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1. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dengan benar!

2. Baca dan pahami teks dengan seksama pada setiap nomor, pada kolom
“MAIN IDEA” isikan dengan ide pokok dari teks tersebut. (note: penulisan ide
pokok harus dalam bahasa inggris, disertai bahasa Indonesia). *sudah Ms
contohkan pada nomor 16
3. Pada titik-titik dibawah pertanyaan, isikan dengan maksud dari pertanyaan
(dalam bahasa Indonesia) *sudah Ms contohkan pada nomor 16
4. Tugas dapat dikerjakan di word
5. Tugas dikumpulkan maks pada hari Minggu, 24 Januari 2020 di Google
Classroom pada kolom “EXERCISE 1”
Reading Section
Questions 16-18 refer to the following text.
Last week I joined English lesson; MAIN IDEA
I studied in my class, which couldn’t be
forgotten. It was a hot afternoon and I The writer’s funny experience when
was feeling sleepy. It was a grammar joined English lesson.
lesson and I felt bored. I hated grammar.
I wanted to leave school and work. Pengalaman lucu penulis ketika
Actually, I wanted to be a gardener. I mengukuti pelajaran Bahasa Inggris.
loved flowers and trees. I looked out of
the window. I looked at the trees and
flowers, and started day-dreaming. After
ten minutes the teacher stopped talking.
She asked the students to do a grammar
exercise in their books. The students
took out their exercise books and their
pencils and they started writing. The
teacher looked at me. She saw that I
wasn’t writing. So she said, “Why aren’t
you writing, Hosea? And I stop dreaming
and said: what, miss?” “Wake up,
Hosea!” the teacher said “Why aren’t
you writing” I thought for a moment and
replied “I ain’t got no pencil.” The
teacher looked at me and said “you ain’t
got no pencil? You mean I don’t have a
pencil.” I didn’t understand the English
teacher so I said “sorry, Miss”. The
teacher said in an angry voice, “I don’t
have a pencil. You don’t have a pencil.
He doesn’t have a pencil. They don’t
have pencils. Now. Hosea. Do you
understand?” i looked at the teacher for a
moment and then I said. “My goodness!
What happened to all pencils, Miss?”

16. The writer’s role in the text is as…

(Peran penulis dalam teks adalah sebagai…….)
a. a student
b. a journalist
c. a story teller
d. a prevaricator

17. Which of the following had made the writer very funny?
a. When the writer didn’t understand teacher explanation.
b. When the writer started day dreaming.
c. When the writer got miss understanding in communication.
d. When the writer felt bored in the class.

18. The teacher said “Why aren’t you writing?” The underlined word refers to.…
a. a students
b. a teacher
c. a gardener
d. Hosea

Questions 19 to 21 refer to the following text.

We have the lowest price in the town.
For every item we sell, we’ll beat any
legitimate price from any other store.
Plus, if you find a lower price within 30
days of your date of purchase, we’ll
refund the difference. This offer is good
even on our own sale prices. The item
must be the same brand and style as the
original purchase and be in its original
factory-sealed box. Our low price
guarantee does not apply to limited
quantity offers.

19. Where does the announcement probably take place?

a. in a store
b. in a factory
c. in a retail shop
d. in a whole-sale agent

20. What is the main idea of the text?

a. The store’s sale offer.
b. The same brand and style.
c. The other store’s lower price.
d. The store’s guarantee on the lowest price.
21. What can we conclude from the text?
a. If the customer gets a lower price on the same date of purchase, he will get the
b. If the customer finds a lower price within 5 weeks of the date of purchase, he
will get the difference.
c. If the customer purchases the same brand and style more expensive than the
other stores, the store will give the refund.
d. If the customer buys more expensive brand, the store will beat the price.

Questions 22 to 24 refer to the following text.

