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Coca-Cola Amatil

Policy and Procedures
September 2012
Policy: Working Together Policy and Procedures
Approval Date: 17th September 2012
Approved By: Human Resources
Version: 3.2
Amendments: Minor change
Previous Version: 3.1
Previous Approval Date: 8th May 2012
Contents Page

1. Working Together Policy 02

2. Scope 02

3. Responsibilities 03

3.1 All CCA Employees and Associates


3.2 People Leaders


3.3 Human Resources Department


4. Definitions 04

4.1 Harassment/Discrimination/Workforce Bullying


4.2 Unacceptable Behaviours Examples 05

5. Procedures 06

5.1 Resolution Procedures


5.2 Non CCA Workplaces


6. Consequences of Breaching the Policy 06

In line with our values of Citizenship related to CCA Employees and CCA Associates should
doing the right thing by the company, community clearly understand that discrimination, bullying
and each other, all Employees and Associates and harassment are unacceptable and report
within the Coca-Cola Amatil group of companies any incidents of harassment to their supervisor,
[Coca-Cola Amatil (Aust) Pty Limited, Coca-Cola Manager or their Human Resources Manager or
Amatil Limited (“CCA”), and SPCA] have the another appropriate senior CCA Manager. Any
right to be treated fairly and with respect. CCA employee or Associate who reports a
Therefore professional and appropriate conduct genuine breach or suspected breach of this
is expected at all times. CCA will not tolerate policy will have their complaint dealt with
conduct which amounts to discrimination, appropriately, in a timely manner, fairly,
bullying or harassment. It is against the law and professionally and confidentially.
Company Policy .
The CCA Grievance Policy and Procedure
The Working Together Policy and Procedures contains options for dealing with complaints
relates to all full-time, part-time and casual formally or informally. Where a complaint is
employees of CCA (“CCA Employees”), as well addressed formally, following an investigation, if
as contractors, temporaries and subcontractors discrimination, bullying or harassment is found to
working for or on behalf of either company or have occurred, action will be taken to ensure the
any associated companies in the CCA workplace harassment stops. Action may be taken against
(“CCA Associates”). any individual engaging in such conduct which
may result in counselling, training in the
The Working Together Policy outlines the requirements of anti discrimination and bullying
company’s commitment to a safe, harmonious legislation warnings or in some cases
and professional working environment free of termination of employment.
discrimination, bullying and harassment as well
as the company’s commitment to legislative This Policy and Procedure will be updated from
compliance. The Working Together Procedure time to time by CCA management. The Policy
details the responsibilities of management, and Procedure must be complied with but is not
employees and contractors in relation to incorporated into the contract of employment.
compliance with this policy.

CCA Employees and CCA Associates should

use common sense and a philosophy of general
respect for others in complying with this policy
on an everyday basis.

This Policy and Procedure will apply whenever a or other guests accompanying CCA Employees
CCA Employee or Associate is present, during or Associates to CCA social events/functions
business hours, after hours if related to a also complies with this Policy.
business situation, or on social occasions.

It is the responsibility of CCA Employees and

Associates to ensure that the behaviour of family


3.1 All CCA Employees and Associates
All CCA Employees and Associates are required  If an employee sees or hears anything
to respect the rights of other Employees and inappropriate but not necessarily addressed
Associates and have a responsibility to ensure to them, the employee should speak to the
that this philosophy is applied in an everyday person about its inappropriateness and/or
context. This means: report the matter to their Manager or
another appropriate senior manager.
 Complying with the requirements of this
Policy at all times; Employees and Associates should use
 Not getting involved in any form of common sense and general respect for
inappropriate behaviour or conduct or others in complying with this policy on an
using an inappropriate tone or words; everyday basis.
 An employee should ask anyone who
engages in such conduct to cease the
behaviour. Alternatively, if they do not feel
comfortable with that approach, the
employee should speak to their manager.

3.2 People Leaders

People Leaders within CCA have a key role to  New team members are made aware of the
play in terms of responsibility for this policy by established culture and what is acceptable
ensuring: behaviour and what is not acceptable
 They understand the policy and its intent so  Team members (including any relevant
that queries, concerns or complaints can be Associates) understand that the Manager/
dealt with effectively; supervisor should be advised immediately if
 Their direct reports are aware of and they experience any harassment they cannot
understand this policy and the responsibility manage themselves;
they each have for general day to day  Team members are aware of the Grievance
compliance; Policy and Procedure;
 Their direct reports understand that  They act immediately upon the receipt of any
harassment of any form will not be tolerated; complaint or the witnessing of an event that
 The working environment is required to be may constitute a breach of the policy;
free of inappropriate material (e.g. Sexist,  They set an example for their team in
racist etc.), and that there are no processes applying and upholding the policy.
that make it easy for discrimination, bullying
or harassment to happen;

3.3 Human Resources Department

The Human Resources Department within CCA Assisting management during a complaint
is accountable for: procedure and investigation process.

