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A. The Project name executed under this section consists of general requirements for the
following landscape operations:

1. Utilities
2. Landscape materials
3. Landscape features
4. Site furniture
5. Planting

B. This section consists of protecting and preserving vegetation from damage and taking
corrective action when damage occurs. Vegetation includes but is not limited to trees,
brush, roots, woody vines, and perennial forbs and grasses.

C. Removal of trees and other valuable vegetation outside of construction limits are to be
eliminated or performed on a selective basis as project conditions dictate.

D. The Contractor has to protect and preserve:

1. Specimen trees.
2. Threatened and endangered plants, if any.
3. Vegetation in the Contract to be preserved.
4. Trees, brush, and natural scenic elements within the Right of Way and outside the
actual limits of clearing and grubbing
5. Other vegetation the Engineer identifies to be protected and preserved.

E. Section includes all necessary demolition and the removal of waste resulting from demolition,
including, but not limited to the areas listed in this section.

F. Work to be performed under this section is to consist of clearing and grubbing the
site within the limits of the approved Development Drawings and disposal of all waste

G. Work also included under this section is to include the removal and replacement of
existing fences and the erection of temporary fences.

H. Definitions

1. Clearing: The removal and disposal of all exposed objectionable matter such as:
trees, brush, logs, buildings, fences, poles, rubbish, loose boulders and other
debris resting on or protruding through the ground surface.
2. Grubbing: The removal and disposal of all objectionable matter such as: logs, poles,
stumps, structures, boulders, rubbish, and other debris which is embedded in the soil.


A. Comply with all applicable Municipality requirements regarding materials, methods of work,
and disposal of excess and waste materials.

B. Contractor will obtain all permits, required inspections, etc. Owner will pay for all required
inspections, permits, and fees by reimbursement to Contractor or pay directly to the
Authority. Verify with Engineer. Provide evidence of Permits, etc. and evidence of payments
to Engineer. Provide a notice of requirements by local authorities to Engineer.

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C. Owner will appoint a qualified representative to oversee the work and assure
adherence to the plans and specifications. This person will be designated as ‘The

D. Perform work in accordance with related Section requirements of the latest Local
Municipality standards. Maintain one copy of standards on site.


A. Locate and identify existing underground and overhead services and utilities within contract
limit work areas.

B. Provide adequate means of protection of utilities and services designated to remain.

C. Repair utilities damaged during site work operations at Contractor’s expense.

D. When uncharted or incorrectly charted underground piping or other utilities and services are
encountered during site work operations, notify the applicable utility company
immediately to obtain procedure directions. Cooperate with the applicable utility company
in maintaining active services in operation.

E. Locate, protect, and maintain benchmarks, monuments, control points and project
engineering reference points. Re-establish disturbed or destroyed items at Contractor’s

F. Obtain governing authorities written permission when required to close or obstruct

street, walks and adjacent facilities. Provide alternate routes around closed or
obstructed traffic ways when required by governing authorities.

G. Control dust caused by the work. Dampen surfaces as required. Comply with pollution
control regulations of governing authorities.

H. Protect existing buildings, paving, and other services or facilities on site and adjacent to the
site from damage caused by work operations. Cost of repair and restoration of damaged
items at Contractor’s expense.

I. Protect and maintain streetlights, utility poles and services, traffic signal control boxes,
curb boxes, valves and other services, except items designated for removal. Remove or
coordinate the removal of traffic signs, parking meters and postal mailboxes with the
applicable governmental agency.


A. These general requirements apply to all landscape operations. Refer to each section for
specific requirements.

B. Place temporary fence prior to other construction activities in order to prevent plant
root and crown damage due to vehicle and equipment movement or supply storage.

C. Place tree or applicable protection signs on fence perimeters to create awareness on the part
of construction workers and the public.

D. Where necessary, cut tree roots cleanly at the construction limits or as far from the tree as
possible using a vibratory plow or approved equal.

E. Prevent roots from drying out by timely watering, immediate backfilling or by applying mulch.

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F. Restrict infliction of damage to dormant seasons of plant growth if possible so that shoot
expansion and leaf size adjusts to the reduced root system.

G. Water heavily impacted trees thoroughly prior to inflicting damage and thereafter on a
semi-weekly to monthly basis depending on soil type and weather conditions.

H. Use a well-drained sandy loam soil around trees. Deep fills require more elaborate measures
specifically tailored for high value specimen trees.

I. Coordinate utility locations near trees and other vegetation to be protected in order to prevent
or minimize damage from utility excavations. Adhere to applicable standard regarding
tunnelling under tree roots.

