Asuncion Soc - Sci.1

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1.What makes you, “You” based on the various Philosophical Perspective about the Self that you find
most interesting?
how can someone else’s perspective, be that philosophical, psychological, religious, social or
of any other kind tell me who/what I am, ‘what makes me-me’?! No one can make me-me other
than myself. No searching in old books for that one which is right here and right now would be
able to tell me more than direct observation; the only required condition for not fooling myself is
total honesty in introspection, in discerning facts from fiction, the false from the truth. The truth
will be revealed by identifying and eliminating the false.
2.How influential is culture to the development of your self?
Culture can help me to define how to see myself and how can i relate to others.
3. What are the superstitious beliefs in the Philippines that you still practice up until this day? Why do
you still believe in those practices?
tabi-tabi po, Pwere usog, Sukob, Do not sleep when your hair is wet, Do not travel before a
major life event, Dreaming about losing teeth is a bad omen and many. Im still believe,
Because it can give soothing effect, relieving anxiety about the unknown and giving people a
sense of control over in our/their lives.
4. What social pressure about gender do you often encounter and How does that affect your behavior
as a member of the society?
For me as a Women,Woman are looked at as objects. In movies, ads and in general. Woman
are encouraged to be sexy and 1/2 naked. This is very disturbing when you are a woman.
Especially when you are with your significant other and surrounded by 1/2 naked women. Or
watching a movie and seeing naked woman throughout with no other reason than to turn on
the men. I wish we as women would have more respect for ourselves & make the men actually
work for it, rather than just put herself on display. To be viewed as an object.
5.How is your family influential in the development of your self-concept and self-esteem?
The significant way that influenced my life by growing up with my family is my personality. My
kindness to the other people, good manners, confident, independent, and determined in my
goals are some of the principles my parent have implanted me as I grew up.
Our family influences us for being caring to other people by showing it us and also they applied
to us how much they care for us so that is why we addopted it and apply it other people to be
specifically to our friends and love ones.
Children develop their sense of self from the environment in which they grow up. The way
family members relate to one another and operate together as a social group can shape a
child's self-esteem, socialization, and cultural identity.

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