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Extra 1: If you are that brand marketer, what would you do to improve the opportunities of them buying your


Exercise 1:

Criteria Person 1 Person 2 Person 3

Consumer problem I need a keyboard (wired keyboard) A laptop stand I need to buy airpods.
with QWERTY layout.

The relative importance of the I work and play games a lot, so I need a It help me to sit in the right posture as Large relative importance
problem keyboard. Moreover, the sound of the well as help reduce the heat of the
keyboard can motivate me while I am laptop

How the problem occurred My laptop keyboard is old :> It is not My laptop stand is not really sturdy and I find my headphones
working as well as before. The sensitivity it is quite too high for my view uncomfortable in some specific
of my keyboard is not good → It is hard for => it hard for me to study and watch situations.
me to work and play game film for a long time
Active problem
Active problem Active problem
What caused the problem (change Actual states: Laptop keyboard is not Actual states: Laptop stand is not as sturdy Desired states: Airpods meet my
in desired or actual states) as sensitive as I need. The laptop as I thought and it is quite heavy → requirements more effectively bc
keyboard does not have a good sound. inconvenient they’re trendy, small -> easy to
The feeling when I type or playing takeaway, wireless
games is not as good as I want. Desired states : -> suitable and comfortable for
Laptop strand help me have the right doing exercise, cooking, or for
sitting posture → relieve back pain when I other outdoor activies.
Desired states: A wired keyboard meet have to study for too long
my demand: good sound, good feeling, Actual states: Traditional
can be customized, easier to be headphones with wire are heavy,
repaired if broken. big and not applicable for bluetooth
-> take up space, not ideal for ipad
or smartphone & difficult to wear
them while doing vigorous

What action they have taken - Research information for a Research information ( price, type, Research info and just focus on
keyboard - famous brand - color, size) and compare the price and airpods from Apple.
Phong Vu, Logitech, Gear review between different stores on

What action is planned to resolve - Go to facebook and join the - Ask for reviews from people - compare between each product
each problem keyboard users group to ask for who have used it line and its price
advice which keyboard should I - Go to the store and test the - visit the store to test the airpods
purchase laptop stand
- Option 1: Go to the store and test a
keyboard that I wanted to buy → If
I satisfied I will buy that product
- Option 2: Buy a second hand

Extra question: If you are that brand Because this is active problem and - Information search : Create clip Create clips reviewing these
marketer, what would you do to this customer is decision Extended reviews with real users ( not airpods by actual customers/KOLs
improve the opportunities of them decision making just a photo ) -> help users or clips that emphasize new
buying your products? - Information search: Advertising easily visualize special features.
social media with a clip has a - Have a return policy when
sound of the keyboard (blue buying the wrong size or having
switch or brown switch). a bad experience
Providing images/ evidence of - Promotion : Discount on e-
positive feedback from users. commerce sites on Lazada,
- Bc many attributes and many Shopee on sale days (11/11,..)
alternatives include in this decision
making process → All the
information about a keyboard need
to be provided clearly
- Promotion: Warranty, post
purchase (Test - 14 days - if
there are any problems,
consumer can exchange a new
- Bc they have a option buy
second hand -- need to
persuade that they need to a
NEW keyboard is better for a

Exercise 2:

Purchases Description (Reasons for the type of decision)

Nominal decision making Toothpastes (Low product involvement, Low purchase involvement)
● Moderate attention to dental hygiene
● Perceive that there’s no major differences in quality and price of most
toothpastes -> no alternatives evaluation.
● Usually purchase what is available in local stores.
● Rarely post-purchasing evaluate, just in case there’s a major problem.

Limited decision making Notebook (High product involvement, Medium purchase involvement)
● Small differences between items -> care about the product quality, not the brand
● Information search
○ Internal: Used to buy notebooks
○ Limited External: Low-involvement in internet researching, just asking
friends for feedback, reviews that other buyers left on the shopping
● Alternatives evaluation:
- Few attributes of a notebook are considered: always buy a same patterns
(~120 pages, grid, pastel colors, B5)
- Variety-seeking: have some reliable options but want to try different

Extended decision making A Dell laptop (Low product involvement, High purchase involvement)
● Not interested in gadgets/ technology devices
● Problem recognition: Entering high school → Need a laptop for doing homework and
● Information search:
○ Internal: Recalling about laptop brands being seen
○ External: Research on the Internet (public sources)
● Alternatives evaluation:
○ Attributes: Ram, inch, warranty, how many GB, sensitivity,
○ Other brands: Macbook, Asus, HP
○ Purposes of using: designing/ playing games/ doing work
→ Purchase
● Post-purchases:
○ The quality of the laptop
○ Whether purchases the appropriate laptop for their laptop
Exercise 1:
1. What entertainment products or services have you purchased? Where did you purchase it?
2. What problems made you decide to consider purchasing that product?
3. Which sources did you look at prior to purchasing? Which source was the most effective for you and why?
4. Do you often look for information prior to purchasing?
5. Which elements do you consider when purchasing an entertainment product or service?

Criteria Person 1 Person 2

1 A poker case TV shows on Netflix

From a friend from a group of Netflix users on Facebook

2 Tet holiday and other occasions -- I and my friends, family do Semester break - have a lot of free time after the end of the
not have much games to play together semester and want to find quality movies to entertain

We also want to try new card games beside VN card games

Seeing in film

3 Internet, playing poker online or play with money (not the From reviews of friend or groups specializing in review
poker chip) movies on Facebook

Knowing from a friend.

4 Yes Yes

5 Price, repeatability, addictability, entertainment mode/types, Price , quality

individual or team entertainment products ?

Memory of past research, personal sources , independent


Exercise 2:

Position Nominal Limited Extended

Brand in evoked set Vinamilk A new TH True Milk’s product A macbook

Brand not in evoked set Innisfree skincare products -

Promotions such as buy 1 get
1, or sale off

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