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Product ID Book Name Authors

1 The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru

2 The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi
3 Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
4 A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi
APJ Abdul Kalam,
5 Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari
11 The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
12 The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi
13 Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
14 A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi
APJ Abdul Kalam,
15 Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari
Product ID Book Name Authors Book Type Published Year
1 The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
2 The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
3 Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
4 A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1921
5 Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
6 The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
7 The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
8 Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
9 A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Soft Cover 1921
10 Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
11 The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
12 The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
13 Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
14 A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2005
15 Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
16 New book
Purchase Price Margin Selling Price
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00
₹ 578.00 ₹ 578.00
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Employee Name 1-Jan 2-Jan 3-Jan 4-Jan 5-Jan 6-Jan 7-Jan 8-Jan 9-Jan 10-Jan 11-Jan 12-Jan
D. Rahul 3 2 7 4 7 4 1 6 7 4 8 0
M. Nisha 8 2 6 0 4 5 2 6 6 2 2 8
A. Anjali 7 5 0 7 1 7 1 1 0 1 0 0
S. Arjun 3 5 2 4 3 3 6 2 1 3 4 4
T. Sachin 8 7 3 1 7 6 3 7 4 3 2 4
K. Ahmed 8 4 6 7 1 8 2 7 2 6 5 0
N. Khan 3 2 8 2 0 3 1 6 6 3 4 1
G. Michael 3 1 7 4 0 3 7 7 7 0 0 4
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
13-Jan 14-Jan 15-Jan 16-Jan 17-Jan 18-Jan 19-Jan 20-Jan 21-Jan 22-Jan 23-Jan 24-Jan 25-Jan 26-Jan
1 0 0 3 5 3 3 3 5 2 2 3 0 4
1 2 3 3 0 7 0 8 3 2 3 1 4 8
7 4 8 6 7 8 0 6 5 4 6 7 6 5
0 6 8 4 5 8 0 7 7 6 0 5 5 6
5 4 3 4 4 5 1 4 6 4 1 3 7 3
5 4 2 7 4 3 1 6 1 8 1 7 7 6
4 2 1 2 6 4 0 6 4 4 7 3 5 8
1 6 6 5 7 2 1 0 6 5 8 6 5 1
1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
27-Jan 28-Jan 29-Jan 30-Jan 31-Jan 1-Feb 2-Feb 3-Feb 4-Feb 5-Feb 6-Feb 7-Feb 8-Feb 9-Feb
2 6 4 6 6 4 8 8 0 5 4 6 0 4
0 1 6 4 4 0 7 7 8 5 8 2 1 7
7 6 1 6 7 6 7 7 7 2 1 8 5 8
5 8 2 1 7 4 0 6 1 8 3 0 0 6
7 4 5 2 5 8 8 7 6 2 3 6 3 0
2 3 2 4 4 8 0 8 7 6 7 8 0 3
4 5 4 8 5 6 0 3 3 5 2 6 8 2
7 3 1 0 4 0 3 6 6 6 5 5 8 7
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
10-Feb 11-Feb 12-Feb 13-Feb 14-Feb 15-Feb 16-Feb 17-Feb 18-Feb 19-Feb 20-Feb 21-Feb 22-Feb
5 4 3 1 7 2 5 3 8 4 2 5 0
5 5 6 0 5 1 4 4 7 5 5 2 5
5 6 3 7 4 2 1 5 2 4 5 5 7
5 0 7 1 8 4 3 4 0 6 2 1 2
2 5 4 5 1 0 0 0 5 8 3 8 0
7 1 3 5 4 6 7 8 5 2 6 4 0
1 4 6 7 7 8 7 5 1 4 7 3 0
1 3 5 0 2 7 8 2 2 2 2 4 1
2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
23-Feb 24-Feb 25-Feb 26-Feb 27-Feb 28-Feb 1-Mar 2-Mar 3-Mar 4-Mar 5-Mar 6-Mar 7-Mar 8-Mar
6 3 7 4 1 6 4 3 8 4 3 4 2 1
6 7 6 7 1 7 6 1 2 5 8 5 5 5
7 4 6 0 6 4 1 5 7 5 8 7 6 2
4 4 0 2 0 8 1 7 6 7 6 6 5 5
7 5 3 3 4 8 3 1 2 8 2 1 6 4
0 1 4 1 1 7 0 7 2 0 0 0 7 5
6 0 4 2 7 5 5 7 6 6 3 3 2 7
7 6 5 6 7 0 3 1 5 4 5 2 8 8
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
9-Mar 10-Mar 11-Mar 12-Mar 13-Mar 14-Mar 15-Mar 16-Mar 17-Mar 18-Mar 19-Mar 20-Mar 21-Mar
0 3 6 7 7 8 7 0 7 5 2 3 8
6 3 1 0 2 3 8 0 3 3 5 2 2
7 3 3 8 0 6 8 3 2 1 2 0 3
8 8 2 7 3 0 4 6 8 8 4 0 2
6 8 0 8 0 1 0 3 1 8 1 2 1
0 1 3 3 3 8 7 0 0 4 8 0 3
6 5 2 3 3 0 8 0 0 7 0 3 2
5 2 0 3 2 5 2 4 0 5 5 0 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4
22-Mar 23-Mar 24-Mar 25-Mar 26-Mar 27-Mar 28-Mar 29-Mar 30-Mar 31-Mar 1-Apr 2-Apr 3-Apr
5 5 1 8 8 1 6 5 3 5 4 4 7
2 7 4 1 3 2 7 1 0 0 8 6 7
5 5 1 0 4 4 2 2 6 3 3 8 3
0 4 5 7 0 0 2 7 0 5 3 0 0
3 1 6 1 7 5 6 2 5 0 0 8 5
8 8 0 6 4 8 0 7 2 6 3 5 1
3 4 6 6 7 7 3 3 4 5 7 3 5
1 7 2 5 6 7 8 3 2 2 1 5 5
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
4-Apr 5-Apr 6-Apr 7-Apr 8-Apr 9-Apr 10-Apr 11-Apr 12-Apr 13-Apr 14-Apr 15-Apr 16-Apr 17-Apr
2 8 5 2 3 3 4 6 6 6 3 7 7 1
1 3 2 0 3 0 7 8 1 5 3 0 6 4
0 6 4 6 7 6 7 2 3 3 0 0 0 3
0 6 4 6 8 6 8 5 8 1 6 3 7 0
0 7 2 8 1 2 2 6 4 1 1 8 3 5
7 7 1 1 7 7 6 5 3 8 0 3 4 0
7 0 0 0 4 5 0 6 7 4 1 2 1 4
6 0 4 1 1 4 4 7 5 0 2 7 7 7
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
18-Apr 19-Apr 20-Apr 21-Apr 22-Apr 23-Apr 24-Apr 25-Apr 26-Apr 27-Apr 28-Apr 29-Apr 30-Apr
4 7 8 0 5 0 6 7 7 8 1 2 8
3 8 2 6 8 5 5 1 3 5 6 1 6
8 0 0 6 1 7 6 6 4 6 5 7 4
8 7 0 4 6 4 5 5 0 7 1 7 8
1 6 2 4 8 6 8 0 2 7 7 0 0
5 1 3 1 7 8 4 2 0 5 0 7 4
0 5 3 7 5 5 5 8 4 7 2 1 6
0 7 6 8 4 6 6 1 8 8 1 0 4
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
1-May 2-May 3-May 4-May 5-May 6-May 7-May 8-May 9-May 10-May 11-May 12-May 13-May
1 6 8 6 6 3 4 2 8 3 4 4 1
6 0 6 2 7 3 6 4 0 0 8 4 7
4 1 2 3 4 8 7 3 3 2 3 3 1
0 0 1 8 8 0 6 4 8 2 4 7 4
5 5 0 6 5 1 5 1 6 7 2 2 2
8 6 8 1 4 0 0 0 5 6 3 0 3
5 8 7 1 7 6 3 8 7 5 8 4 1
7 6 5 7 1 8 7 5 4 6 8 1 1
5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5
14-May 15-May 16-May 17-May 18-May 19-May 20-May 21-May 22-May 23-May 24-May 25-May
1 3 5 5 8 0 3 8 0 2 7 7
4 1 0 3 3 6 5 8 2 2 7 7
8 2 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 1 6 0
4 6 5 5 5 3 8 3 5 6 7 4
1 4 6 2 6 6 1 8 1 3 8 2
5 5 0 7 3 0 6 8 3 5 5 0
8 8 0 4 8 7 1 5 7 7 2 6
0 8 0 1 7 0 3 3 7 8 5 5
5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
26-May 27-May 28-May 29-May 30-May 31-May 1-Jun 2-Jun 3-Jun 4-Jun 5-Jun 6-Jun 7-Jun 8-Jun
7 3 0 0 0 4 3 0 6 8 0 3 6 7
5 7 5 1 7 1 1 3 6 5 6 2 0 0
0 2 1 5 6 3 1 6 1 2 3 3 1 7
2 5 1 6 3 6 0 7 0 8 5 8 4 6
3 1 4 4 4 6 1 1 8 0 4 4 3 6
5 8 6 4 4 8 1 4 1 7 0 7 6 1
5 1 8 2 4 5 3 5 4 7 6 4 4 2
8 2 1 5 6 4 3 1 4 8 4 3 3 4
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
9-Jun 10-Jun 11-Jun 12-Jun 13-Jun 14-Jun 15-Jun 16-Jun 17-Jun 18-Jun 19-Jun 20-Jun 21-Jun
6 4 8 7 3 6 5 2 5 2 1 4 0
8 8 2 4 4 0 6 4 7 6 2 5 6
1 2 1 4 5 7 1 2 2 2 5 8 7
3 5 4 7 0 3 5 8 1 2 0 4 2
5 6 7 3 6 1 5 4 8 4 6 4 6
2 8 0 5 5 3 5 2 1 7 6 6 5
1 3 6 8 8 6 2 6 3 6 3 6 2
5 6 1 4 0 4 5 6 2 6 6 7 3
6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7
22-Jun 23-Jun 24-Jun 25-Jun 26-Jun 27-Jun 28-Jun 29-Jun 30-Jun 1-Jul 2-Jul 3-Jul 4-Jul 5-Jul 6-Jul
7 3 8 5 0 7 0 8 0 7 6 4 3 6 8
6 8 7 3 1 8 6 4 7 5 5 0 3 0 5
2 5 5 6 7 7 0 1 2 0 6 3 4 2 7
0 7 4 5 8 1 0 2 2 5 7 8 3 4 2
1 3 0 7 1 5 8 7 4 2 3 8 0 3 6
4 3 2 4 6 6 5 8 6 0 5 5 3 7 1
4 3 4 4 1 1 8 4 3 4 3 2 3 6 0
1 8 8 0 6 4 7 5 1 2 7 5 5 2 3
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
7-Jul 8-Jul 9-Jul 10-Jul 11-Jul 12-Jul 13-Jul 14-Jul 15-Jul 16-Jul 17-Jul 18-Jul 19-Jul 20-Jul 21-Jul
3 2 3 5 1 7 6 2 2 5 6 5 3 5 2
8 7 2 8 0 1 5 1 6 6 3 1 7 6 3
2 1 5 7 7 4 3 1 2 2 1 6 3 8 0
3 6 4 3 7 3 8 6 0 0 8 1 8 6 7
2 3 7 7 8 3 1 5 5 0 1 5 7 2 3
6 6 3 4 5 8 1 5 8 8 8 0 2 1 8
3 1 7 0 7 6 6 6 7 1 7 2 8 6 8
1 8 3 8 5 6 4 8 3 7 5 5 1 3 3
7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 8
22-Jul 23-Jul 24-Jul 25-Jul 26-Jul 27-Jul 28-Jul 29-Jul 30-Jul 31-Jul 1-Aug 2-Aug 3-Aug 4-Aug
2 7 7 7 1 1 8 3 7 2 1 3 1 3
5 8 5 4 3 5 6 1 4 8 6 2 3 6
4 1 0 1 7 7 3 2 1 8 3 1 8 2
1 6 4 0 8 3 6 6 1 8 1 1 3 0
8 4 4 1 2 5 1 3 7 5 6 6 1 4
3 8 1 7 6 6 3 7 8 8 4 7 2 7
1 6 6 4 3 8 0 8 1 6 7 6 2 6
8 3 4 6 0 0 7 4 1 7 3 5 4 4
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
5-Aug 6-Aug 7-Aug 8-Aug 9-Aug 10-Aug 11-Aug 12-Aug 13-Aug 14-Aug 15-Aug 16-Aug 17-Aug
7 6 1 8 0 4 6 4 1 1 0 6 6
4 4 3 5 8 6 6 0 3 4 8 4 3
8 5 7 0 5 8 5 0 7 0 4 5 5
5 6 7 7 6 3 4 6 6 5 1 2 4
1 8 5 3 3 3 4 2 3 5 3 3 1
0 4 0 0 7 5 3 2 4 1 0 2 5
0 3 7 1 8 7 1 6 4 6 8 2 7
8 8 8 0 5 2 3 1 2 7 4 3 5
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
18-Aug 19-Aug 20-Aug 21-Aug 22-Aug 23-Aug 24-Aug 25-Aug 26-Aug 27-Aug 28-Aug 29-Aug
5 7 5 8 0 8 1 8 1 7 1 3
2 2 3 6 4 1 7 1 1 0 6 4
4 0 4 8 3 2 6 8 5 7 2 4
0 5 0 2 2 3 8 4 4 4 1 0
2 2 8 0 3 2 6 7 8 1 1 1
5 5 6 5 8 2 4 2 4 7 8 3
6 6 7 8 6 5 2 2 4 6 2 1
8 1 2 7 4 5 1 1 6 7 3 1
8 8 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
30-Aug 31-Aug 1-Sep 2-Sep 3-Sep 4-Sep 5-Sep 6-Sep 7-Sep 8-Sep 9-Sep 10-Sep 11-Sep 12-Sep
2 2 0 1 6 5 6 2 5 1 1 6 3 2
4 7 2 2 0 7 1 5 0 8 8 4 7 1
4 6 4 8 6 4 7 0 5 8 7 0 3 3
6 6 3 7 6 6 0 1 5 4 3 0 3 4
4 5 7 2 2 0 1 1 7 2 0 6 2 3
8 7 4 0 3 8 3 3 1 2 0 7 2 2
1 3 2 1 2 1 0 6 6 6 6 3 4 3
5 8 6 7 4 6 1 0 6 6 6 1 1 6
9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
13-Sep 14-Sep 15-Sep 16-Sep 17-Sep 18-Sep 19-Sep 20-Sep 21-Sep 22-Sep 23-Sep 24-Sep 25-Sep
1 8 1 7 2 6 3 2 5 4 2 2 4
2 8 3 0 8 0 2 0 0 4 5 6 4
1 7 3 2 7 8 3 3 0 1 2 6 1
4 3 4 4 0 5 2 3 3 7 8 5 3
6 3 5 1 6 2 4 0 5 8 8 0 6
6 1 3 5 8 5 6 8 2 6 5 1 7
0 3 3 0 2 2 8 0 6 2 3 4 6
1 3 4 0 7 3 6 5 2 6 1 5 6
9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
26-Sep 27-Sep 28-Sep 29-Sep 30-Sep 1-Oct 2-Oct 3-Oct 4-Oct 5-Oct 6-Oct 7-Oct 8-Oct 9-Oct
5 4 5 5 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 4 4
5 8 7 3 0 3 6 0 3 6 8 7 1 8
2 8 8 0 4 7 1 8 8 5 1 4 2 5
1 4 6 8 8 4 2 0 7 0 2 7 2 8
3 6 7 4 8 8 3 0 7 5 2 0 5 2
1 6 7 5 2 3 3 0 8 3 6 2 6 4
2 8 7 3 1 0 0 4 2 3 2 4 4 1
4 5 6 3 2 8 1 1 5 6 7 0 5 5
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
10-Oct 11-Oct 12-Oct 13-Oct 14-Oct 15-Oct 16-Oct 17-Oct 18-Oct 19-Oct 20-Oct 21-Oct 22-Oct
3 6 2 0 7 8 2 1 5 7 1 0 6
8 0 3 3 3 5 1 4 7 7 4 4 0
4 5 0 7 8 7 6 4 4 3 8 8 2
7 4 3 7 6 0 4 4 5 1 6 8 2
6 2 6 3 1 2 1 3 8 7 2 4 2
0 1 5 5 3 7 3 2 7 1 4 3 5
2 4 8 2 6 5 0 2 3 6 1 4 6
7 7 1 6 8 2 0 3 4 4 4 5 2
10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11
23-Oct 24-Oct 25-Oct 26-Oct 27-Oct 28-Oct 29-Oct 30-Oct 31-Oct 1-Nov 2-Nov 3-Nov 4-Nov 5-Nov
3 2 7 5 8 6 5 3 0 3 1 4 5 8
1 0 7 3 3 6 7 6 2 4 8 0 8 8
3 7 2 6 8 3 0 6 7 6 0 3 0 0
7 0 3 3 0 3 1 6 1 6 8 2 2 3
0 3 5 5 2 1 8 5 2 5 3 7 1 8
6 8 0 5 7 0 4 7 1 5 2 0 6 8
6 8 7 8 6 4 3 1 5 0 8 3 0 0
1 3 5 7 7 0 0 4 7 4 6 7 6 5
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
6-Nov 7-Nov 8-Nov 9-Nov 10-Nov 11-Nov 12-Nov 13-Nov 14-Nov 15-Nov 16-Nov 17-Nov 18-Nov
1 3 5 2 3 0 8 4 6 3 6 6 6
7 6 2 4 8 5 0 2 2 6 4 3 7
3 4 6 0 1 6 2 2 7 8 3 2 4
4 6 6 8 6 6 6 4 2 5 2 2 3
6 4 4 4 7 0 8 7 6 1 6 4 1
5 0 7 5 5 7 0 5 5 8 8 2 5
0 5 8 4 0 6 3 7 8 1 5 5 4
5 3 2 3 4 6 5 4 0 1 7 7 0
11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11
19-Nov 20-Nov 21-Nov 22-Nov 23-Nov 24-Nov 25-Nov 26-Nov 27-Nov 28-Nov 29-Nov 30-Nov
1 2 5 2 0 6 6 8 7 4 2 1
7 8 3 6 8 0 3 6 5 1 4 1
2 8 4 6 8 0 7 4 8 4 1 4
0 4 4 7 8 2 3 0 7 7 5 0
7 7 2 0 3 5 5 4 5 5 4 8
4 1 4 5 7 3 0 0 7 6 5 7
1 8 6 4 5 4 1 0 8 0 2 6
3 6 6 1 3 0 8 1 7 2 5 3
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
1-Dec 2-Dec 3-Dec 4-Dec 5-Dec 6-Dec 7-Dec 8-Dec 9-Dec 10-Dec 11-Dec 12-Dec 13-Dec 14-Dec
7 0 8 3 6 7 0 2 5 3 8 8 5 1
6 5 4 8 5 2 0 8 7 4 3 0 1 2
3 2 0 6 5 6 7 1 3 0 2 5 0 7
0 0 2 6 3 3 0 5 6 4 0 1 2 6
1 2 6 8 5 8 4 0 3 4 8 8 4 3
1 1 3 1 5 3 6 5 4 6 7 6 3 1
6 8 3 8 4 1 8 6 5 5 8 0 0 3
1 1 0 6 1 8 8 6 0 3 4 8 5 6
12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12
15-Dec 16-Dec 17-Dec 18-Dec 19-Dec 20-Dec 21-Dec 22-Dec 23-Dec 24-Dec 25-Dec 26-Dec 27-Dec
2 3 8 2 4 2 2 8 4 7 0 2 8
