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Volume 10 Issue 3 2018

DOI: 10.21315/eimj2018.10.3.7 Role of Medical Education in Cultivating Lifelong

ARTICLE INFO Learning Skills for Future Doctors
Submitted: 04-06-2018
Accepted: 11-07-2018 Roy Rillera Marzo
Online: 28-09-2018
Faculty of Medicine, Asia Metropolitan University, Johor, MALAYSIA

To cite this article: Marzo RR. Role of medical education in cultivating lifelong learning skills
for future doctors. Education in Medicine Journal. 2018;10(3):63–66.

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Medical knowledge, skills, and social requirements for patient care are quickly changing, thus, doctors
are anticipated to be life-long learners to provide effective care for the patients. This paper addresses
instructional issues how to prepare medical students to be self-directed learners and how to improve
medical school and postgraduate training curricula. Now the big question is self-directed learning
(SDL) an agent in cultivating lifelong learning skills for medical students as claimed by educational
experts? This will be the focus of my critical reflection on lifelong learning.

Keywords: Medical education, Lifelong learning skills

CORRESPONDING AUTHOR Roy Rillera Marzo, Asia Metropolitan University, No. 6, Jalan Lembah Bandar Seri
Alam, 81750 Johor Bahru, Malaysia | Email:

INTRODUCTION autonomy and self-actualisation. According

to Ramnarayan and Hande (3), SDL
Medical knowledge, skills, and social describes a process by which individuals take
requirements for patient care are quickly the initiative, with or without the assistance
changing, thus, medical doctors are of others, in diagnosing their learning
anticipated to be life-long learners to needs, formulating learning goals, identify
provide effective care for the patients. human and material resources for learning,
Davies (1) characterises lifelong learning as choosing and implement appropriate
a “continuously supportive process which learning strategies, and evaluating learning
invigorates and empowers people to obtain outcomes. In short, this definition of SDL
all the knowledge, attitudes, and skills” they is the fact that medical students take the
will require all through their lifetimes and initiative to pursue a learning experience,
apply them with confidence, creativity, and and the responsibility for completing their
happiness. learning.

One approach to train our future doctors

Self-directed Learning
to pursue lifelong-learning is by acquiring
self-directed learning (SDL) skills. SDL Self-directed learning (SDL) has become
is widely used in medical education for popular in medical curricula and has been
the medical graduates to continuously advocated as an effective learning strategy
improving their skills and knowledge (2). for medical students to develop lifelong
In SDL, the learner controls the process learning skills. Philip (4) has mentioned
of learning that enhances their ability for that SDL skills are related to lifelong

Education in Medicine Journal. 2018; 10(3): 63–66 63  Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia. 2018
This work is licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY)
Education in Medicine Journal 2018; 10(3): 63–66

