NIO House Cityzine-Final

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CONTENTS 03 Community

理想在左,现实不在右 与美同行
Ideal on the Left, Along with Aesthetics
Reality Not on the Right
128 在陶艺中放慢生活
086 奇妙的冲突感 Slow Living in Ceramic Art

A Delicate Sense of Conflict

130 用杭州的美去击中世界
090 成长加速度 Hit the World with the Beauty
NIO House|West Lake Growth Acceleration of Hangzhou

132 长在大众的审美点上
Hit the Public's Aesthetic

Another Possibility of Life
A Symphony of Architecture
038 城市变奏曲 Change Till You Find the Right Path

Urban Variations

100 第二个家
On the Road
Shape a Joyful Lifestyle 040 西湖乐章 Another Home of Mine
The West Lake Musical Composition

Travel with NIO

The Symphony of the Future
Fly up High along the Ridges
踏入山水画 NIO Summer
The World of Chinese Landscape Painting
Explore NIO House | West Lake

西湖 112 文人,仕人,世人

A Scholar, an Official, and a Man
West Lake

杭州,天生的美学家 Taste a Cup of Green Plum
韧性曲奇 前行
Longjing Tea in the Paradise on Earth
Tough Cookies Always Forward
Hangzhou, Born an Aesthetician

118 沙发客

杭州灵感地图 最美答案

Hangzhou Map of Inspirations The Perfect Answer
The Entrepreneurship

杭州 24 小时天际线 蔚来中心大事件 124 长期主义

Hangzhou 24-Hour Horizon Big Days in NIO House | West Lake The Test of Time






Shape a Joyful Lifestyle

Every city is endowed with its unique history.

Meanwhile, it also breeds the future and continuity.

Every brand is debatable since its birth.

But it also indicates the direction and path forward.

Challenges that everyone experiences in life

are potential opportunities during one's growth.

We were born in such a country and live in such an era

where space, society, and life come together.
Thus every encounter means infinite possibilities.

This city has our stories.

We start from joyful life,
and put every possibility together.
This is where the NIO House comes from.

And users come up with a nickname—NIU WU (NIO House).

Here, we share joy and grow together.

010 011





Chapter Space grows from this land.

People gather in the space and live their lives.
It is how the city comes into being.

The diversity of lifestyles determines the vibe of a city.

Since diverse needs can all be met here,
with the ever-present easiness in Hangzhou.
Relentless pursuit becomes an instinct.

Leisure itself is beautiful.

West Lake

西湖本在杭州城外,从古至今,是杭州一直在向 West Lake was originally located outside of Hangzhou.

西湖拢靠。 It is the city that has been moving toward the lake
for centuries.
In the Tang Dynasty, Hangzhou bacame a prosperous
commercial city. The demand for land development
为了供应淡水,州长李泌将湖水引入城市⸺当时 by population explosion forced the city to move from
西湖是用来喝的。城市沿水分布是常规逻辑。 the foot of Lingyin Mountain to the east of West Lake.
另一方面这是道天堑,有护城河的作用,杭州的 Later, the governor Li Bi has induced the lake into
拓建从此便紧挨着西湖。 the city as fresh water supply. From ancient times,
the city was distributed along the water or natural
到了南宋,临安 (今杭州 ) 成为都城。经济繁荣引领 moat for shelter and the extension of Hangzhou is its
意识追求,西湖的功能性转变为风景游赏。杭州 perfect interpretation.
民众在这里放生祝圣、玩水游山。唐宋以白居易 In the Southern Song Dynasty, Lin'an (now Hangzhou)

was honored as the capital city. Economic prosperity

西湖满足了吸引豪绅和西域商人久久驻足的所有 fosters cultural and experiential pursuit, making the
要素。 poetic and picturesque West Lake a scenic spot

where locals pray and sightsaw. The beauty of

把目光放至近代。离西湖最近的满城在 1912 年
Chapter. 01

West Lake attracted and inspired numerous literati

辛亥革命时被拆。城墙倒了,隔阂就更不存在。 and artists, notably Bai Juyi and Su Shi, in the Tang
在杭州不断向南北拓展的进程下,慢慢地,杭州 and Song dynasties, which furthered its influence

and reputation to foreign merchants.

During the modern time period, as the city walls
between the city and the lake were demolished in
在市中心拥有大片群山依于湖水的景象,杭州人 1912, Hangzhou further expanded and gradually
早出观山湖,晚归游闹市,惬意和舒适至上的生活 wrap around West Lake at its heart.
China is never short of impressive landscapes, but
landscapes manifesting the fusion between people
and nature have always been the most fabulous
throughout history. As a city with mountains and
rivers, Hangzhou is renowned for its pleasant and
comfortable way of living, for locals are totally
immersed in the beautiful scenery and thriving
1. 杭州西湖风景名胜区管理委员会官网,
2. 伍夏,
《“西湖”文化的历史发展及美学解读 》

1. Official website of Management Committee of
Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area, http://westlake.
2. Xia Wu, The Historical Procedure and Aesthetical
Interpretation of the "West Lake" Culture , May 2014,

014 015
Hangzhou, Born An Aesthetician

Chapter. 01



The summer of Hangzhou is always colored in cool, refreshing green. As

early as seven o'clock in the morning, the lakeside is already filled with
joggers and cyclists. Some elderlies are also doing exercises with radios
attached to their waists broadcasting morning news, forcibly waking
passers-by up to their daily routines. Here one rarely sees buses rumbling
through or people walking fast on the streets. The beauty of this city is
imbued with a relaxing and approachable vibe.

Though the Broken Bridge, or Duan Qiao, on West Lake is flocked by

tourists all year round, one can still sense the calmness deeply rooted in
Hangzhou. Looking down from the Xiling Seal Engraver's Society on the
Gushan Hill, one can escape from the hustle and bustle of the concrete
jungle and enjoy the tranquility of endless blue waves and the serenity of
ancient pagodas and temples.

016 017
书 店,是这座城市的另一处名片。这样的书店

People in Hangzhou enjoy reading too.

The Xiaofeng Bookstore on the Tiyuchang
Road is another landmark of the city. Many
Nanshan Campus of China Academy of Art
similar bookstores scatter on the streets or
in residential areas with an easy familiarity
like your study room. The managers are
但又似乎不止于此。于是沿途一路观望,慢慢找寻 often quite good at choosing books and

have good tastes in various fields ranging
from history, culture, architecture to art.
南山路上,中国美院的大门格外瞩目,无数毕业 Such simple bookstores are the treasure

of a city. It is this intellectual elegance and

藏品的重要组成 。而浙江美术馆就在同一条路上
Chapter. 01

human touch that makes Hangzhou so


But it seems more than that. I kept

searching along the way and gradually
realized that beyond its lingering
ancientness, this city has a hint of of living

The China Academy of Art on the Nanshan

Road is particularly eye-catching where its
museum has collected the works of many
graduated artists. Only a short distance
away on the same road is the Zhejiang Art
Museum. How fortunate these people are
living here! In a city pervaded by the artistic
atmosphere, eyes are the best camera
while ears are the most sensitive boom 浙江美术馆 体育场路上的晓风书店
operator. Zhejiang Art Museum Xiaofeng Bookstore on the Tiyuchang Road

018 019
文化与艺术之外,令人动容的,还有这座城市的人们 Culture and arts aside, the beauty of this city lies
对待一日三餐的态度,是充分享受的不紧不慢。 also in how the local enjoy their daily meals leisurely

without a rush. They treat food like the life itself,
keeping calm no matter it is bitter or sweet, for
better or worse.

在杭州,面包店仿佛是在家门口悄悄生长那般。 In Hangzhou, bakeries tend to stand quietly in the

而店里的常客们,通常是上班途中或午休的白领 neighborhood and are frequented by students after

school and white-collars on their way to work or
during lunch breaks. Rarely crowded, such stores are
available for those who have time to browse around
与咖啡香萦绕,便能带来幸福感。 or sit by the window to enjoy a happy moment with

the smells of bread and coffee while idly watching

passers-by outside.

也挺傲娇,只做上午的营生,每日十一点就关门, On Jiangcheng Road, there is an old but popular

restaurant selling pan-fried buns with crispy bottoms
and fillings of balanced lean and fatty meats. Guests
菊英面店在杭州人眼里,属于家门口的面馆。 have to get up early for a bite of the buns as the
一碗浇头丰富的拌川下肚,足以担得上一句“毛 shopkeeper has his own way and only works till 11

落胃” 。面馆的名字像极了邻居家的阿姐,只是
1 o'clock every morning.
阿姐说,我们每年也是固定要放暑假的。 In the eyes of Hangzhou people, Juying Noodle Shop is
A Bakery on North Zhongshan Road
one of those homely restaurants on the doorstep. A
至于早间的 brunch、下午的咖啡抑或晚上的小

bowl of noodles served with rich toppings is enough

Chapter. 01

酒馆,在这座城市里,似乎都不会有水土不服 to make a diner exclaim in delight: Mao Luo Wei.1 The

的感觉。山水气韵的杭州本就自带慵懒 buff, name of the shop, Juying, sounds like the name of a
这份将紧张忙碌抛诸脑后的轻松自在,在许多 girl next door. No matter it's for a brunch, afternoon

coffee or late-night drink, the city of Hangzhou is just
the right place to entertain you.

No matter it's for a brunch, afternoon coffee or late-

night drink, the city of Hangzhou is just the right
place to entertain you. Hangzhou with its natural
landscape is used to a languorous pace of life. It has
a rarely seen ease that could make people forget
about their anxiety and hectic schedules whenever
life weighs them down.

1. 毛落胃,杭州话,指吃得舒服、吃得称心。

1. Mao Luo Wei, Hangzhou dialect, meaning eating 菊英面店的片儿川

comfortably and well. Pian Er Chuan by Juying Noodle Shop

020 021
深夜以后,杭城人的生活似乎才刚刚开始。墨水 When the night falls, the life of people in Hangzhou
酒吧在安吉路上,这 里 有 酒, 也 有 书。 店 长 兼 does not end, but start. Dr. Ink, a bar on Anji Road

主 调 19, 是 杭 州 女 性 调 酒 师 的 代 表。 药 剂 师
offers both wines and books. 19, the shopkeeper and

Apothecary 是同样隐匿在⻄湖边的一处清吧。
head bartender, is one of the best female bartenders
in Hangzhou. Apothecary is another bar hidden by

the West Lake, with its signature, Medicine, blending

搭配川芎、雪菊、橙皮、相思豆。这样的配置, bitter herbal wine as the base with szechuan lovage,
很杭州。 calliopsis, orange peel, and red beans. A recipe quite

typical of Hangzhou style.

Chapter. 01

Owners of such bars usually ask not that much from

life, "It's enough to have a store that could afford my
life and allows me to do things I like."
下班后去熟悉的酒吧喝几杯,将城市的夜晚肆意 Here one can stroll to a familiar bar for a few drinks
吞下,进入暧昧的微醺状态。再沿着昏黄的路灯 after work, gulping down the night air of the city and
和梧桐树走一遭,心绪就会不知道漂流到哪个麦 allowing their mind to wander around before tipsily
芽星球去。 walking back home along the dim streets under
sycamore trees.
Tender is the night, and all the good things are just
to begin.

022 023
在杭州生活,会想到朱光潜说的那句“到处你都 Living in Hangzhou, one would be reminded what
Zhu Guangqian, one of the founders of the study

美学家 ”
of aesthetics in China, once said, "If you find it
interesting and empathize everythere, you are a born
向往与追寻,更接近于一种本能,或者说,更像是 aesthetician." Who says not? The longing for and the
一种生活的选择。如同夏日激越的蝉鸣,如同 pursuit of among people in this city is more of an
晴空扑棱的雀鸟,层出不穷的人、事、物,在城市 instinct, or rather, a choice of living. Like the high-
角落默默生长。带着好奇心与兴趣,跳出熟悉圈, pitched sound of cicadas in summer and the birds'
fluttering in the clear sky, many things are quietly
coming and growing in this city. One could discover
站在烟波浩渺的⻄湖远望, the uniqueness of Hangzhou if they step out of their
感慨半山半水的杭州,实在是天生的美学家。 comfort zone with curiosity and interest.

她的美学核心是感性的,回归的。与其说是设计, Back to the starting point of the journey, I stood by

不如说是“不设计之设计 ”
。她没有一味寻古,也不 the vast expanse of the West Lake and was again

captivated by this city. Hangzhou is truly a born
是自然。 The essence of her aesthetic is about sensibility and
returning to traditions. There is not much artificial
design but rather "undesigned design". The city

neither blindly follows the past nor simply jumps

on new trends. She retains a complete aesthetic
charm of herself and is keenly aware that in a land

surrounded by mountains and lakes, true beauty

Chapter. 01

lies in nature.

Cloud and mist hang over the lake,
while the Leifeng Pagoda glitters with golden light.

024 025
Hangzhou Map of Inspirations



1 蔚来中心 | 杭州西湖 5 西泠印社

杭州市上城区湖滨路 18-19 号湖滨银泰 in77A 区 H5 室 杭州市西湖区孤山路 31 号

蔚来中心 |杭州西湖

就成了我们的蔚来中心。 组织形式探索古典艺术,主张艺术多元性。社址坐落于西湖孤山,环境清幽,
NIO House | West Lake
H5, IN77 Block A, No. 18-19 Hubin Road, Shangcheng District Xiling Seal Engraver's Society
No. 31 Gushan Road, Xihu District

We have such a city where there are stories of ours. When we pull
together each posibility of life, we have this NIO House | West Lake.
With a long history and wide influence, the folk art groups studying the
Chapter. 01

seal, painting and calligraphy have always explored classical art in a

modern organizational form and advocated artistic pluralism. The site
is located in Gu Shan of the West Lake, a simple and quiet place as the
cultural highland of Hangzhou.

2 茑屋书店 6 药剂师
杭州市西湖区天目山路 398 号天目里 2-4 号楼 杭州市上城区柳营路 5 号

来“杭州最能激发创造力的文化提案地”激发新灵感,抛开喧嚣与繁琐, 隐匿在⻄湖边的一处清吧。它们家的主打“药”,用苦味的药草酒作基酒,
逛书店可真是一项赏心乐事。 搭配川芎、雪菊、橙皮、相思豆。这样的配置,很杭州。 7
Tsutaya Books Apothecary

Building 2-4, Tianmuli, No. 398 Tianmushan Road, Xihu District No.5, Liuying Road, Shangcheng District

Away from the hustle and bustle, it's a real pleasure to visit "the most Apothecary is a bar hidden by the West Lake, with its signature, Medicine,
creative cultural place in Hangzhou" to inspire new ideas. blending bitter herbal wine as the base with szechuan lovage, calliopsis,
orange peel, and red beans. A recipe quite typical of Hangzhou style.

3 晓风书店 7 中国美术学院(南山校区)
杭州市西湖区体育场路 529 号 杭州市西湖区南山路 218 号

作为杭州的文化名片之一,晓风不仅是独立书店的风向标,也是年轻人的 “西湖涌金,清波粼粼,象山叠翠,白鹭点点”。国美依湖而居,以开放之姿,
乌托邦。历经风雨飘摇,晓风坚持为疲惫焦虑的都市人提供一份笃定与平静。 与全世界共同分享着艺术之美。

Xiaofeng Bookstore China Academy of Art (Nanshan Campus)

No. 529 Tiyuchang Road, Xihu District No. 218 Nanshan Road, Xihu District
As one of the cultural icons, Xiaofeng Bookstore in Hangzhou is not "The West Lake sparkles at sunset, while the stretched green mountains
only the bellwether of independent books, but also young people's are dotted with egrets." By the Lake, the China Academy of Art shares
Utopia. After numerous twists and turns, Xiaofeng Bookstore still the beauty of art with the world in an open manner.
provides firm belief and great peace for tired and anxious urbanites.

