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Describing People and Things

I am small
he, she, it is short
you, they,
are boy

I am a girl
He is tall
It is a cat
They are big

Describing People and Things

blue eyes
four legs
I, you, they,
have two arms
small nose
he, she, it has blond hair
red shirt

I have blond hair.
They have red shirts.
It has four legs.
He has blue eyes.

Use is, am, are, and has, Hi, I ------- Sebastian. I Hi, I ------ Helena. I -----
have to describe people. ------- from Madrid. I sixteen and I ------ from
------- ten years old. I --- Russia. I ------ brown hair
---- red hair and green and blue eyes. I ------
Hello! My name is Peter. I am eyes. I -------- glasses. I yellow t-shirt and a pink
seven years old. I am a -------- a green jumper skirt. I ------ a tennis
student. I have brown eyes and brown trousers. My player. I ------ a
and brown hair. I have a red shoes ------ white. I ----- very successful
cap. My trousers interested in player. I ------ a
is blue. I am good at sports. observing the new racket. I
nature. I ------ ------ also
good at science. interested in arts.
There ------ a I ------ good at
ladybird on my drawing. But I ----
knee. -- bad at swimming.

so lovely.

Hello, my name ---- Tina. I Hello, I ----- Sarah. I ---- Hi, I ------ Martin. I -----
------ from England and I from Germany. My family from Brazil and I ------ ten
------ a student. I ------ ------ in Berlin but I ----- years old. I ---------
twelve years old. I ------ a a student in London. I ---- brown hair and black eyes.
big family. I -------- long ----- brown hair and light My trousers ------ blue
red hair and dark green eyes. brown eyes. My t-shirt ----- and I ---------- white
I ------- a long dress and a purple. I ---------- green shoes. My t-shirt --------
big hat. My shoes trousers and white sneakers. red. It ------ new. I -----
------ pink. I I ------ good at -good at spelling. I ------
--------- sports. I ------ a bookworm. My
a necklace. I lots of friends. favorite activity
------ good at They ------ so ------ reading.
designing clothes. lovely. I ------ Detective stories
I ------ interested interested in ------ exciting
in fashion. animals. and interesting.

Her name ------ Ahad. Hello. She ------ Sue. She He ------ Serkan. He ----
She------ from Turkey. ------ from the USA. She from Turkey. He ------ six
She------ eleven years old. ----- ten years old. She--- years old. He ------- a big
She ---------- curly red a student. She ----------- and lovely family. He------
hair and green eyes. Her t- long red hair and brown red hair and green eyes. His
shirt ------ purple. She - eyes. She ---------- t-shirt ------ red. He ----
----- interested in cooking. glasses. Her t-shirt ------ ------ blue trousers and
She---good at making pink. She ------ interested white sneakers. His favorite
salads. Her favorite in puzzles. activity ------
food ------ Kebab. She ------ also good playing with his
Her father ------ at solving problems. friends. His best
a cook and her Her favorite school friend ------
dream ------ subject ------- Sevim. She ------
to be a cook. She mathematics. It very clever. They
------ so funny. -----interesting ------ good friends.
to solve the puzzles.
Adjectives and their opposites
Match the adjectives in column A with their opposites in column B

gorgeous narrow strong neat

loose single
clean new
thin short
dark old
easy open short high
curly small
fancy quiet
hard light
fat rich
full sharp fast ugly
blunt bad
good shiny
dull empty
handsome slow
poor thin
heavy soft
large straight noisy plain
closed difficult
long tall
young light
low thick
married tight old dirty
messy weak wide ugly

Now using the adjectives from column A complete these sentences:

1. The knife wasn’t ______________ enough to cut through the meat.
2. She has been ____________ ___for ten years before they had their first child.
3. She was wearing a very ____________ jewelry with many diamonds.
4. I decided to go on a diet. All my clothes were too ____________
5. I saw Gary last night dancing with the most _______________ girl I’d ever seen.
6. She found the door ______________ when she arrived at the house.
7. Betty has long, dark, ______________ hair and she looks like a movie star.
8. The room was _______________ of people when I arrived.
9. John is sick and very ______________ . He has a serious illness.
10. That kitchen doesn’t look very ____________. It is so dirty.
11. My brother is becoming more and more ______________ as the days go on. He is 180 cm now.
12. That wealthy family just bought a ____________ house with 10 bedrooms and a swimming pool.
13. I was really bored along the trip, because we drove down a ____________ road for five hours.
14. Did you notice how __________ he is now? He must go on a diet.
15. I got perfect score. The exam was as _____________ as ABC. I can answer all the questions.
16. The suitcase was too ________________ for me to pick up.
17. Mary was a very ______________ kid, she didn’t talk too much.
18. I had to find my way quickly, it was getting ___________ and I was very afraid.
19. Brian was _______________ at tennis when he was at university.
20. The table was much too _______________ for the tablecloth so we had to use two.
21. We had to buy a ___________ cooker because the old one didn’t work anymore.
22. My car was a big red _______________ one and stood out among the others in the car park.
23. Luckily the fence was ____________ and we were able to climb over it.
24. My daughter’s bedroom is always ____________, so I tell her to tidy it.
25. Did you see that ___________ man sitting on the bench? He must be nearly 100 years old.
26. I love my new pullover sweater, it’s so _____________ and comfortable.
27. If I were ______________ I’d buy a yacht and sail around the world.
28. The train was so _________________. That’s why I’m late getting here.
29. He was a very ____________ man, a good head above everyone else.
30. There was a ___________ layer of dust in the window. Nobody had been there for years
Hello! My name’s 2
Sheila and this is
my house! Come 3
on in!

My name’s Sheila, I am nine years old and I
am from London, the capital of England. I live
with my mother (my father died when I was
eleven months) in a quiet little house in 9
Hampstead Heath. There is only one bedroom in
my house, so I share it with my mother. I love
her very much, we are best friends. 8 6
My house is small but very cozy. It is 7
brownish with brown windows and black roof.
Upstairs there is the bedroom, a corridor and True or Flase? Correct the false ones.
the bathroom. In the bedroom we have a big 1. Sheila is ten years old.
bed, two bedside tables with table lamps on --------------------------------------------------------
2. She is American.
them. We also have an armchair, a big fluffy rug
on the floor and a picture on the wall. In the
3. Sheila’s house is big.
bathroom there is a bath, a washbasin, the --------------------------------------------------------
toilet, a mirror above the washbasin and a rug 4. There is one bedroom in her house.
on the floor. --------------------------------------------------------
Downstairs there is a living room, a kitchen 5. The bathroom is downstairs.
and the hall. On the hall we have the stairs and --------------------------------------------------------
some paintings on the wall. There is no dining
room and so we eat our meals in the kitchen. Answer the questions about the text.
The kitchen is quite large. It has got a table in 1. How old is Sheila?
the centre, two chairs, a fridge, a cooker, a big --------------------------------------------------
2. Where does she live?
white cupboard where we keep our plates and
glasses, a washing machine and a dishwasher.
3. Is her house big or small?
There is also an attic in my house where I have --------------------------------------------------
my laptop and it is there that I practice some 4. Does she share the bedroom?
dance moves. --------------------------------------------------
I love my house! 5. What has she got in the bedroom?
6. Which rooms are there downstairs?
Do the caption of the house. --------------------------------------------------
1. chimney 7. What’s in the kitchen?
2. -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
3. -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
4. -------------------------------------------------- 8. Is there an attic in the house?
5. -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
6. -------------------------------------------------- 9. How many rooms are there?
7. front door --------------------------------------------------
8. -------------------------------------------------- 10. Does Sheila like her house?
9. -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------



1) – Complete the clock. Write the times in two different ways:

1:00 __________________________________ 1:30 __________________________________

1:05 __________________________________ 1:35 __________________________________
1:10 __________________________________ 1:40 __________________________________
1:15 __________________________________ 1:45 __________________________________
1:20 __________________________________ 1:50 __________________________________
1:25 __________________________________ 1:55 __________________________________

2)- Look at the clocks and write the times:

Fill in the sentences with the
prepositions: in, on, at.

