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Team B Project Sheet

Work Status report for Team B

Task Done in Spetmeber

Closed Dev on request
1) Custom thermal Jasper print out for Sarvodaya (Mednet 1)
2) Face sheet USA (Mednet 2.0)

3) mobile number validation for dubai (Mednet 1)

Closed Bugs
1) 6 Production site issues closed
2) Printing Deceased date at the place of Bill date in patient bill.
3) OT Rate not defined bug in Billing Estimation
4) Insurance receipt saving the data with amount > 0 and status as Done (Disallowed entries)

Working task For September

1) MIS Reposting code stability and integration with modules
2) Patient search by mobile number from reception module
3) System monitor
4) Mednet 2.0 code moving

Planned for October Mednet 2 Tasks

Task for 2.1
1) Interim Bill formats (Design under process)
2) OPD packages pending development /multivisit/radiation package /Health package (Dubai)
(Design under process)
3) Casualty Module code moving
4)If cron not executed for long days then divide cron executions in multiple time

Task For 2.2

1) OPD surgery procedure (may be part of 2.2)
2) insurance settlement process improvement (will may go to 2.2)

Road Blocks
1) OPD surgery procedure (may be part of 2.2)
-Scheduler needs to be checked for OPD procedure booking
-EMR development may be needed or not for indenting OPD procedures to OT

2) insurance settlement process improvement (will may go to 2.2)

-Changes will impact Pharmacy ,insurance rcpt and Finance module
-Design changes must be reviewed by Finance and Phamracy team

8:59:50 AM

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