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Cluster 4: Workplace Assignment

This assignment will contribute to your final result for the following three (3) units:
 CHCMHS005 – Provide services to people with co-existing mental health and
alcohol and other drugs issues
 CHCMHS011 – Assess and promote social, emotional and physical wellbeing
 CHCAOD001 – Work in an alcohol and other drugs context

Before completing and submitting this

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assignment, have you:

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☐ Accessed the learning resources in Step 1?
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What you have to do
In this assignment, you are required to complete three (3) tasks:

Task 1: Discussion with supervisor, other staff and service users, plus a written
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response to three (3) questions.

 Task 2: Read the three (3) case studies provided and for each of the case studies,
answer the three (3) questions that follow. You may use case studies from your
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workplace if preferred.
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 Task 3: This section should be completed in the workplace. The Supervisor’s

Statement attached to this assignment should be completed by your workplace
supervisor and submitted with your completed assignment
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How you will be assessed


These units are competency based. In order to be deemed competent in these units you
must satisfy all elements specific to the units and the essential knowledge and critical
aspects of assessment in a range of situations. The assessment has been developed to
cover these criteria and your OTEN teacher will review all your work and assess your overall
result to deem you competent.
Please reference your work. Referencing guides are available in the Guidelines and
information area on the OLS.

Task 1
This task requires you to discuss the following questions with your supervisors, other staff
and service users.
LA021102 Workplace Assignment, Cluster 4 CHC43315; CHCMHS005 Ed 3; CHCMHS011 Ed 2, CHCAOD001 Ed 3
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© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2018 (TAFE NSW), Version 2, October 2018
You will need to ensure service users are aware of the purpose of your questions, and are
fully consenting to being asked questions.

1. What percentage of consumers using the service have a co-existing mental health
and substance misuse disorder?
 How are they identified?
 What are the most common presentations?
 What risks have service users with co-existing mental and substance use issues
presented with?

2. What treatment interventions are used within your service?

3. Identify three (3) service users who have both mental health and substance use
issues, and for each person, answer the following questions:
 How does this impact on their lives? Their families/friends?
 What is the range of needs identified by each person?
 What needs of these service users are being met by your service?

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 What issues and needs of these service users have been identified as beyond

the scope of your service?

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 What services and supports in the local community have these consumers been
referred to address their unmet needs?


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How does your service monitor and review the progress against identified goals
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for each person?
 How did you assess their wellbeing, and collaboratively deliver support reflecting
recovery oriented practice?
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Task 2
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Look at the three (3) case studies below and answer the questions that follow for each case
study. NB: You may use case studies from your workplace (ensuring confidentiality is
maintained). If using case studies from your workplace, please provide a 200 word scenario
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for each.
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Case Study 1
You are a residential support worker in a temporary facility for people with severe mental
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illness, AOD issues and homelessness. You deal daily with a wide variety of clients who are
looking for food, shelter, support, money and company. You notice a new visitor to your

facility - a man, aged about 30. He appears to be with a group of older men but you notice
none of them talk to him or pay him any attention. When the group of older men leaves, you
notice the young man is left behind. He tells you he is homeless and prefers it that way as he
likes the freedom of the streets. He has been diagnosed with schizophrenia but this is
controlled with medication. You notice he has burns on his arms and legs and when you ask
about it he tells you it helps him to fight off feelings of loss of control and the onset of
delusional thoughts.

Case Study 2
Watch the following YouTube clip in which Alice relates how her drug use is causing her to
use robbery and prostitution to pay for her habit. The aim of this case study is to create and
develop discussion around assessing potentially difficult mental health situations.

2 LA021102 Workplace Assignment, Cluster 4 CHC43315; CHCMHS005 Ed 3; CHCMHS011 Ed 2, CHCAOD001 Ed

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© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2018 (TAFE NSW), Version 2, October 2018 – Filmed as part of the Online
Assessment Workbook at the Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Mental Health (CEIMH).

Case Study 3
Watch the following YouTube clip which looks at drug and alcohol misuse which can lead to
episodes of mental distress.

m – Filmed as part of the Online

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Assessment Workbook at the Centre of Excellence in Interdisciplinary Mental Health (CEIMH).

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For each case study/scenario above, describe how you would:

1. Establish and maintain a self-directed recovery relationship with the
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2. Use recovery orientated approaches to collaborate with the client to:

a) Develop a plan for recovery.
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b) Work with the person to promote physical, emotional, social and cultural/spiritual
wellbeing as part of the recovery plan.

c) Monitor and review the plan for recovery.

3. Work in ways that are consistent with the current values and philosophy of the
alcohol and other drugs and mental health sector.

Task 3
This section should be completed in the workplace. You are required to demonstrate the
skills listed in the Supervisor’s Statement below.
To show evidence of your knowledge and demonstrate competency in skills, you need to
submit the workplace Supervisor’s Statement below.

LA021102 Workplace Assignment, Cluster 4 CHC43315; CHCMHS005 Ed 3; CHCMHS011 Ed 2, CHCAOD001 Ed 3

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A workplace supervisor provides evidence of your skills in the workplace and completes
the ‘Supervisor’s Statement’.
The supervisor:
 Needs to be in a position to make informed comment on your performance.

 Consent to be contacted by an OTEN teacher about the process.

The supervisor should identify and comment on a range of evidence of your skills and
knowledge. Suitable evidence could include:
 Direct observation of your skills.

 Questions to demonstrate your knowledge.

 Workplace documents.

 Supervisor report.

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Instructions for supervisor:

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In the left hand column of the following form is the skills and knowledge a student should be
able to demonstrate in order to meet the competencies for each unit.

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You may comment either directly on these competencies, if observed, or ask the student a
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prompting question.
In the right hand column, please provide evidence that the student does or doesn’t meet the
competencies through demonstration in the work place, or by answers to the prompt

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4 LA021102 Workplace Assignment, Cluster 4 CHC43315; CHCMHS005 Ed 3; CHCMHS011 Ed 2, CHCAOD001 Ed

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© New South Wales Technical and Further Education Commission, 2018 (TAFE NSW), Version 2, October 2018
Supervisor’s Statement
CHCMHS005: Provide services to people with co-
existing mental health and alcohol and other Evidence/Comments
drugs issues

Student has demonstrated the following skills:

 Identifies signs a person may have co-existing mental
health/AOD issues
 Facilitates links to further care
 Collaborates with the person to minimise risk
 Works collaboratively to provide services to clients with co-
existing mental health and alcohol and other drugs
 Reviews and evaluates the support provided to the client

CHCMHS011 – Assess and promote social,

emotional and physical wellbeing

Student has demonstrated the following skills:

 Assesses the wellbeing needs of clients from a strengths

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Works collaboratively with clients to identify and implement


strategies to promote wellbeing across physical, social,

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emotional, cultural and spiritual domains

 Implements processes to review the client’s wellbeing
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CHCAOD001: Work in an alcohol and/or drugs
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Student has demonstrated the following skills:


 Demonstrates critical thinking skills in evaluating current

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values and philosophy of the AOD sector

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 Works with people with alcohol and/or drug issues in ways

consistent with current values and philosophy of the AOD

Student’s name:
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Organisation’s name:

Supervisor’s name:
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I give consent to be contacted by an OTEN teacher about this evidence process.


Supervisor’s signature:

Supervisor’s phone number:

Supervisor’s email:


LA021102 Workplace Assignment, Cluster 4 CHC43315; CHCMHS005 Ed 3; CHCMHS011 Ed 2, CHCAOD001 Ed 3

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