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A 13.01.’14 Issue for approval M.J.OH Y.J.SHIN M.D.SEO



A 13.01.’14 Issue
approval J.A.SEO M.K.LEE J.Y.KIM







M.J.OH 13.01.’14
Y.J.SHIN 13.01.’14

M.D.SEO 13.01.’14 ADB/MD1-TPIP/EPC150911 MD1-0-V-111-33-00852 A


1.0 PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................... 3

2.0 REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 3

3.0 CONSIDERATION FOR RELAY SETTING....................................................................... 3

4.0 COMMENTS ...................................................................................................................... 3

5.0 CALCULATIONS ............................................................................................................... 4

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The purpose of this protection relay co-ordination setting study is to analyze and give the
functional settings of the protection relays necessary for the operation of the protection system
and for selective clearance of faults for Mong Duong1thermal power plant.

1) IEEE Std C37.91: IEEE Guide for Protective Relay Applications to Power Transformers.
2) IEEE Std. C37.102 IEEE Guide for AC Generator Protection.
3) IEEE Std 242: IEEE Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial
and Commercial Power System.
4) IEC International Standard 60255-3 : Electrical Relays part3 – Single input energizing
quantity measuring relays with dependent or independent time
5) IEC International Standard 60255-8 : Electrical Relays part8 – Thermal electrical relays
6) IEC International Standard 60076-5 : Power Transformer part 5 – Ability to withstand short
7) NEMA MG1-1998 Rev.2 2001
8) SIEMENS 7UM62XX Relay Technical Manual
9) Relay Co-ordination Guide Book–Korea Electric Power Corporation


1) 27/59N (100% Stator Earth ground fault Relay) settings are applied after the actual
2) The permissible Negative sequence constants(K) of the generator is assumed to be 10.

1) If all of vendor technical data are provided report will be review and revised in the next
revision stage.

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5.1 Generator Protection Relay
1) Basic Information and Data
1-1) Relay Data
Relay Maker SIEMENS
Relay Model 7UM6225
87G Differential Protection
21G Impedance Protection
32G Reverse Power Protection
40G Under excitation (Loss-of-Field) Protection
46G Unbalanced Load (Negative Sequence) Protection
49S Thermal Overload Protection
81G Frequency Protection
27G Undervoltage Protection
59G Overvoltage Protection
50BF Breaker Failure Protection
24G Over excitation (Volt/Hertz) Protection
59GN 90-%-Stator Earth Fault Protection
27/59TN 100-%-Stator Earth Fault Protection with 3rd Harmonics
60G Fuse Failure Monitor

1-2) Generator Data

Parameter Data Unit Remark
Rated MVA 650.52 MVA
Power Factor (Overexcited) 0.85 -
Direct axis synchronous reactance (Xd) 2.10 PU Saturation
Direct axis transient reactance (X’d) 0.225 PU Saturation
Direct axis sub-transient reactance (X”d) 0.160 PU Saturation
Negative sequence reactance (X2) 0.160 PU -
Zero sequence reactance (Xo) 0.140 PU -
Rated voltage 21 kV
Rated current 17884.7 A Calculation a.
a. Rated current
I NS   17884.7 [ A]
3  21

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2) Protection Diagram

2-1) Device Configuration Parameters – address blocks 1

a. Setting group change option

∴ Setting group change option is Enabled

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

0103 Setting Group Change Option Disabled
0104 Fault values Instantaneous values
0112 50/51 Overcurrent Protection I> Disabled
0113 50/51/67 Overcurrent Protection I>> Disabled
0114 51V Inverse O/C Time Protection Disabled
0116 49 Thermal Overload Protection Enabled
0117 46 Negative Sequence Protection Enabled
0120 87G/87TDifferential Protection Generator/Motor
0130 40 Under excitation Protection Enabled
0131 32R Reverse Power Protection Enabled
0132 32F Forward Power Supervision Disabled
0133 21 Impedance Protection Enabled
0140 27 Undervoltage Protection Enabled
0141 59 Overvoltage Protection Enabled