7 1 3 7 5 7 3 5 5 4 8 0 4
5 0 6 7 5 7 5 8 8 1 8 5 5
4 5 3 1 1 1 5 1 5 6 6 4 6
6 8 2 8 1 0 2 5 4 5 5 5 4
6 7 0 1 2 0 8 1 5 0 8 0 2
5 8 5 1 7 6 0 2 4 5 2 8 7
7 6 4 3 6 7 6 3 1 8 7 4 8
12 12 12 12 1 2 3 4
28-Dec 29-Dec 30-Dec 31-Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
1 1 7 6 D. Rahul 111 115 139 141
6 1 7 3 M. Nisha 111 133 102 123
0 0 0 4 A. Anjali 136 134 119 121
2 2 2 2 S. Arjun 130 89 133 133
1 3 8 5 T. Sachin 132 114 102 114
4 5 1 6 K. Ahmed 133 119 110 115
3 3 8 7 N. Khan 121 119 126 114
5 1 3 4 G. Michael 117 116 115 125
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
119 124 136 116 111 124 118 130 D. Rahul
127 135 131 123 110 126 136 131 M. Nisha
97 106 108 136 121 149 113 121 A. Anjali
136 111 142 112 120 113 128 94 S. Arjun
117 128 121 111 115 110 137 136 T. Sachin
126 126 151 127 119 119 132 108 K. Ahmed
158 127 136 140 100 117 112 146 N. Khan
139 125 134 131 119 125 120 140 G. Michael
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Hourly Salary Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep
₹ 100 ₹ 11,100 ₹ 11,500 ₹ 13,900 ₹ 14,100 ₹ 11,900 ₹ 12,400 ₹ 13,600 ₹ 11,600 ₹ 11,100
₹ 75 ₹ 8,325 ₹ 9,975 ₹ 7,650 ₹ 9,225 ₹ 9,525 ₹ 10,125 ₹ 9,825 ₹ 9,225 ₹ 8,250
₹ 110 ₹ 14,960 ₹ 14,740 ₹ 13,090 ₹ 13,310 ₹ 10,670 ₹ 11,660 ₹ 11,880 ₹ 14,960 ₹ 13,310
₹ 60 ₹ 7,800 ₹ 5,340 ₹ 7,980 ₹ 7,980 ₹ 8,160 ₹ 6,660 ₹ 8,520 ₹ 6,720 ₹ 7,200
₹ 70 ₹ 9,240 ₹ 7,980 ₹ 7,140 ₹ 7,980 ₹ 8,190 ₹ 8,960 ₹ 8,470 ₹ 7,770 ₹ 8,050
₹ 60 ₹ 7,980 ₹ 7,140 ₹ 6,600 ₹ 6,900 ₹ 7,560 ₹ 7,560 ₹ 9,060 ₹ 7,620 ₹ 7,140
₹ 70 ₹ 8,470 ₹ 8,330 ₹ 8,820 ₹ 7,980 ₹ 11,060 ₹ 8,890 ₹ 9,520 ₹ 9,800 ₹ 7,000
₹ 75 ₹ 8,775 ₹ 8,700 ₹ 8,625 ₹ 9,375 ₹ 10,425 ₹ 9,375 ₹ 10,050 ₹ 9,825 ₹ 8,925
10 11 12
Oct Nov Dec
₹ 12,400 ₹ 11,800 ₹ 13,000
₹ 9,450 ₹ 10,200 ₹ 9,825
₹ 16,390 ₹ 12,430 ₹ 13,310
₹ 6,780 ₹ 7,680 ₹ 5,640
₹ 7,700 ₹ 9,590 ₹ 9,520
₹ 7,140 ₹ 7,920 ₹ 6,480
₹ 8,190 ₹ 7,840 ₹ 10,220
₹ 9,375 ₹ 9,000 ₹ 10,500
Order Date Customer Name PRODUCT ID Order Location Quantity
1/2/2013 Prabhat Co. 11 Store 13
1/2/2013 Himtech Corporation 11 Store 5
1/4/2013 Himtech Corporation 8 Store 10
1/4/2013 New Light Co. 10 Store 11
1/6/2013 Anand Co. 6 Website 18
1/6/2013 Himtech Corporation 15 Store 12
1/8/2013 Himtech Corporation 13 Website 6
1/9/2013 Bajaj Co. 4 Store 2
1/10/2013 Kalyani Distributors 4 Store 15
1/10/2013 New Light Co. 8 Store 20
1/11/2013 Ajay Co. 5 Store 4
1/11/2013 Bajaj Co. 1 Website 10
1/12/2013 New Light Co. 1 Store 18
1/12/2013 Sohan's Co. 9 Store 19
1/13/2013 Prabhat Co. 8 Website 16
1/13/2013 Himtech Corporation 9 Website 15
1/14/2013 Ajay Co. 11 Store 4
1/14/2013 Ajay Co. 9 Store 5
1/14/2013 Anand Co. 7 Website 4
1/14/2013 Anand Co. 9 Store 15
1/15/2013 Bajaj Co. 5 Store 10
1/15/2013 New Light Co. 5 Website 3
1/16/2013 Kalyani Distributors 12 Store 14
1/18/2013 Bajaj Co. 13 Store 12
1/19/2013 Sohan's Co. 14 Store 16
1/19/2013 Prabhat Co. 1 Store 5
1/20/2013 Bajaj Co. 2 Website 8
1/20/2013 New Light Co. 9 Website 19
1/21/2013 Himtech Corporation 11 Store 5
1/21/2013 Prabhat Co. 12 Website 11
1/22/2013 Prabhat Co. 13 Store 17
1/23/2013 Sohan's Co. 3 Store 6
1/23/2013 Sohan's Co. 5 Website 16
1/25/2013 Sohan's Co. 9 Store 19
1/26/2013 Ajay Co. 12 Website 17
1/28/2013 Ajay Co. 13 Store 12
1/28/2013 New Light Co. 11 Website 17
1/28/2013 Himtech Corporation 1 Store 18
1/28/2013 Prabhat Co. 6 Store 6
1/28/2013 Ajay Co. 6 Store 19
1/29/2013 Anand Co. 1 Website 19
1/31/2013 Bajaj Co. 5 Website 4
1/31/2013 Bajaj Co. 12 Store 11
2/1/2013 Himtech Corporation 9 Website 15
2/2/2013 Anand Co. 9 Website 4
2/2/2013 Ajay Co. 3 Website 12
2/2/2013 Himtech Corporation 15 Website 4
2/3/2013 Prabhat Co. 9 Website 1
2/3/2013 Bajaj Co. 13 Website 12
2/5/2013 New Light Co. 14 Store 10
2/7/2013 Ajay Co. 15 Store 7
2/7/2013 Himtech Corporation 10 Website 20
2/7/2013 New Light Co. 4 Website 12
2/8/2013 Kalyani Distributors 7 Store 20
2/9/2013 Bajaj Co. 5 Website 12
2/9/2013 New Light Co. 12 Website 7
2/10/2013 Bajaj Co. 4 Store 12
2/11/2013 Kalyani Distributors 11 Store 18
2/11/2013 Sohan's Co. 10 Website 8
2/11/2013 New Light Co. 9 Store 6
2/12/2013 Kalyani Distributors 9 Website 20
2/12/2013 Kalyani Distributors 7 Website 11
2/12/2013 Prabhat Co. 11 Website 9
2/15/2013 Kalyani Distributors 1 Store 15
2/15/2013 Sohan's Co. 3 Store 18
2/16/2013 Bajaj Co. 9 Website 11
2/16/2013 Himtech Corporation 6 Store 7
2/18/2013 Bajaj Co. 15 Store 16
2/18/2013 Kalyani Distributors 11 Website 1
2/18/2013 Anand Co. 14 Website 1
2/21/2013 Ajay Co. 13 Website 13
2/21/2013 Sohan's Co. 1 Website 1
2/22/2013 Kalyani Distributors 10 Store 16
2/22/2013 Sohan's Co. 10 Store 7
2/22/2013 Bajaj Co. 4 Store 7
2/22/2013 Ajay Co. 14 Store 12
2/22/2013 Bajaj Co. 3 Website 19
2/23/2013 Sohan's Co. 1 Website 6
2/24/2013 Anand Co. 13 Website 20
2/24/2013 New Light Co. 8 Website 16
2/24/2013 Prabhat Co. 1 Store 4
2/24/2013 New Light Co. 14 Website 4
2/25/2013 Prabhat Co. 5 Store 3
2/26/2013 Ajay Co. 2 Website 13
2/26/2013 Kalyani Distributors 15 Website 3
2/27/2013 Kalyani Distributors 7 Website 4
2/28/2013 New Light Co. 15 Store 6
2/28/2013 Bajaj Co. 11 Store 4
2/28/2013 Bajaj Co. 6 Website 16
2/28/2013 Himtech Corporation 3 Website 15
3/1/2013 Prabhat Co. 12 Store 8
3/1/2013 Prabhat Co. 6 Store 4
3/1/2013 Ajay Co. 13 Store 13
3/2/2013 Himtech Corporation 15 Website 4
3/3/2013 Ajay Co. 2 Website 18
3/3/2013 Sohan's Co. 6 Store 16
3/3/2013 Anand Co. 1 Website 15
3/4/2013 Sohan's Co. 14 Store 9
3/4/2013 Sohan's Co. 2 Website 12
3/4/2013 Prabhat Co. 11 Website 14
3/5/2013 Ajay Co. 12 Website 15
3/6/2013 Himtech Corporation 4 Website 1
3/6/2013 Ajay Co. 6 Website 4
3/7/2013 Ajay Co. 13 Store 12
3/9/2013 New Light Co. 12 Website 2
3/10/2013 Sohan's Co. 2 Website 1
3/11/2013 Sohan's Co. 3 Website 12
3/11/2013 Prabhat Co. 15 Store 7
3/11/2013 Ajay Co. 1 Store 2
3/12/2013 Bajaj Co. 8 Website 9
3/15/2013 Ajay Co. 14 Store 9
3/15/2013 Ajay Co. 12 Store 19
3/17/2013 Prabhat Co. 1 Website 15
3/18/2013 Himtech Corporation 3 Store 5
3/18/2013 Ajay Co. 10 Store 3
3/19/2013 Ajay Co. 1 Store 2
3/20/2013 Kalyani Distributors 14 Store 3
3/20/2013 Sohan's Co. 6 Store 8
3/20/2013 Ajay Co. 3 Website 4
3/20/2013 Bajaj Co. 2 Store 9
3/21/2013 Ajay Co. 2 Website 10
3/22/2013 Prabhat Co. 2 Store 12
3/22/2013 Kalyani Distributors 10 Store 12
3/22/2013 Prabhat Co. 11 Store 13
3/22/2013 Himtech Corporation 11 Website 1
3/22/2013 Bajaj Co. 2 Store 14
3/22/2013 Anand Co. 8 Store 4
3/23/2013 New Light Co. 4 Website 19
3/24/2013 Bajaj Co. 5 Store 5
3/24/2013 Sohan's Co. 4 Store 2
3/25/2013 Himtech Corporation 14 Website 11
3/25/2013 Kalyani Distributors 13 Store 6
3/25/2013 Anand Co. 11 Store 9
3/26/2013 Ajay Co. 10 Website 9
3/26/2013 Sohan's Co. 9 Store 19
3/27/2013 Kalyani Distributors 14 Store 9
3/28/2013 Anand Co. 4 Website 10
3/28/2013 Sohan's Co. 15 Store 19
3/28/2013 Bajaj Co. 4 Store 9
3/28/2013 Sohan's Co. 2 Store 20
3/30/2013 Kalyani Distributors 3 Website 18
3/30/2013 Ajay Co. 15 Website 14
3/31/2013 Bajaj Co. 15 Store 2
3/31/2013 Kalyani Distributors 4 Store 13
4/1/2013 New Light Co. 10 Store 10
4/1/2013 Kalyani Distributors 13 Store 2
4/4/2013 Bajaj Co. 9 Website 18
4/4/2013 Ajay Co. 2 Store 20
4/5/2013 Himtech Corporation 8 Store 7
4/6/2013 Bajaj Co. 11 Store 15
4/6/2013 Kalyani Distributors 8 Website 14
4/7/2013 Ajay Co. 8 Store 6
4/7/2013 Anand Co. 13 Store 7
4/7/2013 Bajaj Co. 11 Website 16
4/7/2013 New Light Co. 12 Store 3
4/8/2013 Sohan's Co. 3 Website 8
4/8/2013 Ajay Co. 8 Website 9
4/8/2013 Prabhat Co. 9 Website 12
4/8/2013 Kalyani Distributors 1 Website 1
4/10/2013 Kalyani Distributors 13 Website 12
4/11/2013 New Light Co. 14 Website 14
4/11/2013 New Light Co. 3 Store 2
4/11/2013 Anand Co. 3 Website 13
4/11/2013 Kalyani Distributors 11 Website 7
4/12/2013 Prabhat Co. 5 Store 19
4/14/2013 Himtech Corporation 15 Store 1
4/15/2013 Ajay Co. 9 Website 14
4/15/2013 Kalyani Distributors 13 Website 10
4/15/2013 Kalyani Distributors 11 Store 10
4/16/2013 Sohan's Co. 3 Website 16
4/18/2013 Kalyani Distributors 1 Website 12
4/18/2013 Kalyani Distributors 5 Website 2
4/19/2013 Sohan's Co. 12 Website 20
4/20/2013 Sohan's Co. 9 Website 6
4/20/2013 Kalyani Distributors 7 Website 20
4/21/2013 Bajaj Co. 5 Store 12
4/21/2013 Anand Co. 1 Store 9
4/23/2013 Himtech Corporation 14 Website 7
4/23/2013 Ajay Co. 3 Store 18
4/23/2013 Sohan's Co. 4 Website 5
4/23/2013 New Light Co. 10 Store 10
4/24/2013 Himtech Corporation 4 Website 9
4/25/2013 New Light Co. 12 Website 13
4/25/2013 New Light Co. 8 Website 11
4/26/2013 Anand Co. 8 Store 11
4/26/2013 Kalyani Distributors 3 Website 11
4/28/2013 Sohan's Co. 8 Store 10
4/29/2013 Anand Co. 2 Website 5
4/29/2013 New Light Co. 14 Website 7
5/1/2013 Bajaj Co. 11 Website 4
5/1/2013 Sohan's Co. 12 Store 10
5/2/2013 New Light Co. 5 Store 14
5/2/2013 Bajaj Co. 11 Store 7
5/3/2013 Anand Co. 7 Store 18
5/3/2013 Prabhat Co. 4 Store 14
5/4/2013 Ajay Co. 7 Store 17
5/5/2013 Ajay Co. 9 Store 17
5/6/2013 Ajay Co. 4 Store 16
5/7/2013 Bajaj Co. 3 Website 5
5/7/2013 Anand Co. 12 Store 3
5/8/2013 Kalyani Distributors 10 Website 8
5/8/2013 Sohan's Co. 9 Website 4
5/8/2013 Prabhat Co. 2 Store 5
5/9/2013 Anand Co. 12 Store 18
5/9/2013 Kalyani Distributors 15 Store 19
5/10/2013 Anand Co. 9 Store 7
5/11/2013 Anand Co. 8 Website 8
5/12/2013 Sohan's Co. 5 Store 13
5/12/2013 Ajay Co. 15 Website 5
5/14/2013 New Light Co. 11 Store 11
5/15/2013 Prabhat Co. 8 Store 8
5/15/2013 Prabhat Co. 6 Store 16
5/15/2013 Kalyani Distributors 6 Store 17
5/17/2013 Kalyani Distributors 4 Store 4
5/18/2013 Himtech Corporation 8 Store 1
5/18/2013 Ajay Co. 3 Website 5
5/18/2013 Ajay Co. 6 Store 1
5/20/2013 Bajaj Co. 11 Store 7
5/20/2013 New Light Co. 3 Store 12
5/21/2013 Sohan's Co. 15 Store 4
5/22/2013 Ajay Co. 7 Store 11
5/23/2013 Bajaj Co. 9 Store 5
5/23/2013 Kalyani Distributors 12 Store 9
5/23/2013 Ajay Co. 13 Website 10
5/24/2013 Himtech Corporation 8 Website 19
5/24/2013 Prabhat Co. 5 Website 18
5/24/2013 Himtech Corporation 10 Website 10
5/27/2013 Sohan's Co. 2 Store 12
5/28/2013 Kalyani Distributors 14 Website 14
5/31/2013 Sohan's Co. 3 Store 1
5/31/2013 New Light Co. 13 Store 11
5/31/2013 Ajay Co. 10 Store 2
6/1/2013 Anand Co. 15 Store 9
6/1/2013 Prabhat Co. 6 Store 17
6/1/2013 Kalyani Distributors 11 Website 9
6/1/2013 Ajay Co. 2 Store 14
6/2/2013 Ajay Co. 9 Store 4
6/3/2013 Prabhat Co. 11 Website 17
6/3/2013 Anand Co. 9 Store 14
6/4/2013 Himtech Corporation 7 Website 7
6/5/2013 Ajay Co. 11 Store 16
6/5/2013 Kalyani Distributors 9 Store 20
6/5/2013 New Light Co. 14 Website 1
6/5/2013 New Light Co. 4 Store 10
6/5/2013 Bajaj Co. 10 Website 9
6/5/2013 Ajay Co. 9 Website 9
6/6/2013 Ajay Co. 11 Website 20
6/7/2013 New Light Co. 3 Store 1
6/8/2013 Himtech Corporation 1 Store 13
6/9/2013 Bajaj Co. 2 Website 3
6/9/2013 Bajaj Co. 5 Store 6
6/9/2013 Himtech Corporation 5 Store 8
6/10/2013 Ajay Co. 2 Website 1
6/11/2013 Anand Co. 7 Website 9
6/11/2013 Kalyani Distributors 2 Store 10
6/12/2013 Bajaj Co. 12 Store 16
6/13/2013 Prabhat Co. 13 Website 19
6/13/2013 Ajay Co. 8 Store 15
6/13/2013 Anand Co. 5 Store 2
6/14/2013 Bajaj Co. 3 Website 18
6/14/2013 Anand Co. 13 Store 4
6/14/2013 Bajaj Co. 12 Store 19
6/15/2013 Sohan's Co. 8 Store 17
6/15/2013 Anand Co. 9 Website 11
6/17/2013 Bajaj Co. 3 Website 17
6/17/2013 Anand Co. 11 Store 2
6/19/2013 Anand Co. 10 Website 17
6/19/2013 Bajaj Co. 4 Website 1
6/21/2013 Anand Co. 11 Website 15
6/21/2013 New Light Co. 7 Website 6
6/21/2013 New Light Co. 15 Store 16
6/21/2013 New Light Co. 5 Website 18
