kiwis."
Brian Foreign Language School

I. Singular Noun Example:

Quite simply, a singular noun is a noun that refers to only 1. She has three dogs. 2. I own a house.
one person, one place, one thing, or one idea. 3. I would like two books please. 4. How many friends do
Example: you have?
1. This is a ruler. 2. That is an apple. IV. Uncountable Noun
3. There is a book on the table. 4. It is a dog. Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count
5. He is an engineer. 6. This is an onion. with numbers. They may be the names for abstract ideas or
II. Plural Noun qualities or for physical objects that are too small or too
amorphous to be counted (liquids, powders, gases, etc.).
A plural noun indicates that there is more than one of that
noun. Most plural forms are created by simply adding Example:
an -s or –es to the end of the singular word. Tea sugar water air rice knowledge
one book two books one car ten cars beauty anger fear love money research
safety evidence
one apple three apples one glass four glasses
III. Countable Noun
Countable nouns are for things we can count using
Unit3 Do you remember me?
A: Hey. Is that Bill? ត ើអ្ក ន គជា ឺ បល ៊ី មែនតេ?)
B: Ah…. Yeah…. អាហ៎ … តេស៎…
A: Do you remember me? From school? ត ើអ្ក ន តៅចាំខញ ាំត្ េកាលតៅសាលាត ៀន?
B: I’m sorry. I don’t remember you. Did we study together? ឱ្យខ្ញាំសញាំតោស។​​ខ្ញាំែនិ ចងចាំអ្កន តេ។ ត ពើ ួកតេងើ ធ្លាប់ត ៀនជាែួេ្នមែនតេ?
A: Yes. And we lived in the same dorm, too. ប្រាកដណាស់។​ពួកតេង ើ ធ្លាប់ត ៀន តហើេក៏សានក់តៅកមនាងជាែួេ្នផងដងមដ ។
B: Really? What floor did you lived on? ពិ តេ? ត អ្ ើ ក ន សានក់តៅជាន់េប ៊ី ញន្មាន?
A: I lived on the 9th floor. You lived on the 7th floor. ខ្ញាំសានក់តៅជាន់េ៩ ៊ី ។ ចាំមែកឯអ្នកវញសា ិ ន ក់តៅជាន់េ៊ី៧។
B: That’s right. How did you know? ប្រាកដណាស់។​ត អ្ ើ ក
ន សាាល់ខញ ាំត្ ោេ តបៀបណាតៅ?
A: I would see you in the elevator sometimes. ខ្ញាំានត ញ ើ អ្នកតៅកនញងជតនតើ េនតែង ដ ម្កាល
B: I’m sorry I don’t remember you. ឱ្យខ្ញាំសញាំតោសផងដង​តប្រខ្ខ្ញាំែន ិ ចាំអ្ក ន ពិ មែន។
A: It’s alright. It was several years ago. វាែន ិ អ្ត៊ី េ។តប្រខ្វាកនាងផងដញ តៅជាតប្រចន ើ ឆ្នែាំ កតហើេ។
B: Well, anyway. It’s nice to meet you again… លអ។ អ្ញ្ច ឹ ងវាលអខ្ាង ាំ ណាស់មដលានែកជួែអ្នកែដងតេៀ ។
A: Monica. ែ៉ូនកា៊ី
B: Monica Sales, Right? អ្នកគជា ឺ អ្នកលក់ែ៉ូនកា ៊ី ប្រ ូវតេ?
A: Yes. See… so you do remember me. ចស៎មែនតហើេ។​ត ើញតេ​អ្ញ្ច ឹ ងត ើអ្ក ន ចង់ចខ ាំ ញ ាំត្ ហើេមែនតេ?
B: Ok. ាេប្រាកដណាស់។
Unit3 Do you remember me?
A: I live in an apartment. ខ្ញាំ ស់តៅកនញងអាផា ែន
ិ ែួេកមនាង។
B: Oh. Do you live with your parents? អ្៉ូហ៎។​ត អ្
ើ កន ស់តៅជាែួេឪពញកម្កតេ បស់អ្ក
ន មែនតេ?
A: No. My parents moved to the country. ែន
ិ មែនតេ។​​ឪពញកម្កតេ បស់ខញ ាំា
្ នផាាស់តៅ ស់តៅប្របតេសតផងដេងតហើេ។
B: Oh. They must be very happy there. អ្៉ូហ៎។​ពួក្ ប្រ់ ូវម សបាេណាស់មដលានតៅេ៊ីតន្ម្។
A: Yes. They enjoyed it very much. ប្រាកដណាស់។​ពួក្ ់ ករាេខ្
៊ី ាងាំ ណាស់។
B: So, do you live alone? អ្ញ្ច ឹ ងត ើអ្ក
ន ស់តៅម្កនក់ឯងមែនតេ?
A: No. I share the apartment with an old friend. ែន
ិ មែនតេ។​ខ្ញាំានមចក ាំមលកអាផា ែន
ិ ជាែួេែិ ច
ត ស់ម្កនក់។
B: Really? A friend? Is it a boyfriend? ពិ មែនតេ? ជាែិ ម្ក
ត ន ក់? ត តើ គជាែិ ប្រត បុស បស់អ្ក
ន មែនតេ?
A: No. She’s an old friend from school. ែន
ិ មែនតេ។​ន្មងជាែិ ច
ត ស់កាលព៊ីតៅសាលាត ៀនជាែួេ្ន។
We’ve known each other for many years. ពួកតេង
ើ ានសាាល់្នជាតប្រចន
ើ ឆ្នែ
ាំ កតហេ
ើ ។
How about you Bill? Where do you live? ចាំមែកឯបល
៊ី វញ?
ិ ត ើអ្ក
ន ស់តៅឯណា?
B: Oh, I rent an apartment. I’m by myself. អ្៉ូហ៎​ខ្ញាំានជួលអាផា ែន
ិ ែួេ។​តហេ
ើ ស់តៅម ម្កនក់ឯងតេ។
A: Do you like it there? ត ើអ្ក
ន ច៉ូលចិ េ
ត ត៊ី ន្ម្តេ?
B: Yeah. But it’s kind of noisy. ប្រាកដជាច៉ូលចិ ណា
ត ស់។​ម វាម្កនសតែាង ាំខ្ន។
A: Oh. Maybe you should complain with your neighbors. អ្៉ូហ៎។​ប្របមហលអ្នកគួ ម ពនយល់ប្រាប់អ្ក
ន ជិ ខ្ង ប​ស់អ្ក
ន ។
B: Oh. no… no… no… I’m the one who makes the noise. អ្៉ូហ៎។​ែន
ិ មែនតេ​ែន
ិ មែនតេ. អ្នកមដលត្វើឱ្យម្កនសតែាង ាំខ្នតន្ម្គឺជាខ្ញាំ
Lesson2 The Camel
1. All over (inf) ខសតពញ
2. Camel (n) ស វអ្៉ូ
3. Describe (v) ពព
ិ ែ៌ន្ម
4. Thick (adj) ប្រកាស់
5. Also (adv) ផងដងមដ
6. During (pre) អ្ាំឡញងតពល
7. About (pre) អ្ាំព៊ី
8. Heat (n) កតតត
9. Store (v) កាេញក
10. Cool (adj) ប្រ ជាក់លាែ
11. Eyelash (n) តរាែមននក
12. Desert (n) វាលខាច់
13. Without (pre) តោេ្ាន
Lesson2 The Camel

The camel can go without water for a long time. Some people think it stores water in its
hump. This is not true. It stores food in its hump. The camel's body changes the food into fat.
Then the fat is stored in the hump. A camel cannot store the fat all over its body. Fat all over an
animal's body keeps the animal warm. Camels live in the desert. They do not want to be warm
during the day.

The desert is very hot. The camel gets hotter and hotter during the day. It stores this heat in
its body because the nights are cool.

The Arabian camel has one hump. The Bactrian camel of Central Asia has two humps. It also has
long, thick hair, because the winters are cold in Central Asia.
There is a lot of sand in the desert. The camel has long
eyelashes. The eyelashes keep the sand out of the camel's eyes

Arabic has about 150 words to describe a camel. Many people

who speak Arabic need all these words because the camel is
very important to them.
Brian Foreign Language School

I. Singular Noun Example:

Quite simply, a singular noun is a noun that refers to only 1. She has three dogs. 2. I own a house.
one person, one place, one thing, or one idea. 3. I would like two books please. 4. How many friends do
Example: you have?
1. This is a ruler. 2. That is an apple. IV. Uncountable Noun
3. There is a book on the table. 4. It is a dog. Uncountable nouns are for the things that we cannot count
5. He is an engineer. 6. This is an onion. with numbers. They may be the names for abstract ideas or
II. Plural Noun qualities or for physical objects that are too small or too
amorphous to be counted (liquids, powders, gases, etc.).
A plural noun indicates that there is more than one of that
noun. Most plural forms are created by simply adding Example:
an -s or –es to the end of the singular word. Tea sugar water air rice knowledge
one book two books one car ten cars beauty anger fear love money research
safety evidence
one apple three apples one glass four glasses
III. Countable Noun
Countable nouns are for things we can count using
Unit4 I like your style
A: Hey, I like your shirt. សួ សី ដ ខ្ញុំចូលចត្
ិ អា
ត វរបស់អ្ក
ន ។
B: Thanks. It’s new. I got it last week. អ្រគញណ វាជាអាវថ្មី។ ខ្ញុំបានទិញវាសបាដហ៍មញន។
A: Hah. Did you get anything else? ហា៎! តត្ើអ្ក
ន បានទិញរបស់អ្ីតវ សេងតទៀត្តទ?
B: No, just the shirt. តទ ទញ
ិ តត្អាវបញត្ណ ោះ។
A: Where did you get it? តត្អ្ ើ ក
ន បានទញិ អាវតៅឯ្?
B: I got it from the weekend market. ខ្ញុំបានទញ ិ វាមកពី Weekend Market ។
A: How much did it cost? តត្ើវាមានត្ម្មៃបញន្មមន?
B: It cost about $12. វាមានត្ម្មៃប្បតហល 12ដញល្លៃរ។
A: Really? That did not cost too much at all. ពត្
ិ តមនឬ? ត្ម្មៃគព
ឺ ត្
ិ ជាមន
ិ ម្ថ្ៃតន្មោះតទ។
B: Yeah. It’s a good price. ប្ត្ូវតហើយ វាពិត្ជាមានត្ម្មៃសមរមយ្ស់។
A: Hah … Do you like to wear hats? ហា៎ តត្ើអ្ក
ន ចូលចិត្ពា
ត ក់មក
ួ តទ?
B: Yeah. I like to wear hats, but only in the winter time ប្ត្ូវតហយ
ើ ខ្ញុំចូលចត្
ិ ពា
ត ក់មក
ួ បញតនតសប្មាប់តត្តពលរដូវរងារបញត្ណ ោះ
when it is cold. តៅតពលតពលតដលប្ត្ជាក់ខ្ៃង ុំ ។
A: Hmm… Do you like to wear jewelry? អ្ឹម... តត្ើអ្ក
ន ចូលចិត្ពា
ត ក់តប្គឿងអ្លងាារតទ?
B: I just have the necklace that my girlfriend gave to me. ខ្ញុំមានតត្តខេករបញត្ ណ ោះតដលមត្
ិ ប្ត សីរបស់ខញ ុំបា
្ នឲ្យមកខ្ញុំ។
A: Oh... What do you think about fashion? អ្ូហា៎... តត្អ្
ើ កន គត្
ិ តបប្វញចុំ
ិ តពាោះមូដ?
B: I think it isn’t important to be in fashion. ខ្ញុំគត្
ិ ថាវាមនិ សុំ ខ្ន់តៅតលើមូដតន្មោះតទ?
A: Do you have a pierced ear? តត្ើអ្ក ន មានត ោះប្ត្តចៀកតទ?
Unit4 I like your style
B: No. I do not have a pierced ear. តទ ខ្ញុំមន
ិ បានត ោះប្ត្តចៀកតទ?
A: Do you have a tattoo? តត្ើអ្ក
ន មាន ក់សាក់តទ?
B: Yes, I do. បាទ ខ្ញុំមាន។
A: What is the tattoo of? តត្ើជាសាក់អ្ីតវ ដរ?
B: It’s a big blue scary monster. វាជារូបសត្វចតមៃកគួរឲ្យខ្ៃចពណ៌តខៀវដ៌ធុំ។
A: Oh, really? អ្ូហា៎ ពិត្តមនឬ?
B: Yes. បាទ។
A: Wow, can I see it? វាវ តត្ើខញ ុំអា
្ ចតមល
ើ វាបានតទ?
B: Are you sure? តត្ើអ្ក
ន ប្បាកដចិត្តត ទថាចង់តមល
ើ ?
A: Yes. I’m sure. គឺខញ ុំប្្ បាកដតហើយ។
B: Ok. Here my tattoo. បាន! តនោះជាសាក់របស់ខញ ុំ។

