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2/2/2019 GATE Aerospace 2019 - Mock Test 14 - 2019 - Are you gateing?

GATE Aerospace 2019 - Mock Test 14

37 of 65 questions answered correctly

You have scored 52 of 100 total marks, (52%)

Aerodynamics 81.25%
Engg. Mathematics 60%
Flight Mechanics 42.86%
General Aptitude -4.44%
Propulsion 75%
Space Dynamics 100%
Structures 40.35%

Marking Scheme
1. There are a total of 65 questions carrying 100 marks. Questions are of multiple choice type or
numerical answer type. A multiple choice type question will have four choices for the answer with
only one correct choice. For a numerical answer type questions, the answer is a number and no
choices will be given. A number as the answer should be entered using the virtual keyboard on the
2. Questions Q.1 – Q.25 carry 1 mark each. Questions Q.26 – Q.55 carry 2 marks each. The 2 marks
questions include pairs of common data questions also.
3. Questions Q.56 – Q.65 belong to General Aptitude (GA) section and carry a total of 15 marks.
Questions Q.56 – Q.60 carry 1 mark each, and questions Q.61 – Q.65 carry 2 marks each.
4. Questions not attempted will result in zero mark. Wrong answers for multiple choice type questions
will result in NEGATIVE marks. For all 1 mark questions, ⅓ mark will be deducted for each wrong
answer. For all 2 marks questions, ⅔ mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
5. There is no negative marking for questions of numerical answer type.



1. Question 1 Marks
The maximum value of Lift coef cient, CL, for a wing ……………. with decrease in Aspect Ratio of the

increases 1/21
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remains same

increases or decreases depending on airfoil shape

2. Question 1 Marks
A is a matrix with elements a11 = 1, a12 = 2, a21 = 2, a22 = 4. What are the eigenvalues of this matrix?

1, 4

-1, -4

0, 5

2, 3

3. Question 1 Marks
Test section of a non-heated supersonic Wind Tunnel is fed from pressure chambers kept at 27°C.
What would be air Temperature in the test section when free stream Mach No. in test section is 2.8

116.8 K

300 K

156.3 K

Can't be determined

4. Question 1 Marks
The Blasius equation related to boundary layer theory is a

third-order linear partial differential equation

third-order nonlinear partial differential equation

second-order nonlinear ordinary differential equation

third-order nonlinear ordinary differential equation

5. Question 1 Marks
Which of the following statements is/are true for a vortex lament?

P. Its strength is constant along the length.

Q. It can’t end in a uid. 2/21
2/2/2019 GATE Aerospace 2019 - Mock Test 14 - 2019 - Are you gateing?

R. Its length is always in nite.



6. Question 1 Marks
In adiabatic ow with friction, the entropy along a streamline



remains constant

depends on Strouhal Number

7. Question 1 Marks
Consider an aircraft ying at low speed. if speed of the aircraft increases, what happens to the zero
lift drag coef cient?



Remains same

Increases in Subsonic, decreases in supersonic regime

8. Question 1 Marks
An aircraft in a steady climb suddenly experiences a 5% drop in thrust. After a new equilibrium is
reached at the same speed, the new rate of climb is

lower by exactly 5%

lower by more than 5%

lower by less than 5%

Can't be predicted with given data

9. Question 1 Marks 3/21
2/2/2019 GATE Aerospace 2019 - Mock Test 14 - 2019 - Are you gateing?

Critical Mach number for a straight wing is 0.69. If the wing is given a sweep back of 30° at its leading
edge, what would be the critical Mach number for new wing? (Round off answer to 2 decimal places)


10. Question 1 Marks

What effect does elevator de ection has on aircraft stability characteristics?

It changes the value of CM,0

It changes the value of ∂CM/∂α

Both of the above

None of the above

11. Question 1 Marks

Calculate the curl of vector eld given by F(x, y, z) = yz i+xz j+xy k.

