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MARKS: 40.        ENGLISH         SET CODE :B

I. Write meanings   (5)

1. moonbeams



4. sapling


II. Write the opposites of the following words.   (2))

1.weak.      2. Sweet.  3. hot. 4. tall

III. Draw and colour your favourite fruit .(3)

IV. Tick the correctly spelt word. (4)

1.invitation / invitashion

2..souvenir / soovanir

3.syclone / cyclone

4. Stream  / Streem

V. Fill in the blanks with  ' a',  'an ' or    'the' (4)

  1. Bring me -------- pen.

  2. Mount Everest is the

highest mountain

    in ------------ world.

  3. He should have

called me ---------- hour ago.

  4. The sun has gone behind -------- cloud.

VI. Fill in  the blanks with suitable words .(5)

   1. Ravi and Ratna went to ---------------

     to visit their uncle.

   2.. ----------- wrote the poem 'Fairies '.

   3. Aunt Seema had hung a string of mango

leaves to ---------- .

   4. Dorothy lived with her uncle Henry and her aunt EM in the -----------.

   5. The fairies pick little stars to make -----

VII. Answer the following questions


  1.Why did Johnny not see the dog on the road?      (1)

2.What did the fish call Johnny? (1)

3.Where did the poet see the fairies? (1)

4. What happened to the clock in the farmer's 

kitchen?    (2)

5. Why did the dial plate hold up it's hands?    (2)

6.What did Dorothy see the next morning? (2)

7.What steps did uncle Umar take when planting a young mango sapling? (3)

8.What sort of a house did Dorothy live in? (3)

9.What is the bark of the tree used for? (2)


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