INMO Notes

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INMO Notes

Rohan Goyal
January 19, 2021

§1 Introduction

Many students appearing for RMO/INMO for the first time are quite new to the concept
of proof based problem solving, writing proofs, problem solving etc. 1 due to the great
weight placed on contests like NTSE, NSEJS, KVPY, JEE etc. So, this article/handout
aims to give you a slight intro into how to prepare for INMO, what to do and give you
some mocks to use for your preparations.2 .

About INMO: INMO is a 4 hour, 6 problem solving contest. Unlike standard competitive
exams and so called ”olympiads” in India, INMO tests your problem solving and proof
writing abilities. The problems usually do not have extremely involved solutions or use
advanced concepts but require insight and good problem solving ability and is used to
select 30 students from grade 8 − 11, 6 from 12th and 5 girls, who are then invited to the
IMOTC, where they are trained and then top few students are then selected to represent
India at IMO and EGMO.

1 For me as well when I first appeared for RMO in 9th, I had no idea of how proof writing works and how
to even approach problems.
2 This is written with INMO 2021 in mind

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§2 Recommendations

If you are new to proof writing, I recommend reading Evan Chen’s notes on proof
writing3 and for more general advice at Evan’s advice on how to start.
The problem sources I advice using for INMO prep are-

• Past RMO papers if you are completely new

• INMO past year papers of course.


• British MO Round 2

• Canadian MO

• IMO Shortlists Usually INMO problems will not be harder than X2/3 but you can
obviously try harder problems for fun :D.4

• Any Russian Contest Russian contests are usually quite fun but beyond the first
few problems, its too hard for INMO.

About books, I recommend the following books:

• Intro: Mathematical Circles by Fomin et al. and Art and Craft of Problem Solving
by Paul Zeitz

• Geometry: EGMO by Evan Chen (Beyond Chapter 4 is not really relevant for INMO
but you can still try for fun). 5

• Algebra: I recommend looking at Evan’s and Yufei Zhao’s handouts.

• Number Theory: Modern Number Theory by Aditya is very well written and is
quite comprehensive.

• Combo: Problem-Solving Methods in Combinatorics by Pablo Soberón

Of course, this list is too long and it is completely impractical to complete everything, so
just try whatever seems most interesting to you and what you assess to be your weak spots.

Feel free to contact me if you want to discuss anything but please do not text on my
number and mail at instead.

3 This is written with the IMO/USAMO grading system in mind where grading is out of 7 whereas in
INMO, problems are graded from 17 but this does not change the message of the article.
4 By X1/X2/X3 I mean X ∈ { A, C, N, G }
5 I also have some notes written on Projective, Spiral geo and Inversion. You can find them at Unofficial

IMOTC Geo notes

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§3 Notes for mock test

Please try to attempt these mock tests in proper conditions and in the 4 hour time frame
and do full write ups as you would do in contest. I find this to be an extremely effective
practice technique.

I have tried to keep a varied source distribution and hopefully most of the problems will
be such that you have not seen them before. In case you have seen a problem before/re-
member solution, still do the writeup for practice.

Note 3.1. These problems are not mine and I stake no claim on them but this just
serves as a compilation of different problems.. For some problems, I have not marked
a source or provided an AoPS link, in these cases I am not aware of the source so it would
be great if you could provide me one.

Don’t get discouraged if you are not able to solve the mocks completely as some might
lean towards the harder side as the recent trend of INMO has been towards the harder
side and all things indicate that the trend will continue.

The first mock is on the next page.

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§4 Mock Tests

§4.1 Mock 1

Problem. A computer screen shows a 2n × 2n chessboard, colored in the usual way. One
can select with a mouse any rectangle with sides on the lines of the chessboard and click
the mouse button: as a result, the colors in the selected rectangle switch (black becomes
white, white becomes black). Find, with proof, the minimum number of mouse clicks
needed to make the chessboard all one color.

Problem. Let ∆ABC be an acute-angled triangle with its incenter I. Suppose that N is
the midpoint of the arc ˘BAC of the circumcircle of triangle ∆ABC, and P is a point such
that ABPC is a parallelogram.
Let Q be the reflection of A over N and R the projection of A on QI. Show that the line
AI is tangent to the circumcircle of triangle ∆PQR.

