MCQ - Xii

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1. Who was the first Non Congress Prime Minister of India?

i. Moraji Dasai
ii. Indira Gandhi
iii. K.K. Kamraj
iv. Jay Prakash Narayan

2. In which of the following provinces Non Congress ministries was formed in 1937?

i. Bengal
ii. Bihar
iii. Bombay
iv. None of the above

3. Who was the leader of the Mizoram movement for independence?

i. Mao Zedong
ii. Laldenga
iii. A.Z Phizo
iv. Tojo

4. When was Emergency proclaimed by Indira Gandhi?

i. 25th June , 1975

ii. 21st March ,1977
iii. 12th June, 1975
iv. None of the above

5. AAGSP stands for ____

i. All Assam Gana Sangarsh Parishad

ii. All Assam Gana Sangram Parishad
ii. All Assam Gana Sanskriti Parishad
iv. None of the above

6. Why did the Muslim League observe a Day of Deliverance on 22nd December, 1939?

i. To popularize Jinnah’s two nation theory

ii. To spread communal riots
iii. To rejoice over the resignation of the Congress Ministries
iv. To cooperate with the Congress in the Interim Government
7. Who were the members of the JVP committee?

i. Jay Prakash Narayan , Sardar Vallabhai Patel and Pattabhi Sitaramayya

ii. Jawaharal Lal Nehru , Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Potti Sriramulu
iii. Jawaharal Lal Nehru , Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and Pattabhi Sitaramayya
iv. Jawaharlal Nehru , Sarojini Naidu and Pattabhi Sriramulu

8. Which state was created in 1953 on the basis of linguistic identity?

i. Andhra
ii. NWFP
iii. Punjab
iv. Rajasthan

9. Against which social evil was a campaign launched by the Stree Sangarsh Organisation?

i. Sati
ii. Polygamy
iii. Child labour
iv. Dowry

10. What is the significance of the 73rd and 74th Amendments to the Constitution?

i. reservation of 33% seats in the Panchayati Raj and Municipalities for women
ii. empowered the police to arrest the husbands without a warrant if suspected of violence against his wife.
iii. gave enormous powers to the Prime Minister
iv. None of the above

11. Who was the Prime Minister of India during the Indo Pak War of 1965?

i. Smt. Indira Gandhi

ii. Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru
iii. Lal Bahadur Shahstri
iv. Mahatma Gandhi

12. Which agreement concluded the Indo Pak -War of 1971?

i. Simla Agreement
ii. Tashkent Agreement
iii. Indo Sino Agreement
iv. Dhaka Agreement
13. Who remarked the Cripps’ Proposals as a “Post dated cheque on a crashing bank”?

i. Mahatma Gandhi
ii. Indira Gandhi
iii. Rajiv Gandhi
iv. Sanjay Gandhi

14. Who was the announcer of the Congress Radio during the Quit India Movement?

i. Aruna Asaf Ali

ii. Sarojiini Naidu
iii. Subhas Chandra Bose
iv. Usha Mehta

15. Why did the Congress accept the partition of India?

i. India was in the midst of a Civil War

ii. constant interference from Muslim League created unhealthy situation in the Interim Government
iii. To get rid of undemocratic practices like separate electorates.
iv. All of the above

16. Name the political party formed by Subhas Chandra Bose in 1939.

i. Forward Bloc
ii. INA
iii. Indian Independence League
iv. Congress Socialist Party

17. Which province was proposed to be partitioned as per the Mountbatten Plan?

i. Bengal
ii. NWFP
iii. Sylhet
iv. None of the above

18. Where did Lieutenant A.K.Niazi surrender to the Indian forces?

i. Dhaka
ii. Kashmir
iii. Rann of Kutch
iv. Pakistan
19. Name the person who signed the Punjab Accord with Rajiv Gandhi.

i. Sant Longowal
ii. Anadapur Saheb
iii. Mohan Singh
iv. Bhindranwale

20. Who founded the CPI (Marxist -Leninist) in 1969?

i. MN Roy
ii. Jyoti Basu
iii. Charu Majumdar
iv. Kanu Sanyal

21. Mukti Bahini means _______

i. Freedom Brigade
ii. Total Revolution
iii. Complete Independence
iv. Dominion Status

