1.13.00 Structuring Reality 4 - Spatial Patterns

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Persuasion Factor Month 13

Welcome to the Persuasion Factor, month 13 persuasion lesson. I’m Kenrick Cleveland.

This month, I am really excited. I’m excited because. . . well, I’m excited for you. We’re
going to cover stratagems 19 and 20 and then we’re going to get into part four of
persuasion language patterns and I like to call this way down into the rabbit hole. I mean,
this is mean, folks. This is absolute power packed material. Mastering what’s in this
lesson, the previous few lessons, well, everything that you’ve gotten and what’s to come,
I’m telling you, you will be far along your path towards being able to use the kinds of
skills that we’re talking about and get the kinds of results that you want. This just flat out
has made more people money than I can even count.

But here’s why I’m excited. I’m excited because I’m going to give you a special treat. In
coming up with this lesson, I have thought about it and thought about it at great length
and I began to ask myself some important questions, most importantly, ‘How do I do
this? What is it that I’m doing that makes the results I get superior to what you hear
elsewhere?’ And without trying to sound like I’m tooting my own horn too far, the fact is,
this is what I’m known for and these are the kinds of skills that have given rise to more . .
.well, more industries and more people that use them and make money and profit from
them, than pretty much I can throw a stick at. I mean, this is some amazing stuff.

So I asked myself these questions and I came up with answers for you and I’m excited
because I’ve never given the information that you’re going to get today. . . there’s a part
of it, and I’ll identify it for you, that I have never taught before. I’ve used it for a number
of years with extreme success but I’ve never codified it in such a way that I’ve been able
to say it in so many words.

So today is a fortunate day for you and an exciting day for me because I get to give you
something that I treasure, as far as skills go, at the absolute highest of levels and you are
the first to get it, so I’m really excited.

All right, well let’s jump into this month’s lesson. If you’ll go to page two in your
handout, we’ll start here. And we’re now in the home stretch of the stratagems. We’re
beginning the last eighteen stratagems. What you have in the first eighteen is nothing
short of persuasion magic. The first eighteen stratagems just rock. You put them all
together, you’ve got thirty-six stratagems that, if it can’t create changes around you and
in your life, you’re simply not using them.

Also, as you have noticed by now, I’ve taken a much different approach to teaching you
these. I’m going slow with them. You’re getting a couple of them in each lesson. My goal
with this is to give you plenty of time to mull these over, think about them and work them
into combinations. Just like language patterns of persuasion, the stratagems work when
they’re combined. So it’s incumbent upon you to think through situations in your life, all
different situations in your life, and figure out where you can apply stratagems to them.
Here’s what’s kind of cool. Stratagems are like an overriding principle, or overriding
principles, that you can bring to bear prior to starting your persuasive language,
oftentimes simply giving you an advantage in the framing that you’re using, so you’ll be
able to bring stratagems to bear in your thought processes, in the way in which you
organize your presentations or the way in which you strategize against competition or in
situations where you need to win and maybe the odds are stacked against you. As always,
these stratagems were initially derived from military endeavors. So there’s an aggressor
and a person being attacked. There is a winner and a loser. There are those who defeat
and those who are defeated.

I would prefer, personally, not to look at life that way. I would rather look at life as an
opportunity for everybody involved to win. However, sometimes we get into situations
where we’re painted into a corner and we don’t really have an opportunity if we want to
play the game, that game, to be in a win-win-win situation. So in those instances, you’ll
find these stratagems will come to the rescue.

But I’d like to remind you and encourage you to use these in ways that enable you to out
strategize your competition before you get painted into a game that you have to take a
win-lose kind of look at it. You know, if you can use these stratagems in your thinking, in
your own strategizing, if you will, no pun intended, you’ll be able to create the rules of
the game. If you are the game’s creator, then you can structure win-win-win all you want.

These stratagems will come to your rescue. They’ll come out of your mouth when you
need them, they’ll be structured into your behavior as is appropriate, and of course, this
will happen simply by you studying them each month. So we’re down to the last eighteen
and they’re getting fun. These are fun.

So the remaining eighteen stratagems generally deal with what you can do when you’re
in a weaker position than your enemy. And isn’t it true in life that often that’s the case?
No matter how much we try to be the stronger, sometimes we’re in a weaker position.

So stratagems nineteen through twenty-four, which are the next group, are best suited for
dealing with confused situations. Here you may need to form unusual relationships for
short term gain and you may need to destroy relationships created between your enemies.
These stratagems deal with issues like negotiation, towards and away strategies that offer
peace, yet with threats, and manipulating others to your advantage.

Does this sound like an ethical, honorable pursuit? I didn’t think so either. I didn’t think
so either. That said, look, you are now coming into month thirteen of these lessons and
the gloves are coming off, okay? We’re getting down to some very nitty gritty strong, no
holds barred, persuasion skills. And even though that’s the case, I want you to understand
that my orientation will always be towards integrity, honesty, truth, rightness, justice, etc.

I believe that in order to really understand persuasion, what we’re really studying isn’t
just the strategies of persuasion, but we are studying human nature. And if we reframed
persuasion, we might say, these are the skill sets and the ways of thinking and framing to
affect human nature. What does it mean to affect human nature? Well, to get people to do
what we want when we want them to do it, thus, a signature I’ve copyrighted, ‘How to
talk anyone into anything, any time.’ And I just . . .that’s my belief in what the power of
these skills really are in the hands of someone who knows.

Now here’s the thing. Even I can’t talk everyone into everything every time. Okay?
Sometimes if a person has a dead set outcome against me, I may lose, but if I want to
persuade them badly enough and I’m willing to throw the resources behind it, my time,
my energy, maybe even my money, I’ll get what I want. The question becomes, is it
worth it? And the first question to ask when looking at, is it worth it, is, will it make me
proud? Will it be in alignment with my integrity, with the highest good for everyone
involved? If it’s only about a quick buck for you, I have to say turn your back and walk
away. It isn’t worth it.

However, in order to understand human nature, in order to understand how to get ahead
further in life, in order to understand how to get what we want and get people to do what
we want, we really do have to understand all the different sides and components. It’s not
enough to simply say that we understand the goody two shoes part, we have to
understand all of it.

So yes, these strategies that we’re going to be learning, especially when you’re in a
weaker position, do deal with threats, manipulation and all sorts of things to gain an
upper hand. You and you alone are the one that is going to reap the rewards of the proper
use of these strategies and just as surely, you and you alone are going to pay the
consequences for your wrong use of them, for a manipulative, disgusting bent that does
not take other people into account and simply goes after what you want.

Again, I’ve warned you. I try to do it regularly because I really believe this passionately.
I have first hand experience, trust me, on doing this wrong. Okay? I’ve learned from it.
As the years have gone by, I’ve wizened and learned, I pray for you the old adage that my
father taught me which is, ‘A wise man learns from others mistakes and a fool learns
from his own.’ And then he looked me in the eyes and said, ‘And Kenrick, you simply
don’t have enough time in this world to make every possible mistake though it seriously
looks to me as if you’re trying.’

