Email To Anafae

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Dear honorable overall program manager

The management of X-Pert 3 Kabul started and re-opened their center on

Saturday 25th of September 2021. As the center sent an email about the report of
the center and number of present students and other issues related to the center
to your honorable position previously. The presence of the students was very
poor and as we mentioned only a limited percentage of the students
approximately 8 % percent of them were present. The management of X-Pert 3
Kabul agreed and decided to start the free classes for improving of the center and
persuading more students to join our center. The condition of the free classes is
limited just for one month. Students will be registered to free classes for any
subject from all departments just for one month. Students will be given 50 %
discount for the next month. For the other months, students have to register
normally with any discount and the classes will no longer be free.
Therefore, considering the situation of our center, we are writing to kindly
request you to please consider our request regarding to the issue mentioned.
With regards,

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