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This paper is made to fulfill the final task of TPB 2017

Arranged by:

Fadhli Hibatul Haqqi







Praise be to Allah SWT who has helped the autor finish this paper to fulfill the final
task of TPB, which contains three courses, Bahasa Indonesia, English, Religion, and
Pancasila and Citizenship. Thanksfully to all influential people and parties who helped
author finish this paper directly and indirectly.

Regardless of all that, the author realizes there are still many shortcomings of this
paper, either grammar or sentences structure. Therefore the authors openly accept the
suggestions and feedback from the readers so that this paper can be improved in order to
better in the future.

The authors hope that this paper can provide benefits and inspiration to the reader,
as well as a solution to the problems that exist in this paper.

Bandung, 29 Desember 2017



Preface………………………………………………………………. i

Table of Content…………………………………………………….. ii
Chapter I Introduction………………………………………………………….. 1

1.1 Issue Background…………………………………………………… 1

1.2 Problem Formulation……………………………………………….. 1

1.3 Goals………………………………………………………………… 2

BAB II Contents..………………………………………………………………. 3

2.1 The Importance of Education ………………………………………. 3

2.2 The state's obligation to provide quality education ………………… 3

2.3 Education Problems in Indonesia………………………………….... 4

2.4 Solution to Achieving Quality Education ……………………..…… 5

BAB III Closure.……………………………………………………………….. 6

3.1 Conclusion………………………………………………………….. 6

3.2 Author Suggestion………………………………………………….. 6

REFERENCES..……………………………………………………. 8



1.1. Issue Background

The quality of education is the quality of the nations index. In general, to measure
the progress of a nation can not be separated from educational progress in the nation. In
addition, the quality of education also determines the economy of a nation, because with
the high quality of education in a nation means also the high quality human resources
generated to support the nation's economy.

Many factors determine the quality of education, such as the quality of teachers, the
facilities of education, student interest, the system of education, and the equality of

The low quality of education in Indonesia is one of the problems that exist in
Indonesia. This can be evidenced by the education quality ranking data from the Economic
Development Cooperation Organization released in 2015 by BCC and Financial Times.
Results are released, that from 76 countries, Indonesia occupies the 69th position.
Indonesia is still far behind compared to neighboring countries, such as Singapore which
became one of the Asian countries that are able to occupy the top five positions, Thailand
is in position 47, and Malaysia is in 52. The Indonesian nation should be able to learn from
other Asian countries that have higher quality of education from Indonesia.

In this case the government is required to be able to make improvements of

educational systems and facilities, as well as improve the distribution of education in order
to achieve a better quality of education.

1.2. Problem Formulation

In this paper the author discusses about the issue of quality education. The author
formulate the problem, the formulation of problem is as following question.

“how pancasila and citizenship views about quality education?”


1.3. Goals

The Paper Goals are:

1. To know how important education is for a nation,

2. To find out how to improve the quality of education,
3. To know what are benefits from quality education,
4. To know the quality of education in Indonesia.



2.1 The Importance of Education

In the era of globalization, it is important for every nation to have quality education.
Because quality education will generate good quality human resources, who will manage
the natural resources. If human resources can manage natural resources effectively, then
production in that country will be effective. Besides quality education will produce experts
in some fields that will help improve the quality of production. Effective and quality
production will affect economic growth in a better direction. there are still many benefits
of quality education, that is the reason why quality education is very important for a

2.2 The state's obligation to provide quality education

In Indonesia the state has an obligation to provide quality education. it is clearly

written on the preamble of The 1945 Constitution of The Republic of Indonesia in the
fourth paragraph, wich said, “Kemudian daripada itu untuk membentuk suatu pemerintah
negara Indonesia yang melindungi segenap bangsa Indonesia dan seluruh tumpah darah
Indonesia dan untuk memajukan kesejahteraan umum, mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa,
dan ikut melaksanakan ketertiban dunia yang berdasarkan kemerdekaan, perdamaian abadi
dan keadilan sosial, maka disusunlah kemerdekaan kebangsaan Indonesia itu dalam suatu
Undang-Undang Dasar negara Indonesia, yang terbentuk dalam suatu susunan negara
Republik Indonesia yang berkedaulatan rakyat dengan berdasar kepada :

Ketuhanan Yang Maha Esa,

kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab,

persatuan Indonesia, dan kerakyatan yang dipimpin oleh hikmat kebijaksanaan dalam

serta dengan mewujudkan suatu keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia.”.

There is clearly written, “mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa”, which mean the state
promised to provide quality education to its citizens in order to improve the intelligence of
its citizens. In addition to its preamble, article 31, section one to five, also discusses the
state's commitment to providing quality education to all citizens fairly and equitably. with
all these statements clearly clarifying the state's obligation to provide quality education
fairly and equitably.