Problem. Let k ≥ 2,n1 , n2 , · · · , nk ∈ N+ , satisfy n2 |2n1 − 1, n3 |2n2 − 1, · · · , nk |2nk−1 −

1, n1 |2nk − 1. Then prove that n1 = n2 = · · · = nk = 1.

Problem. Let P be the set of all points in Rn with rational coordinates. For the points
A, B ∈ P , we can move from A to B if | AB| = 1. Prove that every point in P can be
reached from any other point in P if and only if n ≥ 5.

Problem. Let a1 , a2 , · · · an , b1 , b2 , · · · bn be positive real numbers. Prove that

n n n n n
n( ∑ ai bi + ∑ a2i ∑ bi2 ) ≥ 2 ∑ ai ∑ bi
i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1

Problem. An infinite sequence a1 < a2 · · · of positive integers is called nice if a2n = 2an
for all positive integers n.

a) Prove that, for any prime p and any nice sequence { ai } with p > a1 , there exists
infinite terms of the sequence that are divisible by p.

b) Prove that, for every odd prime p, there is a nice sequence with no terms divisible
by p.

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§4.2 Mock 2

Problem. Positive numbers a, b, c, d are such that 2(a + b + c + d) ≥ abcd. Prove that
a2 + b2 + c2 + d2 ≥ abcd.

Problem. Determine all polynomials P with integer coefficients satisfying

P(P(P(P(P(x))))) = x28 · P(P(x)) ∀x ∈ R

Problem. Each of 1000 elves has a hat, red on the inside and blue on the outside or vise
versa. An elf with a hat that is red outside can only lie, and an elf with a hat that is blue
outside can only tell the truth. One day every elf tells every other elf, “Your hat is red on
the outside.” During that day, some of the elves turn their hats inside out at any time
during the day. (An elf can do that more than once per day.) Find the smallest possible
number of times any hat is turned inside out.

Problem. Given quadrilateral ABCD such that ∠ BAD + 2∠ BCD = 180◦ . Let E be the
intersection of BD and the internal bisector of ∠ BAD. The perpendicular bisector of AE
intersects CB, CD at X, Y, respectively. Prove that A, C, X, Y are concyclic.

Problem. We have six pairwise non-intersecting circles that the radius of each is at least
one (no circle lies in the interior of any other circle). Prove that the radius of any circle
intersecting all the six circles, is at least one.

Problem. For a sequence, one can perform the following operation: select three adjacent
terms a, b, c, and change it into b, c, a. Determine all the possible positive integers n ≥ 3,
such that after finite number of operation, the sequence 1, 2, · · · , n can be changed into
n, n − 1, · · · , 1 finally.

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§4.3 Mock 3

Problem. Thirty nine nonzero numbers are written in a row. The sum of any two
neighbouring numbers is positive, while the sum of all the numbers is negative. Is the
product of all these numbers negative or positive?

Problem. H is the orthocenter of acude triangle ABC.Let ω be the circumcircle of BHC

with center O0 .Ω is the nine-point circle of ABC.X is an arbitrary point on arc BHC of ω
and AX intersects Ω at Y.P is a point on Ω such that PX = PY.Prove that O0 PX = 90.

Problem. Let a, b, c be non-negative reals such that

∑ b+c+1 ≤ 1

Prove that
∑ b+c+1 ≥ 1

Problem. Let a, b be positive integers such that for any positive integer n the number
(n + a)(n + b) is a product of even number of primes(counted with multiplicity). Prove
that a = b.

Problem. Construct a family F = { A x , Bx ⊂ N | x ∈ R} of subsets of natural numbers

such that for all real x, we have A x ∩ Bx = φ and for all reals x 6= y, we have that the set
A x ∩ By is infinite.

Problem. Let Γ be the circumcircle of triangle ABC, and let l be the tangent line of Γ
passing A. Let D, E be the points each on side AB, AC such that BD : DA = AE : EC.
Line DE meets Γ at points F, G. The line parallel to AC passing D meets l at H, the line
parallel to AB passing E meets l at I. Prove that there exists a circle passing four points
F, G, H, I and tangent to line BC.