Railway companies are stepping MAIN IDEA
up their efforts to beat the heat, in
response to a series of passengers PARAGRAPH 1
suffering heatstroke in trains and
stations. With the Tokyo Olympics and
Paralympics set for next summer,
railway companies operating in the
Tokyo metropolitan area are using
cutting-edge technology such as
automatically turning up air conditioners
near busy stations or adopting special
window glass to shut out ultraviolet rays.
One morning in early July, the PARAGRAPH 2
interior of a train on the JR Yamanote
Line was hot and humid due to the mass
of passengers. However, as the train
approached Ikebukuro, one of Tokyo’s
biggest terminal stations, it gradually
became cooler.
The air conditioning in a train is PARAGRAPH 3
usually set at a certain temperature. But
starting three years ago East Japan
Railway Co. (JR East) has used big data
regarding the number of passengers in
different times and zones to introduce
train cars that automatically lower the
temperature of air conditioners before
trains arrive at busy stations where many
people will get on. The trains also choose
the appropriate temperature based on the
combined weight that passengers exert
on the floor.

22. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

a. The train was protected with UV rays protections.
b. The least amount of passenger will make the temperature cooler.
c. Railway companies operated cutting edge technology.
d. The AC was designed with certain temperature based on the condition.

23. From the passage, we can infer that…

a. There were so many passengers suffering heatstroke in Tokyo.
b. The AC was applied since four years ago.
c. The air conditioner was designed with certain temperature.
d. The terminal stations’ temperature became cooler.

24. “Tokyo metropolitan areas are using cutting-edge technology such as automatically
turning up air conditioners near busy stations...”
The underlined word can be replaced with…
a. detect
b. clear
c. fade
d. evaporate

Questions 25 to 27 refer to the following text.

Attention to: Human Resources MAIN IDEA
PT. Shriboga Indonesia
Jl. Mawar no 15
Dear Sir/Madam,

I would like to express my strong interest PARAGRAPH 1

in the Social Media Manager position at
PT. Shriboga Indonesia, as listed on
Tribun Jogja. This job position has
become one of my biggest dreams. I am
confident that my education background
as a vocational graduate majoring in
culinary, as well as my strong
communication and collaboration skills
makes me an ideal candidate for the
I was an active social media user since PARAGRAPH 2
three years ago. I have spent last year to
develop my own organic online shop
named “Green with Love”. I know what
it takes to manage an effective online
marketing campaign. My most recent
campaign for my shop led to an increase
of over 10% in bound traffic for my
website ( I
maintained regular evaluation, small
research, and innovative marketing
strategies to increase product sales.
I am confident that my experiences as PARAGRAPH 3
well as my communication skill make a
strong candidate for the position. I look
forward to hearing from you and thank
you so much for your attention and

Toni Kusumo

25. Why does Toni write the letter above?

a. He is a vocational graduate.
b. He wants to apply for manager position.
c. It is one of his biggest dreams.
d. He is very interested in the job position.

26. What will the recipient probably do after receiving the letter?
a. Advertise the employment opportunity.
b. Send an email applying for the job advertised.
c. Write a letter replying to the application letter.
d. Contact a qualified applicant for an interview.

27. My most recent campaign for my shop led to an increase of over 10% inbound
traffic for my website ( The underlined word has a similar
meaning to.…
a. successful
b. massive
c. lately
d. great

Questions 28 to 30 refer to the following text.

Cell Phone Repairing Tips MAIN IDEA
Sometimes your cell phone doesn’t work
properly. Blank displays, failure to
recharge and frozen screens are some
common problems faced by owners.
Most phone malfunction problems stem
from the phone’s operating system that is
stalling out or trying to carry out a bad
request. The easiest way to fix problems
due to these software issues is to perform
a system reset. First, you have to try the
soft reset. Turn the power off and turn it
on after a few minutes. The soft reset is
the best way to fix a frozen display or
when the system has made a bad request.
If the soft reset doesn’t work, you have
to try the hard one. A hard reset is used
when you have a frozen operating system
or a locked keyboard. For this solution
you have to open the battery door and
remove the battery. When you remove
the battery, the operating system is
forced to restart and clean the error.

28. What is the first step to perform the hard reset?

a. Remove the battery.
b. Turn the power off.
c. Open the battery door.
d. Turn the power on.

29. When should we perform a hard reset on the phone?

a. When the operating system is frozen.
b. When the battery indicator is empty.
c. When the phone operating system is stalling out.
d. When the phone has malfunctioned.

30. What is the manual mainly about?

a. How to do a soft reset on a phone.
b. How to repair a cell phone by yourself.
c. How to do a hard reset on a phone.
d. How to remove a battery from a cell phone.

Questions 31 to 33 refer to the following text.