learning in the field of medicine, where Peer Group Relationship System

knowledge is persistently changing and
progressing. A good example for that is Another approach to cultivate life-long
the protocol treatment for high blood learning among medical students is the
pressure in Joint National Committee-7 use of peer group relationship system with
(JNC-7) recommendations may not distinctive care for learning from mentors
believe acceptable after the JNC-8 report. for each group of students. Mentor-monitor
An individual classified as diabetic now, relationship from peer group and facilitators
as per current reference range, may not is vital and belief in working closely in every
have been considered as diabetic during society. In mentoring system, learning
the last 10 years. We need to realise the become a social process because there is
changing nature in the science of medicine interaction, conversation, dialogue, and
that commands our medical students to collaboration with others which is one
be a learner for their wholelife so as to stay paradigm of lifelong learning. Showing
“current” in their knowledge and skills. kindness, caring and concern for each
Indeed, “lifelong learning is conveyed for group’s students are lifelong learning skills
the whole life, is adaptable, varied and that medical students need to develop.
available at all times and in different places”
(5). In SDL, “metacognitive skills” are Self-monitoring
developed which are helpful for medical
students to achieve their competence of Self-monitoring is an important skill that
lifelong learning because they ownership need develop among medical students to
and authority of self-learning, preparing become life-long learners. Self-monitoring
learning strategies, and select strategies that is the way towards understanding one’s
are appropriate, analysing their progress present status. Students monitor their
of learning, taking corrective measures if improvement and pinpoint the gaps of
they committed mistakes, evaluating their learning and find for enhancements.
efficacy of learning strategies, and have Any understanding of learning that is
constructive importance on solving problem lifelong and life-wide necessitate critical
aptitude and lifelong learning (6). learning analysis; thus reinforcing the
need to develop reflective behaviour for
A learner-centered approaches like lifelong learning. A good strategy to teach
Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and Team- medical students must be practical, real-
Based Learning (TBL) are good teaching life scenarios to cultivate them as lifelong
methodologies where medical students’ learners. However, one barrier in the self-
competencies to be lifelong learners will monitoring process is some faculty lacks
be enhanced and other skills such as facilitating skills. Most of the medical
“teamwork, communication, practical societies are hierarchical and patients
knowledge to real problems, critical demand for an expert level of medical care
thinking, and attitudes about learning will lead to limitation of medical students to
foster self-directed and lifelong learning” care for the patients because they think that
(7). In PBL and TBL, it facilitates efficient medical students are not ready yet to do a
collaboration for sharing and constituting professional job. The medical students are
mutual learning within the student, and also asked to follow direction from supervisors
between facilitators and students. Thus, without practising clinical reasoning and
medical students develop not only lifelong decision-making themselves and this
learning but also lifewide learning because would result to our medical students
it helps the medical students to engage limited experience of self-regulation and
in purposeful interaction with their own responsibility even they are at their final year
environment by developing their knowledge, of clinical clerkship. Teachers must move
skills, and their critical thinking abilities. toward a student-centered approach.

COMMENTARY | Lifelong Learning Skills for Medical Students

Shifting teacher-centered learning to well-designed collection of the learner’s

learner-centered self-directed learning work (10). There are new researchers
is quite challenging due to the fact that examined the convincing thoughts about
there is a lot of essential and learning how the educators could execute and utilise
content required in each curriculum. tools such as student portfolio assignments
Aside from identifying learning styles, to help enhance critical thinkers and self-
setting learning goals, adopting reinforcing directed learners (11, 12). Within the
teaching-learning methods, it is vital to dimension of medical education, such
incorporate instructional methodologies assessment approaches are engaging due to
in medical curriculum to cultivate lifelong the fact that they are an authentic method
learning skills for medical students. Some that can be used to advocate a students’
instructional methodolgies are e-learning, self-reflective analysis of their performance
reciprocal teaching, and portfolios. within the health practice contexts in which
they benefit much of their clinical training
E-learning (13). There is evidence that portfolios may
be useful for evaluating medical residents’
E-learning is considered synonymous with performance as well as programme
online learning that is flexible and the improvement (14, 15). Portfolios is a good
students are responsible for choosing the strategy to cultivate lifelong learning skills by
pace of their own learning. In e-learning, promoting self-learning.
it combined with e-appraisal that supports
self-motivated learning, give a possibility of
self-evaluation, reflection and identifying CONCLUSION
learning gaps, and promote lifelong learning.
Lifelong learning is a professional
competency which must be fostered in
Reciprocal teaching the medical graduates. Four attributes
of lifelong learner – metacognition, self-
Reciprocal teaching is an excellent thing to
directed learning, self-monitoring, and
consider especially in outbreak investigation
having reflective attitude; and this can
topic or any hands-on practical skills.
be achieved in self-directed learning.
According to Palincsar and Klenk (8), a
Once these lifelong learning attributes are
role-reversal-student that act as an instructor
inculcated by the medical graduate, they will
is an example of a teacher-led collaborative
always be in “current” in medical knowledge
instructional structure reciprocal teaching.
and skills, and will be able to give best
Critique skills and immediate feedback
medical care to their future patients.
promote inculcating of metacognition and
self-directed learning with self-monitoring
and thus enhance lifelong learning skills.
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