Lesson2 The Camel
1. All over (inf) ពាសតពញ
2. Camel (n) សត្វអ្ូត្
3. Describe (v) ពព
ិ ណ៌ន្ម
4. Thick (adj) ប្ាស់
5. Also (adv) សងតដរ
6. During (pre) អ្ុំឡញងតពល
7. About (pre) អ្ុំពី
8. Heat (n) កតតត
9. Store (v) រកាទញក
10. Cool (adj) ប្ត្ជាក់លមម
11. Eyelash (n) តោមតននក
12. Desert (n) វាលខាច់
13. Without (pre) តោយគ្មមន
Lesson2 The Camel

The camel can go without water for a long time. Some people think it stores water in its
hump. This is not true. It stores food in its hump. The camel's body changes the food into fat.
Then the fat is stored in the hump. A camel cannot store the fat all over its body. Fat all over an
animal's body keeps the animal warm. Camels live in the desert. They do not want to be warm
during the day.

The desert is very hot. The camel gets hotter and hotter during the day. It stores this heat in
its body because the nights are cool.

The Arabian camel has one hump. The Bactrian camel of Central Asia has two humps. It also has
long, thick hair, because the winters are cold in Central Asia.
There is a lot of sand in the desert. The camel has long
eyelashes. The eyelashes keep the sand out of the camel's eyes

Arabic has about 150 words to describe a camel. Many people

who speak Arabic need all these words because the camel is
very important to them.
Family Relationships and Occupations
Brian Foreign Language School

Family Relationships ទំនាក់ទន

ំ ងកនុងគ្រួសារ Occupations មុខរររការងារ
father ឪពុក uncle ពូ surgeon លពទយវះកាត់ police officer មន្តនរនី ររបាល
mother ម្ដាយ aunt មង ី nurse លពទយ boxer អ្នកគ្រដាល់
parent ឪពុកម្ដាយ parent’s sibling លោកពូអ្នកមង ី doctor លវជជរណ្ឌិត mailman អ្នករត់សំរុគ្ត
son កូនគ្រុស nephew កមួយគ្រុស businessman អ្នកជំនួញ accountant រណ្លនយយករ
daughter កូនគ្សី niece កមួយគ្សី secretary លលខាធកា ិ រ dancer អ្នករំ
child កូនៗ sibling’s child កមួយៗ painter វចិ គ្ិ តករ farmer កសិករ
husband រាី cousin រងរអូនជីដូនមួយ detective អ្នកលសុ៊ើ រអ្លងេត judge លៅគ្កម
wife គ្រពនធ chef ចុងលៅ author អ្នកនព ិ នធ
spouse រាគ្ី រពនធ waiter អ្នករត់តុ actor តួសម្មាង(គ្រុស)
brother រងរអូនគ្រុស bartender អ្នកចាក់គ្សា actress តួសម្មាង(គ្សី)
sister រងរអូនគ្សី pilot អ្នកលរក ៊ើ យនរល ះ actuary អ្នករណ្នាតម្មៃ
sibling រងរអូន flight attendant អ្នករលគ្មកា ៊ើ រលល៊ើយនរល ះ advisor អ្នកគ្រក ឹ ា
grandfather ជីតា teacher គ្រូរលគ្ងៀន bookkeeper អ្នកកាន់រញ្ជ ី
grandmother ជដ ី ូន astronaut អ្វកាសយានក ិ shopkeeper ម្ដាស់ ង
grandparent ជីដូនជិតា architect សាារតយករ fisherman អ្នកលនសាទ
grandson លៅគ្រុស handyman អ្នកជំនាញ/រុិនគ្រសរ់ biologist ជវី វទូ

granddaughter លៅគ្សី construction worker កមមករសំ ណ្ង់
grandchild លៅៗ electrician ជាងអ្រគស ី នី
Unit5 Family
A: Do you have any brothers and sisters? លតអ្ ៊ើ នកម្ដនរងរអូនគ្រុស គ្សី ម្ដរឬលទ?
B: I have one sister. ខ្ុំម្ដនរងរអូនគ្សីម្ដនក់។
A: Who is older? You or your sister? លតន ៊ើ រណារង? អ្នក ឬ រងរអូនគ្សីររស់អ្នក?
B: My sister is older than me. រងរអូនគ្សីររស់ខុ ំ្ រជា ឺ រងររស់ខុ ំ។ ្
A: Do you get along with your sister? លតអ្ ៊ើ នកម្ដនភាពចុះសគ្មុងនង ឹ រងគ្សីររស់អ្នកលទ?
B: Yes. We get along ok. គ្បាកដល យ ៊ើ ! ពួកលយ៊ើងចុះសគ្មុងនង ឹ គ្ននលអណាស់។
A: How about your parents? ចំល ះឪពុកម្ដាយររស់អ្នកវញយា ិ ៉ា ងលម៉ាចម្ដរ?
B: My father died many years ago. ឪពុកររស់ខុ ំបា ្ នទទួលមរណ្ភាពជាលគ្ចន ៊ើ ឆ្នលំ យ
៊ើ !
A: I’m sorry to hear about that. ខ្ុំលសាកសាាយណាស់ម្ដលបានលឺដូលចានះ។
B: My mother is fine. She is very strong and like to work. ម្ដាយររស់ខុ ំស ្ ុ ខសរាយលទ។ គ្នត់រងម្ដំ ឹ ណាស់ នង
ិ ចូលចត
ិ រលធវកា
៊ើ រ។
A: What does your mother do? លតម្ដ ៊ើ ា យររស់អ្នកលធវកា ៊ើ រអ្វ?

B: She teaches at a university. គ្នត់រលគ្ងៀនលៅឯសកលវទាល័ ិ យមួយកម្នៃង។
A: That’s great! What does she teach? អ្សាារយណាស់! លតគ្ន ៊ើ ត់រលគ្ងៀនអ្ំពអ្ ី ?វី
B: She teaches psych. គ្នត់រលគ្ងៀនចត ិ រសាន្តសរ
A: Pardon me? I do not understand. អ្ត់លោស ខ្ុំមន ិ យល់លទ។
B: She teaches Psychology. គ្នត់រលគ្ងៀនចត ិ រសាន្តសរ។
A: Psychology. I understand now. ចត ិ រសាន្តសរ។ ឥឡូវខ្ុំយល់ល យ ៊ើ ។
Unit5 Family
B: How about you? Are you married? ចុះចំល ះអ្នកវញ?
ិ លតអ្
៊ើ នកលរៀរការល យ
៊ើ ឬលៅ?
A: I’m not married yet. I had a girlfriend for many years. ខ្ុំមនិ ោន់លរៀរការលទ។ ខ្ុំម្ដនមតិ រគ្សីម្ដនក់លគ្ច៊ើនឆ្នមំ កល យ
៊ើ ។
But we broke up. រ៉ាុម្នរ ពួកលយ៊ើងបានម្រកគ្ននល យ
៊ើ ។
B: I’m sad to hear that. ខ្ុំម្ដនអារមមណ្៍ថាលសាកលៅណាស់លពលម្ដលឮម្ររលនាះ។
Lesson2 The Polar Bear
1. Polar bear (n) ខាៃឃមុំទក
ឹ កក
2. South (n) ខាងតបូង
3. North (n) ខាងលជង៊ើ
4. Warm (adj) លដាលមម
5. Wide (adj) ធំទូោយ
6. Catch (v) ចារ់
7. Afraid (adj) ខាៃច
8. Weigh (n) ទមងន់
9. Bear (n) ខាៃឃមុំ
10. Snow (n) គ្ពិល
11. Swim (v) ម្ ល
12. Ice (n) ទឹកកក
Lesson3 The Poplar Bear
The polar bear is a very big white bear. We call it the polar bear because it lives inside the
Arctic Circle near the North Pole. There are no polar bears at the South Pole.

The polar bear lives in the snow and ice. At the North Pole, there is only snow, ice, and water.
There is not any land. People cannot see the polar bear in the snow very well because its coat is
yellow-white. It has a very warm coat because the weather is cold, north of the Arctic Circle.

This bear is three meters long, and it weighs 450 kilos (kilograms). It can stand up on its back legs
because it has very wide feet. It can use its front legs like arms. The polar bear can swim very well.
It can swim 120 kilometers out into the water. It catches fish and sea animals for food. It goes into
the sea when it is afraid.

