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Educ 101 – The Teaching Profession

First Semester SY 2021-2022

Name ___Angela I. Ulam Cruz_________________________________ Score &

Equivalent _________
Yr. & Section ___I-BSED MAJOR IN SOCIAL STUDIES___________________________
Date ___NOVEMBER 19,2021_____________________

TEST I. IDENTIFICATION: Direction: Identify the term, theory and principle described or defined in the
following statements. Write your answer on the space provided for before each number.

_d__ 1. There are always different challenges and issues that need to be addressed in teaching. Which of the
following issues cannot be considered a challenge in a teacher’s task?
a. children with special needs c. multicultural classrooms
b. multi-grade classes d. children of middle class parents
__b_ 2. The use of ICT in teaching and learning has brought many positive developments in the way teachers
teach and how students learn. Which is not true about ICT in instruction?
a. exposure to ICT starts in the preschool level
b. ICT rendered students in isolation
c. ICT has significantly transformed the delivery of education
d. teachers integrate ICT in their daily teaching
__d_ 3. Multicultural education is an interesting and important topic for teachers. It is for every learner in
school. It is therefore imperative for a teacher NOT to:
a. use pedagogical approaches that are culturally relevant and responsive
b. develop instructional materials and curriculum models that are culturally inclusive
c. employ several instructional strategies to address cultural diversity
d. maintain the teachers’ traditional culture
__d_ 4. The key to understand the teaching profession is to know the personal and professional lives of
teachers. There is a need to:
I. understand that teachers are products of the family where they belong
II. recognize that teachers are also shaped by the society where they live
III. recognize the fact that school they attended are contributory to their personal and professional
IV. understand their needs, rights and roles
a. II and III b. I and II c. I, II, III and IV d. I and III
_d__ 5. Teachers have needs to be fulfilled every day. Which of the needs below cannot be regarded a need
for them?
a. teachers have economic needs c. teachers have social needs
b. teachers need role clarity d. teachers need donations and solicitations
___ 6. The following statements relate to teaching as a profession. Which does not?
a. Teaching is always regarded as a vocation by many people
b. The government recognizes teaching as profession giving the highest regard to teachers as
c. Teaching is a profession or job to earn money.
d. Teaching is a profession for individuals who are willing to dedicate their lives and services in the
development of future generations
_a__ 7. There are few teachers who are not behaving professionally. Which may be considered the most
frustrating fact about professional teachers?
a. a few teachers trying to buy their tenure and promotions
b. a teacher receiving money in order to give honors and other awards to undeserving students
c. teachers having very low content knowledge in the subjects they are teaching
d. teachers facing legal cases for sexual harassment and other forms of abuses
__b_ 8. Since ancient times teachers are recognized as exemplars of good character, attitudes and values?
The following statements describe a great teacher except one. Which does not exemplify a good
a. teachers are keeper of values and traditions
b. many people consider them as prophets, spiritual leaders, and great mentors
c. model teachers used their good nature and character to influence people
d. some teachers led revolutions and uprisings