6/22/2013 Anand Co. 10 Store 10
6/23/2013 New Light Co. 7 Store 15
6/24/2013 Himtech Corporation 5 Store 11
6/24/2013 Sohan's Co. 5 Website 15
6/25/2013 Kalyani Distributors 14 Website 19
6/25/2013 New Light Co. 12 Website 12
6/26/2013 Prabhat Co. 6 Website 4
6/27/2013 New Light Co. 9 Website 5
6/28/2013 Bajaj Co. 1 Website 19
6/28/2013 Kalyani Distributors 10 Store 9
6/29/2013 Himtech Corporation 14 Website 13
6/29/2013 Prabhat Co. 13 Store 14
6/30/2013 Himtech Corporation 6 Website 13
6/30/2013 Ajay Co. 6 Website 6
7/1/2013 Anand Co. 4 Website 7
7/1/2013 Sohan's Co. 14 Website 2
7/2/2013 Ajay Co. 2 Store 16
7/3/2013 Himtech Corporation 3 Website 12
7/3/2013 Anand Co. 3 Store 1
7/4/2013 New Light Co. 15 Store 13
7/7/2013 Kalyani Distributors 6 Store 18
7/8/2013 New Light Co. 8 Store 19
7/8/2013 New Light Co. 1 Website 10
7/8/2013 Anand Co. 4 Website 7
7/10/2013 Bajaj Co. 5 Website 16
7/11/2013 Bajaj Co. 7 Website 20
7/11/2013 New Light Co. 7 Website 20
7/11/2013 Ajay Co. 10 Store 12
7/11/2013 Bajaj Co. 4 Website 11
7/11/2013 New Light Co. 5 Store 6
7/11/2013 Kalyani Distributors 15 Store 17
7/11/2013 Anand Co. 2 Store 19
7/14/2013 New Light Co. 9 Website 4
7/14/2013 New Light Co. 11 Store 4
7/14/2013 Prabhat Co. 5 Website 11
7/15/2013 Bajaj Co. 5 Website 11
7/17/2013 Bajaj Co. 15 Website 13
7/18/2013 Bajaj Co. 11 Store 6
7/19/2013 Sohan's Co. 14 Website 12
7/19/2013 Prabhat Co. 15 Website 8
7/20/2013 Kalyani Distributors 9 Website 18
7/20/2013 Anand Co. 3 Website 16
7/20/2013 Sohan's Co. 6 Store 7
7/20/2013 Prabhat Co. 14 Store 18
7/21/2013 Kalyani Distributors 9 Website 1
7/21/2013 Kalyani Distributors 4 Store 7
7/21/2013 Anand Co. 11 Store 7
7/21/2013 Himtech Corporation 1 Store 6
7/23/2013 Prabhat Co. 2 Website 7
7/23/2013 Anand Co. 9 Website 5
7/23/2013 Himtech Corporation 13 Store 10
7/24/2013 New Light Co. 10 Website 4
7/24/2013 New Light Co. 12 Store 10
7/24/2013 Bajaj Co. 10 Store 12
7/24/2013 Anand Co. 10 Website 16
7/25/2013 New Light Co. 6 Website 15
7/27/2013 Ajay Co. 9 Website 17
7/28/2013 Kalyani Distributors 8 Website 12
7/29/2013 Himtech Corporation 7 Website 11
7/29/2013 New Light Co. 9 Website 19
7/30/2013 Sohan's Co. 14 Website 7
7/30/2013 Ajay Co. 9 Store 6
8/1/2013 Sohan's Co. 2 Website 3
8/1/2013 Kalyani Distributors 11 Website 6
8/1/2013 Bajaj Co. 9 Website 5
8/1/2013 Anand Co. 4 Website 1
8/2/2013 Anand Co. 13 Website 14
8/3/2013 Bajaj Co. 5 Store 10
8/4/2013 New Light Co. 10 Store 9
8/4/2013 Kalyani Distributors 12 Website 8
8/4/2013 Sohan's Co. 5 Store 4
8/4/2013 Prabhat Co. 12 Website 13
8/6/2013 Ajay Co. 10 Website 2
8/7/2013 Sohan's Co. 3 Store 11
8/7/2013 Anand Co. 3 Website 9
8/8/2013 Kalyani Distributors 13 Website 2
8/8/2013 Himtech Corporation 3 Store 15
8/8/2013 Sohan's Co. 5 Website 19
8/8/2013 Himtech Corporation 1 Website 10
8/9/2013 Himtech Corporation 11 Store 11
8/9/2013 Sohan's Co. 1 Website 13
8/9/2013 Himtech Corporation 2 Store 5
8/10/2013 New Light Co. 13 Website 2
8/10/2013 Sohan's Co. 1 Store 13
8/11/2013 Prabhat Co. 3 Store 11
8/11/2013 Ajay Co. 2 Store 13
8/13/2013 Kalyani Distributors 8 Store 18
8/13/2013 New Light Co. 10 Store 9
8/14/2013 Bajaj Co. 8 Store 9
8/16/2013 Himtech Corporation 9 Website 5
8/18/2013 Ajay Co. 11 Website 20
8/19/2013 Kalyani Distributors 5 Website 6
8/20/2013 Ajay Co. 14 Website 3
8/20/2013 Kalyani Distributors 3 Website 2
8/20/2013 Himtech Corporation 2 Website 13
8/20/2013 Anand Co. 6 Store 16
8/20/2013 Sohan's Co. 12 Store 6
8/20/2013 Kalyani Distributors 9 Website 17
8/21/2013 Prabhat Co. 15 Store 1
8/22/2013 Anand Co. 8 Store 2
8/22/2013 Kalyani Distributors 2 Store 2
8/22/2013 Sohan's Co. 3 Store 14
8/22/2013 Himtech Corporation 10 Store 16
8/22/2013 Sohan's Co. 1 Store 10
8/23/2013 Bajaj Co. 4 Store 11
8/23/2013 Bajaj Co. 14 Website 2
8/24/2013 Kalyani Distributors 5 Website 7
8/25/2013 Sohan's Co. 7 Website 7
8/26/2013 Anand Co. 9 Store 3
8/27/2013 New Light Co. 7 Store 18
8/27/2013 Himtech Corporation 14 Store 11
8/28/2013 Kalyani Distributors 7 Website 4
8/28/2013 Himtech Corporation 6 Store 17
8/29/2013 Prabhat Co. 4 Website 6
8/29/2013 Prabhat Co. 7 Store 2
8/29/2013 Ajay Co. 12 Website 7
8/30/2013 Bajaj Co. 2 Website 7
8/30/2013 Prabhat Co. 1 Website 4
8/30/2013 Anand Co. 11 Website 18
8/30/2013 Ajay Co. 4 Website 8
9/1/2013 Ajay Co. 14 Website 5
9/2/2013 Anand Co. 2 Store 1
9/4/2013 Himtech Corporation 6 Store 3
9/5/2013 Anand Co. 4 Website 17
9/6/2013 Anand Co. 4 Website 11
9/7/2013 Prabhat Co. 13 Store 1
9/8/2013 Ajay Co. 7 Store 8
9/8/2013 Anand Co. 2 Store 2
9/8/2013 Kalyani Distributors 12 Store 16
9/8/2013 Bajaj Co. 11 Store 1
9/8/2013 Bajaj Co. 8 Store 9
9/9/2013 Prabhat Co. 1 Website 7
9/9/2013 Bajaj Co. 11 Store 2
9/10/2013 Himtech Corporation 10 Store 8
9/10/2013 Sohan's Co. 7 Website 19
9/10/2013 Sohan's Co. 1 Store 10
9/11/2013 Bajaj Co. 12 Website 17
9/11/2013 Anand Co. 12 Store 14
9/11/2013 Himtech Corporation 8 Website 11
9/11/2013 Anand Co. 8 Store 6
9/12/2013 Himtech Corporation 7 Store 9
9/13/2013 Sohan's Co. 10 Store 1
9/15/2013 New Light Co. 2 Website 19
9/16/2013 Sohan's Co. 2 Store 20
9/17/2013 Kalyani Distributors 8 Website 2
9/17/2013 New Light Co. 5 Website 12
9/17/2013 Ajay Co. 4 Website 3
9/18/2013 Himtech Corporation 3 Store 9
9/18/2013 Bajaj Co. 6 Website 13
9/18/2013 Ajay Co. 11 Website 4
9/18/2013 New Light Co. 14 Website 13
9/19/2013 Himtech Corporation 13 Store 3
9/19/2013 New Light Co. 11 Store 11
9/20/2013 Himtech Corporation 1 Store 12
9/22/2013 Bajaj Co. 12 Store 4
9/23/2013 Bajaj Co. 7 Store 6
9/25/2013 Bajaj Co. 12 Store 9
9/25/2013 Ajay Co. 11 Website 12
9/28/2013 Anand Co. 6 Store 18
9/29/2013 Himtech Corporation 15 Store 3
9/29/2013 Kalyani Distributors 8 Website 11
10/1/2013 Sohan's Co. 5 Store 1
10/1/2013 Kalyani Distributors 14 Store 3
10/1/2013 Kalyani Distributors 8 Store 9
10/2/2013 Prabhat Co. 4 Store 14
10/2/2013 Ajay Co. 13 Website 1
10/2/2013 Sohan's Co. 6 Website 13
10/3/2013 Prabhat Co. 8 Store 10
10/5/2013 Himtech Corporation 6 Website 3
10/7/2013 Himtech Corporation 1 Store 13
10/7/2013 Himtech Corporation 2 Store 13
10/8/2013 Anand Co. 5 Website 13
10/9/2013 Himtech Corporation 4 Store 18
10/9/2013 New Light Co. 5 Website 19
10/10/2013 Prabhat Co. 14 Store 14
10/10/2013 Sohan's Co. 11 Website 9
10/10/2013 Bajaj Co. 3 Store 12
10/10/2013 Sohan's Co. 2 Website 6
10/11/2013 Kalyani Distributors 10 Store 1
10/11/2013 New Light Co. 7 Store 14
10/13/2013 Prabhat Co. 6 Store 8
10/14/2013 New Light Co. 2 Website 13
10/14/2013 Bajaj Co. 8 Store 1
10/15/2013 Prabhat Co. 2 Website 3
10/16/2013 New Light Co. 3 Website 12
10/16/2013 Sohan's Co. 12 Store 11
10/16/2013 New Light Co. 10 Store 14
10/17/2013 Bajaj Co. 6 Website 8
10/18/2013 Anand Co. 13 Store 8
10/19/2013 New Light Co. 4 Store 2
10/19/2013 Prabhat Co. 1 Store 13
10/20/2013 Anand Co. 1 Website 9
10/20/2013 Ajay Co. 9 Website 5
10/22/2013 Bajaj Co. 9 Store 20
10/22/2013 Ajay Co. 15 Website 5
10/22/2013 Prabhat Co. 14 Website 4
10/25/2013 Ajay Co. 6 Store 15
10/26/2013 New Light Co. 2 Website 11
10/28/2013 Anand Co. 1 Website 4
11/1/2013 Sohan's Co. 7 Store 14
11/2/2013 Bajaj Co. 14 Store 18
11/2/2013 New Light Co. 3 Website 17
11/2/2013 Prabhat Co. 3 Store 6
11/3/2013 Sohan's Co. 12 Website 9
11/3/2013 New Light Co. 15 Website 2
11/4/2013 Kalyani Distributors 13 Website 16
11/4/2013 Kalyani Distributors 3 Store 18
11/5/2013 Bajaj Co. 3 Website 8
11/5/2013 Kalyani Distributors 6 Store 4
11/5/2013 Himtech Corporation 7 Website 14
11/6/2013 Himtech Corporation 7 Store 12
11/6/2013 Sohan's Co. 10 Store 3
11/6/2013 Sohan's Co. 6 Store 15
11/7/2013 Kalyani Distributors 10 Store 19
11/8/2013 Anand Co. 14 Store 15
11/8/2013 Ajay Co. 4 Store 13
11/8/2013 Himtech Corporation 6 Store 19
11/8/2013 Ajay Co. 2 Store 5
11/9/2013 Himtech Corporation 11 Store 8
11/11/2013 Sohan's Co. 9 Website 11
11/11/2013 Himtech Corporation 9 Website 2
11/11/2013 Prabhat Co. 8 Website 11
11/11/2013 New Light Co. 14 Website 14
11/12/2013 Himtech Corporation 11 Website 5
11/12/2013 Ajay Co. 3 Website 4
11/12/2013 Kalyani Distributors 7 Website 3
11/13/2013 Anand Co. 7 Website 19
11/13/2013 Kalyani Distributors 3 Store 5
11/15/2013 Kalyani Distributors 6 Store 19
11/16/2013 Himtech Corporation 6 Store 16
11/16/2013 Prabhat Co. 12 Website 11
11/18/2013 Bajaj Co. 7 Website 3
11/18/2013 Anand Co. 10 Website 4
11/18/2013 Bajaj Co. 10 Website 16
11/19/2013 Sohan's Co. 15 Store 13
11/20/2013 New Light Co. 8 Store 15
11/20/2013 Kalyani Distributors 13 Store 4
11/23/2013 Kalyani Distributors 3 Website 10
11/23/2013 New Light Co. 3 Store 18
11/23/2013 Ajay Co. 9 Store 19
11/24/2013 New Light Co. 2 Website 18
11/24/2013 Prabhat Co. 3 Store 9
11/24/2013 Anand Co. 13 Website 16
11/25/2013 Sohan's Co. 5 Website 6
11/26/2013 Prabhat Co. 2 Website 6
11/28/2013 New Light Co. 4 Store 3
11/28/2013 Kalyani Distributors 5 Website 17
11/29/2013 Ajay Co. 14 Website 15
11/30/2013 Anand Co. 10 Website 16
12/1/2013 Prabhat Co. 15 Store 5
12/1/2013 Sohan's Co. 8 Website 9
12/2/2013 Prabhat Co. 13 Website 2
12/3/2013 Ajay Co. 13 Website 15
12/4/2013 Kalyani Distributors 15 Store 4
12/4/2013 Prabhat Co. 4 Store 5
12/4/2013 Sohan's Co. 12 Website 16
12/4/2013 Prabhat Co. 12 Store 18
12/4/2013 Himtech Corporation 4 Store 11
12/4/2013 Bajaj Co. 11 Website 4
12/5/2013 Anand Co. 12 Store 4
12/5/2013 Anand Co. 9 Website 10
12/8/2013 Himtech Corporation 11 Website 5
12/8/2013 Kalyani Distributors 9 Website 19
12/11/2013 Sohan's Co. 2 Store 7
12/11/2013 Prabhat Co. 11 Website 10
12/11/2013 Himtech Corporation 11 Store 9
12/13/2013 Himtech Corporation 2 Store 17
12/13/2013 Prabhat Co. 13 Store 20
12/14/2013 Sohan's Co. 11 Website 11
12/14/2013 Bajaj Co. 8 Website 6
12/15/2013 New Light Co. 2 Website 16
12/16/2013 Bajaj Co. 4 Website 2
12/17/2013 Ajay Co. 8 Website 9
12/17/2013 Kalyani Distributors 9 Website 11
12/17/2013 Sohan's Co. 5 Website 18
12/18/2013 Anand Co. 3 Store 18
12/19/2013 Prabhat Co. 8 Website 5
12/20/2013 Sohan's Co. 6 Website 15
12/20/2013 Sohan's Co. 15 Store 1
12/21/2013 Kalyani Distributors 14 Store 18
12/21/2013 Himtech Corporation 10 Store 3
12/22/2013 Bajaj Co. 13 Website 5
12/22/2013 Kalyani Distributors 1 Website 2
12/23/2013 Sohan's Co. 11 Store 13
12/25/2013 Sohan's Co. 1 Website 2
12/26/2013 Anand Co. 11 Store 19
12/27/2013 Sohan's Co. 13 Website 6
12/28/2013 Ajay Co. 13 Website 17
12/28/2013 Sohan's Co. 6 Store 16
12/28/2013 Prabhat Co. 1 Store 14
12/28/2013 Anand Co. 2 Website 4
12/29/2013 New Light Co. 15 Store 4
12/30/2013 Sohan's Co. 10 Store 10
12/30/2013 Himtech Corporation 4 Store 8
12/31/2013 New Light Co. 14 Website 15
12/31/2013 Ajay Co. 10 Store 7
Book Name Authors Book Type Published Year
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Soft Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Soft Cover 1946
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Soft Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Soft Cover 1921
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal
APJ Nehru
Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1946
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun TiwariKalam,
APJ Abdul e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Soft Cover 1927
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal
APJ Nehru
Abdul Kalam, e-book 2004
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Soft Cover 1946
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1946
Wings of Fire Arun TiwariKalam,