1. ________ 1789.

2. ________ autumn.

3. ________ April.

4. ________ the 15th century.

5. ________ noon.

6. ________ a quarter to five.

7. ________ Wednesday.

8. ________ the 20s.

9. ________ afternoon.

10. ________ 5th September.

11. ________ Monday morning.

12. ________ Thanksgiving Day.

Complete the sentences with: in, on, at.
13. ________ Medieval Times.

14. ________ midday.

0. The train leaves ______ five minutes, hurry up.
15. ________ ten to ten.
1. Dad always cooks ______ Mother’s day.
16. ________ December.
2. She usually goes to bed ______ midnight.

3. The museum is closed ______ Mondays.

4. Many people eat sweets ________ Halloween.

5. He usually gets up late ______ Saturdays.

6. He doesn't work _______ the evenings.

7. Do the Olympic Games start ________ June?

8. Here the shops shut ________ half past eight.

9. We wear warm clothes ________ summer.

10. We like riding our bikes ________ the weekend.

11. I never do homework ______ Friday afternoon.

12. _______ the winter mornings it is cold.

1. eat/have lunch

2. wait for the bus

3. ride the bike

4. miss the bus

5. wash the hands

6. brush the teeth

7. play in the park

8. get up

9. read a book

10. arrive home

11. have dinner

12. go to bed

13. make the bed

14. watch TV

15. wake up

16. have / take a


17. catch/take the


18. go to the

19. wash the face

20. listen to music

21. leave school

22. have breakfast

23. study / do the


24. comb the hair

25. walk to school

26. get dressed

27. have classes

28. have / take a


Describing Daily Routine
Hai I’m Erin. I’m 12 years old. I’m an elementary student at
Wisconsin. Well, let me take you through a typical day in my

I wake up at 6 o’clock. I make a cup of tea and iron my clothes.

Then, I have a shower, brush my teeth and get dressed. I usually
wear jeans, a blouse, a jumper or cardigan and boots in the
winter, or a skirt and blouse in the summer. After that, I brush
my hair, put on my make-up. I pack my bag with all my subject
materials. Then I put on my coat and leave the house.

I walk to the bus stop. I catch the bus at 6.45, and then I pay my
fare and sit down. It takes about 45 minutes to get to my
destination three miles away. I get off the bus and walk to the
school where I study. Next, I have to sign in and get the locker
key. Class starts at 7.30 and ends at 11.30.
Ask these questions to Erin
1. Erin, When do you wake up? I have lunch at 12. I eat a baguette or sandwich at the local café.
2. What do you do after you I sometimes do some shopping before I walk back to school. I
mmwake up? do some photocopying and go back to school. I join some study
clubs like art and music at 2.00. Then, I catch the bus back
3. What kind of fashion do you
home and spend a couple of hours relaxing before I cook
mmusually wear to go to school?
4. How do you go to school?
5. Do you need to pay the fare
mmfor the bus? Ok. That’s my story about my daily routine. Do you have any
6. How far is your school from questions? Please feel free to ask me.
mmyour house?
7. What do you eat for lunch? Ok. If you don’t have any other question. This is the end of my
8. What study club do you join? story. Lots of thanks for paying attention. I hope this story would
be beneficial for us. Thank you.

Now make a story about your daily routine between 4-5 paragraph.
Then, make a presentation in front of the class.
Don’t forget to greet your audiences, open the discussion session,
and give closing statement.

As an audience, ask your friend in the discussion session. Ask 3-4

questions. You can imitate the questions from the questions on top.


Describing Other People’s Daily Routine
Hai I’m Erin. Well, I want to share my story of my
Mom’s daily routine. Here it is…

My mom wakes up at 5.00 am. She takes a bath, gets

dressed, and combs her hair. She goes to school
where she teaches English at 7.00 am. Sometimes she
cooks breakfast like fried rice or pasta with a sauce.
She makes it with me. I chop the onions, fry them
and then mix them with garlic, tomatoes, carrots,
spinach and chilies. I boil the rice and then add the

She goes home at 2.00 pm. She takes a nap for a

while, after she takes shower, sweeps the floor, and
tidies up a bit. Then she makes phone calls, marks
her students’ work, does the laundry. Then she goes
on Facebook, or watches TV until about 10.30 pm
when my Dad comes home. We catch up on our
Ask these questions to Erin about her mom
day, and at about 11 o’clock we go to bed.
1. Erin, When does your mom wake up?
2. What does she do after she wake up? She also works from home. She puts on her
3. What kind of food does she cook before computer and teaches on English Live for two hours
going work? at 7.00 pm until 9.00 pm. Working at home can be
4. What is your mom’s job? very convenient and she loves being able to talk to
5. How does she teach English Live? people around the world. It is also nice working in a
6. How long does your mom teach English school and seeing people on a regular basis and
working in a team. So she feels she has the best of
7. When does your mom go to bed?
8. Why does your mom feel convenient to both worlds.
teach English Live?

Now make a story about your daily routine between 4-5 paragraph.
Then, make a presentation in front of the class. comb : menyisir
Don’t forget to greet your audiences, open the discussion session, chop : memotong
and give closing statement.
fry : menggoreng
As an audience, ask your friend in the discussion session. Ask 3-4 mix : mencamapur
questions. You can imitate the questions from the questions on top. boil : merebus
add : menambah
take a nap : tidur sebentar
sweep : menyapu
GRAMMAR tidy : merapikan
make phone call : menelepon
mark : menilai
do the laundry : mencuci baju
catch up : berkumpul
convenient : nyaman

Hello everyone! My name is Lucy and this is my beloved grandfather!
His name is Tim and he is my best friend. My grandfather is sixty-four
years old and he is retired now, so he has plenty of time to be and play
with me. I love him very much and I know he loves me too. We usually
spend a lot of time together.
He is a widower
widow and he lives with me, my father, my mother and my
brother Kevin. We live in a big house in Fort Collins, Colorado. My
grandfather is a very tall and strong man! Can you see me on his
shoulders in this picture? He is really strong! My grandfather is a
patient and caring man and sometimes I think he is a magician. He’s
always guessing what I want to do or to eat or what I feel inside!…
When I am sad, he always makes me laugh with his funny faces. He puts
me on his shoulders, he tells me many stories (I know they are
imaginary, but I pretend they are real!), he even sings for me!
Everyday my grandfather Tim prepares my breakfast, he drives me
school and picks me up at the end of classes, he helps me with my school
work, he takes me to the swimming-pool, he plays chess with me and he
counts the stars with me. You know, my grandfather is the only grown-
up I know who truly understands me. I love him very much!

