Job Sheet RAC & PAC

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1800 102 0055

Job Sheet /Service report/Commissioning report

Call No. Date : Time :

Customer Detail Product


IDU Serial No.

Mobile No. ODU Serial No.

Date of Purchase

Registered By


Warranty Type : I/W O/W AMC RUN: TIMER:



Visit Details Visit Date Engr. Name In Time Out Time REMARKS
1 Visit

2nd Visit

Part Code Part Description Qty. Unit Cost Parts Cost Verified By IA

Service Calls Yes No Installation Calls Yes No

Eav. Coil Clean/Wash Ampere Amp. Location ID/OD
Voltage Volt
Con. Coil clean/wash Slope
Grill Temp C
Air Filter wash Return air temp… C MCB Rating OK
Blower & Fan touching Running back pressure PSI Physical Damage(if any)
Tube Touching Earthing
Noise & Vibration Pipe length b/w ID &OD
Grill Fitment Noise Vibration(if any)
Electrical connection Water Leakage (if any)
Unit Clean Stabilizer Rating OK
Date of Job completion Customer’s Given Product Demonstration & explained all functions of Remote Control YES NO
Signature Explained how to remove and clean Air Filter YES NO
I am fully satisfied/not satisfied with
Informed contact details for any service assistance YES NO
the installation carried out on my
product & the same is working Informed about 3 Free Services YES NO
satisfactorily. Part Cost TCR No/Date
Labour Cost Engineer
Other Cost
Total Cost Sign

Note: A copy of job completion report should be given to the customer.

This is a record of installation/service rendered and is for usage by S & S / Authorised Service Centre/SSD Only.

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