APJ Abdul Soft Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1927
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Soft Cover 1927
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1927
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1921
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, e-book 2004
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1921
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun TiwariKalam,
APJ Abdul e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1921
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, e-book 2004
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1946
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Soft Cover 1927
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1921
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2004
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2004
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2004
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Soft Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun TiwariKalam,
APJ Abdul Hard Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Soft Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun TiwariKalam,
APJ Abdul Hard Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun TiwariKalam,
APJ Abdul Soft Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1921
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1927
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal
APJ Nehru
Abdul Kalam, Soft Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal
APJ Nehru
Abdul Kalam, e-book 2004
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Soft Cover 1927
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari
APJ Abdul Kalam, e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun TiwariKalam,
APJ Abdul Hard Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Soft Cover 1927
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1946
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1921
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Soft Cover 1927
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1921
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, e-book 2004
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun TiwariKalam,
APJ Abdul Hard Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2004
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari
APJ Abdul Kalam, Soft Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, e-book 2005
Wings of Fire ArunAbdul
APJ TiwariKalam, Hard Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2004
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2004
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
APJ Abdul Kalam,
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, e-book 2004
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Soft Cover 1921
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Hard Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, e-book 2004
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Soft Cover 1927
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Soft Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Soft Cover 1946
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Soft Cover 1934
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1927
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1921
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1927
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2004
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Soft Cover 1921
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2004
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Soft Cover 1927
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Soft Cover 1946
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1927
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Soft Cover 1927
Wings of Fire Arun TiwariKalam,
APJ Abdul Soft Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun TiwariKalam,
APJ Abdul Soft Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1921
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari
APJ Abdul Kalam, Soft Cover 1999
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Soft Cover 1921
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1927
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Soft Cover 1921
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Hard Cover 1999
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1934
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1934
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru
APJ Abdul Kalam, Soft Cover 1946
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari e-book 2005
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2004
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
Glimpses of World History Jawaharlal Nehru e-book 2005
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Soft Cover 1946
The Discovery of India Jawaharlal Nehru Hard Cover 1946
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, Hard Cover 1927
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari
APJ Abdul Kalam, e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
A Guide to Health Mahatma Gandhi Hard Cover 1921
A Guide to Health Mahatma
APJ Abdul Gandhi
Kalam, e-book 2005
Wings of Fire Arun Tiwari Soft Cover 1999
Purchase Price Margin Selling Price Month Sales Purchase Cost
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 1 ₹ 4,225 ₹ 3,250
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 1 ₹ 1,625 ₹ 1,250
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 1 ₹ 7,800 ₹ 6,500
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 1 ₹ 14,520 ₹ 13,200
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 1 ₹ 11,677 ₹ 8,982
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 1 ₹ 6,600 ₹ 6,000
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 1 ₹ 2,160 ₹ 1,800
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 1 ₹ 575 ₹ 500
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 1 ₹ 4,313 ₹ 3,750
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 1 ₹ 15,600 ₹ 13,000
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 1 ₹ 5,611 ₹ 5,101
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 1 ₹ 7,799 ₹ 6,000
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 1 ₹ 14,039 ₹ 10,799
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 1 ₹ 4,807 ₹ 4,180
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 1 ₹ 12,480 ₹ 10,400
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 1 ₹ 3,795 ₹ 3,300
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 1 ₹ 1,300 ₹ 1,000
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 1 ₹ 1,265 ₹ 1,100
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 1 ₹ 567 ₹ 436
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 1 ₹ 3,795 ₹ 3,300
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 1 ₹ 14,028 ₹ 12,752
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 1 ₹ 4,208 ₹ 3,826
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 1 ₹ 910 ₹ 700
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 1 ₹ 4,320 ₹ 3,600
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 1 ₹ 1,932 ₹ 1,680
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 1 ₹ 3,900 ₹ 3,000
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 1 ₹ 1,654 ₹ 1,272
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 1 ₹ 4,807 ₹ 4,180
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 1 ₹ 1,625 ₹ 1,250
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 1 ₹ 715 ₹ 550
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 1 ₹ 6,120 ₹ 5,100
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 1 ₹ 5,403 ₹ 4,503
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 1 ₹ 22,444 ₹ 20,404
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 1 ₹ 4,807 ₹ 4,180
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 1 ₹ 1,105 ₹ 850
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 1 ₹ 4,320 ₹ 3,600
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 1 ₹ 5,525 ₹ 4,250
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 1 ₹ 14,039 ₹ 10,799
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 1 ₹ 3,892 ₹ 2,994
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 1 ₹ 12,325 ₹ 9,481
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 1 ₹ 14,819 ₹ 11,399
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 1 ₹ 5,611 ₹ 5,101
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 1 ₹ 715 ₹ 550
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 2 ₹ 3,795 ₹ 3,300
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 2 ₹ 1,012 ₹ 880
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 2 ₹ 10,807 ₹ 9,006
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 2 ₹ 2,200 ₹ 2,000
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 2 ₹ 253 ₹ 220
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 2 ₹ 4,320 ₹ 3,600
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 2 ₹ 1,208 ₹ 1,050
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 2 ₹ 3,850 ₹ 3,500
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 2 ₹ 26,400 ₹ 24,000
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 2 ₹ 3,450 ₹ 3,000
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 2 ₹ 2,834 ₹ 2,180
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 2 ₹ 16,833 ₹ 15,303
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 2 ₹ 455 ₹ 350
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 2 ₹ 3,450 ₹ 3,000
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 2 ₹ 5,850 ₹ 4,500
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 2 ₹ 10,560 ₹ 9,600
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 2 ₹ 1,518 ₹ 1,320
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 2 ₹ 5,060 ₹ 4,400
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 2 ₹ 1,559 ₹ 1,199
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 2 ₹ 2,925 ₹ 2,250
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 2 ₹ 11,699 ₹ 8,999
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 2 ₹ 16,210 ₹ 13,508
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 2 ₹ 2,783 ₹ 2,420
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 2 ₹ 4,541 ₹ 3,493
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 2 ₹ 8,800 ₹ 8,000
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 2 ₹ 325 ₹ 250
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 2 ₹ 121 ₹ 105
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 2 ₹ 4,680 ₹ 3,900
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 2 ₹ 780 ₹ 600
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 2 ₹ 21,120 ₹ 19,200
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 2 ₹ 9,240 ₹ 8,400
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 2 ₹ 2,013 ₹ 1,750
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 2 ₹ 1,449 ₹ 1,260
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 2 ₹ 17,110 ₹ 14,259
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 2 ₹ 4,680 ₹ 3,600
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 2 ₹ 7,200 ₹ 6,000
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 2 ₹ 12,480 ₹ 10,400
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 2 ₹ 3,120 ₹ 2,400
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 2 ₹ 483 ₹ 420
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 2 ₹ 4,208 ₹ 3,826
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 2 ₹ 2,687 ₹ 2,067