Some people want to kill the polar bear for its beautiful
white coat. The governments of the United States and Russia
say that no one can kill polar bears now. They do not want
all of these beautiful animals to die.
Brian Foreign Language School

Stationary សម្ភារៈការយាល័ ិ យ Building អគារ Animals សតវ Food អាហារ

Dictionary វចនានុក្រម Hall សាលក្បជុំ Bird បរស ី Barbecue សាច់អាង ំ
Book សសៀវសៅ Hut ផ្ាះតូច Buffalo ក្របី Beans សដណ្ារ
Correction pen ទរ ឹ លុ ប Shop ហាង Bull សគាសមៅល Chicken ម្ភន់
Eraser ជ័រលុ ប Bank ធនាគារ Cat ឆ្មៅ Dates បដនអមដផ្ាស ើ
File សាមី Church ក្ពះវហារក្គ
ិ ស
ឹ ត Chicken ម្ភន់ Desert បដងអម
Folder សាមដា ី រ់ឯរសារ Flat ផ្ាះដលវង Cow សគា Egg សុ ត
Glue ជ័រ Floor ជាន់/រក្ម្ភល Crocodile ក្រសពើ Fish ក្តី
High lighter ក្បដាប់គូសចំណំ Guest house ផ្ាះសំ ណរ់ Duck ទា Flour សមៅនំ
Marker ហ្វត ឺ Hospital មនាសី ពទយ Dog ដកែ Fruit ដផ្ាស ើ
Name card នាមប័ណ្ណ Hotel សណ ា គារ Elephant ៃំរ ី Garlic ាឹ ស

Paper ក្រដាស Industry សោងចក្រឧសាហ្រមៅ Goat ពដព Gravy ទឹរសមារ
Pen បច ិ Market ផ្ារ Horse សសះ Meat សាច់
Pencil សមៅដៃ Mosque ក្ពះវហារឥសា
ិ ាម Monkey សាវ Peanut សដណ្ារៃី
Ruler បនាាត់ Office ការយាល័
ិ យ Mouse រណ្ុ ា រ Pizza ភហ្ ី ា
Stapler ដៃររប ឹ Prison គុរ/ពនធនាគា Pig ក្ជូរ Porridge បបរ
Sticker ក្រដាសសអឹតសក្ម្ភប់បត
ិ Restaurant សោជនយ ី ដាាន Rabbit ទនាយ Salt អំបល ិ
White board កាាស ៀន (ពណ្៌ស) Store ហាង Rat រណ្ុ ា រដក្បង Sauce ទឹរក្ជលរ់
Tiger ខ្លា Sausage សាច់ក្ររ
Lesson2 The Polar Bear
1. Polar bear (n) ខ្លាឃៅុំទរ
ឹ ររ
2. South (n) ខ្លងតបូង
3. North (n) ខ្លងសជងើ
4. Warm (adj) សដាលៅម
5. Wide (adj) ធំទូលាយ
6. Catch (v) ចាប់
7. Afraid (adj) ខ្លាច
8. Weigh (n) ទមងន់
9. Bear (n) ខ្លាឃៅុំ
10. Snow (n) ក្ពិល
11. Swim (v) ដហ្ល
12. Ice (n) ទឹរររ
Lesson3 The Poplar Bear
The polar bear is a very big white bear. We call it the polar bear because it lives inside the
Arctic Circle near the North Pole. There are no polar bears at the South Pole.

The polar bear lives in the snow and ice. At the North Pole, there is only snow, ice, and water.
There is not any land. People cannot see the polar bear in the snow very well because its coat is
yellow-white. It has a very warm coat because the weather is cold, north of the Arctic Circle.

This bear is three meters long, and it weighs 450 kilos (kilograms). It can stand up on its back legs
because it has very wide feet. It can use its front legs like arms. The polar bear can swim very well.
It can swim 120 kilometers out into the water. It catches fish and sea animals for food. It goes into
the sea when it is afraid.

Some people want to kill the polar bear for its beautiful
white coat. The governments of the United States and Russia
say that no one can kill polar bears now. They do not want
all of these beautiful animals to die.
Brian Foreign Language School

Kitchen ផ្ទះបាយ Boat ទូែ Company ព្រែុមហ៊ន Event

Chop Stick ចង្កះ Bus ឡានព្រែុង Compound ផ្ទះតៅផ្្ាំគ្ននមួយែពនាង Party ែិធ៊ីជប់លាង
Chopper កាំបត ិ តាំងតត Car ឡាន Door ទ្វា Meeting ករព្របជាំ
Cup ពែង Engine ម៉ាស៊ី ន Farm ែសិដ្ឋាន Discussion ករែិភាែា
Fork សម Machine ម៉ាស៊ី ន Field ទវា ៊ី ល Game ពលែង
Frying pan ខ្ទះឆា Motorbike ម៉ាូតូ Gas ហ្គាស Demonstration បាតែមៅ
Gas ហ្គាស Ship កបា៉ាល់ Glass ពែវ/ែញ្ច ែ់ Competition ករព្របែួត
Glass ពែវ Train រថត្ាង ើ Home ផ្ទះ Ceremony ែិធ៊ីបណ្យ
Knife ែូនកាំបត ិ Truck ឡានធាំ House ផ្ទះ Movie ភាែយនត
Lighter ពែែតែះ Van ឡានតូរស ៊ី Room បនទប់ Celebration ករអប់អរស្លទរ
Match ត គ ើ ូស Personal សមារៈផ្ទទល់ខ្ួ ន
ា Unit ចាំនួន Birthday ខ្ួបែាំតណ្ើត
Pan ខ្ទះ Blouse សាំ ែត់ Wall ជញ្ជាំង Anniversary ថ្ថៃខ្ួប
Plate ចាន Clothes សតមាៀែបាំាែ់ Window បងអួច Holiday ថ្ថៃ ប់សព្រមែ
Pot ឆានង ាំ Jeans តោោវប៊យ Garden សួ នចារ Vacation ករ ប់សព្រមែ
Spoon ស្លាបព្រា Pants តោតជង ើ ពវង Flower ផ្ទ្ Exam ករព្របលង
Stove ចង្ក្រ្ន Shirt អាវ Grass តមៅ Rainy season រែូវវសា
Vehicles ាំ ះិ
យានតជន House ផ្ទះ Seed ព្រគ្នប់ែូជ Election ករតបាះតឆានត
Aero plane យនតតហ្គះ Branch ស្លោ Soil ែ៊ីមនជ៊ីវជាតិ Lunch អាហ្គរថ្ថៃព្រតង់
Bicycle ែង់ Class ថ្ននែ់តរៀន
Lesson4 The hippopotamus

The hippopotamus, or hippo, lives in the hot part of Africa. It is a mammal. That is, its babies
are born alive, and they drink milk from the mother's body.
The hippopotamus is a large animal. It weighs four tons. Its stomach is seven meters long,
and it eats only plants. It is a mammal, but it spends a lot of time in the water.
During the day, it sleeps beside a river or a lake. at the side of Sometimes it wakes up. Then it
goes under the water to get some plants for food. It can close its nose and stay under water for
ten minutes. Its ears, eyes, and nose are high up on its head. It can stay with its body under the
water and only its ears, eyes, and nose above the water. over Then it can breathe the air
At night, the hippo walks on the land and looks for food. It
never goes very far from the water. A baby hippo often
stands on its mother's back. The mother looks for food
underwater. The baby rides on her back above the water.
Preposition of Location and Time
Brian Foreign Language School

Preposition of Place ធ្នាក់ភ្ជាប់នៃទក

ី ន្ៃែង Preposition of Time ធ្នាក់ភ្ជាប់នៃលព លេលា
On ល ើ
Exact At 5 O’clock
In កាុង
At លៅឯ Time night, midnight, noon, bedtime, lunch time
Here ទលី ៃេះ Day On Day, Monday, Tuesday – Date 1st – 2nd
Between ចល្ែេះ Date New Year Day, birthday,
In the middle of លៅចំកណ្ដ ា Weekend
In the center of លៅកណ្ដ ា Period In Month, January – December
There ទលី ្េះ Year 1919 – 1975
In front of លៅពីមុខ The morning – the afternoon – the evening
Behind ខាងលរោយ Last/Next night – week – month – year
On the side ចំល ៀង
After/Before lunch, the meeting, the holidays
Next to លៅជាប់
No preposition yester, tomorrow
Opposite ទ ់មុខ
Beside ន្កែរ
In or within 5 minutes – an hour – a month time
Under លរោម During holidays – free time – travel – lunch break
Near ន្កែរ
Far ឆ្ងាយ
Above ខាងល ើ
Lesson4 The hippopotamus

The hippopotamus, or hippo, lives in the hot part of Africa. It is a mammal. That is, its babies
are born alive, and they drink milk from the mother's body.
The hippopotamus is a large animal. It weighs four tons. Its stomach is seven meters long,
and it eats only plants. It is a mammal, but it spends a lot of time in the water.
During the day, it sleeps beside a river or a lake. Sometimes it wakes up. Then it goes under
the water to get some plants for food. It can close its nose and stay under water for ten minutes.
Its ears, eyes, and nose are high up on its head. It can stay with its body under the water and only
its ears, eyes, and nose above the water. Then it can breathe the air
At night, the hippo walks on the land and looks for food. It
never goes very far from the water. A baby hippo often
stands on its mother's back. The mother looks for food
under water. The baby rides on her back above the water.
Preposition of Location and Time
Brian Foreign Language School

Preposition of Place ធ្នាក់ភ្ជាប់នៃទក

ី ន្ៃែង Preposition of Time ធ្នាក់ភ្ជាប់នៃលព លេលា
On ល ើ
Exact At 5 O’clock
In កាុង
At លៅឯ Time night, midnight, noon, bedtime, lunch time
Here ទលី ៃេះ Day On Day, Monday, Tuesday – Date 1st – 2nd
Between ចល្ែេះ Date New Year Day, birthday,
In the middle of លៅចំកណ្ដ ា Weekend
In the center of លៅកណ្ដ ា Period In Month, January – December
There ទលី ្េះ Year 1919 – 1975
In front of លៅពីមុខ The morning – the afternoon – the evening
Behind ខាងលរោយ Last/Next night – week – month – year
On the side ចំល ៀង
After/Before lunch, the meeting, the holidays
Next to លៅជាប់
No preposition yester, tomorrow
Opposite ទ ់មុខ
Beside ន្កែរ
In or within 5 minutes – an hour – a month time
Under លរោម During holidays – free time – travel – lunch break
Near ន្កែរ
Far ឆ្ងាយ
Above ខាងល ើ
Lesson5 The dolphin

Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can't talk with words, but they talk with sounds. They show their
feelings with sounds.
Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish a "school." They don't study, but they travel
together. Dolphins are mammals, not fish, but they swim together in a school.
Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school. They give information. They tell when they are
happy or sad or afraid. They say "Welcome" when a dolphin comes back to the school. They talk
when they play.
They make a few sounds above water. They make many more sounds under water. People cannot
hear these sounds because the sounds are very, very high. Scientists make tapes of the sounds and
study them
Sometimes people catch dolphins for a large aquarium. (An
aquarium is a zoo for fish.) People can watch the dolphins in a show.
Dolphins don't like to be away from their school in an aquarium.
They are sad and lonely.
ិ ថ្ថៃ
Unit1 Be: Present Simple(1) (Be: Am, is, are) េ័តមា
៌ នសិកា ស៉ូ ម្ឆាតច៉ូលពេក

