Rizal 19th Century Notes

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Inquilinos – people who rent from the hacienderos and they lease the land that they rented to tenant

Domingo Lam Co – is not a surname. Co is a title. Domingo is a name he embraced because he was
baptized in Sunday.

Classification of Spaniards:

PENINSULARES – pure blooded Spanish, born in Spain and went to ph. Often favored.

INSULARES – Spanish born in ph

MESTIZOS – half blooded

 Spanish mestizos – half Spanish blooded

 Sangley – kalahating Chinese, kalahating local

Insulares and Mestizos are highly educated and often looked down by the Peninsulares.

Creoles – the insulares and Spanish are often referred to as this.

Indios – those without Spanish blood. Includes the masses, sangley and sangley mestizos.

Filipino – in the late 19th century, originally referred to the insulares. The insulares started calling
themselves as filipinos.

How do we define Filipino Nation?

Nation – is an imagined political community that is both limited and sovereign.

Imagined because members cannot all know each other, community that only exists within your mind.
Limited because no nation encompasses all of mankind, nor even aspires to. A community that believes
that not all human beings are a part, meaning there will be boundaries.

Nations are constructed. Nations are not something you discover, it is something you create.


After the win of the liberal team, it affected the Philippines.


Carlos Ma. Dela torre – during his term, key economic political cultural reforms were introduced.

The Philippines are governed directly by Spain. It became a colony.


Opening of Manila to World Trade – the trade opened for all countries. This lead to the
development of manila as a major global trading outpost.

Creation of new infrastructures and institutions – built to support the trade in Manila.

Urbanization and opening of new businesses.

Reforms in key institution like education and public health. Education and public health were built by
Spanish and started in Spanish colonial period by the friar orders.

(Places outside Intramuros are semi-rural or arabal)

Rizal’s concern is that Schools in the ph are managed by Dominican friars and they often teach related to
religion. He said there are biases.

3 important schools in the ph during the Spanish period:

1. UST – the only tertiary school in the ph. Dominican run tertiary institution within the walls of
Intramuros. The oldest unversity in asia. Most prestigious school
2. Ateneo Municipal – Jesuit-run secondary school. School for orphans called Escuela Pia. Originally
established as a secondary school. Rizal attended for his secondary education. Became known
for its updated curriculum in the field of arts and sciences.
3. Colegio of San Juan de Letran – Dominican-run secondary school.

Students and drops out of UST, Ateneo and Letran teach in Latinity Schools or Escuelas De Latinidad,
where students can read and write originally in Spanish. These are schools run by maestros who came
from the top 3 schools. Students will go in the house of maestros to learn.

Latinity schools functions as a public sphere where students can freely talk to each other the most
important issues that time because they are not monitored by friars.

Printing press – started by the graduates of latinity schools.

Freemasonry – are groups that are anti-catholic or church that advocated for freedom of expression,
press, religion and they also promoted rationalism. They are like fraternities. Rizal and bonifacio are

2 classification of priests:

Regular Priests/Friars – members of religious orders which functions as going around the world to
spread Catholicism. Most are Spaniards. Main function is to convert non-catholics to Christianity. Mostly
are peninsulares who look down upon others.

Secular priests – non-members of religious orders. Most are indios. Main function is to head parishes.
The biggest issue of that time is the secularization. The process of transferring the leadership and
management of the parishes from the regular priests to secular clergy. It is not implemented by the
governor generals because he knew friars are important in their political role.

The reason why secularization isn’t being implemented is because secular priests are mostly Filipinos
and governor generals often favor the friars.


Secularization Movement Leaders are executed. The mutiny that happened in Cavite was used as a
reason to execute Gomburza. They became guilty of treason against Spain even if they are not.

After 1872, filipinos are everyone in the Philippines who experienced pang aapi from the peninsulares
which includes the indios, mestizos etc.


They are the ones who started the reforms against the friars directly from the king of Spain.

Goals of La propaganda:

1. recognition of the ph as a province of spain bc if ph is a province of spain, filipinos will be called and
treated as Spanish citizens to enjoy Spaniards privileges.


 There’s pre-colonial and colonial period.

 Spaniards describe pre-colonial period as time of darkness bc civilization has not yet arrived.
 Spaniards describe colonial period as a time of enlightment because they brought civilization
and Christianity to the archipelago.
 Bipartite point of view because nahahati sa dalawa.


 Pre-colonial, colonial, post-colonial

 Pre-colonial – a time of freedom where early filipinos trade with their neighbors in east and
southeast asia. Malaya ang mga Pilipino. Period of light because the lights of civilization is
equated to the presence or absence of progress in the archipelago. Darkness bc there’s no
longer progress in the Philippines.
 Colonial – agreement between Spaniards and filipinos. Filipinos exchanged their freedom in
exchange for the protection of filipinos. But instead of protecting, they oppressed the filipinos.
 Post-colonial – period when ph is no longer a colony of spain. Restores the freedom of filipinos.
 Tripartite point of view


MARCELO DEL Filipinos have inferior Ecnomenderos first Friars must go, revolution
PILAR civilization. Blood charged with civilizing has advantage of being
compact made in order mission. Then friars, who surgical. But liberal
for mother spain to established frailocracia reform better.
civilize and christianize and hamper progress Intergration of
daughter filipinas. which is inevitable. autonomous filipinas with
- May civilization - Believes that spain. Mas Mabuti alisin
ang pinas pero friars must mga friar sa pilipinas.
mas lamang ang influence the
Spanish. progress.
GRACIANO Ambivalent view. One Filipino capacity for Elimination of friar rule.
LOPEZ-JAENA moment filipinas progress impeded by At first assimilationist,
thought to be in monastic supremacy. Jaena later favored
primitive state. Then as Progress due to filipinos revolution, freedom won
having “a civilization, a alone and external forces. with the blood of
degree of - Naharangan ng filipinos. Revolution is the
enlightenment.” friars ang only option para mawala
progress ng ang friars.
JOSE RIZAL Filipinas had a Decay and retrogression Release of creative forces
civilization of her own under Spanish rule. Civic of the race with
and was progressing, virtue lost. Vices taken attainment of freedom.
armed with her own over. Social cancer in late Probably through
capacities and virtues. 19th centure. revolution. Tactically,
- Hindi lang friars - Filipinos forgot through reforms.
ang problem, their own culture - Solution is for
the problem is and civilization filipinos to
the whole embrace their
system of own culture and
colonization. civilization to

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