Machine Learning Notes

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i Field of Sttdy that gives Computer the ability +0 learn, wade being erplicitly Programed ats Mitchell - A computes *Fregrom iS Said +p learn from perenne E with sesrect 4o Some task T - come Performance: measure P- if its pexformance perience easuxed by P, innfeoves sith en ont, asm = Fans Machine Aeoxning Algorithms —— ———— ee = Supesvised Aeasning axning ao ongupesvised xc ‘ ; , » % yecommenider SYSTEMS — Reinforcement deasning » : Supesviced Acatins Fe ee i st ead Resto (Psedict continuos Valued —— olf) Here inthis case its (Price) decast Cances (malignant, benign) Lewabeiticarion Problem] classification Pisesete valued olp (0 ov) , urior Side 4 at ‘ a w eiibe we considered “tumor Size 2S, coe = ie is Must fov one attsibute: exing ~mose than A attsibute axe infinite no of FEautures \peunervised enening “i : : i | ti cae ; wt ile ‘ Ons Oy d 4 Supervised heaming - is as Aearnins ‘ oe Fleve) wart a (66,61) ’ ©0/% outline Staxt with Some 00/81 4a vedilée J (008) (Say S020, 01:0) Keer Changing 64,61 ontil we hopefulls end Up at minimun Giradien t rlescent eee + ae ———— oe r —_ ' Ca e543 30,01) Cfov 7 Fr Simulyaneousld V Plate : O0GA Cossect Simultaneous “pawl tml ¢ update i : or 7 temo: 2.09-43q 7 Oo/0) sempo = Oo-Xdy ‘3(00,1) “560 emP 152 O,-oh > _J100M) (6q)= ters a és Coistempo empl: 2O17A W000" Oyrstemhs : 6,12 tenes. 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