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Question I 1. A brief summary of the….

The major area of concern at Fire Art is that company is losing

is niche market to other competitors. This attributed by No
Team Work and Non Accustom of Team Process. Individual`s
are dragged by their departmental goals and requirements and team
member`s different high end opinion. Each Individual has its own
vision and beliefs which is counter reacting. If Maureen, Ray &
Carleven come together and think towards the company`s growth it
is met by the Insinuated attitude, Renegade behaviour and
negativity of Randy.
Question I 2. List and elaborate on the reasons….

a. The FineArt Team led by Eric

Eric has a Team to lead to uplift the FireArt Company`s drowning

resources. He has an Efficient team and has a comprehensive plan for
the company to be realigned and successfully running in 6 months but
his team`s productivity is sub-optimal as Eric has negative
apprehensions of how the other team members perceive him. Eric also
has a Road Block in Randy as he has an insinuated behaviour, he is not
a Team Player. Teams members are putting in efforts in their domains
but as cohesive group they haven’t collaborated.
Question I 2. List and elaborate on the reasons…...

b. Randy Louderback

Randy Louderback is a Self Made Man. He was a poor child, started

his career as a Security Guard and has climbed the ladder of success
with hard work and commitment and has earned his position as
Director Sales & Marketing. But he is an Aggressor, Recognition, Self
Confessor. He wants to run and direct the business as per his terms
and does not believe in team work. He basically Disengages a
productive presentation or group chat, which therein leads to the
disruption of the meeting. He believes if he can make it independently
so he can also upgrade the FireArt Business and make it a success.
Question I 2. List and elaborate on the reasons….

c. Eric Holt

Eric Holt being as the Director of Strategy, lacks to influence his team
members to come to a mutual understanding. He starts looking at the
obstacles and members who would revolt him or his proposition, but
he does`nt come to a conclusion to make the team work, as he has
fears of Randy. He is dominated by the fact that Randy is “The
Horsepower” He could have worked around and formed a strategy to
involve Randy and make him amicable with the team members. Eric`s
Fear, anxiety pangs and lack of self confidence does not make the team
come together. He is unable to hold the Team`s attention and unable to
boost up their morale. Eric need to be more dominating and ensure he
lay down a plan that is absorbed by all and one. Taking everyone on
same platform should be his priority and it should be done with
more authority. Or else he is loosing time to revive the company.
Question II 1. Steps that Eric should adopt.......timelines.
a. Short-term (1-3 months)

Eric needs to encourage inclusivity wherein every member feels

appreciated and engaged and of importance. Needs to encourage the
introvert member also to showcase his inner skills. Establish trust
which harnesses the team`s potential as a team`s output rather than an
individual`s output. Eric needs to work on the team member is a
Disengager, manipulator, self confessor, interrupter, as these types of
individuals do not encourage Team Work, but dissolve the productivity
and in the long term affects the output of the business.
Question II 1. Steps that Eric should adopt

b. Medium-term (beyond 3 months)

Information which is agreed by a group of people rather than

individual`s information is called Common Information Effect,
which Eric needs to put into action for long term results. He needs to
encourage debates and critical thinking amongst members rather than
to criticize a team member. Needs to ensure awareness of every team
members`s good skills, expertise and competencies. Bring forward the
topic of Disengagement on the table wherein every member can speak
up and dissolve the problem which can yield into a good term result.
Minimize team differences and focus on a good team building for the

Question II 2. Pick any three recommendations….

a. Recommendation 1

Teams needs to run on Trust. Trust binds the team to work towards its
goals as a single unit without any self proclamation. Trust is a
foundation wherein every member tends to work and commits one’s
self to the betterment of the organization.
The team need to realize if they intend to sail out the company out of
this trouble, it has to be done collectively. They need to made to
understand that all arms of the company are relevant and fight out
Question II 2. Pick any three recommendations….

b. Recommendation 2

When a Team is created or built, Conflicts tend to happen within the

system or among the team members. Its a healthy way of
communication and also a way forward wherein various ideas are
poured forth from every member. Which in the end further results to
a major decision based on every member`s contribution. Conflicts
bring in various different perspectives.

Question II 2. Pick any three recommendations….

c. Recommendation 3

Teams run on Commitment. Trust binds the team to work towards it

goals as a single unit without any self proclamation. There would be
open conflicts which can be harnessed in a good measure and turned
into a profit for the organization and binds the team more closely
knitted. Every team member is bound to be committed to work on ideas
and plans towards the betterment of the organization and therefore
creates a Good Team work result.
1. Analyse Jack Derry…...
Question III
a. Sensing

Jack Derry has a clear understanding of his and the other team
member`s goals, roles, responsibilities and competencies. His actions
helps in developing the organization. He has a clarity of his thought
processes and is a great listener. He knows the internal working of the
team members and their potential and ability to deliver, which in the
right time can lead to the upliftment of the organization in the near
future to greater heights. He willingly listens to other members`s
opinions which he implements into decisions or puts forward during
topic discussions.

1. Analyse Jack Derry…...

Question III
b. Relating

A leader of his organization needs to know the needs of his

organization through his team members. His team members are the
source of supply of need to the betterment of the organization. Jack
Derry has built his relationship with members and has strengthened his
networking in order to be a good leader. Mutual trust, courtesy and
respect play a very vital role as it projects the true traits of a good
leader with leadership qualities.
1. Analyse Jack Derry…...
Question III
c. Visioning

A visionary is a person with good leadership qualities who goes

beyond measure to make a company reach its milestone. Jack Derry
sees Randy Louderback as the Horsepower for the organization with
small deficits like a Bouncer, Self confessor, on that basis he advises
Eric to create a powerful and goal driven team whose powerful impact
can uplift the organization from the present mess. Jack Derry clearly
foresees the challenges and gets oe encourages Eric to works towards
it with a determination which will or should yield positive results.

1. Analyse Jack Derry…...

Question III
d. Executing

A leader needs to have precise execution plans to bring forth good

results. Execution is all about mastering the concept to turn plans into
meaningful and profit yielding results and also involves the team
members to work towards the same. A good Executing plans needs to
be scheduled in a limited time frame where in involves conversations
with stakeholders and taking in their questions and further leading to
freezing the decisions and then communicating the same to the
organization. Execution is a well made plan with profits for the near
2. Recommend any changes….
Question III

Jack Derry could have been a more effective leader if he would have
been able to have an open table discussion with the apt team members
elected by Eric and where the team members`s differences or opinions
would have been an open forum and where Randy Louderback could
have been instructed or conveyed or encouraged to play a good team
member or could harness his good abilities and also put forth the other
member`s good abilities, feedback and accumulated this collective
good work towards the upliftment of the organization. Bringing
together the collective efforts of all the members could have proven as
a betterment for the organization.

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