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In-Patient Code Stroke

A Quality Improvement Strategy to Overcome Knowledge-to-Action

Gaps in Response Time
Charles D. Kassardjian, MD, MSc, FRCPC; Jacqueline D. Willems, MN;
Krystyna Skrabka, MA; Rosane Nisenbaum, PhD; Judith Barnaby, MEd; Pawel Kostyrko, MD;
Daniel Selchen, MD, FRCPC; Gustavo Saposnik, MD, MSc, FAHA, FRCPC

Background and Purpose—Stroke is a relatively common and challenging condition in hospitalized patients. Previous
studies have shown delays in recognition and assessment of inpatient strokes leading to poor outcomes. The goal of this
quality improvement initiative was to evaluate an in-hospital code stroke algorithm and educational program aimed at
reducing the response times for inpatient stroke.
Methods—An inpatient code stroke algorithm was developed, and an educational intervention was implemented over 5
months. Data were recorded and compared between the 36-month period before and the 15-month period after the
intervention was implemented. Outcome measures included time from last seen normal to initial assessment and from
last seen normal to brain imaging.
Results—During the study period, there were 218 inpatient strokes (131 before the intervention and 87 after the intervention).
Inpatient strokes were more common on cardiovascular wards (45% of cases) and occurred mainly during the perioperative
period (60% of cases). After implementation of an inpatient code stroke intervention and educational initiative, there were
consistent reductions in all timed outcome measures (median time to initial assessment fell from 600 [109–1460] to 160
[35–630] minutes and time to computed tomographic scan fell from 925 [213–1965] to 348.5 [128–1587] minutes).
Conclusions—Our study reveals the efficacy of an inpatient code stroke algorithm and educational intervention directed at
nurses and allied health personnel to optimize the prompt management of inpatient strokes. Prompt assessment may lead
to faster stroke interventions, which are associated with better outcomes.   (Stroke. 2017;48:2176-2183. DOI: 10.1161/
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Key Words: algorithm ◼ hospitalization ◼ inpatients ◼ quality improvement ◼ stroke

I n-hospital acute strokes account for 7% to 15% of all

acute cerebrovascular events and represent a challenge for
healthcare systems.1–4 Special characteristics make this group
acute stroke in the community setting can be routed to the
nearest stroke center.8–10 The same degree of effort has not
been spent on in-hospital strokes.
more susceptible to a higher incident risk of stroke and poorer On first consideration, patients who have a stroke while
outcomes compared with patients arriving from outside the admitted to hospital should be at an advantage compared
hospital. For example, in-hospital stroke patients are usually with out-of-hospital strokes. Inpatients already are in a moni-
older, have higher prevalence of comorbid conditions,2,4–6 tored environment, have rapid access to nurses and physi-
and many occur during the perioperative period, often cians, are in close proximity to imaging facilities, and often
among patients undergoing cardiac procedures.1–3,5 Others have recent laboratory testing. Together, these factors should
occur on cardiology, general medicine, or surgical wards facilitate prompt recognition, investigation, and manage-
while receiving care for other medical conditions requiring ment of acute stroke in hospital. However, numerous stud-
hospitalization.5,7 ies revealed greater delays in the care of in-hospital stroke
More recently, there has been a focus on educating the gen- patients compared with out-of-hospital stroke patients.5,7,9,11,12
eral public to recognize the cardinal features of stroke and Some identified causes include lack of education about iden-
to create rapid triage systems so that patients with suspected tifying stroke on inpatient wards, delayed notification of the

Received February 20, 2017; final revision received May 9, 2017; accepted May 23, 2017.
From the Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine (C.D.K., J.D.W., K.S., P.K., D.S., G.S.) and Applied Health Research Centre, Li Ka Shing
Knowledge Institute (R.N.), St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, Ontario, Canada; Division of Neurology (C.D.K., D.S., G.S.) and Dalla Lana School of Public
Health (R.N.), University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada; and Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada (J.B.).
Guest Editor for this article was Eric Smith, MD, MPH.
The online-only Data Supplement is available with this article at
Correspondence to Gustavo Saposnik, MD, MSc, Stroke Outcomes and Decision Neuroscience Research, St Michael’s Hospital, University of Toronto,
55 Queen St, Suite 931, Toronto, Ontario M5C 1R6, Canada. E-mail
© 2017 American Heart Association, Inc.
Stroke is available at DOI: 10.1161/STROKEAHA.117.017622