Null Vector

xi + y j + zk

Doesn't exist

12. Question 1 Marks

If f(x) is an odd function and a is a positive real number, then equals


None of these

13. Question 1 Marks

Given two complex numbers z1 = 5 + (5/√3)i and z2 = (2/√3) + 2i, the argument of z1/z2 in degrees is 4/21
2/2/2019 GATE Aerospace 2019 - Mock Test 14 - 2019 - Are you gateing?

14. Question 1 Marks

For what value of k, the given set of equations doesn’t have a solution?

x – 5y + 3z = 9
2x – y + 4z = 6
3x – 2y + kz = 2


All of the above

15. Question 1 Marks

Among the four normal distributions with probability density functions as shown below, which one
has the lowest variance?




16. Question 1 Marks

For an ideal gas with constant values of speci c heats, for calculation of the speci c enthalpy

it is suf cient to know only the temperature

both temperature and pressure are required to be known

both temperature and volume are required to be known 5/21
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both temperature and mass are required to be known

17. Question 1 Marks

In which of the following conditions, a turbojet engine would have maximum thrust? Assume mass
ow rate to be same for each case.

At rest, having an under-expanded nozzle

At rest, having an optimally expanded nozzle

In cruise, having an under-expanded nozzle

In cruise, having an optimally expanded nozzle

18. Question 1 Marks

A gas turbine cycle with heat exchanger and reheating improves

Engine overall ef ciency

Speci c Power output

Both of these

None of these

19. Question 1 Marks

The stage pressure ratio of centrifugal compressor is higher for

Forward curved blade

backward curved curve blades

Straight radial blades

Doesn't depend on blade curvature

20. Question 1 Marks

Buckling load of a given column is dependent on

P. Young’s Modulus
Q. Slenderness ratio
R. Poisson’s Ratio

P only 6/21
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Q only


P, Q & R

21. Question 1 Marks

Consider a steel (Young’s modulus E = 200 GPa) column hinged on both sides. Its height is 1.0 m and
cross-section is 10 mm × 20 mm. The lowest Euler critical buckling load (in N) is…………….. (Round-off
the answer to nearest whole number)


22. Question 1 Marks

The beam shown in the adjoining gure is

Statically determinate

Statically indeterminate to rst degree

Statically indeterminate to second degree

Statically indeterminate to third degree

23. Question 1 Marks

Motion of a damped mechanical system is governed by

my” + cy’ +ky = 0

What is critical damping of the system?



√(c2 - 4mk)

√(m/k) 7/21
2/2/2019 GATE Aerospace 2019 - Mock Test 14 - 2019 - Are you gateing?

24. Question 1 Marks

A material under uniaxial loading has its tensile strength 120 MPa. What should be its shear strength
to avoid any failure in shear? (Choose the best option)

More than 30MPa

More than 60MPa

More than 90MPa

More than 120MPa

25. Question 1 Marks

If diameter of earth is made double, keeping its mass same; what would happen to the weight of an
object on earth’s surface?

remains same

becomes double

becomes half

becomes one-fourth

26. Question 2 Marks

Match the following pairs:




P-III, Q-I, R-II, S-IV 8/21
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27. Question 2 Marks

An rectangular wing having dimensions 12m×1.5m generates a lift of 1000 N when operating in a
freestream ow of 80 m/s. If the ambient pressure and temperature are 100 kPa and 300 K
respectively (speci c gas constant is 287 J/kg-K), the circulation on the wing, in m2/s, is (Round off
answer to 2 decimal places)


28. Question 2 Marks

The sonic ow over a at surface can be expanded theoretically through a maximum de ection angle

90.00 deg

120.65 deg

130.45 deg

180.00 deg

29. Question 2 Marks

A cylinder of radius 0.1 m rotating clockwise about its own axis at an angular velocity of 100/π
radians per second is placed in a cross-stream of air owing at a velocity of 10 m/s from left to right.
The density of air is 1.2 kg/m3. The lift force per unit length of the cylinder in N/m is ………. (round-off
to nearest whole number)


30. Question 2 Marks

An elliptical wing having aspect ratio of 8 is place at an angle of attack 4°. The airfoil section is thin
and symmetric. What is the nature of spanwise lift distribution over the wing?