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 2 ₹ 1,650 ₹ 1,500
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 2 ₹ 567 ₹ 436
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 2 ₹ 3,300 ₹ 3,000
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 2 ₹ 1,300 ₹ 1,000
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 2 ₹ 10,379 ₹ 7,984
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 2 ₹ 13,508 ₹ 11,257
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 3 ₹ 520 ₹ 400
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 3 ₹ 2,595 ₹ 1,996
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 3 ₹ 4,680 ₹ 3,900
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 3 ₹ 2,200 ₹ 2,000
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 3 ₹ 3,721 ₹ 2,862
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 3 ₹ 10,379 ₹ 7,984
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 3 ₹ 11,699 ₹ 8,999
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 3 ₹ 1,087 ₹ 945
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 3 ₹ 2,480 ₹ 1,908
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 3 ₹ 4,550 ₹ 3,500
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 3 ₹ 975 ₹ 750
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 3 ₹ 288 ₹ 250
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 3 ₹ 2,595 ₹ 1,996
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 3 ₹ 4,320 ₹ 3,600
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 3 ₹ 130 ₹ 100
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 3 ₹ 207 ₹ 159
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 3 ₹ 10,807 ₹ 9,006
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 3 ₹ 3,850 ₹ 3,500
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 3 ₹ 1,560 ₹ 1,200
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 3 ₹ 7,020 ₹ 5,850
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 3 ₹ 1,087 ₹ 945
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 3 ₹ 1,235 ₹ 950
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 3 ₹ 11,699 ₹ 8,999
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 3 ₹ 4,503 ₹ 3,752
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 3 ₹ 3,960 ₹ 3,600
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 3 ₹ 1,560 ₹ 1,200
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 3 ₹ 362 ₹ 315
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 3 ₹ 5,190 ₹ 3,992
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 3 ₹ 3,602 ₹ 3,002
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 3 ₹ 1,860 ₹ 1,431
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 3 ₹ 2,067 ₹ 1,590
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 3 ₹ 2,480 ₹ 1,908
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 3 ₹ 15,840 ₹ 14,400
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 3 ₹ 4,225 ₹ 3,250
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 3 ₹ 325 ₹ 250
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 3 ₹ 2,894 ₹ 2,226
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 3 ₹ 3,120 ₹ 2,600
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 3 ₹ 5,463 ₹ 4,750
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 3 ₹ 7,014 ₹ 6,376
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 3 ₹ 575 ₹ 500
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 3 ₹ 1,328 ₹ 1,155
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 3 ₹ 2,160 ₹ 1,800
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 3 ₹ 2,925 ₹ 2,250
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 3 ₹ 11,880 ₹ 10,800
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 3 ₹ 4,807 ₹ 4,180
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 3 ₹ 1,087 ₹ 945
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 3 ₹ 2,875 ₹ 2,500
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 3 ₹ 10,450 ₹ 9,500
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 3 ₹ 2,588 ₹ 2,250
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 3 ₹ 4,134 ₹ 3,180
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 3 ₹ 16,210 ₹ 13,508
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 3 ₹ 7,700 ₹ 7,000
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 3 ₹ 1,100 ₹ 1,000
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 3 ₹ 3,738 ₹ 3,250
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 4 ₹ 13,200 ₹ 12,000
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 4 ₹ 720 ₹ 600
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 4 ₹ 4,554 ₹ 3,960
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 4 ₹ 4,134 ₹ 3,180
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 4 ₹ 5,460 ₹ 4,550
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 4 ₹ 4,875 ₹ 3,750
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 4 ₹ 10,920 ₹ 9,100
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 4 ₹ 4,680 ₹ 3,900
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 4 ₹ 2,520 ₹ 2,100
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 4 ₹ 5,200 ₹ 4,000
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 4 ₹ 195 ₹ 150
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 4 ₹ 7,204 ₹ 6,004
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 4 ₹ 7,020 ₹ 5,850
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 4 ₹ 3,036 ₹ 2,640
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 4 ₹ 780 ₹ 600
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 4 ₹ 4,320 ₹ 3,600
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 4 ₹ 1,691 ₹ 1,470
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 4 ₹ 1,801 ₹ 1,501
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 4 ₹ 11,707 ₹ 9,756
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 4 ₹ 2,275 ₹ 1,750
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 4 ₹ 26,653 ₹ 24,230
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 4 ₹ 550 ₹ 500
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 4 ₹ 3,542 ₹ 3,080
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 4 ₹ 3,600 ₹ 3,000
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 4 ₹ 3,250 ₹ 2,500
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 4 ₹ 14,409 ₹ 12,007
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 4 ₹ 9,359 ₹ 7,199
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 4 ₹ 2,806 ₹ 2,550
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 4 ₹ 1,300 ₹ 1,000
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 4 ₹ 1,518 ₹ 1,320
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 4 ₹ 2,834 ₹ 2,180
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 4 ₹ 16,833 ₹ 15,303
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 4 ₹ 7,019 ₹ 5,400
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 4 ₹ 845 ₹ 735
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 4 ₹ 16,210 ₹ 13,508
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 4 ₹ 1,438 ₹ 1,250
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 4 ₹ 13,200 ₹ 12,000
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 4 ₹ 2,588 ₹ 2,250
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 4 ₹ 845 ₹ 650
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 4 ₹ 8,580 ₹ 7,150
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 4 ₹ 8,580 ₹ 7,150
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 4 ₹ 9,906 ₹ 8,255
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 4 ₹ 7,800 ₹ 6,500
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 4 ₹ 1,034 ₹ 795
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 4 ₹ 845 ₹ 735
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 5 ₹ 1,300 ₹ 1,000
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 5 ₹ 650 ₹ 500
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 5 ₹ 19,639 ₹ 17,853
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 5 ₹ 2,275 ₹ 1,750
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 5 ₹ 2,551 ₹ 1,962
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 5 ₹ 4,025 ₹ 3,500
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 5 ₹ 2,409 ₹ 1,853
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 5 ₹ 4,301 ₹ 3,740
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 5 ₹ 4,600 ₹ 4,000
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 5 ₹ 4,503 ₹ 3,752
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 5 ₹ 195 ₹ 150
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 5 ₹ 10,560 ₹ 9,600
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 5 ₹ 1,012 ₹ 880
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 5 ₹ 1,034 ₹ 795
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 5 ₹ 1,170 ₹ 900
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 5 ₹ 10,450 ₹ 9,500
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 5 ₹ 1,771 ₹ 1,540
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 5 ₹ 6,240 ₹ 5,200
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 5 ₹ 18,236 ₹ 16,578
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 5 ₹ 2,750 ₹ 2,500
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 5 ₹ 3,575 ₹ 2,750
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 5 ₹ 6,240 ₹ 5,200
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 5 ₹ 10,379 ₹ 7,984
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 5 ₹ 11,028 ₹ 8,483
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 5 ₹ 1,150 ₹ 1,000
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 5 ₹ 780 ₹ 650
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 5 ₹ 4,503 ₹ 3,752
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 5 ₹ 649 ₹ 499
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 5 ₹ 2,275 ₹ 1,750
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 5 ₹ 10,807 ₹ 9,006
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 5 ₹ 2,200 ₹ 2,000
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 5 ₹ 1,559 ₹ 1,199
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 5 ₹ 1,265 ₹ 1,100
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 5 ₹ 585 ₹ 450
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 5 ₹ 3,600 ₹ 3,000
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 5 ₹ 14,820 ₹ 12,350
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 5 ₹ 25,250 ₹ 22,954
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 5 ₹ 13,200 ₹ 12,000
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 5 ₹ 2,480 ₹ 1,908
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 5 ₹ 1,691 ₹ 1,470
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 5 ₹ 901 ₹ 750
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 5 ₹ 3,960 ₹ 3,300
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 5 ₹ 2,640 ₹ 2,400
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 6 ₹ 4,950 ₹ 4,500
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 6 ₹ 11,028 ₹ 8,483
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 6 ₹ 2,925 ₹ 2,250
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 6 ₹ 2,894 ₹ 2,226
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 6 ₹ 1,012 ₹ 880
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 6 ₹ 5,525 ₹ 4,250
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 6 ₹ 3,542 ₹ 3,080
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 6 ₹ 992 ₹ 763
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 6 ₹ 5,200 ₹ 4,000
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 6 ₹ 5,060 ₹ 4,400
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 6 ₹ 121 ₹ 105
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 6 ₹ 2,875 ₹ 2,500