So please, I hope that helps. All right?

Okay. Let’s move to slide number three and we will go to stratagem nineteen. The old
name for this is, ‘Remove the firewood under the cauldron’. The new name that I’ve
given this is, ‘Eliminate the source of your enemy’s strength.’ The Chinese history:
General Cau Cau was short of food for his men. Rather than try and get more he decided
to destroy his enemy’s storehouse of food thus eliminating the firewood from under their
So what happened is, his men snuck into the enemy’s camp and burned the storehouses to
the ground. Then the General Cau Cau ordered his men to cut the nose of the enemy
commander and his men. This psychologically removed the men’s strength as well.

So interesting, isn’t it? Let me give you some maybe slightly more modern, but not much,
history. In the Bible, there’s the story of Sampson and Delilah. Sampson was the
strongest man in the world and Delilah was his. . . if I remember the story right, it’s been
many years since I’ve seen it, but I think it was more or less his concubine turned wife.
Anyway, she was quite the catch, apparently, and he loved her ferociously. God told
Sampson that he would allow him to be the strongest man in the world under one
condition, that he not cut his hair ever. So Sampson made Delilah promise never, ever to
cut his hair.

Now the details of the story are a little bit hazy for me but the long and short of it is, one
day Delilah cut his hair to get revenge, or something, I guess, but in any event cut his
hair. The next morning he got up and found his hair cut and was absolutely livid,
distraught, and at a meeting in which everyone was in this giant structure, his anger got
the best of him and he begged God for one more act of strength and he took the central
pillars and pushed on him, and God gave him his strength and he brought the building
down on top of him and killed himself and everyone in it.

So there’s another example of Delilah removing the person’s strength, removing

Sampson’s strength, in the end causing him to die. Well, he caused himself to die.

Some more recent modern histories of this, corporate raiders are perhaps good examples.
They try and buy up enough stocks, in other words stealing the firewood of the company,
until they have enough to take over the control of the company. So that would be another
example of how that strategy works.

This is a powerful strategy. A really, really powerful strategy. Now, let me give you also
some less modern than corporate raiders. Back, oh, in the Mayans and the Incans, and
again, I’m sorry that my remembrance of all this isn’t where it should be, but it just came
to mind now as I’m telling you all this, the commander of the ships sailed to the Incas, I
believe, or the Mayans, and they were going to go get gold and so he had all the men
leave the ships and as he was leaving, he ordered them torched. Basically, they were
either going to succeed or they weren’t going home. Their way out was cut off. So did he
remove the firewood under the cauldron of his own men? Yes, but in a way that increased
their strength. In other words, they had to win.

So you can see how you can bend this strategy for the good and the bad any way you
want to. It’s a very, very malleable and powerful strategy.

Let’s go to slide number four.

If you’re having. . . Here’s how to use this stratagem. If you’re having trouble
accomplishing something, look to see if you can find the one key person that is causing
the trouble then eliminate that person. I guess we could term this the ‘mafia strategy’,
right? Isn’t this what happens? Just today I was watching a special or a news report on
rap music and they were going into how rap music is causing a whole generation of
people to refuse to cooperate with the police because there’s this code of ethics that
rappers follow which is not to cooperate. And so some of the biggest stars have gotten
into trouble and then they simply will not cooperate with the police and this is what
they’re preaching in their music and apparently it’s being well received. A snitch, as they
would call it, is not somebody that is well received by that audience. They don’t like it.

This is going right down to the children that listen to the music, etc. So in this interview
they were asking them, ‘Well, why are you like that? Supposing you had a murderer
living next to you, would you turn them in?’ The person being interviewed said, ‘No, I
wouldn’t. I’d leave. I’d move out of the area. I don’t want to be a part of it. I would want
nothing to do with it, but it’s not right for me to turn in somebody else. Snitching isn’t
right.’ There’s nothing they could say or do to get them to go along with that.

So what happened is, that they began to try and figure out how they could correct this,
how could they make the artists not sing like this, not preach these beliefs and values to
everybody? What they did is they went to the producers and they tried to put a lot of
pressure on the producers to get them to not sign acts, or to get rid of acts, that are doing
it. And the producers, as you can well imagine, simply played dodge ball and, you know,
cited the fifth amendment, cite all kinds of things, as to why they’re not going to stand in
the way of this.

Why did they go after the producers? Let’s get to the point. Well, they do because that’s a
single source of a person that they could influence. How does the stratagem work? If
you’re having trouble accomplishing something, look to see if you can find one key
person and then eliminate them or change them or persuade them. Okay?

In this case, they figured they would take the firewood out from underneath the cauldron
by getting producers to refuse the artists to get published. However, it doesn’t work and it
didn’t work and it won’t work. In this instance, that wasn’t the way to go. But imagine
trying to spend the money to reeducate an entire group of people that like rap music. It
ain’t gonna happen. There’s not enough money in the world to do that.

Okay, another strategy, find a way to discredit a person who stands in your way of getting
what you want. So, just discredit them. This is a strategy that Machiavelli used with great
success. And he goes into detail about how to discredit people. Lovely study, huh?

How about you strengthen those business and personal relationships that you want to
keep by fueling their fires? By helping them? In other words, by stalking the fuel under
their cauldron? Not so bad, huh?

So there are absolutely ways to help and to hurt with this stratagem. I simply want to
point that out.
All right, let’s get down to the real nitty gritty of the stratagem. See if you can find a way
to destroy or discredit the source of the strength of the opposing side and for sake of
understanding this better, consider the following: how terrorists get their captives to do
what they want for fear they’ll hurt the remaining people in the group. All right, let’s take
an airplane, right, it gets hijacked. There are 200 people on board. Let’s say that the
terrorists have machine guns and they stand at the front of the plane and even at the back
of the plane and they tell everyone to get down and stay down and don’t move or they’re
going to shoot them.

Now tell me this, supposing that the front 100 and the back 100 stood in unison at the
count of three and rushed the terrorists, yes, you’d probably have maybe ten . . .I don’t
know, depending on how close they were to the terrorists, ten from the front and ten from
the rear die immediately from gunshot wounds. Okay? You may have another that many
people injured by bullet wounds. I’ll bet you the losses would be. . . I don’t really know,
but it seems to reason to me, given an average plane, that these guys would be
overwhelmed almost instantly. Yeah, you may be crawling over dead bodies to press the
attack but they couldn’t shoot all 200 people.

But why do they sit there and do nothing? Well, A, they’re afraid that they’re going to be
the ones that get shot because the people in front know for sure they’re going to be the
ones to get shot and they don’t want to lay down their lives if there’s a way out. Number
three, they hope that maybe there will be a way out but then what happens, the terrorists
say, all right, you, ma’am, come with me. They take that woman outside or out to the
front and they shoot her and drop her out of the plane and then they up their demands and
say, now hurry up and meet our demands. Well, everybody else all 199 others now, sit by
and watch that.