J. Incorporate additional measures such as plant growth regulators, corrective and clean-up
pruning, vertical mulching and supplemental watering to increase survival chances and
enhance tree vigour for high value specimen trees.


A. Remove pavement and structures if applicable as shown on the drawings.

B. Remove existing plant material if applicable as shown on the drawings.

1. Before starting demolition work, plant material to remain is to be protected adjacent to

demolition areas.


A. Unless otherwise noted, all materials and structures removed or demolished under this
contract are to become the property of the Contractor and is to be removed from the owner’s
property by the Contractor at no additional expense to the client.


A. The Contractor is responsible for providing all necessary protection to persons and the
Owners property while executing the work under this Section. Provide and maintain
required guard lights, barricades, shoring and bracing and any other protection required to
comply with U.A.E., Local, or municipal codes and the contract specifications.


A. Burning on-site is not permitted.

B. The use of explosive is not permitted.


A. Conform to applicable code for disposal of debris.

B. Conform to local Fire Department Codes for burning debris on site, if allowed. Obtain
all necessary permits prior to burning on site.

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A. Submit under provisions of Section 01700.

B. Accurately record actual locations of utilities remaining by horizontal dimensions, elevations

or inverts, and slope gradients.



A. Materials and equipment: As selected by Contractor, except as indicated.

B. Materials used for protection of trees and vegetation to remain during clearing
operations are to be at Contractor's option. Materials chosen are subject to review by the
Engineer upon installation and are to be approved by the Engineer to ensure maximum
protection to vegetation.

C. Materials used for the repair of trees and vegetation damaged outside clearing limits
shown on Drawings are to be Contractor's option but must be approved by the Engineer prior
to use.

D. Wound paint is to be a standard bituminous product.

E. Herbicides are not to be used unless written approval is given by the Engineer.

F. Explosives are not to be used unless necessary permits are obtained from all Authorities
having jurisdiction.

G. Materials used for the replacement or relocation of existing fences are to be of equal or
superior quality to those fence materials existing prior to construction unless specified
otherwise on the plans.


A. Barrier fence, orange plastic fence, welded wire fence, chain link fence, board fence,
or chicken wire fence are to be used as per Engineer’s instructions. When placed
within the disturbed area at the limits of clearing and grading and erected at a height of
1.2m, the fencing material is to be mounted on 1.8m tall steel posts driven 0.45m into the
ground and placed a maximum of 1.8m apart, except for welded wire fence and chain link
fence where steel posts are to be placed a maximum of 3m apart. When board fencing
is used it has to be mounted on 1.8m tall wooden stakes driven 0.45m into the ground
and placed a maximum of 1.8m apart.

B. Filter fabric fence, silt fence, or super silt fence.

1. This fencing is to be used for tree protection when placed at the limits of grading and
constructed as specified.
2. The Engineer is also require the placement of one of the tree protective devices
mentioned above if the filter fabric fence or silt fence is not adequate to protect
the trees shown on the approved plan to be preserved.

C. A temporary perimeter dike (Berm) as a protective device for vegetation to be preserved.

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A. Examine the areas and conditions under which work is to be performed. Do not proceed with
the work until unsatisfactory conditions are corrected.

B. Consult the available records and drawings of adjacent work and of existing services and
utilities which may affect work operations, as provided by owner.

C. Identify required lines, levels, contours, and datum.

D. Stake and flag locations of known utilities.

E. Locate, identify, and protect utilities that remain, from damage.

F. Protect above and below grade utilities that remain.

G. Protect plant life, lawns, rock outcropping and other features remaining as a portion of final

H. Protect benchmarks, survey control point, existing structures, fences, sidewalks, paving, and
curbs from excavating equipment and vehicular traffic.

I. Comply with the directives set forth in Section 02222 Clause 3.6 for maintaining and
supporting services and structures.


A. Tree Protection Devices. The Contractor is to protect the above and below-ground portions
of all vegetation shown on the approved plan to be preserved within and contiguous
to the site. After vegetation has been removed within the area authorized to be
cleared and protective devices to be installed immediately.

B. Along all limits of clearing and grading adjacent to areas of vegetation to be preserved, the
protection device is to be used which effectively protects the above and below-ground
portions of the trees and other vegetation to be preserved.

C. The device(s) used are to be in conformance with the approved plans and the Engineer to
be instructed to honour these devices. The protection devices described in Part 2.
Materials and equipment are provided as suggestions only. Other devices affording equally
effective protection are to be used subject to the Engineer’s approval.