Match the words from the text with Write The sentense in Simple Present
their equivalent on the right.
1. (+) His name is Tim
beloved ● ● well-built (-) His name is not Tim
big ● ● tolerant (?) Is his name Tim?
strong ● ● huge
patient ● ● loving
caring ● ● adored 2. (+)
funny ● ● try to make-believe (-) He is not retired
imaginary ● ● unreal (?)
pretend ● ● adult
grown-up ● ● witty 3. (+)
(-) He doesn’t live with me
B True or False? Correct the false ones. (?)
1. Lucy’s grandfather is named John.
______________________________ 4. (+) He drives me school
2. He is a teacher. (-)
______________________________ (?)
3. They spend a lot of time together.
______________________________ 5. (+) We usually spend time together
4. Lucy has got a sister. (-)
______________________________ (?)
5. Her grandfather lives alone.
A) Rewrite the sentences using the words in B) Write the sentences negative or
brackets: interrogative

1.Kate ikut karate setiap pagi (join) 1.- Lorenzo/ cycles/ to work/every day (?)
…………………………………………………………………………. 2.- The shop closes at 7 o’clock.
2.Freddy bermain basket di sekolah. (play) (-)
…………………………………………………………………. 3.- Hector eats vegetables. (?)
3.Siswa-siswa menghadiri upacara (attend) …………………………………………………………
4.-Hannah watches French films
……………………………………………………………………… (?)
4.Ayu sering menceritakan liburannya (tell) ………………………………………………………
5. You help your parents. (-)
………………………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………
5.Rena selalu naik bus (catch) 6.-Bob works at the pub. (?)
………………………………………………………………. 7.- Tom makes his bed. (-)
8.- My sister plays the drums. (?)
C) Choose the correct option: 9.- The clock strikes ten. (-)
1.- Timothy ……… his homework at home.
a)do b)doing c)does D)Write sentences using the verbs in the
2.- Elsa ……. emails to her friends.
a)send b)sending c)sends
3.- Brian …….. like eating fish and chips.
a)do b)doesn’t c)doing
4.- Gina and you ……. my best friends. 1.Charles … up at eight thirty on Mondays.
a)is b)are c)isn’t
5.-Richard ……… good marks at school. 2.-Martha …….. her friends at the cinema.
a)get b)getting c)gets
3.-The businessman ……. his best suit.
6.- Today ……. Monday
a)are b)is
4.Simon always … me the truth.
7.- Paul …….. in the sea.
a)swim b)swims 5.-Roger ……. marathon.
8.The doctor … teeth
a)examine b)examines 6.-He never ……. anything.
9.-You ……. many letters.
a)write b)writes 7.-Ice cream …… delicious.
10.-Jennifer ….. spiders.
a)hate b)hating c)hates 8.-She ……. the race.

Have dan has artinya adalah memiliki. Rumus:
Subjek singular (he, she, it) : has
Task 1 use; has, have, don’t
Subjek Plural (they, we, I, you) : have
have, doesn’t have
1) They like animals. They
She has a cat  she doesn’t have a cat 
__________ three dogs
Does she have a cat?
and two cats.
You have a sister  You don’t have a sister
2) Sarah __________ a car.
 Do you have a sister?
She goes everywhere by bicycle.
3) Everybody likes Tom. He __________ a lot of
4) Mr and Mrs Johnson __________ two children, a
boy and a girl.
5) A frog __________ wings of course!
Task 2 – Write questions. Use these questions: 6) I can’t open the door. I _______________ a key.
Do ___ have ___? 7) Quick! Hurry! We ______________ much time.
Does ____ have ____? 8) “What’s wrong?” – “I think _________ problem
with my eye.”
1) you – a camera? 9) Ben doesn’t read much. He __________ many
2) you – a passport?
10) It’s a nice town. It __________ a very huge
3) Your father – a car? shopping centre.
____________________________________ 11) Alice is going to the dentist. She __________
4) Carol – many friends? toothache.
____________________________________ 12) “Where is my book?” – “I don’t know. I
5) Mr and Mrs Lewis – any children?
_____________ it.”
13) Julia wants to go on holiday, but she __________
6) You – how much money?
____________________________________ any money.
7) John – what kind of car? 14) “I’m not going to work today. I __________ a bad
____________________________________ cold.”
8) your sister – her own room? 15) It’s a nice house, but it __________ a garden.
____________________________________ 16) Do you ________ a chocolate?
9) you – a pet?
10) Peter – any siblings?
____________________________________ 1) Jim – his own room
2) Anne – black hair
Task 3 – Look at the information. What do Ann
and Jim have? Write the question and the
5) Ann – two brothers
Ann (she) Jim (he)
6) Jim – black hair
a camera no yes
a bicycle yes no ____________________________
black hair no no 7) Ann – a bicycle
brothers/ two bothers one sister ___________________________________
sisters 8) Jim - a sister
own room yes yes ___________________________________
9) Ann – her own room
3) Example : Jim – a camera ___________________________________
Does Jim have a camera? Ye he does. 10) Jim a bicycle
4) Ann – a camera ___________________________________
Complete the sentences using the past participle (verb Complete the sentences. Use the present
3) of the verbs in brackets. perfect – positive or negative.

The train has ___________. We can go out now. (stop) 1. My mum isn’t at home now. She ___________
She isn’t ready. She hasn’t __________ her cases yet. (pack) (go) to the supermarket.
She has ___________ some photos. (take) 2. So far I ______________ (see) three movies
Sally hasn’t ___________ yet. Where can she be? (arrive) this month.
I’ve never ____________ to your mother. (speak) 3. I’m hungry. I ____________ (have) my lunch
I haven’t ____________ which shoes to buy yet. (decide)
My father has ___________ to Rome. (drive)
4. I _________________ (see) Helen yet today.
5. Our football team ________________ (win) all
Choose the correct verb from the box and complete the
its matches so far this year.
sentences using the present perfect form (have/has + verb 3)
6. I don’t know your boy-friend. I ____________
(meet) him yet.
answer break buy clean empty
send leave lose finish run Complete what Susan says. Use the PPT and
1. Tom _________________ the rubbish. for or since.
2. Claire ________________ all the questions.
a) I’m from France, but I live in London now.
3. I ___________________ ten kilometres.
I ____________ (live) here _________1992.
4. They ________________ their car keys.
b) I’m a journalist. I work for a sports magazine in
5. John ________________ a new jacket.
London. I ___________(work) there _________
6. Diana ________________ her arm.
two years.
7. Bill and Tim _________________ the kitchen.
c) I’m married. My husband’s name is Jonathan.
8. The train __________________ the station.
We _____________(be) married _________1993.
9. Karen _____________________ her violin practice.
d) Jonathan works in a bank. He
10. I _________________ the email to Amy.
__________(work) there _________ three years.
e) We have a flat in south London. We ________
(stay) in the flat ________ last May.

Put the words in the right order.

a) I/homework/yet/finished/ haven’t/my Complete. Use just, already or yet.

b) I/homework/my/done/have/already 1. Have you _______________bought a new bike?
______________________________ 2. Great! Sean has _____________ broken the world record!
c) I/homework/my/finished/have/just 3. Don’t shout! He hasn’t finished his homework __________.
______________________________ 4. Can I go to Jane’s party? I’ve ______________ asked you
d) He/home/gone/has/already three times.
5. Mark can’t win the race now. He’s __________ fallen off his
e) Mark/come back/France/just/has/from
f) They/bought/new/a/just/have/house 6. Have you cleaned your room ? I’ve __________ asked you
______________________________ twice.
g) We/gotten/exercise/haven’t/yet 7. Adam is very clever. He’s ____________ passed all his
______________________________ university exams today.
h) The train/the station/already/left/has 8. I haven’t sent the email to Amy _______________.
9. Joe has _________ gone. If you hurry, you can catch him.
i) left/the train/yet/has/?

I Me My Mine
You You Your Yours
They Them Their Theirs
We Us Our Ours
He Him His His
She Her Her Hers
It It Its -

Replace the words in bold with Fill in the blanks with the correct possessive
the correct personal pronouns. adjectives.

