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European culture and Jewish Saturday

You brothers have read about the sons of Noah: Shem and Japheth. The descendants of Shem
and Japheth in their degeneration, like the clover, in the seventh year, fell away from the one God, the
living and almighty God, and worshiped idols: the Semites the idol of the Saturday, and the Japhethites
the idol of culture. The Saturday and culture are two false deities placed by the ungodly before and
above God, the only one, omnipotent and human loving. The circumcised Jews at the time of Christ had
broken all the commandments of God but kept the Saturday. Baptized Jews and Europeans today have
rejected both Christ and the Gospel. And they raised their culture to the throne of the only deity.
Saturday and culture. The Jews had perverted the meaning of God's Saturday commandment, so they
kept the Saturday high above man and even above God himself. Christ corrected them by saying: it is
not the man for the Saturday's sake, but the Saturday for man's sake. But they couldn't figure it out. And
when the Lord healed the sick on the Saturday, the elders of the Jews, far stupider than the Jewish
people themselves, they shouted at him why he did not heal the sick in six days other than the Saturday.
And again, Christ wanted to correct them by telling them that it is not forbidden by God to do good on
the Saturday, but to do evil. It is especially not forbidden to do good to people. Since the Pharisees
themselves did good to livestock on the Saturday, that is, they drove away their draft cattle and led
them to water, and if their sheep fell into the pit, they took it out of the pit on Saturday. Human is more
important than cattle. But the dark ones and the servants of Satan did not want to receive it, but
grumbled at Christ and tried to kill him because he allegedly did not respect the Saturday (although he
was the only one who decorated the Saturday with good deeds towards people). But when all did not
help the idolaters of the Saturday, He cried out with authority: For the Son of Man is Lord of the
Saturday. (Matthew 12: 8), and He does not corrupt the Saturday but the priests in the temple are
defiling Saturday. And that was in vain. The idolaters of the Saturday condemned the Son of God to
death for disrespecting the Saturday, their idol and god. Saturdayists and culturists. From time
immemorial, the motto of the stenching Satan has been to replace God with whatever and with
whoever. And Satan succeeded in replacing the true God with the idol of the Saturday among the Jews,
and with the idol of culture among the modern Europeans.
What is culture? These are human deeds, human pride, colorful dust, which people collect and
store, and the wind of time scatters into the original ashes. What is culture when compared to God?
Smoke and ashes and childish toys and stupid nonsense. What is culture when compared to man? Zero
below one. Man is a living being and the work of God, culture is a dead device and the work of man. God
severely punished those peoples who worshiped his works: the sun and the moon and the stars and
animals and trees and stones. Let alone those who worship human deeds, so insignificant in comparison
with the deeds of God. But the Jews and their father the devil, by lightly poisoning the spirit and heart of
European humanity, managed to turn them away from true worship and attract them to worship the
idol of culture.
What is culture? It is stained paper or hewn wood, or carved stone or a pile of stones gathered
in one building or one song or one suit or one steam engine or one electric machine, or one magnetic
machine, or one flute and drum, or one leveled road. That is culture, and nothing else. The Europeans
obeyed this as a deity at the urging of the Jews and their father the devil. According to these new
idolaters, it is nothing to kill one person or one million people, but it is evil to break a marble statue as a
work of European culture. Or if someone goes to war and burns villages and towns in the war and
starves or destroys entire peoples with fire and sword, it is nothing, but whoever burns down an old art
painting or who destroys a library of millions of fictional ungodly books is a savage; he is a true atheist,
because he struck at the only deity of white cannibals - their goddess of culture. So that no one would
think that I am expressing only my personal opinion here, and not the opinion of the only true, eternal,
Orthodox Church, I will cite here a case from a thousand and a half years ago: in the time of Emperor
Theodosius, some people, during night, knocked down and broke statues of emperors in Antioch. The
emperor became very angry and used the cruelest means against Antioch: burning, arresting,
persecuting, seizing property, killing and so on. The whole city was silent and suffering in fear and
horror. Then an unusual group of people appeared on the streets of great Antioch and started shouting
against the emperor. They were Orthodox monks from the great mountains and dark caves. Hearing of
the atrocities of Emperor Theodosius and his officers in Antioch, they entered the empty streets of
Antioch and began to shout in the ears of the emperor's cannibals: Go and tell the king this: You are
indeed a ruler, but you are a man. Fear the creator and do not kill his creatures. You are angry that your
stone statues have been torn down, and will God be less angry if you destroy his living characters? Your
characters will be easily restored and uplifted, but if you execute people how will you fix the mistakes?
Can you raise them from the dead?
Remember this, my brothers, and think about this. Dead Saturday is not God. Dead culture is not
God. There is only one true God. And man is right next to God. All the culture of all peoples and all
centuries is less of a miracle and less of a value than a single living person. Amen.

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