D. A temporary perimeter dike (Berm) which has been constructed for erosion and sediment
control is to double as a protective device for vegetation to be preserved. The dike is to be
constructed as specified and constructed entirely within the disturbed area. If the dike
is removed before the construction is completed, the Engineer is to require the
installation of substitute tree protection and/or erosion and sediment control devices.

E. Once clearing is completed and protective devices installed according to the approved
erosion and sediment control plan, an inspection is to be requested by the Contractor.
The clearing and erosion and sediment control devices is to be approved by the Engineer
before additional clearing begins.

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A. Tree protection devices are to be maintained until all work in the vicinity has been completed
and not be removed or relocated without the consent of the Engineer. If the Engineer deems
that the protective devices are insufficient, installation of additional protective devices are to
be required.

B. Heavy equipment, vehicular traffic, stockpiling of materials, or deposition of sediment is not

be permitted within tree preservation areas.

C. No toxic materials are to be stored within 30 m of vegetation areas to be retained.

D. Fires authorized by the applicable authority or Fire Code, or any other Local law is not to
be permitted within 30m of vegetated areas retained unless approved by the Engineer in
accordance with the ordinance, code or law. If authorized, fires are to be limited in size so as
not to adversely affect the vegetation.

E. No protective devices, signs, utility boxes or other objects are to be nailed or affixed to trees
to be preserved.

F. In the event that a tree or portion thereof is dead or dying due to construction or
environmental changes resulting from construction and/or clearing, and poses a hazard to
either life or property, the Contractor is to take such action as necessary to eliminate
the hazard carefully. The Contractor is to notify the Engineer of any actions taken or
proposed to be taken under this Section.

G. When excavating, all tree roots greater than 25mm in diameter that are exposed
and/or damaged are be trimmed cleanly, and covered temporarily with moist burlap, or
other suitable material to prevent the exposed roots from drying out until the final soil
grade is restored.

H. Tree walls are to be provided when necessary to maintain the limits of clearing and
grading and tie into existing grades. The engineer is to be consulted to determine the
proper tree wall location to protect the structural integrity of the tree's root system, to help
ensure the tree's survival and public safety. Once a grade has been lowered for the
construction of a tree wall, the wall is to be constructed as soon as possible, but, in
any event, within two weeks. If the wall is over 0.6 m in height, consult with the
engineer since the construction above 0.6 m may require a building permit.

I. Any damage inflicted to the above or below-ground portions of the trees shown to be
preserved is to be repaired immediately. All damaged branches in the crown are to be cut off

J. Any portion of a tree preservation area that is disturbed without prior approval of the
Engineer is to be mulched immediately with a minimum of 100mm of wood chips or
shredded hardwood mulch.

K. Trenching is to be done only within the areas shown to be disturbed on the approved plan,
unless otherwise approved by the Engineer prior to commencing work.

L. When trenching or tunnelling, all trees roots greater than 25mm diameter that are
exposed and/or damaged are to be trimmed cleanly, and covered temporarily with moist
burlap, or other suitable material to prevent the exposed roots from drying out until the
soil grade is restored.

M. Trees or preservation areas that are damaged by trenching or tunnelling are to be mulched
immediately after the work is completed with wood chips or shredded hardwood mulch
100mm deep and as wide as the area of disturbance to mitigate the impacts of

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A. Protecting and Preserving

1. The Contractor has not to place temporary structures, store material, or conduct
unnecessary construction activities within a distance of 8 m outside of the drip line
of trees designated to be preserved without approval from the Engineer.
2. The Contractor has not to place temporary structures or store material (including
common borrow and topsoil) outside of the construction limits in areas designated in
the Contract or by the Engineer to be preserved.
3. The Contractor has not to place or leave any waste material on the project site,
including bituminous and concrete waste, so as to interfere with other construction
4. Concrete waste is defined to include all excess material not used on the project,
including excess material ground to form rumble strips.

B. Temporary Fence

1. The Contractor has to place temporary fences to protect vegetation before starting
2. The Contractor has to place temporary fence at the construction limits and at other
locations adjacent to vegetation designated to be preserved when specified in the
Contract, directed by the Engineer, or allowed by the Engineer.
3. The Contractor has to place tree protection signs supplied with the temporary
fence at 15 meters intervals or no fewer than two per fence or as specified by the
4. The Contractor has to not remove the fence until all work is completed or until removal
is allowed by the Engineer. The fence has to prevent traffic movement and the
placement of temporary facilities, equipment, stockpiles, and supplies from harming
the vegetation.