1. Mark is very handsome. _ _ _ _ 1. We’ve got three puppies. _ _ _ _ tails are short.
2. My aunt is a hairdresser. _ _ _ _ 2. Mr. Morris has bought a car. _ _ _ _ new car is a
3. I’m talking to my friends . _ _ _ _ BMW.
4. Fiona wants a new dress . _ _ _ _ 3. We take _ _ _ _ dog for a walk twice a day.
5. My sister and I often fight. _ _ _ _ 4. I need to polish _ _ _ _ shoes.
6. Pete’s girlfriend is very nice. _ _ _ _ 5. Jane’s got a new pencil case. _ _ _ _ pencil case
7. Sue threw the ball to Adam. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is made of suede.
8. The teacher is looking at Mike and me. _ _ _ _ 6. Ken’s coat and your coat are brown. _ _ _ _
9. The Greens are moving to a new house. _ _ _ _ coats are the same colour.
10. The elephant splashed water onto Jake and 7. Paula has had her teddy for more than 10 years,
Bill. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ eye is missing.
11. Henry likes Alice and you. _ _ _ _
12. I’m playing with my little sister. _ _ _ _ Rephrase the sentences to use the possessive
13. My brothers and I would like to have a pet. pronouns.
14. David gave a bunch of 25 roses to his parents
on their wedding anniversary. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. These are my boots. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
15. Rachel made tea for Vicky and me. _ _ _ _
2. This is her ballpoint. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
16. The cat is playing with a ball of wool. _ _ _ _
17. Mrs. Wilkins has baked delicious gingerbread 3. Those are our books. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
biscuits. _ _ _ _
4. That is their car. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
18. Ron and Cathy got married last year. _ _ _ _
19. Will John come to the party? _ _ _ _ 5. These are your shoes. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
20. Can you lend Patrick your English dictionary?
6. This is his school bag. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
7. That is our kite. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

a) hot a) shy a) happy a) in love
b) excited b) hungry b) shy b) sad
c) cold c) surprised c) angry c) shocked

a) frightened a) frustrated a) merry a) disgusted

b) sleepy b) patient b) cheerful b) bossy
c) lonely c) glad c) furious c) satisfied

a) brave a) comfortable a) sad a) scared

b) bored b) surprised b) optimistic b) joyful
c) hot c) jealous c) relaxed c) lonely

a) shocked a) proud a) happy a) excited

b) worried b) angry b) jealous b) comfortable
c) exhausted c) amazed c) envious c) bored
1. Put the adjectives in the correct column.

2. Match some of the above adjectives to the correct descriptions.

1. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone who is slow to act because they feel uncertain

2. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone who can be trusted to do something well
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone who is willing to give money or help freely
4. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone who always wants more than they need
5. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone who thinks of their own advantage
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone who is easily offended or upset
7. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone who is relaxed and not easily upset or worried
8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone who likes to keep things tidy and in order
9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone who behaves badly and is not willing to obey
10. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone who is helpful, friendly and cares about others
11. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone who is not willing to work or use any effort
12. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone who moves or does things in a very awkward way
13. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ someone who is able to use words in a clever and funny

Step 1 : Complete the questions with the correct question words.
Step 2 : Interview a friend using your questions. Record the answers.
Step 3 : Tell the class some things about the person you interviewed.
Step 4 : Write a few things about the person you interviewed.

1. What’s the most 2. When was the 3. Have you ever 4. Manuals can be
……………………… thing last time you were been ………………………? ………………………, don’t
you have ever done? really ………………………? Talk about it. you think?

a. excited a. bored a. disappointed a. confused

b. exciting b. boring b. disappointing b. confusing

5. Who’s the most 6. When was the 7. Do you think 8. What’s the most
…………………… teacher last time you were learning English is ……………………… thing
in school? really ………………………? ………………………? that ever happened
to you?

a. bored a. surprised a. tired a. embarrassed

b. boring b. surprising b. tiring b. embarrassing

9. When was the 10. What do you 11. What gets you 12. What do you find
last time you were think is the most …………………? Explain ………………………?
………………………? ……………………… sport why. Give some examples.
Why? or activity?

a. frustrated a. exhausted a. excited a. amused

b. frustrating b. exhausting b. exciting b. amusing

13. What is the 14. What’s has been 15. Would you be 16. When or why
most ……………………… your most ………………… ……………………… if you could people feel
creature in the experience so far? found out you are ………………………?
world? Explain. adopted child ?

a. fascinated a. frightened a. shocked a. terrified

b. fascinating b. frightening b. shocking b. terrifying

17. Are you still 18. What the most 19. What’s the most 20. Have you ever
……………………… when ……………………… news ……………………… thing been ………………………
you get up in the you’ve heard this you’ve ever eaten? by a decision? What
morning? Why (not)? year? Describe it. was it?

a. tired a. depressed a. disgusted a. puzzled

b. tiring b. depressing b. disgusting b. puzzling


PLEASE NOTICE: I’m bored because the movie is boring.

Bored : what we feel. Boring : What makes us feel so

Choose the correct ending for each verb and fill in the blanks.

1. Sophie was really ---------------- with her sister for teasing her. 1. annoy
2. The film we watched last weekend was truly ------------------. 2. annoy
3. Mona Lisa’s smile is quite ---------------------------------------. 3. intrigue
4. Peter felt --------------------------- about his misbehaviour. 4. embarrass
5. Your remarks were -------------------. You should apologize! 5. insult
6. These numbers on teen’s alcohol addiction are rather -----------. 6. disturb
7. Don’t be ---------------------------------! It’s not going to hurt! 7. frighten
8. This has been the most ------------------- moment of my life! 8. frighten
9. Some people feel ----------------- to eat chocolate. 9.disgust
10. Susie felt rather -------------------------- with her performance. 10. frustrate
11. It’s really ------------------- when we don’t achieve our goals! 11. frustrate
12. It’s --------- in this room! Haven’t they got central heating? 12. freeze
13. I feel ------------------- when I listen to classical music. 13. relax
14. Listening to classical music is quite -------------------------. 14. relax
15. Ben didn’t understand the teacher’s question. He looked ----------. 15. puzzle
16. ------------------------ subjects are the most challenging. 16. puzzle
17. They gave me a warm ----------------------- hug! 17. welcome
18. There was a quite ----------------- chocolate cake on the table. 18. tempt
19. These days children’s games are more ----------------------. 19. entertain
20. The last week was extremely -------------------------- for me. 20. exhaust
21. I felt completely ----------------------------------- this week. 21. exhaust
22. The pupils were --------------------------- with the test results. 22. please
23. The test results were very ---------- for both pupils and teacher. 23. please
24. I am truly ---------------------------------- by your attitude. 24. astound
25. Your attitude is quite -------------! You should be more careful! 25. astound
26. I am ------------------------------- at you! Why did you do that? 26. disappoint
27. The final exam results were rather ----------------------------. 27. disappoint
28. Pupils get ---------------------------------------- very easily. 28. distract
29. I won’t answer that! Your question is truly -------------------! 29. insult
30. Are you --------------------------------------- with your job? 30. bore
31. I think my job is not at all ---------------------------! I love it! 31. bore

Modal Verb Practice
Complete the sentences. Use CAN, CAN’T, COULD, COULDN’T

1. I was short of money last week. I __________ buy that disk.

2. I am afraid, I __________ come to your party, next week.
3. When my father was a schoolboy, he was a good runner. He __________ run very fast.
4. My great grandmother was very clever. She __________ speak three foreign languages.
5. Denys __________ swim quite well now. But last summer he __________ swim at all.
6. His uncle __________ ride a horse when he was seven.
7. My grandfather loved music very much. He __________ play the piano and the guitar very well.
8. Something was wrong with my alarm clock. I __________ wake up in time.
9. Max is in a hurry. He __________ wait for us.
10. They talked quite loudly. I __________ hear everything they said.