22. Match the columns

1. Garibi Hatao i Mahatma Gandhi

2. Sampoorna Kranti ii Indira Gandhi
3. Karenge ya Marenge iii Netaji
4. Dehli Chalo iv JP Narayan

The correct order for 1,2,3,4 is

a. i, ii, iii, iv

b. ii, iv, i, iii

c. iv, iii, ii, i

d. iii, iv, i, ii
23. Which of the following chronological orders of the given events is correct?

i. Quit India Movement-Japanese threat to India-Cripps Mission

ii. Japanese threat to India- Cripps Mission- Quit India Movement
iii. Cripps Mission-Japanese threat to India-Quit India Movement
iv. None of the above

24. Which of the following chronological orders of the given events is correct?

i. Bihar agitation - Nationwide Emergency –-Janata Party

ii. Nationwide Emergency -Janata Party-Bihar agitation
iii. Janata Party- Bihar agitation- Nationwide Emergency
iv. None of the above

25. Which of the following chronological orders of the given events is correct?

i. Operation Blue Star–-Punjab Accord- Anandapur Saheb Resolution

ii. Anandapur Saheb Resolution-–Operation Blue Star-Punjab Accord
iii. Punjab Accord- Anandapur Saheb Resolution- Operation Blue Star
iv. None of the above

26. Which of the following chronological orders of the given events is correct?

i. Cabinet Mission-Attlee’s Declaration-Direct Action Day

ii. Cabinet Mission-Direct Action Day-Attlee’s Declaration
iii. Attlee’s Declaration-Cabinet Mission-Direct Action Day
iv. None of the above

27. Arrange these events in the correct chronological order

i. Indira Gandhi expressed full support to the people of East Pakistan

ii. Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, claimed the right to form a government
iii. A large number refugees entered the Indian states.
iv. Yahiya Khan called the military to suppress the dissidents.

a. i, ii, iii, iv
b. ii, iv, iii, i
c. iv, iii, ii, i
d. iii, ii, iv, i
28. Arrange these events in the correct chronological order

i. The Nawab fled to Pakistan

ii. Junagarh acceded to India
iii. the Nawab of Junagarh announced accession of his state to Pakistan
iv. A popular movement was organised.

a. iii, iv, i, ii
b. ii, iii, iv , i
c. iii, ii, iv, i
d. None of the above

29. Match the columns

1. Congress (O) i. Indira Gandhi

2. Indian Independence League ii. Rashbehari Bose
3. Congress ( R) iii. Mujibur Rahman
4. Awami League iv. Moraji Desai

The correct order for 1,2,3,4 is

a. i, ii, iii, iv

b. ii, i, ii, iv

c. iv, iii, ii , i

d. iv, ii, i, iii

30. Match the columns

1. Khalistan Movement i. Bihar

2. JP Movement ii. Punjab
3. Nav Nirman Movement iii. West Bengal
4. Naxal Movement iv. Gujarat

The correct order for 1,2,3,4 is

a. i, ii, iii, iv

b. ii, i, iv, iii

c. iv, iii, ii, i

d. ii, iv, iii, i


i. Nagaland was granted statehood in ___________

a. 1963
b. 1956
c. 1951
d. 1952

ii A.Z. Phizo took shelter in __________

a. East Pakistan
b. West Bengal
c. USA
d. Soviet Russia


i. The ___________ party emerged as the main opposition party in U.P after the 1967 elections.

a. Janata Party
b. Swatantra
c. Congress
d. Jan Sangh

ii. The ordinance for nationalization of bank was passed by ____________.

a. K.K Kamraj
b. V.V. Giri
c. Moraji Desai
d. Indira Gandhi

i. Which of the following was NOT a proposal of the Cabinet Mission?

a. All India Federation was proposed
b. Interim Government to be formed
c. Boundary Commission would be set up
d. Provincial Automony to be accepted

ii. _________ was one of the members of the Cabinet Mission.

a. Linlithgow
b. Henry Lawrence
c. Pethick Lawrence
d. Wavell
34. i. The Naxalite Movement was influenced by the ideology of___________.

