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4TH Quarter
Week 2


Division of Surigao del Sur

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• Analyze how target or intended users and audiences are expected
to respond to the proposed ICT Project for Social Change on the
basis of content, value, and user experience. (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-
• Integrate rich multimedia content in design and development to
best enhance the user experience and deliver content of an ICT
Project for Social Change (CS_ICT11/12-ICTPT-Iim-p18)

Objectives: At the end of the week, you shall have

o identify the five elements of a Concept Paper;

o write a Concept Paper;
o evaluate a sample Concept Paper as ICT Project for Social Change.

Lesson Overview

Social Advocacy
Advocacy as defined by Merriam-Webster is the act of supporting a cause or proposal:
the act or process of advocating. Today, the adaptation and improvement of the
technologies can now serve as a platform for solving local and global issues through an
advocacy. These includes solving of gender equality, economical, agricultural, and
industrial problems, government accountability and transparency, educational
dilemmas, crimes, religious conflicts, climate change and more. In terms of ICT usage,
one of the most used by the people today is the Social Networking sites or simply social
media. It is the collective online communication channels dedicated to community
input, interaction, content-sharing, and collaboration. Since it caters a wide range of
possible user interaction, the social media is broadly used to connect and communicate
with the global community. For that reason, the social media can also be used to address
an advocacy online.

ICT Projects range from community improvement to larger economic development.

Around the world, there are a wide variety of projects that incorporates the used of ICT
for improvement. Projects for the communities are products of research before
implemented. These undergo with the process of inquiry, investigation, and deep
analyzation for the needs of assessment. The following are the steps on how to make your
own ICT Project through Social Advocacy.

Research for Content
Research is essential whether you love it or hate for there is a real urge for it. Every
day, we have undergone with different problems and dilemmas in life and finding their
solution. Sometimes it is hard and takes time when research is needed. According to
Western Sydney University, “Research is defined as the creation of new knowledge
and/or the use of existing knowledge in a new and creative way so as to generate
new concepts, methodologies and understandings. This could include synthesis and
analysis of previous research to the extent that it leads to new and creative
outcomes.” On the other hand, Research skills are our ability to find an answer to a
question or a solution to a problem. Research skills also include the ability to gather
information about the topic. We have to review that information, analyze and
interpret the information in a manner that brings us to a solution.

Research makes you wiser on the decisions you make in life and gain more
experiences and set of knowledge as you go through different findings and
conclusions during the process of research. To be exact, the more research you
conducted the more things you can do in life. That is why research is a must in
delivering innovation, integration, promotion and to build change to a society or
community. With this, learning the basic of research skills are essential for the 21st
century in making life more convenient and smarter. Theses consists of identifying
the current trends, demands, working formats, as well as the popular authors and
topics. All the relevant information may help you in your research study. As part of
the research for content in Social Advocacy, it requires several aspects to be taken
into account. One of this is the proper background research of your proposed ICT
project by translating your own made concept paper into an infographic. In creating
your ICT project, it is also important to take consideration about your targeted
audience that is why audience profiling must be done.

What are the roles of ICT in social change?

1. ICT as a tool for disaster response and

Internet has effective way to share and gather
information during emergencies Information and
Communication technologies (ICTs) play a
significant role in disaster prevention, mitigation
response and recovery. Timely, predictable, and
effective information is much needed by
government agencies and other humanitarian

actors involved in rescue operations and

decision-making processes.

2. ICT as a tool for social awareness:
Change can start with social awareness. ICT has
been used to inform the public about issues that
affect people. This awareness cam cause
people to act and work together
to find a solution.

Example is the ICE Bucket challenge. Because

of this awareness, it raises 220 million dollars for
the people having the disease called Lou
Gehrig’s disease.

3. ICT as a tool for petition

The ICT is dubbed as the “world’s platform for
change” where anyone from online community can
create a petition and ask others to sign it. It gives
access to more people by allowing the online
community to affix their digital signatures on a
IN THE PHILIPPINES, The petition to have death row
convict Mary Jane Veloso released was the fastest
ever-growing petition from the Philippines with over

250,000 signatories.