Education of management and staff on policy

content and intent


4.1 Harassment/Discrimination/Workplace Bullying

Harassment is any type/s of behaviour directed Discrimination is any type of behaviour that
to another person that has the potential to targets an individual or group of individuals and
offend, embarrass or intimidate. CCA considers treats them differently because of reasons
all forms of harassment as unacceptable that include their:
behaviour.  race (includes colour, nationality, descent,
ethnic or ethno religious background)
In all cases the behaviour becomes harassment
 sex (gender)
when one of the parties involved does not
 sexuality
welcome the attentions of the other/s. Every
 pregnancy
individual is entitled to reasonably define what
 marital status
behaviours are unwelcome and offensive to
 disability (past or present, actual or
them. The intention behind the behaviour is
therefore irrelevant. If the behaviour is
 age
unwelcome then it becomes harassment.
 relationship to or association with a
Sexual harassment is an unwelcome sexual person of a particular sex, race, marital
advance, unwelcome request for sexual favours status, disability, homosexuality, transgender
or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature or age
which makes a person feel offended, humiliated
The behaviour can be verbal, non verbal,
or intimidated, where a reasonable person would
physical, or visual. It can be an isolated incident
anticipate that reaction in the circumstances.
or repetitive in nature, and it can be intentional or
Workplace bullying means any behaviour that
is repeated, systematic and directed towards an
employee or group of employees that a
reasonable person, having regard to the
circumstances, would expect to victimise,
humiliate, undermine or threaten and which
creates a risk to health and safety.


THE SITUATION: A member of THE SITUATION: A colleague has THE SITUATION: Your team
your team has a calendar of asked you out on several occasions regularly tease each other about
swimsuit playboy models in your for dinner and drinks. You do not most things. In particular the team
area. Although some of your wish to go out with them socially, tease one individual regularly about
colleagues seem to like the but they are very persistent. You their weight. They seem to be the
calendar, you are worried it may have already turned them down target of all jokes. The individual is
embarrass visitors to your area. several times. upset and asks them repeatedly to
stop, and advises them that it is not
THE OUTCOME: This is a breach THE OUTCOME: You advise your
of the Working Together Policy colleague that you are not
and an example of harassment. interested in going out with them
THE OUTCOME: This is a form of
The calendar was immediately socially, and to please do not ask
bullying, and is a breach of the
removed and the person who you again.
Working Together Policy. The
displayed the calendar was situation was investigated further
advised that it was unacceptable and disciplinary action was taken.
and was subject to a formal
disciplinary process.


4.2 Unacceptable Behaviour Examples
Examples of sexually harassing behaviour  Offensive jokes – sexual harassment,
include: discrimination or bullying
 Threats – breach of policy and/or bullying
 Unwelcome touching  Unsuitable and offensive language – breach
 Staring or leering of policy
 Sexually explicit pictures or posters  Aggressive conduct, including physical
 Unwanted invitations to go out on dates assault – breach of policy
 Requests for sex  Unwelcome practical jokes – breach of policy
 Intrusive questions about a person’s private  Offensive hand or body gestures – breach of
life or body policy
 Unnecessary familiarity, such as deliberately
brushing up against a person
 Insults or taunts based on sex Workplace discrimination can occur in:
 Sexually explicit physical contact
 Sexually explicit emails or SMS text  Recruiting and selecting staff
messages.  Terms, conditions and benefits offered as
part of employment
Other examples of unacceptable behaviour  Who receives training and what sort of
include: training is offered
 Who is considered and selected for transfer,
 Stalking another person at work – promotion, retrenchment or dismissal.
 Making fun of someone because of their
race, accent, disability, age, sex, sexuality
etc. - discrimination


THE SITUATION: A member of THE SITUATION: A contractor who THE SITUATION: You invite your
your team is always a little close works with your team is constantly team to coffee or lunch each day.
for comfort. They always invade swearing and calling you horrible One of your team never accepts
your personal space and make names. When you ask them to stop but you continue to invite them, so
sexually explicit remarks about they threaten you. You receive that they feel included.
your body, and tell jokes that threatening SMS messages and
make you extremely voicemails THE OUTCOME: This is not a
uncomfortable. You have told breach of the Working Together
THE OUTCOME: You report the
them you are uncomfortable with Policy.
behaviour which is a breach of the
their behaviour, and they continue.
Working Together Policy and is
THE OUTCOME: This is a breach unacceptable behaviour. The
of the Working Together Policy situation was investigated and the
and an example of sexually contractor was subject to a formal
harassing behaviour. The situation disciplinary process.
was investigated and the person
was subject to a formal
disciplinary process.


5.1 Resolution Procedures
In instances of a grievance (complaint) the effectively and equitably resolve the complaint.
CCA Grievance Policy and Procedure should The use of one over the other depends on the
be followed. complainant’s wishes, the gravity of the problem
and whether the grievance involves potential
The CCA Grievance Policy and Procedure legal liability.
includes formal and informal procedures to

5.2 Non CCA Workplaces

CCA recognises that in the course of normal day appropriate steps to ensure that the
to day duties, CCA Employees and CCA Employee or Associate should not have to
Associates visit other sites that are not controlled operate within such an environment and nor
by CCA. should they be victimised in future for their
desire to do so.
In the event that an Employee or Associate
considers that they are in an inappropriate This may include making the company or
environment or where inappropriate material is individual responsible for the site aware of
being displayed or they are being discriminated the problem and requesting that it be resolved,
against, bullied or harassed, they should and/or making arrangements so that the
contact their Manager, who in consultation with Employee or Associate is no longer required to
the Human Resources Manager, should take visit site.


Breaches of this policy may result in
disciplinary action up to and including
termination of employment.


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