___ 9. Teachers play an important role in the total educational system of any country. Which of the 4Cs of
an expert teacher is described in the following statement: It is the ability to think outside the box, to
develop new ideas, to possess outstanding talent, and to lead effectively. It is also capacity to
a. character b. commitment
c. critical thinking d. creativity
___ 10. Which educational laws guarantee that all teachers enjoy their rights and ensure justice in the
conduct of their duties as professionals?
a. P.D.. 1006; R.A. 10533; R.A. 7610
b. R.A. 232; R.A. 7836; The Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
c. R.A. 9155; R.A. 7877; R.A.8980
d. R.A. 10157; R.A. 10003; R.A. 9165
___ 11. It is inevitable for teachers to encounter special learners in their classes who are considered twice
exceptional, intellectually genius and gifted. Addressing the needs of these learners is a great
challenge on the part of every teacher. Which makes it difficult to address the needs of such
a. many gifted children remain in regular schools because they have no access to special schools
for the gifted.
b. sometimes unnoticed by teachers who seem to focus only on the weakness of such students
c. teachers do not have special training to address the needs of advanced learners
d. school heads assign the senior teachers to the primary grades
___ 12. Which is an offshoot of the fourth pillar of "learning to live together"?
a. Schools teach respect for diversity.
b. Schools show concern what happens to children after they leave school.
c. Schools celebrate Science and Technology Week
d. Schools teach care for the environment.
___ 13. Teaching is a vocation. What does this mean?
I. Teaching is a calling to serve.
II. Everyone is called to teach.
III. The response to the call to teach is a must.
IV. Vocation refers to a call to do something like to teach.
a. II and III b. I, III and IV c. I and II d. I and III
___ 14. If teaching is considered as your mission, which applies/apply?
I. You will be faithful to teaching no matter what.
II. You will teach for recognition of efforts.
III. You will be faithful to your mission and you want to succeed.
IV. You will be faithful to your superiors
a. I, II, and III c. I and II
b. II and III d. I and III
___ 15. Teachers play an important role in the development of people and community. Which of the following
does not conform to the statement?
a. Teachers always take leadership roles in their communities especially in education related
b. Teachers provide technical and professional assistance in their local communities.
c. Teachers serve as advocates for quality education, protection and welfare of children and youth.
d. Teachers practice partisan politics during elections.
___ 16. Teachers need to be experts in various fields of knowledge. These should be aware of the Shulman
(1987) domains of knowledge that are important to teachers. Which particular domain of knowledge
requires teachers to know the subject matter they teach?
a. Curriculum knowledge c. Knowledge in content
b. Pedagogical content knowledge d. Knowledge of educational contexts
___ 17. One of the greatest challenges to every teacher is to provide the needs of special education learners.
Which of the following situations makes the task a problem?
I. Most teachers in both private and public schools are not equipped to handle special learners.
II. Responding to the needs of each special learner cannot be addressed by teachers’ years of
teaching experience alone.
III. Failure of teachers to seek help from special education specialists or medical doctors to assess
the learners.
IV. Teachers work closely with co-teachers, parents and other professionals to address the
a. I, II, and III c. I and II
b. II and III d. I and III
___ 18. Utilizing the local language for teaching and learning tend to result to higher literacy rates.is one way
to promote the understanding of various concepts in a particular socio-cultural perspective and
context. Which is a disadvantage of this pedagogy?
a. is one way to promote the understanding of various concepts in a particular socio-cultural
perspective and context.
b. reduces the condition that hinder their acquisition and learning of various knowledge and
c. is vital in supervision and management of learning
d. using the local language gives meaning and context to a lot of ideas learned from school
___ 19. Gardner’s theory of Multiple Intelligences (MI) presents a powerful notion that there are different
separate human capacities. Why is MI a powerful force to change the educational system?
I. MI has become the guiding framework in curriculum design
II. MI led teachers and schools to design a curriculum and instructions to develop multiple
III. MI became a strong advocacy in education to provide opportunities to develop aesthetic and
musical inclinations.
IV. MI made teachers aware of the learners’ different learning styles and need various instructional
a. II and III b. I, II, III and IV c. I and II d. I and III
___ 20. According to Gardner, an educator convinced of the relevance of MI theory should individualize and
pluralize. What does it mean when teachers should know about the “intelligence profile” of their
a. pluralizing c. individualizing
b. personalizing d. recognizing
___ 21. In the ancient states the education and teaching were carried out mainly in the family. Which is not a
focus of the school and education of the Ancient East?
a. historical, cultural, moral and ideological values
b. strict forms and methods of education
c. consideration on human individuality
d. rigid social regulators, responsibilities and personal dependence
___ 22. The first human civilizations have arisen during the transition period. Which of the following are the
characteristics of the period?
I. deep changes in the practice of education and teaching
II. use of special education frameworks for teaching the younger generation
III. transmission of cultural heritage from adults to children changed qualitatively
IV. separate classes for boys and girls
a. II and III c. I and II
b. I, II, and IV d. I, II and III
___ 23. The word school applies to a variety of educational organizations in the Middle Ages. Which of the
following is an example of Medieval Period school?
I. town schools cater to students between the ages seven and fourteen
II. monasteries of the Roman Catholic Church were the centers of education and literacy