a. Mao Zedong
b. Stalin
c. Trotsky
d. Gorbachev

ii. The operation undertaken by the Central Government to suppress the Naxalites was known as __________.
a. Operation Overlord
b. Operation Thunder
c. Operation Steeplechase
d. Operation Grand Slam


i. Which of the following issues was NOT highlighted in the Towards Equality Report?
a. Deteriorating conditions of the Dalit women
b. Declining sex ratio ( missing women)
c. Inferior position of the women vis-a- vis men.
d. Implementation of policies that grants special privileges to women

ii. The most prominent organization fighting against dowry related issues
a. Mahila Sewa Sangh
b. Snehalaya Samiti
c. Mahila Dakshata Samiti
d. Stree Sewa Samiti

i. Which of the following was NOT an objective of the Anandapur Saheb Resolution?
a. The transfer of the federally administered city of Chandigarh to Punjab
b. To promote recruitment of the Sikhs in the Indian armed forces.
c. The enactment of an all India Gurudwara Act
d. The transfer of Punjabi speaking areas of Haryana to Punjab

ii. The political party that led the Khalistan Movement was
a. Bhartiya Lok Dal
b. Akali Dal
c. Rashtriya Lok Dal
d. Janata Dal

i. Which of the following statement about the State Reorganisation Commission is NOT correct?
a. The Commission was headed by headed by Fazl Ali.
b. It was established due to the demand for creation of states on basis of religion.
c. It led to the creation of 14 States and 6 Union Territories
d. The discrimatory A,B,C and D group system was abolished

ii. Bombay was bifurcated in the year

a. 1953
b. 1936
c. 1960
d. 1966

i. Who served as the Chief Minister of Bihar during Bihar agitation?
a. Abdul Gafoor
b. Abdul Gaffar Khan
c. Aga Khan
d. Ayub Khan

ii. Which of the following statement is NOT correct?

a. JP appealed to people to outcast the Congress government of Indira Gandhi
b. The JP Movement was led against misrule and corruption of the Gujarat government
c. JP was a veteran Congress Socialist leader
d. JP toured the country to unite and strengthen the opposition party.
i. The referendum means
a. Opinion Poll
b. Nomination
c. Indirect Election
d. None of the above

ii. Which of the following proposals was NOT included in the Indian Independence Act?
a. Division of the Indian Army and Sharing of Assets
b. Abolition of the Office of the Secretary of State
c. Each dominion to have a Governor General
d. Princely states were to be integrated into India

i. Which of the following was NOT considered a reason for the decline of the Janata government?
a. constant bickering and infighting in the party
b. different ideologies and programmes of the constituents within the party
c. sudden death of the Prime Minister, Moraji Desai
d. socials tensions in rural areas and communal violence

ii. What was the greatest achievement of the Janata Government?

a. to set up investigative tribunals against Indira Gandhi
b. to improve the worsening economy of the country
c. to restore the rights of the Supreme Court and High Courts
d. None of the above

i. What is the full form of MNF?

a. Mizo National Front

b. Mizo National Frontier
c. Mizoram National Freedom
d. Mizoram National Fighter

ii. Which of the following statements about Mizoram is NOT correct?

a. The Mizo Hills Area became the Lushai Hill District
b. The Mizo leader had good contacts with East Pakistan
c. The government tried to suppress the Mizoram agitation with military forces
d. Mizoram attained full statehood in 1972
i Who was known as the Iron Man of India ?
a. Subhas Chandra Bose
b. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
c. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
d. Jawaharlal Nehru

ii. Name the para -militia which resisted the integration of Hyderabad into the dominion of India.
a. Razakars
b. Rashtriya Seva Sangh
c. Khudai Khidmatgars
d. Mukti Bahini


i. Which of the strategic post was NOT occupied by the Indian army during the 1965 war?
a. Kargil
b. Uri
c. Haji Pir
d. Aksai Chin

ii. Which powerful country supported Pakistan during the Indo Pak War of 1965?
b. USA
c. UAE
d. UK

i. The term Provincial Autonomy means
a. Inter-dependence of the provinces
b. Independence of the provinces
c. Interference of the provinces
d. influence of the provinces

ii. Which of the following statement is NOT Correct?

a. The GOI Act of 1935 introduced provincial autonomy.
b. The Federal part of the scheme was rejected by the Princely states.
c. The Congress participated in the elections and formed ministries in all the 11 provinces
d. The Congress ministries resigned in 1939 on war issue.

i. Which of the following statement of Attlee’s declaration is NOT correct?

a. The British Prime Minister Attlee made an announcement on 20th February, 1947
b. The government would transfer the power to the Indians.
c. The transfer would not take place not later than June , 1948
d. Lord Wavell was the last Viceroy of India.