Why,at that point, when they saw that the terrorists were dead serious about what they’re
doing, why didn’t they rush them? Yes, a few are going to die, but by the same token, the
majority will live and sometimes that’s a decision that needs to be made and sometimes it
just isn’t made because fear overcomes people. Interesting thought and it is a way for us
to understand human nature.

Let’s consider how teachers control a room by punishing or threatening to punish

everyone for the behavior of one or two. It was interesting, I saw this strategy being used
extensively last year, I think it was, at one point, in one of our kid’s classes. And I went
to the teacher and to the principal and I wrote a letter and I told them that our children
were no longer going to be held responsible for the behavior of the many, that that is not
a strategy I’m in agreement with and they are to excuse my children from class and from
any resulting punishment if they weren’t involved.

They didn’t like that very well and frankly I wanted to be as supportive as I could, but
you know, when day after day after day the people they were trying to get through to,
weren’t getting the lesson and our kids were continuing to not be involved and yet be
punished, it began to become unfair on the other side. I attempted to give my strategies
and suggestions for helping, which they seemed grateful for, I don’t think they really
used, but whatever. . .

But look again how the threat of punishing everybody for the behavior of one or two
could possibly control those one or two. Why? Why is this? Well, what the teacher has
done is found a way to destroy or discredit the source of the strength of the opposition, of
the one or two rowdy children.

Now, let’s go even deeper. Look for what the other side holds dearest and see if you can
weaken or remove it. I guess here we could say, take the wife of a man who love each
other dearly and watch what the other will do to save the person taken. Again, this is
using that stratagem. Okay?

Again I don’t advocate these things, but forewarned is forearmed and preparation is
supreme. As Sun Su said, and I’ll paraphrase, the side that does the most amount of
calculations is the side that wins. So in doing your calculations, if you were to take this
stratagem into account, at least you could hopefully prevent its use on you or at least see
it coming and maybe you’d find a way to ethically use it to your advantage or if pushed
up against the wall due to poor planning, somehow on your part, you may have a way
away from the wall.

In a perfect world it would be nice if we never had a problem that we had to deal with. It
would be nice if we could use all of our skills gingerly, kindly and helpfully to
everybody. I guess sometimes that isn’t always the case and we need to be prepared when
it’s not.

Okay, let’s move on to slide number five. Stratagem twenty. Good stuff, man, I think
we’re definitely into strong territory here. And stratagem twenty is called, ‘Fish in
troubled waters.’ That’s its traditional name. The name I gave it is, ‘Take advantage of
confused and chaotic situations.’ Don’t you like the names I give these, by the way? I do.
Duh, huh? I really like them and I think it adds a tremendous amount to the
understanding. In fact, take the first twenty stratagems and just read through the new
names I’ve given them and I think you’ll find it to be really enlightening and I’ll list them
all for you again shortly here as we continue on.

Okay. Here’s some Chinese history. Lu Bai established the kingdom of Shu, one of the
famed three kingdoms, by taking advantage of the chaos that ensued after Cau Cau was
defeated at the battle of Red Cliff and that’s where he took the city of Jin Zao. Then he
took the city of Yee Zao when internal struggles beset the warlord there.

So in other words, Lu Bai who had one of the greatest three kingdoms, did what he did by
taking advantage of chaos. Every time there was chaos, he’d swoop in and defeat the
warlord in the next place. And then he’d do it again and again and again until he
established one of the biggest kingdoms ever. Pretty slick. We’re going to talk
extensively about this. This is one of the stratagems I happen to love.
All right, go to slide six if you would. And here we’re going to talk about the modern
history. Entrepreneurs profited immediately after the huge earthquake that was centered
in San Francisco in 1989 by selling T-shirts that said, ‘I survived the quake of ’89.’ So,
here’s all these people that had died, huge, tremendous damage and destruction, lives that
maybe still are altered from it, and they’re profiting like mad. In fact, it became even a
point of pride of some of the survivors to own a shirt. They got put on TV with them and
that kind of thing, saying, ‘I survived the quake of ’89.’ Pretty cool. Well, I guess. It’s
kind of a dark lining to that cloud there.

But it’s interesting, it definitely shows entrepreneurism at it’s most entrepreneurial, I


All right, let’s talk about how to use this stratagem and I’ll give you some more
information on this. You can force your enemy into a state of chaos and then defeat him
or you can take advantage of a state of chaos that exists and then crush your enemy, but
notice what comes first. First comes chaos, then you can move in, you can swoop in.

Now, chaos magic theory says, every time a structure breaks down, that would be even a
brain as in beliefs, a society or what have you, it reorganizes at a higher level. There’s
always the opportunity to profit at this point. So let me tell you, sometimes, you know,
you get in situations, you feel stuck. Nothing is moving. You can’t seem to break
anything. Well, add a dose of chaos. Mix things up. Do something random. Make things
happen. Throw a rock in the pond, watch where the ripples go. All right? Because at the
point the ripples begin, you can then begin to shape them in the direction you want them
to go.

So if you want an inroad, one of the major inroads is chaos. If you wanted to take over a
country, couldn’t you do so by instigating chaos in that country and coming in as the
person with the ideas, the rescuer, the person who’s going to help get everything turned
around? The answer is, absolutely. You could absolutely do that.

So introduce a bit of chaos, then take advantage. And the belief change example that NLP
is rather famous for kind of uses some of this. You can attack a belief with a very solid,
‘No’ or you can attack a belief with all kinds of things, we won’t get into the pattern, but,
I mean, there’s just all kinds of ways to attack a belief, and what does it do? It
destabilizes that belief, it introduces chaos into the client’s world.

Take a belief you hold firmly right now and imagine it weren’t so and you’ll know
exactly what I’m talking about. It’s disorienting. Well, in that disorientation, the therapist
can begin to help you to make better sense of your world. The therapist can help you to
begin to make actually a whole lot better sense of your world. And that’s pretty slick
when you get right down to it.

So in reality, this is a very respectable stratagem to use. Inducing chaos and then leading
people out of difficulty is something that is very well proven. And let’s look at some
places where this is used in life. Let’s take a fire extinguisher company that follow the
fire department as they inspect areas and then they come behind them selling fire
extinguishers that they require to be in buildings. I mean, is that honorable? Eh, you have
to answer that. I don’t find that to be an enjoyable strategy to use. But it’s sure done, isn’t

How about selling food and drink to crowds when it’s really hot out and they have little
choice where to get refreshments? Oh, say the parking lot at a ball game? Or let’s say
people need to go on a forced walk for some reason, they have to go somewhere, and
people come along with bottles of water? How about in certain foreign countries, or other
countries, I should say, since anything’s foreign if it’s not yours, I guess, huh? You know,
there will be venders on the street corner that will come up and sell you peanuts and a
cone or water, but at exorbitant prices because they’re a long ways away from anywhere
else? You’re out on the beach, maybe, and there’s no store anywhere around and it’s not
easy to get anywhere and so lo and behold they show up with a nice cool refreshing drink
and you’re willing to pay most anything to get it if you’re thirsty enough?

