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Este cuadernillo de examen contiene las siguientes secciones:

• Comprensión escrita o Reading Passage.

• Comprensión oral o Listening Comprehension
• Uso de la lengua o General Language:
Text A, B, C, D, E, F
• Hoja de respuestas o Answer Sheet

MUY IMPORTANTE: Answer sheet.

En la última hoja o Answer Sheet, el alumno deberá consignar su nombre y apellidos,

así como el número de su D.N.I.

Al tratarse de un examen de tipo elección múltiple, el alumno deberá indicar la opción

correcta de cada pregunta en dicha hoja de respuestas.
That’s English! Reading Passage Module 3

The Loch Ness Monster

The Loch Ness "monster" -- affectionately known as "Nessie" -- is supposed to be a creature living in Loch
Ness, a long deep lake near Inverness, Scotland. Many sightings of the "monster" have been recorded.

The modern legend of Nessie begins in 1934 with Dr. Robert Kenneth Wilson, a London physician, who
photographed a plesiosaur-like beast with a long neck emerging out of the Loch Ness waters. That photo created
confusion. Before the photo, the Loch Ness monster was only a myth. The
locals knew the ancient history of the sea serpent. But people came to the
lake more to relax than to go on expeditions looking for mythical beasts.
After the photo, the scientific experts were called in. First, they examined
the photo itself. The creature could be a plesiosaur. Yes, but it could be a
tree trunk, too. Later, there would be explorations by a submarine with high
technological devices.

Thousands of tourists have been visiting the lake since 1934 and that has generated to the Highlands an
estimated 37 million pounds in 1993, many submarine rides in 1994 and a tourist centre. Unfortunately,
business has slowed down in recent years. In 2007, it was estimated that Nessie tourism brought in an estimated
6 million pounds to the Highlands. Adrian Shine, head of the Loch Ness Project thinks that people are now
more sceptical about what they see: “I think we live in a more pragmatic age, and that people are becoming
more aware of the sort of illusions that can occur on water”, he said.

1 The Loch Ness Monster…

a lives in a lake in England.
b is also known as Nessie.
c has only been seen once.
d has an Irish origin.
2 Dr Robert Kenneth’s photograph was very important because…
a many scientists were interested in it and there were many explorations on the lake.
b it proved that the monster was a sea serpent.
c for the first time local people began to talk about a creature living in the lake.
d it showed a creature with a long neck.
3 Dr Robert Kenneth …
a was Scottish.
b had a submarine with high technological devices.
c ‘s photograph made many people think that the creature on the lake could be a plesiosaur.
d revealed that the creature on the lake was only a myth.
4 Thousands of tourists…
a visited Loch Ness before 1934
b ‘ visit has generated a lot of money to the Highlands.
c are now living near Loch Ness.
d saw the monster emerging out of the Loch Ness waters in 1993.
5 Adrian Shine…
a thinks that people are now more interested in Nessie than what they were a few years ago.
b thinks Nessie is now as popular as he used to be in 1993.
c thinks that Nessie does not exist.
d thinks that people are less interested in Nessie nowadays because they are more skeptical.

3-Module LB 2
That’s English! Listening Comprehension Module 3

Sandy and Danny are talking about Peter's accident.

6. Peter

a. has hurt his neck.

b. has broken his arm.
c. has hurt his arm.
d. has broken his neck.

7. The accident happened...

a. Last Sunday
b. at some traffic lights near a school.
c. two days ago
d. last Saturday.

8. Peter …

a. fell from his motorbike but nobody helped him.

b. had an accident with his motorbike and somebody took him to hospital.
c. had an accident with his car.
d. had an accident because he did not stop at some traffic lights.

9. What happened to Peter's motorbike?

a. Peter's parents have sold it.

b. The other driver involved in the accident took it with him.
c. It was completely destroyed. You can only see its registration number.
d. It's in a garage.

10. The other driver involved in the accident…

a. is very worried about Peter

b. drove away.
c. took Peter to hospital.
d. has not left the hospital since he took Peter there.

3-Module LB 3
That’s English! General Language Module 3

Text A

Chris Stevenson has an appointment to see his doctor.

Chris: Good morning, doctor. You 11) ..... two days ago. I was in bed and I 12) .... .
You 13) ..... some antibiotics. I finished 14) ..... yesterday, but I don't feel better.
Doctor: Hmm. Let 's see what happens...
A few minutes later...
Doctor: Mr Stevenson, you've got a serious bronchitis. You 15)
..... another week.

a. did visited me
b. visited to me
c. visited me
d. have visited me

a. had a temperature
b. had temperature
c. feeled terrible
d. had an influenza

a. gave me
b. given me
c. have given
d. did gave

a. it
b. they
c. them
d. their

a. must to stay in the bed
b. must stay in bed
c. must stay in the bed
d. must be in the bed

