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University of Sulaimani

Faculty of Engineering
Civil Engineering Department
Concrete Technology (CE205)
Concrete Technology Laboratory Report
Academic Year (2021-2022)

Student Details
Name Rahand kawa hamasalih
Stage and Lab Group 2nd stage -A1
Test Details
Test Name Compressive Strength of Cement Mortar
Test Number 4
Date of Laboratory 14/11/2021
Feedback from Marker

Marker’s Signature
Marker’s Name
Report Mark
Submission Deadline
Submitted Date
Deduction for Late Submission

Concrete Technology Laboratory Report Evaluation
Sections Total Earned Comments
Marks Marks
Cover Sheet 3
Evaluation Form 2
Table of Contents 2
1 Introduction
1.1 Background 5
1.2 Aim 2
1.3 Test Standards 2
1.4 Importance of the Test 5
1.5 Test Report Outline 3
2 Materials and Instruments
2.1 Materials 2
2.2 Instruments 3
3 Test Procedure 5
4 Data and Results
4.1 The Data Collected from Lab 4
4.2 Calculations 4
4.3 Results 4
5 Discussions 22
6 Conclusions 8
7 References 4
Data Sheet 20
Total 100

Concrete Technology Laboratory Report Evaluation Form..........................................................................ii

1 Introduction..............................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Importance of Test......................................................................................................................1
2 Materials and Instruments........................................................................................................................2
2.1 Materials......................................................................................................................................2
2.2 Instruments..................................................................................................................................2
3 Test Procedure..........................................................................................................................................3
4 Datasheet & Results.................................................................................................................................5
4.1 Calculations.................................................................................................................................6
4.2 Results.........................................................................................................................................7
5 Discussions..........................................................................................................................................8
6 Conclusions.........................................................................................................................................9
7 References.........................................................................................................................................10

Civil Engineering Department Concrete Technology Laboratory Report (2021-2022)

1 Introduction

The compressive strength of hardened cement is the most important of all the properties.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the cement is always tested for its strength at the laboratory
before the cement is used in important works. Strength tests are not made on neat cement
paste because of difficulties of excessive shrinkage and subsequent cracking of neat cement.
Strength of cement is indirectly found on cement sand mortar in specific proportions.

1.1 Aim

This test is to determine compressive strength of cement mortars.

1.2 Test Standards

Standard Test Methods

ASTM C 109/C 109M –99 Standard Test Method for Compressive Strength of Hydraulic
Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or [50-mm] Cube Specimens)

Standard Specifications

ASTM C150- 00, ASTM C778

1.3 Importance of Test

The strength of the binder (cement) therefore has a significant effect on the performance
characteristics of the mixture of cement and sand and ensures the overall quality of the finished

Civil Engineering Department Concrete Technology Laboratory Report (2021-2022)

2 Materials and Instruments

2.1 Materials

1. Ordinary Portland Cement.

2. Water.
3. Graded Standard Sand.

2.2 Instruments

1. Weighing Balance.
2. Mixer, Bowel, Paddle.
3. Glass Graduates.
4. Specimen Molds, For the [2-in] or [50 mm] cube specimens.
5. Tamper.
6. Compressive testing Machine.
7. Scraper, Trowel.
8. Stopwatch.

Civil Engineering Department Concrete Technology Laboratory Report (2021-2022)

3 Test Procedure

Cement Mortar Composition

1. Mortar Proportion materials must be one part of Cement and 2.75 part of Sand, and
using Water cement ratio about 0.485.
2. Materials mixed one time for making 3 specimens as shown the following table:
Materials weight
Cement, g 250
Sand, g 687.5
Water, ml (for Portland Cement) 121.25

Preparation of Cement Paste

1. Mixing the (250g Cement, 687.5g Sand) properly.

2. Adding (121.5ml Water) to the mixture and mix gently to make the paste homogenous

Preparation of mold specimens

1. Be careful that the molds clean out of dirt or previous mortars.

2. Lubricate the mold specimens with thin layer of oil or other lubricants such as grease,
gas. And remove the excess of lubricants.

Molding test specimens

Civil Engineering Department Concrete Technology Laboratory Report (2021-2022)

1. After mixing cement mortar pour the mortar to the first mold specimen and make it a
first layer about 1-in and tamp it 32 times by two orientations by two rounds as shown
in the figure below:

2. And apply it to other mold specimens.

3. Then cut off the top surface of specimen mortars by a trowel or scrapers to a plane
surface and clean the edges to make a sharp specimen.

Storing the test Specimens

1. After molding the test specimens and remaining the specimens for 24hours.
2. Submerge the specimens to the water for the test days.

Compressive strength Determination

1. Wipe the test Specimens to dry their surfaces.

2. And measure the cross-section Area top and bottom.
3. Place the test specimen in the compressive testing machine, be careful that the mold
placed in the center of upper and lower plate of test machine.
4. Apply load rate between upper and lower plate at range of 900-1800 N/S, Record the
maximum load (P) at failure for each specimen.

Civil Engineering Department Concrete Technology Laboratory Report (2021-2022)

4 Datasheet & Results

4.1 Calculations

Civil Engineering Department Concrete Technology Laboratory Report (2021-2022)

Calculate compressive strength of each specimen and then average compressive strength using
the equations below:

(Fm)i= P/A --- --- --- (1)

Fm=¿ --- --- --- (2)


(𝐹𝑚)𝑖 = Compressive strength of specimen in (MPa)

𝐹𝑚 = Average compressive strength in (MPa)
𝑖 = series of specimen
𝑛 = total number of specimens
𝑃 = Maximum load in (N)
𝐴 = Area of loaded surface (𝑚𝑚2)

Specimen No. 1:

Area = 2450 mm2

Load = 54940 N

(Fm)i= 2450 = 22.42 MPa

Specimen No. 2:

Area = 2450 mm2

Load = 58590 N

(Fm)i= 2450 = 23.91 MPa

Specimen No. 3:

Area = 2450 mm2

Civil Engineering Department Concrete Technology Laboratory Report (2021-2022)

Load = 61750 N

(Fm)i= 2450 = 25.20 MPa

Average of test results


22.42+ 23.91+ 25.20

Fm = 3
= 23.84 MPa

4.2 Results

Compressive strength of:

Specimen No.1 = 22.42 MPa

Specimen No.2 = 23.91 MPa

Specimen No.3 = 25.20 MPa

Average compressive strength is 23.84 MPa

Civil Engineering Department Concrete Technology Laboratory Report (2021-2022)

5 Discussions

In our last test we found about the compressive strength of cement mortar, we got the lowest
value about ( 22.42 MPa ) and highest value about ( 25.20 MPa ) and the average value about
( 23.84 MPa) in age 7 days of specimens we have already gained the aim of test which its
determining the compressive strength of cement mortar, also our results are possible according to
ASTM standards which its ( 19 MPa ) for ordinary Portland cement and it’s a good range of our
results that 4 MPa more than standards, and our results clearly logical due to our typically test
that we didn’t grade the sand that we used in our test maybe it’s the reason for increasing of our
results but generally our results was successfully done and passed according to standard

6 Conclusions

The aim of our test is determining compressive strength of Cement Mortar, our results are
passed according to standards but one thing I struggle about which is we assumed our sand
was graded standard sand maybe this assumption make uncertain test results.

Civil Engineering Department Concrete Technology Laboratory Report (2021-2022)

7 References


 ASTM C 109/C 109M –99 Standard Test Method for Compressive

Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars (Using 2-in. or [50-mm] Cube

 ASTM C150-04 Standard Specifications for Hydraulic Cement Iraqi

Specifications (IQS 5/ 198)

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