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§4.4 Mock 4

Problem. Find all two-variable polynomials p(x, y) such that for each a, b, c ∈ R:

p(ab, c2 + 1) + p(bc, a2 + 1) + p(ca, b2 + 1) = 0

Problem. The incircle of ∆ABC is tangent to side AB at F. Let P be a point in the interior
of segment BC and let K, L be the incenters of ∆ABP, ∆APC respectively. Suppose that
the circumcircle of ∆KPL cuts AP again at Q. Prove that AF = AQ.

Problem. Prove that the set S = {bnπ c | n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . .} contains arithmetic progres-

sions of any finite length, but no infinite arithmetic progressions.

Problem. Let n > 3 be a positive integer. There is a set S of n points in the plane such
that the distances between pairs of points in S are pairwise distinct. Janabel and Brandon
play a game, alternating turns, with Janabel going first. On Janabel’s first turn, she places
a frog on some point of S. Then, on Brandon’s first turn, he places another frog on
some unoccupied point of S. Then, on every turn thereafter, the player whose turn it is
chooses an unoccupied point, chooses one of the frogs, and moves the chosen frog to
the chosen point subject to the following constraint: the distance between the two frogs
after the move is less than what the distance between the frogs was before the move.
If a player, on their turn, has no legal move, then that player loses and their opponent wins.

Assuming both players play optimally, prove that Janabel wins if and only if n is odd.

Problem. Define a sequence (an )n≥1 by a1 = 1 and an+1 = a2n + 1

4 for n ≥ 1. Prove that
for every positive integer N holds
∑ 2a j + 1 < 1
j =1

Problem. Let the incircle γ of the triangle ABC touch its side BC at D. Let the line AD
intersect γ at L 6= D and denote the excentre of ABC opposite to A by K. Let M and N
be the midpoints of BC and KM respectively.

Prove that the points B, C, N, and L are concyclic.

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§4.5 Mock 5

Problem. Let a, b and c be rational numbers for which a + bc, b + ac and a + b are all
non-zero and for which we have
1 1 1
+ = .
a + bc b + ac a+b

Prove that (c − 3)(c + 1) is rational.

Problem. We start with any finite list of distinct positive integers. We may replace any
pair n, n + 1 (not necessarily adjacent in the list) by the single integer n − 2, now allowing
negatives and repeats in the list. We may also replace any pair n, n + 4 by n − 1. We may
repeat these operations as many times as we wish. Either determine the most negative
integer which can appear in a list, or prove that there is no such minimum.

Problem. Let ABC be an acute triangle such that ∠ ACB = 60◦ . Point M is the middle of
shorter arc AB of the circumcircle of ABC. Point H is the orthocenter of triangle ABC.
Line MH intersects AB at S. Point P, Q lie on BC, CA respectively, in such a way that H
lies on PQ and PQ is perpendicular to MH. Prove that the circumcircle of PQS passes
through the foot of the altitude of ABC from C.

Problem. Do there exist integers m, n and a function f : R → R satisfying simultane-

ously the following two conditions?

• f ( f (x)) = 2 f (x) − x − 2 for any x ∈ R

• m ≤ n and f (m) = n.

Problem. Determine all polynomials P(x) with real coefficients such that

(x + 1)P(x − 1) − (x − 1)P(x)

is a constant polynomial.

Problem. There are n students standing in line positions 1 to n. While the teacher looks
away, some students change their positions. When the teacher looks back, they are
standing in line again. If a student who was initially in position i is now in position j,
we say the student moved for |i − j| steps. Determine the maximal sum of steps of all
students that they can achieve.

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§4.6 Mock 6

Problem. There are given 1000 integers a1 , ..., a1000 . Their squares a21 , ..., a21000 are written
in a circle. It so happened that the sum of any 41 consecutive numbers on this circle is a
multiple of 412 . Is it necessarily true that every integer a1 , ..., a1000 is a multiple of 41?

Problem. Let 4 ABC be an acute triangle with circumcenter O and orthocenter H. The
line through O parallel to BC intersect AB at D and AC at E. X is the midpoint of AH.
Prove that the circumcircles of 4 BDX and 4CEX intersect again at a point on line AO.

Problem. Find all real numbers c such that there exists a function f : R≥0 → R which
satisfies the following.