4 菊英面店 8 浙江美术馆
杭州市上城区延安路 350-2 号 杭州市西湖区南山路 138 号

在杭州人眼里,菊英属于家门口的面馆,一碗浇头丰富的拌川下肚,足以 城市的艺术氛围不难寻,在美术馆里,眼睛是最好的镜头,耳朵是最灵敏的
担得上一句“毛落胃了”。 收音器。

Juying Noodle Shop Zhejiang Art Museum

No. 350-2 Yan'an Road, Shangcheng District No. 138 Nanshan Road, Xihu District

In the eyes of Hangzhou people, Juying Noodle Shop is one of those The artistic atmosphere of the city is not hard to find. In the art
homely restaurants on the doorstep. A bowl of noodles served with rich museum, eyes are the best camera, and ears are the most sensitive
toppings is enough to make a diner exclaim in delight. boom operator.

026 027
杭州之美,美在一半湖山一半城 Half of the beauty of Hangzhou lies in its lakes and mountains while the other half in its city view.

古老和现代交织,自然与人文相融 Tradition intertwines with modernity, and nature blends with humanity.
展开最美天际线,看群山层叠舒展,看西湖温婉玲珑 Unfold the most beautiful skyline to see the stretched mountains and the delicate West Lake.
NIO House|West Lake




Chapter The West Lake is flowing all the time,

accommodating all changes
in the surrounding plants and footprints of people.

NIO House, with its huge glass curtain wall,

accept the Lake, and vice versa.

Inspirations of joyful life

are injected into Hangzhou naturally.
汇聚一堂。让我们跟随蔚来中心 | 杭州西湖的设计师 Chris Hardie,去到那些水汽濛生

当 Chris Hardie 在蔚来中心 | 杭州西湖门口, 面对西湖 , 吹起他刚在路边摊买到的

小笛子时,恍然间,建筑设计师如同乐团的指挥一般。Chris Hardie 将杭州与西湖、
NIO House | West Lake



In this short film, the symphony is vividly played on the screen,


transforming the details of Hangzhou into moisture and gathering it
Chapter. 02

together. Let's follow Chris Hardie, the designer of NIO House | West Lake
与 Chris Hardie 一起发现西湖
to appreciate the melody and notes following his baton at places where
moisure gathers. Scan the QR Code
Discover the West Lake with Chris Hardie
Standing at the door of NIO House | West Lake and facing the water, Chris,
a famous architect, is like the conductor of an orchestra when he played
the little flute bought at a roadside stand. Chris integrates Hangzhou
and the West Lake, city and life, architecture and culture into a symphony
of space.

Join us to listen to this symphony of architecture.

036 037
建筑的交响乐 Chris Hardie

A Symphony of Architecture

SHL 建筑事务所(Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects)拥有 30 年丰富的


作为该事务所的核心设计主笔之一,Chris Hardie 于 2008 年加入 SHL 的伦敦办公

室担任项目主创;2011 年,他来到中国并组建了 SHL 建筑事务所的上海团队,自此
NIO House | West Lake

图书馆界的“奥斯卡”之称)提名给同样由 Chris 主导设计的宁波图书馆新馆,这也
Chapter. 02

Danish Architecture firm Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects (hereinafter

referred to as SHL) is one of the most prestigious firms in Northern Europe.
The award-winning firm has over 30 years of experience and is deeply
committed to Nordic architectural design, which boasts openness and
inclusivity through the play of light and integration of sustainable qualities
that aid the creation of meaningful buildings. SHL has excelled worldwide
with globally acclaimed works, such as the International Criminal Court in
The Hague, the Royal Library of Denmark, and the Aarhus Art Museum.

Emerging as one of the core designers at SHL, Chris Hardie became

project lead at the London office in 2008. A few years later, he began his
journey in China to establish and lead the team at SHL Shanghai. Chris
knows how to capture the experience and emotion of space through
using simple and pure architectural forms, driven by the desire to build
with a cultural significance and foster relationships among those
communities and cities.

His achievements are widely recognised by international prestigious

authorities, ranging from the Governor General's Medal in Architecture
in Canada for the New Halifax Central Library, where Chris was the
chief designer, to the nomination of Public Library of the Year by the
International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA) on the design of
the Ningbo New Library in China. This award has long been regarded
as the "Oscar" in the architecture industry, and Ningbo New Library is
the first library in China to be nominated.

038 039
Urban Variations

与其被称为设计师,Chris 更愿意浪漫地将自己 Rather than being labelled as just a designer, Chris

:城市是永不落幕 relates his role more to an "orchestration conductor

in architecture". For him, the city is a never-ending
stage, and the citizens are perceptive and keen
NIO House | West Lake

participants. His success in orchestrating and leading

目就是一支支交响乐;只有统领全局并协调好每一 his design team to complete projects as rich as
方的关系,精妙的乐曲才能奏响在城市上空。 symphonies is now being celebrated and enjoyed by

对 Chris 而言,杭州因西湖而成为独特的存在:
the public in the city.

“世上大多数的景观、文化都有很强的复杂性, For Chris, West Lake Hangzhou possesses a unique

presence. "Most landscapes and cultures in the

world have a strong complexity, but when you come

Chapter. 02

to Hangzhou and approach the West Lake, you

的湖水而别无其他,你看到西湖,而后看到高天 forget everything and are firmly drawn to the pure
流云、远山如黛,人们就会完全沉浸在自然的 scenery in front of you—there is only an endless field
美感中。” of the lake and nothing else, and one is completely
immersed in the beauty of nature when surrounded
了解其建筑愿景并非 by the vault of the sky, drifting clouds, and the distant
是传统的汽车展厅,而是一个在湖边开放包容、 mountain", said Chris.
When NIO invited Chris to envision and design
。作为“指挥家”的直觉告诉 Chris,蔚来 NIO House | West Lake, Chris grasped onto the vision
基于环境保护的汽车生产理念与杭州的城市特 of the NIO and the qualities on site. Instinctively,
质、 与西湖平静旷远的纯净感相契合, 等待他 Chris drew a parallel between the unique tranquility
谱写的是一支值得期待的“城市变奏曲 ”。因此, of Jiangnan and NIO's philosophy in wellbeing

and eco-friendly cars. Instead of conforming to
a traditional car showroom, Chris has created an
open and inclusive 'second home' for NIO users that
品牌的文化,是杭州西湖牛屋设计的关键所在。 sits poetically along the bank of the world-renown
West Lake to deliver an immersive and harmonious
experience with its context.

040 041
The West Lake Musical Composition

从天空俯瞰,牛屋采用长边面向西湖的矩形平面, As viewed from above, the NIO House takes on a 的区域将立面开敞,室内天花板采用高反光金属 third floors corresponds to the sky over the West Lake;
共分为三层:首层作为开放的展示空间,以欢迎式 rectangular form with its long side facing the west 板,它极具流动性的反射特质则象征着西湖波光 while the first floor is set up publicly as an area to

的姿态衔接城市街区;二层被称为“客厅”,主要 粼粼的水面。不只完成建筑本身构图的美感,它
lake. Spanning three floors, as an open exhibition "Explore and Discover NIO". The interior ceiling is made

承担顾客沟通交流的功能;三层则相对私密, 也精确契合了蔚来在标识设计上就树立的品牌信
space, the first floor connects itself to the city block of highly reflective metal panels with highly fluid
with a welcoming gesture. The second floor includes reflective qualities which symbolises the shimmering
是提供给蔚来用户的专属空间,包括休息区、 an urban "living room", which is mainly reserved for 念:上方是天空,象征开放、远见和美好的未来; surface of the West Lake. Not only does it fulfill the
论坛区、休闲书吧和若干私人会客室等,隐蔽 customer communication. The third floor is exclusive 下方是延伸向地平线的道路,象征方向、行动和 architectural aesthetics, but also meets the brand
的楼梯分居两端,构成清晰简明的功能布局。 for NIO users, housing a forum, library, lounge, and 前进的动力。 beliefs of NIO which has been established in its logo
several meeting rooms. The concealed staircases at design: the sky above embodies openness, vision,
牛屋立面的设计灵感来自西湖纯净而清朗的 either end form a clear and concise layout. and a bright future; and the road below symbolizes
特质:当我们极目远眺,看到烟波浩渺的湖水 direction, action and forward momentum.
The design of NIO House façade was inspired by
the qualities of the West Lake. From afar, the mist-
一分为二,这是自然界的天成之美。在牛屋的 covered lake rippling out in layers, and the junction
设计中,建筑二、三层立面的镜面玻璃对应 between the sky and water meet divides the picture
西湖上空的天空,而一层作为“探索发现 NIO” in two. The use of mirrored glass on the second and

042 043
尽管空间功能丰富,但整个牛屋却只采用了 4 种 In contrast with the programmatic richness of the
主要的建筑材料:素色水磨石应用于展区的地面 space, the interior adopts a selective material palette

及墙面,暗喻着 NIO 稳固的品牌基础,为了垂直向

that elevates the user experience and architectural

qualities of the space. Plain terrazzo is used on the
floor and walls of the exhibition area to represent
二层以花旗松为主要材质,并以表面纹理丰富的 the solid foundation of NIO. In several spots, the
浅色实木家具,触手生温的木材营造出舒适畅意 terrazzo is specially crafted to curve and form
的氛围;以及展厅中随处可见的反光金属及大面积 natural and seamless transitions. The second floor
的玻璃。 mainly consists of Douglas fir and light-colored solid
wood furniture with rich surface texture to create a
无论身处建筑中的哪处空间,人们抬眼向窗外 warm and comfortable ambiance, together with the
。牛屋 reflective metal and large areas of glass all over
坐落的位置是西湖绝佳的取景之处,三面云山 the showroom.
NIO House | West Lake

一面湖,手法通透的设计让建筑最大化地利用了 The NIO House sits on a prime location along the

景观条件,同时也在牛屋与城市间创造了一种 West Lake, with mountains on three sides and the
空间对话。除此以外,上层立面的玻璃镜面忠实 lake on one side. Our transparent design maximizes

the landscape, creating a spatial dialogue between

the NIO house and the city. In addition, the glass

mirrors on the upper façade constantly reflect the

Chapter. 02

changing environment: the water surface wrinkled by

被延续到建筑上。 the spring breeze or the swaying shadows of the trees

in the summer night. In a way, the stunning natural
landscape has been extended to the building.
What is blurred is the boundary between artificial
and natural; what is clear is the friendly concept
conveyed by the design.

044 045
The Symphony of the Future

艺术装置,静默地楔入晓风杨柳的东岸,与周边景象和谐相融。Chris 回想设计之初,

更成为了全国蔚来用户的驿站。循着致敬自然的品牌理念,Chris 与蔚来联袂演奏
NIO House | West Lake

Strolling along the bank of the West Lake, the sloping tile roof of NIO House
gradually enters our sight. Poised as a piece of delicate and exquisite art
installation, it wedges itself harmoniously into the eastern shore full of
willows. Tracing back to the original design concept, Chris said that if he were

to use music as an analogy, he would like NIO House to be a quiet and calm
Chapter. 02

musical form that echoes other "voices" in Hangzhou.

It is evident that the NIO House stayed true to Chris's vision after the
opening of the space three years ago. Today, as one of the first and
most popular NIO House, NIO House | West Lake has become not only
fulfilled the requirement to become an urban lounge for our clients in
Hangzhou, but also an of how impact station nationwide. In harmony
with NIO's brand value, paying tribute to nature, NIO and Chris Hardie
have developed and nurtured the synergy and close cooperation with
one another. In the long run, perhaps it cannot be properly predicted, but
surely the team would provide the city with a brand-new image with an
opportunity to be better explored and experienced instead of making it a
cold and luxurious showroom as before.

Surely the team would provide the city with a brand-new image with an opportunity
to be better explored and experienced instead of making it a cold and luxurious
showroom as before.

046 047
Explore NIO House | West Lake



NIO House | West Lake


Drawing inspiration from shimmering water


and taking the natural material as media,

Chapter. 02

we have built an urban oasis alongside the West Lake.

It's open. Friends from all over the world gather together here.
It's special. Only NIO users have the secret code
to open the treasure trove.
It's free. There are no boundaries and people are
as if wandering in scroll paintings.
It's fun. The seven spaces have their unique functions.

Though the time and space seem to be limited,

people can always create unlimited pleasure.

Get away from the hustle and bustle in the city,

Bid farewell to the trivialities in life.
Mankind shall dwell on this earth poetically.

048 049
NIO House | West Lake
Chapter. 02

Get to Know NIO and its Products

蔚来中心的探索区,展示在售车型与周边商品, This is the exploration zone of NIO House|West Lake.

提供咨询、试驾及购车服务。 NIO vehicle models for sale and related products are
displayed here. Also, you can enjoy consulting, test drive
首层沿街 180°透明玻璃立面,以开放、友好姿态 and purchasing services.
As the embodiment of openess and friendliness, the
灵感来源,镜面玻璃幕墙增强穿透感,多重折射 180-degree façade made of transparent glass on the
的光影变化赋予建筑生命力,流 线 陈 列 的 汽 车 grand floor has attracted many passers-by along the
增强空间灵动性。 avenue. The inspiration for the ceiling design comes
from the "water surface" of the West Lake. The mirrored
glass curtain wall enhances the feeling of penetration.
Gradations of lights and shadows from multiple
refractions have added vitality to the architecture, and
the EVs displayed in a streamlined manner have made
the whole space more flexible.

050 051
NIO Café
Have a Taste NIO’s Specialty Drink of the City

蔚来中心的服务中枢,以开放吧台的形态,将 This is the service center of NIO House |West Lake.

流动的贴心服务传输到其他空间的各个角落。 The bar is open, so considerate services are made

available to every corner of this space. You can also
enjoy the fascinating view of the West Lake through
除了咖啡、果汁、甜品等日常美食,用户还能 the French window.
在此品尝由蔚来精心调制的杭州城市特饮⸺ Apart from coffee, juice, dessert, and other common
青梅龙井,并附赠精美的解说图卡。 delicacies, users can also have a taste of the

specialty drink of Hangzhou city presented by NIO —
the Green Plum Longjing Tea. The elaborately designed
cards with illustrations will be provided for free.

Come on and take a photo with the West Lake

NIO House | West Lake

outside the window.

Chapter. 02

052 053
Living Room
NIO House | West Lake

Joyful and Warm Place of Living Room

蔚来中心的欢乐共享客厅,全开放格局,数张 The joy-sharing Living Room of NIO House|West Lake is


公共长桌,沿着透明落地玻璃窗首尾相接,将 completely open. There are several public long tables

Chapter. 02

connecting with one another end-to-end along with

the transparent French window, from which people can
enjoy the charming view of the everlasting West Lake.
的材质肌理家具,营造温馨的家的氛围。 In terms of design, the douglas firs and ash-trees are

mainly used. The well-textured furniture, coupled

Living Room 承载主要的空间任务。作为最接近

with comfortable spaces, has fostered a homely
environment for NIO users.
“服务中枢”NIO Café 的空间,在润物细无声
Hundreds of events may be held for users here every

month, and the Living Room is the main space for
these events. It is nearest to the "service center"
轻松、愉悦。 NIO Café, and under subtle guidance, its open and

free atmosphere blends ingeniously with the warm

也 可 以 呼 朋 引 伴、 畅 所 欲 言, 或 加 入 烘 焙、
and inclusive personality, making the communication
between people more relaxing and delightful.
Here, users can bath in the afternoon sunlight and
enjoy tasteful desserts alone, or invite their friends
to catch up and have nice conversations. Or they
can join group events such as baking, playing the
board game of Werewolves of Miller's Hollow, flower
arrangements, etc., and meet new friends.

054 055
NIO House | West Lake
Chapter. 02

Joy Camp
A Fairyland for Children to Explore, Create, and Grow

独立、安全的亲子空间,活泼、有趣的乐园设计, This separate and safe parent-child space is

搭配可供儿童玩耍和分享故事的台阶座位区,用户 designed to be a cheerful and fun fairyland.

There is stair seating area where children can play

and share stories. Users can access and use the
facilities and resources suitable for children as
蔚来提倡以“陪伴孩子玩耍 ”的亲密互动取代枯燥 they want and enjoy temporary childcare services.

的照看,从而创造一个让孩子自由探索、创造和 NIO advocates the close interaction of "playing

成长的欢乐空间。 with your children and keeping them company",
rather than tediously taking care of them, thus
creating a joyful space where children feel free to
explore and grow.