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 6 ₹ 11,880 ₹ 10,800
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 6 ₹ 2,277 ₹ 1,980
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 6 ₹ 6,500 ₹ 5,000
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 6 ₹ 901 ₹ 750
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 6 ₹ 10,139 ₹ 7,799
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 6 ₹ 620 ₹ 477
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 6 ₹ 8,417 ₹ 7,651
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 6 ₹ 11,222 ₹ 10,202
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 6 ₹ 207 ₹ 159
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 6 ₹ 1,275 ₹ 981
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 6 ₹ 2,067 ₹ 1,590
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 6 ₹ 1,040 ₹ 800
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 6 ₹ 6,840 ₹ 5,700
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 6 ₹ 11,700 ₹ 9,750
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 6 ₹ 2,806 ₹ 2,550
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 6 ₹ 16,210 ₹ 13,508
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 6 ₹ 1,440 ₹ 1,200
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 6 ₹ 1,235 ₹ 950
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 6 ₹ 13,260 ₹ 11,050
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 6 ₹ 2,783 ₹ 2,420
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 6 ₹ 15,309 ₹ 12,758
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 6 ₹ 650 ₹ 500
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 6 ₹ 22,440 ₹ 20,400
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 6 ₹ 288 ₹ 250
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 6 ₹ 4,875 ₹ 3,750
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 6 ₹ 850 ₹ 654
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 6 ₹ 8,800 ₹ 8,000
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 6 ₹ 25,250 ₹ 22,954
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 6 ₹ 13,200 ₹ 12,000
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 6 ₹ 2,126 ₹ 1,635
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 6 ₹ 15,431 ₹ 14,028
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 6 ₹ 21,042 ₹ 19,129
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 6 ₹ 2,294 ₹ 1,995
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 6 ₹ 780 ₹ 600
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 6 ₹ 2,595 ₹ 1,996
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 6 ₹ 1,265 ₹ 1,100
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 6 ₹ 14,819 ₹ 11,399
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 6 ₹ 11,880 ₹ 10,800
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 6 ₹ 1,570 ₹ 1,365
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 6 ₹ 5,040 ₹ 4,200
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 6 ₹ 8,433 ₹ 6,487
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 6 ₹ 3,892 ₹ 2,994
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 7 ₹ 2,013 ₹ 1,750
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 7 ₹ 242 ₹ 210
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 7 ₹ 3,307 ₹ 2,544
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 7 ₹ 10,807 ₹ 9,006
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 7 ₹ 901 ₹ 750
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 7 ₹ 7,150 ₹ 6,500
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 7 ₹ 11,677 ₹ 8,982
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 7 ₹ 14,820 ₹ 12,350
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 7 ₹ 7,799 ₹ 6,000
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 7 ₹ 2,013 ₹ 1,750
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 7 ₹ 22,444 ₹ 20,404
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 7 ₹ 2,834 ₹ 2,180
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 7 ₹ 2,834 ₹ 2,180
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 7 ₹ 15,840 ₹ 14,400
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 7 ₹ 3,163 ₹ 2,750
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 7 ₹ 8,417 ₹ 7,651
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 7 ₹ 9,350 ₹ 8,500
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 7 ₹ 3,927 ₹ 3,021
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 7 ₹ 1,012 ₹ 880
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 7 ₹ 1,300 ₹ 1,000
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 7 ₹ 15,431 ₹ 14,028
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 7 ₹ 15,431 ₹ 14,028
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 7 ₹ 7,150 ₹ 6,500
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 7 ₹ 1,950 ₹ 1,500
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 7 ₹ 1,449 ₹ 1,260
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 7 ₹ 4,400 ₹ 4,000
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 7 ₹ 4,554 ₹ 3,960
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 7 ₹ 14,409 ₹ 12,007
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 7 ₹ 4,541 ₹ 3,493
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 7 ₹ 2,174 ₹ 1,890
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 7 ₹ 253 ₹ 220
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 7 ₹ 2,013 ₹ 1,750
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 7 ₹ 2,275 ₹ 1,750
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 7 ₹ 4,680 ₹ 3,600
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 7 ₹ 1,447 ₹ 1,113
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 7 ₹ 1,265 ₹ 1,100
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 7 ₹ 3,600 ₹ 3,000
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 7 ₹ 5,280 ₹ 4,800
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 7 ₹ 650 ₹ 500
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 7 ₹ 15,840 ₹ 14,400
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 7 ₹ 21,120 ₹ 19,200
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 7 ₹ 9,731 ₹ 7,485
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 7 ₹ 4,301 ₹ 3,740
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 7 ₹ 9,360 ₹ 7,800
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 7 ₹ 1,559 ₹ 1,199
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 7 ₹ 4,807 ₹ 4,180
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 7 ₹ 845 ₹ 735
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 7 ₹ 1,518 ₹ 1,320
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 8 ₹ 620 ₹ 477
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 8 ₹ 1,950 ₹ 1,500
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 8 ₹ 1,265 ₹ 1,100
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 8 ₹ 288 ₹ 250
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 8 ₹ 5,040 ₹ 4,200
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 8 ₹ 14,028 ₹ 12,752
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 8 ₹ 11,880 ₹ 10,800
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 8 ₹ 520 ₹ 400
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 8 ₹ 5,611 ₹ 5,101
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 8 ₹ 845 ₹ 650
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 8 ₹ 2,640 ₹ 2,400
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 8 ₹ 9,906 ₹ 8,255
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 8 ₹ 8,105 ₹ 6,754
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 8 ₹ 720 ₹ 600
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 8 ₹ 13,508 ₹ 11,257
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 8 ₹ 26,653 ₹ 24,230
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 8 ₹ 7,799 ₹ 6,000
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 8 ₹ 3,575 ₹ 2,750
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 8 ₹ 10,139 ₹ 7,799
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 8 ₹ 1,034 ₹ 795
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 8 ₹ 720 ₹ 600
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 8 ₹ 10,139 ₹ 7,799
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 8 ₹ 9,906 ₹ 8,255
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 8 ₹ 2,687 ₹ 2,067
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 8 ₹ 14,040 ₹ 11,700
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 8 ₹ 11,880 ₹ 10,800
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 8 ₹ 7,020 ₹ 5,850
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 8 ₹ 1,265 ₹ 1,100
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 8 ₹ 6,500 ₹ 5,000
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 8 ₹ 8,417 ₹ 7,651
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 8 ₹ 362 ₹ 315
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 8 ₹ 1,801 ₹ 1,501
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 8 ₹ 2,687 ₹ 2,067
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 8 ₹ 10,379 ₹ 7,984
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 8 ₹ 390 ₹ 300
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 8 ₹ 4,301 ₹ 3,740
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 8 ₹ 550 ₹ 500
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 8 ₹ 1,560 ₹ 1,300
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 8 ₹ 413 ₹ 318
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 8 ₹ 12,608 ₹ 10,506
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 8 ₹ 21,120 ₹ 19,200
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 8 ₹ 7,799 ₹ 6,000
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 8 ₹ 3,163 ₹ 2,750
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 8 ₹ 242 ₹ 210
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 8 ₹ 9,819 ₹ 8,927
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 8 ₹ 992 ₹ 763
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 8 ₹ 759 ₹ 660
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 8 ₹ 2,551 ₹ 1,962
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 8 ₹ 1,328 ₹ 1,155
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 8 ₹ 567 ₹ 436
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 8 ₹ 11,028 ₹ 8,483
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 8 ₹ 1,725 ₹ 1,500
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 8 ₹ 283 ₹ 218
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 8 ₹ 455 ₹ 350
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 8 ₹ 1,447 ₹ 1,113
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 8 ₹ 3,120 ₹ 2,400
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 8 ₹ 5,850 ₹ 4,500
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 8 ₹ 2,300 ₹ 2,000
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 9 ₹ 604 ₹ 525
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 9 ₹ 207 ₹ 159
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 9 ₹ 1,946 ₹ 1,497
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 9 ₹ 4,888 ₹ 4,250
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 9 ₹ 3,163 ₹ 2,750
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 9 ₹ 360 ₹ 300
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 9 ₹ 1,134 ₹ 872
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 9 ₹ 413 ₹ 318
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 9 ₹ 1,040 ₹ 800
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 9 ₹ 325 ₹ 250
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 9 ₹ 7,020 ₹ 5,850
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 9 ₹ 5,460 ₹ 4,200