How about selling funeral spots to a spouse of someone who just died? Well, someone’s
got to do it, I suppose, if they didn’t prepare in advance, right? And why not have that be
you? So it’s not that that’s the end of the world or entirely wrong, I don’t think it is, but
it’s just. . . you know, if you plan on taking advantage of people like that, then I would
say, that’s not the best thing in the world. You know, someone has to do it and if you feel
that that’s you, okay, I’m just pointing out how the stratagem works.

How about you organize an industry that has no leadership? Well, that’s a pretty cool
one. I’ll leave you to think about that a bit. But take advantage of confused and chaotic
situations, I really like that. I think that’s really a good stratagem. And eliminate the
source of your enemy’s strength. These are two very, very powerful ways of doing things
that I think you can really take advantage of.

Okay. Excellent. It would really be great to have you think carefully now about these two
stratagems and apply them to your business. Let’s orient them to business because I think
we can all take advantage of them there, and why not post to the board all the positive
ways you can for the way to use these two stratagems. Also, why not post all the negative
ways you come up with. Let’s examine both sides of the coin. It doesn’t mean we have to
use the negative side but we should certainly know about it. That’s my belief. Okay?

All right, let’s move on to slide number seven titled, ‘Way down into the rabbit hole, Part
IV. Structuring reality, continued.’

We’re dealing here with structuring reality in the mind of the listener through language
patterns that are oriented to persuade, and I do mean persuade powerfully.

So I suggested it in the last lesson and it would really be a great idea if you’d stop the
audio now and go back to lesson eleven, back a couple of months to lesson eleven, and
read that .pdf file again. It would really help you, I promise. Even if you have already
read it four, five or six times, please go back and read it again. It’s just that important. It
will really put your mind into the mind space that you need to be in to really gain value
from what it is that I’m talking about. All right? So please, stop this audio now and go
back and read it again real quick. It won’t take but a few minutes.

It is important that you understand how we are affecting the reality of those that you’re
persuading through this type of persuasion strategy. And again, you know, I covered it
last time and in lesson eleven so I’m not going to go through it but I’m just going to
suggest you go back there because in this lesson we’ll be going deeply into patterns that
utilize space and spatial relationships. And this gets really heavy. Heavy, meaning, it’s
confusing. It will put you into an altered state in a flash. Okay? Trust me on this. It’s
really powerful and it’s really trippy. Okay? I call it, ‘heavy’. It’s just heavy, it’s kind of
hard to get your mental arms around a little bit.

I’m not trying to suggest that, I’m just saying that this has been my experience over the
years, so, for that reason, really listen to the light and sound session a lot that
accompanies this. It will help you to just make it easy and effortless and to learn on
autopilot, so you’ve got a really hot session this time and I want to suggest you just listen
to it, absorb it and begin to get it. All right?

From that will come tremendous skill and ability and talent but I guaranty you it’s going
to take you listening to the light and sound and doing the work. Fair enough? Let’s go on
to slide number eight entitled, ‘Spatial patterns.’

This category of words deals with manipulating space which is closely linked with time
and can be used with time, by the way, to your advantage. The three words that represent
this pattern are, ‘among’, ‘expand’ and ‘beyond.’

Now spatial words are used to create some relationship between things. These could be
thoughts, ideas, products, services, you and their values. . .oh, star that one, and other
things. Okay? These words evoke powerful imagery in the mind of the listener. You can’t
help but make pictures when people start using these words. They force the issue. And
they’re smooth. They’re effortless. They simply create magic in the minds of those that
you’re doing them to.

Move on to slide nine and let me give you some examples.

From among the positive thoughts that you’re already starting to realize you have about
working with our firm, will come the most obvious yet overlooked reason to bring us on
board now.

Now, here’s the thing. You don’t have to stop there and look at them with this big
pregnant pause waiting for them to jump down your throat and tell you how excited they
are to work with you and beg you to please use your pen to sign the contract. I mean, you
can just look at them with kind of a knowing look and say, So when that happens, you be
sure and let me know. Or, As that is happening now, let me continue to tell you about
some of the really exciting things that I think you’ll focus on. And then go off into
something that you think they might want to hear. What might that be? Do I hear you
already thinking their values and criteria? Yay. If you are, you’re on track.

Now, as you heard that sentence, I’m sure you also could hear. . . or if you were reading
it with me, live, the plethora of additional presuppositions that I was using. Right? I hope

Okay. By the way, have you ever heard someone trained in NLP and they’re like an NLP
monster and they’re doing the ‘do you not, could you not, are you not, should you not’?
Do you want to know how to do that? All right, well, I’m going to cover that in a later
lesson. I’m going to cover ways to do it really slick, ways to do it without doing it and
I’m going to cover how and how often to do it and how to use it more effectively. You
generally don’t hear me sounding clichéd like that, I don’t think, and it’s because I work
at not sounding like that.

So the strategy is affective when you do it right and occasionally.

Okay. Here’s another sentence.

To expand on your ever growing ideas that contain the essence of your good feeling
regarding using this information powerfully, think of the money you’ll be making.

Let me tear that apart. To expand on your every growing ideas. . . Well, there’s two of
them. ‘Expand’ and ‘ever growing’. What? Ideas. We’re expanding ever growing ideas.
So we have ideas that are already ever growing and now we’re going to expand on those.

Okay? So to expand on these ever growing ides that contain. . . now we’re going to tell
them what the ideas themselves are going to contain. Well, isn’t that handy? I mean, you
know, so here we can suggest to them what it is that we want them to think. . . so that
contain the essence of your good feeling. The essence of your good feeling. What in the
heck is that? Well, it would be the good feeling encapsulated, I guess. Right? But I mean,
you have to start. . . I mean, what’s the picture in your mind. Regarding using this
information powerfully. . . finally we land. Remember my description, I think, in earlier
lessons I talked about adverb/adjective. . .maybe I said this. You put the words to
describe the nouns first and the words that describe the verbs before the verbs. In other
words, the descriptive words first. So that way we don’t have the magician in black robes
carrying the wand in his twinkle toe boots dancing around like an idiot, and all of the
sudden you were starting off thinking he was a serious magician and all of the sudden he
became a non-sensical figure. Okay? And in so doing I’m making your mind change the
way you had the picture and that’s not good for persuasion.

Here, if I say to you, ‘The black robed, serious, wand carrying magician walked slowly
into the room, or slowly walked into the room,’ you can’t land on anything until you hear
magician and then all of the sudden it makes sense.
So here I say, ‘to expand on your ever growing ideas’ and they’re thinking, ‘what ideas?’
‘That contain the essence of your good feeling. . .’ So we’re expanding. I’m going to now
expand on their ever growing ideas that contain the essence of their good feeling about
what? Regarding using this information powerfully. Oh. So all of the sudden, in order to
understand ‘using this information’ and then ‘powerfully’, what do they have to do?
Well, they have to immediately have good feelings, and have an essence of that, that has
ideas about it that are growing like mad that we’re all of the sudden expanding on.