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Address Parameter Setting Value Remark
0142 81 Over / Under frequency Protection Enabled
0143 24 Over excitation Protection (U/f) Enabled
0144 27 Inverse Undervoltage Protection Up< Disabled
0150 59N/67GN Stator Ground Fault Protection Non-directional only V0
0151 50N/51G Sensitive Ground Current Protection Disabled
0152 27/59TN Ground Fault Prot. 3rd Harm. Enabled
0154 50N/51G Sensitive Earth Current Protection B Disabled
0155 Interturn Protection Disabled
0160 64 Rotor Ground Fault Protection (R, fn) Disabled
0165 48 Motor Starting Time Supervision Disabled
0166 66 Restart Inhibit for Motors Disabled
0170 50BF Breaker Failure Protection Side 2
0171 50/27 Inadvertent Energisation Disabled
0180 60FL Fuse Failure Monitor Enabled
0181 Measured Values Supervision Enabled
0182 74TC Trip Circuit Supervision Disabled
0185 Threshold Supervision Enabled
0186 External Trip Function 1 Disabled
0187 External Trip Function 2 Disabled
0188 External Trip Function 3 Disabled
0189 External Trip Function 4 Disabled
0190 External Temperature Input Disabled
0191 Ext. Temperature Input Connection Type 6 RTD simplex
2-2) Power System Data – address blocks 2

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

- Group Power System -
0242 Starpoint of Side 1 is Isolated
0244 Starpoint of Side 2 is Isolated
0270 Rated Frequency 50 Hz
0271 Phase Sequence ABC
0272 Scheme Configuration Direct connected to
0274A Storage of th. Replicas w/o Power Supply busbar
0276 Unit of temperature measurement NO
Degree Celsius
- Group Generator/Motor –
0251 Rated Primary Voltage Generator/Motor 21.00 kV
0252 Rated Apparent Power of the Generator 650.52 MVA
- Group CT’s –
0201 CT-Strpnt. Side1 in Direct. of Object YES
0202 CT Rated Primary Current Side 1 21000 A
0203 CT Rated Secondary Current Side 1 5A
0204 Correction Angle CT W0 0.00 °
0205 CT Ratio Prim./Sec. Iee1 60.0 Not relevant
0210 CT-Strpnt. Side2 in Direct. of Object YES
211 CT Rated Primary Current Side 2 21000 A
212 CT Rated Secondary Current Side 2 5A
213 CT Ratio Prim./Sec. Iee2 1.0
- Group VT’s –
221 Rated Primary Voltage 21.00 kV
222 Rated Secondary Voltage (Ph-Ph) 110 V
223 UE Connection VN connected to
neutral transformer
224 VT Ratio Prim./Sec. Neutral VT 87.5

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Address Parameter Setting Value Remark
225 Matching Ratio Ph.-VT to Broken-Delta-VT 1.73
- Group Breaker –
280 Minimum TRIP Command Duration 0.15 sec Not relevant
281 Closed Breaker Min. Current Threshold 0.20 A Not relevant
- Group Transducer –
295 Transducer 1 10V Not relevant
296 Transducer 2 10V Not relevant
297 Transducer 3 with filter Not relevant

2-3) Settings for Power system data 2 – address blocks 11

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

1108 Measurement of Active Power for Generator

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2-4) Settings for Unbalance load Protection(46G) – address blocks 17
a. Setting continuously permissible current calculation
- Setting criterion : Pickup value shall be set at I2 = 8% and K = 10, because generator is
cylindrical-rotor generator.

I 2 max mach I Nmach 17,884.7

I2     8  6.81[%]
I N mach I N CT prim 21,000

∴ Continuously Permissible current setting is 6.8 [%]

b. Setting warning stage time delay(Alarm)
- Setting criterion : Setting value shall be set at 3sec for Alarm

∴Warning stage time delay is 3 [sec]

c. Setting negative sequence factor K calculation
- Setting criterion : Setting value K shall be set at 8, Considering 20% margin .

I Nmach 17884.7 2
Ksec  K prim  ( )2  8  ( )  5.80[s]
I N CT prim 21,000

∴Negative sequence factor K setting is5.8 [s]

d. Setting time for cooling down calculation

- Setting criterion :‘ t Cool downc ' value shall be set at according to the manufacturer's
recommended formula.