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 9 ₹ 650 ₹ 500
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 9 ₹ 10,560 ₹ 9,600
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 9 ₹ 2,692 ₹ 2,071
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 9 ₹ 7,799 ₹ 6,000
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 9 ₹ 1,105 ₹ 850
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 9 ₹ 910 ₹ 700
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 9 ₹ 8,580 ₹ 7,150
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 9 ₹ 4,680 ₹ 3,900
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 9 ₹ 1,275 ₹ 981
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 9 ₹ 1,320 ₹ 1,200
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 9 ₹ 3,927 ₹ 3,021
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 9 ₹ 4,134 ₹ 3,180
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 9 ₹ 1,560 ₹ 1,300
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 9 ₹ 16,833 ₹ 15,303
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 9 ₹ 863 ₹ 750
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 9 ₹ 8,105 ₹ 6,754
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 9 ₹ 8,433 ₹ 6,487
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 9 ₹ 1,300 ₹ 1,000
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 9 ₹ 1,570 ₹ 1,365
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 9 ₹ 1,080 ₹ 900
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 9 ₹ 3,575 ₹ 2,750
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 9 ₹ 9,359 ₹ 7,199
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 9 ₹ 260 ₹ 200
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 9 ₹ 850 ₹ 654
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 9 ₹ 585 ₹ 450
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 9 ₹ 3,900 ₹ 3,000
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 9 ₹ 11,677 ₹ 8,982
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 9 ₹ 1,650 ₹ 1,500
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 9 ₹ 8,580 ₹ 7,150
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 10 ₹ 1,403 ₹ 1,275
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 10 ₹ 362 ₹ 315
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 10 ₹ 7,020 ₹ 5,850
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 10 ₹ 4,025 ₹ 3,500
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 10 ₹ 360 ₹ 300
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 10 ₹ 8,433 ₹ 6,487
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 10 ₹ 7,800 ₹ 6,500
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 10 ₹ 1,946 ₹ 1,497
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 10 ₹ 10,139 ₹ 7,799
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 10 ₹ 2,687 ₹ 2,067
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 10 ₹ 18,236 ₹ 16,578
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 10 ₹ 5,175 ₹ 4,500
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 10 ₹ 26,653 ₹ 24,230
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 10 ₹ 1,691 ₹ 1,470
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 10 ₹ 2,925 ₹ 2,250
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 10 ₹ 10,807 ₹ 9,006
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 10 ₹ 1,240 ₹ 954
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 10 ₹ 1,320 ₹ 1,200
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 10 ₹ 1,984 ₹ 1,526
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 10 ₹ 5,190 ₹ 3,992
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 10 ₹ 2,687 ₹ 2,067
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 10 ₹ 780 ₹ 650
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 10 ₹ 620 ₹ 477
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 10 ₹ 10,807 ₹ 9,006
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 10 ₹ 715 ₹ 550
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 10 ₹ 18,480 ₹ 16,800
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 10 ₹ 5,190 ₹ 3,992
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 10 ₹ 2,880 ₹ 2,400
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 10 ₹ 575 ₹ 500
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 10 ₹ 10,139 ₹ 7,799
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 10 ₹ 7,019 ₹ 5,400
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 10 ₹ 1,265 ₹ 1,100
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 10 ₹ 5,060 ₹ 4,400
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 10 ₹ 2,750 ₹ 2,500
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 10 ₹ 483 ₹ 420
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 10 ₹ 9,731 ₹ 7,485
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 10 ₹ 2,274 ₹ 1,749
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 10 ₹ 3,120 ₹ 2,400
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 11 ₹ 1,984 ₹ 1,526
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 11 ₹ 2,174 ₹ 1,890
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 11 ₹ 15,309 ₹ 12,758
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 11 ₹ 5,403 ₹ 4,503
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 11 ₹ 585 ₹ 450
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 11 ₹ 1,100 ₹ 1,000
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 11 ₹ 5,760 ₹ 4,800
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 11 ₹ 16,210 ₹ 13,508
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 11 ₹ 7,204 ₹ 6,004
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 11 ₹ 2,595 ₹ 1,996
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 11 ₹ 1,984 ₹ 1,526
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 11 ₹ 1,700 ₹ 1,308
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 11 ₹ 3,960 ₹ 3,600
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 11 ₹ 9,731 ₹ 7,485
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 11 ₹ 25,080 ₹ 22,800
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 11 ₹ 1,811 ₹ 1,575
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 11 ₹ 3,738 ₹ 3,250
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 11 ₹ 12,325 ₹ 9,481
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 11 ₹ 1,034 ₹ 795
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 11 ₹ 2,600 ₹ 2,000
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 11 ₹ 2,783 ₹ 2,420
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 11 ₹ 506 ₹ 440
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 11 ₹ 8,580 ₹ 7,150
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 11 ₹ 1,691 ₹ 1,470
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 11 ₹ 1,625 ₹ 1,250
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 11 ₹ 3,602 ₹ 3,002
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 11 ₹ 425 ₹ 327
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 11 ₹ 2,692 ₹ 2,071
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 11 ₹ 4,503 ₹ 3,752
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 11 ₹ 12,325 ₹ 9,481
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 11 ₹ 10,379 ₹ 7,984
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 11 ₹ 715 ₹ 550
₹ 109.00 30% ₹ 141.70 11 ₹ 425 ₹ 327
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 11 ₹ 5,280 ₹ 4,800
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 11 ₹ 21,120 ₹ 19,200
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 11 ₹ 7,150 ₹ 6,500
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 11 ₹ 11,700 ₹ 9,750
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 11 ₹ 1,440 ₹ 1,200
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 11 ₹ 9,006 ₹ 7,505
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 11 ₹ 16,210 ₹ 13,508
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 11 ₹ 4,807 ₹ 4,180
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 11 ₹ 3,721 ₹ 2,862
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 11 ₹ 8,105 ₹ 6,754
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 11 ₹ 5,760 ₹ 4,800
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 11 ₹ 8,417 ₹ 7,651
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 11 ₹ 1,240 ₹ 954
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 11 ₹ 863 ₹ 750
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 11 ₹ 23,847 ₹ 21,679
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 11 ₹ 1,811 ₹ 1,575
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 11 ₹ 21,120 ₹ 19,200
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 12 ₹ 2,750 ₹ 2,500
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 12 ₹ 7,020 ₹ 5,850
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 12 ₹ 720 ₹ 600
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 12 ₹ 5,400 ₹ 4,500
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 12 ₹ 2,200 ₹ 2,000
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 12 ₹ 1,438 ₹ 1,250
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 12 ₹ 1,040 ₹ 800
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 12 ₹ 1,170 ₹ 900
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 12 ₹ 3,163 ₹ 2,750
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 12 ₹ 1,300 ₹ 1,000
₹ 50.00 30% ₹ 65.00 12 ₹ 260 ₹ 200
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 12 ₹ 2,530 ₹ 2,200
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 12 ₹ 1,625 ₹ 1,250
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 12 ₹ 4,807 ₹ 4,180
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 12 ₹ 1,447 ₹ 1,113
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 12 ₹ 3,250 ₹ 2,500
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 12 ₹ 2,925 ₹ 2,250
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 12 ₹ 3,514 ₹ 2,703
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 12 ₹ 7,200 ₹ 6,000
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 12 ₹ 3,575 ₹ 2,750
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 12 ₹ 4,680 ₹ 3,900
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 12 ₹ 3,307 ₹ 2,544
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 12 ₹ 575 ₹ 500
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 12 ₹ 7,020 ₹ 5,850
₹ 220.00 15% ₹ 253.00 12 ₹ 2,783 ₹ 2,420
₹ 1,275.25 10% ₹ 1,402.77 12 ₹ 25,250 ₹ 22,954
₹ 750.46 20% ₹ 900.55 12 ₹ 16,210 ₹ 13,508
₹ 650.00 20% ₹ 780.00 12 ₹ 3,900 ₹ 3,250
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 12 ₹ 9,731 ₹ 7,485
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 12 ₹ 550 ₹ 500
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 12 ₹ 2,174 ₹ 1,890
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 12 ₹ 3,960 ₹ 3,600
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 12 ₹ 1,800 ₹ 1,500
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 12 ₹ 1,560 ₹ 1,200
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 12 ₹ 4,225 ₹ 3,250
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 12 ₹ 1,560 ₹ 1,200
₹ 250.00 30% ₹ 325.00 12 ₹ 6,175 ₹ 4,750
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 12 ₹ 2,160 ₹ 1,800
₹ 300.00 20% ₹ 360.00 12 ₹ 6,120 ₹ 5,100
₹ 499.00 30% ₹ 648.70 12 ₹ 10,379 ₹ 7,984
₹ 599.95 30% ₹ 779.94 12 ₹ 10,919 ₹ 8,399
₹ 159.00 30% ₹ 206.70 12 ₹ 827 ₹ 636
₹ 500.00 10% ₹ 550.00 12 ₹ 2,200 ₹ 2,000
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 12 ₹ 13,200 ₹ 12,000
₹ 250.00 15% ₹ 287.50 12 ₹ 2,300 ₹ 2,000
₹ 105.00 15% ₹ 120.75 12 ₹ 1,811 ₹ 1,575
₹ 1,200.00 10% ₹ 1,320.00 12 ₹ 9,240 ₹ 8,400