056 057
Chapter. 02 / NIO House | West Lake

Bookable Meeting Rooms and Co-Working Spaces

具备会议室、共享办公等功能的独立空间,位于 The detached space encompassing meeting rooms

NIO House | West Lake

私密性更强的三层,建筑面积约 35 m ,可容纳 2 and co-working spaces is located on the third floor,

1 2 人左右, 提供 MaxHub 和视频电视等设备,

which has a higher level of privacy. With the floor

area of about 35 m² and a seating capacity of about
12 people, this place is equipped with MaxHub
空间。 and video television, and so on, providing users with

another efficient office space besides daily workplace.

Chapter. 02

In terms of space layout, this space located in the

的自然风光,兼具实用性与美感。 inner area tends to be quieter. The hollowed atrium
allows the view to be unimpeded. You can enjoy the
natural scenery beside the West Lake, which is both
practical and aesthetic.

060 061
NIO House | West Lake
Chapter. 02

Library Forum
知识博物馆,放松独处的空间 思想灵感碰撞的剧场
A Museum of Knowledge, and a Space for Relaxation and Solitude A Theatre for Ideas and Inspirations to Collide

专属蔚来用户的私人图书馆,根据城市特点提供 It's a private library, especially for NIO users. A large 让 思 想、灵 感 尽 情 碰 撞 的 剧 场。 建 筑 面 积 约 It is a theatre for ideas and inspirations to collide
不同书籍,藏书量可观。用户可通过兑换蔚来积分 collection of books are provided based on city 120 m²,可容纳 50 人左右,提供 120 吋投影和 freely. It covers a floor area of about 120 m² and has

自由借阅。 无线话筒,适合多人面对面的知识分享与讨论空间,
features. Users can borrow the books with NIO points. a seating capacity of 50 people or so. A 120-inch

projection and wireless microphone are also provided
By adopting the arced ceiling, together with the
here, making it an ideal place for a bunch of people
terrazzo floor and light-colored furniture, the space
家具,营造舒适、放松的空间氛围。并特设 U 型 is designed to be comfortable and relaxing. Users 享受三楼层高优势,视野更开阔,透明落地玻璃 to share and discuss face to face. From time to time,

高背沙发,在相对自由的状态下,为阅读者创造 将西湖四季风情引入室内,水磨石地面提供令人
music concerts, art exhibitions, book clubs, yoga
can sit on the specially-selected U-shaped high-back
安心的隐私空间。 安心的厚实感,空间自然延伸,灵感想象无限。
classes, etc. are held here.
sofas to enjoy the reading time in this private and
assuring space. Since it's located on the third floor, the view is broader.
The transparent French window makes the West Lake
scenery part of the indoor landscape regardless
of the season. While the terrazzo floor brings the
assuring feel this space extends naturally to give full
play to people's inspirations and imagination.

062 063
Chapter. 02 / NIO House | West Lake

Green Plum Longjing Tea
Immerse in the Green of the West Lake

来 NIO Café,找到属于这座城市的味道。
Each NIO House has a specialty drink of the city. Come to NIO Café and find the flavor
of this city.
NIO House | West Lake

在最美驿站蔚来中心 | 杭州西湖

Chapter. 02


In the most beautiful post station NIO House | West Lake,

the perfect combination of the refreshing West Lake Longjing Tea
and the well-chosen plump green plums,
brings you an endless aftertaste of Hangzhou's classic charms.

066 067
Taste a Cup of Green Plum Longjing Tea
in the Paradise on Earth

租一条手摇船,一边喝着茶,一边听船家介绍苏堤、 While enjoying a cup of tea in the rented rowboat, you

断桥、雷峰塔,这是属于西湖独有的浪漫,也是很 are also listening to the stories of the Su Causeway,

Broken Bridge, and the Leifeng Pagoda shared by

the boatman. This is the romance you can never
experience elsewhere, and that is why many tourists
NIO House | West Lake

“往里面 like to take on a boat tour on the West Lake. Usually,
走一走”。 the boat takes tourists around at the core area of the

West Lake, but locals or those who are very familiar
with the place would tell the boatman: "Go a little bit
被丢在了身后。穿过石拱桥,行过一片不大的湖面, further inside".

也是 800 多年前,南宋临安府那些前往灵隐寺上香
The noisy part of the West Lake is left behind as the
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oars cause ripples on the water. As the boat passes

的香客们弃舟登岸的地方⸺茅家埠。沿着岸边 by the stone arch bridge, a smaller area comes into
小径往村子里走,便可看见成片的茶园和点缀 sight, and the boatman slowly steers to the shore.
其中灰瓦白墙的人家,提醒着你,在这座城市, There, you arrive at the destination of the West Lake
还有一个比西湖更淡雅的味道⸺龙井。 tour. This place is called Mao Jia Bu, where the
pilgrims from Lin'an (now Hangzhou) in Southern
“如果要选一种特别的味道,去表现一座城市,那 Song Dynasty would disembark from the boats when
没有什么比龙井更能代表杭州。”在擅长寻觅城市 they went to Lingyin Temple for pray. Walking along
记忆的 Benson(黄振华)看来,龙井是江南气质的 the small path towards the villages, there are tea

最佳代言。作为 NIO Café 空间运营管理产品经理、

plantations one after another, around which dotted

“青梅龙井”的开发者,从一开始,Benson 便
gray-tiled and white-walled cottages, reminding you
of something more elegant than the West Lake—­the
为这杯杭州西湖牛屋城市特饮定下了主调。 Longjing Tea.

"Nothing is more suitable than the Longjing Tea to

symbolize the flavor of Hangzhou City." says Benson
(Huang Zhenhua), who is really good at exploring
the memory of different cities. Longjing Tea can be
regarded as the epitome of Jiangnan (the south
of Yangtze River). Benson is the space operation
manager and product manager of NIO Café, and
also the developer of "Green Plum Longjing Tea", the
specialty drink of the city, in NIO House|West Lake .
Since the beginning, he has decided the style for this
specialty drink that can best represent Hangzhou

068 069
城市特饮是蔚来中心的专属“量城定制”饮品, The Specialty Drink of the City, as the beverage 选用当年新鲜采摘的龙井茶,以冷萃方式取汤,这样茶汤颜色更清新,滋味更清爽,
是我们关于每一座城市的味觉灵感。它既要有这 customized by NIO House for Hangzhou, is inspired by 且茶多酚系数较少,避免对身体的刺激。一片青柠提升清新感和香气,同时增加一点
座城市独特的滋味传承,又必须有创意和创新。 微酸的口感。可以吃到果肉的青梅酱,是藏在杯底的小惊喜。
the concept of a special flavor in the city. The drink

needs to show the unique flavor inherited locally,
and contain creative and innovative elements. In 前调清爽,中调幽香,后调回甘,一杯看似简单的茶味冰饮,却呈现了丰富的层次感。
盛 名不负卿的特饮? Benson 在 杭 州 西 湖 牛 屋 Hangzhou, a place "where everyone is familiar with 用杭州人喝龙井最爱的玻璃杯作为器皿,让青梅龙井被最大程度地“看见”。上端荼白,
Longjing Tea", how can we come up with a specialty 1

梅雨季,西湖畔的杨柳、梧桐在丝绵细雨中欲发 drink that deserves the fame and won't let anyone
青翠。青梅初熟,酸甜清爽的口感,与龙井淡雅 down? Benson got the inspiration from the lush view 有人说,这是一杯“明明可以靠颜值,却偏偏靠实力”的特饮,既便不喜饮茶的人,

outside the French window of NIO House|West Lake . 也很难抵挡它温柔的气质。也有人说,这是一杯特别治愈系的特饮,带着丝丝甜蜜
That was the "plum rain season" in Hangzhou. The
只有西湖周边茶园出产的龙井,才称得上“西湖 willow trees and Chinese parasol were particularly
。狮峰、龙井、云栖、虎跑、梅家坞五大产区 green in the drizzle. The first ripe green plums, which 无论春夏秋冬,在杭州西�牛屋的最美长桌边,总能看到有人捧着一杯青梅龙井,
的龙井茶各有各自滋味。Benson 花了整整两周 are sour, sweet, and refreshing, are blended with the 与窗外的美景合影。青梅龙井也凭颜值和实力,跃升为杭州西�牛屋众多饮品中的
elegant Longjing Tea for the first time ever. TOP,让人间天堂的味道以一种更清新、舒服的方式,被更多人记住。
的卢正浩龙井茶。梅家坞是一个三面环山、南面 Only the Longjing Tea produced near the West Lake
临江的盆地,山坞里茶山叠嶂。这里的龙井茶与草木 can live up to the fame of "West Lake Longjing Tea".

The five major production areas, namely Shifeng, The Longjing Tea leaves freshly picked in the year are cold-brewed so the
NIO House | West Lake

Longjing, Yunqi, Hupao, and Meijiawu, have cultivated color and the flavor are more refreshing. Besides, the content of TP (tea
作为“配角”的青梅果酱的甄选严苛程度,也丝毫 Longjing tea leaves with different flavors. From six polyphenol) is reduced to avoid too much impact on the human body.
不逊于龙井茶。甜与咸、爽脆与绵密,都会影响 different regions of Longjing tea leaves, Benson spent With a slice of lime, the whole drink lightens up with fragrance, while
two whole weeks and finally selected Lu Zhenghao a little touch of sourness is added. A little surprise as you drink to the
Longjing Tea from Meijiawu, a basin surrounded by bottom is the green plum jam and you can even eat the pulp from it.
mountains on three sides and adjacent to river to
的办法只能是一次次的亲自熬试。” It is refreshing at the first, lingering afterwards, and sweet at last. The

the south. Tea trees are all over the hills. Here, the

tea-flavored iced drink seems simple, but presents rich layers . Glass
Chapter. 02

Longjing Tea grows together with the grass and

cups, which are often used by Hangzhou people to drink Longjing Tea,
woods, giving the unique charm of mountain fields
and bringing lingering fragrance for the brewed tea. is chosen to hold this specialty drink so it can be "visible" as much as 1. 荼白、苍筤、碧山均为中国古代传统色名称。
黄金比例,最夸张的一次,Benson 曾调制出四十 The green plum jam, as a "side dish", is also strictly possible. At the top, there is the Tu Bai (white color), confusing people of
1. Tu Bai, Cang Lang, and Bi Shan are all
selected. Whether the green plum is sweet or salty, whether it is tea or not; in the middle, it is Cang Lang (bamboo green), traditional Chinese expressions of colors.
舌尖上极细微的变化 , 直到 Benson 舌尖与心头上, crisp or soft, will affect the taste of the drinks made. like newly-sprouted buds; while at the bottom, it is Bi Shan (lush green),

出现青梅龙井最合适的比例。 "If the jam is overcooked, when it melts into the forming a fascinating and loveable view.
brewed tea, the color will fade away and the sweet Some may say, this is a specialty drink "which stands out in both its look
flavor will not be that impressive. The best way to and flavor". Even those who don't like drinking tea will find it difficult
get the optimal drink is to try and taste all by myself, to resist its charm. Some others may say, this is a cup of healing drink,
again and again." because all the uneasy feel and worrying matters will be gone the
A perfect "Green Plum Longjing Tea" requires moment you sip this sweet and icy drink with lingering scent specially
numerous trials for the "main dish" and the "side dish". belonging to the Longjing Tea.
To find the best proportion between the brewed tea Throughout the four seasons, by the side of the fancy long table, you can
and the jam, Benson once made over 40 cups of always see someone holding a cup of Green Plum Longjing Tea, taking
blended drinks, and tasted them one by one, to feel photos with the fascinating view outside the French window. This specialty
slight differences of various combinations. Finally, drink has become the top among all beverages of NIO House|West Lake.
Benson got the one cup, with the most appropriate To enjoy a cup of Green Plum Longjing Tea can make a wider range
proportion. of people impressed by the refreshing and relaxing flavor here in the
paradise on earth.

070 071
The Most Beautiful NIO House The Most Beautiful NIO House

The Perfect Answer

NIO House | West Lake

"Some efforts were made to be visible to users, but we did more to be invisible to them."
Chapter. 02

2018 年 7 月,位于西湖的蔚来中心正式开放。独特的设计、友好开放的空间,为

In July 2018, the NIO House | West Lake was officially opened. Its unique
design and friendly open space suddenly made it a brand-new landmark
for the poetic city. In the past three years, NIO House at the West Lake has
always been viewed as "the most beautiful NIO House", drawing NIO users
from all over the country to visit. In addition to the visible design, what kind
of stories are invisible to us? We especially invited NIO users who have
participated in the site selection, construction, opening and operations
of NIO House | West Lake, talking about the stories behind "the most
beautiful NIO House" to explore the perfect answer by the West Lake.

072 073
The Most Beautiful NIO House The Most Beautiful NIO House

请回答 2018
Throwback to 2018

去到西湖畔, 不止为了卖车 受访人 文轩

Going to West Lake, Not Only to Sell Cars Interviewee Wenxuan
NIO House | West Lake

所有走进杭州西湖牛屋的人,只要站在二层 All people walking into NIO House | West Lake 听说 William 对杭州西湖牛屋设计非常重视 ? It is said that William attached great
的玻璃前,都会被窗外的风景所吸引。为什么一定 and standing in front of the glass wall on the importance to the design of NIO House | West Lake?

是西湖边 ? 是的。因为选址在西湖边,斌哥非常重视,
second floor, will be attracted by the breathtaking

scenery. Why the West Lake side?

Yes. The site locates by the West Lake, so William took

Chapter. 02

it very seriously and was deeply involved.

To be honest, we had some concerns at the 最初,采购邀请了 2 家设计团队参与比稿,看完
In the beginning, two design teams were invited for
very beginning. Although Yintai in77 is close to the
冲动向消费产品,而且受制于牌照等因素,跨城 the presentation and we were sort of satisfied with
West Lake, it is mostly visited by tourists. Besides, 但是,当 William 得知有一家设计公司因为时间
one proposal. However, when William knew that
cars are not impulsive consuming products and
there was a design firm that failed to participate
are difficult to purchase across cities due to license
穷尽一下可能,所以当即要求采购邀请其来参与 due to time and budget, he felt that we should not
issues. So we were worried that the visitors may not
但是回到蔚来中心的定位,一个为了用户聚会、 be our potential users, which would influence our 比稿。这家公司就是 SHL。在 2 个月以后,当我 let any slight possibility go away, so he immediately

分享快乐、共同成长的空间,那么用户体验应该 们看到 SHL 的方案时,那种对西湖景色融入蔚来

invited them to pitch. That firm was SHL. Two months
是第一位的。他们愿不愿意来这里,在这里是否 中心的巧妙处理,对可持续性和以人为本的设计
later, as we received SHL's proposal, we were truly
But given the positioning of NIO House, a space for impressed by their arrangement of delicately
心情愉悦,考虑到这些事宜,那么湖滨银泰就成了 users to get together, share joy and grow together, 理念,以及整体呈现出来的品质感,都令在场的 integrating West Lake with NIO House, their design
绝佳选择:它既位于成熟商圈,又紧邻绝美湖景, user experience should be the first priority. Are they 人印象深刻。最后我们敲定采用 SHL 的设计方案, concept of sustainability and human-centered, and
如果我们能给用户提供一个“抬眼就能尽收西湖 willing to come here? Will they have a great time? 这造就了杭州最美牛屋的称号,也让团队感受了 general refined quality. SHL's proposal finally won out
美景”的空间,那么在这里,不论什么事情都会 设计驱动,对美和完美的不懈追求的精神。
Considering these matters, Yintai in77 became and therefore we had the most beautiful NIO House.

the best choice: it is not only located in a mature Our team members were also inspired by their
business district but also close to the West Lake. If we relentless pursuit of beauty and perfection.
provide users with a space where they can "enjoy
the utmost of West Lake at first glance", they will
have a much more poetic experience here whatever
they do.