C. Clean Root Cutting

1. The Contractor has to cut cleanly all tree roots at the construction limits when specified
in the Contract or directed by the Engineer.
2. The Contractor will immediately and cleanly cut damaged and exposed roots.
Trees designated for protection have damaged roots cut back to sound healthy
tissue and also have topsoil immediately placed over the exposed roots. The
Contractor has to immediately cover root ends that are exposed by excavation
activities with 150 mm of topsoil as measured outward from the cut root ends.
3. The Contractor has to limit cutting to a minimum depth necessary for
construction and has to use a vibratory plow or other approved root cutter prior to

D. Watering

1. The Contractor has to water root-damaged trees during the growing season
when root damage occurs in order to maintain adequate but not excessive soil
moisture. The Contractor has to saturate the soil within the undisturbed portion of the
drip line of impacted trees to a depth of 500mm.
2. The Contractor has to adjust the intervals and frequency of watering according
to prevailing moisture and weather conditions.

E. Sandy Loam Topsoil

1. The Contractor has to place sandy loam topsoil, instead of common borrow fill,
within the drip line of specimen trees when specified in the Contract or directed
by the Engineer.
2. The Contractor has to place the topsoil in a manner that will avoid over-compaction, as
approved by the Engineer.

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3. The Contractor has to establish turf consistent with the adjacent areas as approved by
the Engineer.

F. Utility Construction

1. The Contractor has to bore (tunnel) under roots of trees that are to be
preserved when utility installations take place within the tree protection zone.
2. Open trenching will not be permitted within this zone.

G. Pruning

1. The Contractor has to prune trees specified in the Contract or as directed by the
2. Pruning has to include the removal of dead, broken, rubbing branches, and
those limbs that may interfere with the existing and proposed structures.

H. Destroyed or Disfigured Vegetation

1. If the Contractor destroys or disfigures vegetation designated to be preserved,

the Contractor has to, at no expense to the owner, restore the damaged
vegetation to a condition equal to what existed before the damage was done.
2. The Engineer may assess damages against the Contractor on vegetation where an
equal level of restoration is not accomplished.
3. The Engineer will assess damages of trees and landscaping at not less than the
appraisal damages as determined by the International Society of Arboriculture
appraisal guide. The Engineer will determine and assess damages of other

I. Other Vegetation Protection Measures

1. The Contractor has to provide other vegetation protection measures; including

root system bridging, compaction reduction, aeration, and retaining walls; as
specified in the Contract or as directed by the Engineer.


A. Within the areas of construction and elsewhere as indicated, remove in their entirety all
specified items.


A. Remove debris resulting from demolition from the site daily and disposed of off the Owner's

B. Clean site of debris daily. At the completion of demolition, clean site by raking areas of
demolition to remove any remaining debris.


A. No tree, shrub, or other landscaping plants are to be removed unless absolutely

necessary for the construction of the proposed improvements. All shrubs or landscaping
plants removed or damaged during construction are to be replaced by the Contractor at his
expense, with landscaping approved by the Engineer.

B. Limits of clearing are to be contained within the areas within Right-of-way, Easement and
Construction limits as shown on the approved Development Drawings.

C. Existing fences that can be reused (if approved by the Engineer) are to be carefully removed
and stored at such a distance that they are not damaged by construction activity.

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D. Fences that cannot be reused are to be removed to such a distance to allow construction
activity and are to be replaced with new materials similar to existing fences upon
completion of construction.


A. The limits of grubbing are to be contained within Right-of-way, Easement and Construction
limits as shown on the approved Development Drawings.

B. Stumps and roots are to be grubbed and removed to a depth not less than 600mm below
existing grade or bottom of foundation structure.

C. All holes or cavities, which extend below the sub-grade elevation of proposed work is to
be filled with crushed rock or other suitable material and compacted to the same density as
the surrounding material.


A. Where new construction on existing roads is required, the Contractor is to record a video CD,
and photograph the route prior to beginning construction in such a manner as to provide
sound, visual evidence as to the pre-existing conditions along the route of construction. The
Contractor is to keep these records on file; the Engineer may request copies as needed.

B. Streets, roads, adjacent property, and other works to remain are to be protected
throughout the work in accordance with local laws and ordinances.

C. Contractor is to make every effort to protect existing Bench marks, R/W markers,
monuments, iron pins, property corner markers, etc. If any are disturbed or destroyed,
Contractor is to provide services of a registered land surveyor to replace the markers.