Maximum at center, decreasing linearly towards tips

Maximum at center, decreasing elliptically towards tips

Maximum at center, decreasing logarithmically towards tips

31. Question 2 Marks 9/21
2/2/2019 GATE Aerospace 2019 - Mock Test 14 - 2019 - Are you gateing?

A tangent is drawn from origin to CL-CD curve of an aircraft. What does the point of tangency

Minimum thrust required (TR,min) condition

Maximum Range condition if it was a propeller aircraft

Maximum Endurance condition if it was a Jet aircraft

All of the above

32. Question 2 Marks

Water (density 1000 kg/m3) ows through a venturimeter with inlet diameter 80 mm and throat
diameter 40 mm. The inlet and throat gauge pressures are measured to be 400 kPa and 130 kPa
respectively. Assuming the venturimeter to be horizontal and neglecting friction, the inlet velocity (in
m/s) is
(Round off answer to whole number)


33. Question 2 Marks

An airplane with wing loading of W/S = 1200 N/m2 is ying in cruise condition at a speed V = 120 m/s
at an altitude where air density is 0.428 kg /m3. The zero lift pitching moment coef cient of the
airplane is -0.06 and the location of airplane aerodynamic center from the wing leading edge is 25%
of the chord length. What is the value of airplane’s trim lift coef cient CL,trim?





34. Question 2 Marks


Following data is given for an aircraft ying at 11km altitude (Atmospheric Density, ρ = 0.3641
Weight, W = 2500kg; Wing Area, S = 25m2; Cruise Velocity, Vcruise = 67.0 m/s; Stall Velocity at highest
load factor, Vstall = 80.0 m/s; Maximum Lift Coef cient, CLmax = 3.4. 10/21
2/2/2019 GATE Aerospace 2019 - Mock Test 14 - 2019 - Are you gateing?

What is the maximum value of the positive load factor at which this aircraft can y? (Round off to 1
decimal places)


35. Question 2 Marks


Following data is given for an aircraft ying at 11km altitude (Atmospheric Density, ρ = 0.3641
Weight, W = 2500kg; Wing Area, S = 25m2; Cruise Velocity, Vcruise = 67.0 m/s; Stall Velocity at highest
load factor, Vstall = 80.0 m/s; Maximum Lift Coef cient, CLmax = 3.4.

What is the minimum radius at which this aircraft can take a horizontal turn?

117.0 m

166.8 m

172.7 m

212.5 m

36. Question 2 Marks


where D is the region between the two circles x2 + y2 = 1 and x2 + y2 = 4.

π(e-1 - e-4)

2π(e-1 - e-4)

37. Question 2 Marks

Determine a particular solution to 11/21
2/2/2019 GATE Aerospace 2019 - Mock Test 14 - 2019 - Are you gateing?

y” – 4y’ – 12y = 3e5t

-3(e5t - e3t)



-3(e5t + e3t)

38. Question 2 Marks

Find the Inverse Laplace transform of function

6 - e8t + 4e3t

6 - 8et + 3e4t

6 - e-8t + 4e-3t

6 - 8e-t + 3e-4t

39. Question 2 Marks

Consider an ant crawling along the curve (x − 2)2 + y2 = 4, where x and y are in meters. The ant starts
at the point (4, 0) and moves counter-clockwise with a speed of 1.57 meters per second. The time
taken by the ant to reach the point (2, 2) is (in seconds, round-off to 1 decimal place)


40. Question 2 Marks

Use the Trapezoidal Rule with n = 4 to estimate




2.546 12/21
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41. Question 2 Marks

A gas turbine engine is based on the Joule cycle (Brayton cycle). The pressure ratio is 6/1. The inlet
temperature to the compressor is 10°C. The ow rate of air is 0.2 kg/s. The temperature at inlet to
the turbine is 950°C. Calculate the thermal ef ciency of the cycle. (γ = 1.4, cp = 1005 J/kg K)





42. Question 2 Marks

Air enters a compressor stage at 140m/s absolute velocity and 30 deg angle with respect to engine
axis. If the inlet angle of rotor is 60 deg, and ow turning angle is 27 deg, what is the work done per
unit mass of air ow by the rotor?