Fill in the sentences. Use CAN, CAN’T, MUST, MUSTN’T, SHOULD, SHOULDN’T
Can / can’t : for showing ability and inability
Must/ musn’t : for permit or prohibit (formal)
Should/ shouldn’t : for suggesting or prohibit (manner)

1. A woman __________ become the President of Ukraine.

2. We __________ find life on another planet.
3. People __________ live on the Moon.
4. Students __________ cheat during their tests and exams.
5. We __________ play hockey in summer.
6. Sharks __________ be dangerous.
7. Doctors __________ find a cure for cancer.
8. Parents __________ understand their children perfectly.
9. We __________ read at the table when we eat.
10. Pupils __________ talk at the lessons.
11. I am so sad, I __________ watch TV a lot during the exam week.
12. The youngsters __________ say ’’No” to drugs.
13. People __________ smoke, in a room full with children.
14. People __________live in the Mars.
15. We __________ quarrel with our friends.

Choose the best option

1. She __________ play the guitar rather well. (may/must/can)
2. This baby __________ walk yet. (mustn’t/can’t/couldn’t)
3. You __________ be at two places at once. (mustn’t/can’t/can)
4. You __________ teach an old dog new tricks. (must/can/can’t)
5. Tortoises __________ run fast. (may not/mustn’t/can/can’t)
6. The ostrich __________ kill a person with one kick. (may/can/must)
7. I __________ help you if you want. (must/can/may)
8. You __________ finish all the work yesterday. (could/may/can)
9. I __________ sleep well yesterday. (can’t/mustn’t/couldn’t)
10. Pupils __________ be late for classes. (can/may/must/mustn’t)
11. We __________ boil drinking water because of germs. (can/may/must)
12. He __________ inform you about it. (must/can’t/may)
13. We __________ show these photos to her, she will be mad. (must/can/can’t)
14. Granny is sleeping. You __________ make a noise. (must/can’t/mustn’t)
15. We __________ cross the street when the light is red. (must/may/can/mustn’t)
16. People __________ take care of nature. (can/may/must/should)
17. __________ I go out, Sir ? (can/may/must)
18. People __________ live on the Moon. (must/may/can/can’t)
19. Children __________ go to bed late. (can/shouldn’t/may)
20. Max, you __________ take my umbrella. Go ahead. (must/can/may)
Shall I……? (+)Oh, yes, please.
Would you like me to……? (+)That’s very kind of you.
(-)No, don’t worry. I can manage.

Could you please….? (+)Yes, certainly.

Please, could you….? (+)All right.
(-)I’m afraid not because…..
(-)I’m sorry, I can’t because…..

Do you mind if I ……..? (+)Go ahead.

Would anyone mind if I…..? (-)No, of course not.
May I ……? (-)I’m afraid you can’t do that because….
Would it be possible to….?

1. Order the dialogue and underline the above structures (offering to help/ making a request
and asking permission):

Sam: thanks for fixing it. Bye!

Linda: Oh, do you mind if I make a couple of copies first? It won’t take long.
Linda: Oh, er…would you like me to see what can I do?
Sam: Oh, yes please, Could you help me to fix it?
Linda: All right. I’ll just lift the lid…… oh yeah, the paper’s jammed, this sheet is
crumpled. Look I’ll just let it out… There we are. Now if I close the lid, it should be ok.
Sam: Hi, Linda,
Sam: Oh great, thank you very much. I’ve got a lot of copies to make.
Sam: No, of course not.
Linda: Hi Sam. Oh, Is there something wrong?
Linda: Thanks… one…two. There we are. All done. It’s all yours.
Sam: I hope it doesn’t go wrong again!
Linda: yeah, so do I. Good luck. See you later.
Sam: Yes, I’m trying to make some copies but I think there’s a paper jam in the photocopier .

2. Work in pairs: Choose one of these mini-situations to role-play:

1. You want to make a private phone call

2. You’re feeling very hot.

3. You are feeling unwell. Maybe you should go home

4. You want to use your partner’s computer. Ask his/her permission.

5. You’re very hungry. Your partner has some sandwiches.

6. You’ve lost your wallet. You need some money for the bus.

Making requests/ office dialogues

Students complete the request dialogues using the pictures as cues.

Could you tell me It’s 30 floors and 200

where the restroom is? metres in height.


I’ll just check if he’s


Yes, the 15 is fine.


Yes, but we have so much

work !
That sounds great.
I’ll be there.


I’m sorry. I was in a hurry. I think we can cut some

And I guess I was careless. sales staff and we can cut
the research budget

21 8
will or going to
Circle the correct answer Fill in will or the correct form of
1. Oh look! It is going to/ will snow soon. be going to
2. Next summer I am going to/ will 1. Next Saturday we _______________
backpack around Europe. (attend) an NBA game.
2. I think the game ____________ (be) at
3. Ring! Ring! I am going to/ I’ll answer it.
the Olympic arena.
4. I think our team is going to/ will win the
3. My father __________________(buy)
match. tickets tonight.
5. In 2055 robots are going to/ will be the 4. _________ the Miami Heat _________
teachers. (win) the championship?
6. Tonight we are going to have/ will have a 5. The weather ___________(be) dreadful
birthday party for my brother. tomorrow. But I doubt that it
_____________(snow) in June.
7. Sponge Bob is going to/ will work at the
6. We use the word ________________
Crabby Patty tonight. when we want to talk about predictions.
8. My friends are going to/ will go to the 7. In 300 years people
movies tonight. __________________ (travel) with flying
9. I doubt that he is going to/ will pass the cars instead of airplanes.
English test. 8. We use the word(s) _______________
when we offer to help someone.
10. He is going to/ will study for the test
9. ______________(lift) that heavy box
last night.
for you.
11. Be careful! You are going to/ will drop 10. I think that schools __________
the dishes. (not/use) ______________ books- they
12. During summer vacation we are going to/ _______ (give) every child a tablet
will go swimming every day. computer.

Yes or no
1. will is used for plans ______

2. will is used for predictions ______

3. am going to is used for plans _______

4. will is used for offers of help _______

6. will is used for something likely to happen


7. am going to is used after I think _______

8. will is used for decisions I make now ______

Reading Worksheet & Team Game

Job Riddles
Can you find out what I am?
I move people around. I wear a uniform. I wear a uniform.
I drive a car. I work in a surgery. I often have a gun.
I charge a fare. I work in a hospital. I conduct traffic.
I drive a taxi. I make sick people better. I catch thieves.

I wear a uniform. I like the ocean. I work outdoors.

I am often a woman. I have nets. I work with cement.
I work in a hospital. I work on a boat. I wear a hard hat.
I help a doctor. I catch fish. I build houses.

I work in hospital I work in the sky. I don’t have a job.

I examine kids I’m often a woman. I stay at home.
I use stethoscope. I serve food and drinks. I am a woman.
I always smile to kids. I’m usually good-looking. I take care of my family.

I wear a uniform. I put things together. I work in an office.

I travel a lot. I often work in shifts. I make phone calls.
People call me captain. I work in a factory. I send emails.
I fly planes. I work on an assembly I make appointments.

I work in a clinic or zoo I wear a uniform. I work at or near home.

I examine cat, dog, and I often wear green. I drive a tractor.
other animal I have a gun or rifle. I grow vegetables.
I inject the animal I defend my country. I have animals in the

I work with scissors. I’m a sports star. I wear a uniform.

I work in a salon. I make a lot of money. I work in shifts.
I wash, dry and brush. I play for big clubs. People in trouble call me.
I cut hair. I wear football boots. I put out fires.

I wear a uniform. I wear a uniform. I wear a white hat.

I walk or cycle a lot. I drive a vehicle. I feed people.
I don’t like dogs. I pick up people. I work in a kitchen.
I deliver mail. I drive a bus. I cook.