Kassardjian et al   Quality Improvement for In-Patient Stroke    2177

most appropriate personnel, and poor communication about be aware of the treatment options for an acute stroke, to describe the
the need for urgent medical evaluation. role of different medical team members in activating a code stroke,
and to describe the procedure for activating a code stroke for an inpa-
Consequently, there is an opportunity for improvement in tient. During each in-service educational session, a written log was
the care of patients who have an acute stroke while admitted kept of questions that were asked or needed clarification, allowing
to hospital. We hypothesized that an educational intervention the presentation to adapt if there were gaps or portions that were
targeting first responders (eg, nurses and physicians) would unclear. Laminated posters of the inpatient code stroke algorithm
improve initial response time for inpatient strokes, a critical were placed throughout the inpatient units, and pocket cards were
provided to nursing staff.
outcome determining access to new interventional treatment The algorithm was reviewed with key stakeholders (stroke nurse
for acute stroke. practitioner and case manager, medical education team, neurology,
Our aim was to develop an algorithm for the management internal medicine, and stroke leaders) responsible for the manage-
of inpatient strokes, implement an educational program as a ment of inpatients with an acute stroke. Because of the high turnover
quality improvement intervention to be disseminated to inpa- of medical residents, our intervention was targeted at nurses, unit
managers, and allied health. However, the inpatient code stroke algo-
tient wards, and assess if this reduced delays in the manage- rithm was distributed to all residents starting rotations at St. Michael’s
ment of inpatient stroke. Hospital and reviewed during their new staff orientation sessions.