For all nonnegative reals x, y, f (x + y2 ) ≥ c f (x) + y.

Here R≥0 is the set of all nonnegative reals.

Problem. We have placed n > 3 cards around a circle, facing downwards. In one step
we may perform the following operation with three consecutive cards. Calling the one
on the center B, the two on the ends A and C, we put card C in the place of A, then move
A and B to the places originally occupied by B and C, respectively. Meanwhile, we flip
the cards A and B.

Using a number of these steps, is it possible to move each card to its original place, but
facing upwards?

Problem. Let a1 , a2 , . . . , a2019 be positive integers and P a polynomial with integer coeffi-
cients such that, for every positive integer n,

P(n) divides a1n + a2n + · · · + a2019


Prove that P is a constant polynomial.

Problem. Let ABCD be a trapezoid with AB k CD and inscribed in a circumference

Γ. Let P and Q be two points on segment AB (A, P, Q, B appear in that order and are
distinct) such that AP = QB. Let E and F be the second intersection points of lines
CP and CQ with Γ, respectively. Lines AB and EF intersect at G. Prove that line DG is
tangent to Γ.

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

The next page has the solutions so beware before turning over.

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§5 Solutions

§5.1 Mock 1

§5.1.1 Problem 1-USAMO 1998/4

AoPS Thread
My solution: We consider a 2n × 2n grid. Now, you can do it in 2n click by first selecting
all odd rows in first n moves then odd column in next n moves. Now, we show that this
bound is optimal.

WLOG, assume that the colour we end up with is the colour of the bottom left square(say
white). Now, we ignore the complete grid except the bottom row and left most column.
We only consider their action on these squares. Now, the number of rectangles acting
on the corner must be even. So, we can randomly pair them. Now, for any pair of these
rectangles, take the resultant of their action on the row and the column, as the resultant
of these two is equivalent to two different rectangles acting on just the row and just the
column(we can ignore the common part), we can replace these with the new rectangles.

Now, every rectangle just acts on the row or the column. Again observe that any two
intersecting rectangles can be replaced with two non-intersecting rectangles.

Now, as any rectangle now does not intersect with any other rectangle, it cannot have
any white squares. So, every rectangle is a single black square. Now, there are n black
squares in the rows and n black squares in the columns. Thus, we get a total of 2n
different rectangles.

§5.1.2 Problem 2- 2020 IGO Advanced P2

AoPS thread √
My Solution: We do bc inversion and reflection and then scale from A by a factor of 2
from A.
Now, the new question becomes, let I A be the A-excenter and A0 be the reflection of A
over I A , P0 is the point on (ABC) such that (AP0 ; BC) = −1. Q0 is the point at which
exterior angle bisector of ∠ BAC intersects BC and R0 is a point such that AA0 R0 Q0 is a
rectangle and we want to show that the circle (P0 Q0 R0 ) is tangent to AI A . We claim that
the required point of tangency is I A .
So, as AA0 R0 Q0 is a rectangle and I A is midpoint of AA0 , we have that (R0 Q0 I A ) is tangent
to AI A .
Now, let M = AI A ∩ (ABC). Then, we know that MP0 Q” are collinear. Proof is because
(AP0 ; BC) = −1 =⇒ (AI A ∩ BC, MP0 ∩ BC; BC) = −1 =⇒ MP0 ∩ BC = Q0 . Thus,
MP0 · MQ0 = MB2 = MI A 2 . So, MI is tangent to (I P0 Q0 ). Thus, AI is tangent to
(P Q I A ) and (Q R I A ). Thus, we are done.
0 0 0 0

§5.1.3 Problem 3-Romania 2019

AoPS thread

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§5.1.4 Problem 4

AoPS thread

§5.1.5 Problem 5

n n n n n
∑ ai (2 ∑ bj − nbi ) ≤ ∑ a2i ∑ (2 ∑ bj − nbi )2 (Cauchy − Schwarz)
i =1 j =1 i =1 i =1 j =1
n n n n n
≤ ∑ a2i (4n( ∑ bi )2 − 4n( ∑ bi )( ∑ bi ) + n2 ∑ bi2 )
i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1
n n
≤n ∑ a2i ∑ bi2
i =1 i =1
n n n n
=⇒ ∑ ai (2 ∑ bj − nbi ) ≤ n ∑ a2i ∑ bi2
i =1 j =1 i =1 i =1
n n n n n
=⇒ n( ∑ ai bi + ∑ a2i ∑ bi2 ) ≥ 2 ∑ ai ∑ bi
i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1 i =1

§5.1.6 Problem 6- MOP Team Contest 2020

First, we give a construction for b.