Read the following text:

Last summer, Joel and Sara travelled to England for two weeks. They
travelled in August and stayed in a college with other students in Brighton,
the South of England. It was really fantastic because they talked to a lot of
students of different nationalities and learned a lot about other cultures and
customs. Of course, they learned a lot of English too because they practiced
it every day. In the morning they studied a little, they asked the teacher to
speak slowly when necessary and answered her questions. In the afternoon
they visited different places or played different sports at the college. It was
so much fun. They often walked down to the beach with their new friends
and played or chatted. In the evening they were tired so they sometimes
watched videos or played board games. Write the past simple of these verbs. Pay
The best days were Saturday and Sunday because they travelled to London. attention to the spelling rules:
The city is very big and they visited all the monuments like Big Ben, The Travel – ________________________.
London Eye and Buckingham Palace. They wanted to see the Queen but they Copy-________________________.
didn’t see her, only her guards! Count-________________________.
They liked everything in the city but their favourite thing was the museums, Play-________________________.
especially Madam Tussards. There were lots of realistic figures of famous Close-________________________.
people there. Open-________________________.
At the end of the two weeks, they were sad to return home. The holidays Dance-________________________.
were fun and different from usual. They cried a little when they waved Drop-________________________.
goodbye to their new friends and promised to write or send emails when Cook-________________________.
they arrived home. Live-________________________.

True or false? Correct the false ones. Answer the following questions.

Joel and Sara travelled to England for three weeks.

What did Joel and Sara do in the afternoon?
They stayed in a college.
Did they learn a lot of new things?
Brighton is in the North of England.
What did they like the best?
They asked the teacher to speak fast.
What did they visit in the capital?
They sometimes walked to the beach.
Did they like the museums?
What museum did they like the best?
Did they see the Queen?
Write the following in the negative and ___________________________________________.
Interrogative. Were they happy at the end of the holidays? Explain.
There were many people on the beach. ___________________________________________
Neg: _______________________________. ___________________________________________.
Int: ________________________________. What did they promise to do when they arrived
He enjoyed the trip. home?
Neg: _______________________________. ___________________________________________.
Int: ________________________________.
She was in London.
Neg: _______________________________.
Int: ________________________________.
They stayed in a college.
Neg: _______________________________.
Int: ________________________________.

Past Simple Tense

Past Simple Ket. Waktu yang 2. Change the sentences into positive or negative
digunakan untuk:
sering digunakan: 1. My sister/finish/her studies/two years ago (+)
 Menceritakan
- Yesterday, the day –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
kegiatan di waktu
lampau before yesterday, 2. My neighbours/buy/a new car/last week (-)
I was hungry after - last week/month/year –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
school yesterday. winter/summer, 3. We/spend/the whole afternoon/in the park (+)
We bought a new last Friday/Monday, –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
computer last week. - three hours/days/
4. Dan/write/an interesting report/yesterday (-)
Carol stayed in weeks/months/years ago,
bed last Friday.
- in 2010, 1973, 1649
5. My father/bring/a nice cat/last month (+)
1 Change into past form 9. Do  –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
1. Read  10. Go  6. I/forget/to call my friend/yesterday (-)
2. Write  11. Send 
3. Run  12. Get 
4. Find  13. Meet  7. Bill/fight/with Sam/after the lessons (+)
5. See  14. Ride  ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
6. Buy  15. Come  8. They/visit/Paris/three years ago (-)
7. Bring 16. Fight 
8. Teach  17. Forget 

3 Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

4. Write general questions:
1. When I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (be) a little girl I _ _ _ _ _ _ 1. You /do homework /yesterday?
_ coffee. (not, drink) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
2. Mr. Parker _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (come) back home an hour 2. She /see /an interesting film/on Sunday?
ago. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
3. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Greg and Helen _ _ _ last week? 3. Jim /go /to the sports club/ last week?
(meet) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
4. I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (share) a room with my sister when 4. Lucy /send / a message/to her friend?
we _ _ _ _ (be) kids. ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
5. Peter _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (fall) off his bike last day. 5. Tom /get / a new task/ yesterday?
6. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ you_ _ _ _ to in the corridor this ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
morning? (talk) 6. They /meet /their guests/at the bus station?
7. We _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (not, build) our house by ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
ourselves. 7. Nick /ride /his bike/yesterday?
8. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your mum_ _ _ _ for dinner ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
yesterday? (cook) 8. You /go /to the hospital/last week?
9. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ not Amy_ _ _ her project? (bring) ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
10. My neighbours ______ a new car (not, buy)

5.Fill in the verbs in the correct form:

Yesterday I … (decide) to go to the department store. I … (want) to buy a new sweater.
I also … (invite) Liz, my friend with me. When we … (arrive) there, we ... (see) a lot of
people. We … (find) the counter with sweaters and … (begin) to choose them. They … (be) of different
colours and sizes. I … (ask) to show me a blue sweater which … (be) my size. I … (decide) to try it on and …
(go) to the fitting – room. It … (be) wonderful! It … (fit) me perfectly! Liz … (advise) me to buy it, because
it … (be) nice and not very expensive. I … (ask) where the cash desk …(be). I … (pay) money, … (take) my
sweater and we … (go) home. The day … (be) lucky!

Describing  graphs  worksheet  
Put  the  wordsin  the  appropriate  column.  
  Go  up    Go  down  
Match  the  phrases  below  to  the  lines  on  the    right.  
remain  steady  
increase  slightly  
decrease  sharply  
decrease  slightly  
increase  sharply  
drop  sharply  
stay  the  same  
go  up  a  little  
go  down  slightly  
Rearrange    the    words    into  sentences  &  match  to  the    graph.  
1.  Then  /  will  /  increase  /  for  /  rest  of  the  year  
/the  /  profits    /  sharply  
2.  In  /  slightly  /  costs  /  decrease  /  next  few  
years  /  will  /  the  
3.  Costs  /  the  /  been  /  sharply  /  for  /  rising    
last  year  /  have  
4.    I  /  profits    /  will  /  for  /  next  two  months  
/think  /  the  /  drop  
5.  Profits  /  have    /  for  /  remained  /  last  /  six  
months  /  the  /  steady  

Describing  Graphs  
Match  the  descriptions    to  the  graph  segments.  




Comparison atau perbandingan dalam Bahasa Inggris memiliki rumus tersendiri. Ada tiga macam
perbandingan, yaitu perbandingan setera (positive), lebih daripada (comparative), dan paling (superlative).
Positive (setara) Comparative (lebih daripada) Superlative (paling)
She is as beautiful as her mom She is more beautiful than her mom She is the most beautiful in the class

 Positive comparison (Perbandingan Setara) memiliki ciri-ciri menggunakan as ___ as.

 Comparative comparison (Perbandingan lebih daripada) memiliki ciri-ciri menggunakan more ___
than. More digunakan untuk kata yang terdiri dari 3 suku kata atau lebih. Sedangkan –er untuk kata
yang hanya terdiri dari 1-2 suku kata.
 Superlative comparison (Perbandingan paling) memiliki ciri-ciri menggunakan the most. Most
digunakan untuk kata yang terdiri dari 3 suku kata atau lebih. Sedangkan –est untuk kata yang hanya
terdiri dari 1-2 suku kata.

1. The sales this year is (high)______________________ the sales last year. (tinggi).
2. This report is (organized) _______________________ my report. (tertata)
3. Import stuff is (expensive) ______________________ local stuff. (mahal.)
4. My boss is (stubborn) __________________________ my manager. (keras kepala.)
5. Manufactured product is not (good) _____________ handmade product. (bagus)
6. Customer like to ask (much) ____________________ they like to choose. (banyak)

1. Manajer lebih rajin daripada Supervisor.

2. Laporan ini lebih tertata daripada laporanku.

3. Produk pabrik tidak lebih baik dari produk rumahan.

4. Tugas ini lebih mudah daripada tugas matematika

5. Kamu terlihat lebih lelah daripada kemarin

6. Penjualan tahun ini lebih tinggi daripada penjualan tahun kemarin.

1. This is ________ building among others.(Ini gedung paling tinggi di antara gedung lainnya.)
2. Mr. Suho ________ man in this town. (Pak Suho adalah orang paling kaya di kota ini.)
3. It ________ way to do the report. (Ini adalah cara paling mudah untuk mengerjakan laporan.)
4. It ________ thing I have ever done. (Ini adalah hal paling membosankan yang pernah kulakukan.)
5. This ________ razor in the world. (Ini adalah pisau cukur tertajam di dunia.)