Methods Outcome Measures

St. Michael’s Hospital is a 500-bed tertiary care academic and teach- The primary outcome was time from LSN to initial assessment.
ing hospital located in downtown Toronto, Canada. The hospital has Secondary outcomes included the following: time from LSN to
active general neurology, general internal medicine, cardiology, and brain imaging, time from initial assessment to brain imaging, post-
cardiovascular surgery wards, in addition to other medical and sur- stroke complications, neurological deficits, number of patients
gery wards and intensive care units. There are ≈2 to 4 in-hospital receiving intravenous thrombolysis, or vascular interventional pro-
strokes per month, and many are identified beyond the time win- cedures. Time to acute stroke treatment was not chosen as a primary
dow for intervention. No protocol existed for managing in-hospital outcome as most inpatient strokes would not be likely to receive
strokes. Approval was obtained from our institutional research ethics thrombolysis or interventional procedures. Timed variables were
board for this study. collected prospectively for both the pre- and postintervention peri-
ods. Chart reviews were performed of all patients who had a stroke
while admitted to hospital for the study period, identified by review-
Development of the Intervention ing discharge summaries, consults to neurology, or activation of the
Our initial step was to collect baseline data for inpatient strokes on inpatient code stroke protocol. Data abstractors were trained on how
the time from last seen normal (LSN) to initial assessment and time to collect the necessary information using a standardized data col-
from initial assessment to brain imaging (eg, computed tomographic lection form. Demographic features, presenting symptoms, stroke
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[CT] scan or magnetic resonance imaging), in order to confirm that severity, vascular risk factors, and complications after the stroke
these times were not ideal and present these data to stakeholders. We were collected.
met with key stakeholders to determine perceived barriers to timely The preimplementation (baseline) study period was from April
and effective care of in-hospital stroke patients, including neurolo- 2006 to April 2009. The implementation period was May 2009 to
gists, the stroke medical director, stroke clinical nurse specialists, October 2009 and then a postimplementation evaluation period went
regional education coordinators, nurse managers, nursing staff, from November 2009 to February 2011.
and allied health staff (physiotherapists, occupational therapists,
and speech-language pathologists). These interviews revealed that
there was a lack of knowledge about identifying strokes, the need Statistics
for timely evaluation of an acute stroke, and the availability of a Adjusted and unadjusted primary and secondary outcome mea-
stroke team. sures were compared pre- and post-implementation of the interven-
The medical education team discussed possible interventions tion (comparing the April 2006 to April 2009 time period with the
aimed at achieving a tangible change in behavior (eg, rapid in-hos- November 2009 to February 2011 time period). For the multivari-
pital stroke assessment and management). After the discussion with ate analysis, data were adjusted for demographics, stroke severity as
stakeholders, an algorithm was developed for the identification and defined by the number of neurological deficit at onset of stroke,13 and
initial management of in-hospital stroke (Figure 1). On the basis baseline cardiovascular risk factors (eg, hypertension, coronary artery
of the algorithm, a 13-slide electronic presentation was developed, disease).
which was presented at in-service education sessions lasting 60 Unadjusted comparisons between the preimplementation and post-
minutes, on each of the targeted inpatient units (this presentation implementation groups with respect to categorical indicators were
is available in the online-only Data Supplement). The wards receiv- performed using the χ2 test or the Fisher exact test. Continuous vari-
ing this intervention included the following: cardiovascular surgery, ables were compared between groups using the 2-sample t test or
cardiology, the cardiovascular intensive care unit, the cardiac cathe- the nonparametric Wilcoxon rank-sum test. We considered the expo-
terization laboratory, general internal medicine, respirology, neurol- nential, Weibull, generalized γ, log-normal, and log-logistic regres-
ogy, nephrology, orthopedic surgery, neurosurgery, trauma surgery, sion models to estimate time ratios and 95% confidence intervals to
vascular surgery, and general surgery. The in-service education measure the effect of post–Inpatient Code Stroke intervention on time
sessions contained information on stroke symptoms and signs, the from LSN to initial assessment, time from LSN to brain imaging,
importance of speed because of a tight time window for thromboly- and time from initial assessment to brain imaging, adjusted for any
sis, and the process of activating a code stroke and were delivered previous surgery, indicator of at least 2 neurological symptoms, and
to the nursing staff on each unit, as well as the unit managers and coronary artery disease. The model that best fit the data was the one
the allied health staff (eg, physiotherapists, speech-language pathol- with smaller Akaike information criterion. For times recorded as zero
ogists). These groups were targeted because they represent stable minutes, we added 0.5 minutes to include them in the statistical mod-
staff members on each ward that most commonly identify stroke els. We also included run charts, commonly used in quality improve-
symptoms. The learning objectives of the educational intervention ment studies, to display process performance over time.
included the following: to be able to describe the different types of All analyses were conducted using SAS 9.4 (SAS Institute, Inc,
strokes, to be able to recognize the common signs and symptoms of Cary, NC), and statistical significance was defined as 2-sided P val-
an acute stroke, to understand why acute stroke is an emergency, to ues <0.05.
2178  Stroke  August 2017
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Figure 1. The algorithm developed for inpatient code strokes. *The time of initial assessment by the nurse, allied health member, or physician
(whichever came first). MRP indicates most responsible physician; NP, nurse practitioner; SMH, St. Michael’s Hospital; and STAT, immediately.

Results final sample size was 218 inpatient strokes (131 in the pre-
Overall, 245 inpatient strokes were identified during the 2 intervention period and 87 in the postintervention period).
study periods. Twenty-seven patients were excluded as out- Demographic characteristics of the cohort are shown in
liers because they were identified >72 hours from LSN and Table 1. Coronary artery disease was more common in the
could have represented preexisting or nonacute deficits. The postintervention group (P=0.028), but other demographic
Kassardjian et al   Quality Improvement for In-Patient Stroke    2179