In other words, they cannot defeat this language. They can’t do it. It’s too fast. The only
way they could possibly defeat it is if it was in writing and they could sit and study it.
Then, it’s possible that they could. But they’d have to really try. And they’d have to have
training like this. And then, maybe, they would be able to but I can guaranty you it is the
few of the few of the few that have this analysis capability. Okay?

So regarding using this information powerfully, ‘Think of the money you’ll be making’.
What is that about? Well, that’s the expanding part, right? So in other words, the way in
which I want you to expand these ideas you have that are growing, that contain your
ideas that contain the essence of good feeling of using this information powerfully, the
way to expand it is to think of the money you’ll be making using them.

That structure is pretty much indefensible. Nobody can come back at that and break it
apart, certainly not in real time. And I mean, not anyone trained in this. You’d have to be
incredibly talented and gifted to be able to break that apart. Now, you’re going to be able
to do that so you say to yourself, ‘Well, somebody can,’ Yes, people like you that have
gone through this much, but I guaranty you, this is unique and you’re learning things in
ways that are making you far ahead of the pack that are out there. I mean, way, way, way
ahead. Okay?

So now think of the money you’ll be making.

Isn’t that cool?

All right. Let’s say a person makes a positive statement about what you do or about you
or anything of the sort, basically some relatively positive statement. You might respond
with, ‘That’s a great observation. Let me suggest that as you start to experience the
realization of what you just said, you can begin to realize that the full, positive
ramifications will go beyond even your expectations. In fact, can you imagine how much
further they’ll go?’ And just wait. They’ll nod yes eventually, or they’ll go, ‘I think so.’
And you go, ‘Absolutely. That’s great.’

So if a person makes a positive statement about you, that’s a way you can leverage this.
All right? And I like that a lot actually.

Let’s go to slide number ten. I want you to write ten sentences using this spatial pattern.
And really, you can write ten sentences just focusing on the spatial pattern first.
Sentences like, ‘Along with the ideas that I’m sure you came in with, there existed some
hope that maybe you hand’t even yet identified, that this would be the place and this
would be the solution that would most quickly help you get what you want, and as you
identify that, and find it linking itself up to what I’m saying today, I think you’re going to
find yourself really excited by the time we’re through, just how completely accurate that
statement is.’

Now, let me pull that apart just a little bit for you. What did I really just do? Boy, I gotta
hurry up. It’s going out of my head. Well, what it did is it put something into their head
that they had to act on. In other words, I’m seeding now for a later result. How much
later? Well, probably the end of the sales call or the next sales call if you do a two or
three call kind of presentation. So it would be like quickly though, but you might not see
the results for three or four or five minutes, or ten minutes, or a half an hour or an hour or
until the next time, but what you’re doing with these kind of patterns is you’re putting in
a suggestion that is designed to be acted upon at a bit of a later date.

I mean, you’ve probably heard that in the past referred to as like a post-hypnotic
suggestion, and this isn’t exactly a post-hypnotic suggestion though it does carry some of
those same similarities, it kind of shares some of the features of that. Okay?

Now, ‘From under any resistance that you might have had prior to talking with me today
will come the truth that will absolutely steer you into the direction that I’ve been
suggesting and before that becomes obvious to you, let’s take a look one more time at
exactly what you said you wanted and how this will accomplish that for you.’

See what I’m doing? That’s a really good statement and ‘towards this working in your
life every bit the way you want it to, let’s look around the corner of the future and peer
into what life will be like with this product in your life. And as you see that, just notice
how underlying everything is a sense of, yeah, this is just right. This is mine and I’m
happy about it. Notice that?’

All right. And you can laugh or whatever you want to do but just move on. Okay?

Now, a person says, ‘I don’t know if this is working for me. You know?’

‘Well, piercing through all of that are the original reasons why you did this, surfacing at
blinding speed now, comes the thought of (their value, their value, their value) that roots
a hold of your consciousness now and begins to encircle any remaining doubt and burn it
up, dismissing it, letting it go, realizing that what you need is exactly what you
determined (their value, their value, their value). And that’s why this is the right thing for
you. Make sense? Wait a minute.’

They’ll go, ‘Yeah, it makes sense. I get it now.’

Pretty slick stuff, isn’t it?

‘As you come nearer and nearer the decision to move forward, notice how you feel pulled
like a magnet, pushed like a gentle wave pushing in a boat, and up through all of that, is a
sense of yeah, it just is the right thing to do. Do you know how many of my clients tell
me that? I mean, it’s just amazing every time I hear it. Do you know what I mean?’

Now, if right this minute you’re saying to yourself, ‘Well, Kenrick, I don’t know, I don’t
feel good when I hear that.’ It’s because you’re imagining saying that if they were having
an objection but if you’ve eliminated those and you’ve simply got them following you,
there will be no objection when you say that.

Now how about ‘without’? ‘You’ve mentioned (their value, their value, and their value)
and without those, it would sort of feel as if you’re a ship without a rudder, or a sail
without the wind, not really knowing how you’re going to get to where you want to go.
Knowing that we created the XYZ model because this gives direction to the boat, wind to
the sails, and enables you to move through difficulties and sail into the calm seas and
that’s exactly why I love doing what I do. And before you immediately become aware of
exactly how this applies, let’s go through some of the details that I think will help make
sense, okay?’

See how that works? I mean, it’s just so simple.

An objection is sent at you and you say, ‘You know, oftentimes I like to suggest that
people separate those kinds of things from who they are at their core because it really
doesn’t belong there. It’s simply some kind of an attempt to hallucinate some potential
that doesn’t even really exist and through all of this, bring up a sense of stability and
strength so that in place of those doubts, now they have a sense of this is right, it’s mine,
and then encircling all of that, they have a sense of rightness, joy and happiness, come
circling around and it all of the sudden overtakes them as if from behind, making them
feel absolutely phenomenal. Let that process work as I talk with you a little bit about how
you can really accomplish (name their values) right now with me.’

Let me tell you, these are persuasion magic. I guaranty most anyone hearing these words
that I’m speaking now is doing one of several things: blanking out, going, ‘IOh, my god,
will I ever learn that’, enjoying it, going, ‘Wow, this is pretty good. I’m liking this,’ and
maybe there’s a few of you that are going, ‘Huh, I wonder if I could do this better.’ Well,
good. Okay. But probably the majority that are hearing this are going, ‘Oh, my word, this
is really trance-y sounding.’ Writers are probably going, ‘Oh, my God, how do I use so
much of that in my writing?’ You don’t. Make it simple. But I’ll cover that in just a

For the rest of you, look, this is kind of spacey material. Okay? It just is. And as you
uncover the real power that it brings you, you’ll move closer and closer to persuasion
mastery. I guaranty you that this will expand your persuasion abilities beyond anything
you’ve ever seen, or done, for that matter.
So I can tell you this, it will always support you, it will always give you abilities, and it
will always, always help you and you’ll get much further with these skills.