III. cathedral schools are forerunners of the later university
IV. Islamic mosque school (Madrasah) taught the Quran (Koran) in Arabic
a. II and III b. all of the above c. I and II d. I and III
___ 24. During the Italian Renaissance period, the vernacular was not taught as a language. It was believed
that you would learn the native tongue at home. How is the native language learned?
I. through attendance in school
II. through household conversation
III. through the child nurse
IV. through interaction with friends
a. II and III b. I and II c. I and III d. II, III and IV
___ 25. At about the age of five, boys were introduced to basic Latin grammar. When grammar was
discussed, it was always Latin grammar. Which is not a reason for learning Latin grammar?
a. Latin was to be an alternate first language
b. It was to be a part of your general approach to life
c. It was to be the language with which one communicate with those of equal rank
d. It was to be the language at home
___ 26. Why was education prioritized in the Renaissance period?
a. It was believed that education could reform citizens personally and in their duties to their
b. The subjects studied in the Renaissance were largely concerned with humanities.
c. Students would be driven to think a little bit more deeply about learned ideas
d. It is something that reflected almost God’s plan for humanity
___ 27. Modern education significantly differs from the traditional methods of teaching. Which statement
describes differently modern or contemporary education?
a. Modern education emphasizes more on science and technology
b. It focuses more on the student’s need and that not all students are at the same level of
c. consideration on human individuality
d. It encourages higher level of competitiveness among students. 
___ 28. In the ancient Philippines, children were given the rudiments of education. Such education was both
academic and vocation. How do children acquire their education during the pre-colonial period?
I. The father trained his sons in manual and combat activities
II. The mother trained her daughters in household chores and arts
III. A medicine man taught them witchcraft
IV. Tribal elders taught children the basics in reading, writing, arithmetic
a. II and III c. and III
b. I, II and IV d. all of the above
___ 29. Formal education was brought to the Philippines by the Spaniards, which was conducted mostly by
religious orders. These taught
a. Christianity, the Spanish language, and Spanish culture
b. Christianity, the Spanish language, the Spanish conquests
c. Christianity, the local writing systems, local culture
d. Christianity, Spanish songs and dances, Spanish heroes
___ 30. In 1901, the Philippine Commission enacted into law Act 74 which created the Department of Public
Instruction. What provision of the law finally freed the Filipinos of Spanish influence?
a. the law laid the foundation for a public school system
b. abolition of compulsory religious instruction
c. offered free primary education
d. teaching of the English language to the Filipinos
___ 31. Education continued to flourish during the post-colonial period that it received the same attention
under the Commonwealth government that the American gave it. Under the Commonwealth
government the following were carried out by the government except one.
a. maintain the American culture influence
b. an organized common effort to develop a common national language was started
c. encouraged the revival of native culture as well as desirable Filipino values
d. vocational and adult education was given due emphasis
___ 32. During the Spanish Regime, the Educational Decree of 1863 provided a free public education system
in the Philippines, managed by the government. The mandates of the law included
I. establishment of at least one primary school for boys and one for girls in each town
II. establishment of a normal school for female teachers under the supervision of the Jesuit nuns
III. primary education was provided free and available to every Filipino
IV. establishment of a normal school for male teachers under the supervision of the Jesuits
a. II and III b. I, III and IV c. and III d. all of the above
___ 33. In 1901, the Philippine Commission enacted into law Act 74 which created the Department of Public
Instruction. Later, it was renamed through new laws and orders. The following indicate the new name
and corresponding law and date. Which is not correct?
a. Department of Education – under Executive Order No. 94 in 1947
b. Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports – by the Presidential Decree No. 1397 in 1979
c. Department Education, Culture and Sports – under Executive Order 117 in 1987
d. Department of Education – by virtue of R.A. 9155 in 2001
___ 34. It is important to examine the constitutional basis of Philippine education. Article XIV of the 1987
Philippine constitution is relevant to education in the country? Which statement does not indicate
relevance to education?
a. Article XIV provides the general framework for education in the country
b. It shows how the state recognizes the importance of education, science and technology, cultural
development, and sports and wellness
c. It asserts the power of the state over the people.
d. It embodies the utopian and economic goal for education in the Philippines
___ 35. Jurisprudence is known as the “grammar of law” or the “philosophy of law.” Which of the statements
below does not describe jurisprudence?
a. It helps in the effective expression and application of legal concepts to real-life legal problems.
b. It helps to better understand the fundamentals of the law and help them figure out the actual rule
of the law.
c. Lawyer and judges can use jurisprudence as a guide to correctly interpret certain laws that require
d. The purpose of jurisprudence is to implement the law and its legal implications
___ 36. Administrative law is also sometimes called regulatory law . Educational law regulation is the
body of state and constitutional provisions which provide the legal framework for educational
institutions. Which is not a regulation law in education?
a. local, state, and federal statutes c. case laws
b. government regulations d. court opinions
___ 37. Education law is the legal discipline covering all issues pertaining to schools, from kindergarten
through higher education. What is the purpose of education law?
I. promote the rule of law through education