ii. Who was made incharge of the Boundary Commission under the Mountbatten Plan ?
a. Radcliffe
b. Henry Lawrence
c. A.V.Alexander
d. None of the above


Kashmir has been the main obstacle in the path of friendly relations between India and Pakistan. India has regarded
Kashmir's accession as final and irrevocable and Kashmir as its integral part. Pakistan continues to deny this claim.

i. Who was the ruler of Kashmir in 1948?

a. Maharaja Hari Singh
b. Nawab Asaf Jah
c. Nawab Bahadur Khan III
d. Maharaja Vijay Singh Rao

ii. Why did the ruler of Kashmir request help from India?
a. He was being disturbed by Sheikh Abdullah
b. Pakistan infiltrators had entered Kashmir
c. The National Conference party led a popular agitation
d. He was pressurized by Nehru to join India

iii. What concluded the Indo Pak War of 1948?

a. UNO’s intervention
b. Tashkent Agreement
c. Tokyo Conference
d. Shima Agreement

iv. Pakistan calls its part of Kashmir_________.

a. Shaheed-e- Watan
b. Azad Kashmir
c. Hamara Kashmir
d. Watan Hamara
47. Subhas Bose, in a broadcast on Azad Hind Radio addressed to Gandhiji, said: ‘India’s last war of independence has
begun. Father of our Nation! In this holy war of India’s liberation, we ask for your blessing and good wishes.’

i. Who was defeated in the presidential election against Subhas Chandra Bose at Tripuri Session?

a. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

b. Pittabhi Sitaramayya
c. Potti Sriramulu
d. Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru

ii. The Azad Hind Fauj was formally established at the __________ on 1st September,1942
a. Tokyo Conference
b. Islamabad Conference
c. Bangkok Conference
d. Tashkent Conference

iii. Which among the following countries recognised the Provisional Government of Free India?
a. Burma
b. Britain
c. Russia
d. USA

iv. Which islands were handed over to the INA by the Japanese ?
a. Spice Islands
b. Lakshadweep Islands
c. Andaman Islands
d. Coral Island

48. Since the late nineteenth century and especially after independence, a certain cultural renaissance had taken place
enhancing people's pride in language, culture, literature, folk art and music in Assam.

i. What was the main demand of the Assam agitation?

a. to secede from the Indian Union and create a separate state

b. expulsion of foreigners
c. to protest against corruption in the government
d. to demand implementation of the Nineth Schedule

ii. Which Indian Prime Minister signed the Assam Accord?

a. Indira Gandhi
b. Rajiv Gandhi
c. Jawaharlal Nehru
d. Lal Bahadur Shashtri

iii. What was the name of the student wing associated with the Assam agitation?
a. All Assam Students Union
b. All Assam Chahtra Sangarsh Samiti
c. All Assam Pupils Committee
d. None of the above
iv. Why was 10 December, 1979 observed as a statewide bandh in Assam?

a. To prevent candidates from submitting the nomination papers.

b. Hiralal Patwari had died
c. to demand for a greater share of revenue from tea industries
d. None of the above

49. The imposition of the Nationwide Emergency in 1975 struck at the very root of the ideas which constitute our
democracy. It was perhaps the darkest period in the history Independent India

i. Who filed cases against Indira Gandhi in the Allahabad High Court?
a. Raj Narayain
b. George Fernandez
c. Jay Prakash Narayan
d. Ram Manohar Lohia

ii. The term sterilisation means:

a. masscare
b. genocide
c. infertile
d. infanticide

iii. Who authored the book Midnight‘s Children?

a. Rushdie
b. Ruskin Bond
c. Leo Tolstoy
d. Oscar Wilde

iv. Under MISA, the powers of the _____________ remained unchecked.

a. Judges
b. Press
c. Police
d. MP’s

50. There still exist a gap between the goals as declared in the Constitution and the situational reality of the status of
women in India. This has been extensively analyzed in the Towards Equality Report.

i. In which year Towards Equality Report was published?

a. 1974
b. 1975
c. 1970
d. 1976
ii. Who authored the Towards Equality Report?
a. Vina Mazumdar
b. Shabana Azmi
c. Betty Friedan
d. Medha Patkar

iii. Progressive Women’s Organisation was established in ___________

a. Hyderabad
b. Delhi
c. Mumbai
d. Calcutta

iv. In which year Prevention of Domestic Violence Act came into effect?
a. 2000
b. 1961
c. 2006
d. 1990

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