Now, notice that even just now in my supporting statements to you, I just used a ton of
these, didn’t I? Lo and behold. Isn’t that cool?

All right. That’s how this stuff works. That’s how this spatial pattern works. I’ve given
you example after example after example because I’m telling you the easiest way to learn
this is to have example after example after example given to you. All right? You’ll easily
be able to morph these examples into examples of your own. All right?

By the way, the transcript will make that much easier for you so you’ll enjoy looking at
the transcripts I’m sure.

Okay. Let’s go to slide eleven. Now I want you to put together some statements, and you
can do them in paragraph form if you like, using the following words in the order given.
By the way, there’s no particular reason for this order. Okay? I’m just giving you an
order to practice with so that you have a place to start. It makes it a little easier.

I want you to remember to aim this pattern at something important that makes sense in
your life or your business. So in other words, maybe you’re talking to a client. Maybe
you’re talking to a spouse. I don’t know what you’re doing. Maybe you’re talking to
yourself in your own head. Maybe you’re creating a script that you want to run in your
own mind to make learning this even easier. Whatever you’re doing, it’s okay. Just do it.
Okay? Just practice with it. And how about you do five examples of this pattern in this

So for example, the words in order are: realizing, after, beyond, easily, affectively, and
realizing. So realizing, after, beyond, easily, affectively, realizing. So we start and end
with realizing.

Make some notes here for the above exercise so that you can easily do it. You might even
want to make a brief outline first of like what’s the objective. Now, every time you create
an objective when you do your work like this, you’re compounding the results you can
get. I mean, you’re really making it better for yourself. Why? Because you’re teaching
your unconscious, your other than conscious mind, your gentle giant, you’re teaching it
how to follow your intention. You’re teaching it through your intention. You’re teaching
it that when you assign it something to do, it is to carry it out. So I want to highly
encourage your use of that kind of skill from this point on as we continue in the program.

Let me give you just an example, kind of off the top of my head here, in which I did the
same thing, I made a couple of notes just kind of following the format and then I’ll see if
I can put it all together.

‘As you start realizing the power of what you’re learning in this program and after you
consciously make the decision to look beyond what you thought was possible with these
skills, you’ll easily and effortlessly begin realizing just how excited you are to be part of
this incredible opportunity to make these patterns yours.’

Okay? There’s an example and you can do the exact same thing. It’s pretty doggone easy
if you’ll just kind of write a brief outline of where you’re headed, a statement of intention
maybe, would be a good way to put it, and then go ahead and write it out. So it’s pretty
much that easy.

So I’d like you to stop whatever you’re doing right now, if at all possible, unless you’re
driving, and write this out. And again, you know I’ve given you these instructions from
the very beginning, but if you would follow when I say stop now and do the exercise, you
won’t believe it. It’ll be so much easier to get this. You’ll get it so much faster, it’ll make
sense to you. And let me just share with you a big mistake. A big mistake would be to
listen to this and go, ‘Huh, interesting. Wow, yeah, okay. That’s a pretty powerful pattern
and Kenrick’s pretty good at it. Wow, in fact, he’s really good at it. But okay. I’ll come
back another time and try to go through it and hopefully we’ll make some progress. All
right. Next. Let me get on now with setting some appointments,’ or whatever else you got
to do.

No. No. No. No. No. That is one humungous mistake. That is the surest way I know to
make it such that you hear the material but don’t get the material. Okay? Really, please,
just, whatever you can as you’re going through this, stop at each point and do the work
because it will make it immediately make sense as you move forward into the next piece.
So that’ll really help you.

All right. Let’s go on to slide number twelve. I want to give you some directions for
practicing. And this is the part I told you about that I’m so excited to give you. What
you’re going to get right now has never been given before, ever. I have never seen this
anywhere, nor have I taught anyone this in so many words. I’ve demonstrated it. I’ve
used it. But until I elicited it from myself, I sort of sat down and tried to really figure out
a strategy, like, what am I doing, was I actually able to come up with this for you. So
you’re the first to hear it. I’m excited, really excited to give it to you actually, and I
realized that as I was working with myself to come up with this, over a period of time,
that there was quite a number of things I was doing.

I’ve identified some big ones. Okay? And I’m going to tell them to you now. These are
solid gold. These are worth the price of admission, right here, and much, much, much
more. If you’ll practice with these, I guaranty you, your language skills will jump above
anyone else out there.

All right. I call this ‘Directions for Practicing’. Work with the different strategies below
to improve your skills. None of these are etched in stone. They’re just way to learn these
and things to get you started. They are, however, the way I do it. I use these patterns like
this all the time. So I’m going to go through them with you, read them all in one fell
swoop and then we’ll go over them in a little bit more detail.
Number one strategy: this isn’t the most important one, it’s just the one I listed first.
Practice starting your language patterns with an adverb/adjective presupposition. Number
two: Liberally sprinkle in awareness presuppositions. These things are magic. Number
three: leave open loops, all over the place, like, ‘I’m going to tell you three things you
need to know today to really be successful” and then only tell them two. Number four:
Use their words or statements to leverage into the spatial presuppositions. I’ll come back
to that and give you an example under that. And number five: Work in temporal
presuppositions before awareness presuppositions. And if you want, throw an
adverb/adjective presupposition in first for good measure. And that’s a power, power,
powerful pattern, man.

All right. Now, number six, use all these patterns and strategies to most importantly
presuppose that it’s you or your products or services, etc., that is the answer to their
criteria. In other words, presuppose their criteria full out. In other words, one of the
things I’m saying here to you, please star and underline this, you’ll see it in the
transcription hopefully starred and underlined as well. This is big powerful. . . In fact, I’m
going to see if I can’t get it broken out and made bold and like a headline for you, okay?

This is critical.



In other words, they’ve asked you an unspoken question. They’ve directed their
mental attention and energy at you and asked you to solve or fix or give them their
criteria, their values. And you’re answer that unasked question with, how
specifically what you do fulfills their values and criteria.

Man, those are words of gold right there. I don’t know that I’ve ever said that quite like
that either. So wow, we are on a big roll.

Let’s go back to number one. Practice starting with adverb/adjective presupposition. This
is easy. All right? Naturally you’ll want to practice starting with an adverb/adjective
presupposition. Did I just do it? Yup. You’ll readily find that becoming aware of some of
the most important aspects of what we’re doing is easy when you focus on answering the
unasked question that is directed at you by way of eliciting their values.

Now that was a sentence that was trippy, trance-y, zone-y. Okay? You probably are
sitting there going, huh? So it’s okay to rewind, go back, listen again. Notice the rhythm
in my voice as I’m doing it. I can’t help it.

Now, number two, liberally sprinkle in awareness presuppositions. All right. Awareness
presuppositions. Aware. Realize. Understand. Be careful of the word ‘know’ because it
has a phonetic ambiguity ‘know’ and ‘no’ sound the same but they mean radically
different things. One means to understand, one is a negation, one means not, one means, I
don’t want to. But you can use it. I used to be radically against it. I’m not anymore as I
have grown in my understand for I could tell you right now that you want to limit it. Be
careful, especially when you’re learning like this.

