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Part A

Anuer ay ten in brie

Hevro> odrama .

DeeroudhattamC jT¢IA)
In tis type the heas an depicte as

louo For Omanpa , lord IKama Srom Uttarromachoarite

n Deera VAhatta C TegT):

In tis typa th heros will bo shown a

veny 3goave uke Beakma rom Mahalkat

' Deera Santa ERaTerT:)

T heo l l a Solt
attsed PeAAon,uke în
the daasma Mrithakadicam

ivDeera lalitaha: CRAa)

The hanos will bo intreste în fina ants ikaîn

tha dharna Supona Vasalbda ttoam

2 H r

AUTR: maans Staga divetor .The Stage drekor

reta speak to the audienle t tell the story ,ave

injormation o Commen on the acbbn of tha Staan br

motivation o4 Chaazton

3Imporbont Sentimant s o drama

Te thre main o droma ane as Sollouu
D Shringaraha Rasa Erobic or Romance
Veera Rasaka - rowe , and

11) Ka una Pasaha Sfmpatt

4 Mii m RAJuirernent &or TTh

Thone aane thsee main Component in

iD Thame Ston
11 Heho , and
1 Serntíment
S Plap o Bhana
Dranmas basod on MahabhhaE
iDkarnoabkaYom, 1)Madhayamavayoaa ,in)Pan atom
i Dutovalyarm, v) DuEagatot kaua ,ard vi) Urubhanga
bDramas banad on Romajaam
Vi Pratima nabakam ond Vi) Abishakarata ka

C Dramas basad on
Sh aavatom
ix Lalacaritm .

c ranmas basad on &asleo

Avimoraka xi) Prabij nayaugand kavayanam, and

A Suoapravaavadattam , xi') Corudattom

6 rfa efa
Kina Hor shavardhana har written tao ataos

Ratraval andriuadhabhika.

Rakrauai- Raknavali ,a lo acts play,dess uwith

tha love o sagarik

doals with vdayara's
Aiga dlarshi ka Priuadnshi ka
1 Modhuama Vyaynga

The Madhy ema Vgagoga is 0 (oalkad beawse

t conorNSMadhyama
There ahe tuo chaso t e rs okich oansuoor to

Eha name
Mathyama One of Ha.m is the Seond Son

o the ramin karauadahe. His nam is i t s l Madhyara.

8. Who said to Whone

Cnatotkacha 2aid thS to ka^avadasa 's fanily

letters k Vowels,
lagu- Tha
Constants Pronoun
a with h o r t sourd

) u The lettens oe pr onguniad

with lona sound
anusoana and
pronounLod u i t
r d ettey o aie,

Visoga :) lattey follow by tonjunt

,and i 37THTTaT

Part B

The atheY o a play verisam baharm Batt

naaana . IE s a six act play donoi birg tha ewindin

up o te braid o DraLspai y ma rom Mahabhaat.

Swon that wowoulan't oalos to fe or
the hoh braid ntil and unlas urouodhana dios,

ne Bhima kils Duouodhara ond bi o ho braid.

Honue thisita kas bean givon b th author.The

Masn s0ntimant HO\oism

The a t h r ot Bhe play Mudranaksham

visshadatto It tonsiit o Soyon a s Tt depicts te

attempt of Chanakua dur compelling Ralcshaa the


|haraito instey Nanda's to batome e m

o Chandra Gupta Maunya

kahaadoha s a raman in readont o

u p a VilNaae rua TuUed b Yudkisra. He belor

to Mat wmaa hotra H has an unla 1coahik hotra,

Uvi U&uam oa Ullage wich 3itucted in Novth ot

hisvillage . H goi to attd df kis Son aemon

along with iswito. Than darnon aPpaad before him and

ha. is tempering to tek ore of his danily membo

When 2 l: ,one TO and solloued by 231

bhen it is taled es irdha vjea

ss SI1, S1,1S1,SS

han 1oT, AJJO2 U ,2J Etan

it is Vayanty blaka
SS, S11, sl, S1, SS

a tsa

Thore sill ba 12 slables 2nd Lire in to tal Count

19 4 ure il\ be 15

whee 2 J U 1ATOT Sollouwed by 2 2

4 a W k e natotkaha appeh behore kaaawaoana a m y andl

ha-is peetirg that he repeis Brahmina, ke uoontad Bau fro

i s 3i that he is indaad blosed tat ho is
able to Proteut the ives oj eldoNs with isdamil.The love

&or tha body is nothira Con-pairad to e love og relaivoj

Part C

Aauwe 0 hrea in dotail.

AA. ís on of t h predolarsuYS of kalidasa.