36.75 kJ/kg

42.67 kJ/kg

53.37 kJ/kg

73.50 kJ/kg

43. Question 2 Marks

A turbojet powered aircraft cruising 120m/s velocity at 11km altitude produces 2850 N thrust. If the
exit nozzle at this altitude is optimally expanded and Mass ow rate of air through engine is 52.7 kg/s,
what is the forward velocity of the aircraft? (Take acceleration due to gravity, g = 9.81 m/s2)

54.08 m/s

174.1 m/s

215.25 m/s

Can't be calculated using given data

44. Question 2 Marks


A gas turbine expands 4 kg/s of air from 12 bar and 900°C to 1 bar adiabatically with an isentropic
ef ciency of 87%.  (γ = 1.4, cp = 1005 J/kg K) 13/21
2/2/2019 GATE Aerospace 2019 - Mock Test 14 - 2019 - Are you gateing?

Calculate the exhaust temperature.





45. Question 2 Marks


A gas turbine expands 4 kg/s of air from 12 bar and 900°C to 1 bar adiabatically with an isentropic
ef ciency of 87%. (γ = 1.4, cp = 1005 J/kg K)

Calculate the power output.

1.446 MW

2.887 MW

2.135 MW

3.271 MW

46. Question 2 Marks

A ball of mass 0.1 kg, initially at rest, is dropped from height of 1 m. Ball hits the ground and bounces
off the ground. Upon impact with the ground, the velocity reduces by 20%. The height (in m) to which
the ball will rise is…………(correct to two decimal places)

47. Question 2 Marks

A 500kg satellite is rotating in an elliptical earth orbit 350km x 14820km. What is the ratio of its
velocities at perigee and apogee? (Take Radius of Earth, Re = 6400km, Universal Gravitational
Constant G=6.673×10-11 Nm2/kg2 and Mass of Earth, Me=5.98×1024 kg)



42.343 14/21
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48. Question 2 Marks

The propellant in a single stage rocket occupies 70% of its initial mass. If all of it is expended
instantaneously at an equivalent exhaust velocity of 2500 m/s, what would be the altitude attained
by the payload when launched vertically?
[Neglect drag and assume acceleration due to gravity to be constant at 9.81 m/s2.]

325.4 km

366.8 km

409.1 km

461.8 km

49. Question 2 Marks

An aluminum (E = 70 GPa) column built into the ground and having top end free, has length, L = 2.2 m.
The dimensions of the cross-section are b = 210 mm and d = 280 mm. What is the critical load to
buckle the column?

7711 kN

13708 kN

30844 kN

54384 kN

50. Question 2 Marks

For the beam having cross-section as shown in the gure, what is the most probable location of shear
center if a vertical downwards load is applied? 15/21
2/2/2019 GATE Aerospace 2019 - Mock Test 14 - 2019 - Are you gateing?

51. Question 2 Marks

For the beam having cross-section as shown in the gure, calculate the location of neutral axis from
the bottom edge.