4. ICT as a tool to engage people in society,

politics, and government
ICT has afforded everyone an easy access to
information. With it, people are more aware of
government programs and projects and can easily
extend their support. They have also become
active participants in demanding for a more
transparent and responsive governance through
interaction in social media like Facebook and

5. ICT as a tool for charity

ICT has revolutionary commerce in the 21st has proven very effective in collecting
funds to help poor people in need. Great example
is the Typhoon Yolanda. Several people all over the
world gave their help using technology so that it is
easier to receive.
Planning a Social Campaign:
• Before starting a project or campaign, you should be able to do the necessary
paperwork better known as a Concept Paper. This allows experts to see if your project is

doable over the time frame that was given and if it is significant enough to be made into
Concept Paper
• It is a document used to convince a panel of potential funders to help a product,
program, or service become a reality

Five Elements of a Concept Paper:

5.Contact Information
1. Introduction
❖ This includes your mission and vision and a brief introduction of your project /
❖ This includes the reason why the project / campaign is worth your sponsor’s time,
effort, and money.
❖ This includes all the necessary information about the project. It involves the
website/s or page you are going to produce and the purpose of each and how
work in unison.
❖ This contains the budget needed for the project, though some concept papers
not specify any amount requested from the sponsor.
5.Contact Information
❖ This includes information on how the group can be contacted
Your project/campaign must meet the SMART criteria:
S – Specific M – Measurable A – Attainable R – Realistic T – Time-bounded
Photos from Empowerment Technology,
Innovative Training Works, Inc.

Photos from Empowerment Technology,
ICT Project Process Innovative Training Works, Inc.
1. Planning
2. Development
3. Release and Promotion
4. Maintenance
1. Planning
This involves the following tasks:
• Conceptualizing your project
• Researching on available data about your topic
• Setting deadlines and meetings
• Assigning people to various tasks
• Finding a web or blog host
• Creating a site map for your website

• Listing down all applications that you need including web apps
• Funding (if applicable)
2. Development
• It involves the actual creation of the website(s) / page, this involves the
production of images, infographics etc.

3. Release and Promotion

• It involves that actual release of the website / page for public view and
promotion. Promotion typically starts before the actual release.

4. Maintenance
• It involves responding to feedback of your website / page visitors and continuing
to improve the website/page.

As you manage your page, you will encounter different behaviors of people in Social
Media. According to Rebecca Dye, a social media manager at First Direct, there are 12
Different Behaviors in Social Media.

10 Different Behaviors in Social Media

1. The Ultras – check feeds dozens of times a day. Happily, admit their obsession.
(14% of Facebook users spend at least 2 hours a day on the network)
2. The Deniers – social media do not control their lives but gets anxious when unable
to access networks. (20% of Facebook users would feel anxious or isolated if they
had to deactivate their accounts.
3. The Virgins – taking first tentative steps in social media (19% of British people do not
use any social networks).
4. The Peacocks – popularity contest, high numbers of followers, fans, likes and
retweets. (1 out of 10 Twitter users want more followers than friends.)
5. The Lurkers – hiding in the shadows of cyberspace. Watches what others are
saying, but rarely (if ever) participate themselves. (45% of Facebook users
described themselves as “observers”)
6. The Ranters – mock and mid in face-to-face conversations. Highly opinionated
7. The Changelings – adopt completely new personality online so no one knows their
real identities.
8. The Ghosts – create anonymous profiles, for fear of giving out personal information
to strangers.
9. The Informers – seek admiration by being the first to share the latest trends with
10. The Approval Seekers – constantly check feeds and timelines after posting. Worry
until people respond.

Activity 1

I. Direction: Identify five elements of a concept paper that should be

accomplished to create an ICT project.