K prim 10
t Cool downc  2
  1,562 [s]
(I 2 perm /I N ) 0.082

∴Time for cooling down is 1,562 [s]

e. Setting 46-2 pickup calculation
- Setting criterion : Pickup value shall be set at 60% of rated current for operating for line-to-line
short-circuit fault.

I 2 max mach I N mach 17,884.7

I2     60%  51.10[%]
I N mach I N CT prim 21,000

∴Continuously Permissible current setting is 51 [%]

f. Setting 46-2 time delay
-Setting value shall be set at 3sec.

∴46-2 time delay setting is 3.00 [sec]

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g. Setting Table

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

1701 46 Negative Sequence Protection ON
1702 46 Continuously Permissible Current 12 6.8 %
1703 46 Warning Stage Time Delay 3.00 sec
1704 46 Permissible Negative Sequence Time K 5.8sec
1705 46 Time for Cooling Down 1,562 sec
1706 46-2 Pickup 51%
1707 46-2 Time Delay 3.00 sec

2-5) Settings for Differential Protection (87G-1,2) – address blocks 20

a. Setting I-Diff> calculation
- Setting criterion
Setting value shall be set at a range that does not operation by the differential current with
CT error and relay error.
CT error : The current of minimum operating current side is very small, so ct error is
Relay’s error : Errors guaranteed by Publisher 5%(Reference by SIEMENS 7UM62 Manual)
Margin : 5%
Relay’s error + margin = 5.0% + 5.0% = 10.0 [%]

∴87-1pick-up setting is 0.1ⅹI/InO

b. Setting I-DIFF> time
- Setting criterion : Correct setting of the minimum possible.

∴87-1 time delay is 0.00 [sec]

c. Setting I-DIFF>> calculation
- Setting criterion :Setting value shall be set at greater than 1/X’d(Transient reactance) of

87 - 2   0.13  5.777 ⅹI/InO
∴87-2pick-up setting is 5.8ⅹI/InO

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d. Setting table

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

- Group General -
2001 87G/87T Differential Protection ON
2005 87 Increase of Trip Char. During Start OFF
- Group I-Diff -
2021 87-1 Pickup Value of Differential Curr 0.10I/InO
2026A 87-1 T I-DIFF> Time Delay 0.00sec
2031 87-2 Pickup Value of High Set Trip 5.8I/InO
2036A 87-2 T I-DIFF>> Time Delay 0.00sec
- Group Characteristic -
2041A 87 Slope 1 of Tripping Characteristic 0.25
2042A 87 Slope 1 of Tripping Characteristic 0.00I/InO
2043A 87 Slope 2 of Tripping Characteristic 0.50
2044A 87 Base Point for Slope 2 of Charac. 2.50 I/InO
2051A 87 I-RESTRAINT for Start Detection 0.10I/InO
2052A 87 Factor for Increasing of Char. At Start 1.0
2053 87 Maximum Permissible Starting Time 5.0sec
2061A 87 Pickup for Add-on Stabilization 4.00I/InO
2062A 87 Duration of Add-on Stabilization 15Cycle
2063A 87 Time for Cross-blocking Add-on Stabiliz. 15 Cycle

2-6) Settings for Underexcitation (Loss-of-Field) Protection (40) – address blocks 30

a. Setting 1/xd CHAR.1 pickup calculation
- Setting criterion :Setting value shall be set at 105% of 1/xd.

1 17,884.7
Char.1  1/ X d  1.05   0.43[ P.U ]
2.10 21,000
∴ Susceptance Intersect characteristic 1 is 0.43
b. Setting Angle 1
- Setting criterion :Setting angle shall be set at 60~80°.

∴ Inclination angle of characteristic 1 is 80 [°]

c. Setting CHAR.1 time delay
- Setting criterion :Setting time shall be set at 2~10 sec.

∴ Characteristic 1 time delay is 5.00 [sec]

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d. Setting 1/xd CHAR.2 pickup calculation
- Setting criterion :Setting value shall be set at 90% of CHAR.1.

Char. 2 = Char.1 0.9  0.43 0.9  0.387 [ P.U ]

∴ Susceptance Intersect characteristic 2 is 0.39[P.U]

e. Setting Angle 2
- Setting criterion :Setting angle shall be set at 90°.