3-Module LB 4
That’s English! General Language Module 3

Text B
Dear mum,

I’m writing this letter to tell you wonderful news. 16) ..... Lidya Graham, my
best friend, won the lottery. She won five million pounds! She 17) ...... to
travel around the world and visit all the places she 18) ..... to see. She says she
19) ..... Chinese food, so first of all, she is going to visit China. I 20) ......
Lidya since I was a girl and now she wants me to accompany her on her trip!
I’ll send you a postcard from China!
Lots of love

a. Yesterday morning
b. Yesterday in morning
c. Yesterday for the morning
d. The morning of yesterday

a. did decided
b. has deciding
c. is deciding
d. has decided

a. is wanting always
b. always has want
c. has always wanted
d. wants always

a. never tried
b. never tries
c. tried never
d. has never tried

a. knew
b. have known
c. know
d. knowed

3-Module LB 5
That’s English! General Language Module 3

Text C

Susan phones Robert to invite him to dinner.

Susan: Hello, is that you, Robert? It's me, Susan. 21) ... to dinner on Saturday?
Robert: I'm sorry I can't. 22) ... .
Susan: 23) ... Sunday?
Robert: Sunday is fine. 24) ... ?
Susan: About eight o’clock.
Robert: OK. 25) ... at eight o’clock.

a. Why don't come you
b. Let's come
c. Would you like to come
d. Come you

a. I'm gone
b. I'm busy
c. I'm full
d. I'm great

a. When about
b. What if
c. And if
d. What about

a. What time to arrive
b. What ´s the time to come
c. What time shall I come
d. What is time to shall come

a. I will be there
b. I won't be there
c. I would be there
d. I want be there

3-Module LB 6
That’s English! General Language Module 3

Text D
Dear Joan,
I’m writing to tell you I’m going to enrol on a course at the
University of Durham in September. The course is about Languages. I have
a 26) … for the tuition 27) … . I don’t want to live 28) … campus. I know
the 29) … are excellent there, but I prefer living in the town. I want to share
a house with other students and feel more independent. I will need to open a
30) … . Can you suggest a good bank? I’m looking forward to seeing you

26. a scholarship
b registrar
c term
d form

27. a fees
b feet
c overdraft
d overdrawn

28. a at
b at the
c on
d in the

29. a arranges
b facilities
c transactions
d signatures

30. a credit form

b bank charge
c saver account
d bank account

3-Module LB 7
That’s English! General Language Module 3

Text E

Jack and Joe are talking about their favourite books.

Jack: I think The Quixote is 31) ........................... book in the world.

Joe: 32) ................... . The Quixote is a good book but Moby Dick is much
33) ............... .
Jack: In my opinion The Quixote is 34) ................... to read. Moby Dick is
sometimes a bit too complicated.
Joe: I like books which make me think.
Jack: 35) ................. .

a. the best interesting
b. the more interesting
c. the most interesting
d. the interestingest

a. I agree not
b. I disagree
c. I'm not OK with you
d. I'm disagree

a. good
b. gooder
c. better
d. more good

a. more easy
b. as easier
c. more easier
d. easier

a. So do I
b. So like I
c. So make I
d. So I like

3-Module LB 8
That’s English! General Language Module 3


Dear Sandy,

I 36)… some bad news. Yesterday your aunt went out for a walk as she does everyday. It had rained
and the floor was quite slippery. She 37) … down and she doesn’t feel well. Apparently she hurt her
arm and her neck. She is in hospital at the moment. What about sending her a 38) … card? I’m sure
that will make her happy.


36 a have heard
b have heared
c did heard
d have hear

37 a fall
b falled
c did fall
d fell

38 a be-happy
b get-well
c visiting card

39 Pronunciation: ¿Qué palabra no contiene el sonido subrayado en la palabra siguiente?


a started
b waited
c finished
d added

40 Pronunciation: ¿Qué palabra contiene el sonido subrayado en la palabra siguiente? “Start”

a what
b have
c that
d heart

3-Module LB 9
That’s English! Answer Sheet Module 3

STUDENT’S SURNAMES: ______________________________________________

NAME: __________________ D.N.I. ____________

Reading Passage Listening Comprehension

1. a b c d 6. a b c d

2. a b c d 7. a b c d

3. a b c d 8. a b c d

4. a b c d 9. a b c d

5. a b c d 10. a b c d

General Language
Text A Text B Text C

11. a b c d 16. a b c d 21. a b c d

12. a b c d 17. a b c d 22. a b c d

13. a b c d 18. a b c d 23. a b c d

14. a b c d 19. a b c d 24. a b c d

15. a b c d 20. a b c d 25. a b c d

Text D Text E Text F

26. a b c d 31. a b c d 36. a b c d

27. a b c d 32. a b c d 37. a b c d

28. a b c d 33. a b c d 38. a b c d

29. a b c d 34. a b c d Pronunciación

30. a b c d 35. a b c d 39. a b c d

40. a b c d

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