___________________1. It contains the budget needed for the project.

___________________2. It includes the reason why the project/ campaign is worthy for
the sponsors and supporters.
___________________3. It presents the mission, vision and a brief introduction about the
project or campaign.
___________________4. This includes necessary information about the project.
___________________5. It contains information on how the group can be contacted.

Activity 2: Create a concept paper.

Directions: The class will be divided into groups (discretion of the adviser). You can
collaborate with your groupmates through text, call or online chats. Each group will
choose only one (1) topic for the Concept Paper but not limited to the following:

1. Antidrug campaigns
2. Youth election volunteer mobilization
3. Animal welfare and rights
4. Environmental conservation and action
5. Contemporary ICT issues such as cyber bullying, copyright infringement,
green technology, and Internet addiction

Write your concept paper which compose of the five elements. Write it on a
separate sheet of paper.

You will be rated with the following criteria:

Persuasiveness – 7 pts.
Content of the Project - 8 pts.
Over-all Presentation - 5 pts.
Total 20 pts.

Activity 3

Direction: Read the sample Concept Paper then evaluate it by answering the questions below.

For years, many students depend on the school's drinking fountain. Aside from saving them
money, the school's drinking fountain contains filters that make the water safe enough to drink.
But according to our research, the last time the water was tested was about three years ago
and by using the drinking fountains around school, it is highly questionable that the water is still
safe for drinking. Our group has theorized that the nature wear-and-tear of the drinking fountain
has led to the water's unpleasant taste. Our group, The Mosaic Alliance, aims to create several
online sources that will help promote the awareness of people involved about this problem and
create an online petition with the goal of improving our drinking fountains here in school.
Our group aims to create petition, a Facebook group, and a blog to help
achieve our goals. We will be creating infographics another related information connected to
the dangers of drinking unsafe water especially at a young age. The scope of our project is to
be able to reach the schools administration, parents, teachers, and students to sign our petition.
We will be requiring a week to develop this project and we will start our promotion right
after we have uploaded the website. We will also be using our own resources so the funding for
this project will be close to none. Our expenses may only include the printing of campaign
materials and Internet and computer shop rentals in case we need more time outside school
hours. We will also be using free services already offered by Facebook, Blogger, and
Should you have any questions about our project feel free to contact us at

1. What is the purpose of the concept paper?
2. Who are the target audiences/ users of the concept paper?
3. What is/are the possible impact of this concept paper to the netizens or the
online media audience? Why?

You will be rated with the following criteria:

Content - 5 pts.
Persuasiveness – 3 pts.
Grammar/Spelling - 2 pts.
Total 10 pts.

Formative Test

Directions: Choose the best answer for each question. Write the letter of your answer
on a separate sheet of paper.

1. According to Encyclopedia Britannica, which of the following is defined as the

alteration of mechanisms characterized by changes in cultural symbols, rules of behavior,
social organizations or value systems?
A. Social Media C. Social Advocacy
B. Social Change D. Social Interaction

2. It is the collective online communication channels dedicated to community input,

interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Since it caters a wide range of possible
user interaction, it is broadly used to connect and communicate with the global
A. Social Media C. Social Advocacy
B. Social Change D. Social Interaction

3. It is defined by Merriam-Webster as the act of supporting a cause or proposal or the

act or process of advocating.
A. Advocacy C. Infographics
B. Research D. Audience Profiling

4. The following are the ICT roles in social change EXCEPT:

A. A tool for social awareness
B. A tool for disaster response and management
C. An instrument to engage people in society, politics and government
D. A tool for social defamation of a person’s dignity

5. It involves the actual creation of the website(s) / page, this involves the production of
images, infographics etc.
A. Planning C. Release and Promotion
B. Development D. Maintenance

Answer Key

Activity 1

1. Support
2. Purpose
3. Introduction
4. Description
5. Contact Information

Activity 2 & 3 Answers may vary

• Bagares, M. M. (2020). Retrieved from
• ICT Project for Social Change. (2016). In Empowerment Technologies,
Innovative Training Works, Inc. (pp. 195-202). Quezon City: Rex Book Store.


Formative Test

1. B
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. B


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