Table 1.  Baseline Characteristics

Preimplementation Postimplementation P Value
No. of inpatient strokes 131 87
Mean (SD) age, y* 71.4 (12.7) 69.0 (14.0) 0.205
Age groups, n (%)*
 ≤60 25 (19.1) 22 (27.2) 0.872
 61–75 48 (36.6) 31 (38.3) 0.921
 ≥76 58 (44.3) 28 (34.6) 0.818
Male sex, n (%) 83 (63.3) 47 (54.0) 0.238
Setting, n (%)
 Perioperative 103 (78.6) 55 (63.2) 0.012
Clinical data, n (%)
 Hypertension 100 (76.3) 61 (70.1) 0.306
 Coronary artery disease 80 (61.1) 40 (46.0) 0.028
 Atrial fibrillation 45 (34.3) 20 (23.0) 0.073
 >2 neurological deficits observed at time of stroke 68 (51.9) 26 (29.9) 0.001
 Unilateral arm or leg weakness 116 (88.6) 72 (82.8) 0.224
 Speech disturbance 75 (57.3) 29 (33.3) 0.0005
 Unilateral facial droop 43 (32.8) 23 (26.4) 0.315
 Decreased level of consciousness 38 (29.0) 24 (27.6) 0.820
 Unilateral sensory loss 16 (12.2) 7 (8.1) 0.327
 Visual disturbance 18 (13.7) 7 (8.1) 0.196
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 Neglect 11 (8.4) 5 (5.8) 0.463

 Dysphagia 2 (1.5) 0 (0) 0.518
 Dizziness 4 (3.1) 5 (5.8) 0.489
*Sex and age data is shown for 81 patients (data for 6 patients in this group were missing).

features and comorbidities did not differ (Table 1). Overall, Outcome Measures
60% of inpatient strokes occurred in the perioperative period Table 3 compares the outcomes for the preintervention and
(defined as a stroke in which symptoms or signs were first postintervention groups. For the entire cohort of in-hospital
noted on the patient waking in the postanesthesia care unit), strokes, the median time from LSN to initial assessment fell
and this was significantly more common in the preintervention from 600 minutes (109–1460 minutes) before implementation
group (P=0.012). of the educational code stroke intervention to 160 minutes (35–
The most commonly identified symptoms were unilateral 630 minutes) after its implementation (P=0.0065; Figure 2).
weakness (86%), speech disturbance (46%), decreased level Similarly, median time from LSN to brain imaging fell from
of consciousness (30%), and facial droop (29%). A larger 925 minutes (213–1965 minutes) to 348 minutes (128–1587
proportion of milder strokes were observed in the postinter- minutes; P=0.0288) and from initial assessment to brain imag-
vention group compared with preintervention (78.1% versus ing scan fell from 135 minutes (43–480 minutes) to 110 min-
48.1%; P=0.001), and more patients were identified with utes (51–331 minutes), although this difference did not reach
speech disturbance after the intervention. The distribution of significance (P=0.5088; Figure 2). For the 35 patients in whom
inpatient strokes by type of ward is shown in Table 2, and a code stroke was activated, the median time from LSN to initial
these did not differ statistically comparing the pre- and pos- assessment was 75 minutes and to CT scan was 125 minutes,
tintervention periods. The cardiovascular service accounted both significantly shorter than that during the preintervention
for the largest proportion of inpatient strokes (42.9% overall). phase (P<0.0001 for both outcomes). Run charts were created
After implementation of the inpatient code stroke protocol, for the year before the implementation of the intervention and
there were a total of 35 inpatient code stroke activations out the postintervention period, documenting the time from LSN
of 87 inpatient strokes. All of these were appropriate uses of to initial assessment (Figure 3A) and from LSN to brain imag-
the code stroke protocol, since those 35 patients were within 4 ing (Figure 3B) over time. Although there were fluctuations in
hours of LSN and had signs or symptoms of stroke. The most these times on a case-by-case basis, the overall trend for lower
common reason for not activating the code stroke was that the time to initial physician assessment and brain imaging was sus-
time from LSN was either unknown or >4 hours. tained throughout the postintervention period.
2180  Stroke  August 2017