∴ Inclination angle of characteristic 2 is 90 [°]

f. Setting CHAR.2 time delay
- Setting criterion :Setting time shall be set at 2~10 sec.

∴ Characteristic 2 time delay is 5.0 [sec]

g. Setting 1/xd CHAR.3 pickup calculation
- Setting criterion :According to manufacturer recommendations, Setting value shall be set at
greater than
1.0[[P.U] and smaller than 1/X’d(Transient reactance) of generator.
1 1 17,884.7 A 21,000 V
    3.79 [ P.U ]
X 'd sec 0.225 21,000 V 21,000 A

∴ Susceptance Intersect characteristic 3is 3.79[P.U]

h. Setting Angle 3
- Setting criterion :Setting angle shall be set at 80~110°.

∴Inclination angle of characteristic 3 is 110 [°]

i. Setting CHAR.3 time delay
- Setting criterion :Setting time shall be set at manufacturer recommendations.

∴Characteristic 3 time delay is 0.50 [sec]

j. Setting table

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

- Group 40 Underexcit. -
3001 40 Underexcitation Protection ON
3011 40 T-Short Time Delay (Char.&Uexc) oo sec Not relevant
3012 40 State of Excitation Volt. Supervision OFF
3013 Excitation Voltage Superv. Pickup 2.00 V Not relevant
3014A Undervoltage blocking pickup 25.00 V Not relevant
- Group Characteristics -
3002 40 Susceptance Intersect Characteristic 1 0.43
3003 40 Inclination Angle of Characteristic 1 80.0 °
3004 40 Characteristic 1 Time Delay 5.00 sec
3005 40 Susceptance Intersect Characteristic 2 0.39
3006 40 Inclination Angle of Characteristic 2 90.0 °
3007 40 Characteristic 2 Time Delay 5.0 sec
3008 40 Susceptance Intersect Characteristic 3 3.79
3009 40 Inclination Angle of Characteristic 3 110.0 °
3010 40 Characteristic 3 Time Delay 0.50 sec

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2-7) Settings for Reverse power Protection (32-1G) – address blocks 31
a. Setting P> Reverse Pick-up calculation (After obtain data, the recalculation is needed.)
- Setting criterion: Setting value shall be set at less than 50% of the Motoring Power that
required for the synchronous speed.

Psec U I 21.0 17884.7

 0.5%  N mach  N mach  0.5%    0.425[%]
SN SEC U N pri I N pri 21.0 21,000

∴32R P> Reverse pick-up setting is -0.42 [%]

b. Setting time delay
- Setting criterion: Setting time shall be set at 10 sec.

∴32R Trip delay long is 10.00 [sec]

c. Setting table

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

3101 32R Reverse power protection ON

3102 32R P>Pickup -0.42%
3103 32R Time delay long(without stop valve) 10.00 sec
3104 32R Time delay short(with stop valve) oo sec Not active
3105A 32R Pickup holding time 0.00 sec

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2-8) Settings for Impedance Protection (21) – address blocks 33

<CT Connection Example & Zone Reach>

a. Setting fault detection I> pickup calculation

- Setting criterion :Setting value shall be set at 125% of the rated current of generator.

I  17,884.7 1.25   5.32 [ A]
∴ Fault detection I>is 5.32[A]
b. Setting undervoltage seal-in pickup calculation
- Setting criterion: Setting value shall be set at 80% of the rated voltage of generator.
V  110  0.8  88.0 [V ]
∴ Undervoltage seal-in pickup is 88.0 [V]
c. Setting duration of undervoltage seal-in
- Setting criterion: Setting time shall be set at 4.0 sec. (Z2 operating time + 1.5sec)

∴Duration of undervoltage seal-in is 4.00 [sec]

d. Setting impedance zone Z1 calculation
- Setting criterion: Setting value shall be set at 75% of step-up Tr. impedance.

kR uk kV 2 75 13 212
ZPRI        0.060 []
100 100 MVA 100 100 720
KR : Zone reach of zone Z1 in %
Uk : percent impedance voltage of the unit transformer

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CT Ratio 4,200
ZSEC  ZPRI   0.060   1.32 []
VT Ratio 190.90
∴ Impedance zone Z1 is 1.32 [Ω]
e. Setting impedance zone Z1 time delay
- Setting criterion: Setting time shall be set at 0.5 sec for back up protection of step up Tr.