1. Pop star (n) តារាប្រជាប្រយិ ៍
2. Farmer (n) កសិករ
3. Bank Manager (n) អ្នកប្ររ់ប្រងធនាគារ
4. Footballer (n) កីឡាករបាល់ទាត់
5. Dentist (n) ពេទ្យពធេញ
6. Doctor (n) ពេជ្ជរណ្ិឌ ត
7. Policeman (n) រ៉ូលីស
8. Artist (n) េច
ិ ិប្តក
9. Teacher (n) ប្រូរពប្ងៀន
10. Film star (n) តារាភាេយនត
11. Scientist (n) អ្នកេទ្ាសាស្តសត

12. Photographer (n) អ្នកថតរ៉ូរ
13. Usually (adv)
ិ ថ្ថៃ
Unit1 Be: Present Simple(1) (Be: Am, is, are) េ័តមា
៌ នសិកា ស៉ូ ម្ឆាតច៉ូលពេក

1 Here are some examples of be in the  Negative:

present simple: Full form Short form
1. This is my brother. He’s ten years old. I am not I’m not
2. I’m a student. These are my books. You are not You aren’t
3. They aren’t at home. They’re at the theatre. He/She/It is not He/She/It isn’t
2 Present simple form: We are not We aren’t
You are not You aren’t
 Positive:
They are not They aren’t
Full form Short form
I am I’m
1. I am not a singer. I’m a teacher.
You are You’re Singular
2. You are a doctor. 3. He is my son.
He/She/It is He’s/She’s/It’s
4. She’s his daughter. 5. it isn’t my book.
We are We’re
6. We are footballers. 7. You aren’t dancers.
You are You’re Plural
8. They are not my students.
They are They’re
ិ ថ្ថៃ
Unit1 Be: Present Simple(1) (Be: Am, is, are) េ័តមា
៌ នសិកា ស៉ូ ម្ឆាតច៉ូលពេក

1. Pop star (n) តារាប្រជាប្រយិ ៍
2. Farmer (n) កសិករ
3. Bank Manager (n) អ្នកប្ររ់ប្រងធនាគារ
4. Footballer (n) កីឡាករបាល់ទាត់
5. Dentist (n) ពេទ្យពធេញ
6. Doctor (n) ពេជ្ជរណ្ិឌ ត
7. Policeman (n) រ៉ូលីស
8. Artist (n) េច
ិ ិប្តក
9. Teacher (n) ប្រូរពប្ងៀន
10. Film star (n) តារាភាេយនត
11. Scientist (n) អ្នកេទ្ាសាស្តសត

12. Photographer (n) អ្នកថតរ៉ូរ
13. Usually (adv)
ិ ថ្ថៃ
Unit1 Be: Present Simple(1) (Be: Am, is, are) េ័តមា
៌ នសិកា ស៉ូ ម្ឆាតច៉ូលពេក

1 Here are some examples of be in the  Negative:

present simple: Full form Short form
1. This is my brother. He’s ten years old. I am not I’m not
2. I’m a student. These are my books. You are not You aren’t
3. They aren’t at home. They’re at the theatre. He/She/It is not He/She/It isn’t
2 Present simple form: We are not We aren’t
You are not You aren’t
 Positive:
They are not They aren’t
Full form Short form
I am I’m
1. I am not a singer. I’m a teacher.
You are You’re Singular
2. You are a doctor. 3. He is my son.
He/She/It is He’s/She’s/It’s
4. She’s his daughter. 5. it isn’t my book.
We are We’re
6. We are footballers. 7. You aren’t dancers.
You are You’re Plural
8. They are not my students.
They are They’re
ិ ថ្ថៃ
Unit1 Be: Present Simple(2) (Be: Am, is, are) េ័តមា
៌ នសិកា ស៉ូ ម្ឆាតច៉ូលពេក

3 In speech, we usually use the short form:  To say who we are:

1. She’s my sister. 2. He’s my brother. 1. I’m Steve and this is my friend Bill, we’re from
3. I’m from Italy. 4. They’re German. Scotland.
2. I’m Janet and these are my sisters. This is Sandra
4 We use be: and this is Patricia. Sandra and Patricia are doctors.
 To talk about the places:  To talk about the weather:
1. Milan is in the north of Italy. 1. It’s cold today.
2. Dara and Mary are in Phnom Penh. 2. It’s a beautiful day.
3. My sister is not in Cambodia now. 3. It’s usually hot here.
 To talk about people’s ages. 4. It isn’t very warm today.
1. I am 20 years old.  To talk about the time:
2. My nephew is fifteen years old. 1. It’s ten o’clock.
3. My father is older than my mother. 2. It’s half past four.
3. You’re late today.
ិ ថ្ថៃ
Unit1 Be: Present Simple(2) (Be: Am, is, are) េ័តមា
៌ នសិកា ស៉ូ ម្ឆាតច៉ូលពេក

A. Maria is from Brazil. She is writing about B. Now fill these gaps. This time, use short
herself and her family. Put the full form of be form of be, as in the examples.
in the gaps.
0. I‘m a doctor.
0. I am a student from Brazil. 0. I‘m not (not) a bank manager.
0. My parents are not (not) rich. 1. She isn’t (not) a teacher.
1. My father is a teacher. 2. He‘s a student.
2. My mother is not (not) Brazilian. 3. They ‘re at home.
3. She is from America. 4. They aren’t (not) in the park.
4. I am twenty years old. 5. It isn’t (not) cold today.
5. My little brother is two. 6. It ‘s very hot.
6. My older brothers are not (not) students. 7. We ‘re from Paris.
7. They are in the army. 8. We aren’t (not) from Bordeaux.
8. It is often very hot in Brazil. 9. You aren’t (not) twenty one.
10. I‘m twenty four.
ិ ថ្ថៃ
Unit1 Be: Present Simple(1) (Be: Am, is, are) េ័តមា
៌ នសិកា ស៉ូ ម្ឆាតច៉ូលពេក

C. Choose word from the box to put in the gaps.

He’s She’s They’re It’s (x3)
Are is (x2) We isn’t

0. My parents live in Scotland. They’re teachers.

1. New York isn’t in England. it’s in America.
2. Paul is from Germany. He’s German.
3. My sister is a doctor. She’s thirty years old.
4. it’s six o’clock. We are late.
5. it’s very hot today. Let’s stay at home.
6. Look at the time. Chris and Mary are late.

ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit2 Be: Present Simple(1) (Be: Am, is, are) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

N° Words Part of Speech Meaning in Khmer

01 Tired Adjective ផនឿយហត់

02 Sad Adjective ផោក្សផៅ / ផ្ក្សៀម្ក្សំ

03 Thirsty Adjective ផ្សក្សទក្ស

04 Happy Adjective សប្បាយចត
ិ ត
05 Hungry Adjective ឃ្លៃន

06 Bored Adjective ធុញ្ាន់

07 Afraid Adjective ខ្លៃច

08 Cold Adjective ្តជាក្ស់

09 Supermarket Noun េារទំផនប្ប

10 Telephone Noun ទូរស័ពទ

11 Flat Noun េទះល្លែង

12 Restaurant Noun ផោជនីយដ្ឋាន

13 cinema Noun ផោងោពយនត
ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit2 Be: Present Simple(2) (Am I…? Are you…?) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

1 We use be: 1 There + be (There is, There are)

 To talk about how we feel:
 Form:
1. I’m happy. 2. They’re sad.
There is (Singular)
3. They’re bored. 4. She’s tired.
There + be
5. We’re hungry. 6. I’m thirsty.
There are (Plural)
7. He isn’t afraid. They’re cold.
 To say hell:
 We use there + be to talk about where things are:
1. Bill: Hello. How are you?
1. There’s a supermarket in this street.
2. Jane: I’m fine Thanks. How about you?
2. There is a telephone in the flat.
 To apologize:
3. There are some goods cafés in the center of town.
1. Mary: I’m sorry. I’m late.
 We also use there + be to talk about when things
2. Chris: It doesn’t matter.
 To describe things:
1. There is a bus to London at six o’clock.
1. It isn’t expensive. It’s cheap.
2. There are taxis, but there aren’t any buses on
2. It’s an old film. It isn’t very good.
Sunday. 7
3. These photos are bad.
ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit2 Be: Present Simple(2) (Am I…? Are you…?) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

3. There isn’t another train to Manchester today.  Here are questions with all the form of be:
3 We form questions with be in the present 1. Am I late for the film?
simple like this: 2. Are you twenty years old?
3. Is he at home now?
3. Question
4. Is she French or Italian?
Singular Am I
5. Is it time to go home?
Are you late?
6. Are we ready to leave?
Is he/she/it
7. Are you both at university?
Plural Are we
8. Are they in London today?
Are you late?
Are they

Be (am/is/are) + Subject + …?

ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit3 Present Simple (1) (I know, I don’t know) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

1 Form:  We add –s after he/she/it:

1. He starts 2. She lives 3. It comes
 If a verb ends in –ch, -o, -sh, or –ss, we add –
S + V1 + ...... es after he/she/it:
1. I watch He watches
Singular I know.
2. You do He does
You know.
He/she/it knows. 3. They go It goes
Plural We know. 4. We wash She washes
You know.  If a verb ends in consonant (b, c, d etc.) +y
They know. (e.g. study), we use ies after he/she/it:
1. I study He studies
1. I know the answer. 2. I fly It flies
2. She starts work at 9:30. 3. We try She tries
3. He eats rice with his mother. 4. You reply He replies 1
ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit3 Present Simple (1) (I know, I don’t know) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

2 Now look at the negative form: Note that we say:

He does not know. (Not: He does not knows.)
S + do/does + not + V1 + .... 3. We use the present simple:
Full form Short form  To talk about things that happen
I do not know. I don’t know. regularly:
1. He plays golf every day.
You do not know. You don’t know.
2. I get up at six o’clock.
He/she/it does not know. He/she/it doesn’t know. 3. She watches TV every night.
We do not know. We don’t know.  To talk about facts:
They do not know. They don’t know. 1. She comes from France. (= She is French.)
2. Greengrocers sell vegetables.
1. I don’t know the answer. 3. I don’t speak Chinese.
2. She doesn’t start work at 9:30. 4. She can speak English well.
3. He doesn’t eat rice with his mother. 5. We learn English online.
4. I don’t like that music. 6. They live with their family.
5. He doesn’t listen to his teacher. 7. We love our country. 1
ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit3 Present Simple (1) (I know, I don’t know) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

