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Practice 1 Choose a suitable form of can, could, be able to, manage to or succeed in to complete the sentences. Sometimes more than one form is possible. Listen and check. 1. The manager was a bit reluctant but in the end I 2 It was really annoying; I you recommended. 3 When does the next match start? I. last announcement. 4. The new road opens next month so we more quickly. 5 Most of the big hotels were full, but we ... guesthouse near the station. 6 The aid workers stay in the war zone. 7 Dr Martens finishes her surgery at 11.30, so she 8 After I move to the country I’m not going to ... 9 The government's 2004 fuel tax levy .. billion pounds in revenue in six months. 10 The shopping channel is a real boon for Liz; she adores day or night! 11 Sadly, many of the indigenous people the European settlers. 12 We 2 Complete the information with the words and phrases from the box. isten and check. are able to ean can could hardly couldn’t have managed to be able to were only able to. won't be able to HS) Do athletes really run faster these days? IZ Yes. Long-distance runners these days ©)... £4... Complete marathons in the time that fifty years ago their predecessors « sss FUN 10,000 metres, & wy should this be? WEY Wel, technology is a factor: athletes today @ use the most aerodynamic materials in their running shoes ‘or swimsuits. But even if earlier athletes had had these innovations, they (3)... improved their results significantly, for various other reasons, For example, athletes these days are professional; in the past they were unpaid soo Get a refund. get on to any of the websites hardly hear the . get to the coast find a room in a small come home after the incident, but they decided to call you then. _ visit you so often. . generating over a resist the diseases brought by more relieved when we got the news that you were OK. amateurs. They had to combine their sport with paid work, so they (4) find enough time to train. Athletes’ careers these days also last longer; they (5) . = compete until they are older. Facilities ‘also make a difference: in the 1950s and 60s, swimmers from the US (6) to dominate their sport because few other nations had Olympic-sized pools. Now it's easy for swimmers everywhere (7) _ train more efficiently as they have the correct pools. Given these conditions today, there's no reason to believe that athletes (8)... continue to smash records. buy clothes, Practice Choose the correct words in italics. If both are correct, choose both. (HEROD Listen and check. MIKE Hi, Rob. I haven't seen you for ages! What are you doing in the gym? ROB Trying to get fitter, of course. How are you? MIKE I’m fine. I always thought you were super-fit because of all your cycling. ROB Oh that. Well, you know how it is, you get a job, get married ... Mike But you (1) could be / could have been an Olympic cyclist ~ you used to be fantastic! ROB Maybe not that good! Well, Iwas in a good club, and anyone (2) could / may apply to join the teams, but there were people there a lot better than me, and you know, cycling (3) can / might be very competitive. Mike I’m sure, but it’s still a pity. Aren’t you cycling at all now? RoB Oh yeah, just not so intensively. I'm still in a club and I was thinking ... I (4) might / could try the Tour de France in a couple of years’ time. Mie. Wow! That would be awesome! It’s such a long ... x08 No, no, I certainly (5) can’t / won't be able to do it all. I (6) might / could not even be able to do more than a couple of stages. It’s difficult with work and everything. MIKE Yes, but what an opportunity! ros Mmm, if I felt I was fit enough, then I (7) could / might ask for some unpaid leave. Anyway, why don’t you come along to the club? MIKE Really? (8) Do you think they might | Might they let me i RoB It’s worth a try. How about next Saturday ...? Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Use a suitable form of can, could, may or might, as in the example. 0 Given some luck, our team has a good chance of winning the final next month. With any luck our team. might. win. the final. mext.mantl 1 The service in this restaurant is sometimes quite surly. The Service «eserves marie SINT - 2, Ten years ago my neighbour offered me his apartment for $30,000 but I didn’t buy it. Ten years ago I 3. It would be possible to issue the tickets today if you gave us your credit card number. 