Born on January 15th, 1965, Susi MAIN IDEA
Pudjiastuti began her career as an PARAGRAPH 1
entrepreneur and led Indonesia’s Marine
and Fishery in 2014 until the coming
2019. Susi who possesses only a middle
school education certificate, was forced
to discontinue her school and started a
profession as a fish collector in
Starting her profession in a Fish PARAGRAPH 2
Auction Facility, she was one of seafood
distributors in Pangandaran. In 1996, she
then established a seafood processing
plant named PT ASI Pudjiastuti Marine
Product after raising her distributorship.
When her fish processing business
expanded to the Asian and American
markets, Susi needed a mode of air
transportation to send her lobsters, fish,
and other marine products in fast
delivery, so that the buyers could receive
them in a fresh condition. In 2004, she
bought a Cessna 208 Caravan and built
PT ASI Pudjiastuti Aviation called Susi
Air. Nowadays, Susi Air is the biggest
aviation of Cessba Grand Caravans in the
Asia Pacific region. Until 2012, Susi air
owned 32 various aircrafts including the
Cessna Gran Caravan, Pilatus PC-06 and
Piaggio P180 Avanti. The airline
employs 175 foreigners’ pilots out of its
180 pilots.
On October 26th, 2014, she was
assigned as the Minister of Marine PARAGRAPH 3
Affairs and Fisheries for President Joko
Widodo under his working cabinet year.
She was also awarded as a chief for
Living Planet Award on September 16th,
2016 by WWF. This is recognition on
her performance as Ministry of Marine
Affairs and Fisheries to continue a
sustainable growth in Indonesian
fisheries sector, conservation of the
marine ecosystem, as well as her
regulation to crack down on illegal
fishing in Indonesian waters.

31. What is the main idea of the first paragraph?

a. Pudjiastuti’s personal life.
b. Pudjiastuti’s career in business.
c. Pudjiastuti’s sport team ownership.
d. Pudjiastuti’s early life.

32. From the text we can conclude that Pudjiastuti is...

a. a stubborn woman.
b. a wonderful artist.
c. a great entrepreneur.
d. a professional pilot.
33. “She was also awarded as a chief for Living Planet Award on September 16th,
2016 by WWF”. (Paragraph 3). The synonym of the underlined word is.…

a. disappointed
b. disagreed
c. refused
d. rewarded

Questions 34-35 refer to the following text.

Sandi : I visited my niece, Ani, in Bangkok two weeks ago.
Sammy : Your niece is living at Bangkok?
Sandi : Yes, she is keen on living there.
Sammy : So, do you think that Bangkok is a great place to live?
Sandi : I believe that, yes. Food and clothes are very cheap and it’s easy to travel around the


34. What does the phrase “keen on” mean?

a. Anxious
b. Eager
c. Impatient
d. Interested to

35. What does Ani feel about Bangkok?

a. She lives in Bangkok.
b. She likes a great place.
c. She enjoys living in a Bangkok.
d. She finds food and clothes are very cheap.

Questions 36-37 based on the conversation below.

Nawan : Let’s watch World Cup final at my house, shall we?
Syaeful : I wish I could, but I can’t.
Nawan : What keeps you so busy? You always work overtime. You’ve got to take a rest.
Syaeful : Well, I’m up to my neck in work. I’ve got to reach the sale target next month.
Nawan : Wow, that’s cutting it close. What will you get if you reach the peak?
Syaeful : The boss will reward me ticket to go to Japan.
36. What is the topic of the conversation?
a. Upcoming sale target.
b. Job career.
c. Job opportunity.
d. Possible position.

37. What does Syaeful do?

a. He is a salesman.
b. He goes to Japan.
c. He is a hard worker.
d. He reaches the sale target.

38. “Well, I’m up to my neck in work”. What does Syaeful mean?

a. He is too hard.
b. He is very busy.
c. He enjoys his work.
d. He works with his neck.

Read the following dialogue to answer the question number 39 to 41.

Doni : I often see you visiting the library. Do you spend the days for learning?
Raka : Oh, no. I’m looking for books about science.
Doni : What do you do in your daily activities?
Raka : I am a university lecturer; besides teaching I do a lot of research. Do you
like reading, Don?
Doni : Yes, I enjoy reading. I read widely almost every day.