1 Form:  We add –s after he/she/it:

1. He starts 2. She lives 3. It comes
 If a verb ends in –ch, -o, -sh, or –ss, we add –
S + V1 + ...... es after he/she/it:
1. I watch He watches
Singular I know.
2. You do He does
You know.
He/she/it knows. 3. They go It goes
Plural We know. 4. We wash She washes
You know.  If a verb ends in consonant (b, c, d etc.) +y
They know. (e.g. study), we use ies after he/she/it:
1. I study He studies
1. I know the answer. 2. I fly It flies
2. She starts work at 9:30. 3. We try She tries
3. He eats rice with his mother. 4. You reply He replies 11
ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit3 Present Simple (1) (I know, I don’t know) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

2 Now look at the negative form: Note that we say:

He does not know. (Not: He does not knows.)
S + do/does + not + V1 + .... 3. We use the present simple:
Full form Short form  To talk about things that happen
I do not know. I don’t know. regularly:
1. He plays golf every day.
You do not know. You don’t know.
2. I get up at six o’clock.
He/she/it does not know. He/she/it doesn’t know. 3. She watches TV every night.
We do not know. We don’t know.  To talk about facts:
They do not know. They don’t know. 1. She comes from France. (= She is French.)
2. Greengrocers sell vegetables.
1. I don’t know the answer. 3. I don’t speak Chinese.
2. She doesn’t start work at 9:30. 4. She can speak English well.
3. He doesn’t eat rice with his mother. 5. We learn English online.
4. I don’t like that music. 6. They live with their family.
5. He doesn’t listen to his teacher. 7. We love our country. 12
ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit3 Present Simple (1) (I know, I don’t know) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

Practice B. Now finish these sentences using a verb

A. Add –s or –es to the verb in the sentences if from a box. Use each verb once. Remember
it is necessary. If it is not necessary, put a tick to add –s or –es if necessary.
() in the gap. Fly study finish eat
0. He work____
s in a bank. Sell Smoke drink live
0. They live____
 in France.
0. He ________
eats toast for breakfast.
1. I watch____ TV every day.
1. I _________
drink coffee three times a day.
2. She go____
es to work by car.
2. My father _________
studies a new language every year.
3. The film finish____
es at ten o’clock.
3. She __________
flies to New York once a month.
4. We play____ tennis every weekend.
4. He __________
smokes ten cigarettes a day.
5. He speak____
s Italian and French.
5. They _________
live in Ireland.
6. She do____
es her homework every night.
6. He __________
finishes work at six o’clock.
7. We start____
 work at 8:30.
7. I __________
buy fruit in a shop.

ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit3 Present Simple (1) (I know, I don’t know) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

Practice B. Put the verbs from the box, in the Present

C. Write these sentences, using the negative Simple. Use each verb once.
form of the Present Simple.
leave start arrive get watch work
0. (He/not/live/ in Mexico) ____________________.
He doesn’t live in Mexico eat have like drink go stop
1. (She/not/work/ in a bank) ____________________
She doesn’t work in a bank.
Interviewer: How do you start the day, Jim?
2. (I/not/play/ golf) ____________________
I don’t play golf.
Jim: Well, I0 ____
get up at six o’clock. I get washed
3. (Paul/not/listen/ to the radio)Paul
doesn’t listen to the radio.
and dressed, and I1 _____
eat breakfast at
4. (We/not/speak/French) ____________________
We don’t speak French.
7 o’clock. After breakfast, I2 _______
brush my
5. (You/not/listen/to me!) ____________________
You don’t listen to me!
teeth. I3 ____
go to work at eight.
6. (My car/not/work) ____________________
My car doesn’t work.
interviewer: When do you get to work?
7. (I/not/drink/tea) ____________________
I don’t drink tea.
Jim: I usually 4______
arrive at my office at about half
8. (Sheila/not/eat/meat) ____________________
Sheila doesn’t eat meat.
past eight. Firs, I 5_______
drink a cup of coffee,
9. (I/not/understand/you) ____________________
I don’t understand you.
and then I 6_______
start work at 8.45 am.
Interviewer: Where do you work?
ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit3 Present Simple (1) (I know, I don’t know) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

D. Put the verbs from the box, in the Present
Simple. Use each verb once.
leave start arrive get watch work
eat have like drink go stop
Interviewer: Where do you work?
Jim: I 7______
work in a bank. I am a computer operator.
I 8______
like my job. It’s very interesting.
Interviewer: When do you eat lunch?
Jim: I 9_____
stop work and I have lunch at one o’clock.
I 10_____
have a cup of tea at half past three.
Interviewer: When do you finish work?
Jim: I 11____
leave the office at six o’clock. I eat dinner
when I get home. Then I 12_______watch TV for an
hour or two. 15
ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit4 Present Simple (2) (Do you drive?) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

1 We use the Present Simple:  We form Present Simple questions like this:
 To talk about feelings: Questions
Ex. Singular Do I/you know?
Does he/she/it
1. I like pop music. I don’t like classical music. Plural Do we
2. She loves football! Do you know?
3. Phillip wants a new car. Do they
4. I don’t want a cup of tea, thanks.  Note that we put do before I/you/we/they:
5. He feels sick. 1. Do you speak Spanish?
 To talk about thoughts: 2. Do you work in the town center?
1. I think he’s angry. 3. Do they know the answer?
2. I don’t think she likes her new job.  We put does before he/she/it:
3. I don’t know the answer. 1. Does he go to work?
4. He doesn’t understand me. 2. Does Steve enjoy his job?
3. Does she play the piano?
Note that we say: Does he walk? (Not: Does he walks?
ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit4 Present Simple (2) (Do you drive?) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

Practice B. Put the words from the box in the correct form in the
gaps. Use the Present Simple. Use each verb once.
A. Write sentence about Peter. ( = like,  = love like not know love feel
 = not like,  = hate) think not like want not understand
0. (tennis ) He doesn’t like tennis.
loves film.
0. She thinks that films are fantastic! She ______
0. (music ) He loves music.
1. I _______ sick. Can I have a glass of water please?
1. (coffee ) He likes coffee.
2. I don’t know the answer because I don’t understand the
2. (film ) He doesn’t like film.
3. (his job ) He loves his job.
3. I ________ he’s tired. He works too hard.
4. (fish ) He hates fish.
don’t like that new painting. We think it’s terrible!
4. We ________
5. (holidays ) He loves holiday.
don’t know his phone
5. I want to telephone Jane, but I __________
6. (golf ) He doesn’t like golf.
6. They’re thirsty. They ________ something to drink.
7. I ________ your new car. It’s very nice. Was it
expensive? 17
ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit4 Present Simple (2) (Do you drive?) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

C. This is an interview with Mary Woods about herself and her husband, John. Write the question,
using the idea from the box.
like films read books listen to the radio play golf watch TV play musical instrument
smoke go to the theatre drive a car like pop music drink coffee live in London
like dogs speak any foreign languages
Questions Answers
Do you live in London
0. _______________________________________? ~ Yes, I live in north London.
Does John play golf
0. _______________________________________? ~ No, but he plays tennis.
Do you speak any foreign languages
1. _______________________________________? ~ Yes, but I speak French.
Do you watch TV
2. _______________________________________? ~ Yes, I like all the programs on TV.
Does John listen to the radio
3. _______________________________________? ~ Yes, he listens to the radio in the morning.
Does John like dogs
4. _______________________________________? ~ No, but he loves cats.
Do you like film
5. _______________________________________? ~ No, I don’t like film.
Does John drink coffee
6. _______________________________________? ~ Yes, he has two cups in the morning.
Do you drive a car
7. _______________________________________? ~ No, but I have bicycle. 18
ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit4 Present Simple (2) (Do you drive?) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

C. This is an interview with Mary Woods about herself and her husband, John. Write the question,
using the idea from the box.
like films read books listen to the radio play golf watch TV play musical instrument
smoke go to the theatre drive a car like pop music drink coffee live in London
like dogs speak any foreign languages
Questions Answers
Does John play musical instrument
8. _______________________________________? ~ Yes, He plays the piano.
Do you like pop music
9. _______________________________________? ~ No, I prefer classical music.
Do you go to the theatre
10._______________________________________? ~ Yes, I love musicals.
Do you read books
11. _______________________________________? ~ Yes, I read one book every week.
Does he smoke
12. _______________________________________? ~ No, he doesn’t like cigarettes.

ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit5 Present Continuous (1) (I’m eating) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

1. We form the present continuous like this: 2. To make –ing form we add –ing to the verb:
Positive listen listening play playing
Full Form Short form work working read reading
I am eating. I’m eating.
You are eating You’re eating. 3. Notice this irregular spellings:
He/she/it is eating He’s eating.
We are eating. We’re eating. win winning get getting
You are eating You’re eating. shop shopping sit sitting
They are eating. They’re eating. swim swimming travel travelling
Negative dance dancing write writing
Full Form Short form shine shining
I am not eating. I’m not eating.
You are not eating You aren’t eating. 4. We use the Present Continuous:
He/she/it is not eating He isn’t eating.  To talk about things that are happening now:
We are not eating. We aren’t eating. 1. The bus is coming.
You are not eating You aren’t eating. 2. I’m learning English
They are not eating. They aren’t eating. 3. We aren’t studying French.
4. He is looking around. 1
Unit7 Do you have a pet?
A: Do you have a pet? ផតអ
ើ នក្សមានសតវចញ្
ិ ច ឹ មផេ?
B: Yes. I do. ត្តូវផ ើយ ខ្ញុំមាន។
A: What kind of pet do you have? ផតអ
ើ នក្សចញ្
ិ ច ឹ មសតវអវដី ែរ?
B: Can you guess? ផតើអនក្សអាចទាយបានផេ?
A: Can I guess? Ok. Do you have a pet dog? ឱ្យខ្ញុំទាយ? បាន អនក្សមានចញ្
ិ ច ឹ មសតវដកែដមនផេ?
B: I do not have a pet dog. ខ្ញុំមន
ិ មានចិញ្ចឹមសតវដកែផេ។
A: Ok. You do not have a pet dog. You do not have a pet cat? អនក្សមន
ិ ចញ្
ិ ច ឹ មសតវដកែផេ។ ផតអ
ើ នក្សមន
ិ មានចញ្
ិ ច ឹ មសតវឆាាដមនផេ?
B: No. I do not have a pet cat. ផេ ខ្ញុំមន
ិ មានចិញ្ចឹមសតវឆាាផេ?
A: You do not have a pet cat. Do you have a pet fish? អនក្សមន
ិ ចញ្
ិ ច ឹ មសតវឆាាផេ។ ផតអ
ើ នក្សចញ្
ិ ច ឹ មត្តដី មនផេ?
B: No. I do not have pet fish. ផេ ខ្ញុំមន
ិ ចិញ្ចឹមត្តីផេ។
A: You don’t have a pet fish. អនក្សមន
ិ ចញ្
ិ ច ឹ មត្តផី េ?
B: You cannot guess? Do you want me to tell you? អនក្សមន
ិ អាចទាយត្តូវដមនផេ? ផតើអនក្សចង់ឱ្យខ្ញុំត្បាប់អនក្សផេ?
A: No. Wait a minute. I’m thinking. Give me one more guess. ផេ ចុំបនតច
ិ ។ ខ្ញុំគ្ត
ិ ថា ខ្ញុំទាយមួយផេៀតសិន
B: Okay. I’ll give you one more guess. បាន ខ្ញុំនឹងឱ្យអនក្សទាយមួយផេៀត។
Unit7 Do you have a pet?
A: I know. You have a pet monkey. ខ្ញុំែង ឹ ផ យ ើ អនក្សចញ្ ិ ច ឹ មសតវស្វវ។
B: What? A pet Monkey? Why would I have a pet monkey? អវផី ៅ? ចញ្ ិ ច ឹ មសតវស្វវ? ផ តញអខ វី ញ ុំ្ចញ្
ិ ច ឹ មស្វវ?
A: Because you like a monkey. ផត្រោះថា អនក្សចូលចិតតសតវស្វវ។
B: I don’t look like a monkey. You look like a monkey. ខ្ញុំមនិ ចូលចិតតស្វវផេ? អនក្សផមល ើ ផៅែូចជាសតវស្វវអញ្ច ឹ ង។
A: Ok. I cannot guess. What kind of pet do you have? អូផខ ខ្ញុំទាយមនិ ត្តូវផេ។ ផតអើ នក្សមានចិញ្ចឹមសតវអវី?
B: I have a pet iguana. ខ្ញុំចញ្ ិ ច ឹ មសតវបងែួយ។
A: An iguana? How unusual? Where did you get it? សតវបងែួយ? ពតិ ជាមនិ ធមាតាដមន ផតអើ នក្សយក្សមក្សពណា ី វញ?

