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Illegal oil tap continues

(Media Indonesia, September 10 2014.Readership:N/A)

Illegal oil tap cases in South Sumatra continues and looks like a spider web. There are 100 phone
numbers communicating in this action. On Monday morning (8/9), The Water Police from the South
Sumatra Police conducted a regular patrol in the Borang Waters, Musi River, Banyuasin Regency.
The personnel was about to seize a tugboat carrying 200 tons of illegal crude oil, however the boat
then left.
Regional heads will become cash cow, says Ahok
(Koran Tempo, September 10 2014. Readership:N/A)
The House insists on passing the law on Legislative Institution which stops direct election. However,
this sparks protest from civil society organizations, arguing that if a regional head is elected by the
Regional Legislative Council (DPRD), there will be a political compromise. DPRD may ask for some
amount of money from the candidate, said Jakarta acting governor Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or known
as Ahok. Meanwhile, indirect election by DPRD creates a trasactional politic said vice president Jusuf

MP3EI Projects threaten to stall

(Bisnis Indonesia, September 9 2014.Readership:N/A)
The outgoing administration of president Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono will likely fail to continue the
development of infrastructure projects under the Master Plan for the Indonesian Economic
Acceleration, Expansion, and Development (MP3EI). There are several obstacles that halt
groundbreaking of those projects, said a senior official at the National Development Planning Board
(Bappenas), like land acquisition, the complicated procedure, and so on. Those projects adopt public
private partnership (PPP) scheme.
BI asked to lower rate
(Investor daily, September 10 2014.Readership:N/A)
Bank Indonesia is asked to cut the key interest rate to 7%. This step is seen as necessary for the
growth. After the BI rate was increased by 7.5% in November 2013, the national growth declined. In
the fourth quarter of 2013, the growth reached 5,72%, in the next two quarters dropped to 5,21% and
5,12% respectively.

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