Tic Tac Toe MP

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Amrutvahini Polytechnic ,Sangamner

Academic Year: 2021 -2022

Micro Project

TITLE : Tic Tac Toe

Program Code: Computer Technology Dept

Course Name: Advance Java Programming
Course Code:22517

Submitted by
Roll No. 09 Name:-Vaishnavi Mahesh Patil
Roll No. 48 Name:-Aditi Kiran Ghugarkar
Roll No. 51 Name:-Dnyaneshwari Umesh Navathar

Submitted to
Ms. Borhade S.S.


This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. ____________________________________

Roll No. ___of Six Semester Diploma in Computer Technology Dept(CM5I) of

Amrutvahini Polytechnic (0080/1105) has completed the Microproject satisfactory

in Subject Advance Java Programming (22517) for the academic year 2021 to 2022 as

prescribed in the MSBTE curriculum.

Place: Sangamner Enrollment No.: ____________________

Date: ___________________ Exam Seat No.: ____________________

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Seal of
Annexure – I
Micro-Project Proposal
Title of Micro-Project

1.0 Aim/Benefits of the Micro-Project

Develop Tic Tac Toe game using Advanced Java Programming Language.

2.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

Co. No. Course Outcome Statement

CI503.1 Develop6 Graphical user interface (GUI) programs using AWT and swing component. Arrange
the GUI components using different layout manager.
CI503.2 Develop6 Event driven programs using the delegation event model , Adapter classes &
the inner classes
CI503.3 Develop6 Java programs using networking concepts.
CI503.4 Develop6 database driven business applications using the database API’S two tier and three
tier models and the Java.Sql package
CI503.5 Demonstrate3 and Develop6 Web based applications using servlets, JSP ,servlet for cookies
and session tracking

3.0 Proposed Methodology:

1.Select the topic of micro project

2.Making proposal and the report of the project.
3.After searching & collecting information from internet browser how to create to
Tic Tac Toe game .
4.Select the software to run the selected micro project.
5.Write program and run.
6.By using advanced java pogramming language.
4.0Action Plan
Sr. Planned Planned Name of Team
Details of activity
No. Start date Finish date Members
1. Formation of Group & Selection of Topic Vaishnavi patil
2. Submission of Proposed Plan Aditi ghugarkar
Project Definition and Design Structure, Dnyaneshwari
Design Algorithm, Design Flowchart navathar
4. Coding of Project and Testing of Program Aditi ghugarkar
5. Demonstration of project
6. Submission of Final Report Vaishnavi patil

4.0 Resources Required

Name of Resource/material Specifications Quantity Remarks
Computer System with broad Zenith PC 2GB
specifications RAM
2. Operating System
Mint/Win 8.1 1
3. Software office
4. Keyboard
5. Mouse

Names of Team Members with Roll Nos:

Sr. Roll.
Name of Team Members Enrollment No. Seat No.
No. No.
1. 09 Vaishnavi Mahesh patil 1911050034
2. 48 Aditi kiran ghugarkar 1911050078
3. 51 Dnyaneshwari Umesh Navathar 1911050081

Teacher Signature
Annexure – II
Micro-Project Report
Title of Micro-Project

1.0 Rationale

This project is all about how to create the Tic Tac Toe game in advanced java programing.
We have applied concept of advanced java for creating tic tac toe game. In this game there
are module by which we can play the game we can play with computer and we can play
with friends.

2.0 Aims/Benefits of the Micro-Project

Develop Tic Tac Toe game using Advanced Java Programming Language.

3.0 Course Outcomes Addressed

Co. No. Course Outcome Statement

CI503.1 Develop6 Graphical user interface (GUI) programs using AWT and swing component. Arrange
the GUI components using different layout manager.
CI503.2 Develop6 Event driven programs using the delegation event model , Adapter classes &
the inner classes
CI503.3 Develop6 Java programs using networking concepts.
CI503.4 Develop6 database driven business applications using the database API’S two tier and three
tier models and the Java.Sql package
CI503.5 Demonstrate3 and Develop6 Web based applications using servlets, JSP ,servlet for cookies
and session tracking

4.0 Literature Review

An early variant of Tic Tac Toe was played in the roman empire around the first century
BC.Tic tac toe became the first known vedio game ,OXO for the EDSAC computer. Tic tac
toe was also used by MIT students to demonstrate the computational power of tinkertoy
elements.The game is developed for full time entertainment and enthusiasms.It teaches
the gamer to be altert at every situation he/she face.
5.0 Actual Methodology Followed
import java.awt.GridLayout;

public class TicTacToe extends JPanel

JButton buttons[] = new JButton[9];
int alternate = 0;//if this number is a even, then put a X. If it's odd, then put an O

public TicTacToe()

public void initializebuttons()

for(int i = 0; i <= 8; i++)
buttons[i] = new
buttons[i].addActionListener(new buttonListener());

add(buttons[i]); //adds this button

to JPanel (note: no need forJPanel.add(...)
//because this whole class is a JPanel already
public void resetButtons()
for(int i = 0; i <= 8; i++)

// when a button is clicked, it generates an ActionEvent. Thus, each button needs an ActionListener. When
it is clicked, it goes to thislistener class that I have created and goes to the actionPerformed method. There
(and in this class), we decide what we want to do. private class buttonListener implements
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)

JButton buttonClicked = (JButton)e.getSource(); //get the particular button that was clicked

if(alternate%2 == 0)


if(checkForWin() == true)
JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Game


public boolean checkForWin()