B: From the pet shop. យក្សមក្សពហា ី ងលក្ស់សតវចិញ្ចឹម។
A: how long have you had it? ផតអ ើ នក្សចញ្ិ ច ឹ មបានយូរបញណា ា ផ យ ើ ?
B: Uh… about four years. ត្បដ លជាបួនឆាន។ ុំ
A: Wow. What is your iguana’s name? វវ! ផតស ើ តវបងែួយរបស់ អនក្សផ្ាោះអវ? ី
B: Ah. His name is Winnie. ហាអា៎.. ផ្ាោះរបស់វគ្ឺ វនផនៀ។ ី
A: Winnie. What does Winnie do? ផ្ាោះ វនផនៀ។ ី ផតវើ នផនៀផធវ
ី អ
ើ ?
B: Winnie doesn’t do very much. He’s quite lazy. វនផនៀម
ី និ ផធវអ ើ ផវី ត្ចើនផេ។ វហាក្ស់ែូចជាខជិលបនតិចដែរ?
A: What does Winnie eat? ផតវើ នផនៀបរី ផោគ្អវ
ិ ដី ែរ?
B: Winnie is a vegetarian. Winnie eats vegetables. វនផនៀគ្
ី ជា
ឺ សតវដែលបរផោគ្បដនៃ ិ ។ វនផនៀបរ
ី ផោគ្បដនៃ
ិ ។
A: That’s quite interesting! ពត ិ ជាគ្ួរឱ្យចប់អារមាណ៍ដមន។
ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit5 Present Continuous (1) (I’m eating) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

1. We form the present continuous like this: 2. To make –ing form we add –ing to the verb:
Positive listen listening play playing
Full Form Short form work working read reading
I am eating. I’m eating.
You are eating You’re eating. 3. Notice this irregular spellings:
He/she/it is eating He’s eating.
We are eating. We’re eating. win winning get getting
You are eating You’re eating. shop shopping sit sitting
They are eating. They’re eating. swim swimming travel travelling
Negative dance dancing write writing
Full Form Short form shine shining
I am not eating. I’m not eating.
You are not eating You aren’t eating. 4. We use the Present Continuous:
He/she/it is not eating He isn’t eating.  To talk about things that are happening now:
We are not eating. We aren’t eating. 1. The bus is coming.
You are not eating You aren’t eating. 2. I’m learning English
They are not eating. They aren’t eating. 3. We aren’t studying French.
4. He is looking around. 1
ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit5 Present Continuous (1) (I’m eating) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

 To talk about things that are happening around now, but

not exactly at the moment we speak:
1. I’m learning Spanish.
2. Mr. Brian is teaching English at BFL School.
3. They are working in the hotel.
A. Write out the sentences below. Put the verb in positive or negative form:
0. I (not/work) at the bank now. I (study) French at university.
I’m not working at the bank now. I’m studying French at university.
1. Look! He (not/work). He (listen) to music.
Look! He’s not working. He’s listening to music.
2. We (win) the match, but we (not/play) well.
We’re winning the match, but we’re not playing well. 2
Unit7 What kind of food do you like?
A: What kind of food do you like? ផតអ
ើ នក្សចូលចត
ិ តអាហារប្រផេទអវី?
B: I like all kind of foods. ខ្ញុំចូលចិតតប្រផេទអាហារទុំងអស់។
A: Really? Can you eat spicy food? ពត
ិ មមនឬ? ផតអ
ើ នក្សញុំអាហារហរឹ បានផទ?
B: I love spicy food. The hotter the better. ខ្ញុំចូលចិតតអាហារមែលហឹរ។ កាន់មតហឹរ កាន់មតលអ។
A: You are so lucky. អនក្សពត
ិ ជាមានសុំ ណាងខ្ៃង
ុំ ណាស់។
B: Why am I lucky? ផហតញអវីបានជាខ្ញុំមានសុំ ណាង?
A: It’s terrible when I eat a hot pepper. វាពត
ិ ជាពបា
ិ ក្សណាស់ផពលណាមែលខ្ញុំញុំផប្មចផហយ
ើ ។
B: Can you eat Thai or Mexican food? ផតើអនក្សអាចញុំអាហារថ្ល ឬអាហារមញច
ិ សញី ក្សូមមនផទ?
A: Yes, I can. But only if it’s really bland. ខ្ញុំអាចញុំបាន។ រញមនត បានប្តម
ឹ មតអាហារមែលសាររញផណា
ណ ោះ។
B: Do you eat out every often? ផតើអនក្សញុំវាញឹក្សញរ់ផទ?
A: Sometimes. មន
ិ ញឹក្សញរ់ផទ។
B: Do you have a favorite restaurant? ផតើអនក្សមានផោជនីយដ្ឋានមែលអនក្សចូលចិតតផទ?
A: I do have a favorite vegetarian restaurant. ខ្ញុំចូលចត
ិ តផោជនដ្ឋ
ី ា នអាហាររួសមួយមែរ។
B: Are you a vegetarian? ផតើអនក្សគ្ឺជាអនក្សរួសមមនផទ?
Unit7 Do you have a pet?
A: Yes, I am. គ្ប្ឺ តម
ឹ ប្តូវផហយ
ើ ។
B: So, you don’t eat chicken or pork? ែូផចនោះ អនក្សមន
ិ ញុំមាន់ ឬសាច់ប្ជូក្សផទ មមនផទ?
A: No chicken. No pork. But I do eat fish. មន
ិ ញុំសាច់មាន់។ មន
ិ ញុំសាច់ប្ជូក្ស។ រញមនត ខ្ញុំញុំប្ត។

B: Are you a vegetarian for health reasons ផតើអនក្សញុំរស
ួ ផដ្ឋយសាររញ្ហាសញ ខោព
or religious reasons? ឬផដ្ឋយសារសាសនា?
A: Most for health reasons. ោគ្ផប្ចើន ផដ្ឋយសាររញ្ហាសញ ខោព។
B: Huh. All the talk about food is made me hungry. ឱ្យមតនយា ិ យអុំពអា
ី ហារ គ្ផឺ ្វឱ្
ើ យខ្ញុំឃ្លៃនផហយ
ើ ។
Are you hungry? ផតើអនក្សឃ្លៃនផទ?
A: Yes. I am. Would you like to go to ខ្ញុំឃ្លៃនែូចគ្នន។ ផតអ
ើ នក្សចង់ផៅ
my favorite vegetarian restaurant? ផោជនីដ្ឋានអាហារមែលខ្ញុំចូលចិតតបានផទ?
B: What is good there? ផតផើ ៅទផី នាោះមានអវឆា
ី ្ ញ់ ?
A: Well, of course. The fresh vegetables are outstanding. មមនផហើយ ប្បាក្សែណាស់។ រមនៃប្សស់ៗពិតជាឆា្ញ់ ខ្ៃង
ុំ ណាស់។
B: Sounds delicious. Let’s go. សាតរ់ផមល
ើ ផៅពត
ិ ជាឆាាញ់ ណាស់។ ផតាោះផៅ។
ិ ថ្លៃ
Unit5 Present Continuous (1) (I’m eating) ព័តមា
៌ នសិក្សា សូ មឆាតចូលផេក្ស

1. We form the present continuous like this: 2. To make –ing form we add –ing to the verb:
Positive listen listening play playing
Full Form Short form work working read reading
I am eating. I’m eating.
You are eating You’re eating. 3. Notice this irregular spellings:
He/she/it is eating He’s eating.
We are eating. We’re eating. win winning get getting
You are eating You’re eating. shop shopping sit sitting
They are eating. They’re eating. swim swimming travel travelling
Negative dance dancing write writing
Full Form Short form shine shining
I am not eating. I’m not eating.
You are not eating You aren’t eating. 4. We use the Present Continuous:
He/she/it is not eating He isn’t eating.  To talk about things that are happening now:
We are not eating. We aren’t eating. 1. The bus is coming.
You are not eating You aren’t eating. 2. I’m learning English
They are not eating. They aren’t eating. 3. We aren’t studying French.
4. He is looking around. 20
Unit5 Present Continuous (1) (I’m eating)
 To talk about things that are happening around now, but
not exactly at the moment we speak:
1. I’m learning Spanish.
2. Mr. Brian is teaching English at BFL School.
3. They are working in the hotel.
A. Write out the sentences below. Put the verb in positive or negative form:
0. I (not/work) at the bank now. I (study) French at university.
I’m not working at the bank now. I’m studying French at university.
1. Look! He (not/work). He (listen) to music.
Look! He’s not working. He’s listening to music.
2. We (win) the match, but we (not/play) well.
We’re winning the match, but we aren’t playing well. 21
Unit5 Present Continuous (1) (I’m eating)
A. Write out the sentences below. Put the verb in positive or negative form:
3. She (not/read) a newspaper. She (write) a letter.
She isn’t reading a newspaper. She’s writing a letter.
4. You (watch) the TV. You (not/listen) to me!
You’re watching the TV. You aren’t listening to me!
5. They (not/get) ready. They (play) music.
They aren’t getting ready. They’re playing music.
6. I (study) Chinese, but I (not/learn) very fast.
I’m studying Chinese, I’m not learning very fast.