Table 2.  Distribution of Inpatient Strokes by Type of Ward Few patients received intravenous thrombolysis (n=12)
or endovascular intervention (n=2) to conduct an analysis
Preimplementation, Postimplementation,
Ward Service n (%) n (%) (Table 3).
Cardiology 14 (11) 13 (15)
Cardiovascular surgery Inpatient strokes are medical emergencies and should be
60 (46) 37 (43)
(including cardiovascular ICU)
afforded the same high-quality care as strokes that occur
General surgery 9 (7) 6 (7) out of hospital. Numerous studies have documented delays
General internal medicine 17 (13) 14 (16) in the evaluation and management of strokes in hospitalized
patients.3,12,14 This may lead to poor outcomes for patients
Nephrology 3 (2) 2 (2)
experiencing inpatient strokes, including long hospitaliza-
Neurology 1 (<1) 1 (1) tion and greater disability.4,5 Although many institutions have
Neurosurgery 0 1 (1) protocols for stroke patients arriving through the emergency
Orthopedic surgery 7 (5) 3 (4)
department, such protocols do not always exist for in-hospital
Trauma surgery 1 (<1) 1 (1) In this study, we have shown that the implementation of an
Vascular surgery 19 (15) 9 (10) inpatient code stroke algorithm combined with stroke educa-
tion targeting key stakeholders can improve the response times
(eg, LSN to initial assessment and brain imaging). These time
Reduction in times was also estimated after adjusting for periods are 2 key measures of access to class I-level evidence
the presence of cardiovascular risk factors, >2 neurological treatment options for acute stroke (eg, thrombolysis or endo-
deficits, and whether the stroke was perioperative. Using the vascular thrombectomy). The target of our intervention was
generalized γ regression model, the time from patient LSN the dissemination of knowledge and translation of knowl-
to initial assessment was significantly reduced by 35.4% edge-to-action gaps among key stakeholders who care for
(time ratio=0.646; 95% confidence interval, 0.455–0.918; inpatients, in order to change their conception of stroke as an
P=0.0147). Likewise, the time from patient LSN to brain emergency and to alter behavior (management of a suspected
imaging was significantly reduced by 38.4% (time ratio, inpatient stroke). The fact that there were significantly more
0.616; 95% confidence interval, 0.412–0.921; P=0.0182). mild strokes (with fewer neurological deficits) identified in
However, reduction in time from initial assessment to brain the postintervention phase suggests that the educational inter-
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imaging was not significant (log-logistic regression model, vention may have improved the recognition of early or mild
P=0.1894; time ratio=0.729; 95% confidence interval, 0.454– strokes. In addition, a larger percentage of inpatient strokes
1.169; reduction=27.1%). were perioperative in the preintervention phase, suggesting

Table 3.  Comparison of Outcome Measures Before and After Intervention

Preimplementation Postimplementation
Measure (n=131) (n=87) P Value
Primary outcome
 Median time from LSN to initial assessment, min (IQR) 600.0 (109–1460) 160 (35–630) 0.0065
Secondary outcomes
 Median time from LSN to brain imaging, min (IQR) 925.0 (213–1965) 348.5 (128–1587) 0.023
 Median time from initial assessment to brain imaging,
135.0 (43–480) 110.0 (51–331) 0.509
min (IQR)
 Number with complications of poststroke pneumonia
24 (18.3) 11 (12.6) 0.263
or urinary tract infection, n (%)
Discharge destination, n (%) 0.681
 Death 19 (14.5) 16 (18.6)
 Home 33 (25.2) 22 (25.6)
 Other acute care hospital 7 (5.3) 5 (5.8)
 Long-term care 6 (4.6) 1 (1.2)
 Rehabilitation 66 (50.4) 42 (48.8)
Acute care interventions, n (%)
 IV thrombolysis 9 (6.9) 3 (3.5) 0.370
 Endovascular procedure 2 (1.5) 0 (0) NA
IQR values are given as 25th and 75th quartiles. IQR indicates interquartile range; and LSN, last seen normal.
Kassardjian et al   Quality Improvement for In-Patient Stroke    2181

Figure 2. Box plot of the effect of the

educational intervention on primary
and secondary outcomes, demonstrat-
ing median times, along with first and
third quartiles. CT indicates computed
tomography; IA, initial assessment; ICS,
Inpatient Code Stroke; and LSN, last seen