4 When I was at university, it was generally possible for students to have a good lifestyle. When I was at university, sessassneeensnssneenvons 5. Isit possible that the disparity in the figures is due to a computer error? Do. os zs ee a a 6 Perhaps the shuttle bus isn’t operating at the moment - it is the low season. ‘The shuttle bus es 7 Perhaps Jim took it; he was in the office all day yesterday. Le e = areas cera 8 It’s quite possible that my sister will become an opera star — she has a lovely voice. My sister 32. seccursnon ano exrecTATION 144 Practice 1 Write one word (or a contraction) in each gap. Do not use the same word more than once. SBEKIB Listen and check. a A: Is that Ayrton Senna, the racing driver, in the car over there? B: It (1) ........ be. He died in 1994. It (2) be his nephew, Bruno. He’s driving racing cars now. A: Excuse me. Is that the train to York? B; It (3)......., be, Ill check. Yes, it says ‘York’ on the window! A: How stupid! I didn’t notice that. Do you know what time it leaves? B: It (4) de leaving any minute now. A: Have you seen my car keys? B: No. (5) they still be in the car? A: I haven't used the car today, but I need to now. I’m going into town. B: You're kidding! On a Saturday afternoon? The town centre (6) be heaving with people! A: Is that the phone? At this time of night? Who is it? B: It could (7) . Steve in Australia. It’s the middle of the day there. Hello, Steve? A: ’'m phoning from CTC News. Would it be possible to interview the ambassador this afternoon? B: I'm afraid the ambassador (8)......... be available at such short notice, but I'll ask his secretary. A: Can you record the football match for me? I'm not sure when my meeting's going to end and I (9) not be home in time. B: Of course. Do you know when you'll be back? A: Not really. But I (10) be back later than nine. Write four statements making deductions about each picture. Use the words and phrases Mr and Mrs Hopkins are waiting for their daughter, 0 wre Naas ed 10 brackets, as in the example. (on/train) She can’t have, been on the. train... (missfit) She MUSE... ssnnnisnnnnnneneenenrsee (baby/mother) She 7 7 (phone/parents) ree (rain) It must (fall/bike) The man must (not/wife) The woman ...... (ambulance) Someone ese (explosion) There... oe (earthquake) There (terrifying) It 3 Match 1-6 with A-F to continue the sentences, (HEBIG Listen and check. He might do it- He must have done it He might have done i He can’t have done it— ooruNe He should be doing it now - He should have done it by now — A he had plenty of opportunity. B_ he wasn’t even in the country. C_he was the only person who stayed there. D the deadline passed yesterday. E_ he seems a very capable person. F he usually sorts the post at this time of day. 4 (GEMMA Read the article, then choose the best option to complete the comments below, as in the example. If two options are equally possible, choose both. SPORTING DISASTERS H ‘as a result of the disaster, eyse Tum eee ‘ONE OF THE WORST disasters. in the history of football took place in May 1985 at the Heysel Stadium in Brussels. It was the European Cup final between Liverpool, UK and Juventus, italy, and in many ways it was a disaster waiting to happen: the stadium was over fifty years old and in quite bad condition; some parts of it were said to be ‘crumbling’. The Liverpool manager had wanted ‘the Cup Final to be moved to another stadium. in addition, there was a history of violence ‘between Liverpool and Italian ‘teams, though not Juventus. The stadium was crowded, 0 The owners of the stadium most of whom were from land although the Liverpool and | Liverpool, and fourteen were Juventus fans were seated in given three-year suspended different parts of the stadium, sentences for involuntary the ‘neutral’ section, where manslaughter. English football tickets were allocated to Belgian | clubs were banned from playing supporters, actually contained a _| in Europe for five years, and lot of Juventus fans. Liverpool was banned for six. {As the match was about to Measures were taken to stop start, Liverpool fans charged football hooliganism in England the ‘neutral’ section, causing | and make football a safer game large number of mainly Juventus | to watch; these measures were supporters to flee to the back successful and football is now a of the stand, against a wall. The | spectator sport for families again. ‘wall collapsed, killing 39 fans and | No more football matches took injuring hundreds more. Despite | place at Heysel Stadium, although the awful disaster, the match went | it continued to host athletics ahead after the captains appealed | events, and it was demolished for calm, and Juventus won 1-0. | in 1994. .. its maintenance. A should have neglected (8) must have neglected C had to neglect 