074 075
The Most Beautiful NIO House The Most Beautiful NIO House

消失的路灯, 最美围挡,杭州观光车司机口中的
对美感的极致追求 西湖“十一”景
The Disappearance of a Streetlight, The Most Beautiful Hoarding,
the Ultimate Pursuit of Aesthetics the 11th Scenic Spot of the West Lake

受访人 文轩 受访人 汪涛
Interviewee Wenxuan Interviewee David

和我们说说“071”号路灯的故事 ? Could you share the story of “No.071” streetlight? 听说当时有个“最美围挡”,是如何诞生的? It is said there was a "most beautiful hoarding",
how did it come about?
原本在杭州西湖牛屋的正前方有一盏路灯, There was an eye-catching streetlight standing 从商业角度来说,其实很难想象一家品牌愿意
无论你从内向外看湖景,还是在外面任何角度 just in front of NIO House | West Lake. Whether you're 在最繁华的商业街区,花近一年时间装修店面。 From a business perspective, it's hard to imagine a

望向蔚来中心,它都在视觉的中心。这一点让我们 如何处理巨大的施工围挡,使其融入周边自然环境
looking at the lake from inside the NIO House, or look brand willing to spend a year constructing in the busiest
NIO House | West Lake

很是头疼,毕竟我们是一家对美和完美有着不懈 且不违和,我们也是煞费苦心。经过多轮讨论,
at NIO House from the outside, the streetlight will commercial district. We also struggled with blending
always be in the view. It really bothers us as we are
追求的公司。 a company with a relentless pursuit of beauty and 最后我们选定用标志性的纯白 logo 搭配清爽蓝色 the huge construction hoardings with the surrounding

背景。 natural environment to make it not out of place. We

为此,我们和业主方和景区管委会多次沟通,解释 perfection.
finally decided to paint the hoardings with our iconic
我们蔚来中心的定位和设计理念, 以期获得他们 For that, we communicated with the owner and the
white logo and a refreshing light-blue background.
对我们追求“西湖景观整体美感 ”的理解。幸运 Scenic Area Management Committee many times,

的是,最终我们获得各方的理解,将“ 071”号路灯
explaining the positioning and design concept of
Chapter. 02

NIO House, to get a shared understanding of
我之前听文轩说,西湖的观光车司机会沿途 Wenxuan once told me that tour bus drivers
"the overall beauty of the West Lake landscape".
视觉呈现变更加地舒服。 Fortunately, in the end, we gained the understanding 给游客讲解景点。有一次,他陪女儿坐观光车, at the West Lake would tell stories to visitors about
of all parties, and the "071" streetlight was moved to 无意间听到司机开始介绍蔚来中心。 刚开始没 the attractions along the way. Once he took the bus
the side, the overall visual appearance of 多想,后来又坐了一次,发现司机还是会介绍, with his daughter and the driver happened to talk
NIO House | West Lake appears more comfortable. 才知道因为我们的围挡特别吸引人,几乎所有人 about the NIO House. He didn't give much attention.
在路过时,都会向司机打听这是个什么品牌。次数 However, when he took another ride later, almost

为了营造极致美感,我们还做了什么 ? What else did you do for creating an ultimate 多了,司机便开始主动介绍。这件事情让我感触 everyone would ask the driver what brand it was when

beauty? 颇深,美的设计是有大众共性的,是能从心底打 passing by. Then he realized that tourists might find

除了地面沿街采用透明玻璃, 杭州西湖牛屋 动人的。给用户创造有美感的生活体验,是我们 our construction hoardings attractive. I was quite

二、三楼的外立面也用近 10 米高的玻璃幕墙打 NIO House | West Lake applies nearly 10-meter- 必须要守护的初心。 impressed. The design of beauty can find an echo

high transparent glass façade to the outer body of in the hearts of the public. To create a tasteful life

the three-storied building. The light transmittance experience for our customers is the original intention
of the glass is strictly selected. During the day, we
we must guard.
can see the blue sky, white clouds, green plants, and
与着各项活动,这画面更显生气。从外面看,杭州 the change of light and shadow in the house. In the
西湖牛屋像是一个巨型的装置艺术。 evening, when users inside are actively participating
in various activities under bright light, it seems much
more vivid. From the outside, the NIO House | West Lake
looks like a giant art installation.

076 077
The Most Beautiful NIO House The Most Beautiful NIO House

点亮杭州 9 大地标,
听说因为在围挡拍照的人太多,最后还举办了 It is said that so many people were shooting 用脚步解锁城市之美
一个摄影大赛? the hoarding, and a photography contest was Light Up the City Landmarks, Unlock the Beauty of
eventually held? Hangzhou with Your Footsteps

对。 施工期间我每天都会到现场查看进度,
受访人 诗雨
Yes. I went to the construction site every day to
check the progress, and found only some Internet
有车主专门过来,包括我们自己的员工,看完场地后 celebrities came to take pictures at the beginning. Interviewee Shiyu
也会在门口拍一张。打卡的人越来越 多,我们 Later, some NIO users came over, including our own
就顺势做了一个杭州西湖牛屋摄影大赛,没想到 employees. As more people came, we launched a
短短半个月,收到了 200 多位用户提交的作品。 photography contest for NIO House | West Lake, and
we didn't expect to receive over 200 posts within
15 days. How did you come up with the idea of “Light Up
亮蔚来”的活动,为什么会想做这样一场活动呢 ? NIO in Hangzhou” for the opening?

杭州是一个很美的城市,蔚来是一个愉悦的 Hangzhou is a beautiful city, and NIO is a brand

品牌,我们希望二者的见面可以更好玩,而不是 aiming to create a joyful lifestyle. We hope to see
NIO House | West Lake

some chemistry between the two, rather than simply

怎么能让用户玩起来 。所以从
advertising around the city telling people a new
shop is coming. And we also care about how users
创意出发,在杭州九大地标放置了蔚来元素, can interact with us. So, we came up with the idea
用户可以边逛杭州边打卡集拼图,一起点亮蔚来 of "Light Up NIO in Hangzhou". Specifically, we put
logo。比如在西湖边设置了合影框装置,在嘉里 some NIO-related elements into nine landmarks.

Users can visit these places and collect the puzzle

Chapter. 02

to "light up" the NIO logo. For example, we set up a
NIO photo frame by the West Lake, and established a
NIO Bookstore in Kerry Center, etc., where you can see
how NIO is engaging with nature and the city.

这次活动有没有印象比较深刻的事 ? Is there anything quite impressive?

用户的参与热情远超预期,收获了非常多的 The passion from the users was greatly beyond

感动。比如车主 @ 曹曹 在活动第一天带着双胞胎 our expectations. For example, the user @Cao Cao

took the twins to play all the way on the first day,
suddenly the activity turned into a family trip.
On the second day, he acted as the tour guide
各界机构,同意我们在国家级景区放置商业元素, to lead friends from other places. Besides, the
是当时最大的挑战。西湖边放合影框的申请文件 greatest challenge back then was to negotiate with
摄影:蔚来 App 用户 克拉拉的钻石心
Photo by NIO App user: Kelala's Diamond Heart 我记得前后提交了三十多版,还顶着 38 度的高 different organizations to agree with the proposal:
温在龙井村走了几万步找可以放 logo 的茶田…… incorporating commercial elements into the

national-level scenic spots. If I remember correctly,
there are over 30 versions of application documents
for the photo frame by the West Lake. And to find a
suitable tea garden where we can install NIO logo,
we walked tens of thousands of steps in Longjing
Village in spite of the temperature as high as 38
degrees Celsius. All the smiles and tears are still vivid
to me. We appreciate those friends who supported
and helped us.
078 079
The Most Beautiful NIO House The Most Beautiful NIO House

点亮湘湖 点亮九溪
Light Up the City Landmarks in Xianghu Lake Light Up the City Landmarks in Jiuxi River
NIO House | West Lake
Chapter. 02


点亮龙井 点亮西溪 白天,站在外面你可以看到,在精心设计过的玻璃外立面上,是蓝天、白云、树叶光影;

Light Up the City Landmarks in Longjing Light Up the City Landmarks in Xixi Wetland


The stories behind add more beauty and value to NIO House | West Lake. No
matter a customer or an employee, people are always the warmest part of here.

During the day, you can see the blue sky, white clouds, shadows of leaves and
light reflected on the carefully designed glass façade; at night, the bright lights
allow people outside to have a clear view of the interactions inside the NIO House.
Whether it is an encounter or a short stay, people will be surrounded by warmth
and comfort here. All those mundane things seem to flow away together with
time. Can users feel free and relaxed talking with friends or those they meet for
the first time? This sincerity and comfort is "the perfect answer" that NIO House
点亮西湖 点亮嘉里中心 presents to the West Lake.
Light Up the City Landmarks in West Lake Light Up the City Landmarks in Kerry Center

080 081
Big Days In NIO House | West Lake

2018.07.21 / 2019.04.30 / 2019.07.21 / 2020.07.26 /

蔚来中心 | 杭州西湖初相见 “地产设计大奖 · 中国” 银奖 一周年庆典 两周年庆典

NIO House | West Lake Silver Award of "Real Estate First Anniversary Celebration 2gether with U
Grand Opening Design Award · China"

“蔚来中心丨杭州西湖”从来自 13 个国家和地区 7 月 26 日,杭州西湖牛屋迎来了 2 岁的生日,近

的 1,117 份参赛作品中脱颖而出,获得第五届“地产 200 位用户与我们共同度过了这一温馨时刻。当天
设计大奖· 中国”年度银奖。 的牛屋化身蓝白的海洋,更显温馨。大家一起制作
NIO House | West Lake

2 周年专属 T 恤,为这特别的时刻,留下自己的专属
"NIO House | West Lake", standing out
from the 1,117 entries from 13 countries
and regions, won the annual silver award On July 26, nearly 200 users together
in the fifth "Real Estate Design Award · celebrated the second birthday of
China". NIO House | West Lake. The place was
warmer in blue and white and NIO users

made their own T-shirts for the 2nd

Chapter. 02

anniversary to memorize this special


历时 4 天,9 大杭州地标,659 支队伍前往探寻, 千 年 西 湖, 最 美 牛 屋, 数 百 位 来 自 全 国 各 地 的

蔚来中心 | 杭州西湖,用一场别开生面的全城打卡活 用户朋友在蔚来中心丨杭州西湖相聚,共同分享
动,让来自五湖四海的朋友们,在杭州最美的季节, 过去一年的点点滴滴。那首一周年之歌,唱不完
点亮蔚来。 蔚来的感动。

Under the organization of NIO House | West Lake, Hundreds of users from all over the country
659 teams from all over China had visited 9 major gathered in NIO House | West Lake, the
landmarks of Hangzhou over the past 4 days brightest star shining at the West Lake
in the golden season. This characteristic event of great antiquity, to share the bits and
marked the opening of NIO House | West Lake. pieces of the past year. The "Song of First
Anniversary" is far from enough to list all
the heart-warming moments we've had
in here.

NIO Day Hangzhou Branch Venue | Go Farther With Hope

NIO Day Hangzhou Branch Venue | Lakeside Carnival

中秋长信展 | 在西湖边感受每一封节日祝福
NIO Day 杭州分会场 | 湖边的蔚来狂欢日

NIO Day 杭州分会场 | 向希望更远处前行

Letter Exhibition in The Mid-Autumn Festival |
The Establishment of Hangzhou NIO Club
NIO House | West Lake Grand Opening

HAY 家居分享 | 触动人心的设计

Silver Award of "Real Estate Design

Nordic Aesthetics Sharing Meeting

HAY Household sharing | Touching

“地产设计大奖 · 中国”银奖
蔚来中心 | 杭州西湖初相见

First Anniversary Celebration

Feel All the Holiday Wishes



2gether with U
Award · China"









082 083




There are ripples in the lake, ink on the paper.

Chapter There are sweet but "tough" cookies,
and the warmth after all trivial matters.

We come from different places.

But here we are, in Hangzhou, with different roles.

Now we're taking over and shaping the city,

and exploring its new boundaries.
理想在左, 刘相 Liu Xiang

Ideal on the Left,
Reality Not on the Right

Liu Xiang, the Operation Specialist at NIO House | West Lake, is bringing
the "little cream" her favourite hot chocolate while greeting the frequent
visitor Livia. These loveable children come with their parents, the NIO
users, and it is just another routine day with a passion for Liu here.

一边给“小奶油”送上她最喜欢的热巧克力,一边熟稔地招呼“暖暖”,这是用户 Liu handles matters calmly and professionally, but never forgets to
运营刘相在蔚来中心 | 杭州西湖习以为常而又始终怀抱热爱的日常。 communicate with warmth. His life is often well organised, but we can
also see the hint of casual choices and impromptu decisions… Some
处事冷静专业,却也不失沟通的温度;生活井井有条,却时刻夹杂着随性的选择…… "opposite" traits perfectly coexist in Liu, making him an interesting "fusion"
一些奇妙的反差在刘相身上完美自洽,让他成为一个有趣的融合体,令人充满好奇。 to be explored.
Chapter. 03

刘相 Liu Xiang

蔚来中心 用户运营
NIO House Specilist

086 087
A Delicate Sense of Conflict

一个习惯把自己的时间以 5 分钟为单元精确划分 This delicate sense of conflict is particularly reflected

的人,却在人生求职这些重要的时刻几乎凭借直 by the fact that Liu, who makes detailed plans for
觉做出了决定,这样貌似相左的双面性格在刘相 every 5 minutes in life, made a decision basically out of

intuition when looking for a job and choosing a career.

06:30 起床洗漱,换运动装
get up and change into sportswear

06:45 出门跑步
go running

07:45 到家洗澡吃饭
back home, take a bath and have breakfast

08:30 准时坐进教室

sit in the classroom on time

这种常人难以坚持的精准到分钟的安排,是刘相在 This precise minute-to-minute arrangement, which


英国留学时候最喜欢的部分,代表了他极致自律的 most people can hardly adhere to, was Liu's favourite
Chapter. 03

routine when he was studying the UK, showing his
extremely self-disciplined lifestyle.
However, there are actually many casual parts among
选择。正如刘相在英国时最爱的跑步路线,其实 the overall "extremely self-disciplined" lifestyle. When
是在阴差阳错中发现的⸺某天,从家门口一路 he was in the UK, he found his favourite running route
小跑,一不小心就“跑进”了《指环王》的场景: by accident. One day, trotting all the way from the
“两旁高耸的树木,交错在中间,中间搭出的拱形 doorstep, he felt he was as if running into the scenery

depicted in The Lord of the Rings: "towering trees stood
on both sides are interlaced on the top, forming an
刘相对这条跑步路线的描述带着细腻的画面感: arch in the middle saying 'welcome'."
“穿过一条火车道,迎面看到的大河,令人豁然开朗 。 His description forms a vivid picture: "After crossing
河上有天鹅,对面有牛,路上有很多一样在晨跑的 a train rail, a wide river leaped into my eyes and the
人。每个人看到你都会笑着说 morning。”在被精 horizon suddenly became broadened. There were
准规划的日常中,像这样随机产生的惊喜时刻, swans on the river, cows on the other side, and many

people running in the dawn. Everyone would greet
you with a smile and say good morning". He plans
他喜欢这种强烈反差感带来的化学反应,但即便 every detail in his daily life, but still, he encounters this
“一 surprising moment he never expected. As a result, every

day he wakes up, expecting a brand-new day, "Open
your eyes and you will start looking forward to it."

He enjoys the chemical reaction brought by this strong

sense of contrast, but even so, Liu never immerses 穿过一条火车道,迎面看到的大河,令人豁然开朗 。
himself too long in it, "After an hour I have to go home After crossing a train rail, a wide river leaped into my eyes and the horizon
because there are other arrangements." suddenly became broadened.

088 089
自律却又随性,这种冲突感还体现在刘相的择业 The coexistence of self-discipline and casualness can
过程中。 also be seen in his story of job-hunting.

From a "science geek" to an "observer", Liu's job at

NIO House is his first job after graduation in a real sense,
which is full of a delicate sense of conflict.
刘相的本科专业是高分子材料科学与工程,这是 Xiang Liu majored in Polymer Materials Science and
听取父母意见后,出于就业考虑而作出的选择。 Engineering in undergraduate study, which is a choice
而硕士阶段,他走向了神经认知心理学,这在很 made for employment after regarding his parents'
多人看来算得上是一次彻底的“跨界”行为。但其 opinions. But to everyone's surprise, he changed to

Cognitive Psychology for a master's degree, which is

regarded by many as a thorough "cross-over" action.
But in fact, Liu was full of interest in psychology long
研究生阶段,他给自己安排的固定“任务”之一就是 ago, but this time, he decided to favour sensibility.