∴Impedance zone Z1 time delay is 0.50 [sec]

f. Setting impedance zone Z2 calculation
- Setting criterion:
1) Setting value shall be set at 150% of impedance for rated power of generator.
2) Step-up Tr. Impedance + (Next transmission line impedance  Apparent Factor)
3) Set as a small value of 1) and 2), but Step-up Tr. Data is not received.
So setting value is1).

kV 2 212
Z PRI  1.5  1.5  1.02[]
MVA 650.52
∴ Impedance zone Z2 is 1.02 [Ω]
g. Setting impedance zone Z2 time delay
- Setting criterion: Setting time shall be set at 0.5 sec for back up protection of step up Tr..

∴ Impedance zone Z2 time delay is 2.50 [sec]

h. Setting table

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

- Group General -
3301 21 Impedance Protection ON
3302 21 Fault Detection I> Pickup 5.32 A
3303 21 State of Undervoltage Seal-in ON
3304 21 Undervoltage Seal-in Pickup 88.0 V
3305 21 Duration of Undervoltage Seal-in 4.00 sec
3312 21 T END: Final Time Delay oo sec Not active

- Group Zones -
3306 21 Impedance Zone Z1 1.32 Ohm
3307 21 Impedance Zone Z1 Time Delay 0.50 sec
3308 21 Impedance Zone Z1B 0.99 Ohm
3309 21 Impedance Zone Z1B Time Delay oo sec Not active
3310 21 Impedance Zone Z2 1.02 Ohm
3311 21 Impedance Zone Z2 Time Delay 2.50 sec
- Group Power swing -
3313 Power Swing Blocking OFF
3314 Distance betw. Power Swing – Trip-Pol. 1.60 Ohm
3315 Rate of Change of dZ/dt 60.0 Ohm/s
3316A Power Swing Blocking locks out Zone Z1
3317A Power Swing Action Time 3.00 sec

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2-9) Settings for Overvoltage Protection (59G) – address blocks 41
a. Setting V> Pick-up calculation
- Setting criterion: Setting value shall be set at 120% of the rated voltage of generator.
V  21,000  1.20  132.0[V ]
∴V> pick-up setting is 132[V]
b. Setting V> time delay
- Setting criterion: Setting operating time shall be set coordination with operating time of
24G function.

∴V> Time delay is 1.80 [sec]

c. Setting table

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

4101 59 Overvoltage Protection ON
4102 59-1 Pickup 132V
4103 59-1 Time Delay 1.80 sec
4104 59-2 Pickup 140.0 V
4105 59-2 Pickup oo sec Not active
4106A 59 V>, V>> Drop out ratio 0.95
4107A 59 Measurement values Voltage

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2-10) Settings frequency Protection (81G) – address blocks 42(Requires consultation with
the Client)
a. Setting 81-1 Pick-up calculation
- Setting criterion: Setting value shall be set at 49Hz of under frequency function.

∴81-1 pick-up setting is 49.00 [Hz]

b. Setting 81-1 time delay
- Setting criterion: Setting operating time delay shall be set at 1.0sec.

∴81-1 time delay is 1.00 [sec]

c. Setting 81-2 Pick-up calculation
- Setting criterion: Setting value shall be set at 48Hz of under frequency function.

∴81-2 pick-up setting is 48.00 [Hz]

d. Setting 81-2 time delay
- Setting criterion: Setting operating time delay shall be set at 20sec.

∴81-2 time delay is 20.00 [sec]

e. Setting 81-3 Pick-up calculation
- Setting criterion: Setting value shall be set at 47Hz of under frequency function.

∴81-3 pick-up setting is 47.00 [Hz]

f. Setting 81-3 time delay
- Setting criterion: Setting operating time delay shall be set at 1.0sec.

∴81-3 time delay is 1.00 [sec]

g. Setting 81-4 Pick-up calculation
- Setting criterion: Setting value shall be set at 53Hz of over frequency function.

∴81-4 pick-up setting is 53.00 [Hz]

h. Setting 81-4 time delay
- Setting criterion: Setting operating time delay shall be set at 1.0sec.