Describing  Graphs  Worksheet  
My  work    graph                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Possible  topics  

Example  sentences:  
1.    My  work  increased  sharply  on  Monday  because  I  had    two  classes.  
2.  My  work  decreased  sharply  on  Wednesday  because  I  had  no  classes.  
3.  It  stayed  the  same  on  Thursday  because  I  had  no  classes.  
4.  It  increased  sharply  again  on  Friday  because  I  had    two  classes  again.  
5.  It  decreased  slightly  on  Saturday  because  I  had  one  class.  
Look    at  the  example  “My  work  graph”  above.    Choose  a  topic  (or  think  of  your  own  topic)  about  your  
life  from  the  “Possible  topics”  and  draw  your  own  graph.  Then  write  five  sentences  about  your    

2.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________  
3.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________  
5.  ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________  


I am an experienced social media manager seeking a full-time position in the

field of social media and marketing communications, where I can apply my
knowledge and skills for continuous improvement.

SEO and Google Analytics
Social media strategy
Marketing Red Media Company | Feb 2019 - Present
Web content development Managed social media accounts
Copywriting Created social media graphics for daily postings
Corporate blogging Increased social media following and clicks by 200%
Project management Addressed customer service inquiries in a social media
Layout design Achieved a customer satisfaction rating of 98%
Photo editing Provided input in improving internal processes
Market research

PERSONAL SKILLS Rich Media Interactive | Apr 2018 - Jan 2019

Developed a social media strategy to increase the following of the

Creative spirit company website
Reliable and professional Spearheaded a viral campaign for one of the company's new products
Time management
Team player
Fast learner


University of Dundee | 2009 - 2013
GPA 3.9
P: +44 7700 9530 Consistent dean's lister
E: Features editor of the college newspaper
W: Varsity member of the swimming team for 3 years



Red Media Company | Dec 2014
Rich Media Interactive, Jan 2013








Cultural Identity

I n 1996, the French Government made a new plan to cut down on

American influence on French culture. The French government
represented many countries which worried about losing their cultures.
The French stood up for those countries’ rights to try and keep the influence
of American culture from taking over the world through movies, television,
and music.
A number of corporations in America had plans to further expand their
influence throughout the world. These companies tried to pass a free trade
agreement very favorable to America at the world trade talks. The agreement
did not come about due to the French government’s political power.
The French government then passed a law which made all French radio
stations build up the number of French pop songs played over the radio.
Radio stations in France had to play at least four French pop songs out of
every ten songs played. Stations which did not stick to this limit of foreign
songs would be breaking the law. The French encouraged other countries to
do the same.
No one in France expects the new law to stop American influence on the
French people. However, they do hope the strength of the influence of
American culture will fade away a little over time. Furthermore, the French
government’s actions will ensure survival of a multi-cultural world.

Question : Do you agree with what the Frech Government did? Why/ Why not?

Yes I do, I agree because No I don’t agree because

- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -

Find the passive voice sentence!
The Titanic

The Titanic was built in 1912. It was designed in a new way and it was thought to be unsinkable.
. Because of this, it wasn’t given enough lifeboats for the passengers and crew. The hull was damaged
by a collision with a huge iceberg and it sank very fast. A total of 1,513 people were drowned that
day. Because of this disaster, a lot of magazines were printed in many languages , new international
safety laws were passed and Ice Patrol was established . In 1985 the wreck was located on the sea
bed and the ship was explored. Several successful films have been made about the Titanic since
then, and the most recent was released in 1997.

Present Simple Past Simple Future Simple

am/is/are + V3 was/were + V3 will + be+ V3

The mail is sent The mail was sent The mail will be sent

1. Choose the sentences only in the Passive Voice: 2. Underline the correct variant:
1. I visited my grandparents yesterday. 1. I (am helped/was helped) yesterday.
2. The letter was sent two days ago. 2. Milk (is bought/will be bought) every day.
3. Kate phoned her friend. 3. Nick (is sent/was sent) to the library yesterday.
4. Tim was taken to the zoo yesterday. 4. Liz (was given/will be given) a new toy tomorrow.
5. The plants are watered every day. 5. This story (is published/was published) 2 years ago.
6. We like to watch TV. 6. Milk (is delivered/was delivered) every day.
7. The children are told not to play there. 7. The car (is bought/was bought) last year.
8. They will attend the lectures on history. 8. Sam (is invited/will be invited) to the party tomorrow.
9. This problem is discussed by the students. 9. The tests (are written/were written) every week.
10. A new shop will be opened in three days. 10. The house (is built/was built) three years ago.
11. We organized a competition at school. 11. Pam (was met/is met) by her father yesterday.
12. Nick was asked to help Tom. 12. Helen (is taken/was taken) to the hospital yesterday.
13. Pam asks a lot of questions. 13. Alec is given/was given the task every day.
14. The house was decorated with flowers. 14. Mona will be seen/was seen in the park yesterday.

3. Use to be and fill in the correct verb: 4. Rewrite the sentences in the Passive Voice:
1. The key ____ (find) under the table yesterday. 1. We bought this car yesterday.
2. They ____ (take) to the museum tomorrow. __________________________________
3. Lessons ____ (attend) by the students every day. 2. W. Shakespeare wrote “Romeo and Juliet”.
4. The report ____ (write) by Sam yesterday. __________________________________
5. This building ____ (design) last year. 3. I’ll make the report next week.
6. Roses ____ (cut) every day. __________________________________
7. The cat ____ (feed) by my mum two hours ago. 4. We use mobiles every day.
8. The chair ____ (repair) by my dad tomorrow. __________________________________
9. The apples ____ (buy) by Liz yesterday. 5. My brother pilots the airplane.
10. The doctor ____ (send) for five minutes ago. __________________________________

5. Change into passive, negative, & introgative, -

1. My mom feeds the cat every day. -
- The cat is fed by my mom every day -
- The cat is not fed by my mom every day
- Is the cat fed by my mom every day? 3. The police found the thief yesterday
2. He will publish the novel in a month. -
__________________________________ -
Let’s talk about EDUCATION
Conversation cards

Where do (did) you go to Do you plan to go to university? What is (was) your favourite
school? Do you think it is (was) (or: Did you go to university?) subject? Why do (did) you like
a good school? Explain. What will (did) you study? it?

What are the qualities of a Once you graduate, should you Which are the best schools
good teacher & good student? stop learning? Explain. and universities in your
(e.g. A good teacher is patient.) How can you continue to learn? country? Explain.
(e.g. A good student is hard-working.)

How much homework or papers Is studying expensive in your Do you think it is easier to
do students need to do? How country? What are the costs? learn as a child or as an adult?
much free time do they have? Do research and compare. Explain your view.

Does education guarantee a Which languages are taught in ‘I’d rather start making money
good job? school? Is it difficult to learn at 16 than continue studying.’
Brainstorm and discuss. to speak them well? Explain. Do you agree? Discuss.