1 The wall at the back of the stand .,.., have been strong enough. A can’t B couldn't C shouldn't 2 The organisers ..... that there would be only Belgian fans in the neutral section. A might think B could think C might have thought 3. The Juventus fans ..... terrified. A must have been B could be C might well have been 4 The football teams , very brave to continue with the match. A should have been B must have been C should be 5. Some of the fans who were arrested ,,,,, from Liverpool. A couldn't have been B didn’t have tobe C can’t have been 6 Liverpool Football Club ,,., out of European competition for a long time. A had to stay B must have stayed C should have stayed 7 Football matches in England .. _ a lot more pleasant now. A canbe B must be C should have been 8 They... have expected trouble at athletics meetings. A mustn't B shouldn’t C can’t CD 14s 33 osucamon ano necessiry Practice ‘1 Read each sentence and choose the correct meaning, A or B. 1 These tablets must be taken after food. A Itis essential to take the tablets after food. B It is advisable to take the tablets after food. 2 We needn’t have taken towels and bed linen to the cottage. A We didn’t take towels and bed linen with us. B We took towels and bed linen with us. 3. Trespassers are liable for damage to crops. A Trespassers must pay for any damage. B Trespassers can pay for any damage. 4 Paula must study harder if she wants to pass this year’s exams. A The speaker is giving his/her opinion. B The speaker is explaining a rule. 5. The bins need emptying before we go out. A The speaker is going to empty the bins. B The speaker may not empty the bins. 6 We're supposed to put all plastic in the recycling bin. A This is an important rule that we always follow. B This is a rule that we don’t always follow. 7 We should have informed the bank of our change of address. A We informed the bank of our change of address. B We didn’t inform the bank. 8 Rooms must be vacated by twelve o'clock. A The receptionist is saying this. B This is a written instruction. 2 Complete the adverts with an appropriate verb or expression, as in the example. Use the information in the box to help you. Listen and check. course essential advisable unnecessary ‘A computing skis own computer prior design experience 8 previous experience computing skills own computer a three GCSEs {g00d level of English prior design experience/computing skills @ LEARN HOW TO DESIGN THE BEST WEBSITES! We offer Website Design courses to suit all schedules and budgets, from five-week intensive courses to year-long evening courses. You (2)... have your own computer (on our full-time courses) but you (4) esses eneane Rave Some previous experience in design, YOU (5) sscsnsanen t0 be able to use a computer. CALL US ON o1202 BS7SuS IN WITNEY COLLEGE WEB DESIGN COURSE ‘Ten-week intensive course for people interested in designing their own website. Applicants for this course (0)... MMH... have good computing skills but are not (1) serene 1 have prior design ‘experience. If possible, applicants Q. sau bring their own computer but there are a limited number of machines. available at the college. WEBSITE DESIGN Applicants (6) _ have previous experience in design, as the course involves work experience with a local ‘company. Equally, you are not (7)... to have good computer skills as all basic training is provided. ‘Aminimum of three GCSEs is essential and all applicants (8 vvesseseeee, have a good level of English. See display ad for Paes mere nae Cen FRE 148 3 Complete the dialogue with words or phrases from the box. Use each word /phrase once only. SHEBES Listen and check. dolhave to hadto has to have to having to must need to needs obliged to should supposed to. will have to BETH Hello. Reception said that you wanted a word with me. usa That's right. I’m interested in joining your gym. What (1)......... . do? BETH Take a seat, First, you (2)... fill in this form, It asks for details about you and your state of health, We want to be sure that you're fit enough to use the gym. usa OK... I have a slight problem with one knee. | twisted it a few weeks ago. BETH Well, you really (3) tell the instructor about that, then he'll make sure that your fitness programme takes account of it. usa Fitness programme? BETH Yes. If you join, you (4) have an induction session with one of our fitness instructors. He'll design a programme suited to your level of fitness. Lisa Oh, that’s good. Now, it's £50 a month, isn’t it? BETH Well, yes, but that’s the special rate if you take out an annual subscription, so you're ©)» _.. join for the whole year to get that rate. Otherwise it’s £60 a month. LSA Isee. Yes, I think I'll join for the year. Is there anything else I should know? BETH Let’s see ... There are some rules, but they're pretty obvious. Of course, everyone 6 _... Wear appropriate clothes and footwear. There are lockers outside the gym, as you're not (7) uu. take anything in with you, but we don’t apply that rule very strictly. You'll probably want to take a towel and a bottle of water in with you anyway: you (8) ........ drink plenty of water while you're exercising, to prevent dehydration. Lush Yes... Are there any restrictions, like (9)... .... book time ahead? Ber No. You can use the gym whenever it's open. Obviously, if you think a piece of equipment isn’t working properly and (10)....... repairing, tell an instructor. Also, for your own good, you (11) .. tell us if you feel unsure about how to use a particular machine. LisA Of course. Now, the receptionist said I (12)... .. provide proof of my address, but I’m afraid I don’t have anything on me at the moment. BETH That's OK. Bring it next time you come. 4. Rewrite the underlined sections in the dialogues to use an appropriate modal verb or other way of expressing obligation. Sometimes more than one answer is possible. 1 A Isitadvisable to carry identification with me here? B It's imperative to carry identification. The police insist on it. 2 A What time is it necessary for me to arrive for the exam? B [twill be necessary to get there by 9.45. 3A Was it necessary to learn the language when you were in China? B_ Yes, it was essential to learn some as English wasn’t widespread. 4 A Was the holiday apartment in France well-equipped? B Yes, it was. We took our own towels and things but it wasn’t necessary. 1 2 Complete the second sentence so it has a Practice Choose the correct words in italics. Listen and check. Mount Preasant Tennis CLUB. Dear New Member We are delighted to welcome you to Mount Pleasant Tennis Club. Attached are the rules and conditions of membership. Please sign and date the final page to indicate your acceptance of the rules. {n addition to the rules above, we would like to draw your attention to the following: ‘* We are open all year round, though members (1) may not / forbidden to use the courts on ‘tournament weekends. Members (2) should / could not normally bring guests without prior permission, but this is acceptable from November to March, when the club is less busy. Please remember to wear the correct footwear — you (3) can‘t/ won't be allowed to play in unsuitable shoes. We provide lockers for personal belongings — the club (4) must not / cannot accept responsibilty for valuables left outside the lockers. * Members (5) ought / may not play competitive tennis for another club without written permission. Please note also that members who represent the club in competitions (6) must not compete / must not have competed for another club within the previous six months. ** Finally, may we remind you that any member who holds or has held professional status (2) may not | must not represent the club in a tournament. Until recently ex-professionals (8) couldn’t have joined / were not allowed to join the club, and while we have relaxed that rule, tournaments are stil for amateur players only. lar meaning to the first. Use three to six words, including the word in brackets, as in the example. 0 We advise passengers to keep all their belongings with them at all times. (should) Passengers should. keep. al. their. relangings.... with them at all times. 1 We expected our host to pay for everyone’s drinks, but he didn’t. (should) en voce son. @veryone’s drinks. 2. It was illegal for women to own property in many societies 100 years ago. (were) Women 2 see Property in many societies 100 years ago. 3. wish you had asked me before you borrowed my camera. (might) You oat . before you borrowed my camera. 4. You are not allowed to use mobile phones in the intensive care ward. (is) The use of = : in the intensive care ward. 5. Itisn’t right for people to be punished for something they can't avoid doing. (ought) People snssnnissninnsee fOF Something they can’t avoid doing. 6 Itis essential that candidates have not applied for the same post previously. (have) Candidates ee the same post previously. 7 The visitors weren’t allowed to leave the building until the panic had subsided. (could) The visitors the building until the panic had subsided. 8 It was wrong of you to leave the matches within reach of the children. (not) You , the matches within reach of the children. 2) 151

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