39. What is the dialogue about? It is about…

a. someone who is looking for some books.
b. two people who enjoy reading scientific books.
c. the university lectures who are doing some research.
d. the way how Doni and Raka spend their daily activities.

40. What does Raka do every day?

a. He teaches and conducts research.
b. He reads some books and teaches.
c. He visit library and reads some books.
d. He meets his friends and attends lectures.
41. “Yes, I enjoy reading. I read widely almost every day”. The underlined word
a. fluently
b. quickly
c. extensively
d. incompletely

Read the following dialogue to answer the question no 42 and 43.

Lina : Hi Maya. By the way how’s your holiday?
Maya : Oh, it was great and wonderful! How about you Lina? What did you do
last holiday?
Lina : Well, I just stayed at home and tried to finish my novel.
Maya : Wow that’s great. Don’t forget to give me one soon after it is published.
Lina : Sure.

42. From the dialogue we know that.…

a. Maya enjoyed her holiday time
b. Lina visited some tourist spots
c. Maya forgot to give the book
d. Lina exhibited her novels

43. “Wow that’s great. Don’t forget to give me one soon after it is published”.
The underlined word has closest meaning with.…
a. booked
b. launched
c. exhibited
d. Reprinted

For questions number 44 to 50, choose the best option to complete the dialogue.
44. Lala : Have you got Andika’s wedding party invitation? It will be held at Mulia
Hotel next Monday
Nadia : Not yet. I met him yesterday but he didn’t say anything about it. He
looked in a hurry. But I think he will never forget me as his best friend.
Lala : ... He has been very busy preparing all the stuff. It might slip out of his
Nadia : Ok, I’ll try to contact him.
a. Will you come with me?
b. How asking him about it?
c. Have you tried to remind his party?
d. Why don’t you go to the party alone?
45. Rani : Hi, Sean! Do you know that tomorrow is Dani’s birthday? I want to buy a
pair of shoes as a gift. What do you think?
Sean : Oh really? I just knew that. Well, it is a good idea, but I see that he already
has more than three pairs of shoes. What if you buy him a new watch? It
can remind him to come at school in time.
Roni : Oh, yes ... Thanks Rani.
a. I don’t think he will.
b. That’s really a good idea.
c. I think you’ll be on my side.
d. Your idea is not the same as mine.

Questions number 46 to 48 based on the recipe below.

The perfect homemade Lasagna is easy to make with ingredients you probably
already have on hand. This recipe can easily be turned into Lasagna.

First, cook beef in a large skillet over medium heat, stirring until it crumbles and is no
longer pink; drain. Stir in pasta sauce.

Next, spread one-third of meat sauce in a lightly greased 11-x 7- inch baking dish ;
layer with 3 noodles and half each of ricotta cheese and mozzarella cheese. (The
ricotta cheese layers will be thin.) Repeat procedure; spread remaining one-third of
meat sauce over mozzarella cheese. Slowly pour ¼ cup hot water around inside edge
of dish. Tightly cover baking dish with 2 layers of heavy-duty aluminium foil.

And then, bake at 375° for 45 minutes; uncover and bake 10 more minutes. Let stand
10 minutes before serving.

Finally, note: For testing purposes only, we used Classico Tomato & Basil pasta

Chef's notes
This dish pairs well with green beans, mushrooms. Broccoli, asparagus, salad, or an
assortment of roasted vegetables. One could swap out the beef for chicken or sausage,
or one could replace red sauce with white sauce. Additional cheese could also be
added. When entertaining guests, this could be served with the classic bread and salad
Adapted from:

46. The recipe would be most interesting for?

47. What will the readers do after reading this recipe?
48. "We used Classico Tomato & Basil pasta sauce" the underline word refers to....

Questions numbers 49 to 50 refer to the text below.

In the last summer I had fantastic holiday. I visited so many great places. I went
to airport and was going to fly to London. I spent my two days in hotel. I loved
London view from my hotel because it was very beautiful.
Then I go to the theatre in the famous district in London united Kingdom. In the
theatre I am very excited with the actors and actress that role their character. There are
someone to be a famous lawyer in British and the other is being a cop
After spending my two days in United Kingdom, I packed my bag and flight to
United States, California. In the airport I book a taxi and move to New York city to
see the statue of liberty.

49. What is most impressing thing happened to the writer?

50. “In the last summer I had fantastic holiday.” The underlined word can be replaced

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