∴81-4 time delay is 1.00 [sec]

i. Setting minimum required voltage calculation
- Setting criterion: Setting value shall be set at 65% of the rated voltage for operating minimum
voltage to frequency protection function.
Vmin  21,000   0.65  71.5[V]

∴ Minimum required voltage is 71.5 [V]

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j. Setting table

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

4201 81Over/Under frequency protection ON
4203 81-1 Pickup 49.00 Hz
4204 81-1 Time delay 1.00 sec Alarm
4206 81-2 Pickup 48.00 Hz
4207 81-2 Time delay 20.00 sec
4209 81-3 Pickup 47.00 Hz
4210 81-3 Time delay 1.00 sec
4212 81-4 Pickup 53.00 Hz
4213 81-4 Pickup Time delay 1.00 sec
4214 81 Handling of Threshold stage f4 Freq.prot.stage
4215 81 Minimum required voltage for operation 71.5 V

2-11) Settings for Over excitation(volt/hertz) Protection (24G) – address blocks 43

a. Setting 24-1 V/f Pick-up calculation
- Setting criterion: Setting value shall be set at 108% of the rated voltage/hertz for minimum
operating .

∴24-1 V/f pick-up setting is 1.08

b. Setting 24-1 V/f time delay
- Setting criterion: Setting time shall be set at 10secforoperating time in warm stage.

∴24-1 V/f time delay is 10.00 [sec]

c. Setting 24-2 V/f Pick-up calculation
- Setting criterion: Setting value shall be set at 118% of the rated voltage/hertz.

∴24-2 V/f pick-up setting is 1.18

d. Setting 24-2 V/f time delay
- Setting criterion: Setting time shall be set at 2.0sec.

∴24-2 V/f time delay is 2.00 [sec]

e. Setting V/f time characteristic
- Setting criterion: Setting value shall be set by reference to the short-time over-excitation
curve of manufacturer.

∴24 V/f=1.15Time delay is 82[sec]

24 V/f=1.20Time delay is 36 [sec]
24 V/f=1.25Time delay is 26 [sec]
24 V/f=1.30Time delay is 18 [sec]
24 V/f=1.35Time delay is 5 [sec]
24 V/f=1.40Time delay is 5 [sec]

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f. Setting table

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

- Group Over excitation -
4301 24 Over excitation protection(U/F) ON
4302 24-1 V/f> Pickup 1.08
4303 24-1 V/f Time delay 10.00 sec
4304 24-2 V/f Pickup 1.18
4305 24-2 V/f Time delay 2.00 sec
- Group Characteristics -
4306 24 V/f = 1.05 Time delay 20000 sec
4307 24 V/f = 1.10 Time delay 6000 sec
4308 24 V/f = 1.15 Time delay 82 sec
4309 24 V/f = 1.20 Time delay 36sec
4310 24 V/f = 1.25 Time delay 26sec
4311 24 V/f = 1.30 Time delay 18sec
4312 24 V/f = 1.35 Time delay 5 sec
4313 24 V/f = 1.40 Time delay 5 sec
4314 24 Time for cooling down 3600 sec

2-12) Settings for Ground fault Protection (27/59TN) – address blocks 60

"Address. 6006-6009 " function must be reset to the final correction for elements
measured during the field test.

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

5201 27/59TN Ground Fault Prot. 3rd Harm. ON
5202 27TN 3rdHamonic Pickup < 1.0V
5204 27/59TN 3rd H Release Threshould 2.0sec
5205 27/59TN 3.H Release Threshold Pmin> 20%
5206 27/59TN 3.H Release Threshold V 1min > 80V

2-13) Settings for Breaker failure Protection (50BF) – address blocks 70

a. Setting supervision current pickup calculation
- Setting criterion: Setting value shall be set at 10% of the rated current of generator.
50BF Pickup  0.1  17884.7   0.425 [ A]

∴Supervision current pickup setting is 0.43 [A]

b. Setting trip-timer
- Setting criterion: GCB operating time + Lock out relay reset time + margin

∴Trip-timer is 0.15 [sec]

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c. Setting table

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

7001 50BF Breaker Failure Protection ON
7002 50BF Start with Internal TRIP command Start Breaker
Failure with
7003 50BF Supervision Current Pickup 0.43 A
7004 50BF TRIP-Timer 0.15 sec