去难民营做英语助教。一开始,刘相只是纯粹地 During his graduate studies, he would often work

想要尽其所能帮助他人。而这段经历,也让他更 as an English teaching assistant in the refugee
深刻地感知到世界的不同。丰富的经历,使刘相 camps. At first, Liu just wanted to help others as

much as he could. But this experience also made

him deeply aware of the differences in the world.
Rich experiences bring him stronger discernment

读完硕士后,刘相没有选择继续攻读博士学位,这是 and empathy, which is also used by him in the
communication with clients in NIO House.
探望女友的时候,在女友家楼下发现了一辆 ES8,返回住地后,刘相就收到了第一
学,是时候开始自力更生,承担更多责任”。 After gaining the master's degree, Liu didn't choose

to apply for Ph. D., and this was a rational decision: 轮面试的邀请。
Chapter. 03

"I spent a lot of time in school. It's time for me to start
与蔚来的相遇,又颇有些“缘分”的意味。 self-reliance and take more responsibilities", said Liu.
After graduation, obviously Liu made a rational and

practical decision. But, his encounter with NIO was
quite "predestined".

Liu was attracted by NIO's exquisite and unified design and had the
impression that it is a brand with long-term goals. With this perception, he
sent a resume. Soon after, when he visited his girlfriend in Zhengzhou, he
noticed an ES8 in front of her apartment building, as if life had already had
its plans for him. After he returned home, he received an invitation to the first
round interview.

During the interview, Liu saw a set of art books by Zikai Feng, on a bookshelf
on the third floor, which coincides with Liu Xiang's daily reading list. As a man
very sensitive to design, he, once again, felt the detail-oriented spirit of NIO,
Liu running his dissertation experiment of
inspired by which he was even more serious about the interview, and he then
Cognitive Psychology became a member of the big NIO family.

090 091
Growth Acceleration

刘相在蔚来 App 的 ID 是“湖边的刘技工”,因为 Liu's ID in NIO App is "Technician Liu by the lakeside". “所以现在我也愿意去相信,相信用户会对我们 "So now I am also willing to believe and believe that
小时候最喜欢做的事情就是跟在身为电工的爸爸 From childhood, his favourite activity was observing 的努力做出正向积极的肯定。” our users will recognize our effert."

身边“偷师 ”。
the work of his father, who is an electrician.
Liu work as a operation specialist and is mainly

responsible for providing better and more considerate
He once made a model airplane, starting by carefully
molding the wings until its cross-section was the services to customers and increase user engagement.
的形状锉成了符合空气动力学的上下不对称的水 shape of a horizontally asymmetric water-drop. "The 心理学专业习得的同理心能够时刻让刘相去换位 The empathy he acquired from psychology allows
“这里下方是平直的,理论上如果速度足够 bottom of the wings was flat. So theoretically if the 思考,去体会用户的喜怒哀乐。他把自己的工作 him to walk in other's shoes and think more about
快,它就可以升起来”。 plane went fast enough, it could manege to take off." 归结为观察员,用非常理性的思维观察用户的每 other's feelings. His job is about observation, on every
一个细节,经过严密的思考与完善,最后转化为 detail about the users. After careful and logical
“有一次坐着我大舅的摩托车把玩小飞机,虽然 “Once I sat on my uncle’s motorcycle and held the
春风化雨的服务。这很刘相 STYLE。 他正一步一
contemplation, he will then turn the result of the
model plane in my hand. It couldn't take off since the
observation into the improvement of the quality of
motorcycle was not fast enough, but I could still feel
service. One step after another, he is exploring a new
a slight upward force in my hand. It was wonderful.”
如今的刘相,就如同他儿时手里的那只小飞机: world with his own attempts.
Now, Liu often feels that special upward force is
正在自己身上出现,“ 好风凭借力,送我上青云 ”。
Just like the small plane he had once held in his

within himself to bring him higher. Thus he felt
hands Xiang Liu is still waiting for a special moment
the need to develop himself in a rapidly growing
可期。 to take off. His upward momentum is expecting an
蔚来就是一个完美的平台。在这里,举目皆是自己 organization, and NIO is just the right fit. Here,
acceleration of growth. Once the opportunity befalls,
everything is new to him and his goal is even

he would soar into the sky.

clearer. “As soon as I could tell what's good for me,
Chapter. 03

I understood what I ultimately wanted. And the rest

想要的是什么,剩下来的就只是需要去寻找实现 is just a question of how.” Liu realised that William
他的方式。”刘相发现创始人李斌特别有自己的 Li, the founder of NIO, holds an inspiring belief and
信念,为用户体验负责,并且相信自己做的一切 insistes to provide service for users. William believes
会换来用户的肯定;而后的事实也最终证明了他 that everything he has done will be rewarded by the

trust of the users, and then the rise of NIO ultimately
proved that his belief wins.

092 093
Oftentimes I like to sit idly in my tea room, listening to the sound of water drops
pattering on rainy days, and smelling the faint fragrance of tea. It seems that a long
time has passed, or as if time always stands still.
Chapter. 03

094 095
生活的另一种可能 潘涟漪 Pan Lianyi

Another Possibility of Life

日出的阳光射进竹林,清晨的布谷响彻房前,在 As the sunlight sheds in the bamboo forests and the

birds' dawn chorus echoes in the morning, Pan Lianyi
wakes up in her Zen and Health Resort in Jingshan
这里几百米外,古老的苕溪静静流淌,时间就像 Town, Yuhang District, Hangzhou.
水流一样慢。这是潘涟漪普通的一天的开始。 Just a few hundered meters away, the ancient
做旅游、做化妆品、做金融……潘涟漪做过很多种 Shao Stream flows quietly and slowly, so does time.

Another ordinary day starts.

这家民宿。 She had worked in industries such as tourism,


cosmetics, and finance… She has made a lot of

径山镇是日本茶道的祖庭,也是南宋文化的代表。 attempts, and finally found what she really wanted—
潘涟漪想以南宋、茶文化为主题,把禅养山居 running this Resort in Jingshan Town.

Jingshan Town is the birthplace of Japan's Chado,

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她推广径山寺的禅茶文化,也与厨师探讨如何做一 "The Way of Tea", and is the symbol of the culture

桌“ 宋宴 ”。她希望这里可以供人们修禅、种菜、
of the Southern Song Dynasty (1127-1279, A.D.). Pan
wants to set the ancient culture and tea as the
theme of the resort, making it a spiritual haven for
“结庐在人境、而无车马喧”、“采菊东篱下,悠然 the people of Hangzhou.
She promotes the Zen and tea culture of Jingshan
“在这里慢下来,看看生活,也看看自己。”潘涟漪 Temple and discusses with the cooks how to revive
轻声细语,人淡如菊。 dishes from the Song Dynasty. She hopes that it can
be a place for people to meditate, grow vegetables,
drink tea, and appreciate chrysanthemum… Here,
people can truly relax their minds and embrace
experience what the ancients described as "one
builds a house on human territory, yet there is no
noise of cart or horse" and "I'd pick chrysanthemums
next to the fence on the east, while in the distance
the Zhongnan Mountains traverse".

"Here, everything is slowed down. Reflect on your life,

and on yourself, too." Pan said with a gentle voice,
from which we sense no seeking of fame and gains.

潘涟漪 Pan Lianyi

禅养山居主理人 / 蔚来 ES6 车主
Manager of Zen and Health Resort /
NIO ES6 user

096 097
Change Till You Find the Right Path

The sense of superiority does not come from being financially rich, but spiritually.

Because of this, I know what I am capable of when faced with challenges.
In Pan's eyes, all this can be traced back to her
的青少年时代。后来的很多选择,都与小时候 teenage years, in Xiangshan County, Ningbo. Many

choices made later are results of her experience in
Pan spent most of life as a child with her aunt as her
小姨家度过,“小姨夫妻俩都是老师,家里很有 parents were too busy working. "My aunt and uncle
学习氛围 。”小潘涟漪早早就把中外名著读了个 are both teachers. Studying was part of my daily
life." So, Pan read all the famous Chinese and foreign
When she recalls those joyful and positive days, there
literary works and achieved satisfactory grades in
was confidence and a sense of superiority. "the sense
all subjects. She was also a frequent prizewinner in
of superiority does not come from being financially
various competitions.
rich, but spiritually. Because of this, I know what I am
capable of when faced with challenges."
18 岁,潘涟漪考取了旅游管理专业,她喜欢导游 At the age of 18, Pan became a college student in

tourism managementand and spent much time

“从上海火车站 doing part times jobs related to her major. She took
出发,坐卧铺,游客一路睡,我一路胆战心惊。” her first tourist group to Beijing, during which she
felt "extremely anxious on the train starting from

如果不是一次偶然的跨界邀约,潘涟漪也许会像 Shanghai. The tourists slept all the way but my eyes
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她的很多同学一样,毕业找家旅行社上班,从此 were wide open."

天南地北到处飞 。
“当时做兼职翻译,认识了一位 If it were not for an unexpected invitation, Pan
做 化 妆 品 的 老 板, 他 很 欢 迎 我 毕 业 后 加 入。” would end up working in a travel agency like most
潘涟漪接住了橄榄枝,人生的轨迹就此转换。 of her classmates after graduation, leading a life
of frequent flights, over here and there. "I met a
进入化妆品行业,从选材包装、内料研发到品牌 someone in the cosmetics business when I worked as
运营,潘涟漪把行业摸了个透。积累了丰富经验 a part-time interpreter. He would like me to join his
后,她创办了属于自己的品牌。那段日子她什么 company after I graduated." Pan took the offer and
苦都吃了:为经营起早贪黑,为研发全力以赴, her life path changed ever since.

为客户躬亲力行。“ 可以说除了工作,就没有什么 She learned a great deal in packaging, ingredients,

其他的东西可以入我的眼。我可以为了工作 24 research & development, brand operation of the
小时在线,干嘛都可以。但如果要让我花个时间 cosmetics industry from this job. After accumulating

abundant experience, she created her own brand.

“最好的时候我们在上海开了 5 家门店。”
There was a lot of hardship at that time: working
long hours to make ends meet, trying all means
for research & development, and providing the best
possible service to the clients. "I cared about nothing
but work. I could work 24-7. I would do whatever was
needed for the business. And I would not waste a
minute to relax myself." Said Pan with a firm attitude,
"In our heydays, we had 5 shops in Shanghai."

098 099
鱼和熊掌往往不能兼得。事业成功了,不能陪伴 Sadly, life is always a trade-off. Her business was
父母是她的遗憾。与此同时,她也发现了身边 successful, but it was a great pity that she had no

time to keep her parent's company. At the same
time, she noticed the difficulties in life her friends
市去休息;也有朋友为了事业换来一身伤病 。很
were having: "some of my friends are suffering from
多人需要的不仅仅是放松,而是疗愈。” great pressure. They can't sleep at night, and they

want to get away from the city to have a rest; some

other friends succeeded in career but ended up with
poor health. What many people want is not merely
把自己变得更好。 relaxing, but healing."

“我希望创造一个可以避 Knowing well about the rules of the world may not
世的、生活向往之地,提供疗养和调整。” change anything external. But after figuring out what
the world is truly like, you can find a better self.
That's why Pan chose the mountains and forests.

"I hope I can create a place for healing and
recovering. It should be far away from worldly
“日 matters, a place to have the ideal lifestyle."

本现在 24 个茶的流派,18 个都是从杭州径山传 What she wanted to build is different from other
过去的。再比如抹茶,发源地也是径山。杭州作为 ordinary guesthouses or inns located in mountains.

南宋古都,它的文化深度和厚度应该被更多人感 She wanted the place to be filled with a sense of

inheritance and can represent the feel and spirit of

After many field trips and visits, she selected

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正常工作后,她在周五晚上八点钟从宁波出发, Jingshan Town in Yuhang District. "In the current

到山居的时候已经半夜。短暂的休息后,她开始 24 genres of Chado culture, 18 originated from
在周末投入到山居的建设中。下个周一早上 4 点, Jingshan, Hangzhou. Another example is Matcha.
她又匆匆从山居赶回宁波,“这个过程我坚持了 It also originates from Jingshan. Hangzhou, as the

ancient capital of Southern Song Dynasty, deserves
to be known by more people for its profound and
就 这 样, 在 距 离 杭 州 市 区 40 公 里 外 的 径 山 镇 impactful culture."
长乐村,潘涟漪的禅养山居,在万亩竹林中建起 Pan recalled that at that time she was still working
来了。 in HSBC. After a full week's work, at 8 PM Friday, she
would leave Ningbo and arrive at the resort around
midnight. After a short rest she would start working
on the resort. Then, at 4 AM the next Monday, she
would hurry back to Ningbo. "This lasted for two
years," said Pan.

That was how Pan built her resort in the vast bamboo
forest in Changle Village, Jingshan Town, a place 40
kilometers away from downtown Hangzhou.

100 101
Another Home of Mine

注重精神世界的充实,是影响她事业选择的因素, Pan values spiritual richness. That influenced not only

也是她与蔚来中心同气相求的原因。 her career choices, but also her choice of cars.

The first time she walked in, she was simply looking to

buy a car. Advised by her friends, she came to take
a look at NIO House | West Lake. "It felt like a café.
“感觉像个咖啡厅,大家很热情,很有生活氛围。 People were nice, and you could feel the passion
特别是坐在二楼,看着外面的景,很惬意、很舒 for life here. Especially when sitting on the second
服。”但说到底,她觉得本质上还是一家 4S 店。 floor, enjoying the view outside, it felt very cozy and
relaxing." But after all, she still thought it was a 4S
最终让她改变想法的,是 2020 年腊八节。 dealership.
每年腊八节,潘涟漪的禅养山居都会做施粥的活动, But she changed her mind on Laba Festival, 2020
把几万份粥在限定时间里送到机场、疾控中心、 (the eighth day of the twelfth month of the Chinese
敬老院等地方。这不是件容易的事,而她坚持了 calendar).

6 年。2020 年受疫情影响,送粥的人员一时难以

On every Laba Festival, Pan's Resort would give out

协调。头疼之际,潘涟漪想到了某次去蔚来中心, thousands of boxes filled with bowls of free porridge
恰逢车友会在举办活动,现场的小伙伴都非常积 to airports, CDCs, nursing homes, and other places

in a limited amount of time. It was not easy, but she

managed to do it for 6 years. Due to the pandemic

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尝试着联系后,蔚来中心的工作人员马上对接上 in 2020, it was difficult to coordinate the manpower

了车友会会长,“没想到大家效率那么高,粥还 to deliver. While she was worried about what to do, it

occurred to her that once she went to NIO House

and made some friends in an activity held by the
NIO Club there.
She tried to reach out. The staff of the NIO House
immediately contacted the Chairman of the NIO Club.
“运营 "To my surprise, everyone came very soon even
是一件相互成就的事情,打造用户关系,最重要 before the porridge was ready, very efficient and

impressive." They had tea and chatted with each

other while waiting. Once the porridge was ready,
they immediately set out to different destinations.
“精神的力量”。 Tens of thousands of boxes, all delivered successfully.
"I couldn't have done it without the support of the
kind-hearted friends from the NIO Club."

She was impressed by the strong power of the brand

from that experience. "Operation is a mutually
beneficial thing. To establish user connections, the
most important part is to create a life experience!"
NIO encourages every user to do whatever they can
to make a contribution. Pan considers it as the
"NIO spirit".