II. helps learners acquire the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes they need to contribute
constructively to society
III. allows them to positively shape public institutions and their policies, thereby encouraging non-
violent and peaceful avenues of civic engagement.
IV. administer laws and decisions regarding the application and enforcement of rules and regulations
a. I, II and III b. I, II and IV c. and III d. all of the above
___ 38. Ordinance applies to an order governing some detail of procedure or conduct enforced by a limited
authority such as a municipality. An ordinance can be _________________.
a. local level laws passed by municipalities and are applicable within the city or municipality limits
b. In some cases, they supersede central laws, too.
c. a only
d. both a and b
___ 39. Unlike legal advice, which is often not in writing, legal opinions are written statements. Legal opinion
provides the following except one. Which of the statements an opinion letter does not provide?
a. expresses legal conclusions about a transaction or matter
b. provides legal analysis of a transaction, on which reliance may be placed by the opinion
c. provides an additional layer of assurance to the party receiving the opinion
d. decisions rendered by school authorities are termed legal opinion.
___ 40. The resolution is often used to express the body's approval or disapproval of something which they
cannot otherwise vote on, due to the matter being handled by another jurisdiction, or being protected
by a constitution. Which is not a type of resolution?
a. joint resolutions c. simple resolutions
b. concurrent resolutions. d. body resolution
___.41. A resolution ordinarily denotes something less solemn or formal than, or not rising to the dignity of, an
ordinance. Resolution is applicable when ______
I. amending, repealing or modifying an existing resolution;
II. action is temporary in nature, or not of general public concern; or the act is an order or directive
relating primarily to internal municipal governmental affairs;
III. the act is an order or directive requiring a specified officer, agency or person to comply therewith.
IV. usually regulates persons or property and usually relates to a matter of a general and permanent
a. II and III b. I, II and III c. I and III d. all of the above
___ 42. Structure is important in schools because structure meant to regulate the operations and functions of
its departments. Which of the following is true about structure?
a. school structure determines how resources are shared among members in different departments
b. structure defines the leader of each department
c. both a and b
d. a only
___ 43. An education system refers to the economic and social factors that typically make up public schools
at the national, regional, division or community levels. Which are not included as factors in an
education system?
a. LGU participation, laws and regulations
b. public funding, school facilities
c. compensation, employee benefits
d. staffing, teaching resources
___ 44. Policies can be guidelines, rules, regulations, laws, principles, or directions. Agencies and
organizations make policies that guide the way they operate. The following are ways how policies
provide the educational needs of students? Which is not?
a. by helping a school establish rules and procedures
b. by creating standards of quality for learning and safety
c. by imposing strictly school regulations
d. by setting expectations and accountability
___ 45. Part of the implementation process of a curriculum is to decide what particular instructional design will
be used. There are actually a lot of models of instruction, each one of them has its own strength and
weaknesses. Which statement does not relate to the instructional designs presently implemented in
the country?
a. Teachers design their lectures based on what they’ve done before, copied what is on the book or
the past teachers were using.
b. A curriculum that could be of use to everyone is one that will meet the aims, objectives and goals
of the Philippine Education.
c. Future curricularists must design a flexible curriculum that will cater the need of the present time.
d. There is no single best curriculum design or instructional design that will fit to the Philippine
Education system.
___ 46. "Learning to be" as another pillar of learning is applied when schools ________.
I. Facilitate the students' personality development
II. Empower people to learn more about the environment
III. Encourage students to become immersed in their culture
IV. Develop the potentials of each student
a. II and III b. and III c. I, III and IV d. all of the above
___ 47. This pillar of education is anchored within the context of lifelong learning and technical and vocational
education and training, in preparation for life and the world of work.
a. learning to do c. learning to live together
b. learning to know d. learning to be
___ 48. Nowadays, most of the teachers are not actually aware of what type of instructional models they are
using or what will be of great help to the learners. Which of the choices below support the statement?
I. Teachers design their lectures based on what they’ve done before
II. Teachers copied what is on the book or the past teachers were using
III. Some teachers consider themselves as innovative since they are using technology based
instruction design.
IV. Instructional design and curriculum design is dependent on what kind of learner we have and the
current trend in society exists.
a. II and III b. I, II, and III c. I, III and IV d. all of the above
___ 49. Based on the elements of a profession, can the taxi driver be considered a professional?
a. No, because driving is not a college/university degree
b. Yes, because there is such a term professional driver.
c. It depends of the technical and ethical competence of the taxi driver.
d. Yes, if the taxi driver is competent and honest.
___ 50. Which are elements of a profession like teaching?
I. Long years of professional education
II. Passing the competency-based examination to obtain a diploma from TESDA
III. Continuing Professional Development
IV. Adherence to a Code of Ethics for the professional group
a. I, II and III b. II, III, and IV c. I, III and IV d. I, II and IV

Prepared by:


Associate Professor III

________________________ ANALENE V. DE GUZMAN

Senior Faculty Chairperson, Professional Education
Professional Education

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