Adjectives and Adverbs 1

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1. This book is not … that old book.

a) As interesting as

b) Interesting than

c) Interestinger

d) Interesting as

2. A lion is … than a wolf.

a) Most dangerous

b) More dangerous

c) Dangerouser

d) The most dangerous

3. My father is … father in the world.

a) More generous

b) The more generous 1/11

c) The generousest

d) The most generous

4. My sister is … than me.

a) Oldest

b) Elder

c) Older

d) As old as

5. The weather is getting … .

a) Colder and colder

b) The coldest and the coldest

c) More cold and more cold

d) More colder and more colder

6. Ann often wears … dresses than her mother.

a) More expensive

b) Most expensive

c) Expensiver

d) The most expensive 2/11

7. They have a … garden than ours.

a) More lovly

b) Lovelier

c) As lovely as

d) Most lovely

8. The tea is … than the coffee.

a) Hotter

b) Not so hot as

c) Very hot

d) The hottest

9. My watch is … than your watch.

a) More nice

b) Nicer

c) The nicest

d) Nicest 3/11

10. He was … than his wife when their son broke the window.

a) The most angry

b) Angrier

c) More angry

d) The angriest

11. He said that was the … day in his life.

a) Important

b) Importantest

c) Most important

d) More important

12. My brother is … me.

a) The shortest

b) Shorter

c) Not so short as

d) The most short 4/11

13. He seems to be … boy in the class.

a) The intelligentest

b) The most intelligent

c) As intelligent as

d) More intelligent

14. This T-shirt is … than that skirt.

a) More soft

b) Softer

c) The softest

d) As soft as

15. This car is … a motorbike.

a) As cheap as

b) More cheap

c) So cheap as

d) Cheaper 5/11

16. Tom is … basketball player I’ve ever seen.

a) The worst

b) Bad

c) Badder

d) Worse

17. The actress on the stage was the … in the world.

a) More pretty

b) Pretty

c) Most prettiest

d) Prettiest

18. My dog is … as your dog.

a) The worst

b) Worse

c) Not so bad

d) Bad 6/11

19. I’ve never seen a … film than this one.

a) Gooder

b) Best

c) More good

d) Better

20. Kate is … in her family.

a) The fatter

b) The most fat

c) The fattest

d) More fat

21. A dress can’t be … a blouse.

a) Expensive as

b) More expensive

c) As expensive as

d) Expensiver than 7/11

22. Sheila is … girl in our class.

a) The most beautiful

b) Most beautiful

c) More beautiful

d) As beautiful as

23. The weather is … in winter than in summer.

a) Not so cold as

b) Colder

c) Coldest

d) As cold as

24. My … brother is an artist.

a) Older

b) Elder

c) Oldest

d) The eldest 8/11

25. She has always been … than her brother.

a) Kinder

b) The more kind

c) More kind

d) The kindest

26. She is … than you.

a) Goodest

b) Better

c) The best

d) Gooder

27. My English teacher is … than my mother.

a) Not so young as

b) The youngest

c) More younger

d) Younger 9/11
28. He has one of the … cars on the road.

a) More fast

b) More faster

c) Fastest

d) Faster

29. She is … me. We look alike.

a) The tallest

b) The most tallest

c) As tall as

d) Taller

30. She is a … typist than me.

a) Faster

b) The fastest

c) More fast

d) Fastest


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