PEC Notice - 2020.06.25

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Wl Elfrn? 6Titn sr.

{ qrfl RTII,'

<t(qfcm RTq EETH c{fg

frTrq IRTETI qRqs{
strl"r{l e<;t lrut-wt), x&fiI4 <1/q, fifl-5000 I

GFt{: bCCob-otr
tmin: sys pdll@' g:nail.corn

{rf,q d(s Qq.)).oooo.cqe.ol.oo8.Qo.5lll \ilfrqe tc/o\b/loQo lqs

ffiC ffAtfr) €< {<rE qnnFs w-{l'fcfts q Ttr( w<Rs o<I {fR cq, frT{[ifo 6{<l $l-6fl{ q-{l q(eE
&SGl'< ?fs13 TqllTd

$€t< TEnna. oftr{ {q qt'tfft tts/o\b/aoro 13s (<fr<ro <fib wm w{<t-ft zr€r< {TJIT{ Tftr{ 91qH*<o a{r{ ?rcdl']fiI

fptesft;, frBr<T, tr1_s1 aK [g'{ (t{ EEI, s$1ql \r<i, Tfrfu{ <1/s, ufsl-5ooo)-{ w{Bs qc<-

s{ R{T c'm
"Rendering Consul tancy Services for Survey Planning D esign, Supervision, Witnessing
of Testing and Commissioning of 3311 KV Sub stations, Submarine Cable Line f or 33kV,
or::oo qlFof
Overhead Line for J 3 KV 1 KV L 1.t0.4 KV, 0.4 KV, 6.3 6r0 .23 kV and 1 Lr0 .4 KV Pole

Mounted Sub-stations for the Distribution network under Hundred Percent Reliable gn<1e)
and Sustainable Etectrification of Hatiya Island, Nijhum Island, Kutubdia Island and
Char-S onarampur (Ashuganjl BPDB, Dhaka"' - C(SIS

"Rendering Consultancy Services for Maheshkhali 2x600-700 MW USC CoaI Based qlh
Power Sta-tion Construction Project lUnit-41, Chittagong t Khulna 1320MW X 2 Coal
t Based Power Plant Construction Projects and Other BPDB Coal Based Power Plant iueRtF)
Construction Projects" - C(Ffg

ffilE Ssl< Tq'fim xeEr ){lfr? faiB'< >1pq rqry{cf(o {altcqG UqRs all+T< w{I q{a{t{ q{I {rflIl <ffu qst6 sltlB{
wlqlrr gffi urafr-.ffi lFtqsfu), frBc-<l, 61Tt TreMrs-{ qrr rr&Edr qt$a s-fi erfll

(fl]3 dlql
qfrDT{s- (ssts g(dg)
Rp< "tR+-a-+ d?qs{

qqll{F<, PFfrl

nll{s dRs l1.55"oooo.cle.oa"oo8"to")9zC stRrlc Qc/o,b/loqo Q:

ot:frrcd Rs-{.t tw:lt\oF a;fllqlm qxi:

5. g.+E qRlT{Ti ;rmr11fr ixsoo-qoo orsss ql€l m61 fr]}5ip oxqt BGo RSis c'v ffi"t 3Ts,1?Em. nolt
r. a$a $(+I+ft, Piqsfu, fiBr<I, Elsl s qlqlTs, fEefr1
e. $qa qfrsnq; atft{'r, 1;g<Iqa1, ft*s ffq s E{ fl1a13Frt{ g[1s) rlsuri fi-$n6$E1 RkrsTT{ eqfl, Rtr6ai, Lffi
8. qRu.ry+', sFfuT, frtrc<t, nrr c qq'ry', ffifrl
a. ffis ffi51aE (<lI(T), qd qRqs{, frBr+, qot s qq'rT, ftffi1
\b. q$I'r$ ve vtig< q]-qc)rq'cfi'$I, sB" < e qrr+-SiTo (d".l{ fu''i, 1crB, nref s wql, fiifr (rsquur\eosbe) I

c. ard"rftots qtT{+.tT.lT; €T-8rbq\ (IEB), qqt-{|{ql'liP, RFrqlefr, frfffi \,$t, eo-e) thq-{,'lt<tls, Et-+19 qrq], f?[1]
(o5155)85o18) I

w't&< q-ar q-{frFt 6uitvt< otqqna axy

5. s{t-a, ar+f{ft sqqft-{, frEc<t, Dls-tr
a. lllns I RBr<t, oetr
Gq-ctr{, ft,ssG, frtrc<t, ut-otr
8. qt-{ ofai

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