Unit5 Present Continuous (1) (I’m eating)
B. Look at the pictures.
Decide what is happening () and what isn’t happening () in each picture, and then write the positive or
negative sentences.
0. (George/eat/breakfast) George isn’t eating breakfast.
(George/sleep) ____________________________________________________
George is sleeping.
1. (They/work) ____________________________________________________
They’re not working.
(They/sit/in the garden) ____________________________________________________
They’re sitting in the garden.
2. (I/study/music) ____________________________________________________
I’m not studying music.
(I/learn/Japanese) I’m learning Japanese.
3. (He/play/tennis) He’s playing tennis.
(She/win) She’s winning.
4(We/spend/a day at the seaside) We’re spending a day at the seaside.
(The sun/shine) ____________________________________________________
The sun isn’t shining. 23
Unit5 Present Continuous (1) (I’m eating)
C. Finish the postcard using the words in brackets () in the Present Continuous. Use full form (e.g. is sitting).
Dear Peter,
Jenny and I 0 ___________
are staying (stay) here for a week.
The sun 1 ____________
is shining (shine) and it’s very hot.
We 2 ______________
are sitting (sit) on the beach and I
am drinking (drink) an orange juice.
are not swimming (not/swim) because we’re
We 4 _____________
Both tired. We 5 ______________
are watching (watch) the boats on
the sea at the moment. They 6 ___________
are travelling (travel) fast,
but I can see fifteen or sixteen. Jenny 7 _____________
is reading (read)
Her book, and I 8 _____________
am writing (write) all the postcards!

Jim and Jenny

Unit7 Present Simple (I work) or Present
Continuous (I’m working)
1. Compare the Present Simple and the Present Continuous:
Present Simple Present Continuous
We use the Present Simple to talk about ‘regular’ We use the Present Continuous for thing that are
or ‘usual’ things: happening now (‘temporary’ things):
1. She works in a school. She’s a teacher. 1. My father is working in Paris this month.
2. Jane speaks French and Spanish. 2. Tom is speaking on the phone at the moment.
3. I go to the cinema every week. 3. Where are you going?
4. It rains a lot in March. 4. I’m going to the supermarket.
5. I go to bed at 10 pm. 5. It’s raining now?
6. What do you do?
7. I am a doctor. 6. I’m playing golf.
8. Dara gets up at six o’clock. 7. What’s Tom doing this week?
9. They like football. They don’t like volleyball. 8. He’s skiing in Switzerland.
10. Do they play football? 9. Marry is eating dinner in the restaurant.
11. Do you learn English? 10. Are coming now?
12. Do you miss your hometown? 11. What are they buying?
13. I want a computer. 12. Why is she crying?
14. Do you want to buy a new car?
15. I like my English class very much. 13. Dara is washing his clothes. 31
Unit7 Present Simple (I work) or Present
Continuous (I’m working)

am finishing
does your sister travel
are you eating
is snowing
is Joanna doing
is working
Unit7 Present Simple (I work) or Present
Continuous (I’m working)

get up
are having


am working 33
Unit7 Present Simple (I work) or Present
Continuous (I’m working)
am eating
is drinking


don’t understand
Do you like

Unit7 Present Simple (I work) or Present
Continuous (I’m working)

Unit7 Present Simple (I work) or Present
Continuous (I’m working)

Unit8 Imperative
1. These are imperatives:
3. Come here, please.
Go Help Come Wait
4. Listen to me, please.
We use the imperative like this:
2. We use do not or don’t like this:
1. Come in! Have a cup of tea.
1. Don’t be late.
2. Turn left at the post office.
3. Don’t touch! It’s hot. 2. Don’t forget your books.
Note that sometimes the imperative is one word, 3. Don’t wait for me.
but often we give more information: ▪ We normally use the short form Don’t.
1. Help! 3. We use the imperative:
2. Help me! ➢ to give instructions.
3. Help me with my suitcase. 1. Turn right at the corner.
We can say Please after an imperative to be more 2. Don’t forget your passport.
polite: ➢ To give warnings:
1. Help me with my suitcase, please. 1. Look out! There is a car coming.
2. Be careful! That box is very heavy. 37
2. Hurry up, please. We’re late.
Unit8 Imperative
1. These are imperatives:
3. Come here, please.
Go Help Come Wait
4. Listen to me, please.
We use the imperative like this:
2. We use do not or don’t like this:
1. Come in! Have a cup of tea.
1. Don’t be late.
2. Turn left at the post office.
3. Don’t touch! It’s hot. 2. Don’t forget your books.
Note that sometimes the imperative is one word, 3. Don’t wait for me.
but often we give more information: ▪ We normally use the short form Don’t.
1. Help! 3. We use the imperative:
2. Help me! ➢ to give instructions.
3. Help me with my suitcase. 1. Turn right at the corner.
We can say Please after an imperative to be more 2. Don’t forget your passport.
polite: ➢ To give warnings:
1. Help me with my suitcase, please. 1. Look out! There is a car coming.
2. Be careful! That box is very heavy. 37
2. Hurry up, please. We’re late.
Unit8 Imperative
3. We use the imperative: ➢ To “wish” things:
➢ to give advice: 1. Have a good trip.
1. Have a rest. You look tired. 2. Have a nice holiday.
2. Take a coat. It’s cold today.
3. Don’t see that film. It’s terrible!
➢ to ask people to do things:
1. Come in please and sit down.
2. Listen to this song. It’s wonderful.
3. Pass the butter, please.
➢ to make offers:
1. Have another orange juice.
2. Make yourself a cup of coffee.

Unit8 Imperative

Unit8 Imperative

Unit8 Imperative

Unit8 Imperative

Unit8 Imperative

Unit9 Be: Past Simple (I was, they were)
1. We form the Past Simple of be like this:
➢ Positive: ➢ Negative:
Subject + was/were + … Subject + was/were+ not + …

1. I was in New York last week. 1. I wasn’t in New York last week.
2. We were at home yesterday evening. 2. We weren’t at home yesterday evening.
3. You were very handsome yesterday. 3. You weren’t very handsome yesterday.
4. They were in Phnom Penh. 4. They weren’t at in Phnom Penh.
5. He was very happy. 5. He wasn’t very happy.
6. She was at school last week. 6. She wasn’t at school last week.
7. It was a good film. 7. It was not a good film.

Unit9 Be: Past Simple (I was, they were)
1. We form the Past Simple of be like this: 2. We use was/were when we are talking
about the past. Look at these examples:
➢ Question:
➢ Was/were + facts about the past:
was/were + Subject + … + ? 1. Jhon F. Kennedy was an American president.
1. Was you in New York last week. 2. Our first house was in the center of town.
2. Were we at home yesterday evening. 3. Were your answer correct?
3. Were you very happy yesterday. 4. No, they were all wrong.
4. Were they in Phnom Penh. 5. Paula wasn’t the first person at the party.
5. Was he very happy.
6. was she at school last week.
7. Was it a good film.

Unit9 Be: Past Simple (I was, they were)
1. We form the Past Simple of be like this:
➢ Positive: ➢ Negative:
Subject + was/were + … Subject + was/were+ not + …

1. I was in New York last week. 1. I wasn’t in New York last week.
2. We were at home yesterday evening. 2. We weren’t at home yesterday evening.
3. You were very handsome yesterday. 3. You weren’t very handsome yesterday.
4. They were in Phnom Penh. 4. They weren’t in Phnom Penh.
5. He was very happy. 5. He wasn’t very happy.
6. She was at school last week. 6. She wasn’t at school last week.
7. It was a good film. 7. It was not a good film.

Unit9 Be: Past Simple (I was, they were)
1. We form the Past Simple of be like this: 2. We use was/were when we are talking
about the past. Look at these examples:
➢ Question:
➢ Was/were + facts about the past:
was/were + Subject + … + ? 1. Jhon F. Kennedy was an American president.
1. Was you in New York last week? 2. Our first house was in the center of town.
2. Were we at home yesterday evening? 3. Were your answers correct?
3. Were you very happy yesterday? 4. No, they were all wrong.
4. Were they in Phnom Penh? 5. Paula wasn’t the first person at the party.
5. Was he very happy? ➢ Was/were + place and time:
6. was she at school last week? 1. We were in Spain in June.
7. Was it a good film? 2. She wasn’t at home last night.
3. George and Jonna weren’t in London at
the weekend. They were in Brighton.
4. Steve and Mary were here at six o’clock.
Unit9 Be: Past Simple (I was, they were)
➢ Was/were + adjective (e.g. cold, tired):
1. It was cold yesterday.
2. They were tired after the journey.
3. The train was late again this morning.
4. Were your exams easy?
5. The first exam was easy, but the second
one wasn’t.

Jane and Michael were tired.
She was in the park.
It was a sunny day.
You were late.
They weren’t hungry.
We weren’t at work.
I was thirsty.
You weren’t at school.
We were at the cinema.
Paula wasn’t happy.
Everyone was excited.
I wasn’t afraid. 47
Unit9 Be: Past Simple (I was, they were)

Was your room comfortable?

Was the weather nice?
Were the streets full of people?
Were the shops expensive?
Was the city exciting at night?
Were the museums interesting?
Were the people friendly?
Was your flight OK?

Unit9 Be: Past Simple (I was, they were)

was big.

were Italian.
Unit9 Be: Past Simple (I was, they were)

was green.

were cheap.

were cheap.

were bad.

Unit9 Be: Past Simple (I was, they were)



weren’t were

Unit10 Past Simple (I played, I didn’t play)
1. We form the Past Simple like this: Question form:
Positive form: Subject + Verb2 + (Object)
Subject + Verb2 + (Object)
1. Did you go to school yesterday?
1. I go to school. I went to school yesterday. 2. Did you eat breakfast this morning?
2. I eat rice for breakfast. I ate rice for breakfast. 3. Did he play football?
3. He plays football. He played football. 4. Did she buy a book?
4. She buys a book. She bought a book last week. 5. Did we wash our clothes yesterday evening?
5. We wash our clothes. We washed our clothes.
Negative form:
Subject + did + not + Verbinf + (Object)

1. I didn’t go to school yesterday.

2. I did not eat rice.
3. He didn’t play football.
4. She didn’t buy a book last week.
Regular and irregular verbs
Regular verbs
Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle Continuous General
1. Die died died dying dies ស្លាប់
2. Discover discovered discovered discovering discovers រកឃ ញ ើ
3. Drop dropped dropped dropping drops ទម្លាក់
4. Dry dried dried drying dries ហាល ដាក់ឲ្យឃដៅ
5. Effect effected effected effecting effects ម្លនឥទធព ិ ល
6. Enjoy enjoyed enjoyed enjoying enjoys រករាយ