Write i as 2k + l where 0 ≤ l < 2k and let ai = 2k (p + 1) + l p. This, construction works!
Now, we consider a). Let bi = ai+1 − ai . Now, we just try to show that atleast 1 position
will be divisible by p. Let the minimum value of bi be when i = k. If the same value
appears many times, then just consider the first occurrence of that value.

Now, consider ak2 p , ak2 p +1 , · · · a(k+1)2 p . Thus, bk2 p + bk2 p +1 + · · · bk2 p +2 p −1 = 2 p bi . But, as
we have that bi ≥ bk ∀k, we get that bk2 p +l = bk ∀l ∈ {0, 1, · · · 2 p − 1}.

But, bk ≤ a2 − a1 = a1 < p, thus, atleast one of the ai in ak2 p +l must be divisible by p.

Thus, we get atleast 1 number in the sequence divisible by p. Let it be a j .

Then, p|2i a j and we get infinitely many terms in the sequence divisible by p.

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§5.2 Mock 2

§5.2.1 Problem 1

Proof. Let a = 2p, b = 2q, c = 2r, d = 2s. Then we have p + q + r + s ≥ 4pqrs and have
to show that p2 + q2 + r2 + s2 ≥ 4pqrs.

Case. pqrs ≤ 1

p2 + q2 +r 2 + s2 √
4 ≥ pqrs ≥ pqrs =⇒ p2 + q2 + r2 + s2 ≥ 4pqrs

Case. pqrs > 1

p2 + q2 +r 2 + s2 √
4 =⇒ p2 + q2 + r2 + s2 ≥ 4
≥ pqrs
2p2 + 2q2 + 2r2 + 2s2
≥ p2 + q2 + r2 + s2 + 4 ≥ 2p + 2q + 2r + 2s ≥ 2(4pqrs)
=⇒ p + q + r + s ≥ 4pqrs Done!
2 2 2 2

§5.2.2 Problem 2- Austrian-Polish 2005

AoPS Thread

§5.2.3 Problem 3-ARMO 2010

AoPS Thread

§5.2.4 Problem 4- CGMO 2017

AoPS Thread

§5.2.5 Problem 5- IGO 2017

AoPS Thread

§5.2.6 Problem 6- CGMO 2019

AoPS Thread

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§5.3 Mock 3

§5.3.1 Problem 1- ToT Spring 2018 A Junior

AoPS thread

§5.3.2 Problem 2- Iran MO 2018

AoPS Thread

§5.3.3 Problem 3- MOP Team Contest 2020

Observe that by Nesbitt inequality we have

a+ 3
∑ b + c +2 1 ≥ 2

a 1 1 3
∑ b+c+1 + 2 ∑ b+c+1 ≥ 2
cyc cyc

=⇒ ∑ b+c+1 ≥ 1

§5.3.4 Problem 4

WLOG a > b, now pick n = k(a − b) − b where k(a − b) > b. Now, (n + a)(n + b) =
k(k + 1)(a − b)2 . Thus, k(k + 1) has an even number of prime factors for all large enough k.
Thus, k and k + 1 have the same parity of prime factors for all large enough k. Thus, the
parity of number of prime factors of all large enough k is fixed. But, there are arbitrarily
large primes and p, p2 have different parities of prime factors. Contradiction!

§5.3.5 Problem 5

Fix a bijection f : Q2 7→ N. Now, define

A x = f ({(p, q) ∈ Q2 |(p > x and q > − x) or (q > x and p > − x)})

and Bx = N\ A x . This construction works.

§5.3.6 Problem 6- Japan 2014

AoPS Thread

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§5.4 Mock 4

§5.4.1 Problem 1-Iran TST 2010

AoPS thread

§5.4.2 Problem 2- MOP Team Contest 2020

(Solution with Pranjal Srivastava) Let D, E be the touchpoints of incircle with BC, AC

Claim — KLPD is cyclic.