2-14) Settings for Measurement Supervision – address blocks 81

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

8101 Measurement Supervision OFF
8102 Voltage Threshold for Balance Monitoring 50 V
8103 Balance Factor for Voltage Monitor 0.75
8104 Current Balance Monitor Side 1 2.50 A
8105 Balance Factor for Current Monitor S1 0.50
8104 Current Balance Monitor Side 2 2.50 A
8105 Balance Factor for Current Monitor S2 0.50
8108 Summation Thes. forVolt. Monitoring 10 V
8109 Factor for Volt. Sum. Monitoring 0.75
8110 Summated Cur. Mon. Threshold Side1 0.50 A
8111 Summated Current Mon. Factor Side 1 0.10
8112 Summated Cur. Mon. Threshold Side 2 0.50 A
8113 Summated Current Mon. Factor Side 2 0.10

2-15) Settings for Ground Fault Prot. 59GN – address blocks 50

a. Setting Stator Ground Fault Prot pickup calculation
- Setting criterion: Setting value shall be set at 8% of maximum zero Phase voltage,
because 59GN is detection 90% or more of the generator ground fault.

Voper  240  0.08  19.2 [V ]

∴ Ground Fault Prot pickup current pickup setting is 19.2 [V]
b. Setting trip-timer
- Setting criterion: Setting time shall be set at 1.5sec.
∴ Trip-timer is 1.5 [sec]

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c. Setting table

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

5001 59G/67GN Stator Ground Fault Prot. ON
5002 59N V0 Pickup 9.6V
5005 59N/67GN Time delay 1.5sec

2-16) Settings for Thermal Overload Protection (49M) – address blocks 16

a. Setting K-Factor calculation
- Setting criterion :Setting value shall be set at 105% of the rated current of motor.

K  1.05   0.8942
∴ 49 K-Factor is 0.89
b. Setting Time constant
- Setting criterion: protection coordination with Stator overload curve.
1) Setting value shall be set at 115% of the rated current and operating time is 89sec.

t 89
   38.5 [SEC]
I 2 17,884.7 1.15 2
( ) ( )
k  IN 0.93  21,000
ln[ ] ln[ 2
 17,884.7 1.15 
 I 
   1   1
 k  IN   0.93  21,000 
2) Setting value shall be set at 125% of the rated current and operating time is 54sec.

t 54
   37.5 [SEC]
I 2 17,884.7 1.25 2
( ) ( )
k  IN 0.93  21,000
ln[ ] ln[ 2
  
 I  17,884.7 1.25
   1   1
 k  IN   0.93  21,000 
3)Set as a small value of 1) and 2).So setting value is1).
∴ Time constant is 37.5 sec

MD1-0-V-111-33-00852 21 of 22
c. Setting 49 thermal alarm stage
- Setting criterion: Setting value shall be set at 125% of the rated current and operating time
is 54sec.
1 1 2
 ( )2  ( )  0.9070  90.70%
k  Factor 1.05
∴ 49 Thermal alarm stage is 90%
d. Setting Maximum Current for Thermal calculation
- Setting criterion :Setting value shall be set at 3 times of the rated current of generator by
reference to the recommendation value of relay manufacturer.

I MAX THERM. 17,884.7  3.0   12.77 [A]
∴ 49 K-Factor is 12.77 [A]
e. Setting table

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

- Group 49 -
1601 49 Thermal overload protection ON
1602 49 K-Factor 0.89
1603 49 Time Constant 37.5 sec
1604 49 Thermal Alarm Stage 90 %
1610A 49 Current Overload Alarm Setpoint 5.00 A
1612A 49 Kt-FACTOR when motor stops 1.0
1615A 49 Maximum Current for Thermal Replica 12.77 A
1616A 49 Emergency time 100 sec
- Group Temp. Input -
1605 49 Temperature Rise at Rated Sec. Curr. 100 ℃ Not relevant
1607 49 Temperature Input
1608 49 Temperature for Scaling Not relevant
100 ℃

2-17) Settings for Supervision Functions(60G)– address blocks 81

Address Parameter Setting Value Remark

Fuse Failure
8001 Fuse Fail Mon ON

MD1-0-V-111-33-00852 22 of 22

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