D. No trees are to be cut outside of areas designated without specific approval of the Engineer,
and any trees designated are to be protected from damage by Contractor's construction

E. Existing trees and other vegetation to remain are to be protected as directed by the Engineer:

1. Trees are to be protected by fencing, barricades, or wrapping.

2. Shrubs and bushes are to be protected by fencing, barricades, or wrapping. Wrapping
of bushes and shrubs with plastic film will not be permitted.
3. Shallow-rooted plants are to be protected at ground surface under and in some cases
outside the spread of branches by fencing, barricades, or ground cover protection.

F. In the event archaeological resources are uncovered, the Contractor is to notify the Owner
prior to proceeding with Work.

G. Contractor is to erect temporary fences as necessary to preserve the privacy of all

affected property owners whose existing fences are being removed or relocated.
Temporary fences are to be of sufficient strength and quality to prevent escape of animals
and livestock and to prevent the intrusion of animals and people.

H. It is Contractor's responsibility to coordinate, with each affected property owner, the

removal and erection of fences and to maintain any temporary and/or relocated fences
throughout the contract period.

I. Contractor is to assume all costs incurred by any property owner.

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J. It is the Contractor's responsibility to secure any insurance necessary to protect him in

the event of loss or damage to any animals, livestock and property for the duration of
the project and maintenance period.


A. Contractor is to remove and dispose of all excess material resulting from clearing or
site preparation operations. Contractor is to dispose of such materials in a manner
acceptable to the Engineer at an approved location where such materials can be lawfully

B. Contractor may, at no cost, retain any materials of value from clearing operations for
his own use, or disposal by sale, unless otherwise stated in these Specifications. Such
material is to be removed from construction area before completion of Work. The Owner
assumes no responsibility for protection or safekeeping of any materials so retained by

C. Materials will not be disposed of by burying.

D. Burning will be permitted if the required permits have been acquired from the local Fire
Department. Burning of debris on site must conform to local fire department codes and must
be in compliance with the applicable Rules and Regulations. Burning will be permitted only at
times when conditions are considered favourable for burning and at locations approved by
proper Local authorities. Materials to be burned are to be piled neatly and, when in a suitable
condition, are to be burned completely. Piling for burning is to be done in such a manner and
in such locations as to cause the least fire risk. All burning is to be so thorough that the
materials are reduced to ashes. No logs, branches, or charred pieces are to be permitted to
remain. Contractor is at all times to take special precautions to prevent fire from
spreading to areas beyond the limits of cleared areas and is to have available at all
times, suitable equipment and supplies for use in preventing and suppressing fires.
Unguarded fires will not be permitted.

E. Material to be removed from site is to be removed as it accumulates to prevent any

unsightly spoil areas.

F. All unsuitable excavated materials must be properly disposed of in a manner

acceptable to the Owner and will not adversely affect the environment. Disposal of
construction debris and solid waste is to be in compliance with the applicable Rules and
Regulations. acquisitions

A. Verify that survey benchmark and intended elevations for the Work are as indicated.


A. Excavate subsoil from areas to be further excavated, re-landscaped, or re-graded.

B. Do not excavate wet subsoil.

C. When excavating through roots, perform work by hand and cut roots with sharp axe.

D. Remove subsoil from site.

E. Stability: Replace damaged or displaced subsoil to same requirements as for specified fill.

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A. Install Work in accordance with Municipality standards.

B. Fill areas to the required contours and elevations with materials accepted by the Engineer.

C. Place fill material in continuous layers and compact in accordance with the schedule at end of
this section.

D. Maintain optimum moisture content of fill materials to attain required compaction density.

E. Slope grade away from building minimum 50mm in 3m, unless otherwise noted.

F. Make grade changes gradual. Blend slope into level areas.

G. Remove surplus fill materials from site.


A. Top Surface of Sub grade: Plus or minus 20mm from required elevation.


A. Section 01400 - Quality Assurance: Field inspection and testing.

B. All test results shall comply with the Municipality standard unless otherwise specified.

C. Compaction testing shall be conducted in accordance with ASTM D 1556, ASTM D 1557, and

D. Testing: In accordance with related Section requirements.

E. If tests indicate Work does not meet specified requirements, remove Work, replace and
F. Frequency of Tests: One sample every 1,000m

A. Subsoil Fill:

1. Maximum 200mm layers up to the required compacted depth.

2. Compact to minimum 95 percent of maximum dry density.

B. Sweet soil Fill:

1. 200mm layers up to the required compacted depth.

2. Compact to minimum 95 percent of maximum dry density.


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