Proof. Let the touchpoint of incircle of ABP with BC be K 0 and similarly define L0 . Now,
if we have that midpoint of K 0 L0 and DP is same then we will have that the midpoint of
KL is equidistant from P, D.
But, as the midpoint of K, L is the center of (KPL) as ∠KPL = 90, we will get our claim.
Now, we just want DP = L0 P − PK 0 = DP so, 2(L0 P − PK 0 ) = (− AC + AB − BP + PC) =
AB + BC − AC − 2BP and 2DP = 2BD − 2BP = AB + BC − AC − 2BP. Thus, we get
our claim.

Claim — The circle with center K and radius KF(ωK ), circle with center L(ω L ) and
(KLPD) are concurrent on 2 points.

Proof. KF = KD as K is on the angle bisector of ∠ ABC and similarly for L. Thus, the
three circles have collinear centers and pass through D. Thus, they must also have a
second concurrence point.

Now, let ωK ∩ AP = Q0 . Thus, AE = AF = AQ0 =⇒ LQ0 = LE. Thus, Q0 is the second

intersection of ωK and ω L . Thus, (KLP) passes through it. Thus, Q0 = Q.

§5.4.3 Problem 3- Romania TST 2011/2

AoPS thread

§5.4.4 Problem 4-AMM

We will divide the points into pairs. First pick the pair of points which are closest to one
another. Call this pair of points p1 . Delete this pair of points, find the closest pair p2 and
so on... In case of odd points, we will have an extra point and in case of even points, we
will have a perfect matching.
Now, in case of odd number of points, Janabel picks the point not in any pair. Observe

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

that whenever Brandon now moves into a pair, Janabel can go to the other point of the
same pair and thus always has a move. In the even case, Brandon can go to the other
element of every pair Janabel moves to. Thus, we are done.

§5.4.5 Problem 5-MBL Qualifying Quiz 2020

Proof. Let bn = 1
an + 12

Claim — bn+1 = 2
bn − bn + 1

bn2 (an + 12 )2 1 1 1
Proof. bn2 −bn +1
= 1
− 11 +1
= (an + 12 )2 − an − 12 +1
= a2n + 14 + 12
= an+1 + 21
= bn + 1
(an + 12 )2 an + 2

bn bn + 1
Claim — bn = 1 − bn − 1 − bn + 1

bn bn + 1 bn 2 − b +1
bn n bn bn2
Proof. 1 − bn − 1 − bn + 1 = 1 − bn − b2
= 1 − bn − 1 − bn = bn
1− 2 n
bn − bn +1

Claim — bi < 1

Proof. ai is a strictly increasing sequence thus, ai ≥ a1 =⇒ bi ≤ b1 =⇒ bi ≤ 2

3 <1

Now, we actually find the sum.

N N N bj b j +1 2
∑ 1
2a j +1 = 1
2 ∑ b j = 12 ( ∑ 1− b j − 1 − b j +1 ) = 12 ( 1−b1b1 − bN
1− b N ) = 12 ( 1−3 2 − bN
1− b N )
j =1 j =1 j =1 3

bN 1
= 1− 2(1−b N ) < 1 =⇒ ∑ 2a j +1 <1
j =1

Note. This extends to infinite series as limn7→∞ b N = 0 iff b1 < 1. This can be easily
shown so we end up getting the result that ∑ b N = 1−b1b1 which becomes particularly
i ≥1
nice in the cases of b1 = 1 − 1
k +1 as we get the result that ∑ bi = k.
i ≥1

§5.4.6 Problem 6-MEMO 2014

AoPS thread

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§5.5 Mock 5

§5.5.1 Problem 1- Dutch TST

AoPS Thread

§5.5.2 Problem 2- RMM SL C1

AoPS Thread

§5.5.3 Problem 3

Proof. Let I be the incenter of A, B, C, D be the foot of altitude from C to AB and X be

the intersection of AB, PQ.

Claim — AQPB is a cyclic quadrilateral.