102 103




让潘涟漪印象最深刻的是,她曾邀请世界有名的 Isha 瑜伽 1 来禅养山居,有位美国

客人慕名来学习。“在山居整整待了 7 天,这个美国人几乎不怎么说话,每天就静
静地坐在那边,山居的狗和猫是他最好的朋友。没有人知道他在想什么”。 和谐之中。”这让潘涟漪很惊讶,也很有成就感: Pan recalled. The guest told her that he just ended a
“我意识到自己做的事情原来这么有意义,可以 painful relationship and quitted his tiring job—these
two things tortured him. Before coming to the resort,
美国客人对她说,自己刚刚结束一段无疾而终的感情,告别让他身心俱疲的工作。 he lost his ambition and his soul. But the natural
在来到山居之前,他失去理想,丢掉灵魂。经过山居自然的洗礼,以及瑜伽课程带给 如同蔚来中心的设计理念,潘涟漪很希望来到这里

environment and the yoga course guided him to a

他的指引,他找到了一种平静,亦让近乎失控的身体、头脑、情感和能量,重新处于 的每个人都会跟她说“这里像我的第二个家”。 calm mind and brought him back to balance and

harmony between his body, mind, emotion, and

energy, which originally were about to get out of

Now, every time Pan comes to downtown Hangzhou, she will pay a visit
Chapter. 03

control. Pan was surprised, but also gained much

to the NIO House. People here know what she likes to drink, where she “其实无论是蔚来中心的运营,还是我的山居空间 sense of achievement. "It was until that moment did
prefers to sit. The NIO House has been her first choice when she needs I realize how meaningful what I did was. I can help

to meet with friends or take care of business, where they can have some people. I can help them heal."
coffee while enjoying the delightful view of the West Lake. It has become
a living room for her in downtown Hangzhou. 娓娓道来,一边看着外面“煎饼”与客人玩耍⸺ Just like the design concepts of NIO House, Pan

hopes every guest and dweller here can describe

The family-like bond and the relaxed mood among NIO users made Pan this resort as "another home of mine". She expects to
think: what kind of space am I going to turn my resort into? see them having a brand-new start in life when they
也喜欢用毛茸茸的头在客人手上蹭来蹭去。 leave the Resort.
"It's not a guesthouse or inn in the traditional sense. It's more like a place
to explore the true inner self." People may long for different ideal lifestyles, “可能是被它释放天性的样子感染,在这片山野, "Running NIO House and running my resort are very
but everyone needs a space to occasionally get away from worldly matters. 每个人都找到了‘无事上山’的那种自在。”潘涟漪 similar. It is a process of mutual success." Pan said as

Having worked in the financial industry, Pan understands perfectly the 笑着说,眼里如盈盈湖水,泛着微澜。 the aroma of tea filled the room, and her Akita dog
"Pancake" played with the guests outside. Pancake is
pressure of white-collar workers: the hustle and bustle in the city, the daily
of an elegant breed, but it is friendly and cheering. It
trivial matters, the to-do list, and the costs of living. As time goes by, their
loves to open its mouth wide, looking like smiling. It
health gets increasingly worse. We all know cars need maintenance after 1. Isha 瑜 伽, 由 瑜 伽 大 师 萨 古 鲁
also likes to rub its fluffy head in the guests' hands.
driving for a certain distance, and it's the same case for people. Sadhguru 设计,是一种基于古代瑜
"Maybe people are touched by Pancake's carefree
One impressive experience for Pan is that she once introduced the world- 控身心,实现深刻而持久的转化。
character. Everyone here in this mountain and field
renowned Isha Yoga1 into the Resort, and an American customer came
1. Isha yoga, designed by is finding a way to relax, to comfortably explore the
to attend the course. "He stayed in the Resort for 7 days and barely spoke yoga master Sadhguru, is a
ideal lifestyle." Pan said with a smile. In her eyes, there
a word. Every day, he sat there, quietly. The dogs and cats in the Resort method and tool based on
ancient yoga knowledge. are hope, tranquility, and joy.
were his best friends. No one knew what was in his mind."
By practicing to control the
body and mind, in-depth and
"Finally, when the course was over, he came to me and said he wanted
long-lasting transformation
to stay for a few more days, and this place helped him to find himself." can be realized.

104 105
Chapter. 03

Handmade Egg Shell Tea Set

106 107
顺着山脉,向上直飞 沈宇翀 Shen Yuchong

Fly up High along the Ridges

一切要从 2020 年沈宇翀为蔚来中心 | 杭州西湖创 It all started with a piece of Chinese ink wash
作的一幅水墨小品说起。 painting created by Shen for NIO House | West Lake
in 2020.
夫妇闲聊起来,发现对方运营的儿童摄影机构 , 他们
Back then, he and his family came to participate in
the activity of making key covers and chitchatted
刚带孩子去拍过。缘分到这,交个朋友,自我介绍 with a couple next to them. He learnt that the couple
是必要的。捕捉到沈宇翀的画家身份,一旁的工 runs a photography studio and Shen happened to
“蔚来中心快要两周年了, have taken his child there not long ago. It is such a
送我们张画吧。” coincidence that they introduced themselves and
made friends. One of the staff recognized the painter 沈宇翀 Shen Yuchong
“其实作为职业画家,即使是朋友要画,我们心 Shen and got quite excited: "The two-year anniversary
画家 / 蔚来 ES8 车主
里也难免会有点抵触的,因为这也是一个劳动成 of NIO House | West Lake is coming, how about giving
Painter / NIO ES8 user
us a piece of your painting as a gift?"

的。”一年后,沈宇翀坐在蔚来中心二层的长桌 "To be honest, as a professional painter, I will feel

前解释了理由:“这里整体招待我们的气氛就很 reluctant even when my friends ask for my paintings.
轻松、自由,员工也确实有家人的感觉,算是一 After all, it takes some hard work and thinking to

finish a painting. But here at the NIO House, it's totally
Chapter. 03

fine." One year later, sitting here by the long table on

转折来得突然,他没有预兆地笑起来:“画挂在 the second floor of the NIO House, Shen explained
这里也可以宣传自己。” to us.

"The atmosphere here is relaxing and comfortable.

The staff provides very good services. They're like
families. The painting is a sincere gift."
"Having my work put here is also an advertisement

for myself, isn't it?" He joked and laughed.

There were many moments like this during the

他信奉自然生长,讲求规则法度,舒适地活在山 one-hour interview. Behind Shen, who was dressed
水中。 in a black cotton and linen T-shirt, was the West
Lake hiding behind leaves of Chines parasol trees.
The huge French window is like a frame for the
picturesque view, and the scene was quite cozy. Just
as in his paintings, he is humble and gentle, but does
not reject all earthly matters.

He believes in natural growth, insists on rules of

nature and laws of society, and lives comfortably in
mountains and waters.

Ink NIO House | West Lake

108 109
Chinese landscape painting is more abstract by pursuing freehand brushwork
and put less emphasis on the handling of light and shadow, to present a "livable,
travelable and enjoyable" artistic conception.

西方绘画讲写实,强调用色彩的变化体现自然景 In 2001, he was successfully admitted to the

China Academy of Art but ended up studying

landscape painting in the School of Chinese Painting.
Shen shared that he didn't have a clear idea about
的意境。对沈宇翀来说,技法的转变不是最难过 his life and future, so he chose to accept and adapt
的关,难的是如何理解中国传统山水画所追求的 to what's already happened.
Then, "the pool of water" matters.

美育从欣赏起步,要把水看作《湖心亭》,他还 Western painting is about realism and emphasizes

差一次震撼教育。他记得在一次展览上看到北宋 the use of color to reflect changes of light and shade
宋徽宗赵佶创作的《雪江归棹图》:江面的寒意、 of the natural scenery; while Chinese landscape

线条的流动,廖廖几笔越过历史将意境缓缓铺陈。 painting is more abstract by pursuing freehand

Chapter. 03

brushwork and put less emphasis on the handling

of light and shadow, to present a "livable, travelable
and enjoyable" artistic conception. For Shen, the
The World of Chinese Landscape Painting 但那种技法是自然、不刻意的。” greatest challenge was not the various techniques
but understanding the aesthetic value pursued by

traditional Chinese landscape painting and capturing
沈宇翀从小便学了西画。高三那年,离开温州到杭州参加考前培训,住进雷峰塔附近 the moments and atmosphere beyond words.
的凤凰山里。当时设计是个时髦又实用的专业选择,沈宇翀觉得国画就是“老先生 To develop proper aesthetics, he should learn to
画画 ”,对自然景观也没有太多感触。所以推开窗就是西湖这件事显得并不重要, appreciate the works of masters first. To link the
用十几岁的沈宇翀的话说就是:“反正一滩水。” waters to the ink wash painting of "Huxin Pavilion",
he needed to be extremely impressed for once. He
2001 年,他成功考入中国美术学院,却阴差阳错进了国画系山水专业。沈宇翀自认 recalled that at the exhibition, he saw Returning
晚熟,随波逐流,也随遇而安。 Boats on a Snowy River ("Xue Jiang Gui Zhao Tu" in
Chinese) by Zhao Ji, Emperor Huizong of the Northern
Song Dynasty: the painting shows a chill in the air on
the river; only a few brushes, with the smooth lines,
watchers can feel the history and the atmosphere.
Shen learned western painting when he in his childhood. In the twelfth
That was the first time that Shen got amazed by the
grade (senior year of high school), he left Wenzhou to attend a pre-test
magnificence of Chinese landscape painting. The
training in Hangzhou and lived in the Fenghuang Mountain near
beauty shocked him and caused him goosebumps:
Leifeng Pagoda. At that time, to study design was trendy and useful. In contrast,
"The painting techniques are very natural, not
Shen considered traditional Chinese painting as "the thing for old-fashioned
deliberate at all."
men", so he didn't regard the natural landscape as a treasure. In this case,
the West Lake outside the window seemed no big deal. In the eyes of Shen stood in front of the painting for a long time,
teenage Shen, "It's just a pool of water." and he knew that he had found it—the expression he
has been yearning for.

110 111
2014 至 2016 年,沈宇翀陆续创作出了《西湖册》 From 2014 to 2016, Shen successively released a series of
系列。西湖的山林、庙宇、亭阁、水波、寒云、 works called "The Album of the West Lake". Mountains,

forests, temples, pavilions, waters, clouds, and birds

of the West Lake are all drawn in a detailed way that
has never been seen before. The work broke out of
他用极细的笔墨,在宣纸上勾画出粗细、深浅、 traditional patterns and found a new way in dealing
长短不一的线条⸺在 当 下的 中 国 传 统 山 水 画 with density of content. He used very fine brushes to
领域,几乎看不到同类作品。 draw various lines that vary in fineness, thickness, and
length on Xuan paper. Among all traditional Chinese
形式创新和个人风格是艺术家一生的母题,但在传 landscape paintings in modern times, there are rarely
统中国画的领域,古人留给现代画家的空间并 any other similar works.
不大 。“这也是我们比较纠结的地方,要去博取
An artist may spend a whole life innovating on
众长,但又要守护。”沈宇翀对创新有着自己的 forms or developing unique personal styles. But the Precious Stone Hill Floating in Rosy Clouds

定义,即掌握技法后不停地实践,而后得出一个 ancestors didn't leave much room for the modern

“一定不要刻意。”他反复强调。 painters in the field of traditional Chinese landscape
painting. "This is what we're struggling with. We

need to learn from the strengths of others but

protect personal style at the same time." Shen sees
innovation as a natural result of repeated practicing
深切体会。2013 年他有机会接触到印度细密画, after mastering the techniques. He emphasized: "It

should not be deliberate at all."

关键转折发生在 2014 年,沈宇翀在浙江省博物
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"The Album of the West Lake" is created in this way.

Shen sees the West Lake every day, so he has long
been immersed in its beauty. In 2013, he got the
这些片刻获得串联,沈宇翀试着将细密技法与自己 opportunity to study some works of the Indian Miniatures,
的风格进行融合。日日定神于案头,那一滩水便被 which boasts delicate ways of painting plants, by 湖心平眺

which Shen was deeply attracted. Thus he explored View of Huxin Pavilion

more in this regard. The key turning point occurred in

于是西湖。 2014, when Shen saw the work "Jie Bo Tu" by Zhu Yu,
a painter in Yuan Dynasty (1271-1368 A.D.), at Zhejiang
Provincial Museum. He was once more shocked
by the subtle expressions of depictions of complex
group portraits.

Combining what he had learned, Shen tried to blend

the miniature painting technique with his own style.
He kept on working on his painting day after day and
finally came up with the work showing "that pool of
water" with a winding ancient path, swaying willows
branches, sounds of evening bells echoing, and the
flying birds, forming a fantastic landscape.
Then, the West Lake, there it is. Three Pools Mirroring the Moon

112 113
A Scholar, an Official, and a Man

时间拨至 2021 年,沈宇翀给杭州西湖牛屋画的 Now in 2021, the painting that Shen created for
小作品出现在了上海车展。 NIO House | West Lake was displayed at the
Shanghai Auto Show.
In the ink wash painting, this building made from
terrazzo, glass, mirror polished metal, and other
立面和墨绿植被彼此相衬,西湖标志性的围栏 materials is a good combination of technology
和长椅铺底,建筑一层还有蔚来一蓝一白两辆小车 and culture. The silver facade and the dark green
点睛,吸引了不少车展观众驻足。 vegetation are in line with each other, the iconic
fences and benches of the West Lake become the
事实上,这幅画也是沈宇翀尝试新内容的切入点, background, and one blue and one white NIO car are
他从未如此画过现代建筑。 placed on the first floor, attracting many viewers to

the auto show.
挑战的。有时候吧,画家也有一种惰性:喜欢画 Actually, this painting is also the first time that
肩上慢慢扛起了责任感,像是他前不久在千岛湖完成的《不忘湖山》个展,51 幅作

Shen tried something new, for he has never painted

modern architecture in this way.
还是那个主题,“不是硬性地去说突破,我希望 "My paintings focused more on traditional ways, so
drawing morden architecture is a challenge. You
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know, painters are lazy to make changes: they would
rather paint what they are familiar with because it's
选择。” easier to get satisfactory works. But sometimes we smiled and gave up: "It's too far away from me. I am just a painter. What

have to try, to make breakthroughs, and to face the I have in mind is, for example, a convenient transportation. You know, I
can save some time getting here from Xiaoshan District." After that, the
failure, since there's no making without breaking."
Of course, the theme is the same. "It's not like you're ancient' poem helped continue the topic, "Lu You once wrote 'Outside the
主语是“我们”,他站在群体中,目光切实而平等。 deliberately making breakthroughs. I hope the work post-house, beside the broken bridge, alone, deserted, a flower blooms.'

comes naturally and spontaneously with a certain This may be the Peach Garden (Tao Hua Yuan in Chinese) imagined
by scholars and painters. I hope the natural landscape can be well
style reflected. The work of NIO House | West Lake is a
chance, and the question you're asking now affects protected to last longer."
审美。这或许是他的平衡之道:“我虽然是艺术家, my choice."
Later, I came up with a question about other-worldly and this-worldly
When talking with Shen, you can always feel a sense issues. "As an artist, you still need to face worldly problems like rush
但要说对城市发展的期望,他又有些为难,磕磕 of Zen, but only for a while, before it is soon replaced hour traffic. How do you balance between your artistic creation and

绊绊聊了点便笑着认输:“太高瞻远瞩了,我只 by his simplicity. He likes to use "we" as the subject, life?" It seemed that the help still came from the ancients. "In fact, many

as he regards himself as a part of the crowd, with a landscape painters in ancient China were officials. He would be an
official, a scholar, and also a common man."
practical and equal perspective.

“陆游写‘驿外断桥边,寂寞开无主’,这可能是 At present, Shen works in Hangzhou Art Academy as When Shen was still a student, he dreamed of thoroughly standing aloof

a civil servant, with the duty of serving society and from worldly affairs and living only for art and painting. Now, a sense of
responsibility has slowly grown. For example, 51 works on his solo exhibition
enhancing the public's aesthetic knowledge through
his creations. This may be his way of balancing: "I am "The Unforgetable Mountains and Lakes" held in Qiandao Lake recently

聊着聊着,出世与入世的问题腾出脑海⸺一个赶着 an artist, but I am not alone." connected the cultural heritages of Qiandao Lake and Hangzhou. "So, I

don't think we have to set the two ideas against each other. Sometimes
But when talking about the expectations for
an other-worldly feeling is in your mind, and you have to accept and live
the development of the city, he seemed a little with it. When you enter the society, the other-worldly ideas should be
官员,他是个仕人,不仅是文人,还是个世人。” embarrassed. He tried to say something, but finally guarded in your heart." He took a sip of coffee, neatly and comfortably.