Awareness presuppositions. Let’s say we’re going to do number one and number two.
Naturally, you want become aware of the need to liberally sprinkle in awareness
presuppositions in all that you do. See how I’m doing that? Not too tough, but it really is
affective. So there’s that. Okay?

Next, leave open loops—three things you need to know, tell them two. Or, there’s two
things that are the most important aspects of what I do, let me talk to you first about the
one I think is the most important right after I tell you what I like the most. Or let me just
tell you the most important one, and then never get around to telling them the second one.

Why do we leave open loops? Because it makes them dependent on our words. It makes
them feel like they don’t know everything and that’s useful because the minute they close
down all their loops and they think they know it all, their mind snaps shut and they’re no
longer interested in talking to you because they think they know it all. So it’s useful from
a persuasion standpoint to make sure that they want to continue to listen. Okay?

All right. Number four, use their words or statements to leverage into the spatial
presuppositions. For example, you say, ‘From amongst the thoughts you just had will
come a new realization bringing with it satisfaction and a feeling of, yes, this will work
the way you want and need.’

See? So someone says whatever, and you say, ‘Well, from among those thoughts will
come a new realization.’ Well, how does, ‘from among the thoughts there’s a new
realization’? If you think of that, it’s just funny, isn’t it? From among those thoughts will
come a new realization. That is pure linguistic magic. You are creating something from
among the thoughts that didn’t exist before. And you’re willing it into existence, you’re
languaging it into existence such that doing so makes it so in the mind of the person
you’re persuading.

Remember, I have said this over and over, ‘And Adam named the beasts of the field and
had dominion over them.’ He named them. He languaged them. And had power over
them. You ever notice online that people sometimes don’t want to give their name when
they post? Why? Because you could ridicule them. You have some power over them. If
you know their name, you could track them down, try to follow them, right?

All right. All right. It’s true they’re also chicken probably, right? But nonetheless, you
know what I’m talking about. So when we name things or language things, we create
them. God spoke, and human beings became. Right? Again, I’m not trying to get
religious on you, but just trying to go back and show you that in some of the greatest
religious texts even, the power of the spoken word is paramount. When we speak these
things, we’re speaking them into existence in the minds of our customers. Oh, my
goodness, does this give you some serious power or what? And either you’re getting this
or you’re brain dead. Well, maybe you’re in an altered state and you’re going to get it in a
few minutes. That’s okay too.

But I’ll tell you right now, it’s hot, hot, hot.

Okay, number five, work in temporal presuppositions before awareness presuppositions.

Before you begin to become aware of just how powerful this material is, you can have the
thought that, wow, I wonder if I’m getting this and doing all that I can, whereupon
everything I just said will start to make more sense. Go ahead, do it now.

That also follows the format of a bind which I’m going to get into with you in some
really sophisticated ways of using them. You guys are getting the full on, hard core deal
here. Okay?

Languaging it makes it so. Words call it into existence. As you speak they picture,
the pictures are coming from within them, they must be so. Get it? Now imagine
doing all of this surrounding their values. Whoo! That’s hot. That’s hot. Stop the tape.
Stop the recording right now and play that back. Listen to it again. Read it over in the
transcript if you’re reading that as you listen. Wow. This is the way persuasion works. It
works just like this. You are hearing the real deal. Okay?

Now, do you have to have rapport and everything to make this work? Of course you do.
Do you have to be good and knowledgeable of what you’re doing to have some affect?
Sure. Absolutely. Do you have to be able to provide customer service—yourself or your
team? Yes. I mean, all the standard things have to be in play. We’re talking about how to
leverage the mind of the person you’re persuading to get what you want.

How about if you put all this inside of rhythmic speaking such that as you speak, it
affects their brains even more powerfully and then when you start putting the temporal
before awareness, throwing adverb/adjective in front, open loops, etc. you are knocking
the ball out of the park. And right now, I’m hoping that you’re thinking, ‘oh, my God,
how am I ever going to be able to do this? How am I going to remember to do it? Will I
ever get it that good?’ Yes, you will. Yes, you are. Wait until you hear the light and
sound session, okay? You’ll just play that repeatedly, listen to this session repeatedly and
you are going to rock it. All right?

Okay. Let’s go on to slide number thirteen. All right. I’ve got more hot stuff for you. As
if this weren’t enough. I’m going to give you here some strategies of combining the
skills. As I’ve said already, with this pattern and the others, you have the makings of
huge power as a persuader. Your language can create miracles in your life, it can also
wipe out benefits causing you to lose sales and make people not trust you. It’s all in the
language and your behavior, both in combination.

Language is the part people will key into. It’s funny, I’ll talk to certain people and they’ll
go, ‘Yeah, well, I’m feeling that you’re thinking, blah, blah, blah.’ Well, in other words,
what happened is, as I’m talking they’re making pictures and hearing my sounds and it’s
creating feelings and then they believe that they’re feelings are an explanation of
prefacing even, my words. In other words, they had some psychic sense that all of the
sudden came upon them but in reality it’s the other way around. It’s based on my words
that they had their feelings and their feelings didn’t just come wafting along through the
air and whack them upside the head. Okay? My words cause it. And then they had
feelings about what it is that I’m saying. Interesting, isn’t it?

All right, so you have to watch it because your words will create feelings, pictures, and
sounds in their head and it will make them come closer to you and do what you want or
repel them. It’s all up to how you do it. All right?

Here are some keys for you that will help you to be more powerful at persuasion and
using these language patterns in particular. You need to be in integrity. You need to be
persuading for the right reasons, for honorable causes. Okay? That’s critical. If you’re
not, you’re going to be broadcasting like mad. They’re going to see that you lack
integrity and your language patterns will magnify what you’re doing and who you are and
it will magnify the lack of integrity and they’ll run.

Right off the bat, if you don’t feel good about what you do, you better stop it and you
better find a way to feel good about it or you better go do something else. I’m telling you,
we’re right down to the nitty gritty now and that’s the bottom line. Either find a way to
feel good about it or go do something else.

Next, keep your intentions simple. People pick up on trickery. Don’t be slick or all
knowing when you use these language patterns. I’ve had a lot of exposure to people who
have been trained by Anthony Robbins. I hate to name names but I will tell you this, the
guy is absolutely brilliant at a lot of what he does. This is not to knock him in any way,
shape or form but simply to point out something I’ve witnessed.