Raidara manions is rame in th prolourge o kis

dona Madavikoarimitram a oun ntsbliskad ard poPweh

dromatisst in
tedollousirg worels AT 145uzatror
TDAAATHTRI Bhasa is knouan tb have written a
umb o droman .Houovan, till reanty , Bhaa oas dry
a m ord his
pla wN lost. Tn 1911, Sore manu

SCrips oistoveed by o qrate Scholar by ramne

Mobamchopadhyaua &onapai Sast rin.They w birtean

in umbaA in the
Sorne bundl ard bore 3ame mutual
likero Sanbio aited them ord attri butad all o

tham to the auwth orskip of Bhao

kaaraumen in upport o Bhasa 's athorsp can

b Summed up as &ollows

iD AN Bhone pla
baain with ta arival 351ET?: onn
tha stog
tha stog ard thon stl¢ is reuted Tis is agi be a

Puuliar Seatuna not ony in oB odromas

The prolounq us odo not Contain any
Name of
retanta b
author ond of the
work, there by
shouoina that thUa
play belora to pr Camial
11)Tn nost ot tha plas, Ba
ha Sarma
o c in he prologa eprand
euprand îbîo nA

iv Th nand vema contoind

Chaat in theplay Lonmene thus
havirg tha
Mudraank ana

Th HRATZI in mast o tho Play nds

with Ba
prage AuTRIE TF
vi Thea pla Cortan a mbe o epre>>ion ch
aha incOTreut fn the
ugh ot
Panni3 gamn for
eaR4, H ah et On tha strength 4 here

similri bies sond in ormTn on among then pla, tha

Loanred shdar
Cranapati Sasbri attri butad tham to

the Same authoY

Soon ayten publication of thana plays calad

Tkirtean Trivondrum Plays, ahost o stholas began

t PPal tha tonuluai vn asived by Sanbri.Thay

hola Bat Bana pla> ane onty Eha Staa Sipts
Cokiars. Thau ane braras abors in Koala..But
impovtent thi must be
keap in mid wile

iswing thus problom. rom tha reherenua mada by

Raiasak haa ib i knod ab

Gkasa's Suoapravasavadata,
who stood be test od iva wkile a coibial eramunak orn
was Conduuted Gor thea pla of Bhara
22Dromas o Kalidara C IqTT:)
h1T is the anthor o thae
pla am ely


iD Malavilkakani mitrom

Malavi Kaanimibrom i
cdroma in ive
outs E daalb with the Love bt
IÚfaa dov
Princa» talled Malawika It may
to be on
istori Cal play as
Comtemporaneow events
ilee tho horse
Sadigile peormac by Pushjamitra,
eud batucca
tst: UARaT: ad
ond Aeni mitras HMeiG
in teenvention ae
relbtNad to. Though
Lova is clominant
Sentiment o4 bis
play wth love,
kalidaa ha handled the Vidunha ka chaalt e
baautisuly a t humow also
stands pa)
on pa) with love
tiD Vikra mor Vas
Vikaamoryasiuam is aa
drama in ive
Tt depicts tha love o in A Sor tha
the Celanbial
ymph 3daft
CUrvasi).The Sora
SouMa of
pay toud ba trauadd to the 3RUUTV'I
kalidap has indroducad 3ovea
hanaes in this
At Iv o ts play s
lrital mondlog dascribi

a a modaman
seanhing or 36at in the mownbrin-
- ous reaion

1ni) Abhj nanasa luntalam.

Ahiinananakun talam is a dhema is 3ewon

dopatirg t a love of
2H: ard lod
The episodo
The in
MahabhaaE is tehani Sor this
play By Introduorg the rig o
Dushuanta and
the a o Durvasab, Kalidara has
chargud Bha
Cow of the play in an
altogLathon dijfonont
dircckion Sina the loss of the r i
iven by the
Eha hoira a a
to kan o Yemembrana plays
leadirg paht in enndina the thaNattes od
the hano ond hooira, [ha phy oama bo ho Calad
o Abkij nanaakunblam. ThoreiS not aLean in

Bha pla, tohich is dovoicl o cham and attro on

Kalidara's sulo in the

dramas is

2a o i g , hanta ond augo It is absout

e frbm elaborate asd laboured Conmbrutions
Word ana choson in
lahga numbas rom comon

2 Chabatr ot JEfh z
Inbrodiutio n
Madhyama Vyagoga is one a t
wrttern by ba maste ddromabist
Baa Tke story
is boa on Bha maha bharat
1) The Chaharte hatotkkatha :

Though ha s not hoho of Bha

play,it is

Ghatot kaha who is present rom Bha

bagina to
ha and ot play He is tha Son o Hidamba and Bhina
ThDug ha staal the iytuas o his dattan, ha has tha
wnmistakabla cemunial traisE Bhat ha Com
his mother .Tis is
l2Ay enres byBhima
by Bima
in &a
diseuetion o Ghatotkadha
He is lebcribad as bo ava foata Ekat
reembos ion. is teeth ana o ika thosa of a

Lion e has honsy - toloWed eyes His nuk iS hu

and Smooth , Ehe eybroLoy aa o Colou), he
has honDy Coloured eyes. His nou i t a l l and

smooth, Ba ybrouos ahe aj gay colbu ha is haok-

hoi sed and the cin is ika that ot an elephant.

The hinn hairbosa is Lo osa H is

broad thented
and kis thunda) bblt i k

t. HS ganb

renembas that o an alepkent and bul. His dms

ae Lo ard strorg Th it daak thak he is born

to cemones and a reat a r i or
The olA Bramin denoibos Ghao kauha a the

imaae oS Sivva at the ti ma o tha dntvuukion

ha orl

He hao baan
Compaired to ba dak cloud
which hay bhe cdisit ot moon
Concaludbahid it
He is Che ango Siva
who has dastrouad
Bree ci ties

The appesherie of Gkabo

kalha is
3ut not his Chaautes

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