114 115
提升大众审美是个太大的命题,对此,沈宇翀并不急躁。 笔者后记

16 岁的沈宇翀初到杭州,坐在出租车上感叹“怎么开到 沈宇翀身上有股力量,他在山水中,亦在道路上。
去那边,刚好遇上雨,荷花很漂亮。” 却甚少谈辛苦,谈定力。

西湖不再是一滩水或一个景区,在忙碌之余,还有一片 艺术史博士颜徵颐评论《西湖册》时写道:“宇翀画笔法绵密如曹洞禅,静坐默究
湖山在陪伴你。它像是净土,给予沈宇翀美感的加持。 自能照彻自性清净真如。而笔笔坚实不妄发,则如枯木禅,不得

也是新的故乡,只要开车路过,落下窗户瞥上一眼,早 其默坐沉静之力,正如枯木逢春。”枯木逢春,何等坚韧。


Improving the public's aesthetics is a big

matter, but Shen is patient about it. "Aesthetics
is cultivated slowly in an immersive manner. There is power in Shen. It is about the mountains and waters, and about

Buildings, people, paintings, and even cars will the path he is on.
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impress us with all kinds of beauty all the time.

What's more, we're in Hangzhou." He joked about how difficult it is to draw NIO House | West Lake by giving
the example that when drawing ancient architecture, painters often
Shen first arrived in Hangzhou at the age of 16. He expect the building to be "as dilapidated as possible". He mimicked the
was sitting in the taxi and was amazed, "Are we sound "chu" to describe the cavalier perspective painters use to depict
geting into a forest? There are trees on both sides." the landscape as if one is lifted to a higher level so that they can have a
Now he lives near Xianghu Lake, and his wife runs better view. He said many times that he was getting older, and he was so
an online shop called "Mrs. Shen". On weekends, excited that he even "come clean" about daily trifles like his wife is troubled
the couple would take their children to embrace by her crow's feet and doesn't like taking pictures.
nature in small hills around the West Lake, and
pitch a tent on the grass field, enjoying the leisure However, he rarely talked about hard work and willpower.
time for the whole afternoon. In the Lotus Village Yan Zhengyi, a Ph.D. in Art History, commented on the "The Album of the
of Xianghu Lake lies a tea house, which is his West Lake" : "Shen's brushwork follows the style of Caodong school of
favorite. About why it is so special, "Once in June Zen, emphasizing self-introspection of meditation, which can reflect the
or July, after taking my child to school in the purity of himself. Solid but not rash brushstrokes are like the Kumu school
morning, I went there. It was a rainy day, and the of Zen, indicating the meaning that eternal life is impossible without
lotuses are very nice-looking." psychological death. The power of sitting silently and quietly is just like
West Lake is no longer "a pool of water" or a scenic the withered tree in spring bursts forth afresh." A withered tree comes to
spot. In spare time, the lake and the mountains life again, how tough it is!
are there to keep you company. It is like a pure At the end of the interview, I asked a regular question: "Have you got any
land, adding to Shen's aesthetic experience. It is new ideas for creation?"
also his second hometown. Whenever you drive
by, roll down the window and take a glance at it, "Maybe there is, but I'm still figuring it out."
you will find yourself already in the natural realm.

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韧性曲奇 柯柯 Ke Ke

Tough Cookies

什么是少女心? What is a girl's fantasy?

一盒 AKOKO 摆在面前,粉蓝治愈的铁盒包装, This is probably the most fascinating moment for

girls: a box of AKOKO, packed in the healing pinky-

blue iron box, with the painting of loveable rabbits
and elephants with cute faces. When opened, the
这样的形容竟然能被一键使用,大概就是少女心 three-colored crispy cookies come into sight while
的极致了。 milk's fragrance lingers—you've never imagined that

one day you were as if "soaked in the honeypot".

绿丝绒旗袍愈发显得她稚气乖巧。 若她和曲奇 Sitting there is Ke Ke, short-haired with a baby face.

Dressed in green velvet cheongsam, she looks even

younger and smarter. It's easy for people to connect
Chapter. 03

her with the cookies, but you'll be surprised if I tell

连 续 两 年 入 榜“ 胡 润 30 岁 以 下 创 业 领 袖” 的 you, she is AKOKO's founder, the entrepreneur who
AKOKO 创始人。 made herself into "Hurun China Under 30s to Watch"

for two years and impressed many investors. Few
people know that the rabbit on the package actually
“其实她 stands for Ke Ke. She is a little bit shy and "blamed"
比我更可爱,我现在已经没那么可爱啦。” the designer when we talked about it. "I think she is

cuter than me. That's my past days." said Ke Ke.

柔软。而柯柯生动真实,她坦荡地制造甜蜜,希望 Cuteness is a very subjective thing and a neutral

word. You can say it's sometimes pretentious,

sometimes soft. But Ke Ke is real and vivid. Everyone
knows she is making sweet things, hoping to melt
“但我理解的少女心不是简单的粉红色,不是打雷要 people's hearts the moment they get the pack.
躲回被窝。”她把碎发归到耳后,语气微微严肃。 "But I think a girl's fantasy is more than liking pink

color. It's not like there is a thunder so I need to hide
in my bed." She is a bit serious when she said this.
初夏的西湖刚下过一阵小雨,湖面上水雾氤氲。 What is a girl's fantasy then?
The West Lake is covered with mist after a drizzle in
early summer, and she shared: "it's a positive attitude
的一个人。” towards life, always be curious, always be willing to 柯柯 Ke Ke
share, to explore and experience new things. I am a AKOKO 创始人 / 蔚来 ES6 车主
person like this." Founder of AKOKO / NIO ES6 user

118 119

柯柯有着相当精彩的大学生活。按她的说法,是 College life for Ke Ke is full of challenges. According

“我还挺能 to her, she grew up in a relatively simple and safe
environment, so she dares to do a lot of things: "I am
always energetic."
Ke Ke would like to do anything for tasty food. For
事不在少数。柯柯自认对吃有着高感知力,还会 example, she will travel all the way across Hangzhou,
“我自来熟嘛,无论 just to try a dessert. Ke Ke assumes she has a
好吃难吃都说出来,时间长了不仅积累下一张 sensitivity and deep understanding of food, ands
美食地图,还认识了很多自己的预备同行。” she would talk to the restaurant employees and
give them feedback. "I am not afraid of talking to
柯柯的首要创业基因非常显性:她走到哪儿都有 strangers and always naturally engage with them. 她尝试过在将出差看作旅行,但发现“完全是两码事 ”。她怀念野性与自由,那些穿
朋友,没有朋友就创造朋友。 I would provide my comments like whether it's 梭、分享本身就是沉浸式的探索。陌生是安全的,新事物使她兴奋。结论呼之欲出:
delicious or not. As time passes by, I form my own 热爱是找不到平替的。
map of delicacies, and more importantly, I get to
金库。初期的收入“很大学生”⸺兼职,但彼 于是果断辞职,接下来的一切才顺理成章:被一家私家烘焙的甜品击中,味蕾的快感

know many potential 'colleagues' ".

时她的职业选择就很有意思:户外领队。没错, 刺激了大脑的思考⸺为什么我们不做一款属于自己的烘焙品牌?
It's obvious why Ke Ke has the entrepreneur gene: she
has friends wherever she goes, or she will make some

if there is none.
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In the fourth year of college, her "little bank" got upgraded. The university
Travelling is as important as food-hunting. She encouraged entrepreneurship back then, so she initiated her first project:
又有收入,不断认识新的团队,还能锻炼身体!” created her "little bank" for travel funds. At first, she an offline selfie photo studio. The shop was set up in Xiasha, a place where
钱攒够了便即刻出发。 made money in a "college student way"—doing part- most colleges and universities were located. The project turned out to be a
time jobs. But her choice was interesting: an outdoor success and was later purchased at a satisfactory price.
柯柯习惯一个人旅行,那时还流行“沙发客”。 tour guide. Exactly, an internal cycle has been
Ke Ke calls these experiences "adventures". She is fast to apply what she
她在周五晚坐上 Z 字开头的直达火车,八个小时的 formed. The tour of Hui Hang Road (old-time Anhui
has in mind. In others' mind, she never feels tired and always energetic,
硬座从杭州驶向汉口,提供住处的姐姐为她准备 to Hangzhou road) is two-day hiking, which is a great
and boldly follows her heart. But one thing more important than being
test of perseverance. But the picturesque scenery
free and bold is to always make things under control. This is why she can
may become dull if you pay a frequent visit. But Ke Ke
小巷不知疲倦地穿梭。疯玩两天后,周日晚再跳上 do things as she wants.
is always positive and energetic: "I can have fun while
火车回杭。 making money. I get to know new people, and I can After graduation, Ke Ke started with organizing and hosting recruitment

exercise my body!" events, large and small, for Hangzhou Talent Market. This job was not a
perfect match for a student majoring in International Economics and
第一个项目:线下自拍馆。在高校集中的下沙, When money got ready, she would hit the road.
Trade, and far from her personal hobbies. She honestly confesses she hasn't
效果相当不错,最终也被漂亮收购。 She liked to travel alone. At that time, "couch- figured out what to do at that time. All of a sudden, what she is passionate

surfing" was in fashion. On a Friday night, she would about is no longer a part of her occupation.
buy a hard seat ticket, board on a Z-starting train,
想到便去做了。在旁人看来,她精力旺盛,随性 She tried to replace business trips as travel, but they turned out to
and spend eight hours heading directly to Hankou
肆意。但比自由更难得的是她始终稳稳掌握着 from Hangzhou. The elder girl providing the "couch"
be "completely different". She missed the bold and free days, the

explorations, the sharing, the devotion. Though strange, she felt safe;
prepared a local food map. Following the marks, she
though new and fresh, she felt excited. The conclusion is just at the tip of
traveled in the streets and paths and never felt tired.
the tongue: passion is not something you can pretend.
After making full use of the two days traveling and
招聘活动。对于一个国际经济与贸易专业的毕业生 exploring, on Sunday night, she would hop on a train She didn't even hesitate when she quitted the job. What happened next
来说,这份工作并不对口,和兴趣爱好也相去甚远, and get back to Hangzhou. started to make sense: shocked by the dessert of a private baking brand. She
她坦承是迷茫所致。骤然间,热爱被剥离出职业。 couldn't help wondering, why don't we make our own baking brand?

120 121
The Entrepreneurship

回顾 AKOKO 创立初期的琐事,柯柯总是重复道: Looking back at the old days when AKOKO was newly
“当时想着不用做得多大。”白手起家,做一件 established, Ke Ke kept stressing that she didn't

mean to build something really big. She started from

scratch and did something she enjoyed so much.
Ideally, she would gain some loyal customers. But
有点“凡”。 looking at the size of company now, this "didn't

2016 年,AKOKO 横空出世,抓住了微信公众号

want to build something big" seems a little bit like


的商品交易总额。在那个时间段内,几乎所有头部 In 2016, AKOKO was born and gained huge fame by

leveraging the growing momentum of Internet traffic

brought by WeChat. Within only half a year, the sales
volume totaled tens of million RMB. During that
销量暴涨,资本进入。当小而美已无法为消费者 period, almost all top-tier and impactful WeChat

提供品质更稳定的产品时,2018 年 AKOKO 决定
official accounts were selling their products. Thus,

AKOKO grabbed this private sphere market in WeChat
and became a national legend brand.

The surge in sales has attracted capital. The small

Chapter. 03

scale of enterprise can no longer satisfy the demand
from a huge number of customers. To provide
泉水,设备性能、员工排班、产品周转、日常摊 products with higher and more stable quality,
销……工业化的数字与人情在新手村为所欲为。 AKOKO decided to set up its own factory in Xiaoshan,
每天被看不见的损耗压得喘不过气,她沉默许久后 Hangzhou.
“ 一睁眼就是钱。” Ke Ke likened "starting up an enterprise" to "leveling
up and slaying bosses in games". There were many

things to learn. A bunch of people lacking the
experience of supply chain must have gone through
但完全看不进去书。没有时间陪家人,即使有 obstacles and difficulties when setting up a factory.
时间了也不想动,就想 …… 就想躺着!”无论是 In reality, there is no resurrection potion in real life.
“ 躺平”的状态出现在 They had to consider equipment performance,
柯柯的生活里都是件大事,这意味着她失去了探 schedules, inventory, daily cost… the figures and
the arrangements all posed great challenges. Every
single day, she was stressed about the invisible
costs. After quite a silence, she put it in the most
straightforward way: "Every day I woke up and all I
thought about is money."

She had never been more anxious. She caught a cold

every month. Her nose bled even before she woke
up. "I knew I need to learn more, but I couldn't calm
down to read books. I had no time for families. Even
when I had time, the only thing I wanted to do is
to… lie down!" In her past experience, "lying down" is
something new for Ke Ke. It meant she had lost the
desire to explore, and her energy was fading away.

122 123
敲醒她的是 19 年和蔚来的联名合作。

蔚来 NIO Life 员工 Sophia 牵起了线头。被 AKOKO 种草后,她辗转找到柯柯,提出了

同时达到酥、脆、滑的口感;口味上采取了 Sophia 的建议,结合了酸、甜、咸三个
2. 3.


4. 5. 亮眼的表现让柯柯在蔚来中心返了次场,做分享会。她与蔚来的相识相知是逆序的,

6. 7. 8. 后来,柯柯得知当时蔚来也遇到了不小的困难,品牌坚守的价值观在艰难时刻更显


The joint cooperation with NIO in 2019 dragged her out of the mess.

It was proposed by Sophia, a member of NIO Life. She was a fan of AKOKO.
Chapter. 03

With much effort, she managed to find Ke Ke and proposed to make

a joint gift box set. Some major innovative steps were taken: the thin
and crispy slices were integrated with the butter cookie to bring a taste
of crispy, crunchy, and smooth at the same time. The flavor followed
Sophia's suggestion: sea salt caramel, thus having different layers of sour,
sweet, and salty, like a cocktail with top, middle and base notes. Finally,
it was named "CRISP COOKIE". With the package in typical NIO blue, it
was exhibited on a full wall on the Auto China Beijing the next year, and
won the Best Bakery Product Award in the Seventh Global Food Beverage
Innovation Conference.
1. 铁塔淡奶油 5. 澳洲天然日晒海盐
Elle·Vire whipping cream Australian natural sea salt
With this good acknowledgment, Ke Ke got invited back to NIO House
2. 精制白砂糖 6. 巴氏杀菌全蛋液
Refined white granulated sugar Pasteurized egg liquid to share her success story. Ke Ke's purchase experience of NIO was
3. 法芙娜可可粉 7. 欧洲发酵黄油 reverse to typical models as the two started from cooperation and then
VALRHONA cocoa powder European fermented butter
communication and finally purchase. And during the process, unknown
4. 法国进口薄脆片 8. 香港美玫面粉
Thin chips imported from France Ameridan Roses wheat floour for pastry car owners and professional service team played an important role. "I
started to realize that I resonate with NIO. We both go after quality."

Later, Ke Ke learned that at that time, NIO also encountered many

difficulties but still insist on brand value, which is quite valuable. It seems
that a big question suddenly seems easier, and the answer is clear: "No
NIO Life " 咔呲咔呲 " 薄脆曲奇 matter it's a big car or a small biscuit, we will face all kinds of problems,
CRISP COOKIE by NIO Life and the key is to persist."

Ke Ke felt the growth in herself in a more concrete way. She realized that
although she didn't mean to build something big, it doesn't mean she
should give up expansion opportunities coming along with huge demand.

124 125
The Test of Time

看得出来,柯柯近来的状态很不错。 Ke Ke is in a good state recently, I can tell. I can still vaguely remember the cute and loveable girl, which was my
first impression of Ke Ke. And the confident and smart girl in front of
她热情地参加着蔚来中心 | 杭州西湖的各式活动; She is an active participant in all kinds of events held
me and that cute girl started to merge together. She slept on others'
in NIO House | West Lake. She always wanted to show
sofa for days in Macao; she made a map of delicacies of Hangzhou
us some specific examples. When we talked about
课会翻出课件,想起当时推荐她买蔚来的车主, based on her personal experience, and she later became an HR
the courses she recently attended, she would show
硬生生地要找到对方微信。需要静心的时候,她 us the courseware; when thinking of the user who
capable of organizing large-scale events…

“也是一种探索。” recommended her into purchasing NIO cars, she As a matter of fact, Ke Ke has long been determined to stand the test
of time.
managed to get the WeChat of that person. When
she needs to calm down, she would rather ride a bike
总在求知和分享中切换,总之是不留距离的。这 around the West Lake. "It's also an exploration."
Her instinct points her to be passionate and persistent. The unknown

locations are lit up one after another. Every stop on the rewarding
I noticed that deep in this Taizhou girl's heart, there is journey, she learned and grew with a grateful mind. She works hard
最早 AKOKO 用的是普通动物黄油,直到柯柯在一 persistence and perseverance. She is either pursuing without knowing the huge potential and talents reside in her body.
次香港餐饮展上发现他们用的黄油口味更加醇厚, new knowledge or sharing her experience, with no
While savoring the Green Plum Longjing Tea, we can see a girl's
gap in between. This reminds people of a story in her

fantasy vividly unveiled in front of our eyes.