∠ AMH = 2(∠ ABH) = 2(90 − ∠CAB) = 180 − 2∠CAB

∠ MAC = ∠CAB + ∠ MAB = ∠CAB + ∠ MCB = 30◦ + ∠CAB, ∠ MHQ = 90 =⇒
90◦ + 180 − 2∠CAB + ∠CAB + 30◦ + ∠ PQA = 360◦ =⇒ PQA = 60◦ + ∠CAB =
180◦ − ∠ ABP. Thus, PQAB is cyclic. Now, as MH ⊥ PQ and M is center of (AHB), we
get that PQ is tangent to (AHB).
Thus, by Power of point we get XP · XQ = XB · XA = XH 2 .
But, as ∆XHD ∼ ∆XSH we also have XD · XS = XH 2 . Thus, XP · XQ = XS · XD =⇒
DSQP is a cyclic quadrilateral. QED!

§5.5.4 Problem 4-IZHO 2012

AoPS Thread

§5.5.5 Problem 5- Dutch TST

AoPS Thread

§5.5.6 Problem 6-MEMO 2015

AoPS Thread

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§5.6 Mock 6

§5.6.1 Problem 1- ToT 2019 O level Junior

Let Si = a2i + a2i+1 + · · · a2i+40 . Now, we have Si ≡ Si+1 (mod 412 ) =⇒ a2i ≡ a2i+41
(mod 412 ) =⇒ a21 ≡ a242 ≡ a283 · · · ≡ a2960 (mod 412 ) =⇒ a2i ≡ a2j (mod 412 ) ∀i, j ∈
{1, 2, · · · 1000} =⇒ 0 ≡ Si ≡ 41a2i (mod 412 ) =⇒ 412 |41a2i =⇒ 41| a2i =⇒ 41| ai

§5.6.2 Problem 2- Infinity Dots MO 2017

Claim — ∠ BXD = ∠CXE

We present √ two proofs of this claim but before that let’s see how this claim finishes.
Perform AB · AE inversion with center A and reflect across the angle bisector of ∠ BAC.
Observe that this transformation maps B to E and C to F. Let X go to a point X 0 un-
der the inversion. Now, note that X 0 lies on AO as AO and AH are isogonal. Also,
∠CXE = ∠ BXD = ∠ BXA − ∠ DXA = ∠ AEX 0 − ∠ ACX 0 = ∠EX 0 C. Thus, CEXX 0 are
cyclic. Similarly, BDXX 0 are collinear and we get the desired result.
Now, we prove claim 1.
Let D 0 , E0 be the feet of perpendiculars from D, E respectively to BC and let H be the
orthocenter and T be the foot of perpendicular from A to BC.

Remember that AX = DD 0 = EE0 = XH so EE0 AX, DD 0 AX, EE0 XH, DD 0 XH are all

Proof 1(by Pranjal Srivastava): We claim that H is the orthocenter of E0 XC 0 .

Proof: We have that CH ⊥ AB = AE k XE0 =⇒ E0 X ⊥ CH and we have XH ⊥ CE0 .
Thus, we get that EX k E0 H ⊥ XC =⇒ ∠EXC = 90. Similarly, ∠ BXD = 90 =⇒
∠ BXD = ∠CXE.
Proof 2(Mine):Now, let U be a point on AH such that TXTA TU
= TH .
∠ DXB = ∠ DXT − ∠ BXT = ∠ D HT − ∠ BXT = ∠ BUT − ∠ BXT = ∠XBU. Similarly,

we have ∠CXE = ∠XCU. Thus, we want ∠XBU ∠XCU. Let the reflection of B in T be
B0 . Now, TX · TU = TA · TH = BT · TC = TB0 · TC. Thus, we have that XUB0 C is cyclic.
So, ∠ BXD∠XBU = ∠XB0 U = XCU = ∠CXE and thus, we are done.

Remark. You can check the AoPS thread for different solution ideas. I could not do the asy
for this problem so you can use the geogebra applet.

§5.6.3 Problem 3- Korea MO 2017

AoPS thread

§5.6.4 Problem 4- Kurschak 2007

AoPS thread

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§5.6.5 Problem 5- IberoAmerican 2019

AoPS thread

§5.6.6 Problem 6- IberoAmerican 2019

AoPS thread

Rohan Goyal (January 19, 2021) INMO Notes

§6 Conclusion

I hope you enjoyed the mocks, and the document was helpful. Thanks for reading!

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