/** Reference: the button array is arranged like this as the board
* 0|1|2
* 3|4|5
* 6|7|8
//horizontal win check
if( checkAdjacent(0,1) && checkAdjacent(1,2) ) //no need to put " == true" because the default check is
for true
return true;
else if( checkAdjacent(3,4) && checkAdjacent(4,5) )

return true;
else if ( checkAdjacent(6,7) && checkAdjacent(7,8))

return true;

//vertical win check

else if ( checkAdjacent(0,3) && checkAdjacent(3,6))

return true;
else if ( checkAdjacent(1,4) && checkAdjacent(4,7))
return true;
else if ( checkAdjacent(2,5) && checkAdjacent(5,8))
return true;

//diagonal win check

else if ( checkAdjacent(0,4) && checkAdjacent(4,8))
return true;
else if ( checkAdjacent(2,4) && checkAdjacent(4,6))return true;else
return false;

public boolean checkAdjacent(int a, int b)

if (
t()) &&!buttons[a].getText().equals("") )


return false;

public static void main(String[] args)

JFrame window = new JFrame("Tic-Tac-Toe");
window.getContentPane().add(new TicTacToe());
6.0 Actual Resources Used
Name of Resource/material Specifications Quantity Remarks
Computer System with broad Zenith Pc
1. 2GB Ram
2. Operating System Mint/Win8.1 1
3. Software Office
4. Keyboard
5. Mouse

7.0 Outputs of the Micro-Projects:

8. Skill Developed / Learning outcomes:
● Analyzing the problem
● Problem solving approach
● Planning
● Design skill
● Logical skill
● Programming
● Testing and Troubleshooting
● Presentation
● Report writing

9.Applications of the Micro-Project:

• Easy to use
• It teaches to gamer to be alert

Teacher Signature
(Ms. Borhade S.S)
Annexure – III
Suggested Rubric for Assessment of Micro-Project

(The marks may be allowed to the characteristics of the Micro Project by considering the suggested rubrics)

Sr. Characteristic to Poor Average Good Excellent

No. be assessed ( Marks 1 - 3 ) ( Marks 4 - 5 ) ( Marks 6 - 8 ) ( Marks 9- 10 )
Relevance to the Related to very few Addressed at-least Addressed more than
1 Related to some LOs
course LOs one CO one CO
Literature Not more than two
At-least 5 relevant
Review sources (primary and At –least 7 relevant About 10 relevant
2 sources, at least 2
/Information secondary), very old sources, most latest sources, most latest
collection reference
Completion of
Completed less than Completed 60 to Completed more than
3 the Target as per Completed 50 to 60%
50% 80% 80 %
project proposal
Enough data
Sufficient and Sufficient and collected by
appropriate sample, appropriate sample, sufficient and
Sample Size small,
enough data enough data appropriate sample
Analysis of Data data neither
generated but not generated which is size. Proper
4 and organized nor
organized and not organized and inferences by
representation presented well
presented well. No or presented well but organizing and
poor inferences are poor inferences are presenting data
drawn drawn through tables, charts
and graphs.
Just assembled/fabricated
assembled/fabricated with proper
with proper
and parts are not functioning parts. In
functioning parts. In
Quality of functioning well. Not proper shape, within
Incomplete proper shape, within
5 Prototype/Model in proper shape, tolerance dimensions
fabrication/assembly. tolerance dimensions
dimensions beyond and good
and good
tolerance limit. finish/appearance.
Appearance/ finish is But no creativity in
Creativity in design
shabby. design and use of
and use of material
Nearly sufficient and
Very short, poor Very detailed,
correct details about Detailed, correct and
quality sketches, correct, clear
methods, material, clear description of
Details about description of
precautions and methods, materials,
Report methods, material, methods, materials,
6 conclusion. But precautions and
Preparation precaution and precautions and
clarity is not there in Conclusions.
conclusions omitted, conclusions. Enough
a presentation. But Sufficient Graphic
some details are tables, charts and
not enough graphic Description.
wrong sketches
Major information is Includes major Includes major Well organized,
not included, information but not information and well includes major
7 Presentation
information is not well organized and organized but not information, well
well organized. not presented well presented well presented
Replied to a
Could not reply to a Replied properly to a
considerable number Replied most of the
8 Viva considerable number considerable number
of questions but not questions properly
of questions. of questions.
very properly
Annexure – IV
Micro-Project Evaluation Sheet

Name of Student: Enrollment No.:

Name of Program: Semester:

Course Title: Course Code:

Title of the Micro-project:

Course Outcomes Achieved:

Sr. Poor Average Good Excellent Sub

Characteristic to be assessed
No. (Marks 1-3) (Marks 4-5) (Marks 6-8) (Marks 9- 10) Total

A. Process and Product Assessment (6 Marks)

1 Relevance to the course

Literature Survey / Information
Completion of the Target as per
project proposal
Analysis of Data and
5 Quality of Prototype/Model

6 Report Preparation

B. Individual Presentation/ Viva (4 Marks)

7 Presentation

8 Viva

(A) (B)
Total Marks
Process and Product Individual Presentation/Viva
Assessment (6 marks) (4 marks)

Comments/Suggestions about teamwork/leadership/interpersonal communication (if any)

Name and designation of the Faculty Member: Ms. Borhade S.S
Dated Signature: ……………………………………..

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