2.3 Education Problems in Indonesia

As the author has described in the beginning in this paper. Indonesia still has many
weaknesses in education. That is proven because Indonesia lack expertise in some fields. It
makes difficult for Indonesia to manage its natural resources. Whereas Indonesia has many
potential natural resources, but lack of human resources who have the expertise to process
it, causing Indonesia to fail to exploit the maximum potential of its natural resources.
consequently we must now realize that we are only able to export raw goods and import
valuable goods that have been processed from abroad, instead of exporting goods and
consume it from the products that made by our country.

We should be aware that something is wrong from the education system in

Indonesia. The education system in Indonesia has too many subjects, which means has too
many school hours too. It’s not effective when all childrens are required to master all
subjects, and are required to have the same skills of mastering everything. Whereas every
child has different interests and talents, but they are taught in the same way and the same
subjects. The system seems funny because it can be likened to teaching a tree-climbing to a
fish, which obviously the fish are not able to master it.

Another weakness of this system is children who are forced to master all subjects,
will make it difficult to find their interest and potential, and can make them feel frustrated
and depressed. The child is required to complete the task of all subject and it makes them
lose time to develop their skills. They lose their time to explore other potentials they have.
This will lead to new problems such as the child feel depressed and take steps that are not
good such as cheating when doing tasks and exams, bored for school, losing spirit of

learning, and skipping school. This can certainly form a bad character, this character can
lead to that they do not understand all the lessons they have learn.

All these weaknesses are an obstacle to education in Indonesia to produce an expert

in several fields. Barriers to quality education in Indonesia. If the state is not aware and
respond with this problem then quality education will never be achieved.

In addition to the education system, Indonesia has a weakness in the distribution of

education to all regions of Indonesia. This is clearly contrary to the second sila’s of
Pancasila, which said, “Kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab”, and the fifth sila’s of
Pancasila, which said,”Keadilan social bagi seluruh rakyat Indonesia”. lack of equitable
education in Indonesia against justice and the right of all citizens of Indonesia to get

2.4 Solution to Achieving Quality Education

Educational issues are a serious problem, so the state must respond immediately to
solve this problem. The state must fix the weaknesses that exist in the education system in
Indonesia. The expected educational system is a system capable of helping children to
know its potential, and can develop its potential, so that someday he will become an expert
in the field that he is interested in. so that the state can achieve quality education, and many
experts in various fields are generated.

Besides that the state must also utilize the potential in all regions of Indonesia by
way of leveling educational facilities throughout all regions of Indonesia, so that Indonesia
can take full advantage of all the potential, then can create many experts in various fields,
so that quality education can be maximized.



3.1 Conclusion

The author can conclude from this paper that education is very important because,
education can generate human resources that will manage natural resources for production
activities. The state has an obligation to provide quality education. But the problem of lack
of quality education still exists in some countries, including Indonesia. The main factors of
Indonesia's education problems are the many weaknesses in the education system in
Indonesia and the lack of educational equity in all regions in Indonesia.

The solution is that the state must improve the education system and make the
distribution of educational facilities in all regions in Indonesia. parents also have to play a
role by supporting and helping their children to improve their abilities in what they are
interested in. With this solution the authors hope that quality education can be achieved.

3.2 Author Advices

The author gives advice to some educational actors:

1. Learners

Learners should be able to know their interests and talents. then learners
must have a high spirit to develop their abilities. learners must also have a sense of
high curiosity and dare to innovate and convey their creativity

2. Teachers

Teachers should have a sincere sense of teaching, and should not be

discriminating their students. they must also be open to the opinions of their

3. The States

The State should make improvements to the education system as mentioned

in the content section in this paper. besides that the state must also fulfill their
obligation to distribute the education in all regions in Indonesia.

4. Parents

Parents should support their children to be able to know their interests and
talents, and help improve the abilities that their child desires. parents should not
force their children to pursue a field that their child does not like.



UUD 1945. Accessed on 2 January 2018 from


Terpuruknya Kualitas Pendidikan di Indonesia. Accessed on 1 January 2018 from

Efektifkah Sistem Pendidikan Masa Kini ?? Accessed on 1 January 2018 from


SEKOLAH ? GAK GUNA!!! (Deddy Corbuzier MOTIVE. 01). Accessed on 2 January 2018

Pendapat Deddy Corbuzier Tentang Pendidikan/Sekolah. Accessed on 2 January 2018


Menggugat Sistem Pendidikan Indonesia. Accessed on 2 January 2018 from

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