that the intervention may have had a larger impact on nonsur- felt better equipped to respond to a suspected stroke, and
gical wards. This finding may be explained by improvements found that physicians were more responsive to their request
in the detection of subtle signs of stroke; in the postopera- for an urgent assessment for a suspected inpatient stroke (as
tive period, patients are often closely monitored, whereas on evidenced by the large number of code strokes activated by
a medical floor where patients may have multiple comorbidi- physicians). This concept became more relevant with the
ties, subtle signs of stroke may be more easily overlooked. introduction of endovascular thrombectomy as part of the
There was strong consensus among stakeholders that standard of acute stroke care. In this study, the small number
the inpatient code stroke protocol was an important step in of patients treated with intravenous thrombolysis is attribut-
improving the quality of inpatient stroke care, as allied health able mainly to the presence of contraindications, including
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Figure 3. Run chart demonstrating (A) the time from last seen normal (LSN) to initial assessment and (B) the time from LSN to brain imag-
ing before and after the intervention. The horizontal red lines represent the median for the pre- and postimplementation period (A: prein-
tervention 600 min vs postintervention 160 min; P=0.006; B: preintervention 925 min vs postintervention 348.5 min; P=0.02).
2182  Stroke  August 2017

recent surgery and medical comorbidities (eg, gastrointesti- acute in-hospital stroke, can be successful at improving the
nal bleeding). Few patients were treated with endovascular appropriate assessment and access to care (for which there is
thrombectomy because this procedure was not yet standard of class I evidence) for inpatient strokes.
care at the time of our study. Future improvements should focus on adapting this interven-
One recent study demonstrated that compared with out-of- tion to more directly target medical and surgical residents who
hospital strokes, patients with in-hospital strokes showed lon- spend time on the wards. Further emphasis of the urgency of
ger times to neuroimaging, lower rates of thrombolysis, and an acute stroke is also needed because some healthcare work-
left with greater poststroke disability.5 Similarly, in-hospital ers continue to consider stroke a lesser emergency compared
strokes are less likely to meet various quality-of-care metrics, with other hospital codes. In addition, it would be important
such as the Get-With-the-Guidelines-Stroke achievement and to have basic education around concepts of risk management
quality measures.4 and decision making.19,20 Sustaining the improvement over the
Many factors lead to delayed recognition or assessment of long term will require continued commitment to educating
the hospitalized patient with an acute stroke, which may result new staff members and commitment from ward managers to
in delayed or missed treatment opportunities.7,15 Factors sug- emphasize the importance of the inpatient code stroke algo-
gested as leading to delays include the fact that neurological rithm. Other targets to further improve time to CT scanning
deficits may be attributed to other general medical conditions; would include specific protocols for transportation of patients
medication effects; or delirium, lack of education on stroke to the scanner from the ward.
signs, the short time window for thrombolysis, and the lack of
a dedicated protocol for triaging acute stroke in hospitalized Conclusions
patients.1,7,9,14–16 The timely assessment and imaging of inpatients with sus-
The disparity in the care of inpatient versus out-of-hospital pected strokes is essential to provide parity in the care of in-
stroke should be amenable to improvement because inpatients hospital and out-of-hospital stroke patients. An inpatient code
have the potential to be diligently monitored and are close to stroke algorithm and quality improvement educational strategy
resources such as CT scanners and stroke teams. In a study aimed at overcoming knowledge-to-action gaps can be suc-
by Cumbler et al,17 quality improvement methodology was cessful in reducing most relevant initial times in acute stroke
applied to reduce time to evaluation for inpatient strokes. In care (LSN to assessment and LSN to brain imaging), which
that study, the quality improvement methodology focused have been associated with improved clinical outcomes.18
on creating a care pathway that included a checklist of ideal
practices and were able to reduce time to CT scan by 57%.17
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A unique feature of our study is that our primary interven-

We appreciate the participation of nurses, allied health members, and
tion addressed both gaps in knowledge and action gaps when physicians involved in stroke care.
a stroke was identified, with emphasis on prompt action. This
was addressed through the education of ward personnel and
Sources of Funding
the creation of a formalized inpatient stroke protocol.
This project was founded by the Ontario Stroke Network and the
Our study has several limitations that deserve comment. Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada after an open peer-reviewed
First, this is a single-center quality improvement study. As competition. Dr Saposnik is supported by the Distinguished Clinician
such, we caution about the generalizability of our results. Scientist and Mid-Career Awards from Heart and Stroke Foundation
On the contrary, our protocol was embedded into standard of Canada after an open peer-reviewed competition.
practice targeting relevant time benchmarks reflecting care in
most stroke centers. Second, we cannot completely exclude Disclosures
the effect of residual confounding from other variables. Third, None.
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