1230 1212
1200 1178 1185

1000 961


# of Books



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Book Name
e-book ₹ 476,611 Jan 1 506 ₹ 219,868
Hard Cover ₹ 1,391,674 Feb 2 478 ₹ 234,691
Soft Cover ₹ 1,223,371 Mar 3 515 ₹ 190,259
Apr 4 464 ₹ 221,708
May 5 420 ₹ 193,510
ORDER LOCATION SALES Jun 6 605 ₹ 291,750
Store ₹ 1,588,744 Jul 7 526 ₹ 253,365
Website ₹ 1,502,911 Aug 8 510 ₹ 260,050
Sep 9 362 ₹ 126,668
Oct 10 352 ₹ 170,990
Nov 11 563 ₹ 275,347
Dec 12 465 ₹ 177,492

₹ 1,600,000 1200
₹ 1,400,000 800

₹ 1,200,000 400
₹ 1,000,000
₹ 800,000
₹ 600,000
₹ 400,000
₹ 200,000
e-book Hard Cover Soft Cover

Sohan's Co.
Ajay Co.
Kalyani Distributors
Website Bajaj Co.
₹ 1,502,911; 49% ₹ 1,588,744; 51% Anand Co.
New Light Co.
Sohan's Co.
Ajay Co.
Kalyani Distributors
Website Bajaj Co.
₹ 1,502,911; 49% ₹ 1,588,744; 51% Anand Co.
New Light Co.
Himtech Corporation
Prabhat Co.

₹0 ₹ 100,000


₹ 400,000 ₹ 400,000

₹ 350,000 ₹ 350,000

₹ 300,000 ₹ 300,000

₹ 250,000 ₹ 250,000

₹ 200,000 ₹ 200,000

₹ 150,000 ₹ 150,000

₹ 100,000 ₹ 100,000

₹ 50,000 ₹ 50,000

₹0 ₹0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr
₹ 263,776 ₹ 43,908 The Discovery of India ₹ 691,799 1230
₹ 274,771 ₹ 40,080 The Story of My Experiments with Truth ₹ 164,388 1178
₹ 227,702 ₹ 37,443 Glimpses of World History ₹ 853,701 1212
₹ 261,835 ₹ 40,127 A Guide to Health ₹ 265,029 1185
₹ 225,205 ₹ 31,695 Wings of Fire ₹ 1,116,739 961
₹ 341,769 ₹ 50,019
₹ 293,877 ₹ 40,512 CUSTOMER SALES
₹ 308,298 ₹ 48,248 Prabhat Co. ₹ 310,438
₹ 154,371 ₹ 27,703 Himtech Corporation ₹ 377,859
₹ 203,969 ₹ 32,979 New Light Co. ₹ 446,595
₹ 324,134 ₹ 48,786 Anand Co. ₹ 360,316
₹ 211,948 ₹ 34,456 Bajaj Co. ₹ 413,381
Kalyani Distributors ₹ 420,092
Ajay Co. ₹ 301,205
Sohan's Co. ₹ 461,769


Sohan's Co.
Ajay Co.
lyani Distributors
Bajaj Co. SALES
Anand Co.
New Light Co.
Sohan's Co.
Ajay Co.
lyani Distributors
Bajaj Co. SALES
Anand Co.
New Light Co.
mtech Corporation
Prabhat Co.

₹0 ₹ 100,000 ₹ 200,000 ₹ 300,000 ₹ 400,000 ₹ 500,000

₹ 400,000 ₹ 60,000

₹ 350,000
₹ 50,000
₹ 300,000
₹ 40,000
₹ 250,000

₹ 200,000 ₹ 30,000

₹ 150,000
₹ 20,000
₹ 100,000
₹ 10,000
₹ 50,000

₹0 ₹0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Book Type Soft Cover

Sum - Sales Order Location

Authors Book Name Store Website
APJ Abdul Kalam,Arun Tiwari ₹ 282,480 ₹ 183,480
Wings of Fire ₹ 282,480 ₹ 183,480
Jawaharlal Nehru ₹ 357,367 ₹ 221,874
Glimpses of World H ₹ 161,460 ₹ 138,840
The Discovery of Ind ₹ 195,907 ₹ 83,034
Mahatma Gandhi ₹ 73,333 ₹ 104,837
A Guide to Health ₹ 50,094 ₹ 79,189
The Story of my Exp ₹ 23,239 ₹ 25,648
Total Result ₹ 713,180 ₹ 510,190
This shape This shape represents a slicer.
represents a Slicers can be used in at least
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(empty) Book Name
Month A Guide to Health Glimpses of World History The Discovery of India
Total Result

₹ 12

₹ 10





1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
The Story of my Experiments with Truth Wings of Fire Total Result

Book Name A Guide to Health

Glimpses of World History
The Discovery of India
The Story of my Experiments with Truth
Wings of Fire

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Total Result

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