One of the ways, I believe, this is just my own interpretation, that he helps people to learn
some of the patterns, and he’s not teaching nearly the level of sophistication that we’re
going into here as a general rule. . .well, in my opinion, he’s not period. What he does is
he gets them to feel a bit superior like. . . Well, first of all, he does this to them, he
models a bit of a superiority complex, like, ‘See? I’m really slick. I just did something to
you. And so you are experiencing that I’m doing something to you and as a result of that,
you’re feeling that I did something to you. So now I’m doing this, and that’s that. And so
hopefully you’ll get it. I think you’re going to get it. I’m going to show you how to get

See, well then pretty soon, the people when they’re learning like that, they then do it to
others like that so when they start selling and using this, they start going, ‘You know, as
you naturally become aware of that growing desire within you, to feel really good about
everything I say, you’ll just marvel at what we can do together as you experience the
affect of this now.’ And they have this all knowing smile and nodding head and all these
things, okay? And the people having it done to them are going, ‘Well, you think you’re
smarter than me or better than me? Do you think you’re pulling something over on me?’
But see, that’s how the people learn to do it, so you can’t really hardly blame the
persuaders because they don’t really know better.

You, on the other hand, being in this program, learning the most sophisticated strategies
that exist, you know better. All right? Keep your intentions simple. They’ll pick up on a
tricky, slick, all knowing attitude, so lose it. Okay?

Next, you need to really care deeply about others when you use these language patterns
because it comes across. And if you don’t care deeply, that’s going to come across as

Next, combine the patterns. There is power in combinations. There is power in

combination. Should I say it again? Power in combinations. There is power when you
combine the thirty-six stratagems. There is power when you combine these language
patterns. I’m telling you, there is power when you combine what I’ve taught you and
where you’re going and what you’re learning. Power, power, power. Keep combining.

Next, keep it relatively simple in writing. Don’t go too far in writing. Make your
sentences relatively short, your paragraphs relatively short. You can string three or four
sentences together that will have the same impact as a great big long group of them that
you might do live, by speaking, okay? So just keep that in mind. It isn’t necessary to do a
huge amount of length in these.

You want to clean them up by doing them as well, so even as you write them for your
exercises, you’ll start with them being unwieldy and big and long and meandering so, you
know, just work on cleaning them up. Rewrite them. Clean it up. Get your language clear
and concise and powerful.

Next, alternate between using the patterns and redirecting to “normal, logic-style
language”. I put quotes if you’re looking at the page with me around “normal, logic-style
language”. In other words, this helps with that, this creates that, now you can understand
easier. In other words, bring them back to normal language. So you slam into their brains
some of these very strong patterns that make them visualize and it does all these cool
things and then bring them back to simple language so they’re not off in the ozone for too

Next, use rhythmic speaking and put the patterns in when doing it. So practice this month
speaking rhythmically and put in the patterns while you’re doing the rhythmic speaking.

There’s a lot of practice here this month, isn’t there?

Next, watch the other person carefully and keep their attention. Watch for buy in. What
does that mean? Watch that they’re going along with you, that they’re with you, they’re
getting it with you, you know, they’re happy, and really go for it. All right? I mean,
commit, fully commit to getting the results, but if you see that the other person’s drifting
off to sleep on you or getting completely bored, well then you’re not bring them back so
then say, ‘Well, let me just ask you this, can I? Do you understand what I’m saying? And
are you with me?’ Or, ‘Let me ask you something. What’s the most important point I’ve
covered with you so far? In other words, get their attention. Make them feed back. Get
them to where you’re keeping their attention. Don’t let them just drift off and out to

Next, push the envelope when doing the patterns. In other words, you need to push
yourself. You’re going to sound silly at first. You’re going to sound exaggerated,
unwieldy. That’s fine. Push yourself. Push the envelope until you can do this with ease
and smoothness. But it does take practice.

Where we’re heading is next month we’re going to learn specific strategies of
manipulating logic to add to what you know, and let me tell you, there’s a few strategies
that when added to what you know, will superpower what’s possible. We’re laying the
foundation for them right now and one of the next steps is logic, also commands and few
other really cool things. Also, framing and all sorts of reframing strategies and then some
higher level language strategies. I mean, these things build like momentum. Okay?

So that’s why it’s so important that you listen to this session over and over and write out
the examples as much as you can. I mean, listen, even if you can’t write it out, or you
refuse to, or whatever, at least listen over and over and over. Ten, twenty times listening
if you can. Play it in the car. Play it at night when you sleep. Run this session itself
through the light and sound machine. Okay? And also, run . . . you know, use the light
and sound session itself that’s designed for this. All this is going to help you really learn.
It’s going to make a big difference for you.

All right, let’s go to slide fourteen. Your homeplay for this month. What I’d like you to
do is to study stratagems nineteen and twenty, first of all. Come up with several ways you
can use each one for your business and as always post these to the forum. You want to
read the forum regularly because if you’re posting, other people will post. I mean, listen,
I’m suggesting you post and a lot of you aren’t. That’s your loss. Moreover, it’s a loss for
all of those that are participating. Moreover still, if they’re not participating, it’s also your
loss. So encourage others to post and post yourself and you’ll see that it creates a lot of
momentum that will help everybody to really stay on track.

If you don’t want to, you don’t want to. I understand, but at least that’s a place for you to
do it that I think is extremely powerful and helpful.

Next, model the patterns in the examples I gave primarily for the spatial patterns and
write twenty-five sentences this month using spatial presuppositions. Okay? Next, write
the high values of five of your clients just like you did last month and write twenty-five
sentences in which you presuppose their criteria by using all four of the presupposition
patterns in combination that I’ve taught you.

Next, write ten sentences for each of the first five patterns in slide twelve and post them
to the board. As always, post everything to the board regularly and have fun and celebrate
your victories. And what do I mean by victories? Okay, every time you use a language
pattern with someone out there in the world, that’s a victory. Every time you make a sale
or get what you want, that’s a victory. Every time you celebrate this, you’re teaching your
other than conscious mind that this is exactly what you want, that this is the way it should
be, and you’re giving it Pavlovian feedback and praise that will make it want to do it
again for you. That’s exactly the right thing to do. That’s what I want to encourage you to
do. All right?

Okay. Do at least one light and sound session a day. You could do two if you’re
ambitious. Read your universes. It might be time to review them, by the way. Allot time
each day to do your homeplay. Do it on a daily basis, not all at once. That’s less than
helpful, better than nothing, less than helpful.

Raise your vibration further about what you’re learning. Literally imagine it getting
faster. This is that chaos strategy in effect, using the other side of it. Okay?

Project into the future and experience your life changing as you implement these skills.
And take a few moments several times a day to be grateful for what you have and this
learning. That again is the other side of chaos. So if you had a problem you could throw a
bit of chaos at it. And as it loosens itself up, begin to be grateful for what it is you would
rather have instead and watch what happens. Pretty powerful stuff.

Okay, what a jam packed, powerful lesson. I’m telling you, solid gold here. Much meat.
Huge substance. So, practice, practice, practice. Do your writing. Please, do the writing.
Do the light and sound sessions. You’re going to love me for pushing you to do it, okay?
And, as soon as you’re ready, jump right into that light and sound session for this month.
Listen to this session many times. It’s really going to help you. And I’m real exited to
bring you these breakthroughs like this. It just pleases me to no end and get ready for next
month’s session by preparing and going through this one completely and thoroughly and
you will have an incredible session next month as well.

All right, until then, persuade lots. Take care, I’ll talk to you soon. Bye bye.

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