‘Most of what you learn in school is ‘You don’t need to go to school Give examples of school rules.
useless. Also, most teachers are to be smart. I can teach Have you ever broken any?
out of touch with the real world.’ myself.’ Do you agree? (e.g. you must wear a uniform; you
Do you agree? Discuss. mustn’t eat in the classroom)

Which is more important: the Would you consider studying Are women encouraged to
skills you learn in school or in abroad? Where? Why? pursue an education? What
real life? Explain. Talk about it. jobs do they do? Talk about it.

1. boarding school a. 2nd stage in formal education, usually from the ages of 12 to 17
2. diploma b. higher education provided by universities and colleges
3. distance learning c. 1st stage in formal education, usually from the ages of 6 to 11
4. mortar board d. higher education institute that provides distance learning courses
5. open university e. school where pupils are provided with meals and lodging
6. primary education f. document that proves a student has earned a degree
7. secondary education g. courses taken at home, usually online using a computer network
8. tertiary education h. academic cap topped by a flat square with a tassel

 What we learn with pleasure, we never forget.
 Practice is the best of all instructors. Do you agree? Discuss.
 If you can read this, thank a teacher.

Let’s talk about HEALTH
Conversation cards

Have you ever been ill? When was the last time you went How often do you have a medical
What was wrong with you? to the doctor/dentist/hospital? checkup?
Why did you go?

Is a doctor’s visit or a stay in Does your country have good How is your health?
hospital expensive? medical healthcare? What health problems do you
Discuss. Explain. worry about the most?

What do you do to keep fit and Have you ever stopped doing What diseases kill the most
healthy? something for your health? people worldwide?
Compare with others. Talk about it. Do research and discuss.

How many serious or terminal Have you had any vaccines? What sports can be damaging to
illnesses do you know? (e.g. cancer) If so, against which diseases? your health? In what way?
Work in a group and make a list. Are you afraid of needles? In your opinion, what are the
(terminal: cannot be cured) healthiest sports?

What are the main causes of What are the worst jobs for Is being a doctor or nurse a
death? your health? good job?
Are they the same for younger What about the best ones? Would you like to do this job?
and older people? Brainstorm. Brainstorm in group. Why or why not?

What is the average life How is your mental health? How can the environment be
expectancy in your country? Do you know anyone with a damaging to someone’s health?
Is it the same for men and mental disorder? Explain.
women? (e.g. schizophrenia)

Match words and pictures

3 4
ambulance 1 2
General practioner 8
health food
nurse 6
operating theatre
plaster (band aid)
9 10
Let’s talk about MONEY
Conversation cards

Do you have a job? Are you good at saving Do you have a bank account?
Is it full-time or part-time? money? What bank do you choose?
Do you make a lot of money? If so, how do you do it? Why?

How do you usually pay when Do you have an ATM card? Do you have a credit card?
you go shopping? (also: debit card) How often do you use it?
How often do you use it? Where do you use it?

What was the last thing you When you travel abroad (= to How do you spend your
bought? Where did you buy another country), how do you money? What do you usually
it? Talk about it. pay for things? buy?

Have you ever had any How much did you spend How much does it cost to
money stolen from you? yesterday? get a haircut in your
If so, how did it happen? What did you spend it on? country?

How much pocket money do Do you ever give money to Money can’t buy happiness.
(did) your parents give you? beggars on the street? Money can’t buy love.
How do (did) you spend it? Why or why not? Do you agree or disagree?

What’s the most you have What would you do if you Would you prefer to be
ever spent on a gift? What won the lottery? rich, famous or rich and
was it? Who was it for? famous? Explain why.

Match 3
1. salary a. opposite of save
2. interest b. what you have to pay for smth.
3. piggy bank c. the price of a trip by bus, train
credit card
4. expensive d. opposite of lend
cash register
4 5. spend e. payment for a job
6. price f. cash machine
1 7. fare g. opposite of cheap
8. rich h. money paid for the use of money
9. ATM i. money box
10. borrow j. opposite of poor

2 5

How to make a good Presentation

1. Greetings (ucapan pembuka)
Pada bagian greeting sapalah audience. Hal paling penting saat greeting adalah jangan lupa tersenyum
dan tunjukkan raut muka yang tidak tegang. Contoh ucapan pembuka:

 Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. I would like to say thank you for coming in my presentation. It’s
great to see you all.
 Good morning my friend, thank you for the chance that given to me. Now I would like to present
 Good morning/afternoon ladies and gentlemen. It is an honor to meet you in this beautiful day. Thank
you for coming to this presentation. I would like to share about ……..

2. Introducing the Presenter(s) (perkenalan diri)

Bagian introducing adalah tentang bagaimana cara kalian mengenalkan diri sendiri dan team kelompok
kalian dengan benar.
Beberapa contohnya:

 Let me introduce myself and my partner. I am …. and my partner is ….. . We are from ….
 Let us introduce ourselves. I’m ….. next to me is ….. The lady in purple is ….
 Let me introduce myself. My name’s ………. I am from…

3. State the Focus of the Topic (menyampaikan maksud dan tujuan presentasi)
Pada poin ini, bagaimana cara menyampaikan maksud dan tujuan presentasi kalian. Contohnya:

 In this opportunity/in this chance, I would like to present about ………

 The purpose of my presentation is …
 The aim of this presentation is….
 In this presentation, we will discuss about/we would like to discuss about/ we are going to discuss
 Please look at the picture. What do you see in the picture? Great. We will continue finding out what is
going on there. You can see here the graph or the slide.

4. Share the Main Content of Presentation (sampaikan materi)

Pada tahap ini bagaimana kalian menyampaikan materi dengan menggunakan urutan atau sequence,
rentetan atau rangkaian agar dalam proses penyampaian materi terdengar rapi.
Contohnya adalah sebagai berikut.

Gunakan transisi: First, I will explain to you about ….. Then, I will explain why …… is so important for us.
Finally, you will know how to ……
Firstly, I would like to explain about ….. Secondly, ……….. Thirdly…………. Finally …..

Gunakan kata-kata yang menunjukkan reason, contrast, or result: because ….., because of…. since ……,
but, however, although, in addition, therefore, consequently, dan lain-lain.

Gunakan contoh: for instance……, the examples are ….., the only example of this species is ….., We will
see how many examples we will show you but look at the pictures first.

5. Question and Answer (tanya jawab)

Selanjutnya, tibalah sesi tanya jawab untuk memberikan kesempatan pada peserta bertanya dan
tentunya kalian yang juga sebagai moderator bisa menanyakan pertanyaan berikut.

 Well, this is the time to do the discussion to get clearer information.

 Anybody would like to ask?
 There will be question and answer in this presentation
 You can freely ask question about this presentation
 Do you have any other questions? If not, I will try to answer any questions you may have.
 The number of questions will be limited, there will be three questions per session.

6. Make a Summary (kesimpulan)

Nah, saatnya tiba membuat sebuah kesimpulan pada presentasi kalian. Menyampaikan sebuah
kesimpulan yang singkat tetapi jelas dan tentunya mudah dimengerti. Dalam bahasa Inggris terdapat
beberapa ekspresi yang bisa digunakan seperti di bawah ini.

 In conclusion ….
 In summary ….
 So the points are ….
 In short ….
 To summarize ….
 To sum up ….
 To conclude ….

7. Closing (salam penutup)

Sebuah presentasi tidak hanya dibuka dengan pembukaan yang bagus, tetapi harus ditutup dengan
salam penutup yang berkesan. Tentunya dengan mengucapkan salam terima kasih. Ingat, jangan lupa
tersenyum saat membawakan presentasi ya. Berikut contoh ungkapannya dalam bahasa Inggris.

 Well, thank you for your kind attention to join the presentation
 Thank you very much for your great attention, ladies and gentlemen.
 Thank you for your attention. I hope this presentation will be beneficial for us.
 Thank you for listening. May all those we have shares be beneficial for all of us.

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