发酵动物黄油 。一路问肯德基、星巴克要冰块,
initial stage of starting up the company.

愣是以冷藏的状态带回杭州实验。从此之后, At the beginning, AKOKO used regular butter to make

AKOKO 曲奇便有了纯正的奶香味。
cookies. Later, Ke Ke had a try of smoother and mellower

cultured butter on a food expo in Hong Kong and

Chapter. 03

大有言论说杭州是网红城市,这份铁盒子装的 could not get away with it. There was no hesitation.
“网红”好似 Ke Ke rushed to the local supermarket in search for

the butter and managed to bring it all the way back

to Hangzhou fro experiment with ice cubes from KFC
and Starbucks. And here you get the tasty AKOKO we
正常,这个世代大家都有自己的兴趣主张,结合起 have today.
Words are that Hangzhou is famous for its influencer
economy. And AKOKO cookies are one of the
聊到这里我猛的有些恍惚。眼前自信抛出反问的 influencer products that fade away soon. In these

descriptions, "Internet celebrity" is not a neutral word.

It indicates that things will change very fast, while
information is scattered and people care more about
把杭州细细尝过、 整理进地图的吃货, 初毕业 good appearances. Ke Ke didn't deny this fact, but
便能承办大型展会的 HR…… she further explained: "it's completely normal to favor

fancy-looking things. In modern days, everyone has
his own interest and ideas, all of which combined
她的本能,热爱,执着,坚持绕着未知顺序被逐一 form the natural social trend. Online celebrity is a

productive force, more importantly, you don't know,

why can't I be the one who stands the test of time
and becomes a long-lasting internet celebrity?"

126 127
与美同行 翟振辉 Zhai Zhenhui

Along with Aesthetics

Chapter. 03


Zhai Zhenhui has a Ph.D. degree in Oriental Design at China Academy

of Art, and was a student of Professor Bi Xuefeng. After getting his
master degree in ceramics, he founded Pinwushang Design Studio
and has since been enjoying a slow life from ceramic art. As he joined 翟振辉 Zhai Zhenhui
the HAGOC (the Hangzhou Asian Games Organising Committee) and
陶艺家 / 蔚来 ES8 创始版车主
took charge of the visual design, he now has a new identity. But what
Ceramic Artist / NIO ES8 Original Edition user
remains the same is the pursuit of "aesthetics".

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I first met Zhai, a ceramist, at NIO's knowledge-sharing event, seeds in 2019.

The theme then was "Perceive the Beauty of Contemporary Ceramic Art".
Dressed in white with a short hairstyle, Zhai looked fresh and neat. I could
still vividly remember what he said at the time: "The process of creating
ceramics is very cumbersome. It's like The Journey to the West. You have
to go through great suffering before reaching the destination. After that,

you'll realize many things in life that would make you angry are, in fact, so
trifling. And you'll gradually learn about how to take things easy without
getting upset over trivial matters."

I remember a comment he posted on the event page: "The best way to

Chapter. 03

be happy is to get involved." A participant replied: "And also exchanging

and sharing of ideas. I've benefited a lot."

There was one moving comment from another participant: "When the
everyone is busy chasing after fame, fortune and status and many people

are living by the opinions of others, Zhai is one of those who remain calm
and at peace. I've always loved art and I almost cried when I saw how
the artist was following the tradition of craftsmanship and conveying
Slow Living in Ceramic Art the meaning behind every ceramic ware. I saw a piece of artwork I had
long been waiting for. It not only lives up to but even surpasses my
expectations. It's a call of the heart and gave me great comfort."
翟振辉的工作室在钱塘江畔,园子里有水有鱼, Zhai's ceramic studio is located along the bank of the
四时花草不断,鸟声不绝,俨然世外桃园。透过 Qiantang River. His studio is furnished with a fishpond

in a lush garden full of seasonal plants and chirping

birds, like an otherworldly sort of place. Through his
ceramic works, one can easily catch a glimpse of the
对他来说,创作陶艺的过程,是让生活慢下来的 pure, unworldly mind of the artist. A work of art is

surely a projection of its creator.

这件器物充满未知性,任何一点变化都会让它变得 For him, ceramics is a method to slow down his life.

不一样。这是陶艺最大的魅力。 From preparing the clay lump and body to glazing
and firing, we'll never know what it will look like
初见陶艺师翟振辉,是在 2019 年蔚来发起的车展 before getting it out of the furnace. Any slight change
seeds 分享会上,主题是“感知当代陶艺之美”。 will make a difference. That is the greatest charm of
翟振辉白衣、短发,扑面而来一股清爽和安逸。 ceramics.

130 131
翟振辉把观众比喻成靶子,logo 等设计元素就是子弹,
Hit the World with the Beauty of Hangzhou

Zhai likens the audience to a target while his designs are bullets. He wishes to hit the
global audience fair and square and make everyone experience the culture, history,
and style of Hangzhou.

“你在亚 Now, Zhai is frequently asked: "what are you doing in 亚运会对杭州是非常难得的机遇,翟振辉充满了 meal nearby if you get tired."
组委具体干嘛的?” 期待。有句话叫:
“ 办好一个会,提升一座城。”
the HAGOC?"
The Asian Games is a rare opportunity for Hangzhou,
他觉得,亚运会将给杭州带来巨大的变化 。
Indeed, the issue of switching from a ceramic artist and Zhai has high expectations. As the saying goes,
to visual design manager of Hangzhou Asian Games 运会来临,仅地铁将会开通十几条,这对我们的
"A successful event can make a city." He believes the
is not only about "what to do", but also "why".

Asian Games will bring great changes to Hangzhou.

,还有“为什么”。 "At that time Hangzhou will be connected by a dozen
“ 以前到国外,说
"Things the audiences are usually familiar with, the
of subway lines. It'll make our lives more convenient
like of emblem, mascots, medals, torches and other
in the future."
image elements. To be more precise, all the visual

G20 峰会之后杭州在世界上慢慢有了声音。那么
images you see on your mobile phones and TVs in
Chapter. 03

Another thing is that the Games will make Hangzhou

品牌形象包涵甚广:logo 设计、图形的色彩设计、
the future are within our work scope." Visual images known to the world. "When I was abroad, I had to
includes a wide range of items: logo design, graphic 提升。”
explain that Hangzhou is close to Shanghai, because
colors and elements of guiding marks. At a glance, it people didn't know where the city is. It was only after
能和注重手作的陶艺挂上钩。 seems none could relate to hand-made ceramic. 通过转播,杭州亚运会的品牌形象将被传递给世界 the G20 did Hangzhou start to have a voice in the
几十亿观众。翟振辉把观众比喻成靶子,logo 等
world. The Asian Games, too, will greatly raise the
The key point lies in Hangzhou.
设计元素就是子弹,他希望这些元素能精准呈现 profile of the city."
从湖南来到杭州,在国美学习、留下来工作,这里 Coming from Hunan Province to Hangzhou, Zhai
给全世界观众,让大家感受到杭州这座城市的 Delicately designed works will be delivered to billions
给予了翟振辉极大触动。“杭州区别于很多城市, 魅力和品味。
studied at the China Academy of Art and later settled
of people in the world through the broadcasts. Zhai
in the city after graduation. For him, "Hangzhou is a
likens the audience to a target while his designs are
city of fascinating charm, where you can have a real
bullets. He wishes to hit the global audience fair and
会来很多人,仅运动员有 1 万多名,还有媒体记者、
life", and he is deeply touched.
square and make everyone experience the culture,
桌子,二楼有包厢,同学聚会就去那边,很僻静 One of his favorite places is Guo's Villa. "On the 亚奥理事会大家庭成员等,这座城市给他们的印象 history, and style of Hangzhou.
舒适。城市节奏越来越快,需要放松地坐下来, first floor are tables with parasols and private VIP 是什么?”看似简单的设计元素背后,代表的是
From his perspective, it is an important job: "Tens of
rooms are on the second floor. We often go there for
thousands of people will be coming from abroad,
classmate gatherings. The place is very secluded and
“网红的法喜寺,那条路走上去,上面的茶园非常 comfortable. The pace of life in cities is getting faster,
including over 10,000 athletes, as well as media
journalists and members of the COA family. What
but we need to sit down and think quietly."
would be their first impression of this city?" In fact,
"Walk that road and you'll see the 'Internet celebrity' the seemingly-simple design elements represent the
游山步道做得很好,四通八达,爬累了附近可以 Faxi Temple. The tea garden there is very quiet. If you cultural history of a city.
吃个饭。” climb up from Zhejiang University to the North Peak,
you can overlook the entire West Lake. You can get
a breath of fresh air while climbing the mountain.
The well-made walking trails are very walkable and
it's quite easy to get around. You can stop to have a

132 133
Hit the Public's Aesthetic Preference




尝试材质的多元化是翟振辉一直在做的事。之前他有 3 件作品入选了两届全国美术



In addition to expressing himself in a more diverse way, Zhai is also


absorbing more knowledge with this different identity.

Chapter. 03

His vision and thinking have improved dramatically in international

competitions, "You imagination get expanded which is totally different
to what you conceived before this experience. It has been elevated to
a higher level." Although he has no time to produce his own work as it
is at the critical stage of the Asian Games preparations, he never stops
thinking and many ideas are put into his mind along the way, which only
takes a little chance to bloom.

For example, Zhai believes that ceramic art can be more diversified.

He has been experimenting with various materials. Three of his works made
from the combination of ceramic materials with lacquer, wood, or even
metal have been selected for the National Exhibition of Fine Arts, China.
But currently, he thinks that it is not the form that needs diversity, the Works by Zhai

key is the thinking behind the form. "The future world will be about
visualization and digitalization. I believe it's even possible for me to convey
the idea of ceramic art in digital way or through images," said Zhai.

What remains unchanged is the spirit and meaning they communicate.

134 135
Behind beauty is what one wants to express. It's an infinite possibility beyond any
material, technique, or form.

这个精神是创造美的追求。 For Zhai, that spirit is to create a pursuit of aesthetics.

他用了费孝通的“美美与共、美人之美”来解释: He explained, cited Fei Xiaotong's famous saying

on "discovering beauty in common while accepting
differences": "It should make people fall in love with
it at first sight and bring pleasant feelings instead
了解很多内容才能明白,翟振辉觉得过于复杂了: of making them feel uncomfortable." Zhai thinks
“好的东西就是让人看一眼,感觉对了,不需要 that some of the contemporary works are over

complicated and require too much knowledge to

understand: "Good things are supposed to make
这一感受在陶艺事业中发源 , 进入亚组委后生长: people like them at first glance. There is no need to
好的设计,大家第一感觉对了,后期的审批过程 explain them with more words."

This feeling generated in the ceramic industry, and

Chapter. 03

。” grew in the work in HAGOC: a good design is that you

feel right at the first sight, thus the approval process
will be relatively smooth, otherwise there will be a lot
从分享陶艺,到表达杭州,在翟振辉看来,美是 of uncertainty. "In popular terms, it's called hitting
“美的背后,是你要表达的东西, the public's aesthetic preference."

这是一种不局限于任何材质、技巧、载体的无限 Such aesthetics is universal.

“ 很幸运,我觉得我和它们恰巧
For Zhai Zhenhui, sharing the beauty of ceramics,
是在一条道上的,那是一种气味相投的感觉。” and expressing the voice of Hangzhou, are both
about aesthetics. "Behind beauty is what one wants
to express. It's an infinite possibility beyond any
material, technique, or form." Zhai said, "I am lucky
that I found my path."

136 137
On the Road



Chapter We embrace the novelty,

and find the meaning in sharing.

We are connected at some point,

for a joyful life together,
and new drive for exploration.
Travel with NIO

On the Road


In NIO's community, you can always meet people

Chapter. 04

with shared interests.

With the love of life, we start pleasant journeys
together to explore the infinite surprises.

Travel with NIO.

Glamping 野奢系列
Glamping Outdoor Luxury Collection

140 141
A Tale of Two Cities Under the Moon
On the Road



9 月 21 日至 22 日,我们驾驶 ES8 向杭州进发。丝丝细雨,朦胧江南,我们在西湖


Chapter. 04

再把华服和流光溢彩搬到黄浦江畔。登顶中国第一高楼,在 58 层江畔露台手摘星辰,


During the Mid Autumn Festival, we came together for a vintage party

across two cities, Shanghai and Hangzhou.

From September 21 to 22, we drove ES8 to Hangzhou. The drizzle made Stargazing Tour in Anji

Jiangnan much mistier. We went boating in the West Lake, smelt the 2021.05
fragrance in Longjing, visited the most beautiful NIO House, and tasted
the specialty drink of NIO House | West Lake. 这一次我们驾驶 EC6,前往浙江安吉,开启观星之旅。竹海茶园,挖笋
And then gorgeous dresses and flowing light were presented on the
Bank of Huangpu River. At the top of China's tallest building, we enjoyed 群山包裹之下,开启星空树洞,回归心灵的宁静。
the glorious full moon on the 58th-floor riverside terrace and tasted the
specialty drink. The reunion was the time at the dressing party.
We headed to Anji Zhejiang for a star-watching tour, with NIO EC6.
From far away we shared the time together. We wandered in the sea of bamboo and walked around the tea
garden, digging bamboo shoots and picking tea leaves. We had a
fun dinner by the campfire, back to the nature of wildlife.

Surrounded by mountains, we watched the starry sky and found

the tranquility of mind.

142 143
NIO Summer

NIO Summer


On the Road


Chapter. 04


NIO Summer

is a summer carnival for NIO users.

Every summer, old and new friends A Colorful Summer Day by the Qiandao Lake

from NIO's community meet up 2019.07

for a joyful summer get-together.
一座青山,一湾绿湖。花园泳池派对、落日沙滩 BBQ、ES6 试驾,和来自
Gathering under the summer sunshine

or celebrate our reunion near the beach;
look up at the starry sky in the mountains
or have fun by the seaside.

Sports, music, food, arts, travelling...

together we capture the the joy exclusive for summertime.
The first summer party started in the mountains and lakes of
Make your own memories of summer. Qiandao Lake County.
Gather all the good in the NIO Summer. Green were the mountain and lake. We held a party by the
pool; We had a sunset beach BBQ; We took a test drive of ES6;
We shared stories with NIO users from different places.

Couldn't be happier!

144 145
Fall in Wonderland


在这个燥热的夏天,我们逃离了城市的喧嚣, In this hot summer, we escaped from the city and

去往蔚蓝色海底,感受满心满眼的湛蓝浪漫。 went to the blue sea and immersed ourselves
in the blue romance.
The season is never short of delightful surprises.
Long table dinners, candlelight and fine wine were
the right way to enjoy summer.
On the Road
Chapter. 04

Wild Star Party


天气转凉之际,我们抓住夏天的尾巴,与数百位 When the weather turned cool, we tried to cherish

蔚来用户、粉丝,相聚拥有绝美自然景色的融创 the last time of summer. With hundreds of NIO users

and fans, we were reunited in the most beautiful
natural scenery.
Lawn market, cultural creation, hand-made works,
的美好被悉心收藏。 drive-in cinema, the beauty of summer was carefully

146 147





前行 蔚来生活方式变为专属符号
Always Forward 留这一席之地,去体验美学,收获愉悦

Entering a city is to explore a space and to meet with someone,

to derive new possibilities from the changes at the right chance.

If there would be a place for those stories to spark inspirations,

we'd like to call it the Place of Ideal.

By the West Lake, NIO House creates more opportunities for encounters,
bridging minds and opening the window for viewing and sharing.

from the taste on the tongue to the gathering of the world,
all dreams and expectations converge,
from which infinite possibilities emerge.

the lifestyle NIO advocates becomes an unique symbol,
for those who come to co-build a joyful community,
for those who appreciate aesthetics and pleasure of life.

150 151

Scan the QR code

for more to explore at
NIO House | West Lake

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