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Ch 12 Air , Water and Weather

New words
1. oxygen 13. contains
2. nitrogen 14. release
3. carbon dioxide 15. droplets
4. evaporation 16. bodies
5. condensation 17. collection
6. movement 18. autumn
7. water vapour 19. experience
8. particles 20. breeze
9. smoke 21. storm
10.continuous 22. spring
Q1)Name five things that air contains . Explain ?
A)Air contains :
1.Gases : Nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide .
2.Water vapour : Water from the water bodies evaporates into air due to the
Sun’s heat.
3.Dust particles: Due to the vehicles and construction work, dust enters the
4.Smoke : Smoke is released into the air by vehicles and factories.
5.Germs : When we sneeze or cough, germs are released into the air.

Q2)What is weather ? Name the different types of weather.

A) The day - to - day condition of air at any place at a particular time is called weather.
It affects our clothing and eating habits . The different types of weather are hot
weather, cold weather, cloudy weather, rainy and windy weather.
Q3) List any three uses of water .
A) We use water in our daily life for many purposes – drinking , cooking, bathing etc.

Q4) Define the water cycle.

A) The continuous process by which the water on the surface of the Earth evaporates and
rises up into the air , where it condenses and then precipitates back to the Earth, is called
the water cycle.

Q5) Explain the water cycle with the help of a labelled diagram?
A) When water from glaciers melts, it fills the water bodies (river , seas, lakes, streams etc ) .
When sunlight heats these water bodies , the water changes into water vapour and moves
up in the air. As it rises higher and higher, the vapour cools down and becomes water
droplets. When these water droplets collect together, they form clouds . When the clouds
become heavier, they fall back to earth as rain. The rain water again fills the rivers, lakes,
seas and oceans, and the cycle starts again. This is a continuous process and is called the
water cycle.
Q6) Name the five main seasons and write one sentence on each.
A) The five main seasons are :
1. Summer : It is very hot weather and hot winds called “loo” blow during this season.
2. Monsoon : The sky is laden with clouds and it rains heavily.
3. Autumn : Trees shed their leaves in this season.
4. Winter : It is too cold and in some places there will be snowfall.
5. Spring : New leaves appear and flowers bloom in this season.
Water Cycle

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