7. Enter entered entered entering enters ចូល
8. Expect expected expected expecting expects រ ំពងឹ ទុក
9. Explain explained explained explaining explains ពនយល់
10. Express expressed expressed expressing expresses បញ្ជាក់
11. Fear feared feared fearing fears ខ្លាច
12. Fill filled filled filling fills បំឃពញ
13. Finish finished finished finishing finishes ចប់ បញ្ច ប់
14. Fit fitted fitted fitting fits សម ត្រូវ
15. Flow flowed flowed flowing flows អណ្ដៅរ 53
Regular and irregular verbs
Irregular verbs
Infinitive Past Tense Past Participle Continuous General
1. begin began begun beginning begins ចាប់ឃ្ៅើម
2. drink drank drunk drinking drinks ្ឹក
3. ring rang rung ringing rings ឃរាទិ៍
4. sing sang sung singing sings ឃត្ចៀង
5. swim swam swum swimming swims ណ្ែលទក ឹ
6. become became become becoming becomes ក្លាយឃៅជា
7. come came come coming comes មក
8. do did done doing does ឃ្វើ
9. go went gone going goes ឃៅ
10. keep kept kept keeping keeps រកា
11. sleep slept slept sleeping sleeps ឃេង
12. bet bet bet betting bets ភ្នាល់
13. cost cost cost costing costs ម្លនរម្មា
14. cut cut cut cutting cuts ក្លរ់
15. feel felt felt feeling feels ម្លនអារមមដ៍54
Unit10 Past Simple (I played, I didn’t play)
1. Many Past Simple verbs end in –ed (they are regular verbs)

Unit10 Past Simple (I played, I didn’t play)

Unit10 Past Simple (I played, I didn’t play)

Unit10 Past Simple (I played, I didn’t play)

Unit10 Past Simple (I played, I didn’t play)

Unit10 Past Simple (I played, I didn’t play)

Unit9 What do you want to do after you graduate?
A: Do you study? ត អ្
ើ នកតៅសិកាតេ?
B: Yeah. I study at the university. ត្ ូវត យ
ើ ខ្ញុំសិកាតៅសកលវេាល័
ិ យ។
A: What subject do you study? ត អ្
ើ នកសិកាមញខវជ្ជ
ិ ា អ្វី?
B: I’m studying marketing. ខ្ញុំសិកាជុំនាញេផ្ស
ី ារ
A: Ok. And… When will you graduate? អ្ូតខ ត អ្
ើ ន កនង
ឹ បញ្ច ប់ការសិកាតៅតេលណា?
B: I will graduate next semester. ខ្ញុំនង
ឹ បញ្ច ប់ការសិកាតៅឆមាសតត្កាយ។
A: Ok. Will you continue to study for your master’s degree? ត អ្
ើ ន កនង
ឹ បនតការសិកាថ្ននក់អ្នញបណ្ឌិ តេ?
B: No. not yet. តេ។ មន
ិ ទាន់បនតតេ។
A: What will you do after you graduate? ត អ្
ើ ន កនង
ឹ ត្វអ្
ើ វតី ត្កាយតេលបញ្ច ប់ការសិកា?
B: I’m not sure yet. It depends. ខ្ញុំមន
ិ ទាន់ត្ាកដតៅត យ
ើ តេ។ វាអាត្ស័យតលើ...
A: Depends on what? អាត្ស័យតលើអ្វី?
B: It depends on what kinds of job offers I get. វាអាត្ស័យតលើត្បតេេការងារដដលផ្សដល់ឱ្យខ្ញុំត្វ។

A: What do you mean? ត អ្
ើ នកចង់មានយ៉ាងតម៉ាច?
Unit9 What do you want to do after you graduate?
B: Well, If I got a job that provides opportunity. I will take it. ត្បសិនតបខ
ើ ញ ្ុំេេួលានឱ្កាសការងារ។
A: What other job have you applied for? ត អ្
ើ នកានដាក់ពាកយតលើការងារណាតផ្សេងតេ?
B: Oh, I’ve made many applications to all kinds of companies. អ្ូ ៎! ខ្ញុំានដាក់ពាកយតៅកាន់ត្កុម ញនជ្ជតត្ចើន។
A: Ok. What kinds of companies did you apply to? ត អ្ ើ នកានដាក់ពាកយតៅកាន់ត្កុម ញនណាខលះ?
B: Hotels, factories, import companies. សណា
ា គារ តោងចត្ក ត្កុម ញននាុំចូល
A: What if you get a job far away from home? ចញះត្បសិនតបអ្
ើ នកេេួលានការងារឆ្ងាយេផ្ស
ី ទ ះ?
B: I would rather stay close to my family. ខ្ញុំចង់ត្វកា
ើ រដដលានតៅដកែរត្រួសាររបស់ខញ ្ុំ។
A: What will you do if you cannot find a job? ត អ្
ើ ន កនង
ឹ ត្វអ្
ើ វី ត្បសិនតបអ្
ើ ន កមន
ិ អាចរកការងារត្វា
ើ នតេ?
B: If I cannot find a job. I will stay in school ត្បសិនតបខ
ើ ញ ្ុំមន
ិ អាចរកការងារានត្វតើ េ។
and study for a master’s degree. ខ្ញុំនង
ឹ សានក់តៅកនញងសាលាតរៀនតដើមែស
ី ិ កាថ្ននក់អ្នញបណ្ឌិ ។
A: A master’s degree in what faculty? ត ថ្ន
ើ ន ក់អ្នញបណ្ឌិ តៅមហាវេយល័
ិ យអ្វ?

B: I’m not sure yet. I have to think about it. ខ្ញុំតៅមន
ិ ទាន់ចាស់តៅត យ
ើ តេ។ ខ្ញុំត្ ូវរិ អ្ុំេវា
ី បនតតេៀ ។
Lesson5 The dolphin

Can dolphins talk? Maybe they can't talk with words, but they talk with sounds. They show their
feelings with sounds.
Dolphins travel in a group. We call a group of fish a "school." They don't study, but they travel
together. Dolphins are mammals, not fish, but they swim together in a school.
Dolphins talk to the other dolphins in the school. They give information. They tell when they are
happy or sad or afraid. They say "Welcome" when a dolphin comes back to the school. They talk
when they play.
They make a few sounds above water. They make many more sounds under water. People cannot
hear these sounds because the sounds are very, very high. Scientists make tapes of the sounds and
study them
Sometimes people catch dolphins for a large aquarium. (An
aquarium is a zoo for fish.) People can watch the dolphins in a show.
Dolphins don't like to be away from their school in an aquarium.
They are sad and lonely.
Unit11 Present Perfect(1) (I have gone, I haven’t gone)
1. We form the Present Perfect like this: Negative form:
Positive form: have/has + not + Past Participle
have/has + Past Participle
Full form: Short form:
Full form: Short form: I have not arrived I haven’t arrived
I have arrived I’ve arrived We have not arrived We haven’t arrived
We have arrived We’ve arrived You have not arrived You haven’t arrived
You have arrived You’ve arrived He has not arrived He hasn’t arrived
He has arrived He’s arrived She has not arrived She hasn’t arrived
She has arrived She’s arrived It has not arrived It hasn’t arrived
It has arrived It’s arrived

Unit11 Present Perfect(1) (I have gone, I haven’t gone)
1. We form the Present Perfect like this: ➢ to talk about our lives:
Positive form:
have/has + Past Participle
have/has + not + Past Participle
2. We use the Present Perfect:
➢ to talk about recent actions:

Unit11 Present Perfect(1) (I have gone, I haven’t gone)

Unit11 Present Perfect(1) (I have gone, I haven’t gone)

Unit11 Present Perfect(1) (I have gone, I haven’t gone)

Unit11 Present Perfect(1) (I have gone, I haven’t gone)

Unit11 Present Perfect(1) (I have gone, I haven’t gone)
1. We form the Present Perfect like this: ➢ to talk about our lives:
Positive form:
have/has + Past Participle
have/has + not + Past Participle
2. We use the Present Perfect:
➢ to talk about recent actions:

Unit11 Present Perfect(1) (I have gone, I haven’t gone)

We’ve finished our work.

They’ve bought a new house.
I’ve visited New York five times.
They’ve gone to cinema.
You’ve eaten four banana.

I haven’t done any homework this week.

They haven’t phoned the doctor.
You haven’t taken any photographs.
He hasn’t made any mistakes.
We haven’t watched any television today. 62
Unit11 Present Perfect(1) (I have gone, I haven’t gone)

‘s gone

haven’t eaten

haven’t come
Unit11 Present Perfect(1) (I have gone, I haven’t gone)

’ve opened

haven’t finished

haven’t drunk

‘ve lost

have had 64
Unit11 Present Perfect(1) (I have gone, I haven’t gone)

done travelled
been worked
lived made
Unit12 Present Perfect(2) (Has she gone?); ever, never, yet, just

Unit20 Questions (Where, When, Why, How)

Unit20 Questions (Where, When, Why, How)

Unit20 Questions (Where, When, Why, How)

Unit20 Questions (Where, When, Why, How)

Unit20 Questions (Where, When, Why, How)

Unit20 Questions (Where, When, Why, How)

Unit20 Questions (Where, When, Why, How)

Unit20 Questions (Where, When, Why, How)

Unit20 Questions (Where, When, Why, How)

When do you get up?

Where does she come from?
When are they leaving?
Why is she waiting?
How are you?
How did you get to Scotland.
Where is the town centre?
Why does Paul drive so fast?
When does the film start?
How will you travel?
Why is she running?
Where did you buy that picture? 113
Unit20 Questions (Where, When, Why, How)


Unit20 Questions (Where, When, Why, How)

Where did you meet Joanna?

How did you go to the disco?

Why are you looking for a new job?

Where is the nearest hospital?

How do I get to Park Street?

When are they going to see the film?

Why did she leave the party at ten o’clock?

Where is he studying English? 115

Unit20 Questions (Where, When, Why, How)

Unit13 Coffee or Tea
A: Would you like some coffee or tea while you’re waiting?
B: Yes. That would be lonely. Thank you.
A: Would you prefer, coffee or tea?
B: Coffee, please.
A: And how would you like your coffee?
B: Two sugars and some milk.
A: I’m sorry. But we don’t have any milk. Is coffee-mate alright?
B: Coffee-mate is fine.
A: Ok. It’s one coffee. I’ll be right back.
B: Oh. Excuse me.
A: Yes.
B: Do you use fresh ground coffee?
A: No. we don’t. We use instant coffee Nescafe’s, I think.
B: I see. On second thought, Can I have some tea, please?
Unit13 Coffee or Tea
A: Yes. What kind of tea would you like?
B: What kind of tea do you have?
A: We have Earl Grey, Green Tea or Lipton.
B: Green tea is Chinese, is it not?
A: Yes.
B: I’ll try green tea.
A: Ok. Would you like that iced or hot?
B: Iced sounds nice.
A: Ok.
B: Not too sweet.
A: One iced green tea. Would you like a cookie?
B: Cookie? No. Thank you.
A: Ok. How about an apple?
B: Yes. I’d like an apple.
A: One iced green tea and one apple. I’ll be right back.
Unit21 Questions (Who, What, Which, How many)

Unit21 Questions (Who, What, Which, How many)


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