JSP Calls For Opd Registration: (Commonpatientregistration - JSP)

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OPD Registration

1. Jsp calls for OPD registration :

(CommonPatientRegistration.jsp)(Implementation country USA )

1.1. On page load of common patient registration , If reference type

is visit notes then it will call --> fetchExistingData().
1.1.1.FetchExistingData ():- a. will get data from getVisitNoterecords() by
reference Id,If response is not null then it will populate the data , else it will
load server date .
b. if reference ID id not null , then according to given roles respective combo boxes will
popullates,else it will call populatePatientDetailsForNewOPD()(In same Jsp).

c.depending on selected country selctInsuranceStore

1.1.2. populatePatientDetailsForNewOPD() :
a.will fetch by patientID and company ID -->

b.if resp is not null --> populate all data and checked
radiobuttons according to lastPatientType.

c.if REGULAR button is checked -->

document.getElementById('companyID').value) will fetch data an dset patient category.
INSURANCE(for USA):will fetch data from -->

value, '', patientCategory, 'Insurance').

e. depending on lastBillingCategory approved Teriff will populate.

if(tariffStore.data.items[j].json[1] == patientDemo.lastTariff)
approved Teriff will populate
else approved Teriff will ‘’.

f.check if referenceType is VISIT_NOTES --> data from

rateCategoryStore will compared to lastCategory data of selected
patient if it is true then set this data to approvedRateCategory.
Else set approvedRateCategory =’’.

1.1.3. commonOptedNAproved.jsp

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