157.65 mm

178.81 mm

164.33 mm

142.68 mm

52. Question 2 Marks

Consider a beam in bending with a solid rectangular cross-section of 10 mm , which is subjected to a
transverse shear force of 10 N. The shear stress at the center of the cross-section (in N/mm2)is………
(Round off to 1 decimal place)


53. Question 2 Marks

Considering massless rigid rod and small oscillations, the natural frequency (in rad/s) of vibration of
the system shown in the gure is 16/21
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54. Question 2 Marks


The burn rate (in mm/s) ‘r’ of a solid propellant is related to chamber pressure P (in MPa) as r =
1.53P0.716. When the chamber pressure is maximum, the burn rate of propellant is 1.2 cm/s. The
rocket motor is cylindrical in shape having 50mm diameter and 30cm length. It is made up of Mild
steel having yield strength 250MPa.
The solid propellant grain has a cigarette burning con guration and occupies full length of the motor
tube. Mass of propellant is 4.25kg. The diameter of nozzle throat is 6mm.

What should be the minimum wall thickness of motor for factor of safety 3?

0.78 mm

2.10 mm

5.32 mm

18.94 mm

55. Question 2 Marks


The burn rate (in mm/s) ‘r’ of a solid propellant is related to chamber pressure P (in MPa) as r =
1.53P0.716. When the chamber pressure is maximum, the burn rate of propellant is 1.2 cm/s. The
rocket motor is cylindrical in shape having 50mm diameter and 30cm length. It is made up of Mild
steel having yield strength 250MPa.
The solid propellant grain has a cigarette burning con guration and occupies full length of the motor
tube. Mass of propellant is 4.25kg. The diameter of nozzle throat is 6mm.

What is the characteristic velocity of rocket?

2687.1 m/s

3593.8 m/s 17/21
2/2/2019 GATE Aerospace 2019 - Mock Test 14 - 2019 - Are you gateing?

1562.4 m/s

2952.8 m/s

56. Question 1 Marks

Choose the most appropriate alternative from the options given below to complete the following

The patriot was given a tumultuous welcome ________ his countrymen.





57. Question 1 Marks

Choose the most appropriate alternative from the options given below to complete the following

Because of his excellent __________ skills, he could mesmerize the crowd with the power of his speech.





58. Question 1 Marks

Select the pair that best expresses a relationship similar to that expressed in the pair:

Training : Heredity

Unnatural : Usual

Ornithologist : Birds

Habits : Instincts

Astute : Ingenious 18/21
2/2/2019 GATE Aerospace 2019 - Mock Test 14 - 2019 - Are you gateing?

59. Question 1 Marks

Identify the part of the sentence that has an error.

The reason he has been such a success is because he never gives up.

The reason he has

been such a success

is because he

never gives up.

60. Question 1 Marks

Ten years ago, Nidhi’s mother Sita was 4 times old than her daughter. After 10 years, the mother will
be twice older than the daughter. What is the present age of Sita?


61. Question 2 Marks

Two taps can ll a tank in 24 min and 36 min respectively. A 3rd outlet pipe can empty the tank in 30
min. If all of them are opened simultaneously, what will be the time required to ll the tank?

1 hour 15 min

20 min

12 min

None of these

62. Question 2 Marks

Questions are to be answered on the basis of information represented in the form of bar graph which
depicts the yearly earning in Rs. cr. from the two All India Radio channels, viz. Vividh Bharati and
Primary Channel. 19/21
2/2/2019 GATE Aerospace 2019 - Mock Test 14 - 2019 - Are you gateing?

What was the annual percentage increase of AIR’s commercial earnings from 1985-86 to 1995-96?
(Correct to 1 decimal place)


63. Question 2 Marks

While dialing a telephone number, Rahul forgot the last 2 digits,remembering only that they were
different. He dials the number at random.If he takes two trials, what is the probability that he dials
the correct number?





64. Question 2 Marks

Carmen, Evelyn, Leslie and Marion are related

1. Carmen or Evelyn is Leslie’s only son

2. Evelyn or Leslie is Marion’s Sister
3. Marion is Carmen’s brother or only daughter
4. One of the four is the opposite sex from each of the other three.

Who is the opposite sex from each of the others?





65. Question 2 Marks

Select the closest meaning of the word in italics.

During the election campaign, the two candidates were kept in full cognizance of the international

view 20/21
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ignorance 21/21

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